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She films Alonzo King’s Lines Ballet dancers and describes the experience as more intense than a love affair, because their movements invent syntax beyond verbal language, enhance speech without deferring to it.

Parliamentary privilege gives MPs and peers unrestricted free speech within the chambers, and allows them to name people without the fear of being taken to court.

From BBC

But after a defiant speech by Yoon, Han did an about-face and called for his impeachment, saying it was the only way to stop him.

From BBC

In a speech on Monday, deputy prime minister Angela Rayner will vow to make devolution the "default position of government", and give councils the powers they need to "drive growth and raise living standards".

From BBC

His mother Weronika, a speech and language therapist, works one day a week at a school and the rest of the time home-educates three of her children.

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


