sworn declaration
noun as in oath
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"Mr. Epshteyn's overall tone and behavior gave me the impression of an implicit expectation to engage in business dealings with him before he would advocate for or suggest my appointment to the President," former Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens wrote in a sworn declaration submitted to Trump's transition team, CBS News reported.
Eventually, Rivera wrote in a sworn declaration that she’d made up her story under pressure from Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies.
“Police misconduct was simply the standard operating procedure for the Los Angeles Sheriff’s deputies in the 1990s in East L.A.,” longtime resident Guadalupe Andrade wrote last year in a sworn declaration cited in Duran’s petition.
Eventually, she signed a sworn declaration formally recanting.
In a sworn declaration, Landrum admitted to killing Alarcon.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.