on and on
Example Sentences
It also will be available for streaming on and on the Fox Sports and NFL+ mobile apps.
“We were constantly trying to fight fires, trying to get the embers, trying to control the ember cast and moving on, and continuously moving on and on.”
As she explains in her new Max stand-up special "On and On and On," Matafeo does not, in fact, have an inner mother yearning to burst out of her.
Your comedy special takes its title "On and On and On" from the most vulnerable and liminal of spaces, the Notes app.
The doctors will take on cases of electrocution, drowning, overdose, trauma, scurvy, sickle cell anemia, a nail in the chest, a fastball in the eye, gallstones, third-degree burns, chlamydia, a faulty pacemaker, rats in the clothes of an unhoused man, and on and on, each with a story and a backstory.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.