MBA Guidelines

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Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), Pune

Centre for Distance and Online Education

Name of the Paper Setter

MBA/MBA HR 304-Internship Project Report (Project Work)


Sr. No. Contents Details

At least 4 pages and should follow the guidelines given

below-(Double Space & 12 Font Size, Times New Roman)
◻ Introduction
1 Synopsis ◻ Objectives
◻ Scope& Limitations
◻ Statement of Problems/ Need of the study
◻ Literature review
◻ Sources of Data Collection
◻ Technique of the analysis
◻ Proposed structure (Design)
◻ Chapter scheme: With brief discussion
◻ Working bibliography

2 Publication Research Paper Publication in Indexed Journal i.e Scopus and UGC Care
Listed Journals etc.
For preparing ‘Exhaustive and detailed Research Project Report’ on the
selected topic students are expected to follow the guidelines and given design:
◻ Front Cover
◻ Title Page
◻ Approval Sheet (Viva Voce Committee)
◻ Certificate by College
◻ Declaration
◻ Acknowledgement
3 ◻ Contents (Index)
◻ Table & Charts (If applicable)
◻ Chapter No. 1 Research Methodology
◻ Chapter No. 2 Company Profile
◻ Chapter No. 3 Subject Literature
◻ Chapter No. 4 Data Analysis and Interpretations
◻ Chapter No. 5 Findings and Suggestions
◻ Chapter No. 6 Conclusion
◻ Bibliography
◻ Appendix
Plagiarism Attached Plagiarism Report Without it Project Report not accepted
4 Verification

5 Viva Viva voce will be conducted by a panel of internal and external examiners.

1) Preparation of Project Synopsis

After selection of the guide and finalizing the topic, the Project Synopsis should
be prepared in consultation with the guide. The Synopsis of the proposed
project should essentially havethe following:
(i) Introduction: A brief background about the subject chosen for study.

(ii) Rationale: Why a particular topic has been chosen for the project work 2.

(iii) Literature Review: Review of the existing literature related to your

topic of project work

(iv) Objectives: This is the most important aspect of any project. It should
mention clearly and precisely the things which you hope will be able to
know/achieve at the end of the study. These may be clearly stated in
behavioral terms.
Objectives need to be expressed in neutral manner, without any
implicit assumptions about the findings of the research.
(v) Research Methodology:
• Research Design
• Nature and source of data/information to be collected.
• Sample and sampling techniques. Rationale of chosen issues and the sample.
• Tools and Techniques to be used for data collection – details of
the tools/questionnaire to be used and its relevance with the objectives of
the project.
• Method/s to be used for data collection. Data handling and analysis-
organization and analysis of data. Statistical tools to be used for analysis.
Relevance of statistical tools with the objectives of the project.
(vi) Implications of the Study
(vii) Limitations of the proposed project, if any.
2) Submission of Project Synopsis
Approved Synopsis upload on the link

Summer Training Project

Students must read these guidelines carefully and clarify doubts, if any, before

proceeding forProject.

At the end of Part-I, in the III semester every student shall be required to undergo
training in business organization or NGO or service organization for a period of 50 days
during the vacation as a part of Project Report preparation.(After completion of
Semester II) The course code is MBA-304

The students have to submit a project synopsis at the end of second semester of the programme
and after its approval the student can start its project work.

The project report has to be submitted by the student in third semester of the programme.

Objective of the training project is

To expose the students to the organizational work culture

To obtain knowledge and understanding of technical and operational aspects of the

The organization where student intends to join for internship projects will be

(i) Joint Stock Co. (either public or private) or Government Co.

(ii) Registered Partnership or Official Franchise

(iii) Central or State Government Department or Agency including Defense Organization

(iv) Non-Government Organization or Non-Profit Societies. Associations or Bodies incorporated

under law of the land.

A certificate showing the duration of the training project work shall be obtained from
the organization for which the project work was done and it shall be included in
the projectreport.
Viva based on student’s Training Project will be held in during the Semester III

The Training Project report will be evaluated for 100 marks. The project is to be done
Steps Involved in Summer Training

(a) During the Summer Training

During the period of study, it is imperative that students maintain a diary/ notebook for
recording activities observed & carried out. Gather secondary data by obtaining company
documents, manuals,information booklets/leaflets, product lists, price lists catalogues, annual
reports publicity material etc. Identify the Business Establishment Join the organization / get
attached as a Trainee / surveyor

Maintain attendance record & diary

Involve & observe their conduct of activities/ working or execute the assigned tasks

Procure certificate of attendance and completion of summer training project from concerned
authority / officials on satisfactory completion of the Summer Training. The organization, where
student intends to be trained, will be approved by the college authority who will also monitor
the records relating to his/her work in the organization. At the end of training, the student to
that effect will submit certificate.

The Project Report writing will be undertaken under the guidance of faculty based on the work
experience gained by the student.

Along with the date to topic, following general information is to be collected by the student
irrespective of their functional areas/topic etc.

1. Sales performance for last five years (Product wise if possible) a) In Units b) in Rupees.
2. Number of Employees, different section wise with due classification like skilled, semi-
skilled, unskilled workers, officers, managers, etc.
3. Organizational Charts (with Explanation).
4. Annual Reports for last 5 years.
5. Historical the ground of the company.
6. Future plants of the company.
7. Product, literature, photographs of the products, technical details etc.
8. List of Competitors.
9. Other relevant information such as future plans, export strategy, market share of the
10. comparative area if the operation etc.
General Instructions: -

1. It is desirable that a student undertakes the summer assignment pertaining to his area of
specialization in the final year. This provides deep insights & a comprehensive understanding of the
preferred area of interest. But it is essential that the student conduct a thorough study of the

2. Study the entire organization carefully with special emphasis on the topic selected/assigned.

3. Collect all the date required to complete the project. (Originally filled survey Questionnaires should
be available with the students at all the time. In case they submit/deposit these questionnaires to
their respective company, they must obtain a written statement on their Certificate indicating how
many such questionnaires were deposited. Failures to procedure these questionnaires or the deposit
statement on the certificate can lead to cancellation of their project).

4. Do maximum reading of Journals, Periodicals etc. to improve your understanding of the subject.

5. When two or more student is doing project in the same organization, see to it that there is no
duplication of matter, which may lead to copying. This can be done by taking up different project
title in/or different functional areas like Marketing, Personnel, and Finance etc.

6.Discuss the progress of your project work with the faculty guide and write the minutes of the
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction

1. About the Company (Formation, Vision, Mission, Objectives, Functions, Product &

services, Organizational Structure, SWOT Analysis)

2. Environmental Scanning –Political environment, Economic environment, Socio-Cultural

Environment, technological environment, environmental issues (Green environment) and

Legal environment.

3. Porters five forces model of competition –Michael Porter

Chapter 2: Conceptual Discussion

1. Review of Literature (Discussion about the work done by others on similar issues and

published articles/books/research projects etc.)

2. Current Issues (From Newspaper, Journals –For Company and Industry)

3. History and Development of Company and Industry

4. New Development of Company and Industry

Chapter 3: Research Methodology

1. Statement of the Problem

2. Objectives & Scope of Study

3. Managerial usefulness of study

4. Type of Research and research Design

5. Data Collection Methods

6. Limitations of Study
Chapter 4: Data Analysis

1. Methods and techniques of data analysis (Questionnaire, Graphs, Statistical Methods,

SPSS etc.)

2. Primary Data Analysis

3. Secondary Data Analysis

Chapter 5: Findings & ConclusionsChapter

6: Suggestions


Here sample Questionnaires and any other relevant documents may be


Reference Books, Journals, Newspapers, Web Sites, Reports etc are to be listed out here.


E. g. Kotler Philips, Marketing Management Analysis, Planning Implementations &

ControlEdition, 1998. Prentice Hall of India Ltd. New Delhi.

Magazines Journals & Newspaper.

E.g. Name of the articles, Business Today: 15-22 May 200, Name of the articles, The

Times ofIndia. Mumbai: 21st May 2000.

Evaluation of PROJECT

20 marks for Synopsis writing

20Marks for Research Article Publication

40 mark for presentation and Viva Voce examination based on the Report.

20 marks will be awarded by internal guide based upon attending Counseling programme on
project and timely submission of project.

Final Project Submitted as per Hardbound Guidelines :

At Institute Learner Centre

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