End of Term Two Exams Form 4 Paper Iv

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1 Red blood cells contain the protein haemoglobin.

State the names of the four chemical elements that are found in all proteins.



2 The table shows some of the nutrients found in human milk, the elements that make up the
nutrients, the enzymes that digest them and the products of digestion.

Complete the table.

nutrient elements enzyme products of digestion



lactose (milk galactose and glucose

C, H, O
sugar) (simple sugars)


3 The diagram is of DNA.

(a) (i) State the letter of the base that pairs with A.


State the letters of the other bases in DNA.


4 Dialysis tubing is an artificial membrane, which is similar to the lining of the intestine.

A student investigated the diffusion of glucose through dialysis tubing by using the apparatus
shown in the diagram.

The student took samples of the water outside the dialysis tubing at 5 minute intervals and tested
the samples with Benedict’s solution.

The results are shown in the table.

results of the Benedict’s tests on the water

time / minutes
outside the dialysis tubing
0 blue
5 green
10 yellow
15 red

The student repeated the investigation with a higher concentration of glucose in the dialysis

tubing. Predict the results that the student would observe.




5 Yeast cells make the enzyme sucrase. Sucrase catalyses the breakdown of sucrose to
glucose and fructose.

Some students made an extract of sucrase from yeast cells.

They investigated the activity of the sucrase extract at different pH values. They determined the
rate of reaction at each pH.

They then calculated the rate of each reaction as a percentage of the fastest reaction, to give the
percentage activity of sucrase.

The results of this investigation are shown in the graph.

Describe and explain the effect of pH on the activity of sucrase shown in the graph.








6 The shape of a protein is very important for its function.

Explain the importance of shape for the function of an enzyme.








7 Look at the flow diagram for the production of lactose-free milk.

Explain why the milk must be cooled in step 3 before it makes contact with the enzymes.




8 Biological washing powders contain enzymes that break down food stains.

Some students compared how effective biological and non-biological washing powders are at
removing stains at temperatures between 10 °C and 60 °C.

• Pieces of stained cloth were washed using two different washing powders.

• The degree of stain removal was measured by using a light meter to record the percentage
of light reflected from the cloth.

• A light meter gave a value of 100% when the cloth was completely clean.

• Any stain left on the cloth reduced the percentage of light reflected.

The results of the students’ investigation are shown in the graph.

The students suggested that the enzymes in the biological washing powder were denatured at
high temperatures.

Explain why enzyme molecules do not function when they are denatured.






9 Carbon dioxide is a raw material for photosynthesis.

Describe the pathway taken by a molecule of carbon dioxide, from the air outside a leaf to a
spongy mesophyll cell.






10 The diagram shows a spongy mesophyll cell from the leaf of a plant. The arrows show the
net direction of movement of carbon dioxide molecules during daylight.

Carbon dioxide is a raw material for photosynthesis.

State the process by which carbon dioxide travels into the leaf from the air.


11 The effect of carbon dioxide concentration on the rate of oxygen production in an aquatic plant
was measured.

• A lamp was used to keep the light intensity constant.

• The oxygen gas released by the plant was collected in a gas syringe.

• The plant was placed in water that was kept constant at 20 °C.

The graph shows the results.

Explain the results shown in the graph.








12 The effect of carbon dioxide concentration on the rate of oxygen production in an aquatic plant
was measured.

• A lamp was used to keep the light intensity constant.

• The oxygen gas released by the plant was collected in a gas syringe.

• The plant was placed in water that was kept constant at 20 °C.

The graph shows the results.

The rate of oxygen production was assumed to be the same as the rate of photosynthesis.

Suggest why the rate of oxygen production was not the same as the rate of photosynthesis.




13 The diagram shows the positions of the different tissues in part of a dicotyledonous leaf.

Identify the tissues described in the table by:

• drawing label lines with the corresponding letter on the diagram and
• stating the name of each tissue in the table.

The label, line and name of the tissue for letter P has been completed for you on the diagram
and in the table.

letter description name of the tissue

a protective transparent layer that allows light to
P upper epidermis
reach the inner tissues
Q conducts water from the stem
R contains many interconnected air spaces
S transports sucrose and amino acids
traps the most light energy to synthesise


14 The photomicrograph is of a cross section of part of a leaf.

Describe how the tissue labelled B is adapted to maximise photosynthesis.








15 Scientists made some observations of the leaf structure of soybean plants.

Epidermis and mesophyll tissues are adapted for photosynthesis.

Complete the table by stating two structural features of each of these tissues and explain how
each feature is an adaptation for photosynthesis.

how the feature is an adaptation

tissue feature for photosynthesis

1 ............................................... .............................................................................
.................................................. .............................................................................
.................................................. .............................................................................


2 ............................................... .............................................................................
.................................................. .............................................................................
.................................................. .............................................................................

1 ............................................... .............................................................................
.................................................. .............................................................................
.................................................. .............................................................................


2 ............................................... .............................................................................
.................................................. .............................................................................
.................................................. .............................................................................


16 (a) A student placed a plant in a very hot room for 12 hours. There was a bright light in the room
and the plant was not given any water during the 12-hour period.

Figure below shows a series of sketches that the student made of the stomata during
the investigation.

time / hours 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


• Identify the cell labelled D on the Figure


• State the main function of the stomata.


• State the advantage to the plant of the change to the stomata shown in the Figure above.



17 The student increased the humidity in the room and repeated the investigation.

Predict and explain the effect of high humidity on the stomata.






(b) C6H12O6 is one of the products of

photosynthesis. State the chemical formula of

the other product.

(c) Describe the role of chlorophyll in photosynthesis.




(d) Outline how the carbohydrates made during photosynthesis are used in plants.







(d) Table 6.1 shows some data about stomatal density in the leaves of one plant that is not a
xerophyte and three xerophyte plants.

number of stomata per mm2

species plant type
upper leaf surface lower leaf surface
oak tree not a xerophyte 94 503
tongue leaf plant xerophyte 0 18
lace aloe xerophyte 2 15
ice plant xerophyte 0 42

a. Using the information in Table 6.1, estimate the total number of stomata in an ice plant
leaf with a lower leaf surface area of 8 cm2.

.................................. stomata [1]

b. Explain the data shown in Table 6.1.





18 The image is a photomicrograph of part of the upper surface of a broad bean leaf, Vicia faba.

The tissue shown in the photomicrograph is transparent.

Explain why it is important to the plant that the tissue shown in the photomicrograph is transparent.








19 The photograph below is a scanning electron micrograph of a vertical section through part of
the leaf of a broad bean plant, Vicia faba.

State the names of the tissues labelled A and B.

A ..............................................................................................................................................


[Total: 2]

20 One type of herbicide is a chemical that prevents the uptake of magnesium ions.

Suggest how this herbicide kills plants.







21 Ammonium ions are an important part of the nitrogen cycle. They can be converted into
nitrate ions, which are used by plants and protoctists such as diatoms.

Explain the effects of nitrate ion deficiency on plant growth.





22 A student investigated the digestion of starch.

Fig below shows the apparatus she used.

distilled water distilled water

dialysis dialysis

starch solution starch solution

+ amylase

test-tube A test-tube B

Dialysis tubing is used to represent a cell membrane.

The dialysis tubing material allows small molecules to move across it, but not larger molecules.

Test-tubes A and B were set up as shown in Fig. 2.1 and placed in a water-bath at 37 °C for
30 minutes.

The liquid outside the dialysis tubing in test-tubes A and B was tested with Benedict’s solution at
0 minutes and after 30 minutes.

Table below shows the results.

colour with Benedict’s solution colour with Benedict’s solution

at 0 minutes at 30 minutes

A blue blue

B blue red

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(a) Using the information in Fig and Table in question 21 above, explain the reasons for the
difference in the results for test-tubes A and B in Table














(b) In an experiment, thale cress plants (Arabidopsis thaliana) were grown in normal
atmospheric and high carbon dioxide concentrations. The transpiration rate, the mean
number of chloroplasts per cell and the concentrations of starch and magnesium ions were

The results are shown in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1

normal carbon dioxide high carbon dioxide

factor measured
concentration concentration

transpiration rate /AU 8.1 5.6

mean number of chloroplasts

8 11
per cell
concentration of starch
38 67
/ µg per mg of leaf
concentration of magnesium ions
2.7 2.3
/ mg per g of leaf

Complete the sentences about the data shown in Table 2.1.

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Table 2.1 shows that increasing the carbon dioxide concentration caused more starch to be

produced in the leaves. This shows that, at a normal carbon dioxide concentration, carbon

dioxide is a..............................................................................for photosynthesis.

During photosynthesis,.........................................molecules of carbon dioxide are required to

make one molecule of glucose.

The greater quantity of starch stored in the leaves grown in a high carbon dioxide

concentration means, when needed, more sucrose can be produced for transport in the

phloem, so the leaves act as a ...................................... .

The greater number of chloroplasts per cell in the leaves grown in the higher carbon dioxide

concentration means that more energy can be absorbed from.........................................and

transferred to........................................energy.

The transpiration rate is lower when the carbon dioxide concentration is higher. This means

reduced loss of..............................................................................from the leaves.

Magnesium ion concentration is lower in these leaves because they have used the magnesium

ions to make ...................................... .


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