

View definitions for perpetually


adverb as in enduringly

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Yet most academy members would likely not want classic rock perpetually refashioned with AI for an endless nostalgia ouroboros.

Once a place where friends and family entered through perpetually open doors, the space becomes hermetic and airless when curtains are drawn to hide the men who have come to disrupt this idyllic refuge.

Vera is simply a very fine detective who perpetually pushes her often beleaguered team to leave no bank record unchecked, no statement unverified.

But when the larger mystery unfolds like an unraveling seam being perpetually yanked on, “Severance” draws viewers in and doesn’t let go.

From Salon

“Slowly but steadily it could turn the West’s youth—its future—into perpetually distracted dopamine junkies ill-equipped to maintain the civilization built by their ancestors,” the article retweeted by Mangione reads.

From Salon


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


