Rulerships: What Are They

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The text discusses the deeper levels of meaning that can be uncovered through examining planetary rulerships in an astrological chart, beyond just looking at the basic placements and aspects.

The text explains that a planet's relationship to the ruler of the sign it is placed in (its dispositor) only provides part of the picture, and that rulerships are more complex relationships that provide additional layers of meaning beyond just the sign placement.

The text discusses domicile, exaltation, trigonal and confine lordships which reveal how planets interact and are molded in different placements, as well as trigon and monomoira lordships which provide insight into motivations and metaphysical underpinnings.

Hermes Half-Hour

Rulerships: What are They?

hen we study astrology we first

learn the basics - the meanings
of signs, houses, planets and
aspects - which is no small undertaking! But
then the hard part begins how to assemble
and make sense of it all. This process can
take years for many of us years of buying
and reading books alongside years of actual
horoscope interpretation for family, friends
and eventually clients.
Mastering this kind of synthesis is an
achievement for anyone who is seriously
interested in astrology, but it is only the first
step in becoming fluent in the language of
the horoscope. At this point in our study we
know and can articulate what for instance

by Douglas Noblehorse

best. So how does the student of astrology

penetrate to the deeper levels of meaning
hidden in the horoscope?
This is where the doctrine of astrological
rulerships comes in to play. Modern
astrologers by and large understand the
notion of rulership through the idea of
dispositorship. Simply put the planet that
rules the sign of a particular planet or point
disposes or colors that particular planet. For
instance in the example above, the Moon
would disposit Jupiter (as Cancer is ruled
by the Moon) while Mars would disposit
the Sun in Aries. Somehow by virtue of this
relationship the dispositing planet molds
or shapes the outcome of the disposited
planet - the Cancerian
Jupiter would be more
emotional (Moon) than
a normal Jupiter; the
Arian Sun would be more aggressive and
confrontational than a normal Sun.

Planetary rulers are not simple affinities...

Jupiter at 20 Cancer in the 1st house square
the Sun at 20 Aries in the 10th house means
(i.e. conflicts with the father over education,
etc.) but is real life that simple or blackand-white? Even if you can give voice to the
various manifestations of such a planetary
combination (which if overdone can confuse
and alienate your client) the ensuing
character description is one-dimensional at
Planetary Rulerships: What Are They?

This explanation however doesnt address

the fundamental question that appears whats the difference between Jupiter being
in Cancer and Jupiter being disposited
by the Moon? In other words, whats the
difference between a planet in a sign and

Hermes Half-Hour
the relationship between the planet and the
ruler of the sign? Jupiter in Cancer being
disposited by the Moon supposedly makes
Jupiter more feeling-oriented and protective;
how is this different from Jupiter simply
being in Cancer? And if both astrological
patterns (planet in
a sign and planets
relationship to signs
ruler) give us the
same information,
why would we need
to examine both

and Saturn. Likewise, our discussion of

aspects will be limited to the classical five
aspects - the conjunction, sextile, square,
trine and opposition.
The modern idea and meaning implicit in
the word rulership
(coming from
the Greek word
arkhon) implies
notions of command
and control, of an
authoritative topdown relationship
like that between king
and subject, employer
and employee,
general and private,
even parent and
child! However,
when one examines
the historical texts
that established horoscopic astrology one
quickly realizes that the modern idea of
authoritative command and control was
never intended by the founders of horoscopic

Signs show characteristics, but

do not signify things. As a result,
signs do not rule and therefore
are not the lord of things. For
instance, Scorpio does not
signify sex; Scorpio is sexual
however. Libra does not signify
relationships; Libra though can be
quite relationship-oriented.

To answer that
question, we have to
define what rulerships
really are as opposed
to what modern
astrologers have
assumed them to be.
Planetary rulerships are not simple affinities
(as in the conception of modern rulerships,
i.e. Uranus rules Aquarius, Neptune rules
Pisces, Pluto rules Scorpio or Aries all simple affinities) - although affinities do
form the foundation of rulerships. However,
rulerships are much more complex than
simple affinities. As a result, we will keep to
the rulerships for the traditional 7 planets Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter
Planetary Rulerships: What Are They?

The word commonly used in Greek texts to

denote a planetary ruler was oikodespotes,
a compound word which can be broken down
into oikos, meaning domicile or household,

Hermes Half-Hour
and despotes, meaning master or dominant
planet as it was used by Vettius Valens in
the 2nd century CE. So oikodespotes means
dominance in a domicile or household
But why does the domicile concept play
a central role here? Besides the obvious
connection to the astrological term house its
important to realize that the Greek domicile
or household paradigm plays a central role
underlying the concepts found in horoscopic
astrology which are still used today. Ancient
Greek households were set up much
like Western
households found
today, with one
major addition.
Greek cities
didnt necessarily
have standalone
outlets (what we
might call stores)
- if you wanted
to purchase a
particular product
(i.e. some new
pottery jugs, new
clothing, wine,
etc.) you went to the persons domicile or
household who specialized in that product.
Planetary Rulerships: What Are They?

For instance, recent scholarship has come

to the conclusion that taverns and brothels
were among the business enterprises that
were actually conducted from the owners
domestic household! To this end, specific
rooms in Greek households were devoted
to conducting commercial business - some
with their own dedicated access to the
outside world! And if youre conducting
business, youll need someone to oversee
or take charge of the day-to-day commerce.
In astrology, this person is signified by
the Domicile Lord, or sign ruler as it is
somewhat misleadingly termed in the
modern era.
In astrology, a
planet takes a
domicile in a
specific zodiacal
sign (or image,
i.e. the image
of the Ram
is the sign of
Aries) with
which it shares
a fundamental
affinity. Robert
Schmidt of
Project Hindsight,
who among others is translating what
remains of the original Greek texts into

Hermes Half-Hour
English has settled upon the translation
domicile lord to denote what modern
astrologers understand as a planetary ruler.
Lord and lordship are therefore the terms
we will use henceforth in this publication in
place of ruler and rulership.

In signifying areas of
life, planets are called
general significators. In
a general sense Venus
signifies relationships
for everyone. However,
to find the astrological
factor that specifically
signifies relationships in
a particular horoscope
the astrologer looks
to the house - for the
subject of committed
relationships it is
the 7th, for casual
relationship the 5th, for
platonic relationships
its the 3rd, for social
and professional
relationships its the
11th, etc.

Finally, the ancient texts are full of

references to not only planetary lordships,
but other kinds of lordships as well,
including exaltations, trigon/triplicities,
confines/terms, trigonals and monomoira.
What are all of these? How do they
manifest? And how do they differ from
normal lordships? Is one kind better than
another, more powerful, more important?
These are the issues addressed in this

Why Use Lordships?

Why should we use lordships at all? What
kind of information do we access using
lordships? Astrologers know that:
Planets supply information regarding
motivation (i.e. Jupiter wants to expand,
Mars wants to make war, Venus wants
to party, etc.);
Signs show characteristics (i.e. Scorpio
is intense, Virgo precise, etc.);
Houses (along with planets) show areas
of life (i.e. Venus generally and the 7th
House specifically are relationships,
Planetary Rulerships: What Are They?


Hermes Half-Hour
the Moon generally and the 4th House
specifically are family matters, etc.); and
Aspects reveal relative ease of
relationship (i.e. oppositions difficult,
trines harmonious, etc.)
What happens though when a pair of planets
are not in aspect? For instance what if the
Sun was at 2 Aries and Mars was at 20
Cancer? These two are not in aspect (unless
youre using heavily-conceptualized, littleused minor aspects and/or humongous orbs);
what is the nature of their relationship, if
any? Is this example simply a matter of
unrelated psychological impulses - the
idealistic, assertive Sun in Aries manifesting
with but no relationship to an introverted,

Planetary Rulerships: What Are They?

hypersensitive Mars in Cancer? Are these

planets aware of each other, yet simply do
not interact leaving the native caught in the
middle between impulses at cross-purposes
(implied by the natural square between Aries
and Cancer?)
If these last two questions are answered
in the affirmative, then one would expect
human life and motivation to be onedimensional, as many people have few
proper aspects in their horoscopes. Yet, real
life is not this way, despite some peoples
best efforts at being as shallow as possible.
Humans are inherently social animals. We
spend our time and energy establishing
and maintaining
contacts and
networks with
others, much as our
brains are made
up of neurons
whose function
is to form and
maintain synaptic
contacts and neural
networks with other
neurons, giving
rise to human
Shouldnt the

Hermes Half-Hour
astrology we practice, which is supposed to
mirror and describe (as above, so below; as
below, so above) human life form similar
Horoscopic astrology does just that by
providing astrology with a networking
system for the movement and exchange of
energy and/or information. This in turn
implies that every planet in our horoscope is
in relationship to every other planet in our
horoscope, for good or ill.

Domicile Lords
As discussed above, Domicile Lords are
the rulership system most familiar to
todays astrologers. However, rather than
a planet being a dumping ground or outlet
(dispositor) for a sign or another planet,

the Domicile Lord in fact takes on the

responsibility for providing resources for
its domicile sign. Rather than acting as an
authoritative ruler, the Domicile Lord acts
more like a steward or superintendent like an apartment building superintendent.
Of course, the Domicile Lord provides
according to its own nature - what Saturn
supplies to Capricorn and Aquarius is going
to be austere, stark and simple. In contrast,
Jupiters provisions will be lush, extravagant
and over-the-top. If a planet is in Capricorn
and wants to sleep, Saturn will provide a
simple blanket or mat on the floor. Jupiter
will provide an elegant four-poster bed,
while Mars might give up an Army cot.
When a planet is in the sign opposite its
Domicile it is said to be in Anti-Domicile,

Sun is Domicile Lord of Leo,

Moon of Cancer,
Mercury of Virgo & Gemini,
Venus of Taurus & Libra,
Mars of Aries & Scorpio,
Jupiter of Sagittarius & Pisces,
and Saturn is Domicile Lord
of Capricorn & Aquarius.
Planetary Rulerships: What Are They?


Hermes Half-Hour
or detriment as later Medieval astrologers
called it. The planet then is wild and ornery,
contrary to its innate nature and takes on no
responsibility whatsoever. Its like when you
go to Las Vegas what happens in Vegas,
stays in Vegas!

Exalted Lords
Exaltations are an ancient part of astrology;
accepted astrological wisdom today is that
the Exaltations date from the Babylonian
period which predates the establishment
of horoscopic astrology by the Greeks.
However, on closer examination to the
actual Babylonian texts one realizes that
the Babylonians did not place planetary
exaltations in quite the same places or signs
that were used to. And as Exaltations are
intimately connected to the Hellenistic
notions of Domiciles,
Joys, and Sect as seen in
the Thema Mundi, some
scholars suspect that the
Exaltations as we know
them today actually derive
from the Hellenistic period.
Simply put, exaltation
means to raise up or lift
up on high. An Exalted
Lord therefore is honored
or glorified by its sign. In
Planetary Rulerships: What Are They?

the Greek household paradigm the Exalted

Lord likely corresponds to the owner of the
domicile or the head of household - which is
not the same as the steward/superintendent
Domicile Lord.
When a planet is in the sign opposite its
Exaltation it is said to be in Depression, or
fall as later Medieval astrologers called it.
The planet then is hampered, as it is said to
be cast down or obscured by being in a
hole or hollow. This planet finds it difficult
to operate as its options are severely limited.
As the state of a planet is paramount in
determining how well it fulfills its Lordship
duties, a planet in Depression is unable to
serve as a Lord, especially as a Domicile

Sun is Exalted Lord of Aries,

Moon of Taurus,
Mercury of Virgo,
Venus of Pisces,
Mars of Capricorn,
Jupiter of Cancer and
Saturn is Exalted Lord of Libra.

Hermes Half-Hour
Trigonal Lords
Trigonal Lords are simply the Domicile
Lords of signs that are trigonal (the original
term for trine) to the sign under scrutiny.
For example, if youre examining Aries, the
Sun and Jupiter are Trigonal Lords for Aries
because the Sun is Domicile Lord of Leo
and Jupiter is Domicile Lord of Sagittarius.
Leo and Sagittarius are trigonal to Aries.
Of course, in this case we ignore the Sun as
Trigonal Lord of Aries as it is already the
Exalted Lord of Aries.
Trigonal Lords are mentioned by an ancient
Greek astrologer named Serapio, who seems
to almost mention them in passing. He does
point out that some astrologers use them,
implying that they were not universally used
by ancient astrologers. Of course, thats

no different from astrologers today who

use their own individualized grab bag of
Under certain conditions (see Example
Chart section below) Trigonal Lords
step in to assist the original Domicile
Lord in the discharge of his or her duties.
These Trigonal Lords act as colleagues or
associates of the Domicile Lord - much
like a building superintendent today might
call upon a colleague for assistance at
times. However, depending on the nature,
condition and position of the Trigonal Lord,
he or she might have ulterior motives that
either support or interfere with the original
Domicile Lords agenda.
If you perform a bit of astrological algebra,
you can combine this
Lordship scheme into
two planetary groupings:
The Sun, Moon, Mars
and Jupiter versus
Mercury, Venus and
Saturn. These planetary
groupings correspond
to the idea of planetary
Friends and Enemies
as found in Jyotisha
or Indian Astrology
(Vedic is somewhat of

Trigonal Lords:
Fire-like signs belong to the
Sun, Mars and Jupiter;
Water-like signs belong to the
Moon, Mars and Jupiter;
Air-like signs belong to
Mercury, Venus and Saturn,
as do Earth-like signs.
Planetary Rulerships: What Are They?


Hermes Half-Hour
a misnomer) Its a matter of historical
record that Jyotisha or Indian Astrology
was heavily influenced by Greek astrology
in the first centuries of the Common Era
- thus, a path for the transmission of this
particular doctrine from Greece to India is
definitely suggested. The Indians of course
have molded and refined this doctrine over
the last two millennia to suit their particular
astrological and cultural needs. If they have
found it useful, it follows that the original
Trigonal Lords are also found to be useful.

guidance for the planet. For instance, Mars

in Gemini will denote someone who devotes
a lot of time and energy to talking and
communicating, with an emphasis on critique
and sarcasm. However, if this Mars were in
the Confines of Saturn as opposed to being in
the Confines of Jupiter, the Mars in Gemini
sarcasm would be more pronounced, harsh
and even cruel in the Saturn confines than in
the accepting, more jovial confines of Jupiter
where the sarcasm takes on a lighter, more
comical tone.

Confine Lords


Confine Lords are what Medieval astrologers

somewhat misleadingly called the Terms
According to the Egyptians - where the
Egyptians in question were actually
cosmopolitan members of the Hellenistic
Empire (either Greek or Roman) who could
be any nationality, not just Egyptian or
Greek. They are irregular divisions into
five regions of each sign of the Zodiac.
Lordships are given only to Mercury,
Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. The
Lights - the Sun and the Moon - do not act
as Confine Lords. (See the Confine Lord
table in the Appendix.)

These are Degree Lords where each

portion (degree) is assigned a planetary
representative. (See the Monomoira table in
the Appendix.) There are two schemes for
assigning Monomoira Lords. The classical
scheme involves assigning the first degree

Confine Lords supply a planet or

astrological point with operating
principles that provide a measure of
Planetary Rulerships: What Are They?

The Confines of Aries


Hermes Half-Hour
of the sign to the Domicile Lord, with
each subsequent degree being assigned
in descending order to the next planet in
Chaldean Order. The Chaldean Order is
based on apparent speed of the planet as
such: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus,
Mercury, Moon. For instance, the first degree
(0 degrees up to 1 degree) of Scorpio is
assigned to Mars, the second degree to the
Sun, the third degree to Venus, and so on.
An alternate scheme based on Triplicity
Lords or Rulers also exists; it seems to
originate from the Medieval period of
astrology when scholars were doing their
best to re-create and understand the original
Greek astrology. Its a stretch, but one might
also be able to at least draw a philosophical
connection between Monomoira Lords and
later degree interpretation structures like the

Sabian Symbols, among others.

In other lectures Ive tied the immortal
part of the Soul as posited by Plato to the
astrological Ascending Degree. Following
that line of thought I see the Monomoira
Lord of the Ascending Degree as an imprint,
mask or avatar for our Immortal Soul.
This approach is supported by the term
monomoira itself - mono of course meaning
one and moira carrying the meaning of part
or portion (degree) through to the concept of
the nativitys participation in Fate or destiny.
In fact, the Moirae refer to the three Fates in
Greek myth - Clotho (whose responsibility
was choosing when people are born - a clear
connection to the Ascending Degree and
Ascendant), Lachesis (who measures the
span of a life; Lachesis also assists souls in
choosing their next life, assigning them lots
in the process) and Atropos (who chooses
the manner and time of death.)

Trigon Lords
Not to be confused with Trigonal Lords,
Trigon Lords are what Medieval astrologers
called Triplicity Rulers, a special set of
three planets assigned to each Element that
also takes Sect into account. One planet
corresponds to the Diurnal sect, one planet
to the Nocturnal sect, and one planet is
Common or Participating.
Planetary Rulerships: What Are They?


Hermes Half-Hour
The condition (as found in the nativity) of
Trigon Lords for a particular planet or point
in the chart shows how well the native takes
advantage of motivation. As an analogy,
you might have the baddest sailboat in the
world, but if there is no motivating power
(i.e. no wind) youre not going anywhere
no matter how beautiful your boat is. Only
if the winds are favorable will you make
significant progress! A universal technique in
classical astrology is to examine the Trigon

Lords of the Sect Light (Sun for a diurnal

or day chart with Sun above the horizon;
Moon for a nocturnal or night chart with
Sun below the horizon). If they are favorably
placed (favorable signs, angular houses, with
the benefics Venus and/or Jupiter) then its
reasoned that the horoscope as a whole is
well motivated and the native will achieve
significance. If not, then things will be more
difficult (but not insurmountable) for the

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius (Fire-like):

Sun (diurnal), Jupiter (nocturnal)
Saturn (common participating)
Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn (Earth-like):
Venus (diurnal), Moon (nocturnal),
Mars (common participating)
Gemini, Libra, Aquarius (Air-like):
Saturn (diurnal), Mercury (nocturnal),
Jupiter (common participating)
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces (Water-like):
Venus (diurnal), Mars (nocturnal),
Moon (common participating)
Planetary Rulerships: What Are They?


Hermes Half-Hour
Trigon Lords also lead into forecasting Time
Lord procedures; the life of the native can be
generally separated into two, possibly three
periods of life. If you have a diurnal chart,
the diurnal Trigon Lord will hold sway over
the first period of life, while the nocturnal
Trigon Lord takes up the second period of
life. The common participating Trigon Lord
(as stated by its nomenclature, participating)
works with both diurnal and nocturnal
Trigon Lords throughout the life. A thorough
discussion of this aspect of Trigon Lords is
beyond the scope of this article however.

In summary
Domicile Lords act as stewards or
managers; responsibilities include
Exalted Lords act as domicile owners
or overseers; they can participate with
the Domicile Lord in the management
of the domicile.
Trigonal Lords are colleagues of
the Domicile Lord and assist in the
management of the domicile, but they
have their own agenda.
Confine Lords show fundamental
operating principles or guidelines.
Monomoira or Degree Lords stamp
individual degrees with a planetary
Planetary Rulerships: What Are They?

Trigon Lords are sect-based Element
Lords that show a planets ability to take
advantage of motivation.

Example Chart
The example chart used to illustrate the
different Lordships discussed in this article
is the marriage chart for Prince William and
Kate Middleton, set for April 29, 2011 at
11:19 AM GMT (the pronouncement of man
and wife) in London, England. The chart is
tropical and uses Whole Sign houses. The
Ascendant is 15 degrees Leo 34.

Domicile Lords, Exaltation

Lords and Trigonal Lords
These three lordships are involved with
the management of domiciles or houses, as
determined by the sign at that place (sign on
the cusp.)
In order for a planet to act as a Domicile,
Exalted or Trigonal Lord for a particular
domicile or house, it first must be able to see
that house. What does this mean? If a planet
sees a domicile or house, it means that that
planet is in a classical or traditional aspect
by sign (conjunction, sextile, square, trine or
opposition) to the domicile or house.
For instance, Mars is Domicile Lord of

Hermes Half-Hour
Aries, but if Mars were in Virgo, Taurus,
Scorpio or Pisces (all inconjunct/quincunx or
in aversion to Aries) he cannot see Aries and
therefore his ability to manage or oversee the
domicile of Aries would be hampered and
negated. Its as if the Domicile Lord were
not at home to manage the household affairs!
When this happens for a particular domicile
the astrologer then looks to the Exalted Lord
(if any) and its placement and condition.
In the above example we would look to
the Sun as Exalted Lord (Sun is exalted in
Aries.) However, if the Sun likewise were
in Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio or Pisces then the
Sun cannot manage Aries. Then we turn to
the Trigonal Lord(s) for further prospects
for domicile management. Since were
looking at Aries (and have already dealt with
the Sun) then the Trigonal Lord that would
qualify for Aries would be Jupiter (who is the
domicile Lord of Sagittarius, trigonal/trine to
Now suppose that Jupiter likewise were
in Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio or Pisces and
therefore unconnected to the domicile Aries.
Now we enter into the realm of speculation
and supposition - some astrologers have
posited that the Lights (preferably the Sect
Light) - as archetypal Royalty - step in to
take up the slack. In our Aries example the
Sun has already been ruled out, which leaves
Planetary Rulerships: What Are They?

the Moon. Now finally, suppose the Moon

were in Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio or Pisces and
therefore unconfigured to Aries. That leaves
the Aries house completely unmanaged
(assuming there are no other planets resident
in Aries) - and would suggest that in the
natives experience the affairs of that house
are completely unmanaged.
If you have planets that are Lords of a
house by definition, but do not see (are not
in aspect by sign to) the house, you cannot
simply ignore the unconfigured Lord. The
native, when confronted by issues signified
by the domicile or house, will flounder a bit
at first in dealing with those issues (because
the Lord doesnt see the house) before
realizing it isnt working and moving on to
the other substitute Lords.
Finally, as mentioned above, a planet that
is in its Depression (in the sign opposite its
Exaltation) cannot act effectively as a Lord.

Royal Marriage Chart

Leo is rising, so the Domicile Lord is the
Sun. The Sun is in Taurus in the 10th, a
pivotal/angular house. This is a classical
aspect to look for in the charts of royalty
- of course, an astrologer would want the
Lord of the Ascendant (Leo) in the highly
visible, respected 10th house! This is a strong

Hermes Half-Hour
position; there is no need for additional help
from the Trigonal Lords (although both
Trigonal Lords Mars and Jupiter being in
Aries trine the Ascendant doesnt hurt!)
2nd/Virgo: Mercury is Domicile Lord, but
we find him in Aries, which is unconfigured
to Virgo. Mercury is also the Exaltation
Lord for Virgo, so ditto. So the financial
affairs of this royal marriage start off on
shaky ground. The Trigonal Lords provide
no help either - Trigonal Lords for Virgo are
Venus and Saturn; Saturn in the chart is in
Libra, in aversion to Virgo, while Venus is
in Aries, also in aversion and unconfigured.
In this case we might default then to the
Sect Light - which is the Sun in this
case as he is above the horizon in
this diurnal chart. The Sun is
powerful in the 10th and is
in a trigon/trine to the 2nd
house. Financial affairs
for this marriage might
be a bit messy, ultimately
reverting back and relying
on the English monarchy
(the Sun) for stable support.

Anti-Domicile and is therefore somewhat

unreliable and undependable as she really
doesnt want to deal with any responsibilities.
Saturn is the Exalted Lord for Libra and we
find Saturn posited in Libra, which combined
with a weak Venus as domicile lord puts
Saturn in the drivers seat as regards the third
house. Saturn possibly gives this marriage
a structured environment and surroundings
with responsibilities at home that Will and
Kate will constantly seek to escape through
the ninth house Venus.

3rd/Libra: Venus is Domicile

Lord for Libra; in this chart
Venus is in Aries in opposition
to Libra. Venus in Aries though is in
Planetary Rulerships: What Are They?


Hermes Half-Hour
4th/Scorpio: Mars is domicile lord, but
being in Aries he cannot see Scorpio. There
is no Exaltation Lord for Scorpio, so were
forced to turn to the Trigonal Lords Moon
and Jupiter. Jupiter also is in Aries and
cannot interact with the 4th house Scorpio.
That leaves the Moon in Pisces in the 8th
in a trigonal relationship to the 4th. This
suggests a emotional reverence for the past,
for traditions, for family, which in this case
is the royal family. This will not be readily
apparent to the outside world as the Moon is
in the hidden and private 8th house.

5th/Sagittarius: Sagittarius is ruled by the

ebullient Jupiter in Aries in the 9th. This
couple will like to travel to unfamiliar,
faraway places for philosophical, political
and philanthropic purposes - perhaps much
like Prince Williams late mother Diana.
6th/Capricorn: This houses Lord is
Saturn in Libra from the 3rd, squaring the
6th. Duties and responsibilities may weigh
heavy on this couple while at the same time
defining them. Saturns square will also
weigh heavy on the royal couple; however,
Saturn being in Libra shows that they will
more than rise to the occasion, as much as
they may dislike it.
7th/Aquarius: The house of
marriage is in a trigon with its
lord, once again Saturn from
the 3rd. This might suggest
that Prince Williams
brother Prince Harry
will be quite close to the
couple - and that everyday
responsibilities may come
to define the marriage
- the couples personal
preferences notwithstanding.
8th/Pisces: Jupiter is the
Domicile Lord of the 8th, but cannot

Planetary Rulerships: What Are They?


Hermes Half-Hour
engage with the 8th as he is in aversion
from the Aries 9th. The same situation
characterizes the Exaltation Lord,
Venus. Mars as Trigonal Lord
is also in Aries! That leaves
the final Trigonal Lord the
Moon, which is resident
in the 8th. This would
indicate deep spiritual
connections (involving
humility and sacrifice, i.e.
for William the keenly felt
loss of his mother) and an
emotional closeness between
Will and Kate. This of course
is supported by the presence of
Neptune in this house. Only those
very close to Will and Kate will realize
the depth of their connection.

leaves the Moon, which is exalted in Taurus,

as the solitary Lord looking after the 10th, as
9th/Aries: This is obviously the power house
the Trigonal Lords for Taurus are in aversion
in this chart - and not only because of the
in this chart - Mercury in aversion from
Aries stellium plus the MC point. This is
Aries, and Saturn in aversion from Libra.
because the Domicile Lord Mars is in Aries
With the Sun in Taurus resident in the 10th,
- and so is in prime position to immediately
it portends that William will be much more
provide resources needed and demanded
visible in this marriage, while Kate remains
by the stellium and by the MC. Likewise,
behind the scenes somewhat.
Jupiter - a Trigonal Lord for Aries, as well as
the nocturnal Trigon Lord - is present also.
11th/Gemini: Mercury manages this house
from Aries in the 9th. There is a lot of
10th/Taurus: Venus is the Domicile Lord
activity in the 9th, including one of Geminis
here, but is in aversion from Aries. That
Trigonal Lords Venus. As the 11th shows
Planetary Rulerships: What Are They?


Hermes Half-Hour
rewards coming from professional activities
and social standing this suggests that Will
and Kate will benefit greatly from their 9th
house activism - and not only financially!
12th/Cancer: The Moon is Lord from the
Pisces 8th, in a trigonal relationship. Will
and Kate will find their emotional refuge and
solace in each other. Interestingly, the Lot of
Fortune is in the Cancer 12th; in the Fortune
chart (where you put the Lot of Fortunes
sign in the 1st place or house) its Domicile
Lord the Moon is 9th from Fortune, echoing
and reinforcing the 9th house activity we see
in the natal 9th!

immediately noticeable.
1) All the Confine Lords for the Ascendant
through Saturn are found in Aries in the 9th,
while the lone holdout - the Ascendant - has
its Confine Lord in Saturn, opposing the
Aries 9th from the Libra 3rd. This gives the
immediately noticeable opposition pitting
Saturn against the Aries stellium a weight
of internalized principle for Will and Kate.
They will like to travel and they will like to
engage in activism, but for them it will be
deeper - the principle of the matters they
investigate and discover will be paramount

Will and Kates

Confine Lords
Ascendant: Saturn
Sun: Mercury
Moon: Mars
Mercury: Mercury
Venus: Venus
Mars: Mars
Jupiter: Mars
Saturn: Mercury
While this wont be a
complete, exhaustive analysis
of the Confine Lords for Will
and Kates marriage, two things are
Planetary Rulerships: What Are They?


Hermes Half-Hour
for this royal couple.
2) Mercury, Venus and Mars are found
in their own Confines. This is especially
potent for Mars who is also found in
his own Domicile. Planets in their own
Confines are much more autonomous - they
are not beholden to any other planet for
their operating principles, or for the way
the conduct business. This means theyll
, but it also means that they
alone are responsible for the consequences,
especially Mars! (At least Venus and
Mercury can point to Mars as their Domicile

Planetary Rulerships: What Are They?

Lord when the going gets rough!) Mercury in

Aries sometimes speaks too quickly; Venus
in Aries is naturally averse to any kind of
Venusian responsibilities. However, the buck
will always stop for Will and Kate at Mars
in Aries in the 9th. And being in his own
Domicile and his own Confines (conjunct
the Aries Trigon Lord Jupiter) Mars is
more than up to the task of shouldering
responsibility. Will, Kate and their marriage
will accomplish much!

While in theory one can examine Monomoira
for any point in the horoscope, for this
discussion Ill begin with the Ascendant.
In this chart the Monomoira or
Degree Lord for the Ascending
Degree (15 Leo 34, so the 16th
degree of Leo) is Venus.
One might reasonably
infer from this that the
marriage will be quite
popular (the Ascending
degree being the mask the
nativity presents to the
outside world) if not a
bit controversial (Venus in
Aries can be a bit wild and
irresponsible). However,
following the trail of Monomoira,
you find that the Monomoira for

Hermes Half-Hour
Venus is in turn Mercury; the Monomoira
for Mercury is Mars, as it is also for Mars,
Jupiter and the MC point. This gives Mars
(already powerful placed) quite a bit of
say over how the Aries planets are seen
by others. Although Venus and to some
extent Mercury have a hand in generating
controversy, it will be Mars who has the final
say. To this end Will and Kate will be well
served by demonstrating that their actions
speak louder than words or popularity!

In summary, its true that Lordship doctrine
is a complex and interrelated discipline
that certainly does not lend itself to every
chart studied (especially if youre doing

Planetary Rulerships: What Are They?

M*A*S*H astrology and have no time for

depth study for your clients.) For those charts
of intimate importance to the astrologer (or
for those clients willing to reimburse the
astrologer for his or her in-depth analysis)
this doctrine pays unending dividends in
understanding the deeper layers of the
nativity. Domicile, Exaltation and Trigonal
lordships demonstrate the interaction
between planets in handling or managing a
particular domicile or house; Confine Lords
reveal insight into the working principles
that mold planets; Trigon Lords show the
nativitys readiness to respond to motivation;
and Monomoira provide clues to the
metaphysical underpinnings to the planets
and points in the nativity, especially the


Egyptian Bounds/Lunar Monomoira


00 - 01



01 - 02

e` cb

ba df

02 - 03




03 - 04



be dd ea be


04 - 05



bd d` ef bb

fe da eb

05 - 06


06 - 07

dd ee





ba fb d` ed





bf fa dc e` bd bd c`

bb da e` bb



ec b` b`





cd b` dc

ee b` fd df ea bb








bc b` de

ef ba ba


07 - 08




ca c`







08 - 09

c` bb ea




bb c` ed




09 - 10


ba ef






e` ed

10 - 11









ec e` c`

11 - 12



ed c` ff


be ba eb

12 - 13


bd c`

13 - 14

be b`

14 - 15



fe c` bd






15 - 16

b` eb

16 - 17


17 - 18


18 - 19

ba ee dd b` bf

19 - 20


20 - 21

de e` dc

21 - 22


22 - 23


cd c`









b` be


ea ea ef

ba f` cb










eb b` cd











c` cd


de bd fa ee




ed d` ec


ee ba bb

be e` ed

ef ba

c` e` bc




eb da



df de

d` fb da ef

bc da cb e` fd


de dd

23 - 24

dc fa df



24 - 25


ed da de



25 - 26

fa fe

fd e` df dd


fa fb

26 - 27


27 - 28

fe d` fc

28 - 29


29 - 30

f` db fa ff

db ea b` db


fd f` fc

ec e` ee

ed b`

ca da df









df ca

de d` cd


ec f` fd dd d`




ff da db

fb dd dc c` fe

fb fa dc

fc f` d` dc


fb da

df da fa df

fd de df



db fa db f` dd de



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