verb as in physically take in a liquid
verb as in mentally take in information
Strongest matches
assimilate, follow, get, incorporate, learn, take in, understand
Strong matches
Weak matches
Example Sentences
Mercury also disclosed that it would have to absorb at least $150 million in losses from the Los Angeles fires, with one analyst this week pegging its losses possibly as high as $1.7 billion.
They spent days cleaning the house; washing their clothes, bedding and rugs; and throwing away pillows that had absorbed smoke.
But a glass of sparkling water contains less than a gram of carbon dioxide – and this will be absorbed in minutes.
Scotland's public sector will have to "absorb" a shortfall in funding to cover a UK government tax rise, Deputy First Minister Kate Forbes has said.
The estuary also helps prevent coastal erosion and absorb the effects of sea level rise.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.