Tribute To A Genuine Researcher in Last 150 Years of Astrology

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Tribute To A

Genuine Researcher
In Last 150 Years
Of Astrology
U. K. Jha, India

hat flashed in my mind before

picking up the pen to write
this tribute is the word
research because there are too many
people in the field of astrology today who
claim to be engaged in carrying out
research on several topics wherein they are
doing nothing except going tong and
hammer to rage the established principles
of this divine science with some hostile
zeal for self-glorification by virtue of their
current position in the astrological market.
The word research as per Oxford
Dictionary means careful search or inquiry
after or for or into; endeavour to discover
new or collate old facts by scientific
Research in simple sense implies the
discovery of something which might have
been known earlier but lost entirely in the
far fading past for the current generation.
It comprises of the works appurtenant
with both invention as well as discovery of
the things that look very new and fresh to
the people of current era though it might
have been known once upon a time to the
pre-historic people of few millennia earlier.
Researchers delve deep to find out the
same and produce afresh for the public
ramifications. In this respect Mr. C S Patel
is one among the very few savants who

A graduate in Mechanical Engineering

from University of Roorkee (Now IIT
Roorkee) U K Jha has produced over 100
thought provoking articles in several
astrological journals and is a known name in
the academic foray of this science. He is
known for his innovative ideas, one point
sharp logic, acute rationality and scientific
approach for dealing with the things. He is
the author of famous book "Utopia and
Anarchy of Stars" and his commentaries on
Yoga-Pushpanjali and Phala Deepika is a
master piece for absorbing reading. His
another book "Lost Horizon of Vaidik
Astrology" and a book on Tara Dasa is
likely to come out soon. Presently he is busy
writing commentary on Brihat Parasara
Hora Shasta (BPHS). His vast knowledge of
Tantra and esoteric psychology find
conspicuous reflection in all of his works.


have devoted time and energy to do genuine and meaningful research in the
field of astrology. His book titled "Navamsha and Nadi astrology" is a compendium of such
marvellous works. All the topics of this book were earlier published in various astrological
journals and each endeavour was fresh for the astrological community. He industriously
culled out the relevant informations from different sources and demonstrated their efficacy
lucidly to the astrological fraternity for the first time without ever laying any claim as its
original discoverer. This is the paragon of his nobility and sobriety.
Any discussion on the invaluable contributions of this great savant to the divine
science of astrology would loose weightage without a talk on his nativity. This great savant
was born on 31st of December 1915 in Ahmadabad in the state of Gujarat in India and his
birth particulars are as under

The royal sign Cancer with Virgo Navamsha was rising on horizon at the time of birth. The
chart is rendered sufficiently strong owing to formation of Simhasana Yoga as 2nd, 6th, 8th and
12th houses are occupied by the planets. Placement of Moon in the 4th house under aspect of
Jupiter and without being afflicted by any malefic is a pointer to the fact that mind and heart
in general is clean. Some may feel impelled to indicate that the Lagna is occupied by Ketu
and is also hemmed betwixt Saturn and Mars which shows the desired intellectual
shrewdness coupled with elements of cunningness and deceit. It may please be noted that
that the native was Company Secretary with Mafatlal Group of Industries and such
attributes are essential requirements to manage the company affairs. Every one who was
associated with him would testify that he was not manipulative in personal affairs of
activities and dealings. Esoterically it must always be understood that the occupation of
Lagna by Ketu gives the warmth to healthy thoughts and propels the native for marching
towards eternal goals without fear and prejudices. A glimpse of the same can be clearly had
from the sedate and stolid ways with which he pursued his research in astrology.
Occupation of the 4th house by an affliction free Moon gave him a heart where God
resides and he was increasingly affectionate to his friends, relatives and disciples; a heart
that used to embrace all in the same way as the universal Mother embraces Her creations.
However; this Moon was also certainly wounded by the cardinal influence of lunar nodes

and Venus as a result of which his cravings for perfection and success always
spattered against the ramparts of dissatisfaction and frustration. "Jha! most of the people
come to me seeking favour in one or the other way even at this age of my life but they never
look concerned about my condition", he had once opened his heart to me. The baulking
agony of the heart was conspicuous on face. The emotions loaded in his choked voice can be
described in silent realisation of following words
O, sweetly smiling faced,
O glamorously lustred bodied,
Your blazing glow is inexhaustible.
Look at the Moon, O dear one!
Roving proudly in the blue dome
Whose puissant gait is irresistible.
Who knows, how many times like this
It may appear from clouds and stars
To provide the poets sumptuous feat.
But your efforts to trace me again
in the sensual bushes of worldly ties
Shall always be faced with defeat.
Placement of Ketu in Lagna is a pointer to the fact that the soul entered into this
perishable robe with one point objective to clear the imprints of residual karmic ruts so that
the inner evolution for the purpose of emancipation can be enabled by the end of this life. As
such; the native was required to undergo all sorts of experiences during the currency of life
so that when the soul stands before the Lord for final trial it can show its feet washed with
blood of heart as a proof of the countless sacrifices made for the benefit of others. The
enormous contribution of Sri Patel in astrology bears a testimony to this fact; for, he burnt
his candle from both the ends to cull out those valuable informations for which astrological
community would remain indebted to him for good.
Mercury is running ahead of Sun and Rahu is prepared to pounce over them. This
shows that the embodied soul is bound to be devoured by the oceanic flux of retributive
karmic energy where the intelligence and power of discrimination would not be able to bring
about any means of rescue. The Jupiter in its horoscopic sojourn would first collide with
Saturn and then bump into Mars through the long tunnels of struggles depicted by Ketu
before tasting the celestial nectar contained in the Moon. The Dharma of the native would
be such that he shall be bound to do hard karma without much credit and profit. The life of
Sri Patel is a proof of this fact.
The disposition of celestial anchorite Saturn against the sovereign of planetary
kingdom Sun would make the incarnated ego suffer from the hands of his own people and
he would be victim of the conspiracies time and again. Patel Saheb was cheated many times
even by those who approached him for favours. His disciples also did not spare him in this
respect and many of his books/Granths were clandestinely taken away by these beloved
pupils in return of very small obligations.
The 2nd house is distinctly linked to the science of astrology and placement of yogakarka Mars therein has become an asset from this point of view because astrology involves
mathematics and sharp logic. Mathematicians are called wranglers which Mars as a planet
truly is. Aspect of Jupiter on 2nd house gives vak-siddhi and Sri Patel reaped the benefit of
this ingrained quality to the hilt, especially in his prediction of share-market and earned a

good name among his clients. In fact he drew his sustenance for long during the last
one and half decades of his life through such forecasts only. But as he was very plane and
simple at heart he could not encash the rich dividend through this and had to live in
financially tight position always. In this context following lines are apt for him
Though He knew the earning source
Yet always modest to earn
And seeing the wrong in economic world
He had to yield to self-struggles.
My association with Patel Saheb is long; though mainly through letters and we
exchanged views through correspondence in early days of our relationship. I was learning
the tenets of Nadi astrology from Sri Ashwathappa, the great astrologer of south India and
when this great master was on his sick-bed; before taking final breath, I asked him after him
who will teach me nadi astrology, he advised me to remain in touch with Sri Patel in future
for any solution or clarification in Nadi astrology. It was after his death that I wrote letter to
Patel Saheb beseeching his help and guidance in Nadi astrology. Name of Sri Patel was not
new to me as I had gone through few of his articles in AM of Sri B V Raman; albeit I took
his postal address from my astrologer friend R. Santhanam, the founder editor of TOA. For
the first time I met him in person in Mumbai sometime in early 1997 at his residence.
"Sir, 150 division of a zodiac sign is not a new thing and there is clear reference to
same in Saravali, then why Nadi astrology is deemed something of exclusive south Indian
origin", was my query.
"It is because most of the books of these divisions are now found in the regional
languages of south under the names of Nadi" he replied relaxing on the pillow in small
corner room of his residence at Mumbai. It was the cramped small study space of this great
savant of astrology where he used to sit for hours together rummaging through numerous
old and new classics. The neatly bound copies of AM and TOA was kept in one side of the
shelves and the other side was filled with copies of many Nadi Granthas viz Chandra Kala
Nadi, Bhrigu Nadi, and Amsha Nadi etc. Lots of classical texts commented upon by several
savants filled the room in ramshackle manner and this sage of astrology could be seen sitting
with pen and paper pads kept near by.
"But were the scholars of north not aware of Nadi system"
"I don't think so. Books like Bhrigu Samhita and Ravan Samhita are the same thing
though it is not called Nadi Granthas."
"And why these informations are not found in the books available in north."
"It is hard to give reasons for this. The 150th division of the sign could not be popular
in this side because of lack of sufficient information. These 150 divisions are actually the
result of shodas varga belonging to 16 kala of Moon. That is why Dev Keralam is popularly
known as Chandra Kala Nadi." It was quite a revelation to me and then he explained the
relation between shodas varga and Nadi Amsha. I had learnt the basics of Nadi astrology from
elsewhere but was not aware of this fact.
Coming back to his fantabulous acumen in astrological research. His 8th house is
occupied by Jupiter and the placement of 8th lord Saturn in the 12th house under the aspect
of 6th lord is quite revealing. All of his papers are the results of his industrious work. Both
Saturn and Jupiter are aspecting 2nd house, the house of astrology. Aspect of 9th lord on
Saturn and Mars, both influencing 2nd house shows the perseverance coupled with logic in

his research work. Saturn is the dispositor of Jupiter which is dispositor of Mercury
(and Sun) that in turn is the dispositor of Saturn showing great link between the planets of
astrological connections and the great research acumen by virtue of their disposition in
houses of mysticism.
When you say Ashtakvarga you only remember Patel is the saying that one learns
from olden days of astrology. It may be pertinent to share here one incident. Someone had
long back suggested in pages of AM that Ashtak-Varga should be drawn for Navamsha chart
also. Patel Saheb was a master in Ashtaka-Varga system of prediction and my interest in this
side was evinced when one local Pandit in Junagardh made many predictions about me on
the basis of Ashtaka-Varga only which subsequently came to be astonishingly accurate. It
was after this that I had a photocopy of the book of Sri Patel on Ashtaka-Varga because it
was out of print during those days. After I came in contact with Patel Saheb I wished to
have his opinion on the above said suggestion of Navamsha chart. Mr. Patel wrote back to
me that he had not found such things in any of the original texts. But this suggestion kept on
ringing in my head and once at Ahmadabad I reopened the topic with him.
"Then why not for other divisional charts," he tossed the question on my face, "Why
only for Navamsha chart, are other divisions not important?" "Do not deviate your mind on
such irrational things," he suggested politely.
"But sir, Suppose if I try it on Navamsha Sphuta Chakra (chart)," I submitted
To this, he became serious and nodded his head in affirmation for a trial. I immediately
showed him the work I had done in this respect on my own chart and explained the efficacy
of events occurred on those ages of my life. He appreciated that fully and encouraged me to
do more works in this direction. Since I was stifled in too many things I could not do much
work. Navamsha Sphuta Lagna is worked out with the help of planet traversed most
longitudinally in the nativity and degree of birth ascendant. Few astrologers calculate
Navamsha Sphuta Lagna with help of longitude of Moon also. But this may create confusion
in erection of Navamsha Sphuta Chakra. Navamsha Sphuta of planets are scintillating points
and Ashtaka-Varga calculated on this chart also gives marvellous results. I would in future
explain the whole procedure in a separate paper.
From year 2000 to 2005 my interaction with Sri Patel was optimum because I was
staying at Ahmadabad and he used to be there every year from Dashara to Deepawali. Twice
or thrice every week I used to be with him and Sunday was reserved for special sittings. He
had a kind of spark in him that kept on flashing within him till his last breath and by dint of
which so much of discoveries could be enabled through his pen. It was during such an
intense session of ponderings that he gave the knowledge of Bhujanga-Pat.
The calculation for Bhujanga-Pat he received from some Pandit of Andhara Pradesh in
Hyderabad but due to his own personal problems during those days he could not concentrate
on the same. As a matter of fact, the diary in which he noted the method for working
Bhujanga-Pat was misplaced for long and after 13-14 years he could again lay hand on the same
from the old bundle of papers at his Ahmadabad residence. The ink was spread and writing
had become quite faint and illegible. However; he read it with great difficulty and gave me
to work on the same extensively to verify its veracity in terms of astrological efficacy on
several charts. Here in this tribute I would demonstrate its efficacy on the chart of Sri Patel
in subsequent discussions and elaborations.
He was so humble that he would even accept his errors which were few. He has
accepted his mistakes in his writings and when he did not have the opportunity he would do

so in private which is what he accepted with his students on his work on arudhas though
there is no book in comparison to that topic till date.
For whatever topic he picked up his pen to write a book was rare till that time and he
gave them a new enlarged face in academic fora of astrology. For example, few of the
astrologers attached any importance to Ashtak-Varga for the purpose of prediction but Sri
Patel popularised its utility to the amazing extent. His books and other works on AshtakVarga remains unbeatable till date. Not only did he write an excellent and exhaustive text
on Ashtak-Varga but also repeatedly explained the deeper and finer nuances of AV system of
prediction through his various papers of articulate labour, intelligence and style to inspire
others for carrying out more research on this otherwise obsolete technique of divination. It
would not be any exaggeration to say that C S Patel revived Ashtak-Varga system of
prediction with new meaning, style and theme. All were simply talking about the
importance of Navamsha but its fuller extent was presented only by C S Patel through a
separate book that contains plethora of research capsules. His papers on multifarious use of
Navamsha is unparalleled in the field of astrological research. Hardly anyone used Pushkar
Navamsha in prognostication before he explained its nuances in his books and papers. Same
is the case with the use of 64th Navamsha. People before, either used to fail to understand
what is 64th Navamsha or their calculations were erroneous. With the help of different
papers and through extensive quotations from Nadi texts he made the things lucid for even
the common students of astrology. The concept of Rasi Tulya Navamsha and Navamsha Tulya
Rasi was entirely new for most of the savants; no matter today they accept it or not. Same can be
said about Bhrigu Bindu. Exhaustive exposition on Arudha system of prediction is his rare of the
rarest contribution in the field of astrology. Those knowledgeable with history of astrology
know that it is but for C S Patel that the Nadi system has become so popular today among
the north Indian savants. Earlier many even did not know how to calculate the Nadi Amsha
accurately. Many savants think that Nadi astrology is a separate technique of prediction but Patel
Saheb explained to the masses that every bit of it is Parasari in actual disposition. Like Jaimini,
Nadi astrology (so called) is also nothing but an advanced study of BPHS.
"Have you found anywhere the procedure to work out the strength of zodiac signs", he
enquired quite seriously.
"No sir, and I have never felt a need for that as well", I tried to look unperplexed. To
that he took out his book titled "Arudha System of Prediction". It was in connection with
working out the Graha Arudha that required the counting from the stronger sign for the
Panch Tara Graha (Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus & Saturn) each owning two signs.
"I have suggested to decide the relative strength of the signs on the basis of benefic
dots obtained by them in SAV chart. But what if the two signs owned by any planet contain
same number of benefic dots? Although I have suggested to look for benefic aspect in that
eventuality, I am not really satisfied and wish to have some solution within the ken of AV
(Ashtaka-Varga)", he explained the problem haunting him since long. He was very fond of
AV system and in view of his affinity for the same attachment of due importance to the
issue became imperative. Thereafter, ensued an intense discussion for exploring the
possibilities to find a solution to this problem.
"For a second stage investigation we may take the BAV of the lord of the sign and see
which of its sign has more number of Bindu (dot). If again the number is found same we
may look as to which sign has been contributed a Bindu by its own lord, and like that", I
offered the suggestion.

"Yes, yes!" he was nearly thrilled, "why it did not occur to me earlier at the time of
writing that book", he remorsed pensively.
"Gurudev, I have also developed methods to calculate AV longitude of the planets and
Amshatmak (longitudinal) SAV", his constant pamperings had given me somewhat boastful
"What is that?" he was seriously poised.
"It is something like SAV Tulya planetary longitude and natal planetary longitude
Tulya SAV" I said, "This is a snap shot method to work SAV."
"Absurd enough", he dismissed my point summarily without listening further. "How
have you been able to use them', he quipped.
I explained to him the method applied on his own chart for an on the spot verification
of the results. Taking out the calculator from my pocket I did the calculation in his presence
and prepared the Amshatmak SAV for his chart. He was surprisingly pleased to see the
results and smilingly remarked, "A devil is dwelling in your head and fortunately it is an
astrologer." "Develop it in full and prepare a lengthy paper for publication of this new
finding of yours", was the master's instruction for me. It is a matter of great regret; and I am
genuinely sorry, that I have not been able to comply with the instructions of Sri Patel till
Any discussion about C S Patel without a talk on Ashtak-Varga remains incomplete
but it is not possible to explain the whole procedure for calculation of Amshatmak SAV in
this tribute. However, to give a glimpse of its efficacy few words about the same becomes
mandatory. Given below is the comparative figure of dots in his original or natural SAV
(say NSAV) and Amshatmak SAV (say ASAV) in tabular form for further brief discussion




In the natural SAV the 11th house has 31 Bindus in comparison to the 25 Bindus in 12th
house which indicates good earnings and savings but it was never true in the life of Patel
Saheb. Financially he remained hard pressed for most of the periods in his life, no matter
what was the amount of income. The ASAV having 35 Bindu in 12th house and 24 Bindu in
11th house provides better justification in this respect. The 43 Bindu in 3rd house and 54 Bindu
in 6th house also yields better clue to his writing power and troubled living respectively. He
has 33 Bindu in 4th house in NSAV but he had no vehicle and spent his life in a rented house
despite having big bungalow at Ahmadabad that was almost like having no house for

himself. This is explained by the 22 Bindu in his 4th house in the ASAV. 54 Bindu in 6th
house and 08 Bindu in 10th house in ASAV again explains his downfall and demotion in
office. 18 Bindu of 5th house is the pointer for no major support from offsprings. The name
and fame in astrology and support of luck is explained better by 38 Bindu of the 9th house.
The BAV (Bhinnastak Varga) prepared in reference to ASAV are also not less
informative but one must not try to integrate this BAV of planets with ASAV. To arrest the
size of this "Tribute" Amshatmak BAV of all the planets are not being given here and only
relevant information are furnished here. For example, Sri Patel earned huge money in April
1960 when both Saturn as well as Jupiter were transiting over his 6th house through
Sagittarius. In ASAV Sagittarius has maximum (54) Bindu while in ABAV chart Jupiter
and Saturn contained 8 and 5 Bindu respectively. On the contrary in Natural Bhinnashtaka
Varga (NBaV) of Jupiter and Saturn, the sign Sagittarius has 4 and 6 Bindu respectively.
Similarly, he met with a serious accident on 09-09-1956 when both Rahu and Saturn were
passing through the sign Scorpio in his 5th house. In the ASAV, Scorpio has only 18 Bindu as
compared to 28 Bindu in the NSAV. Further in the ABAV of Saturn sign Scorpio contains
only one Bindu. Interestingly Scorpio is located 6th from Saturn and 11th from Rahu in his
natal chart and both these places are distinctly linked to accidents and for causing wounds.
In February 1962 he was humiliatingly demoted from his position by his employer from
where he was not elevated again till the end of his service. Rahu was transiting Cancer and
Saturn in Capricorn at the time of event. In the ASAV, Lagna or sign Cancer has only 20
Bindu and in the ABAV of Saturn sign Capricorn contains only 3 Bindu. In the NBAV also
the Saturn has only 3 Bindu but in NSAV sign Cancer has 25 Bindu. So the conditions
obtained from ASAV seems to be more accurate for manifestation of such events. He
underwent a major throat operation on 22-03-1965


Taurus 3 / 4
Gemin 6 /5
Cancer 5 / 3
Virgo 5 / 7
Scorpi 2 / 3
Sagitt. 6 / 6
Capric. 2 / 4
Aquari 3 /3
Pisces 4 / 7

















when transit of Rahu was through Taurus, Saturn in Aquarius, Jupiter in Taurus, Mars in
Leo and Sun in Pisces. In their respective NBAV these planets in the said signs have 0, 6, 3

& 4 Bindus; whereas, in ABAV the number of Bindus in respective charts in those signs are
4,3, 4 & 7 respectively. Here the success of operation is attributable to Sun (7-Bindu) and not
the Jupiter (6-Bindu). His marriage took place on 25-05-1933 when Venus was exalted in
Pisces. In NBAV of Venus sign Pisces has only 3 Bindu as compared to 6 Bindu (dot) in
The AV longitude of the planets are also quite important as can be seen from the
chart of Sri Patel. The natal longitudes and the SAV longitude of the planets in tabular form
are given as below



16d 10m
12d 13m
07d 09m
25d 13m
29d 29m
13d 14m
20d 42m
17d 06m
17d 06m
08d 53m


20d 00m
20d 12m
23d 51m
17d 47m
13d 24m
16d 44m
19d 14m
15d 08m

(*The longitude of Rahu and Ketu is not worked out as they do not normally figure in Ashtaka
Varga; although the Ashtaka Varga of Rahu is given in Yavan Jataka. Based on the same the scribe
has worked extensively to erect the Ashtaka Varga of Ketu also but that is a separate issue. When a
Navamsha chart is drawn from these longitudes and Ashtaka Varga is calculated, we find wonderful
results there from also. This gives a cross-sectional view of the natal Ashtaka Varga.)
In the above speculum only the natal longitude and the Ashtaka Varga longitude of the
planets are given. These can be used in various ways by working out the mean and
differential positions because they give very sensitive points for effectuating the events. For
example the massive accumulation of Bindu (43) in 3rd house (ASAV) is a sure indication of
the writing power of the native as this happens to be 10th house from Surya Lagna also. Its
gains can be judged from birth Lagna (Cancer). As soon as the Jupiter entered Cancer and
crossed over the differential point of Sun (3d50m) the native started writing his first book on
Ashtaka Varga (May 1955). The integral point of Lagna is 23d35m and the Saturn was square
to it in Libra. Likewise manifestation of other events can be seen but I am not elaborating
them here and shall do it subsequently in a separate paper. However; this has been
elaborated with exhaustive detail in my forth coming book titled "Points of Providence in
Before summing up this "Tribute" it would be pertinent to deliberate in brief the
Bhujanga Pat. Patel Saheb gave me only the method for calculating the Bhujanga Pat with a
duty to work on it as he himself could not owing to multifarious reasons. Its rate of
progression, Navamsha application etc are products of the extensive research of the scribe. I
learnt the calculation of Bhujanga Pat from Sri Patel; although he himself got it from
elsewhere, and I have not come across with it anywhere; either in any book or in any

published paper, so far. In that respect BP is purely virgin in academic fora of astrology and
is coming for the first time to the readers in print form. So, my heart compels me and my
veneration for Sri Patel impels me to dedicate this point to him by rechristening it as CSPP
(C S Patel Point) as a token of respect to the great savant.
Now let us see the use of BP (nay CSPP) in the birth map of Sri Patel. Since the
Saturn is retrograde in his horoscope the calculation of BP would proceed as follows
BP = (Longitude of Moon - Longitude of Saturn) + Longitude of Rahu
= (192d 13m - 80d 42m) + 287d 06m
= 38d 37m
Or Taurus 08d 37m
Navamsha of BP - Pisces.
At the time of his marriage (28-05-1933) Venus was transiting through Taurus
containing Bhujanga Pat. In fact Sun, Mercury & Venus were all deposited in Taurus
containing BP and Jupiter & Mars in Leo with Rahu in Aquarius were squared to it. At that
time the progressed BP [@ 01d 57m per year] was in Gemini (12d 34m) on natal Saturn and
its Navamsha is Capricorn where natal Venus is situated. In April 1960 he earned huge sum
when BP was in Leo (04d 50m) through the house of wealth having the Navamsha of Taurus
identical with the house of gain. He met with serious accident on 09-09-1956. At that time
both Rahu and Saturn were in Scorpio opposite natal BP and Mars in Aquarius was squared
to it. Progressed BP was in Lagna -Cancer (27d 58m) in Pisces Navamsha. So it retained its
power through Navamsha to strike the Lagna (self) so that the manifestation of ordained
effect could be enabled. Death of his daughter occurred on 30-04-1954 when BP was in
Cancer (23d 22m) identical with Aquarius Navamsha. At that time the 5th lord Mars was in
Sagittarius (12d 21m) in the constellation of Ketu which aspects the 5th house in natal chart.
BP was over natal Ketu to effectuate the event. He was demoted due to office politics in
February 1960 when BP was progressing through Leo (8d 52m) over the 10th lord
Mars(7d09m - natal) in very close conjunction. Likewise other events can be seen. He
departed from this world on 14-08-2007 when progressed BP was in Scorpio (7d17m), very
closely opposed to its own natal position. It was placed in the constellation of Saturn the
lord of 8th house and the natural messenger of death.
The master has returned back to his heavenly abode but the vacuum created by this friar
of astrology shall never be filled in future. The real tribute to this divine sage of astrology would
be to continue his legacy by exhibiting identical dedication and articulation with the subject. It
is hard to describe in words what Sri Patel meant to me because the warm feelings of hearts
cannot be translated in the cold realms of words. I was almost lost once and felt orphaned in the
field of astrology after sudden demise Sri Bhasin (J N Bhasin) but the departure of Sri Patel has
left me inconsolate; for, there are many who can approach me for requisite help and guidance in
astrology but there is none today whom I can turn to. Finally, taking lead from William
Wordsworth I wish to conclude this tribute with following words
"Many books in market and articles in magazine
Shall appear with sense and sheen,
But the depth and dexterity of C S Patel
Would never more be seen."


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