The Amazing C.S.patel Arc and Politicians
The Amazing C.S.patel Arc and Politicians
The Amazing C.S.patel Arc and Politicians
tbe �ma�ing
'Qt$l} �re' &
R. G. Krishnan, USA
his issue of Saptarishis Astrology
Magazine being the memorial
issue in honor of my Guru late
Mr.C.S.Patel, I chose to write this article
on a subject which was dear to him while
he was alive, which I think will serve as
the best homage to his memory & to his
pioneering work on Nadi astrology.
�nan ;, a profess;onal Vedk Way back in the year 1988, I used to meet
Mr.C.S.Patel on every weekend, wherein
Astroloeer, based at Murphy, lie is he would discuss the principles enunciated
also a featured speaker at various in Chandra Kala Nadi, Dhruva Nadi and
iI1tematiollal symposiums held ill USA lie many other Nadi literature. In particular
has more thall 50 yrs experiellce ill Vedic he used to emphasize about the results of
Astroloay alld more thall 21 yrs experiellce transit of Rahu & Ketu over the "Sun-
ill 'Fillallcial Astroloey, Stock Markets & Mercury-Venus arc" 1n any natal
Commodity markets astroloey. We
COll$ratulate him for his published
I do not recollect the exact verse quoted by
predictioll of the stock market meltdowlls ill
him in this regard which was from some
Jall 2008. lie is also the author of the book
Nadi literature but the essence of that
Vedic Astroloey--Stock Market Allalysis'. verse was that whenever Rahu transits
lie has also beell publishill8 e--books 011 over the 'Sun-Mercury-Venus' arc in any
mollth to mollth trellds ill US Stock Markets Natal chart some good results accrue to the
every year, sillce the year 2001. native like monetary gains, career
http:/ r8krislmall. advancement etc and similarly whenever
Ketu transits over this arc some adverse
results will accrue to the native like loss of
money, loss of position, involvement in
scanda ls e tc .
Way back in the year 1988 Late Mr. Patel wanted me to test these principles by applying
them to the horoscopes of near and dear ones known to me and giv e him my hones t opinion.
When I actually did check up on the charts of all near and dear ones in whose cases I ha d
full knowledge of past ev ents with dates , I felt greatly excited to find that these principles
w er e ho lding true in at least 8oo;o of the cases. When I narrated this happy experienc e to
him, he told me to write an article on this subj ect and soon thereafter I wrote one article
entitled 'Transit of Rahu & Ketu & the
The biggest advantage of these principles lie
fortunes of politicians in the D ec 1988
in t he fact t hat t hese principI es can b e a pI ied
i ssue of the 'Times of A strology', p
to natives in whose case date of birth is known
published from D elhi, India.
but the time of birth is not known.
Subsequent to the publication of this article, we used to discuss on sev eral occasions m our
w eekly meetings verse s from diff erent N adi li terature. Of and on Mr.Patel us ed to caution
me b y saying that the various v erses in N adi li terature convey the meaning in a cryptic
manner and it was expected of an intellig ent astrologer to read the verses be tween the lines
& unders tand the import of the deep er meaning conveyed in these verses.
He used to say that it was his experience that after going over the v erses again and again,
that these verses revealed more meanings to him than what was superficially u nders tood by
him in the first reading.
For example he used to say that in this instant case although the N adi verse mentioned the
good effects arising out of transit of Rahu treating it as a benefic and the adverse effects
arising out of transit of K etu treating it as a malefic, he felt strong ly after many times
reading the v erse that we should also consider the deep er meaning by applying these
principles to transits of other benefic planets lik e J upiter e tc for evaluation of good results
and also app ly these principles to transits of other malefic planets lik e Saturn & Mars for
evalu ation of adv erse results. I hav e since been fo llowing this adv ice of late Mr. Patel.
he biggest advantage of these principles lie in the fact that these principles can be
app lied to natives in whose case d at e of birth i s known but the time of birth is not
known. This is due to the fact that the we can cast their natal chart bas ed on the dat e
of birth and assumed time of birth and we will still find that the "Sun-Mercury-V enus"
arc is available to a good de gree of accuracy in these natal charts (in the absence of accurate
time of birth and place of birth). This is due to the fact that Sun, Mercury and V enus mov e
by one degree in 2.4 hrs and as such any error in the time of birth is not likely to affect the
accuracy of this arc. Except z-3 charts, all the charts of po liticians presented in this article
their time of birth is not too sure hence by normal Parashari methods one wo uld be in
In fact, I had applied these princip les in the last zo yrs to a few of my clients who knew only
their date of birth and did not know the time of their birth . In all such cases I co uld guide
them succ essfully about the future events based on transits ov er the "Sun-Mercury-V enus
For the information of readers it is stated that Late Mr. Patel had referred to this "Sun-Mercury-Venus
arc and the transit of Rahu & Ketu over this arc" subsequently in his book "Navamsa & Nadi
Astrology" published in the year 1996, at page 1.45.
arc" of their respective natal charts. These snapshot predictions were given by me without
considering other factors like the Dasas, Antar dasas, Divisional charts and the Ashtaka
Varga charts but my forecast was based only on transits of Benefics and Malefics over the
"Sun-Mercury-Venus arc".
1. Over the last zo years I found that transits of even fast moving planets like Mercury
& Venus over the arc also give favorable results during the duration of the transit.
11. Sometimes Mercury due to retrogression will stay on the arc for longer duration and
during such periods benefits had accrued to the native during the entire period of
111. I also found that the favorable results also accrue to the native if the benefic planets
transit by aspect over the 'Sun-Mercury-Venus Arc'. For example, Rahu and Jupiter can
th th th
transit over the arc by their 5 or 7 or 9 house aspect. Similarly malefics like Saturn
d th th
gave adverse results by aspecting the arc (l , 7 & 10 house aspects) and Mars gave
t th th
adverse results by 4 \ 7 and 8 house aspects over the arc.
1V, I would like to add that the transit directly over the arc appears to give better results
as compared to transit over the arc by aspect.
v. In some cases, I found that both favorable transits by benefic planets and adverse
transits by malefic planets over the arc occurred simultaneously. In such cases, I
found that if the benefic planets transits were more in number as compared to transits
of malefic planets then the benefits did accrue to the native and vice versa.
In my opinion, these
As per the Nadi principle the effect of the transiting planets is expected to
principles offer a wide
field for further commence when the planets transit this arc directl_y on the degree of the arc
research by young or aspect this arc on the exact degree of the arc, but late Mr. atel had F
scientific minded rr
observed that in man_y cases the errects start once the pI anet transit or
astrologers. Hence, I
aspect the zodiacaI sign in which either, Sun or Mercur_y or Venus was
would request these
placed and the effects continued until the planet finished the transit or
younger scientific
minded astrologers to aspect of the zodiacal sign in which Sun or Mercur_y or Venus was placed. I
do further research in had also found this observation of late Mr. Fatel holding true in all cases of
this regard to further m_y clients.
develop and take
these principles to the next level.
To make the above points clear I have discussed below horoscopes of top political leaders
in whose case both good and bad events are available on record with precise dates and this
helped to correlate them with the transits over the 'Sun-Mercury-Venus arc' in their
respective natal charts. Hereafter, let designate this arc as 'CSP Arc' for the purpose of
this article as a gesture to honor my late beloved Guru Sri C. S. Patel.
he arc in the zodiac in which Sun Mercury & Venus are placed in any natal chart is
called 'CSP Arc'. We astrologers know that the planets Sun, Mercury and Venus
move very close to each other and in that process the distance between Sun &
Mercury will vary between o & z8 degrees and the distance between Sun & Venus will vary
between o and 48 degrees. Thus, the maximum length of the "CSP Arc" in any natal chart
will be 2.8+48=76 degrees. This arc will normally spread over three zodiacal signs & in some
cases over two zodiacal signs and in some rare cases will be in one zodiacal sign only.
As per the N adi principle the effect of the transiting planets is expected to commence when
the planets transit this arc directly on the degree of the arc or aspect this arc on the exact
degree of the arc, but late Mr. Patel had observed that in many cases the effects start once
the planet transit or aspect the zodiacal sign in which either, Sun or Mercury or Venus was
placed and the effects continued until the planet finished the transit or aspect of the zodiacal
sign in which Sun or Mercury or Venus was placed. I had also found this observation of late
Mr. Patel holding true in all cases of my clients.
In case of former President Mikhail Gorbachev's horoscope, the 'CSP Arc' extends from
2.6deg Capricorn to 2.4 Aquarius. Analyzing the events in his life, we have the following.
1) He joined communist party in 1952.. In that year Rahu was in Aquarius until June and
then moved over to Capricorn, thus it directly transited over 'CSP Arc' for the whole year.
2.) He became president of Soviet Union in the year 1989. In that year transit Rahu was
in Aquarius & thus it was directly on the 'CSP Arc' for the whole year. Transit Jupiter was
in Gemini sign and thus aspected the 'CSP Arc' from there from July 2., 1989 that year until
July 1990.
3) In the year 1991, he resigned as president Of Soviet Union. In that year transit Ketu
aspected the 'CSP Arc 'from Gemini from Apr 1991 to Oct 1992.. Transit Saturn was directly
on the 'CSP Arc 'from March2.1 1991 to June 1995.
Mo Ra Ju SL
Me Mikhail Gorbachev
Ma March 2, 1930
20:30:00 (3:00 east)
43 E 26, 46 N 39
GL Md Gk
Sa Ke As
Former President Mr. Bill Clinton
n former president Bill Clinton's natal chart it is seen that the 'CSP Arc' extends from
Cancer 14 deg 29 min to Virgo 18 deg o min. Analyzing the events in his life, we have
the following:
1) He was elected Governor of Arkansas for the first time in the year 1978. In that year
transit Rahu transited directly over the 'CSP Arc' (the transit actually was from May 1977
onwards until Nov 1981).
2) He was elected as a Governor second term in Nov 1982. In that month transit Rahu
transited Gemini sign and thus aspected the 'CSP Arc'.
3) He was elected as Governor for third time in 1987 .In that year transit Rahu as well as
transit Jupiter transited Pisces sign and thus aspected the 'CSP Arc' from there.
4) In 1991, he was elected again as Governor of Arkansas. In that year Jupiter transited
directly on the 'CSP arc" while Rahu transited Sagittarius sign and thus aspected the "CSP
arc' from there.
5) In January 1993, he assumed office as president of USA. In that month transit Jupiter
transited Virgo sign and thus was directly on the 'CSP arc'. Transit Rahu was in Scorpio
sign and from there aspected 'CSP arc'.
GL Mo Ra Ju Ma Su
Gk Ve
Ke 8 7 As 5 4 Me
Sa Md Sa
6) In the year 1997, he assumed office again as president of USA for the second term .In
that year transit Rahu transited directly Virgo sign and was thus directly on the 'CSP Arc'.
Transit Jupiter was in Capricorn sign and thus aspected the 'CSP arc' from there.
7) In the years 1998&99, he was subjected to impeachment hearings During that time
transit Saturn transited Pisces sign until Apr 18 1998 and thus aspected the 'CSP Arc'.
However, simultaneously Rahu transited Leo sign and was thus directly on the 'CSP Arc'.
Transit Jupiter was in Aquarius sign and it thus transited the 'CSP Arc' by aspect. May be
due to these predominant plus points the outcome of the impeachment hearings went in his
1) He was elected as Prime Minister of UK in 1940 .In that year transit Jupiter was in
Aries sign and thus had 7 house aspect over the 'CSP Arc'. Further in that year transit
Rahu was directly over the 'CSP Arc' until the end of January and after that date transit
Rahu moved out of the 'CSP arc' but transit Ketu was in Pisces sign and thus aspected
the transited 'CSP arc' from there.
2.) He was elected again in 1951 as Prime Minister. In that year transit Rahu & transit
Jupiter were in Aquarius sign thus both benefic planets aspected the 'CSP arc' from
3) On April 5, 1955, he resigned as Prime Minister. On that day transit Ketu was at 6
degrees in Gemini sign and thus aspected 'CSP Arc' from there and transit Saturn was
directly over the 'CSP Arc' at 2.6 degrees Libra. Transit Mars was at 2. degrees 43 min in
Taurus and thus aspected the "CSP Arc' from there.
Md Gk
Winston Churchill
Sa November 30, 1874 Mo
1 :30:00 (0:00 east)
1 W 19, 51 N 51
(Ve) AL Ju Ke Ma
Su Me As
n former PM Mrs. Margaret Thatcher's horoscope, the 'CSP Arc' extends from Virgo
2.6 deg 41 min to Scorpio 9 deg 15 min. Analyzing the events in her life, we have the
1) In 1959, she was elected to parliament for the first time. In that year transit Rahu
transited Virgo sign & was directly on the 'CSP Arc".
z) In 196i, she was appointed the Joint Secretary to the Ministry of Pensions. In that year
transit Rahu was in Leo sign until Nov 9 and then moved over to Cancer sign. Thus it
aspected 'CSP Arc" from Cancer sign. Transit Jupiter was in Capricorn sign from Feb
n, 196i and remained in that sign for the whole year thus transited the 'CSP Arc' by
3) She held the portfolio of Minister of Education in the years 1970 to 1974 .In the years
1970, 1971 & until Sep 1972. transit Rahu transited Aquarius and Capricorn signs and thus
aspected the 'CSP Arc'. Again, from March zo 1974 transit Rahu was in Scorpio sign
and thus it transited directly the 'CSP arc' in that year.
4) She became Prime Minister on 5-4-1979. On that day transit Jupiter was in Cancer sign
and thus aspected the 'CSP Arc' from there. Further transit Mercury and Venus were in
Aries thus they also aspected the 'CSP arc' from there. Transit Saturn was in Leo and
aspected 'CSP Arc'. Transit Ketu was in Aquarius and aspected the 'CSP Arc' from
there. Thus, the positive transits outnumbered the negative transits on that day,
enabling her to become PM.
5) In 1982., she became prime Minister for the second term .In that year transit Rahu was
in Gemini sign and thus aspected 'CSP Arc' from there. Transit Jupiter was in Libra
and thus was directly on the 'CSP Arc'.
Margaret Thatcher
Ke October 13, 1925 Mo
9:00:00 (0:00 east)
O W38, 52 N 54
HL Md Gk Me Sa Ma
Ju Ve As Su
6) On n/zz/i990, she resigned her Prime Minister position. On that day transit Ketu was
in Cancer sign and thus aspected the 'CSP Arc' from there. Transit Mars was in Taurus
sign and thus aspected the 'CSP Arc' from there. Transit Saturn was in Sagittarius sign
and aspected the 'CSP Arc' from there.
Former PM Mrs. Indira Gandhi
SL GL Md Gk Md Gk
HL AL (Ju) Ke Sa Ke
As (Ju)
7'�/ 1 AL ',
Indira Gandhi ADB ',, //
Mo Ma //1 ()",,
November 19, 1917
',, ///
',, /
23:11:00 (5:30 east) ',,,
'," , / // //
81 E 51, 25 N 27 Su
, / /
' ,, ',///12 HL
' a",
, v/ /
Ra Me Me ///9""�" ///1 f""� SL
Ve Su /
�� " /
" /
// Ve Ra "�"� ///
/ /
// /
/ / �""
As: 27 Cn 23 Su: 4 Sc 08 (DK) Mo: 5 Cp 35 (GK) Ma: 16 Le 23 (MK)
Me: 13 Sc 15 (PK) Ju (R): 14 Ta 60 (PiK) Ve: 21 Sg 01 (AmK) Sa: 21 Cn 47 (AK)
Ra: 10 Sg 34 (BK) Ke: 10 Ge 34 HL: 27 Pi 44 GL: 4 Ta 13
In former PM Mrs. Indira Gandhi's horoscope, 'CSP Arc' extends from Scorpio 4 deg 07
min to Sagittarius 2.1 deg oo min. Analyzing the events in her life, we have the following:
1) In the year 1966, she became Prime Minister of India. In that year transit Rahu was rn
Taurus sign until July and from August onwards it was in Aries sign and thus it was
continuously aspecting the 'CSP Arc' from these signs for the whole year. Transit Jupiter
was in sign Gemini until August 2.3 and thereafter moved over to Cancer sign for the rest of
the year and thus aspected the 'CSP Arc' from these signs for the whole year.
2.) She was assassinated on Oct 31, 1984. On that day transit Mars transited was in Sagittarius
sign and was thus directly on 'CSP Arc'. Transit Saturn was in Libra sign and thus aspected
the 'CSP arc' from there. Transit Ketu in Scorpio sign and was thus on the 'CSP Arc'.
TransitJupiter was in Sagittarius and was directly on 'CSP Arc'.
to be balanced in May, 1997. In his case since Saturn was a yoga karaka and also the
lord of his Rasi, the evil effects of Saturn appear to have been diluted, thus enabling
him to become PM in the month of May 1997.
3) In June 2.007, he resigned from PM position. In that month transit Saturn was in
Cancer & from there aspected 'CSP Arc'. Transit Ketu was in Leo sign and from there
aspected the 'CSP Arc'.
Me Ma Ju Me
Ve Su As GL GL Ma Su
Ke HL As 2
Md Gk Md
In President Mr. George.W.Bush's horoscope, the 'CSP Arc' extends from Gem 2.0 deg 40
min to Can 2.8 deg 2.8 min. Analyzing the events in his life, we have the following.
1) He was elected as Governor of Texas in 1994. In that year transit Rahu transit was in
Libra sign for the whole year & thus aspected the 'CSP Arc' from Libra. Transit Jupiter
was in Libra until Nov 12. and then moved over to Scorpio and thus aspected 'CSP Arc'
for the whole year from these two signs.
Gk HL Gk
Ra Su Ma Me Su
Mo Sa As Md Ra
Me SL Ve Ju
Md As
Rasi Sa
Bush, George W. Jr HL
July 6, 1946 Ma
7:26:00 (4:00 west) AL
72 W55, 41 N 18 Ke 2
Ke Mo
z) He was re-elected as Governor in 1998 for the second term. In that year transit Rahu was
in Leo sign until Dec 17 and then moved over to Cancer sign & was thus directly over the
'CSP Arc'. Transit Jupiter transited Capricorn sign until Jan 8 and then moved over to
Aquarius sign and remained there for the whole year thus aspected the 'CSP Arc' from
these two signs for the whole year.
3) He was sworn in as president of USA on Jan 2.1, 2.001. On that date transit Rahu transited
Gemini sign and thus was directly over the 'CSP arc'. Transit Mercury was in Capricorn
and thus aspected the 'CSP arc' from there.
In Ex-President Mr. Richard Nixon's horoscope, the 'CSP arc' extends from Sagittarius 7
deg zz min to Aquarius 10 deg 50 min. Analyzing the events in his life, we have the
1) He was elected Vice President on n-4-1952.. On that day transit Jupiter was in Aries
sign and thus aspected the 'CSP Arc' from there. Transit Rahu was in Capricorn sign
and was thus directly on the 'CSP arc'.
z) He lost his election in 1960 against John .F. Kennedy. In that year transit Ketu was in
Aquarius from May that year and thus was directly on the 'CSP Arc'. Transit Saturn
was in Sagittarius for the whole year and thus aspected the 'CSP Arc' for the whole
3) He won as President again on n-5-68 by narrow margin. On that date transit Jupiter
was in Virgo sign & thus aspected the 'CSP Arc' from there. Transit Ketu was also in
Virgo sign & thus it also aspected the 'CSP Arc' from there. Transit Saturn was in
Pisces sign and from there it aspected the 'CSP Arc' from there (perhaps these minus
points was a pointer indicating that turbulent times lay ahead for him).
Ra AL (Sa)
Richard Nixon ADB
Mo January 9, 1913 As
21:35:00 (8:00 west)
118 W 1, 33 N 58
Ma SL Me Gk
Su Md Ke
4) He won the election again for the second term in Nov 1972.. In that year transit Rahu
& transit Jupiter both were in Sagittarius sign and thus both were directly on the
'CSP Arc'. Transit Ketu was in Gemini and thus aspected the 'CSP Arc' from there.
Transit Saturn was in Taurus sign and it aspected the 'CSP Arc' from there (perhaps
these minus points indicated that major adverse developments m store for the
Presidency down the road).
5) On 8-9-1974, President Nixon resigned as President USA due to developments
connected with Watergate scandal. On that day transit Ketu was in Taurus sign and
thus aspected the 'CSP Arc' from there. Transit Mars was m
Leo sign and thus it aspected the 'CSP Arc' from there.
Transit Saturn was in Gemini sign and thus it aspected the
'CSP Arc' from there.
Md SL As
Ra Gk
Su (Ju)
Me Ve
desai, Morarji Ke GL
Ma February 29, 1896
13:38: 16 (4:52 east)
72 E 56, 20 N 38
(Sa) HL
Birth Time given in original article by Shri Krishnan 13:00 but ADB software gives time of birth of
13:38 with a C rating but readers can see that the difference in degrees of Mer, Ven, Sun with both birth
times is not an issue with this method.
Ex-President Nels on Mandela
This is the what was confirmed a tough chart as his time of birth is still not certain and if
one goes by the various times floating around then we would get several lagnas to play with.
RoddenRating: DD
HL As Mo
HL Su Md
Nelson Mandela ADB 6
In former President Nelson Mandela's horoscope, the 'CSP Arc' extends from 2.9 deg 35 min
Taurus to 2.3 deg oz min Cancer. He became the first black President of South Africa on May
9 1994. On that day transit Rahu was in Scorpio sign and aspected the 'CSP Arc' from there.
Transit Jupiter was in Libra sign and aspected the 'CSP arc' from there.
How Are The Transits Likely To Play Out In The US Elections Due In Nov 2008?
After reading the above, the readers will certainly be curious to learn about the possible
outcome, based on transits over 'CSP Arc' in the US elections due on Nov 4, 2.008. Let us see
the transits in Mr. Obama's and Mr. McCain's natal charts.
Mr. Barack Obama3 , Presidential Candidate - US Elections
As seen from Mr. Obama's natal chart the 'CSP Arc' extends from 8 deg 29 min Gemini to
19 deg 14 min Cancer.
Md Gk
GL Mo Ve (Ju)
SL As 9 8
Ke Su
GL 110 7 AL
(Sa obama Barack Ra HL
As August 4, 1961 Ma M� �
SL 19:24:00 (10:00 west) Gk
157 W 51 , 21 N 18 Mo 2 Su
Md 3 5
e Ma Ra
On Nov 4, 2008, transit Ketu will be at 20 deg 15 min in Cancer. Thus it will be directly on
the 'CSP Arc'. It is also seen that Transit Rahu & Transit Jupiter will aspect the 'CSP arc".
Further transit Moon will be in Uttarashada Nakshatra and will thus transit the "CSP arc".
Transit Saturn will be in Leo and thus will be outside the "CSP arc"
Thus there are both positive and negative indications but the positive indications appear to
outnumber the negative indications.
Ju As 5 Ma
8 7
(Sa) Ma AL
Ra 96 Ke
John McCain �e Md
Mo August 29, 1936 Su
9:00:00 (5:00 west)
79 W52, 9 N 22 �
Mo 10 GL 2
HL Me �1 1
Ra Ju As
) SL
His Birth Certificate can be downloaded from
In Mr. John McCain's natal chart the 'CSP 'CSP Arc' on their natal chart made with
Arc' extends from 9 deg 17 min Virgo to 13 assumed time of birth can be used to
deg oz min Leo. determine the favorable and adverse
1. On Nov 4 2.008, transit Jupiter will developments that are likely in their life
be at 2.3 deg 10 min in Sagittarius and and the period in which they are indicated
will thus aspect the 'CSP Arc'. to a fair degree of accuracy.
z, Transit Rahu will be at zo deg 15 min
in Capricorn and will thus aspect
the 'CSP Arc' from there.
3. Transit Saturn will be at 2.4 deg 56
min in Leo and will be directly on
the 'CSP Arc'.
Thus, there will be two positive
indications and one negative indication in
his case.
The following conclusions are based on
planetary transits and on the principles of
Vedic Astrology. It is advised that no
fatalistic view be taken of these
Possible Outcome of the US elections:
The race between Mr. Obama & Mr.
McCain is likely to be a neck to neck race
until the last moment. However Mr.
Obama appears to have an edge over
Mr. McCain and appears to have a
better chance to win the elections due
--------� --------
on Nov 4, 2008
An R Santkwam Sa.gmg
Conclusion: ��e 7th lord is in the 5th house he will
portend diHiculties in respect 0£ rnarried li£e
It will be seen from the above that transits
and children's aHairs. This does not appllJ to
of Rahu and other benefic planets over the �i� and Gernini births
'CSP Arc' in any natal Horoscope do � �e 5th lord is in the 7th house then
indicate that some favorable developments sirnilar eHects as above except in the case 0£
& benefits are likely to accrue to the Leo and Scorpio ascendants
Native while the transits of Ketu and �1ld the 12th lord lrmn natal asc be in
other malefic planets do indicate that the Pisces Navmnsa one will shine in forei5n
native will be prone to some adverse countries.
developments, setbacks etc. Thus, these
transits can serve as an additional basis for
prognostication based on transits alone.
Further in case of natives whose time of
birth is not available the transits over the