Form 4 End of Term Two Biology Ii

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1 The table shows the results of some food tests.

Which row shows a food containing both protein and starch?

Benedict’s iodine
biuret test ethanol
solution solution
A blue blue clear blue-black
B blue purple clear blue-black
C red blue cloudy brown
D red purple cloudy brown

2 The diagram shows a protease molecule catalysing the break down of a protein molecule.

What are the parts labelled P, Q, R and S?

enzyme product substrate active site


3 A student set up a test-tube containing starch, water and amylase.

How could the student test whether the amylase had digested all the starch?

A Add Biuret solution.

B Add dilute hydrochloric acid.
C Add iodine solution.
D Weigh the test-tubes and contents before and after the experiment.

4 Which solutions are used for testing for protein, reducing sugar and starch?

test for reducing

test for protein test for starch
A Benedict’s iodine biuret
B biuret Benedict’s iodine
C biuret iodine Benedict’s
D iodine biuret Benedict’s

5 Why does excessive heat decrease enzyme activity?

A It changes the shape of the active site.

B It changes the shape of the substrate and product molecules.
C It increases the force of collisions between substrate and product molecules.
D It increases the kinetic energy of the substrate molecules.

6 Which substance contains nitrogen?

A fat
B glucose
C protein
D starch

7 The first diagram represents a chemical reaction.

reactants product

Which diagram, below, represents the enzyme for this reaction?


8 Which statement about enzymes is correct?

A Enzymes are carbohydrates.

B Enzymes are catalysts.
C Enzymes are living organisms.
D Enzymes are the same shape as the substrate.

9 The diagram shows an enzyme with its substrate and product molecules.


Which form an enzyme-substrate complex?

E P and Q F Q and R G R and S H S and P

10 Four test-tubes were set up as shown in the table.

In which test-tube would starch be broken down the fastest?

2 cm3 starch
1 cm3 of 1 cm3 of boiled temperature
amylase added amylase added / °C

A ✓ ✓ ✗ 5
B ✓ ✓ ✗ 35

C ✓ ✗ ✓ 5

D ✓ ✗ ✓ 35


✓ = present

✗ = absent

11 Which statement about enzymes is correct?

A Enzymes become part of the product.

B Lowering the pH always slows down the reaction rate.
C Raising the temperature always increases the reaction rate.
D The specificity of an enzyme depends on the shape of its active site.

12 What is the optimum pH for stomach enzymes?

A pH 2 B pH 7 C pH 9 D pH 12

13 When sunlight shines on a green water plant as shown, the plant gives off a gas
which collects at X.

sunlight sunlight

green water plant

What is this gas?

A air
B carbon dioxide
C nitrogen
D oxygen

14 Which two substances are the raw materials for photosynthesis?

A carbon dioxide and oxygen

B carbon dioxide and water
C starch and oxygen
D starch and water

15 Curve X on the graph shows the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis.

rate of X
photosynthesis Y

light intensity

How have the conditions changed to produce curve Y?

A decreased concentration of carbon dioxide

B decreased light intensity
C increased concentration of carbon dioxide
D increased light intensity

16 Plants manufacture their own supplies of carbohydrate.

What are the raw materials and the waste product of this process?

raw materials waste product

A carbon dioxide and chlorophyll oxygen
B carbon dioxide and water oxygen
C oxygen and chlorophyll carbon dioxide
D oxygen and water carbon dioxide

17 The diagram shows a cross-section through a leaf.

Which arrow shows the direction of diffusion of carbon dioxide on a sunny day?

18 What is formed first in a leaf as a result of photosynthesis?

A chlorophyll
B glucose
C starch
D water

19 A piece of foil was placed over one green and white leaf on a plant.




The plant was placed under a bright light for 24 hours and then tested for starch with iodine

Which diagram shows the areas of the leaf that would stain blue-black with iodine solution?


20 Which substance is used to test a food for vitamin C?

A Benedict’s solution
C ethanol
D iodine solution

21 In DNA, what is the correct base pairing?

A T with C B T with T C T with G D T with A

22 What remains at the end of an enzyme-controlled reaction?

A enzymes and products

B enzymes and substrates
C enzymes only
D products only

23 Which feature explains the specificity of an enzyme?

E complementary shape of active site and substrate

F denaturation at certain pH values
G temperature change leading to change in enzyme activity
H varying frequency of effective collisions between enzyme and substrate

24 The diagram shows a cross-section through two guard cells of a leaf.



Which labelled structures would also be found in an animal cell?

A W and X B X and Y C Y and Z D Z and W

25 By which process does oxygen move from a region of higher concentration in the alveoli to
a region of lower concentration in the blood?

B osmosis
C breathing
D diffusion
E active transport

26 The diagram shows a section through a mesophyll cell of a leaf.

Which part is partially permeable?

27 A chromosome was analysed and found to have 6125 pairs of bases. The type of each base was
identified and 2345 of the bases were G.

How many of the bases in this chromosome are T?

A 1435 B 3780 C 6125 D 7560

28 Which type of molecule are enzymes made of?

A carbohydrates
B fats
C proteins
D vitamins

29 Which statement describes the effect of temperature on enzymes?

A High temperatures denature enzymes making it difficult for substrate molecules to fit into the
active site.
B High temperatures denature enzymes making it easy for substrate molecules to fit into the
active site.
C Low temperatures denature enzymes making it difficult for substrate molecules to fit into the
active site.
D Low temperatures denature enzymes making it easy for substrate molecules to fit into
the active site.

30 The statements describe some of the events that occur in a plant after light energy is absorbed
by chlorophyll.

1 converted to chemical energy

2 converted to sucrose for translocation
3 starch is stored in the roots or seeds
4 glucose is produced

In which order do these events occur?

A 1432

B 4231

C 4123

D 1423

31 Which statement about cell structure is correct?

A. An animal cell has a cell wall.

B. A bacterium has a cell wall.

C. An animal cell has chloroplasts.

D. A bacterium has chloroplasts.

32 Some structures found in cells are listed.

A. cell membrane
B. cell wall
C. mitochondria
D. nucleus

Which structures are found in prokaryotic cells?

A 1 and 2 B 1 and 4 C 2 and 3 D 3 and 4

33 In a mesophyll cell, where are chloroplasts found?

A between the cell wall and the cell membrane

B in the cytoplasm
C in the nucleus
D in the vacuole

34 The graph shows how the rate of photosynthesis of a plant changes with light intensity, at three
different carbon dioxide concentrations. In each case the temperature is 15 C.

0.10% carbon dioxide

rate of 0.04% carbon dioxide
0.02% carbon dioxide


What is the limiting factor for the rate of photosynthesis at point X on the graph?

A carbon dioxide concentration

B light intensity
C surface area of the plant
D temperature

35 Which statement about cell structure is correct?

A An animal cell has a cell wall.

B A bacterium has a cell wall.
C An animal cell has chloroplasts.
D A bacterium has chloroplasts

36 The diagram shows a test-tube at the start and at the end of an enzyme experiment.

+ enzyme
substrate 10 minutes +
35 C

At the end of the experiment, the mixture in the test-tube contains glycerol.

Which row correctly identifies the enzyme and the substrate it acts on?

substrate it acts on

A amylase fat
B amylase glucose
C lipase fat
D lipase glucose
4 glu
37 Which type of molecule are enzymes made of? cos
e is
A carbohydrates pro
B fats ed
C proteins
D vitamins whic
38 Which statement describes the effect of temperature on enzymes? orde
r do
A High temperatures denature enzymes making it difficult for thes
substrate molecules to fit into the active site. e
B High temperatures denature enzymes making it easy for
substrate molecules to fit into the active site.
C Low temperatures denature enzymes making it difficult for r?
substrate molecules to fit into the active site.
D Low temperatures denature enzymes making it easy for
substrate molecules to fit into the active site. 1
39 The statements describe some of the events that occur in a plant after
light energy is absorbed by chlorophyll. B

1 converted to chemical energy 4

2 converted to sucrose for translocation
3 starch is stored in the roots or seeds 1
C 4123

D 1423

40 A deficiency of magnesium ions can cause plant leaves to become

yellow between the leaf veins.

What is the reason for this?

A increased chlorophyll production

B increased protein production
C decreased chlorophyll production
D decreased protein production

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