adjective as in likely
Strongest matches
Weak matches
- achievable
- anticipated
- attainable
- believeable
- conceivable
- conjecturable
- credible
- destined
- disposed
- favorite
- given to
- imaginable
- in favor of
- in the cards
- in the habit of
- inferable
- liable
- odds-on
- on the verge of
- ostensible
- plausible
- practicable
- predisposed
- presumable
- promising
- rational
- seeming
- subject to
- supposable
- tending
- thinkable
- true
- up-and-coming
- verisimilar
- workable
adjective as in promising
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Example Sentences
Despite this, she encouraged her supporters to report such behavior to her directly, assuring them that she would take action.
Still, the FDA declared the additive unsafe “as a matter of law” while assuring the public that no one’s health was actually at risk when synthetic myrcene was on the market.
But federal officials, including Biden, have stopped short of assuring that federal funding would continue once Trump enters office Monday.
Similarly, assuring someone who has lost a home or a loved one that “everything happens for a reason” can make them feel pressured to suppress their grief rather than process it naturally.
People responded with images of predator drones, and Diddy in a “Vote or Die” shirt, assuring no one but deranged fanatics will miss it.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.