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  • The lions were filmed using high-definition heat detection cameras on drones


    Lion brothers make record-breaking 1.5km swim in hope of finding mates - video

  • Two sleek seals on a beach bare their teeth at each other

    Seascape: the state of our oceans
    ‘Everyone was paddling to get away’: seals with rabies alarm South Africa’s surfers

  • Girl carrying box on her head next to an open-topped truck.

    ‘It’s been over a year’: how civil war led to Sudan’s displacement crisis

  • Jacob the lion as captured by Alexander Braczkowski who is a Griffith Uni student working on ways to monitor Agrican lion numbers.

    ‘Africa’s most resilient lion’ and his brother filmed making 1.5km swim across dangerous African river

  • The Ocean Viking ship

    Armed men jump onboard small boat during rescue near Libya

    Group of armed men approached wooden vessel in dinghies, prompting panic during rescue by charity ship
  • Rishi Sunak's head peeks above a sign that reads 'stop the boats'

    Syrian asylum seeker in UK says he ‘lost everything’ after Rwanda roundup

    People held before planned removal from UK under Sunak government face disruption and relocation after release
    • Why are the US and IMF imposing draconian austerity measures on Kenya?

      Fadhel Kaboub
    • Germany’s first black African-born MP to stand down after racist abuse

    • Torture, starvation, rape: Moi’s Kenya and the dark legacy of Nyayo House

  • Elephants including a calf roaming through the African bush

    Spanish tourist trampled to death by elephants in South Africa

  • a still from Bushman, with Paul Eyam Nzie Okpokam as Gabriel and Elaine Featherstone as Alma.

    Bushman review – amazing real-time evocation of a Nigerian’s life in 70s America

  • Col Assimi Goïita, Gen Abdourahamane Tiani, and Capt Ibrahim Traoré (R) salute as they stand to attention at the summit. All are wearing military uniform

    Ecowas warns of ‘disintegration’ as juntas split from west African bloc

    Breakaway union by military rulers of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger exposes growing fissures within the region
  • Man in green and blue T.shirt beside two other men, one in army camouflage jacket,  outside building

    Kenyan cult leader goes on trial on terrorism charges over 400 deaths

    Self-proclaimed pastor Paul Nthenge Mackenzie alleged to have incited acolytes to starve to death to ‘meet Jesus’
  • Two elephants with tusks walk in a dusty landscape at sunset

    The age of extinction
    Trophy hunter killings spark fierce battle over the future of super tusker elephants

    The lifting of a long-held ban has angered conservationists, but others argue trophy hunting can support local economies and even help protect threatened species
  • Screenshot of women celebrating

    Sierra Leone has banned child marriage – to truly set women free it must end FGM

    Josephine Kamara
    Marrying young girls may now be illegal, but lawmakers seem reluctant to put a stop to genital cutting, and the two go hand in hand
  • Women and children sit among washing drying on the line at a camp for displaced people in Burkina Faso

    ‘They live with fear in their stomachs’: increasing violence deepens crisis in Burkina Faso

    About 10% of the population is displaced and 40 of the west African country’s cities are cut off from aid – but agencies say they have only 17% of the funding needed to help
  • Fishing boats, or pirogues, at Mauritanian port

    At least 89 migrants dead after boat capsizes off Mauritania, state news agency says

    Dangerous Atlantic ocean route is gaining popularity because of increased vigilance by authorities in the Mediterranean
  • Men in dark suts gather around Angelina Jolie, who is wearing a dark dress and speaking from behind a metal lectern.

    Ten years after a celebrity summit promised to end rape as a weapon of war, is there any change for the women of South Sudan?

    Guardian investigation reveals conflict-riven country received little funding or support and that high-profile perpetrators remain in public office
  • Image of the nearly complete skeleton from fossils recovered in Namibia of a giant salamander-like creature

    Fangs and toilet seat-shaped head: giant salamander-like fossil found in Namibia

  • Mohamed Ould Ghazouani standing in a car waving to supporters.

    Three people die after arrests at election protests in Mauritania

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