adjective as in gifted
Strongest matches
accomplished, adept, brilliant, capable, intelligent, proficient, skilled, smart
Weak matches
able, adroit, artistic, clever, cut out for, endowed, expert, having a knack, ingenious, masterly, shining at
Example Sentences
Yes, Wales have lost a golden generation of players and do have some talented youngsters but people are becoming tired of talk of building towards the 2027 World Cup.
But it's unclear how that drive to make recruitment more diverse may have impacted the ranks of air traffic controllers, who President Trump said needed to all be "naturally talented geniuses".
Mbappe was always too intelligent, too talented and too precocious to fail, or buckle under the pressure, at Real Madrid.
The England and Wales Cricket Board have also worked hard to keep cricket as a competitive option for talented female athletes who have more choices than ever.
"I felt a lot of imposter syndrome at the start of series one because I was working with such talented people."
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.