


Definition for eat

verb as in erode, wear away; use up

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At Du-Par’s in the Original Farmers Market, I implored my city-bred boyfriend not to look at the movie star eating pancakes by himself at the counter.

At the beginning of this decade, increased demand in the UK ate up the 10% of his oysters that were being exported to continental Europe.

From BBC

"They recruited you with a salary of $8,000 a month, you eat well," Ngoma yelled, pointing out the disparity between that and a Congolese army recruit's pay.

From BBC

Park, the team spokesman, says he already has a favorite place to eat, a Korean restaurant about a mile from the Tigers’ hotel.

The rest of their time they spent on the beach, eating out and other normal holiday activities, the jury heard.

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


