Project Detail
Project Detail
Project Detail
The Project Course is one of the important courses of MBA programme. This course is of 8 credits (equivalent to
two courses). However, for registration purposes the Project Course (MMPP-001) is treated as one course. For
this course no additional study material is provided.
The basic purpose of this course is to help the learners develop ability to apply multi-disciplinary concepts, tools
and techniques to analyse and logically approach the organisational problems. The course also exposes the
students to industrial situations and exposes them to organisational environment. The Project study should be on
a topic preferably from your area of specialisation in MBA.
The Process:
In order to proceed with your project course the approval of the synopsis is necessary. Only on the approval of
the synopsis the project work could actually be taken up. The process involved in the evaluation and final
approval of the synopsis is explained below:
The learner can select any topic of her/his choice, preferably in their area of specialisation. The title should be
definitive communicating key information about the thesis. It should convey the subject matter being covered in
the project. The Project work can be either –
2) Selection of Guide
Once you are clear about the field in which the work is to be taken up, then contact a person who has experience
in that area and is interested in guiding, provided s/he fulfils the specified eligibility criteria.
3) Preparation of Synopsis
After selection of the guide and finalising the topic, the Project Proposal (Synopsis) should be prepared in
consultation with the guide. The proposal of the proposed project should essentially have the following:
(i) Introduction: a brief background about the subject chosen for study.
(ii) Rationale: why a particular topic has been chosen for the project work.
(iii) Objectives: This is the most important aspect of any project. It should mention clearly and precisely the
things which you hope will be able to know/achieve at the end of the study. These may be clearly stated
in behavioural terms. Objectives need to be expressed in a neutral manner, without any implicit
assumptions about the findings of the research.
Research Design
Nature and source of data/information to be collected.
Sample and sampling technique. Rationale of chosen organisation and the sample.
Tools and Techniques to be used for data collection – details of the tools/questionnaire to be used and
its relevance with the objectives of the project.
Method/s to be used for data collection.
Data handling and analysis- organisation and analysis of data. Statistical tools to be used for analysis.
Relevance of statistical tools with the objectives of the project.
4) Submission of Synopsis
After the synopsis is prepared and submitted to the University, they are evaluated and a written communication
regarding the Approval / Non-approval of the project proposal/ Guide will be sent to the learner within
two/three months of the receipt of the proposal.
In case of Non-Approval of the proposal the comments/suggestions for reformulating the project proposal will
be communicated to the student. In such case, the revised project proposal should be submitted along with fresh
project proposal proforma and a copy of the rejected proposal.
After a written communication regarding the Approval of synopsis is received the Project work may be
Once you have carried out the study as envisaged in the approved synopsis then a report of the work done needs
to be prepared. The length of the report may be about 50 double spaced typed pages not exceeding
approximately 15,000 words (excluding appendices and exhibits). However, rational variation on either side is
(i) Introduction: to the Project and Review of Literature along with brief details of the organisation/s under
(ii) Research Methodology: It may give details about Rationale, Statement of problem, Objectives of the
Project, Scope of the study etc. It should include the Research Design, Nature and Source of
data/information collected, Sample and Sampling method with rationale. Details of the tools:
(iii) Results and Discussion: This should present the results in tabular or graphical format. The
Interpretation of the data and results/findings may be given elaborately.
(v) Recommendations
(vii) Reference/Bibliography
The Detailed guidelines on this course is available on the website of the School