Lec 9
Lec 9
Lec 9
Lec. 9
Detailed Security Risk assessment
the potential that a given threat will exploit vulnerabilities of
of assets to cause loss or damage to the system.
minor expenditure to rectify.
Result of a security breach in one or two areas. Impact is likely to
last less than a week, but can be dealt with at the segment or project
level without management intervention. Can generally be rectified
within project or team resources.
3 Moderate Limited systemic (and possibly ongoing) security breaches. Impact
is likely to last up to 2 weeks and generally requires management
intervention. Will have ongoing compliance costs to overcome.
4 Major Ongoing systemic security breach. Impact will likely last 4-8 weeks
and require significant management intervention and resources to
overcome, and compliance costs are expected to be substantial.
Loss of business or organizational outcomes is possible, but not
expected, especially if this is a once off.
5 Catastrophic Major systemic security breach. Impact will last for 3 months or
more and senior management will be required to intervene for the
duration of the event to overcome shortcomings. Compliance costs
are expected to be very substantial. Substantial public or political
debate about, and loss of confidence in, the organization is likely.
Possible criminal or disciplinary action is likely.
6 Doomsday Multiple instances of major systemic security breaches. Impact
duration cannot be determined and senior management will be
required to place the company under voluntary administration or
other form of major restructuring. Criminal proceedings against
senior management is expected, and substantial loss of business and
Determine Resultant Risk
Likelihood Doomsday Catastrophic Major Moderate Minor Insignificant
Almost E E E E H H
Likely E E E H H M
Possible E E E H M L
Unlikely E E H M L L
Rare E H H M L L
provide senior management with the information needed to make appropriate decisions
as how to best manage the identified risks
The risks with the higher ratings are those that need action most urgently.
Risk Treatment
Risk Treatment Alternatives
• Risk acceptance: accept risk (perhaps because of
excessive cost of risk treatment)
• Risk avoidance: do not proceed with the activity that
causes the risk (loss of convenience)
• Risk transfer: buy insurance; outsource
• Reduce consequence: modify the uses of an asset to
reduce risk impact (e.g., offsite backup)
• Reduce likelihood: implement suitable controls
Case Study: Silver Star Mines
• Global mining company
• large IT infrastructure
– Common application software
– Some Applications relates to health & safety
– Isolated systems now networked
• Decided on using combined approach
• Mining industry is a less risky sector
• Management accepts moderate or low risk
• Reliability and integrity of SCADA nodes and net
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
• Integrity of stored file and database information
• Availability, integrity of financial system
• Availability, integrity of procurement system
• Availability, integrity of maintenance/production system
• Availability, integrity and confidentiality of mail services
موثوقية وسالمة عقد SCADAوالشبكة
سالمة الملفات المخزنة ومعلومات قاعدة البيانات
توافر وسالمة النظام المالي توافر وسالمة نظام المشتريات
توافر وسالمة نظام الصيانة /اإلنتاج
توافر ونزاهة وسرية الخدمات البريدية
Threats & Vulnerabilities
• unauthorized modification of control system
• corruption, theft, loss of information
• attacks/errors affecting procurement system
• attacks/errors affecting financial system
• attacks/errors affecting mail system
• attacks/errors maintenance/production system
Risk Register
Asset Threat/ Existing Likelihood Consequence Level of Risk Priority
Vulnerability Controls Risk
Reliability and integrity Unauthorized layered Rare Major High 1
of the SCADA nodes and modification of firewalls
network control system & servers
Integrity of stored file Corruption, firewall, Possible Major Extreme 2
and database theft, loss of policies
information info
Availability and Attacks/errors firewall, Possible Moderate High 3
integrity of Financial affecting system policies
Availability and Attacks/errors firewall, Possible Moderate High 4
integrity of affecting system policies
Procurement System
Availability and Attacks/errors firewall, Possible Minor Medium 5
integrity of affecting system policies
Production System
Availability, integrity Attacks/errors firewall, Almost Minor High 6
and confidentiality of affecting system ext mail Certain
mail services gateway