

View definitions for drawl


verb as in lengthen, draw out

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In her heavy, charming drawl, she calls herself “a sugar baby without the sugar,” one who vows to avoid any IRL dates until she’s 25.

She was previously played by cast members Ana Gasteyer and Amy Poehler, but now Sarah Sherman has taken over the role and given Grace a hugely exaggerated drawl and a more manic demeanor.

For the third time in a year, this time heading to my local train station in my wheelchair, I hear the familiar, brutish drawl: “Timmaaah.”

From BBC

But it’s her high-pitched voice and Southern drawl that complete the façade of harmless and sweet benevolence that initially fools Belinda into trusting her intentions.

When most people think of “Matlock,” they envision a burly, white-haired Andy Griffith as the titular character, a folksy but clever defense attorney with a Southern drawl who often sported a seersucker suit.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


