noun as in promise
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak matches
noun as in curse
Example Sentences
"Now is the time for Kroger and Albertsons executives to honor their promises to consumers and workers under oath during the trials by investing in lower prices, higher wages, and other investments to improve competitiveness."
Kontilai, 55, obstructed the investigation by forging documents transmitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission and lied under oath to the SEC.
Stone was another Trump crony convicted of lying under oath and obstructing a congressional investigation into Trump’s collusion with Russians during his 2016 campaign.
On Friday, the territory announced that they have adjusted the law to give the option of taking one of the two oaths.
But Epps testified under oath to the House committee investigating the attack that he had no involvement with the FBI, which has also stated publicly that he had no association with the bureau.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.