

View definitions for pronunciation


noun as in articulation

noun as in way something is said

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Who knew that central to this year's show would be the pronunciation of the word clique?

From BBC

Received pronunciation, also known as "Queen's English" does well to gain people's trust, but mainly because of its social prestige.

From BBC

The film is a feat of maximalist and moody production design and cinematography, but the tedious and overwrought script renders every character two-dimensional, despite the effortful acting and teary pronunciations.

There have been concerns about pronunciation and whether some visitors might be confused.

From BBC

But there were also concerns over pronunciation and some visitors being "unaware of the longstanding Welsh names and may mistakenly believe they are new".

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


