noun as in concurrence
Strongest matches
accord, arrangement, compliance, compromise, concession, mediation, reconciliation, understanding
Strong matches
accession, accommodation, accordance, adjustment, affiliation, affinity, alliance, amity, approving, arbitration, assenting, bargaining, compatibility, concert, concord, concordance, conformity, congruity, consistency, correspondence, harmony, similarity, suitableness, sympathy, union, unison, verification
Weak matches
acceding, acknowledging, authorizing, complying, concurring, endorsing, granting, ratifying, verifying
noun as in document of concurrence, contract
Strongest matches
approval, arrangement, charter, compromise, covenant, deal, lease, negotiation, pact, protocol, settlement, transaction, understanding
Strong matches
acknowledgment, adjudication, affidavit, assent, avowal, bargain, bond, cartel, codicil, compact, confirmation, indenture, note, oath, okay, recognition, stipulation, treaty, writ
Weak matches
Example Sentences
The agreement outlines an "indefinite period" of service, with contractors scheduled to take a one-month break after every three months of deployment.
A confidential agreement has been made with manufacturer Vertex on how much the NHS will pay.
There have been new trade deals with Australia and New Zealand and the government has been pursuing new agreements with the US and India.
After the vote, Alice Reynolds, the commission’s president, said that if she and the other members hadn’t approved the settlement agreement it could have led to litigation “with an unknown result.”
The release is part of a separate agreement between Hamas and the Thai government - it's not part of the Israel-Hamas ceasefire deal agreed on 19 January.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.