Example Sentences
Mineta and other Japanese American members of Congress nudged and negotiated and legislated for years to “make what happened right.”
Mara blocked back-to-back shots by Thomas and took a lob from Andrews on the other end of the court to nudge the Bruins into a 48-37 lead.
Intimidation is the enemy of curiosity, and anyone Lynch’s work has touched knows that all it takes is a little nudge over the threshold to fall headfirst into his world.
The feeling of illicitly eavesdropping nudges us to pay attention to how these characters rarely say what they mean and change personalities depending on who else is in the room.
After some nudging, Henry allows her to bring Paddington home for one night, after which they’ll either find him a willing home or, if Henry has his way, drop the bear at an orphanage.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.