BENQ W7000 Projector Level 2 Service Manual
BENQ W7000 Projector Level 2 Service Manual
BENQ W7000 Projector Level 2 Service Manual
All Regions
Version: 00b
For RO to input specific “Legal Requirement” in specific NS regarding to responsibility and liability
statements.,, to ensure that you have the most
Please check BenQ’s eSupport web site,
recent version of this manual.
Content Index
1. Abbreviations & Acronyms ................................................................
.................................. 3
2. About This Manual................................................................
............................................... 4
2.1 Trademark ............................................................................................................................. 4
2.2 Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 4
2.3 Important Service Information ........................................................................................... 4
2.4 Safety Notice ......................................................................................................................... 5
2.5 Compliance Statement ......................................................................................................... 5
2.6 General Descriptions ............................................................................................................ 5
2.7 Related Service Information ................................................................................................ 5
3. Product Overview ................................................................
................................................. 6
3.1 Specification Overview ......................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Packing ................................................................................................................................ 21
3.3 Customer Acceptance ......................................................................................................... 33
4. Level 1 Cosmetic / Appearance / Alignment Service .......................... 36
4.1 Cosmetic / Appearance Inspection Criteria ...................................................................... 36
4.2 Operational Inspection Criteria......................................................................................... 38
4.3 Software/Firmware Upgrade Process ................................................................................. 42
4.4 Method to enter factory menu: .......................................................................................... 51
4.5 RS-232 connection ............................................................................................................. 53
4.6 Adjustment / Alignment Procedure ................................................................................... 57
5. Level 2 Circuit Board and Standard Parts Replacement .................... 62
5.1 Product Exploded View ...................................................................................................... 62
5.2 Product Disassembly / Assembly ....................................................................................... 66
5.3 Module Assembly Key Point - Optical Engine .................................................................. 70
5.4 Module Assembly Key Point - Mechanical ........................................................................ 84
5.5 Block Diagram .................................................................................................................. 116
5.6 Trouble shooting ............................................................................................................... 117
Appendix 1 – Screw List / Torque ........................................................
........................................................ 122
Appendix 2 - Code List: IR / RS232 / DDC Data .................................
................................. 124
Appendix 3 – Ceiling Mount Drawing ................................................
................................................ 131
Update History
1. Abbreviations & Acronyms
A/D Analog to Digital
BenQ BenQ Corporation
C/W Color Wheel
CM Concave Mirror
DLP Digital Light Processing / Texas Instruments®
DMD Digital Micro mirror Device
DVI Digital Video Interface
DVI-I Digital Video Interface-Integrated
PL Projection Lens
POM Pond of Mirrors
Interface Between Data terminal Equipment and Data Communications
Equipment Employing Serial Binary Data Interchange
SVGA Super Video Graphics Array, A screen resolution of 800 x 600 pixels.
SXGA Super XGA. A screen resolution of 1280x1024 pixels.
VGA Video Graphics Array. A screen resolution of 640x480 pixels.
XGA A screen resolution of 1024x768 pixels.
2. About This Manual
This manual contains information about maintenance and service of BenQ products. Use this
manual to perform diagnostics tests, troubleshoot problems, and align the BenQ product.
Only trained service personnel who are familiar with this BenQ Product shall perform
service or maintenance to it. Before performing any maintenance or service, the
engineer MUST read the “Important Safety Information”
2.1 Trademark
Other companies, products, or service names may be the trademarks of their respective companies.
2.2 Introduction
This section contains general service information, please read through carefully. It should be stored
for easy access place.
The RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substance in Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive) is a
legal requirement by EU (European Union) for the global electronics industry which sold in EU and
some counties also require this requirement. Any electrical and electronics products launched in
the market after June 2006 should meet this RoHS requirements. Products launched in the market
before June 2006 are not required to compliant with RoHS parts. If the original parts are not RoHS
complaints, the replacement parts can be non ROHS complaints, but if the original parts are RoHS
compliant, the replacement parts MUST be RoHS complaints.
If the product service or maintenance require replacing any parts, please confirming the RoHS
requirement before replace them.
2.4 Safety Notice
1 Make sure your working environment is dry and clean, and meets all government safety
2 Ensure that other persons are safe while you are servicing the product.
3 DO NOT perform any action that may cause a hazard to the customer or make the product
4 Use proper safety devices to ensure your personal safety.
5 Always use approved tools and test equipment for servicing.
6 Never assume the product’s power is disconnected from the mains power supply. Check that it is
disconnected before opening the product’s cabinet.
7 Modules containing electrical components are sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD). Follow
ESD safety procedures while handling these parts.
8 Some products contain more than one battery. Do not disassemble any battery, or expose it to
high temperatures such as throwing into fire or it may explode.
9 Refer to government requirements for battery recycling or disposal.
Caution: This Optical Storage Product contains a Laser device. Refer to the product specifications
and your local Laser Safety Compliance Requirements.
This Service Manual contains general information. There are 2 levels of service:
Level 1: Cosmetic / Appearance / Alignment Service
Level 2: Circuit Board or Standard Parts Replacement
3. Product Overview
The projector consists of DLP projector controller, Lamp controller, Power supply system, and
System cooling controller. The DLP controller captures digital PC data and video data and then
converts them into the DMD display device. The Lamp controller dominates the lamp’s power and
synchronizes its frequency with color display sequence. The Power supply unit controls the AC line
power factor and converts primary voltage to secondary low voltages for digital board. The System
cooling controller drives the airflow to quench the lamp’s heat and electrical component’s heat.
1. Specification Overview
2. Electrical Specification
3. Power Supply Specification
4. UI Specification
1. Specification Overview
W7000 Version: 00
Item Specification
1.Panel Information
1.1 Panel Type Single Chip 0.65” 12° tilt DMD DC2(1080P)
1.2 Package Type Type A
1.3 Size 0.65”
1.4 Pixels 1920(H) x 1080(V)
1.5 Color Depth 30 Bits (1,037,000,000 colors)
Formatter: DDP 3021x2
1.6 Driver Type
Scaler: PW980
1.7 Panel Pixel Quality Follow TI spec.
1.8 Image Imperfection Follow TI spec.
2. Projection Lens Specification (For Reference)
Wide Tele
2.1 F/#
2.48 2.81
2.2 Zoom Ratio 1.5:1 (± 2%)
2.3 Throw Ratio 1.62 ~ 2.43 (wide 55.7” ±3% @ 2m)
2.4 True Zoom Yes
Wide: Tele:
2.5 Focal Length
24.1 mm 36.15 mm
2.6 Offset V: +/- 125% (Max.); H:+/- 40% (Max.)
2.7 Visible Focus Range 1~10 m
2.8 Clearly Focus Range 1.5~6 m
2.9 Keystone Distortion Wide & Tele <1%
2.10 TV Distortion Wide & Tele <1%
2.11 Screen Distortion W2-W1<5mm, H2-H1<5mm @ 80”
2.12 Zoom Ring Torque 250g~500g (Follow Vendor Lens SPEC)
2.13 Focus Ring Torque 200g~400g (Follow Vendor Lens SPEC)
2.14 Zoom&Focus shaking level Follow typical sample (When needed).
Center @ 49” All other area
R-G <0.8 pixel <0.8 pixel
2.15 Lateral Color
B-G <0.8 pixel <0.8 pixel
R-B <1.0 pixel <1.0 pixel
2.16 color wheel segment R58G64B58R58G64B58
2.17 color wheel speed 60Hz 3X for Dynamic mode, 60Hz 2X for Standard & Cinema
mode, 60Hz 1X for 3D mode
3.Optical Specification
Test under 60” (diagonal) image size with Wide projection lens position.
Reference Meter: Vendor CL-200 Meter (SN head:81531011, body:82521013)
Minimum 1600lm (Measure at Dynamic mode with HDMI
3.1 ANSI Brightness
3.2 ANSI uniformity Minimum 65%
3.3 JBMA Uniformity Minimum 80%
3.4 ANSI Contrast Minimum 200:1
3.5 FOFO Contrast (w/ WCE2) Minimum 30000:1
3.6 FOFO Contrast with DB N.A.
3.7 Focus Quality
(1) If pattern can be uniformly focused – not worse than
3.7.1 区 Pattern limit sample – then pass!
(2) If it’s difficult to judge, then check 3.7.2
3.7.2 R G B
Defocus (Maximum) 2.5 2.5 2.5
Flare (Maximum) 3.5 3.5 3.5
3.8 Focus unbalance Max. 60cm
Color x y
White .277±0.04 .350±0.04
3.9 Color Coordinate
Red .650±0.03 .335±0.03
(TBD, confirmed at PVT stage)
Green .300±0.03 .605±0.03
Blue .143±0.03 .055±0.03
White ≦0.02
3.10 Color Uniformity
Red ≦0.03
Green ≦0.02
Blue ≦0.02
3.11 Color Gamut(Compare to NTSC) 72% NTSC (Typical)
△≦0.5 lux compared with center point @ full black pattern
within 60”.
3.12 Light Leakage in AA This light-leakage is only described as the spot light with
obvious shape. The uniformity difference of black pattern is
not included.
3.13 Light Leakage out of AA ≦0.3 lux, @ full black pattern within 60”~80”.
(Except DMD Defect , Dynamic black on)
3.14 Ghost Ghost Contrast > (Follow SP890 and Confirm at EVT2 stage)
3.15 Lens Shift Speed(sec)
(only for motorized len shift)
3.16 Defect (Color Band, Dark Corner, Follow limited sample (When needed).
Dark band)
3.17 Preset mode setting Refer to Appendix E
4.Lamp Specification
4.1 Lamp Philips UHP 300W 1.1 E21.7 lamp
4.2 Lamp Sync Type AC Lamp
4.3 Lamp Flick Follow limited sample (When needed).
Normal Mode 300W
4.4 Lamp Power
ECO Mode 250W
5. Mechanical Specification
5.1 Color & Texture specifications Refer to ID document for details
5.2 Physical Dimensions(Width X 428 x 317 x 169 mm (含調整腳高度及上蓋面突起)
Depth X Height) 428 x 317 x 145 mm (不含調整腳高度及上蓋面突起)
5.3 Net Weight ≤ 7 Kg
5.4 Security Slot Kensington compatible slot 20Kg break away force
5.5 Lens Cover NA
5.6 Adjustment Feet 4 adjustable feet
Match BenQ’s ceiling mount required.
5.7 Ceiling Mounting
Use the same mounting as current shipping projectors.
All color of screws should similar with the plastic color which
5.8 Screws
close it.
5.9 During PVT stage, limited sample
of color and texture should be
approved by BenQ industrial The new parts should be approved by BenQ.
designer and mechanical
6. Packaging
6.1 Box Dimension Refer to packing description (Internal :Refer to B405
6.2 Net Weight (Esti.) ≤ 7 Kg
6.3 Gross Weight (Esti.) < 9 Kg (Including accessories, projector)
Refer to packing description (Internal :Refer to B405
6.4 Container Loading (40’)
Refer to packing description (Internal :Refer to B405
6.5 Container Loading (20’)
Refer to packing description (Internal :Refer to B405
6.6 Packaging Conceptual
Refer to packing description (Internal :Refer to B405
6.7 Container Layout
Refer to packing description (Internal :Refer to B405
6.8 Cushion Orientation
6.9 Cushion Material EPE
6.10 Box Compression Test N/A
Refer to packing description (Internal :Refer to B405
6.11 Carton Artwork
7. Thermal Specification
Mechanical component temperature at ambience 0~40℃
Normal surface:
7.1 Surface held or touched for short Metal< 60 ℃ Plastic< 85 ℃
periods Bottom surface @25℃
Metal< 55 ℃ Plastic< 70 ℃
Metal Plastic
7.2 Surface which my be touched
< 70 ℃ < 95 ℃
7.3 Exhaust Air < 95 ℃
(rpm9000CW) C°25 @dBA 36:Normal mode
(rpm9000CW) C°25 @dBA 31 :Eco mode
C°25 @dBA 38:Normal mode
(rpm10800CW) C°25 @dBA 33 :Eco mode
7.4 Audible Noise Level
(rpm9000CW) C°25 @dBA 38:Normal mode
(rpm9000CW) C°25 @dBA 33 :Eco mode
C°25 @dBA 40:Normal mode
(rpm10800CW) C°25 @dBA 35 :eEco mod
7.5 Fan Numbers 3
8.0 Power Requirements
8.1 Power Supply (Normal)
Max. 466W
1W Max. at 100 ~ 240VAC
Standby (disable: loop through, LAN control, audio out,
8.2 Power consumption
Pixelwork function or AWIN, 12V trigger)
Normal Typical 416W@110Vac
ECO Typical 355W@110Vac
8.3 Power Connector IEC 60320 C14
8.4 Power Switch No
9.0 Compatibility
9.1 Data Compatibility (Version 01)
9.1.1 RGB Digital Refer to 2.1.4 HDMI/DVI Input
9.1.2 RGB Analog Refer to 2.1.5 PC Input
9.1.3 Macintosh MAC 13/16/19/21
9.2 Video Compatibility
9.2.1 SDTV 480i/576i
9.2.2 EDTV 480P/576P
9.2.3 HDTV 720@50P/60P,1080@50i/60i/24p/25p/30p/50p/60p
NTSC/ NTSC4.43/ PAL (Including PAL-M, PAL-N)/ SECAM/
9.2.4 Video
9.3 Frequency
9.3.1 H-Sync 31~ 99KHz
9.3.2 V-Sync 23 ~ 120 Hz
9.4 DDC EDID 1.3
10.0 User Interface
10.1 Operator Keypad 1. Power 2.Sourcwe 3. Preset Mode 4.Enter
5. Menu 6.Exit 7. Right 8.Left 9.Up 10. Down
10.2 LED Indicators
Power On/Off Status; Lamp Status; Temperature Status
10.2.1 Power On/Off Status Refer to 4.4 LED definition
10.2.2 Lamp Status Refer to 4.4 LED definition
10.2.3 Temperature Status Refer to 4.4 LED definition
Vertical keystone and adjustable range ±30° without digital
10.3 Electric Keystone zoom or 3D function activate.(It will be updated in EVT0
10.4 Remote Control x 1 ; See Chapter 4 , 4.3 Remote Control Definition
11.0 Regulatory
Vendor: Refer to RFQ
11.1 Safety
Internal: Refer to B106 document
Vendor: Refer to RFQ
11.2 EMC
Internal: Refer to B106 document
11.3 ESD Follow IEC 61000-4-2 and EN55024 regulation
1)BenQ Restriction of Hazardous Substance
11.4 GP Guideline(SUP-QM-07-02)
2)Other GP control items. Please refer PRR
12.0 Reliability
40000 hours except DMD chip, Color wheel, Lamp and Fan,
12.1 MTBF
1). Lamp hour = [Hour used in Eco. Mode] + [Lamp life of
Eco. Mode]/[Lamp life of Normal Mode] *[Hour used in
12.2 Lamp Lifetime Normal Mode]
2). 50% of Projectors will have 50% Initial Minimum
12.2.1 Normal Mode 2000hrs
12.2.2 ECO Mode 2500hrs
13.0 Other Feature
13.1 Color Temperature at Normal 5500 / 6500 / 7500K
13.2 Digital Zoom NA
13.3 Aspect Ratio Anamorphic/4:3/Letter Box/Wide/Real
13.4 Projection Methods Floor Front/Ceiling Front/Floor Rear/Ceiling Rear
13.5 3D Display Support
13.6 Certificate
13.6.1 SRS Certificate NA
13.6.2 Win7 Certificate Yes
14.0 Green Eco Design
14.1 BenQ ecoFACTS Refer to BenQ ecoFACTS Checking list
1.3 Accessories
1. Power Cord 1.8m X1
2. VGA Cable 1.8m X1
3. CD x 1 (22 Language) X1
4. Quick-Start_Card (18Language) X1
5. Remote Control X1
6. Carry Case N/A
7. Warranty Card By SKU
8. Adapter N/A
9. Component (RCA-RCA) cable X1
1.4 Environmental
Operating 0~40°C, without condensation
1.1 Temperature
Storage -20~60°C, without condensation
Operating 10~90%RH, without condensation
1.2 Humidity
Storage 10~90%RH, without condensation
Without high altitude mode 0°C~35°C @
0~1499m above sea level
1.3 Altitude With high altitude mode 0°C~30°C @
1500~3000m above sea level
Storage 30℃@0~12,200m above sea level
2. Electrical Specification
2.1 Electrical Interface Character
2.1.1 Composite Video Input
(1) Pin definition (RCA Jack)
PAL 15.63 50 4.43 Yes
SECAM 15.63 50 4.25 or 4.41 Yes
PAL-M 15.73 60 3.58 Yes
PAL-N 15.63 50 3.58 Yes
PAL-60 15.73 60 4.43 Yes
NTSC4.43 15.73 60 4.43 Yes
Pin Signal
1 TMDS Data2+
2 TMDS Data2 Shield
3 TMDS Data2–
4 TMDS Data1+
5 TMDS Data1 Shield
6 TMDS Data1–
7 TMDS Data0+
8 TMDS Data0 Shield
9 TMDS Data0–
10 TMDS Clock+
11 TMDS Clock Shield
12 TMDS Clock–
13 CEC
14 Reserved (N.C. on device)
15 SCL
16 SDA
17 DDC/CEC Ground
18 +5 V Power (max 50 mA)
19 Hot Plug Detect
SVGA_72 72.188 48.077 50.000 Yes
SVGA_75 75.000 46.875 49.500 Yes
SVGA_85 85.061 53.674 56.250 Yes
XGA_60 60.004 48.363 65.000 Yes
XGA_70 70.069 56.476 75.000 Yes
XGA_75 75.029 60.023 78.750 Yes
1024 x 768
XGA_85 84.997 68.667 94.500 Yes
XGA_120* Yes
119.989 97.551 115.500
(Reduce Blanking)
1152 x 864 1152 x 864_75 75.00 67.500 108.000 No
1024x576 BenQ Notebook Timing 60.00 35.820 46.996 Yes
1024x600 BenQ Notebook Timing 64.995 41.467 51.419 Yes
1280 x 720_60 60 45.000 74.250 Yes
1280 x 720_120* 120 90.000 148.500 Yes
1280 x 768_60
60 47.396 68.25 No
1280 x 768 (Reduce Blanking)
1280 x 768_60 59.870 47.776 79.5 Yes
WXGA_60 59.810 49.702 83.500 Yes
1280 x 800 WXGA_75 74.934 62.795 106.500 Yes
WXGA_85 84.880 71.554 122.500 Yes
SXGA_60 60.020 63.981 108.000 Yes
1280 x 1024 SXGA_75 75.025 79.976 135.000 Yes
SXGA_85 85.024 91.146 157.500 Yes
1280 x 960_60 60.000 60.000 108 Yes
1280 x 960
1280 x 960_85 85.002 85.938 148.500 Yes
1360 x 768 1360 x 768_60 60.015 47.712 85.500 Yes
60 55.469 88.75 No
1440 x 900 (Reduce Blanking)
WXGA+_60 59.887 55.935 106.500 Yes
1400X1050 SXGA+_60 59.978 65.317 121.750 Yes
1600x1200 UXGA 60.000 75.000 162.000 Yes
59.883 64.674 119.000 No
1680 x 1050 (Reduce Blanking)
1680x1050_60 59.954 65.290 146.250 Yes
1920x1080_60 148.35/
1920x1080 59.939 / 60 67.432/ 67.5 Yes
(CEA-861) 148.5
1920 x 1200 1920x1200_60 59.950 74.038 154.000 No
640x480@67Hz MAC13 66.667 35.000 30.240 Yes
832x624@75Hz MAC16 74.546 49.722 57.280 Yes
1024x768@75Hz MAC19 75.020 60.241 80.000 Yes
1152x870@75Hz MAC21 75.06 68.68 100.00 Yes
“*” It means the timing can support non-3D and 3D signal with frame sequential.
2.1.5 PC Input
(1) Pin definition and Signal Level:
1 5
6 10
11 15
Pin Signal Parameter Min Type Max
1 RDATA Impedance 75 Ohm
2 GDATA Amplitude 0.7 Volts peak-to-peak
3 BDATA Black pedestal 0 Volts
Pixel Clock 170 M Hz
GDATA_SOG Impedance 75 Ohm
Amplitude 1 Volts peak-to-peak
Video amplitude 0.7 Volts peak-to-peak
Sync amplitude 0.3 Volts peak-to-peak
Black pedestal 0 Volts
Pixel Clock 170 M Hz
HDATA Impedance 1 K ohm
Amplitude, low level 0 0.5 volt
Amplitude, high level 2.5 5 Volt
Frequency 31 92 K Hz
VDATA Impedance 1 K ohm
Amplitude, low level 0 0.8 volt
Amplitude, high level 2.5 5 Volt
Frequency 48 85 Hz
SDADATA Amplitude, low level 0 0.8 volt
Amplitude, high level 2.5 5 Volt
SCLDATA Amplitude, low level 0 0.8 volt
Amplitude, high level 2.5 5 Volt
4 NC
5 NC
6 Red GND
7 Green GND
8 Blue GND
9 DDCP 5V 5 Volts
10 Sync. Return
11 GND
G DATA Amplitude (with sync) 1 Volts peak to peak
2 Share with Y
Impedance 75 ohm
R DATA Amplitude 0.7 Volts peak to peak
1 Share with Pr
Impedance 75 ohm
B DATA Amplitude 0.7 Volts peak to peak
3 Share with Pb
Impedance 75 ohm
(2) Support PC Timings: (Version 01)
Refresh rate H-frequency Clock User Manual
Resolution Mode
(Hz) (kHz) (MHz) Supported
720 x 400 720x400 70.087 31.469 28.3221 Yes
VGA_60 59.940 31.469 25.175 Yes
VGA_72 72.809 37.861 31.500 Yes
640 x 480
VGA_75 75.000 37.500 31.500 Yes
VGA_85 85.008 43.269 36.000 Yes
SVGA_56 56.250 35.156 36.000 Yes
SVGA_60* 60.317 37.879 40.000 Yes
800 x 600 SVGA_72 72.188 48.077 50.000 Yes
SVGA_75 75.000 46.875 49.500 Yes
SVGA_85 85.061 53.674 56.250 Yes
XGA_60 60.004 48.363 65.000 Yes
XGA_70 70.069 56.476 75.000 Yes
1024 x 768
XGA_75 75.029 60.023 78.750 Yes
XGA_85 84.997 68.667 94.500 Yes
1152 x 864 1152 x 864_75 75.00 67.500 108.000 No
1024 x 576 BenQ Notebook Timing 60.0 35.820 46.966 Yes
1024 x 600 BenQ Notebook Timing 64.995 41.467 51.419 Yes
1280 x 768_60
60 47.396 68.25 No
1280 x 768 (Reduce Blanking)
1280 x 768_60 59.870 47.776 79.5 Yes
WXGA_60 59.810 49.702 83.500 Yes
1280 x 800 WXGA_75 74.934 62.795 106.500 Yes
WXGA_85 84.880 71.554 122.500 Yes
SXGA_60 60.020 63.981 108.000 Yes
1280 x 1024 SXGA_75 75.025 79.976 135.000 Yes
SXGA_85 85.024 91.146 157.500 Yes
1280 x 960_60 60.000 60.000 108 Yes
1280 x 960
1280 x 960_85 85.002 85.938 148.500 Yes
1360 x 768 1360 x 768_60 60.015 47.712 85.500 Yes
60 55.469 88.75 No
1440 x 900 (Reduce Blanking)
WXGA+_60 59.887 55.935 106.500 Yes
1400X1050 SXGA+_60 59.978 65.317 121.750 Yes
1600x1200 UXGA 60.000 75.000 162.000 Yes
59.883 64.674 119.000 No
1680 x 1050 (Reduce Blanking)
1680x1050_60 59.954 65.290 146.250 Yes
1920 x 1200 59.950 74.038 154.000 No
(Reduce Blanking)
148.35/ Yes
1920x1080 1920x1080_60 59.939 / 60 67.432/ 67.5
640x480@67Hz MAC13 66.667 35.000 30.240 Yes
832x624@75Hz MAC16 74.546 49.722 57.280 Yes
1024x768@75Hz MAC19 74.93 60.241 80.000 Yes
1152x870@75Hz MAC21 75.06 68.68 100.00 Yes
(3) Support Video Timings (Component-2): (Version 01)
Resolution Mode Refresh rate (Hz) H-frequency (kHz) Clock (MHz) User Manual Supported
720 x 480 480i 59.94 15.73 13.5 Yes
720 x 480 480p 59.94 31.47 27 Yes
720 x 576 576i 50 15.63 13.5 Yes
720 x 576 576p 50 31.25 27 Yes
1280 x 720 720/50p 50 37.5 74.25 Yes
1280 x 720 720/60p 60 45.00 74.25 Yes
1920 x 1080 1080/24P 24 27 74.25 Yes
1920 x 1080 1080/25P 25 28.13 74.25 Yes
1920 x 1080 1080/30P 30 33.75 74.25 Yes
1920 x 1080 1080/50i 50 28.13 74.25 Yes
1920 x 1080 1080/60i 60 33.75 74.25 Yes
1920 x 1080 1080/50P 50 56.25 148.5 Yes
1920 x 1080 1080/60P 60 67.5 148.5 Yes
2.1.10 Lan Control Port (Follow IEEE 802.3) : N/A
2.1.11 Screen Control Output (DC Power Jack)
(1) Pin definition
3. Power
Power Supply Specification
3.1 Input Power Specification
Specification Description
Input Voltage Range The unit shall meet all the operating requirements with the range
90 ~ 264 VAC
Frequency Range The unit shall meet all the operating requirements with an input
frequency range 47 Hz ~ 63 Hz
Regulation Efficiency 80 % (typical) measuring at 115Vac and full load
4. UI Specification
Keypad Description
LED Usage:
【NOTE】The updated Service BOM is on SPO system. Please check it to order service parts.
1. For 9H.J3977.18A/L
A/L, exclude 18F
2. For 9H.J3977.18F
3. For 9H.J3977.18A
4. For 9H.J3977.18J
9H.J3977.18J / 18K
5. For 9H.J3977.18E
6. For 9H.J3977.18D
9H.J3977.18D / F
7. For 9H.J3977.18P / S
8. For 9H.J3977.18T
9. For China(9H.J3977.18
2. For 9H.J3977.18L
3. For China(9H.J3977.18
1. For Europe,
Europe, APAC, America, China
3.3 Customer Acceptance
This document establishes the general workmanship standards and functional
acceptance criteria for PROJECTOR produced by BenQ.
The purpose of this publication is to define a procedure for inspection of the
PROJECTOR by means of a customer acceptance test, the method of evaluation of
defects and rules for specifying acceptance levels.
how to solve.
Number of defects
Percent of defects = ------------------------------------------ X 100%
Number of products inspected
8.1 The inspection must be carried out by trained inspectors who have good knowledge about
the product.
8.2 The inspection must be based upon the documents concerning the completely assembled
and packed product.
8.3 When more defects appear with the same unit only the most serious defect has to be taken
into account.
8.4 Defects found in accessory packed with the product such as Cable, Connector, Manual, CD
and the like, and being inspected as a part of the complete product, must be included in the
8.5 The evaluation must be within the limits of the product specification and, for not specified
characteristics, refer to the sample machine or the judgment of VENDOR QA Engineer. But
any kind of proposals or judgments must be reasonable and acceptable by both sides.
8.6 Faults must be able to be repeatedly demonstrated.
Temperature: 25±5℃
Visual inspection shall be done with the distance from eyes to the sample 45 cm.
Display mode: refer to operation manual
4. Level 1 Cosmetic / Appearance / Alignment Service
4.1 Cosmetic / Appearance Inspection Criteria
TABLE 1. General Product of plastic outlook of dot, blemish, and others spec inspection standard (产
A 级面 B 级面 C 级面
规格 A surface B surface C surface
Spec ( 允许数 ) ( 允许数 ) ( 允许数 )
(面积 cm ) 2
(Number of defect) (Number of defect) (Number of defect)
( Area cm ) 2
20*20 50*50 70*70 100*100 20*20 50*50 70*70 20*20 50*50 70*70 100*100
黑点 P点距 < 0.1 mm
不计 不计 不计 不计 不计 不计 不计 不计 不计 不计 不计
Blemish Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore
0.1≦P< 0.2 mm
点距 Distance
2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 4 4 5 6
0.2≦P <0.3mm 点
距 Distance 4cm
0 0 0 0 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 6
P<0.1 mm 不计 不计 不计 不计 不计 不计 不计 不计 不计 不计 不计 不计
凸点 点距
Distance 2cm Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore
砂粒 ≦ 0.1 P<0.2mm 点
棉絮 距
4 4 5 6 5 5 6 7 6 6 7 8
Distance 4cm
毛屑 ≦ 0.2 P < 0.3mm
Particle Distance 3 4 4 5 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8
| 4cm
同色点 0.3 ≦P < 0.5mm
点 距 Distance
Spot with
2 2 3 4 3 3 4 5 4 4 5 6
Total 4 4 5 6 5 5 6 7 6 6 7 8
备注 Note:
1. 检测面积 A <20*20 以 20*20 之规范检验之, 20*20≦A<50*50,以 50*50 等级检验之,以此类
Use the 20*20 criteria to the area less than 20*20; 50*50 inspection criteria to the area 20*20≦A<50*50;
杂质/黑点/异色点(Particle/Blemish/Color Spot)
1.1 A、B、C 级面定义请参考 6.2 级面定义。
Definition of surface A, B, C refer to 6.2
1.2 LOGO 周边 2 cm 内不可有 0.05 mm 以上之点, (0.05 mm 以内之点不计)。 2 2
Blemish around the logo must be equal or smaller than 0.05 mm
1.3 表面气泡—不可有。
Bubble on the surface is to be reject.
TABLE 2 :产品一般外观的塑料件检验标准(General Product of plastic outlook inspection
NO Appearance Spec
1 缩水 A 区: 不可有缩水 , 以带手套检验, 手摸过去不可有凹
Shrinkage 陷的感觉
A region: No Shrink. With gloves, no feeling of sink when touching the surface
B / C 区: 不能明显看出
B/C region: not obvious
2 流痕, 咬花, 光泽 不能有明显的深浅不均
Run, Texture, Gloss No obvious non-uniformity
3 接合线 用指甲划过不会有停顿感,并附近无明显之光泽差异
Welding Line/Knit When scratching on it, there’s no feeling of obstruction. Also, there should not be obvious
Line difference in gloss nearby it.
4 顶白 不可
Ejector Mark Reject
5 Label/screws 不允许
shortage Reject
6 缺料 缺料不可影向机构强度和表面
Material shortage Material shortage is not allowed to impact structure strength and surface
7 色差 喷漆(Painting): ΔE<=2; L<=1.5 ; Δ A,B <= 0.6
Chromatic 银粉漆 (Paint, aluminum). ΔE<=2 L<=1.0; Δ A, B <= 0.6
aberration 非银粉漆(Paint, non-aluminum)
素材(Raw material) : ΔL,A,B<=0.6 ,ΔE<=0.75
8 印刷 文字印刷不得有漏印、断线、重影、组细不均、溢墨、印偏( 1mm )、印斜 (歪斜<0.3 mm )。
Printing Printing must not have incomplete printing, break off, overlap, uneven thickness, excessive ink,
printing misalignment (1mm), printing slanting & crooked (<0.3mm)
文字印刷颜色须确认是否正确 。
Printing color must be comparable to color chip and sample.
9 Logo of panel 文字印刷不得有漏印.断线.重影.组细不均.溢墨.印偏( 1mm)印斜 (歪斜 < 0.4 mm).
sticker Printing must not have incomplete printing, break off, overlap, uneven thickness, excessive ink,
printing misalignment (1mm), printing slanting & crooked (<0.4mm)
文字印刷颜色须确认是否正确 .
Printing color must be comparable to color chip and sample.
10 刮伤 Side A:
Scratch/Nicks (W < 0.1mm , L < 3mm): 容许 个 1
Only 1 this kind of scratch is accepted
W < 0.1mm , L < 3-5mm 容许 个 0
No this kind of scratch is accepted
Side B:
W < 0.15mm , L < 3mm 容许 个 2
Only less than 2 this kind of scratch is accepted
W < 0.15mm , L < 3-5mm 容许 个 1
Only 1 this kind of scratch is accepted
Side C:
W < 0.2mm , L < 1mm 容许 个 4
Only 4 this kind of scratch is accepted
W < 0.2mm , L < 3mm 容许 个 3
Only 3 this kind of scratch is accepted
W < 0.2mm , L < 3-5mm 容许 个 2
Only 2 this kind of scratch is accepted
Severe scratch which disclose the Natural
1. 刮擦伤两两需相距 以上 5cm
Each scratch should be 5cm more far away from each other
4.2 Operational
perational Inspection Criteria
、 、
ANSI Brightness Bright Uniformity FOFO
Full white
、 、
Contrast Ratio CIE white coordinate Throw
、 、
Ratio Zoom Ratio Distortion
Full Dark
FOFO Contrast Ratio
Full Red 、
Impurity CIE coordinate
Full Green 、
Impurity CIE coordinate
Full Blue 、
Impurity CIE coordinate
Chromo 1920
Focus Range
x 1080
Performance/ Timing check/ function check
Test Condition TEST ITEM Input Equipment
Chroma pattern Focus/ Focus range
D-SUB Chroma
PC Mode FULL W , R , G , B Impurity, CIE coordinate, pixel fail
At random PC sound check Audio CD-ROM
HDTV NTSC Picture performance YPbPr Chroma /
DVD NTSC disk/ PAL disk Picture quality Video DVD
picture S-video player
Item Spec. Condition Pattern
Contrast: Preset
ANSI Brightness Minimum 1600Lumens Full white
Brightness: Preset
Contrast: Preset
ANSI Uniformity Minimum 65% Full white
Brightness: Preset
Contrast: Preset
ANSI Contrast Minimum 200:1 Chessboard
Brightness: Preset
Contrast: Preset Full white and Full
FOFO Contrast Ratio Minimum 30000:1
Brightness: Preset dark
≦0.5 lux compared to
Light Leakage center point within 60” Contrast: Preset
Full dark
(In Active Area) (Diagonal at 1.85m) image Brightness: Preset
Light Leakage ≦0.3 lux within” 80” Contrast: Preset
(Diagonal at 1.85m) image Full dark
(Out of Active Area) Brightness: Preset
x=0.277+0.04 Contrast: Preset
CIE white coordinate Full white
y=0.350+0.04 Brightness: Preset
x=0.650+0.03 Contrast: Preset
CIE red coordinate Full Red
y=0.335+0.03 Brightness: Preset
x=0.300+0.03 Contrast: Preset
CIE green coordinate Full Green
y=0.605+0.03 Brightness: Preset
x=0.143+0.03 Contrast: Preset
CIE blue coordinate Full Blue
y=0.055+0.03 Brightness: Preset
Contrast: Preset
Throw Ratio 55.7”±3% Diagonal @ 2M Full white
Brightness: Preset
(W2-W1) / (W1+W2) Contrast: Preset
Keystone Distortion Full white
<1.0% Brightness: Preset
(H1+H2-2×H3)/2H2 Contrast: Preset
Vertical TV Distortion Full white
<1.0% Brightness: Preset
Pixel clear and uniform at Contrast: Preset
Clearly Focus Range Chroma 84 X pattern
1.5~6m Brightness: Preset
Brightness: Preset Chromo 32 gray
Gray Check Should be clear and bright
Contrast: Preset pattern
See See See
DMD Image Quality Defect Classification
Defect Classification Defect Classification
640X480 1280X1024, Contrast: Preset
PC Chromo Test pattern
compressed 1920x1200; Brightness: Preset
Contrast: Preset
Video uding PAL-M, PAL-n) VG828 Test pattern
Brightness: Preset
NTSC (480i)/ 480p/ PAL
Contrast: Preset
YPbPr (576i)/576p, HDTV VG828 Test pattern
Brightness: Preset
4. Power Consumption:
Max. 466W
1W Max. at 100 ~ 240VAC
Standby (disable: loop through, LAN control, audio out,
8.2 Power consumption
Pixelwork function or AWIN, 12V trigger)
Normal Typical 416W@110Vac
ECO Typical 355W@110Vac
4.3 Software/Firmware Upgrade Process
5. Select and install the driver (ubootusb.sys).
6. Finished.
4. Press “Choose” button to select the “pwc980_32M_PFlash_all.inf ” and check the items
(4~6) as below figure. Press “Flash” to start download.
5. Showing the “programming complete” message, then download procedure is over.
6. Reboot projector
Notice After download FW, make sure the adjusted values are written to projector by Service Tool.>
Service Tool –Read and Write data in Main
Main Board
• Need to use service tool to read data from Main board before FW re-
After FW downloaded, need to write data form service tool into Main Board.
• Tool:
– Install W7000 service tool
– PC
• Procedure:
I. Installation:
1. Click “setup.exe” file.
2. Click “OK.”
3. Change an installation dictionary or agree default dictionary and then click the icon button.
4. Enter a new group name or select one from the “Existing Groups” list and then click “Continue.”
5. Click “OK” and a successful installation is completed.
5. Select a folder for saving projector data and a specified COM port and then click “Save” and
6. After selecting a data folder, the folder path is showed in “File Path.”
7. Change to “System Data” form and then click “Read System Data.”
8. ADC calibration data are uploaded first and color temperature data after.
9. After all pages data are uploaded, “Read System Data” is completed.
10. After completing “Read System Data,” there is a folder named “Read Data” added in the selected
folder before.
11. A file named “Scaler.dat” including adjustment data of projector is added in the “Read Data”
12. Turn off projector and the service tool, and then download a new firmware.
14. ADC calibration data are written back first and other data after.
15. After data in all pages are written back, “Retrieve System” is completed.
4.4 Method to enter factory menu:
4.5 ISF Password:
1. Use keypad or remote and then enter “Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right”.
4.6 RS-
RS-232 connection
Make sure that your computer and projector are turned off before connection.
Power on the computer first, and then plug the power cord of the projector.
(It may cause Com port incorrect function, if you do not follow this instruction)
Adapters may be necessary depending on the PC connected to this projector. Please contact with
your dealer for further details.
2. Hardware connection
<Download cable 1> D-sub 9-pin Female for Both terminals :
3 RED 2
7 BLUE 8
9 GRAY 9
Pin Description Pin Description
1 NC 2 RX
3 TX 4 NC
5 GND 6 NC
9 NC
Interface Settings
RS-232 protocol
Baud Rate 115200 bps (default)
Changeable settings in User OSD
Data Length 8 bit
Parity Check None
Stop Bit 1 bit
Flow Control None
a. Open “HyperTerminal”
b. Name this connection
d. Select “115200” bps for baud rate and “None” for flow control
f. Input a valid RS232 command at terminal window, and press “Enter”, projector will receive
command and act. (RS232 command refer to Appendix-RS232 command list)
Example as below :
For example, key-in command to inquiry Volume,
Command Category
Refer to Appendix 2
4.7 Adjustment / Alignment Procedure
4.7.1. Color Wheel Delay Alignment
4.7.2. Overfill adjustment
4.7.3. PC Alignment Procedure
4.7.4. YUV Alignment Procedure
4.7.1. Color Wheel Delay Alignment
1. Enter factory mode
3. Change CW Delay by adjusting the following gray pattern to smooth
32 Gray pattern
4.7.2. Overfill adjustment
1. “Full White Pattern” is suggested for this alignment.
2. Adjust 2 Fold Mirror-alignment Screws (location as below figure shown).
3. Alignment Criteria is to adjust these 2 screws until “No Dark Edges” and “ No Shadows” can be
observed in image.
.3. PC Alignment Procedure
Source – PC
Alignment Procedure
a. Input 16-gray bar pattern with XGA timing 1024x768 @60 Hz (H-Sync: 48.363 kHz, V-Sync:
60.00 Hz, Pixel Clock: 65 MHz)
b. Press the key named as “source”.
c. Select “PC” at the source select page and Press “Enter” to apply.
d. Enter factory mode
e. Enter the page 3 of factory mode.
f. Select “RGB Callibrate” , and press the “right” or “left” key to auto callibration.
g. Wait ADC calibration OSD unfrozen, calibration is complete.
Test Pattern
.4. YUV Alignment Procedure
Equipment – Pattern Generator
Alignment Procedure
a. Input TV-SMPTE-bar pattern with HDTV timing 1080p60 (H-Sync: 67.5 kHz, V-Sync:
60.00 Hz, Pixel Clock: 148.5 MHz)
b. Press the key named as “source”.
c. Select “Component 1” at the source select page and Press “Enter” to apply.
d. Enter factory mode
e. Enter the page 3 of factory mode.
f. Select “YUV Callibrate” , and press the “right” or “left” key to auto callibration.
g. Wait ADC calibration OSD unfrozen, calibration is complete.
Test Pattern
5. Level 2 Circuit Board
Board and Standard Parts Replacement
5.2 Product Disassembly / Assembly
2.Ring zoom
(1) Rotate ring
focus clockwisely
untill the end (it
will get loosen
from the boss), ring zoom,
1 ring focus
then pull it out 1.Ring focus
from the projector.
(2) Operate the
same process to
the ring zoom.
One screw is
near lamp door.
Disassembly the IR
wire and upper upper case,
5 case, then unlock driver
screw*6 and take rear case
off the rear case.
Unlock the
screw*4 and take screw*4,
6 left case,
driver right case
off the left case and
right case.
Unlock the 3
screw*6 and take screw*6,
1 screw shielding
7 driver
off the shielding 4 main BD
main BD.
Disassembly the
8 wires and take off main BD
the main BD.
Unlock the
screw*7 and take screw*7,
9 2 3 shielding
off the shielding driver
Power BD
Power BD
5 6 7
Disassembly the
wires on Power 1
BD, and unlock screw
11 driver Power BD
the screw*1 then
take off the Power
Unlock the 1 5
screw*5 then take screw*5
screw nozzle
13 off the nozzle driver module,
module and 3 blower(fan)
blower (fan). 2
Disassembly the 3 2
screw*4 and take screw*4,
14 driver
off the engine module
1 2 1
Disassembly the
C/W screw *4 and
15 take off the C/W
screw screw *4
driver C/W module
C1 C4
B1 B4
Disassembly the
16 screw*8 and take B2 B3
screw screw*8 ,
driver PL module
off the PL module.
C3 C2
Disassembly the
screw screw*4;
17 screw*4 and take driver LP module
off the LP module. 4 2
Disassembly the
screw*3 and take screw screw*3 ;
18 driver engine cover
off the engine
cover . 3
(1) Disassembly
the screw*3 and 3 4
take off the FM
(2) Disassembly
1 5 FM
FM module
the screw*2 and
take off the ILL
screw ,
driver ILL module
module. ,TIR module
(3) Disassembly
the screw*3 and 2
take off the TIR
Unlock the 1
20 screw*4, and take screw heatsink,
driver DMD
off the heatsink
and the DMD 4 module
5.3 Module Assembly Key Point - Optical Engine
2 PCS Sponge
3 PCS Sponge
Figure 1-3
M2 screw M2 screw
Figure 1-6
Figure 1-7(a) Figure 1-7(b)
Figure 1-8
2. Assembly LP Module
I. LP must datum well with “BKT_LP” shows as Figure2-1
Right Datum
BKT Clip
BTM Datum
Figure 2-1
Alignment Part
Sponge DMD
Fig. 3-2(b)
1 2
HSINK M3 Spring screw
M2 Screw
Baffle DMD
Fig. 3-7
FM Clip FM Spring Adjust
FM Module Screw FM
Screw Spring FM
TIR Module
M3 Screw
Fig. 3-12
LP Module M2 Screw
Clip LP
Tube SL
M3 Screw
Cover ENG
M3 Screw
DB Module
M3 Screw
Fig. 3-20
M2 Screw Mylar DB
Fig. 3-21
CW Module
M3 Screw
CW cable
Fig. 3-22
M3 Screw
Fig. 3-23
Fig. 4-1 Fig. 4-2
Grease Grease
Rotate clockwise
Fig. 4-5
IX. Put Lens Frame on Lens Shift Plate. (Fig. 4-8)
X. Stick the rubber on the joystick and use Joystick through Mylar, Lens Frame and Ball. (Fig.
XI. Assemble Lens Brake on Joystick. (Fig. 4-10)
XII. Put Lens Shift Baffle on Lens Frame. (Fig. 4-11)
XIII. Fix Lens Shift Baffle and Lens Shift Plate by Spring Screw. (Fig. 4-12).Notice the screw
sequence and use the glue to fix.
XIV. Assemble PL on Lens Frame by Screw. (Fig. 4-13)
Fig. 4-8 Fig. 4-9
Mylar Stick
Lens Frame
Lens Shift Baffle
Fig. 4-12 Fig. 4-13
1 3
4 2
Spring Screw
3 Shift for 10 times
2 4
XVII. Paste the rubber on the left Lens Shift Baffle (Fig. 4-16).
XVIII. Assemble CW shield to the HSG DMD(Fig. 4-17).
Fig. 4-16
M2 Screw
CW Shield
Fig. 4-17
5. Assembly Ring Zoom & Focus :
I. Rotate the lens counterclockwise to end.
II. Assembly “RING ZOOM” and lock it counterclockwise.
III. Notice the Mark position.
IV. Assembly “RING FOCUS” and lock it counterclockwise.
5.4 Module Assembly Key Point - Mechanical
1. Upper case module assembly
The upper case module assembly processes are as follows,
1.2 keypad module and Upper case assembly and wire alignment
Insert the keypad module by three bosses. Then put keypad BD align 4 screw holes and fix it by
(8F.VG524.5R0). Finally, plug in the connector and align wire as below shows.
1.3 Mylar of model name assembly
Take off the protect film and place the mylar on the cave of upper case.
2. Nozzle module assembly
Place thermal breaker in the nozzle upper and check words side is outside. Next insert the copper as
figure shows, and check copper surface is inside.
3. Lamp frame module assembly
The screw torque please refer to document of Appendix-1
Step1. Assemble wire door switch in the SHD AC and check red wire is below as figure shows.
Step2. Fix them on the lamp frame with screws (8F.VG524.6R0)*2.
Step3. Assemble plate lamp box with lamp frame through the hole as figure shows. And fix with
screws (8F.1G524.6R0)*2.
Step4. Assemble wire balla/ lamp con. with screw (8F.VG564.8R0), and check the direction. Wrong
direction will not be inserted in.
Step5. Insert the saddle in the location as figure shows.
Step6. Assemble the SHD lamp box with lamp frame and bends 4 slices to fix as figure shows.
4. Whole parts assembly
4-1. Lower case module assembly
Note: All of screws torque please referred to the Torque list
NOTE: Check the flatness after assembly
4-2 Blower and nozzle assembly
Step1. Sponge (4G.0NS17.001) stuck on the flat side of blower. And check no sponge covering the
inlet area.
Step2. Assemble blower and nozzles. Then, take Mylar (4K.0NS04.001) stuck on the blower and align
the screw hole. Tilt the nozzle an angle first, then assemble downward along the ribs of case lower as
figure shows red dot line. Finally, fix them with case lower by screw (8F.VA564.100*2 and
8F.VA564.8R0*3) as figure shows.
4-3 OM housing and inlet fan assembly
Place the OM module on the case lower and fix it by 5 screws. (8F.VG564.8R0*5)
And fixed shielding of CW on the lower case by screw (8F.VA564.8R0*1).
4-4 Ballast board, Lamp frame module assembly and wire path
Step1. Assemble lamp frame and fix it on the case lower by screw (8F.VG564.8R0) and on the OM
module by screw (8F.1G524.6R0).
Assemble Mylar (4K.0NS08.001) with ballast board. Next, assemble wires of ballast/lamp con and
power/ballast 380V and power to ballast signal with power board as upper figure shows.
The wire of ballast to PWR need place between mylar and ballast BD.
Then put them on the case lower and fix them by screw (8F.VA564.8R0*3). At the same time arrange
the wire of balla/lamp con constrained through the wall on the lamp frame, and wind pass the ribs
on the case lower as below figure show. This action should leave more wire length at the end of balla
con, thus could avoid wire out of constraint.
NOTE: When placing them on the case lower, one position is a little tight as yellow mark. So screw 1st
maybe be held with hand. Screw sequence (1 2 3 )
Check the two wires path is as below figure shows.
4-5 Mylar of nozzle assembly and wire alignment
Stick mylar(4K.17F03.001) align the ribs of nozzle as figure shows . Arrange the wire of thermal break
through the boss, then take mylar stuck on the upper nozzle aligning two ribs as figure shows. Finally,
fix mylar with screw (8F.VA564.6R0).
NOTE: Check wire of ballast/lamp con. will be separated by mylar.
Finally, wire of ballast
st/lamp con will be separated
separated as above figure shows.
4-6 Outlet fan assembly and wire alignment
Take sponge (4G.0NS06.001) stuck on the power fan, and align two edges as figure shows. Then place
them on the case lower and press downward tightly.
6-8 Lower shielding assembly
Add a mylar and align the edge of hole as blue dotted line shows in the below figure.
Step2. Place lower shielding and fix 1st screw (8F.1G524.6R0). Operator should hold the shielding and
screw (8F.VG564.8R0*2). Next, fix it by screw (8F.VA564.8R*3). Be careful the left screw must be fixed
with the clip and the clip isn’t allowed out of the edge of power board as the below picture. Finally, fix
screw (8F.1D526.6R0)
Step3. Assembly wire constrained by clip and wire path is under the Mylar of blower. Avoid wire
scraping by the pins of power board component.
4-9 MB assembly
Add 4 pcs clips at AV port to touch top shielding.
Assemble MB on the lower shielding and press MB to connect with chip board tightly.
Next, wires and screws (8F.1G524.6R0*7) assemble; check two tails of wire 6 and 7 should be fixed
with screws.
1. color wheel to MB
2. color wheel signal
3. DB signal
4. DB to MB
5. blower to MB
6. PWR BD to MB
7. keypad BD to MB
8. outlet fan(front)
9. outlet fan(left)
DB signal DB to MB
color wheel Outlet fan
color wheel
Assemble the Mylar on the SHD Main BD and align the SHD edge as figure shows.
4-13 Wires assembly and alignment
Step1. Arrange wire of lamp fan constrain by saddle on the lamp frame module.
NOTE: Check 3 wires constrain by saddle as figure shows.
6. Left case assembly
Assemble left case on the case lower, and check the hook constrain by ribs and screw (8F.VA564.8R0)
as figure shows.
NOTE: Check the rib of left case covering the louver inside.
7. Rear case assembly
Assemble rear case with whole parts through connectors. Then insert the IR lens, and screws
(8F.5A724.8R0*2) at HDMI area and screws (8F.20FB4.7R0*4) at RS-232 and PC area.
8. Upper case assembly
Assemble wire of keypad BD to MB with upper case and check the wire should be close to ribs not
placed on the main board shielding. Next, press upper case downward to fix it by ribs around. Finally,
screw (8F.VA564.8R0*2) as figure shows.
11. Cosmetic_front assembly
Step1. Assemble 1st sponge stuck on the irregular incline surface of case cosmetic and align the edge
of incline and edge of injection pin as figure shows.
Step3. Assemble 2nd sponge starting at the end of 1st sponge, and also along the edge of incline surface.
Step4. First, use one hand to press down on hook in the cosmetic front. Then, assemble the cosmetic
front use the other hand to push cosmetic front as figure shows.
13. Screws assembly
And screws to fix case upper vs. case lower and case rear vs. case lower.
Screw (8F.1A524.8R0)*6…..(a)
Assemble screws to fix top and bottom case.
Screw (8F.VA564.8R0)*6…..(b)
Note: Use the jig to hold the housing, this action makes the upper and lower bosses aligned, finally
screw assembly.
14. Lamp module assembly
Plug lamp module into position tightly, and check the two planes are face to face exactly as below
figure shows.
Finally, screw assembly.
Step 2. Assemble lamp door on the position and screw (8F.5A724.7R0*2). Screw sequence 12.
Finally, this model assembly is finished as below picture.
5.5 Block Diagram
Hardware Architecture
Keypad Main Thermal break
Circuit Operation sensor Circuit
DLP CW Index
Input sensor
Source Operation board
Circuit Circuit
From AC Door
interlock EMI PFC Ballast
socket Circuit Module
switch Filter
To Lamp
Figure 1
5.6 Trouble shooting
Chapter 1 - Optical Trouble Shooting Guide
No. Item Trouble Shooting Guide
1. Change lamp
1 Brightness
2. Check DB system
1. Change lamp
2. Check TIR
2 Uniformity
3. Check LP
4. Change Tube
1. Check ADC calibration
2. Check user’s menu and Factory/DLP brightness & contrast
3 FOFO Contrast
are default
3. Check DB system
4 ANSI Contrast 1. Clean PL
1. Check ADC
5 Color
2. Check color wheel
1. Change lamp
6 Color Uniformity
2. Check color wheel
1. Check overfill size: If overfill size is too small, re-adjust
7 Blue Edge
overfill size with overfill alignment procedure
8 Focus 1. Change Projection Lens
9 Dust Clean DMD and TIR
Chapter 2 - Power Trouble Shooting Guide
Chapter 3 - LED Messages Definition
LED Indicator Table:
Power Temp Lamp Status Note
O - - Stand-by
G - - Powering up
G - - Normal operation
O O O Download Updater
Burn-In Messages
G G G Burn-in ON
O - O Burn-in OFF
G G G Burn-in powering up
- R - Fan 1 error (the actual fan speed is ±25% outside the desired speed)
- R R Fan 2 error (the actual fan speed is ±25% outside the desired speed)
- R G Fan 3 error (the actual fan speed is ±25% outside the desired speed)
System Error
Error Messages
Chapter 4 - Error Count Messages Definition
Projector System will auto turn off and cooling when it detect error. This model provides two ways to
indicate error in projector.
Error count record in factory area
LED error message on keypad
Appendix 1 – Screw List / Torque
Model name : W6000/W7000
Appendix 2 - Code List: IR / RS232 / DDC Data
enable Page Up function.
19 Page Down By pressing “Page Down” button, 0x06 NO
could enable Page Down function.
20 Contrast Displays the CONTRAST setting bar. 0x11 Yes
21 SWAP 0x12 NO
22 Aspect Select the display aspect ratios. 0x13 NO
23 Mute Mutes the built-in speaker. 0x14 NO
24 Enter Enter key for OSD menu. 0x15 Yes
25 Brightness Displays the BRIGHTNESS setting 0x16 Yes
26 Wireless channel 0x17 NO
27 Audio 0x1A NO
28 PIP Turns the PIP window on or off and 0x1B Yes
makes related adjustments.
29 POP 0x1C NO
30 PAP 0x1D NO
31 Capture 0x1E NO
32 S-video Displays the S-VIDEO source 0x1F Yes
33 Information Starts the INFORMATION function. 0x20 NO
34 Timer ON 0x25 NO
35 Timer Setup 0x26 NO
36 RGBHV Displays the PC source selection. 0x40 NO
37 PC Displays the PC source selection. 0x41 Yes
38 DVI-D Displays the DVI-D source selection. 0x42 NO
39 DVI-A Displays the DVI-A source selection. 0x43 NO
40 DVI-I Displays the DVI-I source selection. 0x44 NO
41 RGB-PC2 Displays the PC 2 source selection. 0x45 NO
42 Power Off Turns off the projector. 0x4E Yes
43 Power On Turns on the projector. Ox4F Yes
44 Comp2 Displays the COMPONENT 2 source Ox50 NO
45 Comp Displays the COMPONENT 1/2 0x51 Yes
source selection.
46 Video Displays the Video source selection. 0x52 Yes
47 CVBS-2 Displays the CVBS-2 source 0x53 NO
48 S-video2 Displays the S-Video 2 source 0x54 NO
49 HDMI1 Displays the HDMI1 source 0x58 Yes
50 HDMI2 Displays the HDMI2 source 0x59 Yes
51 ANA Selects the ANA aspect ratio. 0x70 Yes
52 4:3 Selects the 4:3 aspect ratio. 0x71 Yes
53 LB Selects the LB aspect ratio. 0x72 Yes
54 WIDE Selects the WIDE aspect ratio. 0x73 Yes
55 REAL Selects the REAL aspect ratio. 0x74 Yes
56 User1 Load User 1 picture mode 0x75 Yes
57 User2/ISF Night Load User 2 picture mode(or ISF 0x76 Yes
NIGHT when ISF active)
58 User3/ISF Day Load User 3 picture mode(or ISF Day 0x77 Yes
when ISF active)
59 Default Go to Reset Settings OSD (Will Reset 0x78 Yes
“Picture Setting” Value)
60 COLOR Displays the COLOR setting bar. 0x79 Yes
61 TINT Displays the TINT setting bar. 0x7A Yes
62 ACTIVE Select PIP Active Window 0x7B Yes
63 IRIS Displays the setting bar for the 0x7C NO
adjustment of the motorized
aperture lens IRIS.
64 Brilliant Color 0x7D NO
65 Memory Select the User memory settings. 0x80 NO
66 Volumn+ 0x82 NO
67 Volumn- 0x83 NO
68 Exit Goes back to previous OSD menu, 0x85 Yes
exits and saves menu settings.
69 Key Lock 0x87 NO
70 PAN 0x88 NO
71 Lens Displays the setting page for the 0x8A NO
adjustment of the motorized vertical
Lens shift value.
72 Focus 0x8B NO
73 Zoom 0x8C NO
74 V-keystone 0x8E NO
75 H-keystone 0x8F NO
76 Size Change PIP Size 0x90 Yes
77 Position Rotate PIP Position 0x91 Yes
78 Return 0x92 NO
79 My Screen 0x93 NO
80 Pattern 0x94 NO
81 On(Split screen) 0x95 NO
82 Off(Split screen) 0x96 NO
83 3D Go to 3D OSD menu 0x9C Yes
84 INVERT 3D Sync Invert 0x9D Yes
2. RS-
RS-232 Command Code
Function Type Operation ASCII Support
Power Write Power On <CR>*pow=on#<CR> YES
Write Power off <CR>*pow=off#<CR> YES
Read Power Status <CR>*pow=?#<CR> YES
Source Write COMPUTER/YpbPr <CR>*sour=RGB#<CR> YES
Selection Write COMPUTER 2/YpbPr2 <CR>*sour=RGB2#<CR> YES
Write Component <CR>*sour=ypbr#<CR> YES
Write DVI-A <CR>*sour=dviA#<CR> NO
Write DVI-D <CR>*sour=dvid#<CR> NO
Write HDMI <CR>*sour=hdmi#<CR> YES
Write HDMI 2 <CR>*sour=hdmi2#<CR> YES
Write Composite <CR>*sour=vid#<CR> YES
Write S-Video <CR>*sour=svid#<CR> YES
Write Network <CR>*sour=network#<CR> NO
Write USB Display <CR>*sour=usbdisplay#<CR> NO
Write USB Reader <CR>*sour=usbreader#<CR> NO
Read Current source <CR>*sour=?#<CR> YES
Audio Control Write Mute On <CR>*mute=on#<CR> NO
Write Mute Off <CR>*mute=off#<CR> NO
Read Mute Status <CR>*mute=?#<CR> NO
Write Volume + <CR>*vol=+#<CR> NO
Write Volume - <CR>*vol=-#<CR> NO
Read Volume Status <CR>*vol=?#<CR> NO
Write Mic. Volume + <CR>*micvol=+#<CR> NO
Write Mic. Volume - <CR>*micvol=-#<CR> NO
Read Mic. Volume Status <CR>*micvol=?#<CR> NO
Audio source Write Audio pass Through off <CR>*audiosour=off#<CR> NO
select Write Audio-Computer1 <CR>*audiosour=RGB#<CR> NO
Write Audio-Computer2 <CR>*audiosour=RGB2#<CR> NO
Write Audio-Video/S-Video <CR>*audiosour=vid#<CR> NO
Write Audio-Component <CR>*audiosour=ypbr#<CR> NO
Write Audio-HDMI <CR>*audiosour=hdmi#<CR> NO
Write Audio-HDMI2 <CR>*audiosour=hdmi2#<CR> NO
Read Audio pass Status <CR>*audiosour=?#<CR> NO
Picture Mode Write Dynamic <CR>*appmod=dynamic#<CR> YES
Write Presentation <CR>*appmod=preset#<CR> NO
Write sRGB <CR>*appmod=srgb#<CR> NO
Write Bright <CR>*appmod=bright#<CR> NO
Write Living Room <CR>*appmod=livingroom#<CR> NO
Write Game <CR>*appmod=game#<CR> NO
Write Cinema <CR>*appmod=cine#<CR> YES
Write Standard <CR>*appmod=std#<CR> YES
Write User1 <CR>*appmod=user1#<CR> YES
Write User2 <CR>*appmod=user2#<CR> YES
Write User3 <CR>*appmod=user3#<CR> YES
Read Picture Mode <CR>*appmod=?#<CR> YES
Picture Setting Write Contrast + <CR>*con=+#<CR> YES
Write Contrast - <CR>*con=-#<CR> YES
Read Contrast value <CR>*con=?#<CR> YES
Write Brightness + <CR>*bri=+#<CR> YES
Write Brightness - <CR>*bri=-#<CR> YES
Read Brightness value <CR>*bri=?#<CR> YES
Write Color + <CR>*color=+#<CR> YES
Write Color - <CR>*color=-#<CR> YES
Read Color value <CR>*color=?#<CR> YES
Write Sharpness + <CR>*sharp=+#<CR> YES
Write Sharpness - <CR>*sharp=-#<CR> YES
Read Sharpness value <CR>*sharp=?#<CR> YES
Write Color Temperature-Warmer <CR>*ct=warmer#<CR> NO
Write Color Temperature-Warm <CR>*ct=warm#<CR> YES
Write Color Temperature-Normal <CR>*ct=normal#<CR> YES
Write Color Temperature-Cool <CR>*ct=cool#<CR> YES
Write Color Temperature-Cooler <CR>*ct=cooler#<CR> NO
Read Color Temperature Status <CR>*ct=?#<CR> YES
Write Aspect 4:3 <CR>*asp=4:3#<CR> YES
Write Aspect 16:9 <CR>*asp=16:9#<CR> NO
Write Aspect 16:10 <CR>*asp=16:10#<CR> NO
Write Aspect Auto <CR>*asp=AUTO#<CR> NO
Write Aspect Real <CR>*asp=REAL#<CR> YES
Write Aspect Letterbox <CR>*asp=LBOX#<CR> YES
Write Aspect Wide <CR>*asp=WIDE#<CR> YES
Write Aspect Anamorphic <CR>*asp=ANAM#<CR> YES
Read Aspect Status <CR>*asp=?#<CR> YES
Write Digital Zoom In <CR>*zoomI#<CR> NO
Write Digital Zoom out <CR>*zoomO#<CR> NO
Write Auto <CR>*auto#<CR> YES
Write Brilliant color on <CR>*BC=on#<CR> YES
Write Brilliant color off <CR>*BC=off#<CR> YES
Read Brilliant color status <CR>*BC=?#<CR> YES
Operation Write Projector Position-Front Table <CR>*pp=FT#<CR> YES
Settings Write Projector Position-Rear Table <CR>*pp=RE#<CR> YES
Write Projector Position-Rear Ceiling <CR>*pp=RC#<CR> YES
Write Projector Position-Front Ceiling <CR>*pp=FC#<CR> YES
Read Projector Position Status <CR>*pp=?#<CR> YES
Write Quick auto search <CR>*QAS=on#<CR> YES
Write Quick auto search <CR>*QAS=off#<CR> YES
Read Quick auto search status <CR>*QAS=?#<CR> YES
Write Direct Power On-on <CR>*directpower=on#<CR> NO
Write Direct Power On-off <CR>*directpower=off#<CR> NO
Read Direct Power On-Status <CR>*directpower=?#<CR> NO
Write Signal Power On-on <CR>*autopower=on#<CR> NO
Write Signal Power On-off <CR>*autopower=off#<CR> NO
Read Signal Power On-Status <CR>*autopower=?#<CR> NO
Write Standby Settings-Network on <CR>*standbynet=on#<CR> NO
Write Standby Settings-Network off <CR>*standbynet=off#<CR> NO
Read Standby Settings-Network Status <CR>*standbynet=?#<CR> NO
Write Standby Settings-Microphone on <CR>*standbymic=on#<CR> NO
Write Standby Settings-Microphone off <CR>*standbymic=off#<CR> NO
Read Standby Settings-Microphone Status <CR>*standbymic=?#<CR> NO
Write Standby Settings-Monitor Out on <CR>*standbymnt=on#<CR> NO
Write Standby Settings-Monitor Out off <CR>*standbymnt=off#<CR> NO
Read Standby Settings-Monitor Out Status <CR>*standbymnt=?#<CR> NO
Baud Rate Write 2400 <CR>*baud=2400#<CR> YES
Write 4800 <CR>*baud=4800#<CR> YES
Write 9600 <CR>*baud=9600#<CR> YES
Write 14400 <CR>*baud=14400#<CR> NO
Write 19200 <CR>*baud=19200#<CR> YES
Write 38400 <CR>*baud=38400#<CR> YES
Write 57600 <CR>*baud=57600#<CR> YES
Write 115200 <CR>*baud=115200#<CR> YES
Read Current Baud Rate <CR>*baud=?#<CR> YES
Lamp Control Read Lamp Hour <CR>*ltim=?#<CR> YES
Read Lamp2 Hour <CR>*ltim2=?#<CR> NO
Write Normal mode <CR>*lampm=lnor#<CR> YES
Write Eco mode <CR>*lampm=eco#<CR> YES
Write Smart Eco mode <CR>*lampm=seco#<CR> NO
Write Dual Brightest <CR>* lampm =dualbr#<CR> NO
Write Dual Reliable <CR>* lampm =dualre#<CR> NO
Write Single Alternative <CR>* lampm =single#<CR> NO
Write Single Alternative Eco <CR>* lampm =singleeco#<CR> NO
Read Lamp Mode Status <CR>*lampm=?#<CR> YES
Miscellaneous Read Model Name <CR>*modelname=?#<CR> YES
Write Blank On <CR>*blank=on#<CR> NO
Write Blank Off <CR>*blank=off#<CR> NO
Read Blank Status <CR>*blank=?#<CR> NO
Write Freeze On <CR>*freeze=on#<CR> NO
Write Freeze Off <CR>*freeze=off#<CR> NO
Read Freeze Status <CR>*freeze=?#<CR> NO
Write Menu On <CR>*menu=on#<CR> YES
Write Menu Off <CR>*menu=off#<CR> YES
Write Up <CR>*up#<CR> YES
Write Down <CR>*down#<CR> YES
Write Right <CR>*right#<CR> YES
Write Left <CR>*left#<CR> YES
Write Enter <CR>*enter#<CR> YES
Write 3D Sync Off <CR>*3d=off#<CR> NO
Write 3D Sync Top Bottom <CR>*3d=tb#<CR> NO
Write 3D Sync Frame Sequential <CR>*3d=fs#<CR> NO
Read 3D Sync Status <CR>*3d=?#<CR> NO
Write Remote Receiver-front+rear <CR>*rr=fr#<CR> NO
Write Remote Receiver-front <CR>*rr=f#<CR> NO
Write Remote Receiver-rear <CR>*rr=r#<CR> NO
Read Remote Receiver Status <CR>*rr=?#<CR> NO
Write Instant On-on <CR>*ins=on#<CR> NO
Write Instant On-off <CR>*ins=off#<CR> NO
Read Instant On Status <CR>*ins=?#<CR> NO
Write Lamp Saver Mode-on <CR>*lpsaver=on#<CR> NO
Write Lamp Saver Mode-off <CR>*lpsaver=off#<CR> NO
Read Lamp Saver Mode Status <CR>*lpsaver=?#<CR> NO
Write Projection Log In Code on <CR>*prjlogincode=on#<CR> NO
Write Projection Log In Code off <CR>*prjlogincode=off#<CR> NO
Read Projection Log In Code Status <CR>*prjlogincode=?#<CR> NO
Write Broadcasting on <CR>*broadcasting=on#<CR> NO
Write Broadcasting off <CR>*broadcasting=off#<CR> NO
Read Broadcasting Status <CR>*broadcasting=?<CR> NO
Write AMX Device Discovery-on <CR>*amxdd=on#<CR> NO
Write AMX Device Discovery-off <CR>*amxdd=off#<CR> NO
Read AMX Device Discovery Status <CR>*amxdd=?#<CR> NO
Read Mac Address <CR>*macaddr=?#<CR> NO
Write High Altitude mode on <CR>*Highaltitude=on#<CR> YES
Write High Altitude mode off <CR>*Highaltitude=off#<CR> YES
Read High Altitude mode status <CR>*Highaltitude=?#<CR> YES
Analog EDID Digital EDID Digital EDID
09 D1 02 15 01 01 01 01 09 D1 02 15 01 01 01 01 09 D1 02 15 01 01 01 01
1E 15 01 03 0E 00 00 78 1E 15 01 03 80 00 00 78 1E 15 01 03 80 00 00 78
2A BC 82 A6 55 4C 9B 24 2A BC 82 A6 55 4C 9B 24 2A BC 82 A6 55 4C 9B 24
0E 47 59 BF EF 80 31 59 0E 47 59 BF EF 80 45 59 0E 47 59 BF EF 80 45 59
45 59 61 59 81 80 A9 40 61 59 81 80 A9 40 71 4F 61 59 81 80 A9 40 71 4F
71 4F 81 40 61 C0 02 3A 81 40 61 7C 81 FC 02 3A 81 40 61 7C 81 FC 02 3A
80 18 71 38 2D 40 58 2C 80 18 71 38 2D 40 58 2C 80 18 71 38 2D 40 58 2C
45 00 00 00 00 00 00 1E 45 00 00 00 00 00 00 1E 45 00 00 00 00 00 00 1E
00 00 00 FD 00 30 55 1F 00 00 00 FD 00 17 78 1F 00 00 00 FD 00 17 78 1F
5C 11 00 0A 20 20 20 20 63 11 00 0A 20 20 20 20 63 11 00 0A 20 20 20 20
20 20 00 00 00 FE 00 42 20 20 00 00 00 FE 00 42 20 20 00 00 00 FE 00 42
65 6E 51 0A 20 20 20 20 65 6E 51 0A 20 20 20 20 65 6E 51 0A 20 20 20 20
20 20 20 20 00 00 00 FC 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 FC 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 FC
00 57 37 30 30 30 0A 20 00 57 37 30 30 30 0A 20 00 57 37 30 30 30 0A 20
20 20 20 20 20 20 00 81 20 20 20 20 20 20 01 4E 20 20 20 20 20 20 01 4E
6 02 03 1F 31 4D 90 1F 20 02 03 1F 31 4D 90 1F 20
OEM 21 22 05 14 04 13 12 03 21 22 05 14 04 13 12 03
BENQ 07 16 6C 03 0C 00 10 00 07 16 6C 03 0C 00 20 00
ADT 18 2D 20 A0 02 01 41 02 18 2D 20 A0 02 01 41 02
A5 3A 80 18 71 38 2D 40 58 3A 80 18 71 38 2D 40 58
ddc2 2C 45 00 00 00 00 00 00 2C 45 00 00 00 00 00 00
1A 01 1D 80 18 71 1C 16 1A 01 1D 80 18 71 1C 16
20 58 2C 25 00 00 00 00 20 58 2C 25 00 00 00 00
00 00 9E 01 1D 80 D0 72 00 00 9E 01 1D 80 D0 72
1C 16 20 10 2C 25 80 00 1C 16 20 10 2C 25 80 00
00 00 00 00 9E 8C 0A D0 00 00 00 00 9E 8C 0A D0
8A 20 E0 2D 10 10 3E 96 8A 20 E0 2D 10 10 3E 96
00 00 00 00 00 00 18 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 18 01
1D 00 BC 52 D0 1A 20 B8 1D 00 BC 52 D0 1A 20 B8
28 55 40 00 00 00 00 00 28 55 40 00 00 00 00 00
1E 00 00 00 00 00 00 E6 1E 00 00 00 00 00 00 D6
6 6
A5 A5
ddc2 ddc2
Appendix 3 – Ceiling Mount Drawing
M6, max screw length (L),
L=ceiling arm thickness+8mm