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in perpetuity

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He worries that this will traumatize his community in perpetuity.

NFTs are an ideal vehicle for giving back because the owner can dedicate a percentage of sales to charities of their choice in perpetuity.

From Salon

Probate law needs to be reformed to prevent properties “sitting empty in perpetuity,” he adds, but above all he believes empty homes need to be put back in the spotlight as a national issue.

From BBC

But California has created the world’s strongest definition for protected areas under 30x30, Crowfoot said, which includes lands and waters that are protected in perpetuity and principally for ecological benefit.

A version of the program began during the pandemic, but “it was never meant to continue in perpetuity,” a spokesman for City Councilmember Bob Blumenfield told The Times earlier this year.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


