Revision: 1.5
Date: 2-December-2021
Confidentiality: None
1 SCOPE .................................................................................................................3
1.1 Purpose ................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Board Revision ........................................................................................................................ 3
1.3 Responsibility .......................................................................................................................... 3
2 LASER SAFETY ..................................................................................................3
3 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................4
3.1 Architecture ............................................................................................................................. 4
3.2 Features .................................................................................................................................. 4
3.3 Operating Range ..................................................................................................................... 4
3.4 RoHS Compliance ................................................................................................................... 4
4 EBD5000 DRIVER BOARD .................................................................................5
4.1 Printed Circuit Board (PCB) .................................................................................................... 5
4.2 Electrical User Interfaces ........................................................................................................ 6
4.3 Operating Conditions .............................................................................................................. 9
4.4 Performance Characteristics ................................................................................................... 9
5 ADAPTER BOARD (EBA) ................................................................................. 11
6 DISPLAY BOARD (DIB) .................................................................................... 13
7 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS .......................................................................... 15
7.1 Ambient Temperature ...........................................................................................................15
7.2 Supply Voltage ......................................................................................................................15
7.3 Protective Earth (PE) ............................................................................................................15
7.4 Temperature Controller (TEC) ..............................................................................................15
7.5 Enabling the SLED ................................................................................................................15
7.6 Adjusting the Drive Current ...................................................................................................15
7.7 On-Off Modulation .................................................................................................................16
7.8 Analog Current Modulation ...................................................................................................16
7.9 Open-Collector Outputs ........................................................................................................17
7.10 Disabling the SLED ...............................................................................................................17
7.11 Hot-Plugging the Supply Voltage ..........................................................................................17
7.12 Warm-up Time.......................................................................................................................17
7.13 Temperature Alarm ...............................................................................................................17
8 REVISION HISTORY.......................................................................................... 18
EBD5000 Product Specification 2-December-2021
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The purpose of this document is to describe the set of functional features, the performance and the
user interfaces of EXALOS’ analog driver board EBD5000 for SLEDs (Super-Luminescent Emitting
Diodes) and pin-compatible laser diodes. The EBD5000 features a multi-pin connector, which is used to
connect an adapter board that is specific to the module type of the SLED.
EXALOS is responsible for establishing, implementing and maintaining this specification. The quality
representative shall ensure that a timely Engineering Change Notice (ECN) is issued in accordance with
EXALOS’ procedure for any changes.
This driver board in combination with a SLED is an OEM, low-voltage, DC-powered laser component
specifically designed for incorporation or integration into other equipment that is then sold as end
product, i.e., as laser system that includes a power supply. As such, this component DOES NOT MEET
the full requirements for a stand-alone laser system as defined by 21 CRF 1040.10 and IEC/EN 60825-
During installation it is vital that the laser hazard is fully managed. In particular, the laser integrator
(i.e., the manufacturer of the laser system as end product) is required to provision the engineering
requirements detailed in Clause 4.0 of IEC/EN 60825-1, classify the end product (the laser system) and
assure compliance with all clauses of IEC/EN 60825-1.
WARNING: If the OEM driver board is sold with an EXALOS SLED mounted, the
laser class of the laser system as end product can be as high as Class 3B per IEC
60825-1:2014 depending on the SLED type. Refer to EXALOS’ SLED specification
documents for detailed information. For the safe use of the laser system,
appropriate laser safety measures including protective equipment such as laser
safety glasses may be required depending on SLED type mounted. Also follow
the legal regulations on occupational safety in your country.
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The EBD5000 is a high-performance analog driver board that consists of a multi-layer PCB board with a
multi-pin connector to which adapter boards can be connected supporting various types of optical
modules, for example 14-pin butterfly (BTF), 14-pin dual-in-line (DIL), transmit optical sub-assembly
(TOSA) or others. The multi-layer PCB design with shielding ground layers allows for the co-existence of
a highly efficient switched-mode temperature controller (TEC) with a low-noise linear SLED drive
current controller in a compact form factor with the size of a credit card. Furthermore, the multi-layer
PCB design features a sophisticated heat-spreading thermal design that reduces hot spots, which is the
basis for stable operation at high ambient temperatures.
The main characteristics of the EBD5000 are:
• High-efficiency switched-mode TEC supporting high-power SLEDs at high ambient temperatures
• Generation of an ultra-stable, ultra-low noise SLED drive current
• Adjustment of the SLED drive current either through an external analog control voltage
(0-2.5V) or through the on-board potentiometer
• SLED enable either through a mechanical code switch or through an electrical TTL signal
• Digital on-off modulation with TTL signals
• Noise and spike filter network and brown-out detector for input supply voltage
The EBD5000 features a stabilization feedback loop for the SLED drive current (automatic current
control, ACC) but not for the SLED output power (automatic power control, APC). If required, APC
would have to be realized through external control loops, for example using either the monitor
photodiode (MPD) signal of the JP2 connector or using any external MPD in conjunction with control of
the SLED drive current through an analog control signal at JP3.
Fig. 2 Schematic top view of the EBD5000 indicating the user interfaces
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JP1 MOLEX “Micro-Fit 3.0”; +5V power supply, GND, PE MOLEX “Micro-Fit 3.0”;
43650-0300 43645-0300
Header (male) Receptacle (female)
JP3 MOLEX “Milli-Grid”; SLED enable & on-off modulation, MOLEX “Milli-Grid”;
87833-1620 analog and digital input & output 51110-1651
Header (male) signals Crimp Housing
Fig. 3 shows the front view of the connector JP1 and JP3. The corresponding pinout information is
listed in Table 2 and Table 3, respectively.
Fig. 3 Front view of header JP3 and JP1 with pin indication.
The green bar indicates the PCB of the EBD5000.
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2 +5Vin Output 5V supply voltage from JP1, for configuration purposes only,
e.g., enable the SLED through short to pin3
14 +5Vin Output 5V supply voltage from JP1, for configuration purposes only,
e.g., enable analog control through short to pin13
Pin7 to pin10 of connector JP3 contain digital alarm or status signals that are decoupled from the rest
of the electronics through opto-couplers. They are open-collector outputs with a common ground
“GNDext” that is on pin11 and pin12 of JP3. These alarm signals are also logically connected to the four
LEDs that are found on the board. As shown in Table 4, the pinout sequence of JP3 matches the
configuration sequence of the LED indicators (except for power indicator LED0).
LED0 Power Indicating supply voltage with correct polarity after the fuse
(green) and brown-out and spike detector
The left side of connector JP3 contains pins for analog control of the SLED drive current and hence of
the optical output power. The analog input pins shall be handled with care as they are not decoupled
through opto-couplers, which may, in cases of false connectivity, result in unwanted GND loops. Pin15
and pin16 allow for applying an analog control voltage (0 to +2.5V) in order to control the SLED current
and to use the EBD5000 as part of an analog control loop. The analog control input voltage at +AINext
and –AINext are fed into an instrumentation amplifier of high accuracy, low offset voltage and low drift.
0 Off Off On
1 Off On On
2 On Off On
3 On On On
5 Off On Off
6 On Off Off
7 On On Off
Table 5 shows possible configurations of the EBD5000 that can be selected through the code switch S1.
The default configuration of S1 is ‘0’, i.e. the temperature controller (TEC) is enabled but the SLED and
the current control through an analog input signal is disabled. This means that the TEC is working as
soon as a supply voltage is applied. The SLED is turned off and can be turned on through an active-
HIGH (5V) signal on pin3 of JP3 or by switching the code switch S1 to ‘1’. The SLED current can be
adjusted through the potentiometer P1.
Still, even in configuration ‘1’ the SLED current can be adjusted electronically through pin15 and pin16
of JP3. In order to enable the control through an external analog signal an active-HIGH (5V) signal
needs to be applied to pin13 of JP3, for example by shortening pin13 and pin14. In this case the setting
of potentiometer P1 is ignored.
The TEC shall only be disabled for SLED modules not featuring a Peltier element. For standard BTF or
DIL modules with an internal Peltier element the default configuration of S1 has the TEC enabled as it
cannot be enabled electronically.
Parameter Maximum
(ptp=peak-to-peak, rms=root mean square) Typical Conditions/Comments
Extended current range up to
Drive current 600 mA
1000 mA upon request
Compliance voltage 3.0 V
Extended TEC currents up to
TEC current 1.8 A
3.0 A upon request
TEC temperature stability ptp 24h ±0.002 °C ±0.01 °C Equivalent to ±100 ppm @ 20 °C
TEC temperature drift 1000h ±0.07 ppm/h ±0.1 ppm/h Linear interpolation over 1000 h
Ambient temperature constant
Current stability ptp 24h ±75 ppm ±100 ppm
within ±0.5 °C
Ambient temperature constant
Current stability rms 24h ±20 ppm ±30 ppm
within ±0.5 °C
Ambient temperature constant
Current stability ptp 1h ±75 ppm ±100 ppm
within ±0.5 °C
Ambient temperature constant
Current stability rms 1h ±20 ppm ±30 ppm
within ±0.5 °C
Mid-term current drift 24h ±9 ppm/h ±12 ppm/h 1h sliding window
Long-term current drift 1000h ±0.5 ppm/h ±0.8 ppm/h Linear interpolation over 1000 h
Average value, not including
Temperature-related current change (1) ±10 A/°C ±15 A/°C
Extracted from spectral noise
Current noise 1.3 Arms 1.5 Arms
measurements (1 kHz – 10 MHz)
Turn-on delay for SLED enable (2) 100 ms
(1): Typically a change of 1.0 mA or less in drive current is measured over temperature range from -40°C to +85°C.
(2): The EBD5000 features a built-in safety circuitry that powers down the electronic driver stage of the SLED whenever the SLED
is disabled. This guarantees that under no circumstances the driver board can generate any light output from the SLED as long as
the SLED is disabled. Furthermore, this turn-on delay also guarantees a controlled power-up behavior of the board in case the
supply voltage is cycled while the SLED is enabled.
(3): The default configuration of the EBD5000 board is optimized for lowest possible noise performance with modulation rates of
a few Hertz. The modulation switch on the board supports modulation rates up to 10 MHz and the default OpAmps support
modulation rates up to 30 kHz. Upon request customized versions of the EBD5000 can be realized that support faster modulation
rates, for example up to 10 kHz, at the expense of higher current noise.
As the EBD50y0 assembly is not packaged into a metal case like the other EBD5x00 OEM boards, the
on-board diagnostic connector JP2 is easily accessible. An optional alphanumeric display board (DIB,
see section 6) can be connected to JP2 that informs about various SLED parameters. The following
pictures show such driver board assemblies for BTF modules (EBD5020, Fig. 4), for DIL modules
(EBD5010 or EBD50F0, Fig. 5) or for TOSA modules (EBD5080, Fig. 6), respectively.
Fig. 4 Top view of an EBD5020 with an adapter board for 14-pin BTF modules
Fig. 5 Top view of an EBD5010 with an adapter board for 14-pin DIL modules.
The EBD50F0 will feature an adapter board for floating 14-pin DIL modules.
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Fig. 6 Top view of an EBD5080 with an adapter board for TOSA modules.
The dimensions of the EBD5000 and of the EBAs are 70 mm (L) x 55 mm (W), respectively. The
dimensions of the EBD50y0 assembly are therefore 140 mm (L) x 55 mm (W). The driver board
assembly is mounted on metal stands (typically 30 mm) such that heat sinks below the EBA can be
mounted, for example for BTF or TOSA modules.
The metal case of the SLED module is, except for the EBD5010, connected to pin1 of JP1, which shall
be connected to protective earth (PE).
The EBA adapter boards do not require a separate external power supply unit but receive the supply
voltage through the EBD5000 driver board.
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As mentioned above, the DIB also features an UART interface at which the current four parameter
readings are transmitted at a rate of 10 Hz. Using an UART-to-RS-232 adapter the DIB can be
connected to a serial port of a PC for data monitoring or data logging. EXALOS can provide, upon
request, software tools that read out and display these signals.
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electronically, make sure that the analog control is enabled (AINenable, pin13 of JP3) or that the code
switch S1 is in a position that enables the analog control, for example position ‘2’. When using a signal
for AINenable, e.g., 5V TTL, make sure that the voltage is relative to the GNDext on pin12 of JP3.
The analog input voltage is limited to 2.5V on the board to ensure safe operation. AIN voltages larger
than 2.5V are clipped and an alarm signal is enabled (LED3 and pin9 of JP3).
Fig. 12 Duty cycle of SLED current or optical output power for a TTL modulation input signal
with 50% duty cycle as a function of modulation frequency for the standard
configuration of the EBD5000. Because of the inverted logic of the modulation input
this graphs also shows the required duty cycle of the electrical modulation input
signal in order to achieve a 50% duty cycle for the optical output or SLED current.
Faster modulation frequencies may be realized upon request. However, faster current rise times can, in
principle, lead to unwanted optical power transients if the rise time of the drive current is below ten
microseconds. Therefore, EXALOS offers faster modulation rates only based on customer requests.
There is no intentional time delay or current ramp for the turn-on of the SLED under on-off modulation,
different to the procedure of enabling the SLED. Turning off the SLED through pin1 of JP3 will also not
power down the OpAmps of the driver stage.
+U (relative to GNDext)
pin4 (JP5)
pin5 (JP5)
Revision History
Rev. Description ECN Number Date (ECN) Released
0.1 Initial document for EBD5000 - - 06.01.2010
1.0 First full specification release - - 13.12.2010
1.1 Added information on protective earth connection 0499 29.02.2012 29.02.2012
in section 6 and on input/output connectors in
section 3.2; renamed “Temperature_alarm” in
1.2 Updated information on user interface connector 0515 13.04.2012 13.04.2012
due to new driver board version V3 of EBD5000
with 16-pin connector JP3 instead of JP4 and JP5
1.3 Updated Fig.1 and Fig.2 due to new driver board 0526 24.05.2012 24.05.2012
version V3.1 of EBD5000; added section 6.13
about temperature alarm shut-off
1.4 Added section 2 about laser safety 1308 18.02.2021 P. Vorreau
1.5 Updated RoHS reference in section 3.4 1368 02.12.2021 P. Vorreau