Jataka Parijata Vol I of III by V Subrahmanya Sastri - Text

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The object of the study of Astrology may, for

practical purposes, be considered as being two-fold
Like other sciences it contributes to the perfection of the
human mind when it is pursued for its own sake Unlike
them it helps man a great deal in his ordinary business
of life. That it is a science capable of being studied for
its own sake may be evident from the fact that such
great mathematicians as nu (Garga), (Parasara),
*Z{J (Bhrigu) and (Varahamihira) pursued the
study of Astrology with a view to the ad\ ancement of
knowledge That it has a utilitarian sense about it is

clear m the following observations It is a matter of

common knowledge that every person aspires for worldly
prosperity It has been admitted by eminent persons of
all times that natural forces exert their influences upon
the human mind The actions of individuals in their
every day depend upon the frame of their mind on

the particular occasion These natural forces emanate

from the planets Not a few will have actually experi
enced that the modus ofcerundi of any action depends a
great deal upon the foresight and wisdom of the individual
Master minds have been endowed with a much valued
insight into the good and bad influence at work at the
time and the right understanding of the nature of their
surroundings, and so they are capable of adjusting
themselves in such a way as to secure the end in view
But such persons are few and far between The ordinary
run of humanity is endowed only with ordinary intellect
Might) intellects of y ore — those master minds of the
past —have, for the benefit of their posterity given

sy stematically the effects capable of being produced by

the several positron*, etc., of the planets To speak of
their stupendous work as the product of idle fancy is to
betray ignorance The} have presen bed rules to be
observed for embarking on important undertakings b>
reference to the position* of the planets, so that one may
be certain that, if it is begun at an auspicious time, it
\\ ill be crowned with success The forces exerted by the
planets at such a time \\ ill tend to produce benefic results
without any great effort on the part of the person
concerned If otherwise the desired effect will hardly be
achieved e\ en at the cost of great efforts

Planets have been declared to be productive of

malefic effects when they occupy certain positions It is,

however, an error to suppose that these results will inexor

abl>come about A anous remedies have been recom
mended to mitigate, if not to ward off, these malefic
influences by the performance of Shantis such as Japa,
Homa, Archana, etc ,
the efficaev of the«e depending upon
the efficiencv of their performance and the sincenty of
the performer The study of Astrology will, therefore,
bestow on the inquirer a knowledge by means of which
he can ascertain when he may have favourable or
unfavourable times and how he may alleviate the
impending misfortune if any Herein lies the real value
of kstrology In the case of certain horoscopes the
position of planets will be such that the native thereof
will be able to develop a strong will power In such an
e\ ent it will be found that they can adapt
themselves to
vanou* conditions and act in such a way
as to emerge

um fleeted by the malefic influences, if any, resulting

from the inauspicious positions of placets at the time of
birth or at the commencement of any action as the case
may be. To be fore- warned
be fore-armed
is to A
knowledge of Astrology equips one with such arms and it

only remains for one to use one’s will power wherever

possible to shape one’s course of action for averting the
evil and securing the good

A stud> of Astrology presupposes a study of Astro-

nomy without which exact planetary positions for basing
astrological facts cannot be found This will explain

why our so called astrologers fail miserably in their

and ha\ e brought themselves and the science

they pretend to know into contempt On the other hand,

instances can be cited in which predictions made years
ago by great astrologers have come true with startling
precision The makers of these predictions were not the
men that made a Imng by Astrology, but \enerable
orthodox Brahmin astrologers of the Teiresian t>pe. It
is not possible to say that these predictions were hap-
hazard guesses, for those that made the predictions
imanably made sure of their preliminaries by ascertain-
ing previously that certain conclusions they drew from
the horoscopes, etc , shown them by querists tallied with
actual facts The accuracy of the horoscopes once
established, these eminent astrologers vere able to
announce all connected with the owners of the
horoscopes, their relations near or distant, their neigh
hours and all else that had anything to do with them and
their concerns About 42 years ago, a sage of this
description lived in one of the lovely villages of the
Amaravati Valley in the Coimbatore District and gave


out his predictions Many things, which he said m the

course of a casual conversation with his son-tnJau, the
writer’s father, regarding his future certainly came to pass

Emboldened by very fa\ ourable antecedents and

goaded on by innate curiosity to get to the springs of Ast-
rology, I cast about for some standard astrological work
to be taken for serious study' and fortunately lighted upon
(Jatakapanjata) which professes to contain
all that is choice in nddrfm (Gargasamhita), •Hrsudfcctr
(Parasara Samhita), (Sarawak), (Brihat
Jataka) and other such works, and which, beyond contra,
diction, about the best summary on horoscopy enshnn

ing several rare informations not at all found in any

other work of its kind In this connection, a word about

its author Vaidyanatha Dikshita would be quite appro

priate As he himself says in the 2nd and last si okas of

the work, he is a descendant of the Bbaradwaja family
and son ol Venhatadn Some say that he is the identical
Vaidyanatha, the author of Prataparudnya and some
other works and annotations Again, he has been
declared bp Kesava Daivagna as his Guru, which fact is
borne out by the following Sloka his work m
(Muhurta tataa)

corner *<r «

Gaucsa Danagna, tfie son of fvesa\a Danagna

wrote his Grahalagha\ a 1520 A D
in So Kesa\
Danagna must ha\c been born about 1450 A D If
Vaidyanatha Dikshita should ha\ e been his Guru, he
must ha\e been born between 1425 A and 1450 A D. D

To revert to my chotce of Jatakapanjata Several

works of Astrology such as (1) Prajapathya (uranm) (2)
Brihat prajapithja (£$nintr«ra) (3) Surya Hora
(4) Skanda Hora (5) Vasishta Hora (stfw^or),

(6) Saunaka Hora (7) Kausika Hora (^IrSurfra),

(8) Garga Hora (9) Yavana Hora (uufltw), (10)

Mandavya Jataka, (snrss^Hicn;), etc, are not wholly
available, though several slokas therefrom are met with
here and there There are other works such as (1) Jataka-
bharana fcn3Tror<n), (2) Sarwartha Chmtamani (tntfu.
fu*ctwfa), (3) Phaladeepika (4) Horamakaranda
(stairra^), (5) jatakadesi (uraTT^T), etc , but these are
not complete in themselves, as they do not deal with all

the branches of horoscopy In Jatakapanjata, one will

not fail to find that the author Vaidyanatha Dikshita
has judiciously brought together exceptionally valuable
materials from several works of classical'authors and that
he has touched upon almost all the branches Brihat
Parasara Hora which is now available
though complete in itself, is too voluminous I therefore
selected Jatakapanjata for my translation In the notes
published in the edition of 1915, I have supplied and
supplemented m appropriate places information regarding
Rasmi, Grahavaslhas, Madhyamayur y oga, Raja yoga,
Ashtakavarga Kalachakra and Dasas which were either
omitted or bnefl> touched upon or dealt with in the
Jatakapanjata Advantage has also been taken of the
opportunity to revise the original translation of some of
the slokas of the text, and to furnish additional explana.
tions accompanied by illustrations where such elucidations
were considered necessary No pains have been spared
to collect together and quote all available parallel


passages free]} and fully, almost perhaps to superfluity,

so that the translation with these notes may prove to be
a self contained and useful compendium on the subject

It is a trite but nevertheless a \ery important obser

vation that as Time
lapses our know ledge increases and
our vision w idens and tint unless we use them constantl}
we run the risk of miking them run to waste So since
the publication of my Notes in 1915, my aim was to
bring out a much more substantial edition of jatuka
panjata, but I may
perhaps be forgiven for saying that
my progress has been delayed, not only by heavy family
responsibilities, but also by heav> professional duties till

1931, when I vigorously set to work at this revised edi

tion of Jatakapanjata which is nearly double the original

The present work appearing in two Volumes includes

the following new features —
(1) OppoctunUj has been taken to append notes where
ever possible and that too next to the translation of each sloka

C2) A zodiacal chart showinff the Saptha vargas in one

glance has been included

(3) Much valuable information has been added in the

Ashtahavarga chapter, and the Ashtahaiarga plate is also

(4) An exhaustive index has been made out to facilitate

easy and read} reference

Before I close this preface I must express my deep

sense of gratitude to my late revered father M R ry ,

S Venkatarama Sastnar, b a r
who aided and advised
me at every stage of my translation of Jatakapanjata,

and acknowledge with profound respect for him that


much of whatever is good m the interpretation of several

passages is owing to his suggestion, his care and his
judgment. Mr. N. Parameswara Iyer of Rangoon also
helped me greatly with valuable suggestions and copious
quotations from works inaccessible to me

50, 3rd Cross Road,

10th November 1932 f

Adhyaya I —The properties of Signs 1

Adhyaj a II —-Nature of the PHnets and their

properties 41
Adhyaya III —Manifold births, etc 96
Adhyaya IV —Death childhood
incidental to 173
Adhyaya Y —Length of Life 233
Adhyaya V A —Exit from the World 300
Adhyaya VI —Marring of a Horoscope 329
Adhyaya VII —On Raja yogas or Planetary con
junctions leading to Kingship 372
Adhyaya VIII — On conjunctions of two or more
planets 495
Adhyaya IX—The effect of Gulika, Year, etc 583

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Adhyaya 1.
1-3 Benediction by the author and his purposing to write the
4-7 The several names of the 12 zojiicil signs, and general
names for a sign.
8 Parts of the human body denoted by the zodiacal signs.
9 Animal forms symbolised by the zodiacal signs.
10-12 The regions indicated by the sign".
13 —
Signs—-long and short male and female— benefic and
malefic— Eastern, Western, etc. — Mos cable, immove-
able and dual.
14 Which signs dominate by night and which hyday?-—
IHte’T (Prislitodaya) and (Sirshodaya) signs.
15 Land and water signs.
16-18 Biped, quadruped and reptile signs and where strong’
19 Odd and even signs. Mineral, vegetable and animal signs.
20 The castes corresponding to the signs.
21 Some signs blind and some deaf and when ’
22 Lame signs 1
: (Rihsha Sandhi)
23 The colours of the signs.
24 The products, vegetable or mineral, represented by the
25 The lords cf the signs and their Navamsas.
26*28 Which signs and what portion of them ate Moolathri
konas and of which planets ?

29 (Uchcha) and (Paramochcha), rffa (Neecha)

and TW'tfa (Parama neecha).
30 The Dasavargas. The lords of wff (Hora) and
31 The lords of the
32-33 The 5RRT (N&v&msas) and their
34 ritaRV (Vargottamamsa).
35 (DasatMmsas), scttOTSj (Dw&das&msas) and their
Ilord* . 1

36 {Shodas&msos) and their lords.

37 fcgfo (Trims&msas) and their
38-43 txxim (Shashtyamsas).
44 (Vaiseshiklmsas).

45 465 The terms ySR tt/ttama), (Gopura), ftTW (Simha*

(Parijala), Wf4?rt?r (Paravatamsa),
sana\ inR^pt
(Devalola), and^PKT (Iravata) explained.

q?y»T (Shadvaiga).
(Sapta varga).
49-52 The 12 bhhvas and their names.
and their synonyms.
53 tog (Kendra), fafTO (Trikona)
54 to* (Kendras'. T®n< (Phanaparas)and Wfifc* ( Apohlimas).
55 (Upachaya) and eiTTC (Apachaya) houses.
56 The lengths of the signs.
57 Which portions of the signs with the Moon in them
become fateful ?

58 Which portions of the signs with the Moon in them aie

auspicious J

59-60 The countries which the signs indicate. %

(Plava) and (Abhijit)

61 jf*

Adhyaya 2.

1 The several constituents of ( Kftlapurushal repre-

sented by the several planets.
2 The political grades typified by the planets.
3 44 The several names of the planets from the Sun down to
I?ahu and Kethu.
4i 6 OTTO (Upagrahas)
7 The form and appearance of the planets.
8 The luminosity or otherwise of the planets.
9 Planets —malefic and benefic.
The varying influence of the Moon during the 3 divisions
of the lunar month.

1 1 The ?Brt*r (Prislitodaya), tsfrifcr (Sirshodaya) and
(Ubhayodaya) among the planets.
12 Planets —
winged, reptile, biped and quadruped.
1 3 Their haunts.
14 The stages of life typified by ll.e planets.
15 The lords of the four Vedas. Vegetable, mineral and
animal kingdoms severally represented by the planets.
16-18 The ten states or conditions of planets.
19 The colours of the planets.
20 Substances pertaining to the planets. Deities presiding
over them.
21 The precious stones ascribed to them.
22 Their articles of apparel.
23 The points of the compass of which they are lords. The
seasons they represent.
24 1 he portions of human abode or human haunt signified
by the planets
25 Territorial 'jurisdictions of the planets
26 The castes of the planets. Their division into ^ (Satva),
(Rajas) and fitra. (Thamas)
27 Sex of the planets. The elements of which they are
28 Planets arranged according to the length of their orbits.
The constituent elements of the body represented by them.
29 The flavours and the^periods
1 signified by the planets.
30 32 Their aspects.
33-31 Planets — when positionally strong ? When not benefic ?

35 Th»*ir (Dig bala)

36 (Kala bala)
37 Their (Cheshta bala) and (Naisacgska
38-40 The shadbalas and their varieties The standards of
41-46 Five kinds of mutual relation among planets
47 Their special peculiarities.
48 Planets becoming troublesome because of their relation
with Hlfe (Mandi) or (Rahu).

43 Bjrtb of a legitimate child.
49 Birth of asj^PT (Kshetraja).
50 Birth of a (Pauna rbhav s'
51 Birth of a bastard
52-53 Birth of a son to be given in adoption
54*58 Child born fathered upon the huibitid of the confined
59 Child born legitimate.
60 Child born during the father’s captivitv.
6 1-66 Place of birth of a child described
67 The yoga under which the new born child will be cast
away by its mother.
The yoga m which it will be taken care of bj others and
- live long
68 Other yogas under which the new born child will be
abandoned by its mother.
The conditions for the Survival or otherwise of the cast*
away child.
69 Place of delivery ascertainable from the position of
certain planets
70 Accouchement m darkness , the manner of delivery
painful or otherwise
71 The means of guesswg certain particulars respecting the
lying in chamber — the direction of the door way — the .

nature of the lamp (fixed or moveable) — the quantity

of oil and the portion of the wick burnt therein.
72 The nature of the lying m
73 The part of the main building in which the lying- id-
chamber is situated.
74 The means of guessing the position of the lying in woman
and her couch.
75 The means of guessing the female attendants
withm as
well as without the lying tn chamber.
76 The color and* appearance of the new-born
child end the
proportions of its body and limbs
77 The 3 divisions of the child’s bod> and I.mbs correspond*
mg to the Drehhanas of the Lagna and othct R&sis.

The nature ulcer or wound to be appre-

of the injury,
hended in the part of the body corresponding to the
Drekkana occupied by a malefic planet.
The presence of a benefic planet is marked by a mole or
some freckle
The ulcer or wound spoken of abo\ e is brought on in-

variably by the combination of four planets including

Mercury in the 6th bha\ a especially.

Adhyaya 4.

The life of children under 12 years cannot be calculated

for the reasons stated.
(Ealanshta), irfrlttE (Yogarishta), ^(37 (Alpayus),
IfYzna»r (Madhyayus)
and mi7*I.(Deerph'iyus) defined.

Part cular fatal planetary combinations

The (Anshta) causing the death of the child or
its several relations.
The >oga fatal to the mother or a brother of the new-
born child.
Another aurent'T (Atislita’yoga) fatal to the mother.
The atfiprk (Anshta yoga) causing tne death of both
the mother and child.
An (Artshta yoga) necessitating a fatal operation.
(Anshta) to the mother,
sifte (Anshta) to both the mother and the child.
The stage oF de\elopment of the child in the womb its —
good or bad condition dependent on the strength or
otherwise of the planets presidingover its growth during
the set era! mouths of its sti j in the womb.
The >oga at the time of conception tending to the hippy
condition of the fetus in the womb.
The jog-i at the time of the conception or birth of the
fetus bringing about the death of the father either at
once or in three jears.
20 The yogi at the birth of a chiM causing the father to go
to a far ofl country perhaps net cr to return.
2! The yoga leading to a child 5 death within a month from
its birth.
22 The 5 oga causing the instant death of the new born
23 24 The yoga bringing oa a child s death within sevenl>
seven days from its birth
25 26 The yoga producing the speedy death of the new born
27 The Jogi. under which the child born lives from two to
six months only after its birth
2o 29 The yoga under which the child dies as soon as born
30 The joga under which the child dies within a month
after its birth
31 The (Arishta >pga) causing the death of the
child within a month or two after its birth
32 34 The >bga3 leading to the speedy death cf the new born
35 Thejoga leading to the instant death of the new born
The yogas under which the child may live 8 years 4
years or only one month after its birth
36 Yogas fatal {some of them) to the child and seme fatal
both to the mother and the child
37 An (Arishta yoga) to be averted by Jupiter m
38 Fateful position of the Mcon
to be counteracted by
Venus, Mercury or Jupiter in strength
39 When 7 the effect of an wfowTT (Arishta >oga) ma$ be

looked for the longest duration of an srftz {Arishta)
generally does not exceed a year
40 54 (Arishta.) yogas terminating fatally in ) 3 4 5
6,7,8 9,10 11 12 13 and 14 years
55 The (Arishta yoga) leading to a child
s death in
the 15th >ear in consequence of a hurt by
a sharp
56 The 3Tn^qi ,r (Arishta yoga) causing the death of the
child in the 16th year owing to hurt by a snake
57 61 aifts (Arishta) yogas terminating fatally in the 17, 18th,
19th 20th and 22nd year respectively
62 67 logas giving a lease of life for 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31
years respectively
68 The yoga under which a person will be either short lived
or childless
69 70 Yogas yielding short life
7 «*83 Yogas which counteract atftg (Arishta) and secure long

84 A yoga yielding a JtvinpC. (Madhyayus) or the mean

period of life
85 96 Yogas giving the full length of life,
97 The yoga under which a person may li\e to the end of
the world
98 The yoga under which a person may become an inspired
saint and live long
99 1 he yoga gi\ mg an immensely long life.

100 101 The yoga under which a person will be like a celestial
102 The yoga under which a person ma> prolong his life by
the recitation of sacred hymns
103 The yoga under which a person may become a saint.
104 Yoga gning life lasting till the end of the world
105 The yoga under which a person maj attain to Brahma’s

106 The yoga under which one will attain final beatitude

107 Summary of the contents of the chapter

Adhyaya 6

1 The eight kinds of )*T (x\>urdaya) enumerated b}

(Parvnn) and others — viz, iTOrfr (NisargajaJ
favra (Pinda;a) fAmsaja), UM* (Rasmija) nri
(Chnkraja),*, JTTXS (Nakshatnja) *vn (Dayan) and

2 The years assigned to the several planets under the
faS’falJJTH (Nisargaja Ayurdaya).
3 The years assigned to the «?e\ eral .planets under the
4 6 The method of working out the (Pindaja) as well as
the PtQJ(3 (Ni'argaja) SJT^TPT (Aj urdaj’a)
7 S Reduction ra the arfsjTfzj (Aj'urdaj’aJ/of a planet on account
of its being in a depressed position, in a state of eclipse
by the Sun or in an mimical house. — Exceptions to this
9 10 Reduction for the presence of planets m the 12th, 11th,
10th 9th, 8th and 7th bhavas When several planets
unite in one bhava, the reduction is made in the case of
the strongest planet
1] Reduction in the atl^W (Ayurdaja) because of the pre
sence of a malefic planet in the Lagm, The reduction
is to be by half when a benefic planet aspects the
12 13 The reductions apply to frflihr CMsarg-ija) and f^n (Pm
daja) but not to (Amsaja) Vjgtf? (Ayurdaya)
14 15 Directions for finding the (l-agmyiis)
16 The same as in Slokas 7 1

164 The orfgnV (Ayurdaya) of sftqtWT (jeeiasarman).

17 21 The process of getting the (Amsaja yurdaj a)
22 The rays for the several planets
23 The process of working out the tfigT (Rasmija)
CA> urdayn).
24 25 The augmentation or reduction in the planet’s
according to their favorable or unfavorable positions.
26 The (Chakraja) sn^Tiq (Ayurdaja\
27 (Nakshtra dasayu'i) and mvtfn (Ashtakava
rgaja) an^fAyus)
23 If predominant strength belongs to the Lagna,
(Amsajayurdaja) is to be calculated if to the Sun,
, the
hviK tPindaja) , if to the Moon, the Rrafrr (Nisargaja).
29 32 The particular 5 ogas in which
^^(Pindaja Ayur
daja} is recommended by (Parasara).
33 ft^3^(Pindaja\ firairr(Nisargaja),d?irsr (Rasmija) f*T5rre$

(Bbinnashtakavargaja), <j jrH-> i (Kala chakra ja)

(Naksbatraja), Stg-'nnETWT (Samudayasli taka vargaja) or

3T^=r (Amsaja) agjH(A>us) is to be reckoned accord
ing as the Sun Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupi
ter, Sathrn or the Lagna predominates in strength

o4 The process of converting the aTITO (Ayus) which is in

years of 360 daj s into solar 5 ears
35 39 Those persons to whom the dppfa (Ayurdaya) rules appl>
and those to whom they do not
40 44 The maximum length of life in the case of men and some
of the other living creatures
45 54 Various clues for ascertaining the time of death of per
sons born undei paiticular planetary combinations
55 *i«f (Sarpa) f?prr (Nigada) and 7151 (Pisa) drekkana * 1
merated. t

56 The term ijrr (Khara) in Sloka 52 defined and the 64th

Navamsa referred to in the same sloka explained
57 The terms (jeeva), (Delia) and 7 c*T (Mrityu) ex-

plained The Sum of -fa Qee\a) and (Deha) being ^

in excess of TS (Mrityu) indicates long life

58 A clue to the time when loss of wealth ore\en death

may be apprehended
59 71 A clue to the time when a person s death may be looked
for —the particular dasa period, the jear, the month and
the day when the event maj happen is ascertainable
72 The cause of a person s death is to be ascertained with
reference to the 22nd Drekkana from the Lagna
73 The nature of a person s death ascertainable from the
position of planets occupying the 7th place from
74 Means of ascertaining the ailment leading to death and

also whether the e\ent will tale place in one’s own

counto of abroad, etc
75 The planet or planets causing death
76 Means of ascertaining whether death will be happj or
unhappj .
77-112 Death under various circumstances and b> various agen-
cies- detailed
113 II 5 The means of ascertaining the cause of a person s death
from the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the Lagna
and the place of death through the lwPTtT«T fHandhm
navamsa) *
116 Tbef^(Dih) or direction in rrhi-h a person’s death mil
] 17 The duration of unconsciousness prior to death can be
ascertained and the disposal of the dead body predicted
118 The regonto which the deceased goes can be a*cer
1 19 The means of knowing whether the deceased goes to
(Bhuloha) (Bhuvar loha) or T (Suvar loka#
120 121 The conditions u-ider which the deceased has to go to
hell or heaven.

122 The conditions under which the deceased raij ittvin to

Brahma's seat
123 The conditions for the deceased going to the regtons of
eternal bli«s
124 Summary of the contents of the \db>aya

Adhyaya 5A

1 Means of ascertaining the ailment leading to death, and

also whether the event will lake place in one’s oi\p
countrj or abroad etc
2 3 Death due to accidents and other causes
4 10 Death under various circumstances and b> various
agencies detailed
1 1 The cause of a person s death be ascertained with
is to
reference to the ^nd Drehkana from the Lagna
12 The nature of the place where death happens The
duration of unconsciousness prior to death.
13 The final stage of the dead body, how it i* disposed of.

14 The means of knowing the particular region to which
the deceased had belonged in his previous birth.
15 The region to which the deceased goes.

Adhyaya 6
1 Four classes of yogas marring a horosrope.
2 Yogas producing poverty.
3 Two yogas one leading a person of low birth to eminence,
the other forcing the person born to live ignobly.
4-5 Yogas betokening beggary, dependence and illiteracy.
6 Two yogas, one of them leading to crime, the other to

7 Two yogas, the first leading to adultery and unwhole-

some living, the second to ignorance, dullness, forlorn-

ness, fretfulness and beggary.
74 Yogas leading to exile, wretchedness and poverty.
89 Yogas leading to f9«lR (Ku!adh\amsa) or family ex-
10 *mpnnr (Raja yoga bhanga).
11 Yoga leading to loss of independence.
to family dishonor and extinction
12 Yogas leading
13 Perpetual servitude.
134 Yoga leading to infanticide.

14 15 Yogas under which a person becomes a professional

hunter or fowler.
16*17 Yogas leading to baseness, wretchedness and misery.
18 What mars a ’Cl’WlR (Rajajoga)?
19 Yogas producing drunkenness, crime and adultery- '
to birds and
20 Yogas leading to cruelty corc 0 p„ cen
21-25 id (Reka) >ogas.
26-27 Th e fleets of the
28-34 (Daridra) jogas, * r.. >C£a$p rC(f Uc ,n
S poverty*
35 Planetary positions betokening crime.
36 Planets produce depression effect. ,
n ^ . _»
sas and exaltation effects in (r j-* , .

37*38 Th. .flee., of the (Da„ iri

39 4+ (Preshya) yogas.— Yogas leading to dependence and
45 The effect of the above.

46 59 3Tjf5.PT —
(Anga heena) yogas. Yogas leading to deformity
and defectiveness of organs.
60 73 (Roga) yogas—-Yogas producing diverse diseases
73* Yoga leading to danger from snakes
74 Yoga leading to captivity.
75 75* Yoga producing diseases or defects connected with the
organ of generation.
76 A yoga leading to captivity.
77 Yoga leading to a disease produced by enchantment.
78 Yoga producing consumption
79 80* Yotras leading to insanity.
83 Yogas producing idiosy and addiction to wine
81} A yoga producing a disease of ibe privities.
82 A yoga producmg a disease of the throat
S3 A yoga producing insanity.
84 Yogas producing ailments affecting teeth and eyes.
85 Yoga producing blindness
86 Leprosy.
87 Same as Sloka 81 i.
88 Yogas producing strangury and piles.
89 91 Yogas producing various diseases affecting the stomach
92 Yogas leading to jaundice, delirium, colic and erysipelas
93 Same as Sloka 77.
94 Yogas leading to diseases brought on by a meeting with
celestial spirits, goblins, ghosts or fiends

95 97 Special jor-is producing certain special diseases

9S Yogas under which the person born fs a dwarf,
99 Husband and wife both one eyed Two yogas under the —
the person* born is one eyed and becomes mated

with an one eyed wife, under the second, the person

born has a wife defective in some limb,
100 Two yogas— under the first, the organ of hearing of the
person becomes damaged ; under the second, ugly teeth
are produced
101 JBenefic planetary positions resulting in the happiness of
the person born
102 Summary of the chapter

Adhyaya 7.

1-57 Various planetary positions m -which kings or king like

men are born
•58 The good influence of a planet in its several positions'
•59 The 5 Mahapurusha yogas ) named.

60 The effect of Ruchaka yoga.

61 Another Raja yoga
62 The effect of fihadra yoga
63 (lOTfrrr v-*t) The
effect of Hamsayoga

64 The effect of MalavyH yoga

65 (smlffTWn) The effect of Sasa yoga.
66 (The time) when a yoga takes effect.
67 ) Rbaskara yoga and its effect
68 ) Indra yoga and its effect.

69 ) Marut yoga and its effect.

70 (jwhr ) Budha yoga and its effect.
71 Kemadruma yoga.
72 73 (Anapha), (Sunapha) and (Durudharal
yogas defined.
74-77 (Daridra) yoga'.
78-79 Other %*t5* (Kemadruma) yogas.
80 81 Exceptions to the Daridra yoga*
83 W
A Kemadrurjia yoga nullifies a Raja yoga
yogas defined.
(Sunapha) and
The cropping up of the
84 85 The general effect respectively of g*TT (Sunapha),
(Anapha 1 and IDurudhara) yogas.
86 90 Special *ETTT (Sunapha 1 yogas and their effects
91 95 Special 3R<rr (Anapha) yogas and theif effects.
96 105 Special to (Durudhara) yogas and their effects
106 The conditions under which a yoga takes full effect
107 The conditions under which the effect of a yoga becomes
108 109 StT* (Sakata) joga and its effect
101 111 The planets occupying 'm^TRT (Pan jata) and
effect of a
such other Vaiseshikam^as
112 The yogas termed the lowest eruff (Adhacna), the middl-
ing (Sama) and the highest (Vanshta)
113 faTOJ'rf) ' The Moon s Adhijoga and its effect.

114 115 ) Lagnadhiyoga and its effect

116 117 Gajake^ari joga and its effect

U8 120 (spiSfllPt ) Amala yoga and Us effect
121 124 The 3 ypgas 3A (VesA *1*1 fVesd and auiniT) {Ubhaya -

chan) with their effects

125 127 Yogas termed 3* (Subha) 3r3rf (Asubha) tmaft (Papa

kartm) and (Samyalcirtari) with their effects
128 129 {t^pt ) Parvata yoga and its effect
130 131 Oms^tiT ) kabalA yoga and its effect.
132 135 (RTri=*mbT ) Malika yoga and its effect.
136 137 T ) Cbainara yoga and its effect

138 139 ('TIT'U'T ) Sankha yoga and its effect

HO 141 (itfnpr) Bhen yosa and its effect.
142 (T Mridanga yogi and its effect

143 (ihHnmtu) Srinatha yoga and its effect

H4 J45 ( «TTWr ) Sarada yc\ga and Jfs effect.
146 147 (r^pftn ) Mathsya yoga md its effect
148 149 (fwta) Kurma yoga and its effect
150 151 (^TJTW 1 khadga yog* and its effect.
152 153 (psstfwm ) Lakshmi yoga and its effect.
154 155 ) Kusuma.
yoga and its effect
156 157 (trftTPT >r) Parijata yogi and its effect
158 159 fasmAfoVi ) Kalamdhi yoga and its effect

160 161 (wOTnnr^iT) Amsavatan yoga and its effect

162 163 (sfHcKrPj>T ) Hariharabrihma yoga and its effect
164 180 Nabhasa yogas


* 164 Names of the 20 (Akriti) ybgas.
165 Names of the 3 3VW (Asraya) yogas, the 2 (Data)
yogas, arid the 7 (Sankhya) yogas.
166-167 The 3 atfepr (Asraya) yoga sand the 2 ^ (Dala) ) ogas
168-172 The 20 (Aknti) yogas described.
173 The 7 u&n (Sankhya) yogas explained.
174 The effect of the 3 »tm (Asraya) and the 2 X? (Oala)
yoga 15

175*178 The effect of the 20 srnft (Akriti) 3 ogas

179-180 The effect of the 7 HOT (Sanlhja' )ogas

181 Summary.

Adhyaya 8

1-5 ) Dn tgraha yoga. Combinations of 2 planets in

one bhava.
Combinations of 3 planets in
6 14 (frtrin ) Trigraba yoga.
one bhava.
of 4 Planets
15-25 (safistf't) Chilurerahayo2i. Combinations
in one bhava ,
26-35 (rsi&fir) Panchognln yoga. Combinations of 5 planets

in one bhava.
36-38 , Shadgraba >oga Combinations of 6 planets m
( ‘^*Tt fi<T)

oqs bhava.
Moon) occupying
39-44 Tne effect of planets (other tlnn the
Mesha and other Nasis.
The presence of the Moon m Mesha and other signs
of other planet*.
their Amsas modifies the effect
46 The effect of evil planetar) aspect.
47 The effect of benefic planetar)
48.55 The effect of planetar) aspects on the
Moon .n tlic 12

Rasis and m their Amsas.

presence of planets the 1st
56-61 The effect doe to the
96 105 Special JS'ITI (Durudhara) yogas and their effects,
106 The conditions under which a yoga takes full effect
107 The condit ans under which the effect of a yoga, becomes
108 109 517* (Sakata) yoga and its effect

101 111 The effect of a planets occupying (Parijata) and

such other Vaiseshikam^as
112 The yogas termed the lowest arm (Adhama) the middl
mg 5W (Sama) and the highest (Vansbta)
113 The Moon s Adh y oga and its effect,
114 115 (fcWftiftan 1 Lagnadhijoga and its effect
316 117 (»T7+SOTH ) Gajakesari yoga and its effect
1 18 120 (3R*tptpr ) Amala yoga and us effect
121 124 The 3 yogas 3 3 (Vesi* 41*1 (Vesi) and (Ubhaya
chan) with the r effects,
125 127 Yogas termed (Subha) *13*1 (Asubha) Tira’tft (Papa
hartan) and (Samyakartan) with their effects
128 129 (w$PT ) Parvata yoga and us effect

130 131 ) Kahala yoga and its effect

132 135 (mfWraft ) Malika yoga and Us effect
336 137 Chamara yoga and its effect
I3S 139 (TWr) Sanhba yoga and its effect
f ^77)7 ) Bheri yoga aDd its
140 143 effect,

142 fptm ) Mndangayoga and its effect

143 Sr natba yoga and Us effect
!44 145 (WWI* ) Sarada yoga and Us effect
146 147 (rvrfln ) Mathsyayoga -nd its effect
148 149 ) Karma yoga and its effect

( ^T fi t 1 Khadgtyoga and Us effect,

, r
J50 151 r

152 153 (artf tft) Lahshmi yoga and its effect.

154 155 ) Kusuma yoga and Us effect

156 1 57 (Ttf^rtn^PT ) Parijata yoga and Us effect

153 159 fa5sjftf*4>T ) Kalamdhi yoga and its effect
160 161 (Jryr43lt7 T) Amsavatari yoga and Us effect
162 163 (sfoxwsrfffn ) Hanharabrihma yoga and its effect
164 130 far*m) Nahhasa yogas
- 164 Names of the 2d ajiitft (Akriti) y6gas.
165 Names of the 3 &\m (Asraya) yogas, the 2 ^ (Dala)
yogas, and the 7 (Sankhya) yogas.
166-167 The 3 3TT«T*r (Asraja) yogas and the 2 (Dala) yogas
168*172 The 20 3Tifn% (Akriti) yogas described.
173 The 7 (Sankhya) yogas explained.
174 The effect of the 3 (Asraya) and the 2 (Dala)
175-178 The effect of the 20 anrPT (Akriti) yogas
179-180 The effect of the 7 (Sankhya' ) ogas.
181 Summary.

Adhyaya 8.

1-5 (fermbl.) Diugrahayoga Combinations of 2 planets in

one bhava.
6*14 (r>ggT?n) Trigraha yoga. Combinations of 3 planets in
one bhava.
15*25 ) Oruurgrahayogi. Combinations of 4 planets
in one bhava.
26*35 (rartfiil'i) Panchdgraha yoga. Combinations of 5 planets'
in one bhava.
36*38 ( T^S^) Shadgraha yoga Combinations of 6 planets in
one bhava,
39*44 Tne effect of planets (other than the Moon) occupying
Mesha and other Easis.
45 The presence of the Moon m Mesha and other signs or
their Amsas modifies the effect of other planet-,

46 The effect of evil-planetary aspeci.

47 The effect of benefic planetary aspect.
48-55 The effect of planetary aspects on the Moon in tj, Jo
Rasis and in their Amsas.
56-61 The effect due to the presence of planets
m the J s|
62 6+ The effect of the presence of planets in the 2nd bhava.
65 67 The effect of the presence of planets in the 3rd bhava
68 70 The effect of the presence of plhnels in the 4th bhava*
71-74 The effect of the presence of planets in the 5th bhava.
75*78 The effect of the presence of planets in the 6th bhava.
79 SI The effect of the presence of planets in the 7ih bhava.
82-85 The effect due to the presence of planets in the 8th
86 S3 The effect due to the presence of planets in the 9th
bhava. >

89 93 The effect of the presence of planets in the 10th bhava.

94 96 The effect due to the presence of planets in the litft
97-99 The effect of the presence of planets in the 12th bhava.
100 103 (Uchchaphalam/. The influence of planets when
in their sev eral exaltation signs.

104 (Moolatrikonaphalam). The influence of

planets in their several Mooiatrihona positions.
105-106 (SwaVshetraphalam). The influence of planets
when in their swahshetra.
107-111 (Mitralcshetraphalam'. The influence of pla-
nets -when in a friendly sign.
112 113 (Satruksbctrsphalam). The influence of ph-
nets when in an inimical sign. .

114 (Neecharasipbalam). The influence of ’pla

nets when in their depression signs..

115 U6 The several effects produced by planets in tfrtir several

positions jpompared.

117 The conditions under whiih planets are generally favor-

. able.

115 Summary. ,

Adhyaya 9.

1-6 The effect of the presence of HlPf (Mandi} itt the several
7 The Lagna standing in a certain relation to Mandi is

baneful. Planets associated with Mandi or the sign

occupied by Mandi equally baneful. 1 --
8-9 The effect of Mandi’s association with the several
planets. ' < ’
_ •

10-25 The effect* of a person's .birth in the several cyclic years

from (Prabhava) to sjspt (Akshaya).
26 The effect of one's birth during the northern gxkftPT
• (Uttarayana) or southern itfy®IPTT (Dakshi Dayana) passage
of the Sun. . ;
27-28 The effect of one's birth in the several seasons of the
>ear, , , ,

29-31 The effect of one's birth in the several solar months. k

32 The effect of one’s birth during the light or dark half of

a month. .

33 The effect of one’s birth during certain particular divi-

sions of a day.
34-37 The effect of one’s birth in the several days of the Moon.
38-39 The effect of one’s birth in the several week-days. >*7
40-44 The designations of the 28 Asterisms.
45 The fateful portions of the 6 Asterisms styled 1-UtTRi:

(Gandantataras). The term ( Abhukta) Moola defined*-

the birth of (Kuladhvamsaha) therein.

46-48 The 10 divisions of the Asterism £rcn (Jyesfcta) and'thg

effect of a child's’ birth in them severally on the child’s

49 The effectof a child's birth in the Asterism Oyesbta)

coupled with Tuesday or in (Moola) with Sunday.

50*51 The effect of a child’s birth id the quarters of

(Jyeshta). The ’same in those of (Moola).

15 divisions of
(M#ola) and the effects of
12-55 a child^s
birth in each of these divisions. V' -
56 59 Risk to parentsby" i child birth in portions of

a (Gandanta faras) with special reference to the time ofj

day when such portions occur

60 61 The birth of a child with the Moon in the Asterjsm ’pi
«TWT (Purvashadha) and with the rising sign Dlianus or
with the Moon in (Pushyatand the rising sign Kataka
proies fatal to parents
6j2 63 Fateful influence on parents of child birth in specified!
portions of (Uttaraphalgum) gn (Pushya) prg
(Chttra) W(°fi fBharam' (Ha It) ani tafi <
64 67 Ths limit of the *T®r (Ganda) period

68 69 Childbirth in Specified portions of ?^T (ivriihna

chaturdasil inauspicious
70 7 J The -abandonment recommended of children and cattle
born in the new moon dny with a notate kxceptron
72 TheuVil effect of a child birth in a Lagni or \stertsm
-identical with that of the f ither
73 74 The er il attending a child s birth in the (Musiki)
and HT^MudffirOyogas freTC* (Vishtikarana)
(Gulikakal ), ffcrtftfa (Riktathiti) (Yamakan
" takakaU) and (Grabapbedita Naksbtra)
75 76 The evils of a ch W b rth in the yogas «gsrn<T (Vyatipata),
iRr (Pangha), 3YST (\ a dhrit ) ( Vishkambha)
(Sola) and 'T0 ? (Ganda) i

7? The birth of a child with teeth inauspicious during the

first si\ months*
78 80 The terms T^fjannnrksha) $3 t (Kar mrksha)
(Sanghat kha), (Saraudaya) &NT^r (Adhana) avnt'f-r
(Vaioasika) (Jan) (Desa) and (Abhishcka)
ns applied to stars expla ned and the eflect of their
oecultation (qpf Vedfia) at b rth by planets
81 82 The sour-e and character of the (Ganda) with refer
ence to particular months of the year -

8J The benefit of the father see og h»s new barn child

84 90 The effect of one s b rth iq the several Asterisms.

91-93 The effect of one’s birth with the Moon in the several
94 96 Theeffect of one's birth in the several Rasyamsas, i.e„
Amsas or portions of the several Rasis
97-100 The effect of one's birth in the several Yogas.
101-103 The effect of one’s birth in the several Karanas.
104 109 The effect of one’s birth in the several rising signs
110 The effect of one’s birth in the Horas of an odd sign.
1 1 1 The effect of one’s birth in the Horas of an even sign,
112 Krura Drekkanas.
1 \ 3 Water bearmg Drekkanas
1 14 Benefic (ster Saumja) Drekkanas.
1 1 5 Mixed (fa*T-Misra) Drekkanas
116 The effect of one’s birth m the several kinds
of Drek-
117-118 The effect of one’s birth in the Navamsas of the several
119 121 The effect of one’s birth in the Dwadasamras 0 f the
several Rasis.
122 The effect of one’s birth in the several classes
of Trim
satnsas viz., those owned by Mars, Saturn,
Mercury and Venus.

123 124 The effect of one’s birth m the 3^ (Satva), rn*j(Ra )as )
and (Thamo Vela) respectively.
1 25 The order of the Velas in w eekdays.
126 The rule for finding the wmtU (Kalahora) u weekday
127 The effect of a person’s birth in the several Kalahoras
128 Summary.
t I

ii ^fl’terpr to ii




The Properties or Siat.s

S\Qk(\ T Having bowed to the Sun, the Lord

of day, who is of the nature of Vishnu (fa'g), the

beloved of the Goddess Sri Brahman (asn;) and

Siva (rr), who is the Sovereign of the hosts of immortal
lights, who transcends Maya (RW) [Prakriti

i (, , nature] and who rules ill animate worlds I am

going to expound Jataha Panjata (srnrs mfnnr) to the
joy of all astrologers epitomising the starry influence

treated of by Girgi (**) Parasan (<m^) and others

tfimzrw <pfr: i

fi : 5fl &
ii * ii
Adh. 1

Slok t 2. I, the talented Vaidyanatha (^rto),

the son of the learned Venkatadn a descendant
of the Bharadwaja. (vrcsfra) family and a proficient in the
Science of Astrology, set forth in regular order the
whole matter (of Astrology) commencing with the
definitions of the zodiacal positions to afford mental
enjoyment to the multitude of wise men who appreciate
the nectarcous sweets of astrological truths.

Sloka . 3. Prostrating myself at the lotus feet of

the Lord of Raghus which the bard community have to
salute (in undertaking anything auspicious) I prepare
the work of Jatakaparijata (wa*wffrsrra) abridging the
important scientific work Saravali (tmratfr).

ss 55^ to ^ g<i imii

1! 6 K 4 • f'A r* *i * l •‘rfy, M l 1 I

iwi ifTOWfwfai i

ijnt to**? to: TO^ftTOfrftroi: II 5 II


SI tas -1-6 and

quarter cf Stakn 7 —The
first sign, astrologers as Mesha (hn), Aja (srsr),
Viswa (ftw), Kriya (ftre), Tumbura (3>jr) or Adya
(wra), the second as Vrishabha Tncoryi), Uksha(?s=0,
Go (dt), Tavuru (trrsr) cr Gokula (dlrsi), ihe third
as Dwandwa (ji) Nnyugma (3301), Jutuma Caes-
ar B13H), Vacua (<ra), Yuga (jti) or Mithuna Fioja) ; t he
: ;

SI. 2-7-

fourth as Kulira (^?)» Karkataka or Karkata

(spfe); the fifth as Kanthirava (sprster), Simha (ffrs),

Mrigendra or Leya ; the skth as Pathona

(Tnihr), Kanya (*»w) Ramani (w#) or Taruni (aw)
the seventh as Thauli (nrer), Vanik Juka
Thula jjw) or Dhata (vrr); the eighth as Ali (srfe),

Vrischika Kaurpi (€rf$) or Kita O&j) ; the

ninth as Dhanus (*13 *), Chapa (^t) or 'iarasana

the tenth as Mnga (vr), Mrigasya (**rr«r), Makara (*w)

ot Nakra (w) the eleventh as Kumbha (tw), Ghata
(va:) or Thoyadhara (stew); and the twelfth as Meena

(ifhr, Anthya (*r=3r). Mathsya (*r?sr), Prithuroma (T*J* W)

or Jhasha (#0
The author presumes m the student an elementary know *
ledge of the science, such as the names of the 12 Rasis, the 27
Nakshatras, etc., and begins to give the different names b> which
• each of the signs is known.
In slokas 18 to ?5 the Rasis have been more elaborately dealt
•with, but the following from Skandahora (W'teul) may be noted

here regarding Vrishabha (fT^) and other Rasis

snvrqTV?:: 33^ gr<T^

» fas*

^fsr*t t w*rfcfr ^tt ^rrr ^rfr^ii

vn;7h strViiHt^Tr nfaf WtffaiTt’Tfoii -
MWTtff ^ifteT i

The following 3 re the Latin names for the several zodiacal

signs from Mesha (5hO onwards

Mesha Ar.es Tula ... Libra


Taurus Vrischika ... Scorpio

Vrishabha ...

Mithuna ... Genum Dhanus ... Sagittarius

Cancer Makarn . Capricorn

Kataka ...

Leo Kumbha “. Aquarius

S.mha ...
Virgo Meena ... Pisces
Kanya ...
4 sTitrT'TrftjntT Adhr

snTOf^RiRT JTfrf^nR li « u
7 (quarters 2 to 4) Knya (fov) and other
S loka
zodiacal signs in thz heavens consist of nine quarters
of stars reckoning from Dasra
termed Kshetra
Aswini) and are
Rikshi (*«)> Rast (rrffr), Bhavana
and Bha (*?)

Rnsis are usually counted fro n Mesha and Nahsliatras from
Asnini (atfvfl) Tacli itm is four quarters find each Ran

consists of n tie quarters of the Nakslntras Thus Mesha is com

posed of Aswmi {vfMr) Charam (»TC°Tt) and the first quarter of
KnthiVi (rf%n) and so on (
f Gitri (rr)

*ruft rpr IT*' eri

T T r<Trnm «T<T T*
» mtT W
rWr-iir;! i tm-*- oPt ttst ti

fV^r -»n^nt*ra^t ft* Snfrr i ip^sjctfsfo =** it

gsq fa a mi k i*w
r^ft nc’ti' PnrN^
u iT^it1 11

jj?ror=T ppn 'rti 'n'T ^ wtT'fjm fr^^rt ®tm "


?nna j« wtttoth ?pn x i»r j?r wt'frp'^r t l<t4i

The last qmrter of the slola gnes the sev eral 53 nonymous
terms for Rast (npt) or s gn

wrra =s ftrttgbfoHsjV

^ snggnti TO^g mt
f^swrmt! n d il

Slotil riv parts of the body of the person


Kala (Tne-Time) beginning with Mesha, arc respecti

vely the head the mouth, the brost, the heart the
belly, the hip, the groins the private part, the two
thighs, the two knees, the two calves and the two feet

c /- %^T. 1-4. The 12 Rasis are supposed to represent the
several parts of the bodj of Kalapurusha
1 ^), Mesha (Aries) (^
representing the head and so on.

sHwitik* •

wri ^ Jn'^nRir'h’ trsrolsTT'm ii

The object of this division is also distinctly Expressed

in the same work thus
3^rrj ii >

^TTJ^Tsnf^ H

i« t> i to find out the full growth or otherwise of the different

parts of the body of the owner of the horoscope Recording as the
Rasis typifying them are connected with benefic or malefic planets
In the case of all horoscopes, the se\eral parts of the body
referred to abo\ e should be understood to he represented by the
signs beginning from the Lngna.

[ctf R^T(

*l3>l ^TT^T *T<Tc( J

OTJ ^termr: II ^ II

Sloka, 9. Sign Pisces consists of two fishes with

their two tails and heads in reversed positions Aquae
lius is symbolised by a man with a pot. Libra is a
person with a balance; Sagittarius is a man armed
with a bow, the hinder part of the body being tha*
etf jAanc Giprararor &
.? <fAuv.b wfeV .W<? sf
a deer. Gemini constitute a pair of human beings bear-
ing a harp and a mace. Virgo is a woman standing
with her corn and fire. The remain'
in a boat carrying
ing signs correspond to things with properties indi'
cated by their respective names. Each one of them
inhabits the region appropriate thereto.
Adh 1

cf f 1 5 ifHFITO ts another reading

A-t Mlft+U^IMUd^ *^tt^

•wfHrerasfcpnft ftftarai it n


<“iwd« trft'W'W.ttt: i

^rret di*W‘n“J K?l3Tft ,

5ffcra ^ HrtsgfSmtTOrct ii it

Slokas 10*12 Th’ abode of Mesha (*bi) or the

Ram is the surface of the earth containing precious
stones and yielding minerals The quarters of Vnshabha
(gnr*r) or the Bull, is thetable- land farms, the cow station
and the forest The place of Mithuna i^pr) or Gemini
isthe gambling house and pleasure haunts such as a
park or a garden The seat of Kataka or the
Crab is a lake a pond or a sand bank in the midst of
water The region of Simha (ffn?) or the Lion is deep
mountain caves and dense forests The haunt of the
sixth or Virgo is a pasture land or the pleasure room
of a woman The locality of Thula (girr) or Libra
is the ba'aar of a city abounding m all kinds of valuable

tin lgs The lair of Vrischika ($&*) or the Scorpion

-- consists of a region abounding in flint, or holes of
SI. 10-12 1

noxious The camp or barrack containing horses


chariots and elephants is the place of Chapa (^ra) or the

Sagittarius. The home of Makara or the Deer'
faced is a river or other water -abounding region.
The seat of Kumbha (IP*) or Aquarius is a water-pot
and the receptacles of vessels in a house. The resort of
Meena (Ufa) or Pisces is a river, the sea and similar
collections of water.

These are useful in fixing the nature and the whereabouts of
absconded or missing persons, lost things, etc., and seem to have
been culled from the works of the Yavanas, from which the
following is extracted —

srfSnit l^lk: favng: 1

-4 w 1 11

^hnTtr^njffagii tjrfpi: sTHivcb i

JRrfspt TTT4HRk*M*tjft II


snnvih ganmr^rqr: 1

srffifiitM *i?7 g3°r ^^77’ wit^j j

ttrorifahi Rrarg: «5ifs^i n

q'i't-Tn T'tnrft fen: *? *rr»fr 1

**rohHTrt 1

lZirr^'IK sennit sngstTr as^n% vr^: 1

8 AthA

c^m: af^g* u

g grm *r§ nfr TT yw^nqi : i

3 jfiis^~y<ift: tjr$ fafem i

ww<?<Ty i &4 ry j n

3 ?ur«TaUsjR i hut «a q a q a ngm rai 'n-

ftr«i: ^i^F^'vifl;’ sptT

=?st ’iiTCiww 5


^«wvwsusj,ji wfc g^ifafl i

u 'jji -(;+-. !* J



13 The

Mesha, Vrishabha and


^ II n II

Kumbha are short Makara, Mithuna, Dhanus, Meena

and Kataka are of even length while Vnschifca, Kanya,
Simha and Thula arc long. The signs are male and
female from Mesha onwards in regular orJer. Mesha,
Vrishabha, Mithuna and Kataka with their thrikona
or triangular signs represent the four quarters commenc-
ing from the East. Again, the signs from Mesha, taken
in order, are to be considered fierce and auspicious

they are also termed moving, fixed and dual signs

Tbs slokt helpful in deciding the se\, appearance,
ter. etc , of the person concerned if the Lagm be a
male sign
and the surroundings lead to the same conclusion, he is surely a
male but if they should be otherwise he will be a male with
feminine appearance and cliaracter, etc , or t>ice ttrta
student should ne\cr venture an> prediction unless
all the existing
conditions are fully and carefully tested and weighed
snr 3*^
si: 11 S*TOTS«mf: 9


aita? %*n Wi g»*u i

sjttiu sw qVir 3«r5 wrg 11

wnrc ferc»nT k ?m i

^RT?Tnrag^mK% vzm n^dinm; n

The sign Meena is stated to be of even length, but it will be

seen from slcka 50 infra that the sign’s length is represented by
the numher 20 and should therefore be classed as a short sign

r«rtV»fa*trHPT 013*013 Bf<f^rgnrsr u»rr i

^f^TRT*2!! tfRr 'initial II

Vtde also notes to that slol a

g i twr gcwaiPa wrVrft 'IsfaniiR *r

^*n *r
g*T*r fafe *wnfr *nfr fawnSireir ii rft

qfqffait ftfir ?q^5*5a^ n3R!Pr i

fl^rt srofansr i

qrqr: qfl Tfs^l

flraraUB’ISH’firi srosir irnfa II ?« II

Slobz 14. Vrishabha, Mithuna, Katakd, Dhanus*

Mesha and Makara possess strength at night. These
excepting the sign Mithuna rise with their rear portion
first. The rest appear with their heads and have
strength during the day. They are also termed signs
characterised by The rising sign at any
given time, if represented by a couple of fish'figures is
to come untier both the Prishtodaya ( Ter^ ) and
Seersfioddya (STHrr^)
cf- TO^rn:
fi^r fl'^wijpplnpn 1 *nx *iBK*n2f7 rr^r Tnfccn n

10 Adh.I

R3*fffi*rn*g* if

afnrr: $4.*?3 tov mwr

For the usefulness of this slol»a, cf.

^ntaifomSWte sbt& f%T^n n^Fikm u

Also rm fat t^rr^f snratf mft fhnforvt *m?r *r cisk n

ritaife^iiw- nfesrftww-
*fpmwT ^'gimtrogr: i

f*HSlPnjtR5^RIS W' ’-i '-J 1 4 ife-

rp&Wt mpi sRict% gjg: ii ?h ii

Sloka. 15. Many learned men say that Mccna,

Vrtschika, Kataka and Makara are termed watery signs.
Kumbha, Kanya, Michuna and Vrishabha, represent the
waterresottets, while Mcshi, Dhanua, Thula and Simha,
represent those that traverse (dry or) waterless regions.

Among pi inets, the Moon anti Venus are termed watery pla-
nets, Mercury and Jupiter arc water resoiters, and lha Sun, Mars

and Saturn waterless ones. VfJt Adh>*>a II si. !3. «ou jtfnRgrfi
zniw «ra *rcfcr ifa.


:«i fM3T iigisqi. || ^ ||

wnratei^roigT awfown iiferogif i

WSM& WlWK^liK 3.5S *S1^ U $a «

SLkas 16— 17, The
. latter half of Dhanus, Simha,

Vrishabha, the forepart of Makara and Me&ha, when

they happen to be the Mana (*ira) or the 10th house,
pcescss strength and are called quadruped signs. Kanya*

SI. 18 11

Mithuna, Kumbha, Thulaand the forepart of Dhanus,

when they form the lagna or the rising sign, have
abundant strength and are termed the human family of
bipeds The latter part of Makara, Meena and Kataka
which are termed water/ when they
signs, are strong
happen to be the 4th house Vrischiki which is a water*
resorting signis strong m the seventh house

cf *ni • tjt jFT ^ ^ qfcpr i

mr 5rfHtr fr^Tjf^T fit inxrcre h
t# 4Ttt jn <iS. i qfyh i

wr?fVr /pr^cn Ktfcrrf-R '

^ftsS73nitffl?T 3f^T & n

STURT miTRt*! *H*nV«T**H Vr i

These are useful jn finding the (w F*tr) Bb'U'idjgbila

Vide wnrrrOT Ch ill Si 21 23

nmfl f^5^t i

^ ifepw >t?r II V- II

Sloka / A biped sign is strong in a Kendra

position (1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th house) during the
day , the quadruped signs are strong at night when in
the same Kendra (%??) position All reptile signs when
in the Kantaka (sras) or Kendra (#i?) position possess
strength in the two periods of junction between day and
night (morning and evening)
c/« '45 rR
V-irtt £mr 4 mk i )

The term JfiPT (reptiles) here includes not only Vrischika

Risi but also the other aquatic signs of*
vn^r^ tjiisTt 1

^ i-iRHfi rr?i ^rr«ni:i

*h <i«sflpS i m^prro: i

sffcrp: *rsfa: u ^ 11

Sloka. 19. Wise men c ay in respect of Mesha and

other signs taken in order, that they are mineral, vegC'
table and animal, odd and even signs. Mineral
as also
comprises things of that class varying from gold to clay.
Vegetable includes all plants from a tree down to a
grass and the animal includes the whole body of living

^qi: i

*w* IR° U
Sloka . 20 Meena, Vrischika and Vrishabha are
Brahmins. Dhanus, Mesha and Siraha are Kshatriyas ;

Kumbha, Mithuni and Thula arc Vaisyas ; and Kanya,

Makara and Kataka are Sudras.
Tlie sign Vrishabha is considered as Sudra («jt) nnd Kataka
Brahmin. This seems to be the correct Mew r/. sprint,
'12^-Stoka 41.

Tg: ftnr ^rr: i

3?r frrg* sr^r: u

tmln || ^ 11

Sloka. 21. Mesha, Vrishabha and Simhi are blind

at the dead of night. Kataka, Mithuna and Kanya are
blind at midday. Thula and Vrischika ara deaf in the
forenoon. Dhanus and Makara ate so in the afternoon.

tfirijsfct: TiJKffetftsijifi smorRfofa iiwi


SI. 22*23 swj?rs^n^T 13

Sloka, 22 The deerfaced and the bow bearing

signs, / e Makira and Dhanus which are lame become
fatal in the two periods of twilight The concluding
portion of the signs KataU, Vrischika and Meena is

calledRtkshvSindhi and is well known as

Pragandwtha (ir»f*«rr-<r) ic — the end of the c/bow—
vulnerable part (a critical period)
For the effect of a birth nt j »na^
ernft 5T ^?r flqwti *TV*r$^-?rr i

faffeS *3% Sfr^wr II ^ it

Sloka. 23Red, white green (parrot's hue) pin(c,

pale-white, piebald, black, gulden y llowish or brown,
variegated, deep brown, and white ire the colours as
signed to th- signs from Mesha on yards
c/ ? 'TT I 20
cf JHpmrE
siTTTtr^nTdhi i r^Tn ^fapnrr i


tF^fsr^«nn^rnr h

Also g^iTcnp

pht: wi'^ 11

tj^Rttiair sRTrnfjjrrr ii

rfqbpi 3 it
14 Adh l

Alsa Adhyaya III SU 4 l tnf'<*

Sloka 24 Clothing and other articles of apparel,

superior rice, the collection of forest produce, pfantam,
cereala of the highest sort* bamboo, mudga or kidney
bean and other stored articles of trade coming up to
sesa mum-sacks, sugarcane, iron and other kindred sub-
stances* weapons and horses, gold and other valuable
articles, flowers springing m
water and all wator^born
things are said to be the materials represented by
Mesha and the remaining signs respectively, their
quantity being small or great, according as the signs
typifying them are weak or strong

ott top; -7?fcr irmi

Slob# 25. Wise men say that Mars, Venus,
Mercury, the Moon, the Sun, rcury, Verms, Mars, M ,

Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter are respectively the

lords of the signs from Mesha onwards and also of their
f/.? ir I c
“ vTTnsrsTpri ” is
Si'ttf another rfcid»D{?

cf Jmptrr - - S!. 42,

&£TTT% Tr j
finrrs: sf^r i
vrrnr TT^f^fTvrrr^r ^ kp^T hkt,
ih?rr ?r?vnftrr v tr^t *hs»r rrxt j^frrrt ii

SI. 20-28 nirs'r'A'qrcr: 15

S 1
Ti ! \l^
mtraarafifjrri TOrcren^ftoraRt

^n^sr sn^ipTFTwi' pra wi to; ?ng; irvsii

wi&«i a^raro ^7.3 saw i

ttffam'ir gif gjui wofi ik ?tr[ ii n

Slokas. 26'28. Simha (tag), Vrishabha (^W), Mcgha
(*W), Kanya ($«?t), Dhanus (^3*0, Thula (gsr), and
Kumbha (<rW) arc the first triangular (Moolatrikona-
signs of the planets commencing with the Sun.
In the case of Sukra (g*), Sani (sift), Ravi (*ft), and
Guru ( 3 *), the first £0 degrees of the signs Thula (hot),
Kumbha (*pr), Simha (fas), and Dhanus ( ) form

the Moolathnkona and the rest Swakshetra

(*r£ra), t. c. t their own house . The first three degrees
cf Vrishabha (^w) foim the exaltation portion of the
Moon, and the rest, her Moolathrikona (*jvift^Vi). The
first twelve degrees of Mcsha are called the Moolathri'
kona (ajs cf Kuja (l^)and the rest, the Swakshetra
(^ast*). The first half of Kanya (*«u) is the exaltation
portion of Budha (3 *); the next ten degrees, the Moola*
thrikona ( 3^fWfri); and the last five degrees, the Swa*
kshetra Kumbha (iP*) is the Moolathrikona
Rahu; Mithuna (fag*), the exaltation
qfai) of >gn and
Kanya the Swakshetra (*$&*)

cf. ?uu^r
3*i*t n^'[5T%: ft?***,

vrvrftrfirwnnH «rafVi\ 5T; ^nrbrrH tnn; 11

<rd fatfrirawn: 1

?}v f-mvmii w*r 5 11

16 A6h t

<r farm iiafaw ^tw u

faTiftnw: fcnr fainraqt i

*w ?5: f«% ti

Also gwj$Rwmi
f^TTT (10) 30TT (5) irar^r: (58) (15) wmx (5)
^nrr^r: (27) ^rfopn: (20) mg gjnrnr: i

Y& l^U (20) ^i fa^l '

-U ^ q> (10) ^
Rmftg gjnu ?pnr (l) (57) ftqrrrn: n
mm (12) srar ftnmnr: rft (18)
>*3^> !l0 ??5T (10) fcrth rar: q> (20)

& ^rcmr: (15) frfWm (16) rw

ftfits tft
^ mt

^ ^ftxSiuRTT TOT (20) ^ (10) ^Trn; i

<?m grn: fewr (15) (5) *m :

mr tft frnrtonr f^T (10) swar ^r: n

For the Exaltation 'and Sr\a! shetrr (f^-rtf) places of IU1

and Ketu vide the following from Parasan (tott)

%ar|f^rr o^n I

"a a«rq ^ u
wr =3 iftrK ifla ’a s*jj£ i

Wlcft R rT^FRT^IT I

tpj’n finTOH^PitjraTin 11 =t» n

Sluta 29
Mcsha, Vrishabha, Makara, Kanya,
Kataka, Meena and Thulaarc the exaltation signs of the
seven planets respectively from the San onwards,
their depression signs being the 7th from their exaltation
ones The highest exaltation portion of the planets
counting from the Sun ate the 10th, the 3rd,
the 2Sth,

the 15th, the 5th, the 27th and the 20th degree of
the several signs.
These are useful in finding the correct Uchcha (m) balas of
the sc\ eml planets.

The effects of the Sun and the Moon occupying their res-
pective highest exaltation degrees in their exaltation signs (Uchcha
Rasi* 7=*PTf*r) have been separately given thus b> Garga —
rRrefhrfcg; JT^prrctu i

3Wf vxf¥r r'TTrf FfTh?f3TTTfTr^f^ n

and the result of their occupying their extreme depression portions

is thus described by the same.

Terror i

5<frarofa5fnr^r ipsv 11

^ ski tinor q^ir-

3^ rrar *mnr 11 3° li

Sloka. 30 .Lagna or the whole, Hora (^rrr) or

half, Drekkana^tjw) or J^rd, Swaramsa vSrcirr) or J/7th,
Navamsa (smi^r) rr 1/Sth, Dasamamsa (^\*rhr/ or 1 / 10th,
Dwadasamsa (^T^i5T)or l/12th, KalamsaussdsOor l/16th,
Thrimsamsa (fsndTrr) or l/30th and Shashtyamsa (tb^)

or l/60th of a sign (usually called Dasavarga-^fntfr) pro'

duce loss, danger, long life and prosperity to men. Hora
(?Rt) means the half of a Rasi; in an odd sign, the halves
belong respectively to the Sun and the Moon, and in
an even one to the Moon and the Sun- The Drekkana
(^wi) or the third portions of a sign are owned by the
lords of the sign itself, of the son’s or 5th house, and
of the 9th or the house of Dharma (vpt)

18 AdhJ

is another reading.

There are sixteen Vargas, but only tea are given here
Even these ten Vargas are but seldom consulted Six and some-
times seven are usually resorted to and are known as SJiadvargn
(t?frf)and SaptUavarga respectively. Vtdr slokas 47 &, 48


c/* the following from

tS?t shro i

fartisrprsr ^nrs’T gw n

q^T% fen: |

^gt ^fcr h

Also for *?

jstj ?>n firemsf rorhirt wro: j

sri^^tfaisraTSsnas*: grcrreffirT ti

l*or the names of the 16 Vargas, cf» qrr?tr

smc^ rrsir rsnpPgtm?: i

oti$ ftmftnfr w*rarfor?r it

&sr ?>rr =i j^RT^trhrs i

JHlteft qtfhn: gtejrrens- it

fasti Sit *Ilvif«35iU«il'*><rwS I

?jfa^Ttsyu^(5T; trei^Tar hit: qin ti

That is, (1) Rasi, (2) Hon, (3) DrcUana, (4) Chatliurthamsa
or 1th (5) Sapthamsa, (6) Na\amsa, (7) Dasamamsa (8) Dwa-
tl\samsa (t)) Shodasamsa (10) Vimsamsa (11) Siddhamsa or one
twenty-fourth, <12) Ubamsa or one tnenty-se-ventli, (13) Trim-
samsi, (L 4 ) Him ethtnsa or one fortieth (15) Akshavedamsa or
one forty fifth and (16) Shashlyamsa or one sixtieth.
For the uses of the several Vargas, cf.
t5Hi%5fir?rrcf ^raartfrui^r i

Wrjfa’urng n

^raThr,^ 't^i^ii'T sT'^Tmt If? ctf^FcTT |

trfag fcreTfcti.*itd'+^4d li
SI. 31. JPrors«^PT: 19

According to the Yavanas, the lords of the


Horns and
Drekkanas are as described in the following sloka •

3tRiT 9 star q^tfc r ^S aq R i^taiT I

’PR^PFT^Rtarci *n*rcratar n

so that, according to this view, the ownership of the Koras is

not restricted to the Sun and the Moon, but is shared by all
the planets But this view of the Ya\ anas is not recognised
by Varahamihira, nor even b> authorities like Satya who has
thus stated.
sftag ^r|rv sraur gthg =gf*m Stir i

rniTTft ifar sFtrft n

tjforr; u
But it may be mentioned here that this con\ention of the
Yavanas has been accepted for Prasna (rrw) purposes (Horary astro-
logy) while the other is recognised for purposes of horoscopy. fj

ajnr *nit *j>nnt i

tftar gn ami smir titfrar ©mqsr g n

siren g srfmr itffntr sraroifai ti

ajt l

*zk 3trer% 03 ^ r0T »

srSrrfog *ja»rsr 1

vrfrr^T gr^R^irrh srar ^ 11

®inft#H«RRiKrM tro ’anumn 1

ys SlTraiSTOW ftHSKS: 3? II II

SI oka 31. The owners of the Sapthamamsas (wnrtar)

or the 7th portions of Lagna and other houses are in the
case of an odd sign to be counted regularly from the lord
thereof, while in the ca>e of an even sign, they are to
be reckoned from the lord of the 7th house onwards.
This sloka gives the rule for finding out the lord of the
Saptamamsa in the cases of odd and even signs.

Ad h I

Thus, for example, the Stpthummsrs of Thuli, an odd siffn,

those of
will begin with Thuli and end with Meshi, while
Vrisehika, an even sign, will count from VmhibJji
(^ihe 7 lh sign
reckoned from Vrischtha) ard clme with Vriscluki. The
tude of each segment is df°.
Siptiiamamsis are useful to ascertain the character or tem-
disposed if born in a
perament of the native, he being cruellj
Krura Siptlnmsa, or peaceful m
nature if bis birth happens in a
This division also utilised for seeking
Saumva Saptamamsa is

information about one’s brothers, etc ,

cj. q$aHP 5
$rznrm mi tn m gw wnat tint; i

*jvt jHVtVhtj n

Also 3>sqr*pm3;ii
s a hiurt *nFtfrcir: u

fKcg wrar*^ TOsrwrr* *rrr^g srrar: tstr-n: i

*r ^srarr s? €fra<rr i ?=? ti

^ gotEiizjfciQt *ir i

ipf^fsiqitftTOi sfem '-Hl'-W II ^ II

Slok/ts 32*33 The Navamsis Dhinus# Mesha and

Sim ha respectively belong to the nine signs from Meshu
onwards; those of Vrtshabha, Kanya and Mafcara, to
Makara and others following it. The nine signs
beginning with Thula arc the owners of the Navatnsas
of Mithuna Thula and Kumbha. The Navatnsas of
Kataka, Vmchika and Meena respectively appertain to
the nine signs from Kataka onwards. •&
These give the rules for finding out the Nav nmsas l'ach
Si. 34 snwIryMiPj: 21

Navamsa is 3° 20 The subjoined table gives the nine Navamsas

in their order for the several signs.

Mesha Vrishabha Mithuna Kataka
Simha |
Kanya Thula Vnschika
Dhanus 1
Makara Kumbha Meena

1st Mesha Makara Thula Kataka

2nd Vrishabha Kumbha Vnschika Simha -

3rd Mithuna Aleena Dhanus Kanya


4th Kata ha Mesha Makara Thula

Simha Vrishabha Kumbha |

6th Kanya Mithuna Areeoa Dhanus

7th Thula Kataka Mesha Arakara

8th Vn«chika Simha A'rishabha Kumbha

9th Dhanus Kanja Mithuna Meena

% TOI tui- f?T> I

atafenRi fejmi imfas n 3a n

Slnka 34 The Vargottama (*mrtm) or the best
Navamsa is the first Navamsi in a moveable sign, the
middlemost in a fixed sign, and the Jast in a dual sign.
It mil be seen Ot<ifiro) Navamsas in the
that the Vargottama
several Rnsis bear thesame names as the signs themselves Tor
example, the first Navamsa (TOn) of Mesha is Mesha* the fust of

Kataka is Kataka and so on. The middlemost Navamsa frtm)

in Vrishabha is Vrishabha and so on cf.

t% Ta rrfrjj *r iiuivniiEi '* miVi f: i

Planets situated in Vargottanvunsas Crntamn) are said to

be productive of immense good cf. fnirr?.
22 Adh.I

*rnfemrsK*Krf^J T
jW-qw :
<TTT; sjir^r «rq?rrrrcntT: n


*rrmr5cutfcir 1%^ nmr fegwg wiz it -

: /

trnhmr: irfeefMftqs <tra:

g R??r. u

Also nrcnrsfr

^nYfrm TTfcn^rr^TFTmsjafTg i

OTrffeptrcrarec^rt %>'n s*rr%rr: i

5T?5rrarft'r5*ifiitr?fr&-T5fr3Jrr li 3h ii

Sloka 35. In the case of an odd sign, the owners

of the Dasamamsa (?pr*iteT) or i^th portions are to be
counted from the sign itself; in the case of an even
sign, from its 9th onwards. The ownsrs of the
Dwadasamsa (Tf^far) or l
T jth portions of a sign are
to be reckoned from that sign
This sloh-i Ri\es the rules for calculating the Dasaimm<ai
(r^TRin)uid Divadasatnsa felfSTTia) of a Ran
c/. mnjn

t?"r ^ ^rfJjTTffrsj^r- if

5rrnr ^n^rravtiHr i

3T^a*-g *ro tn c^rot g u

3-r^r'^rer nimr i

«^nrsr7?(fi ttq??r ipr3rrsr»3rqm ^q: u

It ill he seen from the aho\e that according to Pansara
(«?n?rO («) the lords of the Pasaimmsas in the case of an odd sign
are (Indra (s^), (?) Agm (#ff), (3) Yama (qjj), (4) Rakshasn,
(5)Varuna (g^r), (f>) Maruti {nrr=0, ( 7 ) Kubera (fft), (s) JZv\ n%
{*imX (<>) Padnnja Orcr r), and (in) \mnlhi
counted mtlielimenm order in the case of an e \en sign;

St. 30 s?«u?r*«trar: 23

the lords of the several Dwadasamsas of each sign are (1)


Ganesa ( m<r), (2) Aswini Kumaras teftPTrfmft, (3) Yama (?m)


and (4) Ahi 0*lfe:) recurring in regular order But this view js
not accepted by all.

aiit *u% vn^Rrai ftsfow' wna 113511

Sloka 36. The Shodasamsas or ^gth

portions of a sign are important. Their lords in the
case of an odd sign are Brahma Vishnu
Hara (s*) and Ravi (rfr) recurring in regular order.
When the Lagna is an even sign, the lords of the
Shodasamsas (^r??rhr) are to be counted in the inverse
order from Bhaskara (^rerr) or Ravi (*Br)

* Notes
The Shodasamsas ('ibrant) are thus described in the following
qstsxw fqfti^r^rrh i;

arnr * ? wrflfvnrwrfnfrr»^3§^r rV-^u npi*r: i

gift '+hi«J?4M+14 Tr^ff ... .. II

The Shoih'amsa (wrgro) division of the zodiacal sign is

\ariousH known as Kalamsa («r»irr), Ntipainsa and so on.
15> this mode of division, the ecliptic is cut "up into 192 equal
segments of 1° 52* 30’ each in length The «e^ments are named
in regular consecution, in the order of the zodiacal signs, «o that
the initial segment of the sign Aries takes on the of lhal mmc
sign, that of the sign Taurus assumes the name of Leo, and so
forth. The segment rulers arc, in the case of the po$iti\c signs
Brahma (TOT), Vishnu (frg), Kudra (*?) and Aditya (snfrst) in
rotation In the ca«c of the nemtnc signs, the enumeration of
rulership is reversed. f/> I’arasira {lOvT)
snraqiffara Adb. I,

strartrsiftaf Slut ^ i

utsfidwj. s? ^r sfrjt 5«r srcftwui

But according to some, the count of the segments in the case

of an odd sign must follow the order of the zodiacal signs cam
mencing from Aries and t*c supplemented in the end by the
names IJmlinn (hrjj\ Vishnu Rudra far) mil Aditya (anK?0
to mal e Up the number 16 If the sign is e\ en the order of enu
nictation is to be ret ersed \tcordmg to this s> stem the positive
and negative signs are distinguished l>> the possession of a common
disposition of segments
There are som* others whose views are also marshalled
below for convenience of reference

(0 If the sign under segmentation is positiv c the count of the

segments must fallow the order of the zodiacal signs commencing
from that sign (as in the case of the 5l??ntT segment itiou) and be
supplemented in the end by the names of the planets Saturn,
Mercury, Mars and the Sun, to make up the number 16 When
the sign is negative, the order of the count is reversed

(2) The method of allocation of the segments is the same as in

the jirev ious system only, in place of the four planets Saturn,
Mercury Mars and the Sun, tho names of the dn initios mentioned
with reference to the first method arc put in
(3* The method of allocation of the segments is in no wise
diflercnt from that of 0) above, cvccpt fui tie citcutnslance that
in place of the divinities wc substitute the names of the 9th 10th,
l Uh and 12th sign*, counted from the positive sij, ns (under seg
mentation When tho sign under segmentation is negative, the
order of naming is of course as usual reversed Hus scheme
has v certain amount of symmetiy atout u as it provides not onlv
lor rulers though not wholly lanctary, hut also for zodiacal
of all segments
The word fait (m the 2nd line)=*n These two words are
used in astrological classics not only in the general sens* of
‘Ascen ! int but also (as here) that of m 'a giv en sign or house or
‘ cr homc « nJ« consideration or from which a
count has to
be made for a specific purpose
SI. SB. 25

The predictive value of the ('iJr^TTir) segmentation is, as may

be expected, involved m considerable obscurity. in the absence
of any consensus of testimony among astrological authors
as to the affinities of the several segments with the signs and
the planets And the sad part of it is that reputable authors
like Varahamihira farrrfhf^T), Kalyanavarman ('4.-4 r-wx) and Bala
bhadra (gwvnO hav e nothing to say about the Shodasamsi in
their works
An ingenious interpretation of this somewhat obscure variant
of the verse has been offered by Mr. T. V. Sarma of Tanjore on
the authority- (as he tells me) of 1'andit C Saptarshi Sastry of
“ In an odd sign, the lords of the Shodasamsas or the sixteen
subdivisions are those of the twelve signs reckoned from that
sign onward, together with those of the 9th, 10th, lllli and 1 2th
signs from the same sign In an even sign, the lords are to be
counted in the reverse order from the 12th sign
Vot'S —
In an odd sign, the first twelve sub-divisions are ruled
by the lords of the twelve signs beginning from that sign and the
remaining four sub divisions are respectively ruled by the lords
of the 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th signs counted from the same sign
In an even sign on the other hand, the first four sub divisions are
respectively governed by the lords of the I2th, Uth, lUth and yth
signs from that sign and the remaining sub divisions are respecti
\ely ruled by the lords of the twelve signs but counted m the
reverse order.
It is a peculiarity of our ancient Hindu authors to denote
numbers by the two well-known notation known as the Kata
payadi (qrrpnR) and the Arnvvadi (w^tf^), bank hy as
The words
Virmchi (ftftfai), Snun IsaffcO. and Diwahara(faim),are used
in accordance with the latter Sankhyt
Virmchi (f-tf^Or) or Brali n. in (sw-l) represents 9 (the Pnja
pat is Maricht, fafg-T), Dhrigu feg). Sngir.is (*jf3TC*t), l’ul.islhja
p u dn,
(T*7), Kratu (Hcj),
D.iksln (xst), Athn and
\ riddhavasishta (-TT®
Soun (stlfO or Vishnu (fWj) represents 10 (the 10 Avataras).
l^a (err) stands for 11 'the 11 Rudras and Diwakara (fHjrr)
for 12 (the 12 Adilyas)
26 Adhl

Hut Ihtb interpretation presents certain difficulties. Apart

from syntactical objections, the compound Vinnchi Saunsadivaka*
ralu ) will not be ir .1 (numerical interpretation
«is neither the Phaladeepika (T'Jr ftflTt) nor the Sarwr.rtlha Chmtn-
inani (, nwfa*'in{Pl ), nor e\en Panvsara (TCTirr) varies the nuiie^ of
the th\ imties into those of any other denomination e.". NindafsT^),
DihfftT), and the like, as they could have done if they had the

Arntvadi Sankhyt mnumbers were in their

view If

mind, one or other of our ancient authors would have ordinary

Sankhya Vaclial a bubantli dia ('K-'lHM-i -i-rTl ). It is unfortunate
that Ilalabhadra (t^AsO, such a copious author in other respects,
does not so much as even mention the Shod tsamsa fanriTiJT) m his
lloraratna t*.Rin) Had he chosen to introduce the topic, it would
have put an end to all trouble.
The word Vtlagne (rfaa) in the second half of Ihe sloka
should be read with Oje (aft) in first line also. Vdagne farg)
can only mean the ‘rising sign'. 'Ihe verse as a whole considers the
possibility of a ‘rising sign’ being 'positive, or negative, o<- male
or female, as they are termed in Western Astrology Ihe lines
quoted above from Partsara fan err) tend to confirm this view .and
the interpretation as given in the translation is almost near the
mark Hut Phil uleepikt (t-Witi) and barwarttha Cluntannm
(lOjafaJnrifa) interpiet the allocation of the Shodasamsa fajrrrn)
rulerships didercnth. On that account, the language of Jatila-
parijalt farrnnoPt) cannot be forced to bear a nicamug which its
author did not evidently intend Jatakapanj ita farmur^)
Parasara farp r; go a good wap together as regards bhodasamsa
fatemn) rulcrslups

itlok i 37. The Tnnmastnsas (ftraln) or degrees, i,e.

sSth portions allotted m an odd sign to Kuji, Sail;.
Guru, Ftdha and Sulra are respectively
5, 5 , 8, 7 and G,

SI 37-43 snrel.uiFr: 27

In an even sign, Sukra, Budha,

Guru, Sam and Kuja
Iiave 5, 7, 8, 5 and 5 degrees respectively.
Cf- T^nr xtfqf q q||q |

sr#<7iitem a
*w =?rrer qa =* qsrnr -wir^ f

^rnr jj

Each of the planets other than the Sim and the Moon own
two signs one odd and the other even When a planet is in
an odd sign, then take the odd Thrimsamsa Ra$>i (ffsnsT of
the planet in whose Thrimsamsa
(rc^l'T!) the first planet lies.
Thus, a planet in an odd sign in a Guru Triinsamsn (g* Brtnsr)
must be planed in tt ie Thrimsamsa hundili (rttst *
in Dhanu 5

fatpO (an odd sipn) and not in Meena (qiq), while a planet in an
even sign in Guru Vrinmmsa (*jr frrnsr) must be placed m Meena
Trimsamsa (wsn«r) di\ tsions ire qrcath useful in female
horoscopes (T'ide Adhjaja X\ 1, infra Vtdt also notes on
Adhjaja II sloka 2fi infra.

TCtsniiRRfaqtt^ijjfc smra$raig??^»fnn i

7 hrut g*ir g wfoflsig Il 3 <n


stifro mjgg^rnrr

ws: f^sn swtMfi HusDuuni: 11 n

3nfsf^tH5pfrrti: i

UrTpSlSg 3,HlRlMRI*l'4'iii'hi»ll! II y? II

SWirin j wn mr i

S'Rreg sWi ^feraiai n«sn

SSTKirapmu-ikt- wn^ngqftfei^ii-
gsw^iw^hai: li yJ , 11
28 'AHh t

Slot as 38 43— Dertomacal and divine portions

(enumerated in these slokas) whereof the first is Ghor*
amsa rule the Shashtyamsas or x th parts in an odd (sign
Propittous and unDropitious portions reckoned from
Indurekha in the inverse order govern the noth parts in
an even sign The following are the designations of the
several Shashtyamsas —
Odd Names of Even Odd Names of Eve
Sign Sha^tyamsas Sign Sign Sha'btyamsas Sign

1 Ghorarosa 60 31 Mrityedanrrm .. s:
2 Rahshasarasa *>9 32 Kalamsa 29
3 Devamsa 58 33 Davagmamsa 28
4 Kuberamsa 57 34 Ghoramsa 27
5 Yakshavalyamsa 56 35 Yamamsa[Araayimsa26
6 Kinnaramsa . . 56 36 Kantakamsa .25
7 Bhrashtamsa . 54 37 Sudhamsa 24
8 Kulaghnima , . 53 38 Amrutarasa .13
9 Garalamsa 52 39 Purnachandramsa .22.

10 Agnyamsa Cl 40 Vishapradvgdhamsa 21
\\ Mayamsa .. CO 41 Kuhnasimsa 20 .

\1 Prethapurisatnsa .. 49 42 Vimsalshayamsa 19 .

13 Apampathyamsa . 48 43 Uthpathlklift'S’l IS
\i Devagane^amsa , 47 44 Kalamsa 17 .

15 Kalarasa ... 46 45 Saumyams\ t„ 16

16 Satpamsa ... 45 46 MridvimSl 15
17 Amruthamsa .. 44 47 Seethalara«a 14
18 Chandra msa 43 48 Damshtral arilamsa 13
19 Mndwamsa 42 49 Indumuhhimsa 12
20 Komahmsa ... 41 50 Pravunmsa i]
21 Padmabhanvimsa . 40 51 Kahgniamsa 10
22 Vjshnuamsa ... 39 52 Dandayudhamsa 9
23 Brahmamsa 38 53 NirmiUmsi 3
21 Mahc* war amsa 37
. . 64 Subhakaramsa 7
25 Dcvanm 36 65 Kiuramsa 6
26 Ardranm 36 56 Seethalamsa 5
27 Kahnasanm ... 3<j 67 Sudhamsa 4
23 Kshitiswaranm S3 58 Payodhyamsa 3
2 (TKamalakaranm 32 59 Bhnmimmsa l
30~Gulihkmsa 31 60 Indurekhamsa 1
SI <11-46 snrcfrsttiTiT: 29

H^mstrmTTTOirf^f %Srft^jf5rr sft it n n

Sloka. 44. They (wnemen) say that Vaises

hikamsis or puts of great excellence commence with
Uttama (vide next eloka) which is produced by the
combination (of the special characteristics.) of Moohv
thrikonn, Swakshetra, Swochcha, Swi Vargottama
arising from the ten virgas

If planets Ijc in their Moolitrihona Swal shetra, Utcha
or Vargottama positions and Jmc otJier bcnefic positions vising
from the D-isa \argas, then Uttama and other V nsesluhamsis
referred to in the next ttvo and a hUf slo^as vwll result and do
immense good to the onner of the horoscope

3 iftjfjj; i

faswsftsNw t< «

^tjr’p-T Trarr i

jtp[(T 3-T^i: s 3*rr u n

3 W 1

Slok< r«. 45'46\<2. The urtion of three vargas is

called Uttama Tour vargas combined constitute a Gopura

The combination of five vargas is called Simhasana.

Two form Parijita

vargas united The untch of six
vargas is called Panvathamsa When a seventh varga
is added td the Panvathamsa, tha combination be>
comes Devaloli. A eighth varga joined to the seven
spoken of already will make the combination Devaloka
likewise The combination of 9 Vargas is Iravatha
The effects of the corabtnatio is are distinct and separate
30 Adti. I


(j. mmx
f^r-rn qw^crmxf^ i

^tdhatt 3rrs<irg«nT faring} n

<t m&k fH&tt n'jf i

wnra «ftp^ ’r^fttrrnr ** *rnfa: n

srrfir sTinr^sin i

rVfar wvjrfl»4in 11

Tor the e/Ject'? of i»lanoH tn Viiw^ki’niis refwil to in

slol a 44, sc6 tn/n ly S], \I r>3, MI 5, 5\ S), *2, <>?, 146 MJI
-19, fS, 92. \J\ 102 mi 1 \V O’*

cf Mso r^ifhrr
vf<iF!T^jpTi>T4f^!iF«u9rF? grTtcrmrcr**
^ fogur mrnmfr for* 1

**5t tfigrurnn spraft ^nrtmr jrfs^*

«r *ppz*vt<t agrr?3cv mn, 11

yref«nf^r=[rr7tf^frest ^rr€t7?trRirg7:

!Ri f7a7cTT?rr^i7:
• ’Tgn? vjitqrf^»4f^T «ifi it

II V* (I

fsfjjTWd 'tj’l spt^S OTrl

hhtsfwt 7?«T 'wnfrfSpita’cT II t?c II

vtJld'bS ^ 35FTT -hll^ \

Slot: is. 46^- 4 $X£ The Shadvarga consisting of

Lagm, Hora, Drchhana, Navamsa, Dwidasamsa and
Thnmsamsa is recommended in rcgarJ to auspicious
undertakings This Shad varga vvh-*ti combined with
Sapthamamsa is called Saptha Varga and is a source of
strength to the planets in all horoscopes
Si 49-ra snmfs^rm: 33

1 his tb useful when the Siptli iiirgijib'il i In., lobe calcu
la led bee *ft *1 Adlij i>,i HI, S 1 2^3
In the esimple worked out in tfl T it mil be seen tint
Jupiter, whose position is gi\cn is b signs P 2a l", occupies his
01 om, (2} bMidrekkam (3) bw'is'iptlnms.i, (4) Siva
naxamsa, (5) bftadwmams.1 (6) bwidw.idis imsa, and (7) Swi

kalamsa so th U Jupiter is s^ut to have att uned the Deialokams

, t

Mars (11 signs 27 57' V) occupies lus (l) own Drel kina (2) a
Vargoltama Nil amsa and (3 own I hrunsams », .ind so possesses
three \argas lie u> thirefon. slid to li ive att lined t fie Utlam unsa

»twt ;
Sloka 49 Kalpa Udaya (rising), Adya (first),

Thanu (body), Janma (btrth), Vilagni, and Hora are the

names of the Lagna or the rising Sign at the time of
birth , Vak (speech), Artha (wealth) Bhuhthi (food),,
Nayam (eye), Sva (property), and Kutumbi (family)
are the names of the second house from the Lagna.
Duschikya, Vikrama (prowess), Sahodara (brother), Virya
(heroism), Dhairya (firmness), and Katna (ear) arc the
designations of the third house from Lagna.

Siof.ii. 50 Patfufa, Vridcfhi, Hihuki, Kshttt,
(land), Marn (mother), Vidya (learning), Yana (vehicle),

Ambu (water) Geha Sukha (happiness), Bandhu

(relations) and Chathushtaya are the terras to denote the
fourth house Dhi (intelligence), Deva (d-nty), Raja
(king), Pitrunandana (father son), and Panchaka are the
names of the fifth house. Roga (disease),Amsa (parti-
tion), Sasthra (weapon), Bhaya (danger), Shashta, Ripu
(enemy) and Kshata (w unds) arc the names of the sistla

*nif 35 spwiH'iUTnnnft u n
SLOKA 51. Jamithra, Kama (love), Ganiani (coha
bitation* travelling crc.J (Dower)*
Dyuna, Asta and Sapthama names
are. say the elders, the

of the seventh house, Raadhra, Ayvs (life), Ashta »

Rana (battle), Mrityu (death), and Vina$* arc the names

of the 8th house Dharraa (virtue), Guru (father),
Subha (auspicious things 1 Tapis (penance;), Nava (ninth)

BJwgya (fortune) arc the names of rhe 9rh house.

SXiOKA.. 52. Yyapara (employment), Meshurana,

Madhya (semth). Mana (honour) Gnnia (knowledge),
Rajaspadada (sovereignty), and Karma (woik arc the ,

word 5to indicate the tenth house Ekacfosa (eleventh),

Upanthya) penultimate), Bhaya, A\a (income). Labh;\

(gain) are the expressions for the eleventh house. Ripha,

Vyaya (expend lture).Dwadasaka(twcIfth) and Anthyabha
(last house), arc the names of the twelfth house.

IS another reading.
SI, 53-54 H*nj1s,Rn4: 33

wpmiPi wrpienift i


inreffi ii H« n ^
* Stokas 53-54. Meshurana (the 10th), Udaya (the lat),
Kalathra (the 7th), and Rasathala (the 4th) are called by
any one of the designations Kendra, Kantaka andChathu*
shtaya- The 9th and the 5th houses from the Lagna are
called the Thrikona houses. They (astrologers) call the
9th from the Lagna Thrithrikona The 1st, 4th, 7th and
the 10th are called Kendras. The 2nd 11th, 5th and the
8th are called Panapara houses. The 12th, 6th, 9th and
the 3rd are Apokhma houses The 8th and the 4th
are the Chathurnan signs
According to some the biped, the quadrupedand he reptile I

signs become strong when they lnppen to be in Kendra, Pan t

phara and ApoUima houses respectively This view is not
accepted by Badarayana OnjrpPl) for he says
'{ u ! rf-<(Fhirt[ h^rr; t

According to Ualabhadra the terms Kendra Panaphara etc

are applied onlv toBhavis and not Itasis Tor he says
“ vrrTPrnrt ^ TrefRifaftr 3^rer rrsfr

itRnjwf ^rntr^rc^r fg^ofr spi^g: I

nm ^ rrdhnint jfe^rf^rstfcr fp^fawtniqraiT mntr

in this chapter, the terms used to indicate one or the other cf

the twelve houses or a number of them may be divided into two
classes, Viz, H) those which are used as mere conventional
names no other purpose than that of denoting the
particular house or houses they have been specially elected to
designate and (2) those which, besides serving such purpose, also
connote the functions of the houses they signify
34 A6 h.I

OF the former class may be mentioned the following —

Hora (epr) for the J^tgnT, IWJukj.t fefsm) for the 3rd house,
MesJiurnni (rr^>l) for the lQlh, Ripln (pc-t) for the lith, Chaturasra
for the 4lh and Jilli houses , Kan taka (grer), Ktndra
and Chatushtaia fags ?) for the 3 1st, 1th, 7th and 10th houses
ranapliara '<PWi for the 2nd, 5th, Sth and 1 1th houses; and
..\pokliHU for the 3rd, 6th, 9th *nd 12lh houses.
The following belon» to the latter class Thanu {Tjl for the
Lagoa, (meaning thereby that everything about the body its —

growth or dccav health, etc has to be ascertained from the

Lagna, Kutumba ($5*3) or Swa {*?) for the 2nd hou^e, thus mdJ -
eating that information regarding one's family, dajadins and wealth
has to be predicted from the 2nd house Sahaja (’TT3T)or Vikrama,

for the 3rd house, IJaodtiu Vesma fain) or Griha (q?), Sukha
far?; for the 4th house, Dhi (vyij or Buddhj {ffs), Pulra (<pr),
etc , for the 5lh house and so on.

*rsm flfgriT m
JIF^fTI ^ 5I>I7S5^T spjtff
Eminent professors of Astrology say
Sloka. 55.
5»T II ^ II

that the 3rd* llth, 6th and the 10th houses are Upachaya
'(signs of increase or growth) houses. The remaining
houses, viz. the 9th, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th* 12th and the
1st are houses of suffering. These houses if occupied or
by their several lords, or by Budha, Sulcra or
as pec ted
Guru, but unoccupied and unaspected by the rest, pro*
duce auspicious effects in respect to a birth, or to a per*
son making a query.
Ftrsi half. |n the opinion of
some eminent astrologers like
Garga, the 3rd, 6tb, loth and 11th houses cease to be
houses if they are aspected by malefic
or Other mimical planets*
Says Garga
51. 53. 3rotrss*Pr; 35

*r %3rrP?f Ter% n

That 1*5, the term Upachajn (wrr) is applied to the 3rd, fith
10th, and 11th houses provided they are not aspect cd bv malefics
or by planets inimical to the lords of those houses But this
view is not accepted by Varahannhira OrcprfBpft). lie tvould
ha\c those houses always as Upachay a ones And in this, lie is
supjiortcd bs.Satyi and Ya\ ancsu ara
r/ rpq

T^rF'iirmp^ i

3f^*rasrii*f *3: »

tc 5sfiw ^nr n *r raSnrw ^nr^mibrrjr: i

rfrrq^PTCnTrs-Jtvq 5m*5r n
Lalltr half of Iht Slofa ef.

^ftrrgar rer m gtr3ffafti?i%iw *r irftr: i

q vt^fer toot *r?r gnsr seisfa tn Sro ii

Also srro'n
sftwmtntfrlrgerrer **7*r*ft vr^F<r sur i

rr^if^r Hvw^r ii

dri'&vrr s^rr sr i

suit ftwt frafaeprr isra^nst fts^TTust i

srmft jtr wii gsifSpR^gr » S5 n

Sloka. 50 Astrologers say that the (lengths) mea*

sures of the six signs beginning with Mesha are repre*
sented by the numbers £0, 24, 28, 32, V>, and 40 respec*
tively. The same figures taken m
the inverse order give
the measures of the six signs from Thula onwards.

tf ffr wry? yrjw w r jrfta * n’t n

\lso gfatftrann *r<ti?a flnrd i

*dt drrrrrrr? u

It will be seen that the figures given in ihe sloVt in the text
36 Cild^iU-STcT Adh. I

aggregate 360 and are the measurements in degrees of ihe 12 signs

which they subtend the centre M
As the whole zodiac is pissed over in 24 hours, each degree
is finished in 24/360 X 60 K60 or 210 seconds or 240'24 or 10
Vighittkis or Chaslnhas
sfa m
So tint 1 1 ih or 1 (circular measure}* 1 ('fT'O or Asu
(6 Prana* being— 1(77T) Chashiha
1 (gfefT) Ghittl a is therefore*360 (umj) Pranas
“ fT&fTHRT an *tt ggifyVT rjf^rar jtpjtt

vrsrfor i stt? sj ft; trg fefo&rzTrm tott T^wtrr

v»'tFR i JnarfPTf OTJmrm: ^5T#i3m<irr i rst

^rtfR-fr: smjirn t
w* er^q- ^rrir^r. i

Thus it is seen that the se\eral measuTcments mentioned in

the sloka in the text when multiplied b> 10 gi\e the Chashahas
(200, 240, 230 .X.C in time) of the several signs These figures
are useful in finding out the relatue lengths of the set eral parts
of a human body (see Adhjajt III slol a 76)
m fwfaft wr 1 ^ *rgf?r ?rt<nrhH<r

tf ^rj^— ?Wf^^rflnra^Tn THirtrg‘'^f#^Tgtaw ;

*rnr 1

jfaT^qT^rnf^p^tJfr fror: ffrnwnrr ti

irfuftnffting sfrSmjffrft *T35Ptt»rrti; 1

^ sn*n% ntpnft«R 11

Also ^r— frolftgfrftsf *i>

' 11

gg; 5 Rki#w *rt s^wsrpm-jq 1

j 5rte>nin sftr 11 >w 11

Sloka. 57. If the degrees attained by the Moan

in Mesha and the other signs be respectively 8, 25 22
22,21. 1, h 23, 18, 20, 20, 10, they indicate death when
a muhurta. a birth or other such points are under con*
SI. 57 37

513 in this si ok a signifies the number 8 (sregft;— 8

forms) and not 6.
In this stoka Vaidyanatha Dikshita gives the Moon’s Mrityubha-
gas fa teful portions in the several signs. These are
more are less identical with those given in Sirtvnrtha Chinta-
mam and Saravali (hrR>0*

ffoffrrft ^TPJjnj wrfttznvT: i

•z-tffcrfimmu f$k n
srztr ^qVf^rftf^sferr; |

jT^^rfct: g g^Hfr 11

ErcrRtfrst rwrrct*: i

vtf^^g^prSTt *rmt n

g 1

3r ?t ^fpTfTTT fotfatlT: 11

5T »m- I

(•2) 9RUB*ti
tiPgifr wfr i&b aWfa*nȣt i

^ tra’q^t ^^ qrrir SOTfh*: II

Sffofrr fafartirffc 5ft =q nur^t 1

g%fa ^3# ijft Wt i

q^HTgT wiih >rg^>sOTrfr *ft 1

fo*j5t ^ iTTfiftr srrcnn^tRT jpt&tct: n

n taftHnn: iftfifng nrefo i

TRo'f ft uT?/r»7r:-? ^.{jn ^arnm^ »

But in the two works Brihat pnjapatvt (f-fgrw«r) and

Plrth<?ccprk.x It* iff* ft} the Mnt) Mutr** (tyg-mr) of the Moon
m the several signs from Mcsha are given as 26, 13,25,24, i

11, 26, It, 13, 25, 5 and \J respective^,

(}. 9enripnT-~^% ^ fat inrg. \

26 r 13 25 24 11 26 H
ifhr *rmr tftr t**f gwwrf ftdrntni: n

13 25 5 12
VTTT^ ^ g»HM r^ I

26 12 13 25 24 11 26 14 13 25
2ft mi jpjnrmr irf^er: Jnr^t w^VifjTT^ft.* ii

5 12

The fefJfTr'n*) Mntj ubhagas of the oilier planets and of the

IJasis in general as stated in other works have been collected and

given in the follow. mg statement for eas\ reference •

SI. 6g-6|

Sloka 58. The degrees 21, 14, 18, 8, 19, 9, 24,

11, 23, 14, 19, and 9 attained by the Moon in Mesha
and the following signs respectively are called Push'
kara and are to be taken as produciog auspicious effects
when a muhurtha, a birth or other such points arc under
5b These Pushharabhagas ire referred lo m the text in
“Wliyaja Vlf, SioKi 25 ««A».

ii V*. n


Slokas, 59-60. The inhabited regions denoted by

Mesha and the other signs arc respectively (l) Patala
(2) Karnata (3) Chera (4)Chola (5)Pandya(6) Kerala
(7) Kollasa (8) Malaya (9) Saindhava (10) North Panchala
(11) Yavana and (12 Kosala.

Sloka 61. The point of the compass which is


assigned to the lord of a sign indicates the characteristic

of Plava or slope of the sign. The name of the fourth
house from that occupied by the Sun is called Abhijit.
In the astrological work called ‘Parijata, 1 the chapter
defining the “Properties of Signs” has been propounded.
Note 3.
61, is another reading.
4Q 4dh I

ej. nrrtHr

wjvrrftnf^im ^ sRt *rre: m-fi: ^rnjrt. i

gfg«mr ftfintttnrfofa wfrrfa: 11

1 he meaning is
* frp <T«ri f^i?T ?T

irf^Uprog; I *»*ff *n»fr vw: a*r fcs ^rnr wjwra

^•pffsTt 5**iwr ?w ; ’f’-TTBr Sr^n’ 11

These ate useful in locating (he direction toward:, which a

thief may ha\e absconded in the case of queries regarding things

stolen. A King that sets out on an expedition in the direction

indicated b> the l*la\ a (at) of lus Jannia Kasi (-OTmfST) will i0on
return Mclonous. after subduing his enetnj.

• Thus ends the 1st Adhyaya on the Properties of

Signs in the work Jataka Parijata composed by Vaidya-
path* under the auspices of the nine planets.
^Tcf^'TTRTO ftcfarNFT

towrui mmmin^ ?r?4 wn- sn^Wsrag: i

q^ra: i^pt ^swprg: Hill

Adbyaya II
Nature or the Planets and their Properties.
Sloka. The Sun is the soul of Kalapurusha
1 ;

the Moon, his mind . Kuja, his strength : Budha, his

speech ; Guru, the essence of all his knowledge and
happiness ;Venus, his desire or lust; and Saturn, his
In the notes to sloha S of Idhyaja J, the several partsof
Kalapurusba (TJ**J wl) beginning with the head were stated to be
counted from Mesha and those of the owner of a horoscope from
the I^apna This is so far as the external appearance, ftc. of the
several parts of the body are concerned. Now the inherent
qualities of the person are to be ascertained from the planets.
These planets are then known as Karahas fal^FT) and appertain
to the owner of the horoscope just in the same way as they do to
the Kalapurusha.
«/. /
f^jj^rwafgf^rrj: *nb 5311 hi
ufrgr fana r-Hr f^rcurcor; 1

Also *iKPP= r
vput straws %a- i arni: wftrarsw ^rrifr 1

5IPT gr'i spe: ^ra*usi it

6 41 '
42 srnr^nfbrr^ . A<t h a
he several constituents of Kalapurusha (^J^) will be
strong or weak in proportion to the strength of the several planets
representing them but Saturn is an exception
“ rwt npm r When Saturn
5 5 is strong,

there is less of misery t

when he is weak, misery predominates
cj. RFTfpft

stnrrt^u nrHrRftrfJr^^TxTtr; 1

g fttrfct 11

and the effects of these qualities will reveal themselves during

the dasa periods of the planets concerned

by the word *0^ used in the test and translated as *

ness G0U1 wealth and progeny are also to be understood in addi
tion to health and knowledge For it is said

tfvm g^rrrrvp^mr; vr^mnr jj?th 1

I STm^fq'Tfovrn VT 'K | There |b n0
greater happiness or misery than the birth or death of one’s

Jupiter is therefore the giver of health wealth progeny and

that is why lus associ ition and aspect are said to be extremely
benetici il

cf W
3 mi ,

By the woid'association used above, occupation of the planet s

house is also to be understood This will he explained in
Adhy iya XIV t*Jn Saturn is the giver of all sorts of 5 a
(misery) e/«

Srfcrift fhcnirT 1

' tr^r g*n n3 *rnng*rrtit: 11

In a horoscope the bun and the Moon must— not

to say of the
Lagm— be strong, otherwise it not a satisfactory one
these the Moon is the mosl important Tor, it
is said

sprrre^ret fffWrt p
SI. 2 43

^ ^g?r: HP^ranj i

fanfSni/ihi^g sqrfrr*p% tFfkmfttnxrrfrforenfa n

Ararat ?rf^j't sfcnrmi i

fSRt ffcf^Tt II ^ II

S'olto. 2. The Sun and the Moon are sovereigns.

Guru and Sukra are counsellors Budha is the (heir
apparent) young prince ; Mars is the commander 'iV
chief and Saturn is the'.servant.


Sun and the Moon are Sovereign*-, it must

In •'aying that the
be understood that the Sun is the King, the Moon being the Queen*
Similarly, Jupiter is the Mantn (rrfVT) and Venus Ins wife

cf. (WTfT-r)

TTSTT tiTTft tfsTT ^cTT ^jfhg^T: «T*T I

snru: n^tfr ^ ajij- u

*ro?r ?rg^r jttt i

"'ll i
‘ sfitr m n?;: ?r^: ?r rM'sr
i i^nJ^V tt^FTTfcTrcrc*: i ^ ^t^rrh nw^ ?rr <x&-

tifgq^qTOTr nf: **nr^r *?nrq;: *rp^qnr

crrh^:’ u

Further, the Sun is the lord of the Siv signs from Suuha
taken in the negate e side while the Moon is the lord of the «u\
signs from Kataka counted in the positue side It is bj these

two planets that the supremacy o\er the other 10 signs has been
grt^nr to dfnrs and the other pls.ve^c. For evimple, }b& 2&J
place from the Sun (negatively) has been allotted to Mercury.
The 3rd Rasi has b£en given to Venus who is the minister. The
Vahana Stthana (^TFWl?) or the 4th house ha<= been gnen o\er
to Mars who is the commandcr-m chief. The 5th house is the
house of knowledge, and has been allotted to Jupiter. To the
servant Saturn Ins been allotted the 6th house or house of ser
44 Adh. II

vice Similar remarks apply in the case of the Moon with res
pact to the liasis under her srraj

tfo: ^WrarNrs^ig't'rwmf

n 3 n

Sloka 3 Hell, Suryi, Thapana, Dinakrit, Bhanu,

Pusha, Arana and Arka are synonymous words mean-
ing the Sun Soma, Seethadyuti, Udupathi, Glou, Mn«
gani-a, Jnda and Chandra signify the Moon An,
Vakra, Ksbitip R.udhm, Angaraka and Kruranethra
denote Mars S.iumya, Tharathanaya, Budha, Vtd,
Bodhana and Induputra are the names of Mercury

For the seaeral names for each of the planets xj, gpTTfi T

iTPpnfrfipA rfr* imr-ftswr f

f^jp’a Ri^ar rfmofSi j

nint rsranrfrifa >a \

#rfnf?m^r;rnPT: fgf^frih: u
Mft> mr> JTiftqg: rftrff r<r *nr n t

VfTJlT TTTT TTt?^tJ7 it

Witt rftfrat qhnm>ir i

tA rtn*iFi «t»dq snippi: »

^ (I y |)

SI. 4-6 fl^fr^tsMrpr

Sloka 4. Manthn, Vachaspathi, Guru, Suracharya

Devejya and Jeeva mean Jupiter. Sukra, Kavya, Sitha,
Bhrigusutha, Achcha, Aspujit and Danavejya are the
names o* Venus Chaya^sunu, Tharani thanaya Kona,
Sam, Aarki, and Manda are used to express Saturn
Sama Asura, Phamn Thamas, Sumhikeya, and Agu are
said to be the names of Rahu
Cf .

^pirar ghfaa: i

fartth *jpr: n
?prr ^HPiuyd aTR^n^i fhr,*mTT i

^Sr^t fBur ii

'rtdt aft i

*»y: &***< afo wvmrxnfxtsftit tl

afwt 5i5?t i

VTigfRSSrat JRISR?!! TOTC33CT *§; II 4 ||

Sloka 5 Dhwaja, Sikhiind Ketu are, as astrologers

declare, the well known names of Ketu The Son of
Manda or Sam is called Gulika Minor planets Kala
and others (to be enumerated in the coming sloka) are
portions belonging to Ravi and other planets and pro-
duce painful consequences
Cf — syrTT^r
*mn =3 tiEHrtm *j3nfr ^msT>4r u

frrcfr v^ett l

Sloka 0 The Upagnhas in their order are Kala,

Pandht, Dhuma, Ardhaprahara, Yamakantaka, Kodanda
Mandi, Patha and Upakethu
46 sirarqutsiw Adh. II

There ire nine Upagnhas for the nine planets

The Sun s Upagraln is (TTfr

) Vila
, Moon s (ifrfo) Piridlu
Mars ,
, Mercury s , (^isrst) Ardhaprahara

„ Jupiter s (ipppr^) "i amakantaka

\ enus (ti'" 1'
or TTHW or TnjT) Ko lan da
, Saturn s ,
(nrf^ or gfe*) Mandi
Rahu s (iTT orsrinn) P»ta
Retus , (TT^r) Upahetu

Tor finding their *e\eral positions on an* particular da*

Astrologers ln\e certain vomentions which are epitomised in the
folio ling quotations

sir tre PP’TTftK ^qrairTtrrrrn: I

spfRPRfetstm ns ton<n 3 rrrt»*tr«rsrmT»Tf ti

f^timrfrPr^fTg trftrrt 1

*nnt£r ti

ttrr^q ’far ^Tr 1

t^ri rpr nrfr^r^r rtMsu^ut rm-qr^ n

vjjit r^r
r^rfd'rraTt nrnfi>rt suei 5*111%^ ssjh j

uf|pi tfioH ^rvrsfartfcr^ tr>r^

wrens sn %jjw nrnr^Twt rft 11

(^) *m^Tr
sraf^rfN#' ^PtPnnf^RTt

snnr^rjri«ii«Tc^Ni^NHi'Wr^ ij

rurr tnrr^n *R:cAftir$TT 11

rjsr s-nmahr 1

rrrrinr »«nfprrl ^ntfj; <!

& 6 ^rqrsvqnT.* 47

^TTsr^hr^: i

^nr 4>g*sE. <tft nn^ n

u*MU?l«ttt *J5- ^<U«hCm«.4JT. |

anr5PT!<m?T«^ ^trr: urtnm: ^tt. ii

When the length of day or night 30 ghatikas, the position


of Mandi (MlP^) on the week jtays counting from Sunday onwards

isat the end ofghahkas 26, 22, J 4, JO, 6 and 2 during dayiime.
These have to be proportionately increased or diminished
according as the length of day chosen is greater or less than 30
ghatikas. But since the lords of thehrst 7 muhurtas in the night
are counted, not from the lord of the weekday chosen, but from
that of the 5th, the position of Mandi at night time will be difTerent
on the week days, viz. at the end of ghatikas 10, 6, 2, 26, 22, IS
and 14 respectively.

The position of Yamakantaka during daytime on weekdays is

at the end of ghatikas 18, 14, 10, 6, 2, 26, &. 22 of Ardhapraharn,

at the xml of ghatikas 1^, 10 and 6, 2, 26, 22 and lb , of Kala, at
the end of ghatikas 2, 26, 22, 18, 14, 10 and 6

The position of Dhuma is found by adding 4 signs, I3degre€s

JO minutes bun
to the figures for theSubtract Dhuma from 12
signs. The result is This increased by 6 signs
becomes Pamesha or Partdhi. When Panvesha again is subtract
ed from 12 signs, we get Indrachapa Add to this 16 degrees, 40
minutes, Kethu is obtained. Kethu increased by one sign will
Rise the figures for the Sun

Dhanus, Karmuka and Chapa are all synonyms

1'or detailed effects of the several Upagrahas occupying one or
the oilier of tire 12 bhavas, please refer to Bribatparasarabora.

Sit of these (Mandi, Dhuma, Pandhi, Kodanda, I’ala and

Upaketu) however appear to have been specially noticed The
author has dealt w ith Mandi almost elaborately m Slokas 1 to *J of
Adhyaya IX. The remaining five are generally known as Dhumadi
Panchagrahas and for their effects, see slckas 13-14

of Adhyaya XIV.
A6h n

*p#t ttrtot ffoag g^rreram ijR

II \s jl

Sloka 7. The Sun possesses a form with dark red'

rays The Moon 13 a youth with a white body Budha
(the Moon’s son) lias the lovely dark green hue of
Durva or bent grass Kuja is of a pale red colour
Jupiter has a body of yellowish hue Sukra has a white
person Sam is dark in form Rahu lias a body black
m appearance Ketuhasa variegated aspect

Slok / 8 The Moon and the Sun are luminous

The five planets beginning with Kuja arc star planets,
Ketu and Rahu are of the nature of darkness The
Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are auspicious.

<rrmg qn i

# II ^ |{

SfaLa9 But the waning Moon, Saturn, the Sun,

Rahu, Kctu and Mars are malign Budha in conjunc-
tion with a malign planet is malignant also Of those
(styled benign planets), Jupiter and Venus are exceed-
ingly auspicious (benefic) Saturn and Mars are ex-
ceedingly malefie (among the malignant planets).
81 9 ittftutswra 49

About the malignity of tveah Moon opinion^ are at

slight variance cf (t'C-etn) Sltantlalioni
S.-r: waif vraftt sttHRT I

aw "TruiSpstRiwit «tb it

smnrrerr s^rrra^ff sr *r§r^r

The Moon is therefore weak only op the 14th and 15th days ot
her waning The Moon is gedentl/y t benefic
^ typfr gw; g&TTfrnpfcP j

But <:/ *qft£bl

tt’FT s^w^rr^ra^TPmr «r4rrstfri u

nwr mm? ^rk^r jpr
#01: i

wW'rmft s^rcianpri n

sifts enc^r qmf^nr i

Also g*im
spraBr^r r^ ; wgftrgftvtTftngnrjfa u
Also Wppsft
Ttrrnr: *ftftrnnF.r*3 Bron?r nun: i

5^ral55rww3^ tfms ftsn*: *rrr n

A very weak Moon must .therefore Jje treated £s malignant

Mercury is by nature a belief c planet I?ul his benefic qualities
are so weak that he may better be classed as~iD<idlerent— — neither
benefic npr ryvlefic

«/. ^PTSlTT ,

ftr-fr srcrfcT <rsfit znnrfirfr* H i

s-cmt <m ^rr it

He become? really -bwefic or malefic according to h s as'oci

ation If he is associated with weak Moon the Sun, Marsor
Saturn Jicha a malefic When associated v lb the mxiag flloon
(?fc-nr) Jp^ter or Venys be is a benefic When be is alone le
is more a benefic than a malefic
so Adh 11


^rqijfornnla It

^cpftsj -p^mTffU^TIRT is another reading)

Also * ,

^ifrnriwTj'+tnt Tt«g<3«ni: i

nhq^w: u

<?3% srro.5 jm-

- ^ St*n w$ n 1° n

S/oJtrt 10 In the first period of ten days of the

lunar month which and dark halves,
consists of bright

the Moon is During the second

of moderate strength
period of ten days, he is very auspicious During the
third period of ten days he has no strength,, but he will
prove auspicious it he possesses the advantages such as
being aspccted by benefit planets
w?r 3 rnsum jqrtcrit srafi sraraw ^stt? \

Inn nr*W zw n

11 The Sun, Mars,
^ 11

Rahu and
n 11

Saturn al-
ways with the hind r part appearing
rise front m
Venus, the Moon and Mercury rise with the head fore-
most Jupiter goes both ways
D fe T aflqs TOC I

ftqtrt 'H'-Hi
1=! II

Sloka II The Sun and Mercury are of the fora

SI 13-15 51

of a bird The Moon has th- shap” of a reptile

Jupiter and Venus are hip*!* Satan and Mir& nr*

3ramt gaEresmft 3# 1

S loka 13 The Moan and Venus are resting in
water (water dwellers) Jupiter and Mercury haunt
villages which afe the seats of learned men Mats,
Rahu Saturn Ketu and the Sun haunt mountains and
forests • f

swsr stftra f*ra 1


Slokn 14 Mara is (indicates) a child Mercury

is a boy. Jupiter is a person 30 y ars old Venus is
16 years of age The Sun
is a person of 50 years The

Moon one of 7d years Saturn Rahu and Ketu are


each a huudred years old

*/» gprw
smrTTOil’ irnr 5mrtV*Jr >Trfm7T<t
*jvfr ( _
5TB Tajrfr^s^sr tt

^rtrfrnp? *ttx f

W TTzmr&^rq?; »

^ruwr?n?’^r'7 ftsroft 1

1 Sflqi firara 3 ftfo'uftfsr II

Sloka 15 Jupiter, Venus Mars and Merury are

lords of the four Vedas viz Rife, Yajus, Saman and Atha
rvana. Mars and the Sun are planets of the nature of
minerals Tlie Mo3n and Saturn mainly partik-* of th-
52 Adh II

character of a root Venus and Jupiter represent the

animat kingdom Kiercury represents a mixture
Ftrtt half , jiwmH nVra^ gq^mP rnm^TR-
Lath* half But accord ng to xrTTT

jpnr?ri It

to?t to *4ffW i

fora* fttown w n^n

sfra *rer ^h\ i

foh3isH<Tra n^u
$loka lb Blazing confident (self possessed) happy

calm, capable, tortured, dejected base, failing and afraid

are the wotds describing the ten
conditions of a planet

in their order

Sloka 17 A planet is blazing when he is m his

exaltation or Moolatrikona he is confident in his own
house happy in a friend s house calm wh»n he has

reached the virga of a benefic planet He l8 capable

when he chines bright with unclouded splendour
Sloka 18 He is tortured when overcome by
another planet He is exceedingly dejected when he
occupies an'Amsa (to) portion belonging to an ene-

my s sign He is ba«c by union with the Varga of a male

fic planet He is greitly afraid whfcn he is in his de-
pression* He is failing when he has set or disappeared
81 . 16-18 53

tf goiPFT J
'^h: *?iyna rrftfat

finr$ gvmJiiTt rum nf^il g\j i

^tw fipp* i

frnr ^rana: wTsftfffan ikzrffdr ftfsa u

3^ aciNf'ifticTT^’n^awr
^sft^r^r *rc^3T«rn>fa i

*?n& ^reafl q^nf.jwyr;


srffiat fnPfrnft:

iigjavinfn^mr vjwvfr^r Jrcrp'fr \

nafa rravFan ^fi n
wr^na MftaJrr Pm^-sf^ifrPi:

*naftf%fl n^rat iT5itT: i

X wifarfT m*?ni nPfaifqWr

na fa ftags^nn* n

Also HKW^T
*rot ijfan sr n *rrr fnififerl ifm i

*3313 qHrat m aqiO aft pftoir »

**fa aafa a fra ^n*r gf^n:
m ganfrw wr ^^nrT&raTwsj n

ftret tf^mr asrr frnj<tt fttff&nstqH; t

amii»a3 <srt nfci »Tra n

fanift 3*?j antnftnnifTrwftg in i

sTjwTfH^i^ n

raw gnrft awft wtfn g*irfit I

gf?% rr^nfci grfir f-n^Rr^fi snasttrrf^jjS i

fTnrrgrmrrr fr vrqfn n
^f"1 53tFifn~i gcwronff *r£nrn i

fajr-j; niWrrft vrfcro 3m n

54 WfffURw) < Adh.lf

gci: xzj fafnnftffi: i

gfan: ^ Vqftt iV^na: u

g:n**Wfc*ftf«: «'«57cr qrr^fn«^ g i

^STT&5T «r3W«TTnrf5T*7S<W: l

*£OTHtsft ?rar tr«ra^- srfrfVn^ ftg<nr 11

srrcrgv'nfcr fafSrat w> *Ti sirg: i

^lW H#Wi %£r irorrh |i

a jiriRr srwiTrt wr «w«?sfit grr: ti

wfaraftrtrcrficfai'ftfFRSfl' i

\$rannfrifatftaf rmi^i ^ ntffSm- n n

S/ofcfl.- 19.. Red, .white, reddish, green, yellowish,

variegated and black are the colours of the planets from
the Sun onwards. The same colours are declared to

belong to them in queries regarding lost articles, etc.

cf. jpmTt
rtrei. sftoisfosrffrfra: fas. tpftftsrotr. i

Also •iifl’fi

nr^n sr^rRft ^ftmhfnns i

^ **rr*R s^jm: n

n^r^T g ^nmirmwrfr «r^u5-!r3i»t>rP5m: i ars^ig gr fWr :

ft-h i iigufi

g-rhl'^15? Rd^l^^M^urf I

3^TI %R33<3I^i%?Kn Sg 3° I

Slaia. 20 The substances ascribed to the planets

from the Sun onwards arc copper, gems, gold, alloy of
metals, silver, pearls and iron. Fire, water,
SI. 21

(Kartikeya), Vishnu, Indra, Indrani, and Brahma are the

presiding deities of the planets from the Sun xn their

order. »


avt srr ggrR w Tn ramrfire: ftwin l

arc « *5St**f»

snfcr^r are? ft$rciftw*re«r ^^rjciFr sttSt i


sfcrea Vim taJNwrr^ *prr 11


fliynw ^yiHciw *rfa ^ jrrn% ns^r 1

jpmur ^ sreiasr^rpurr armr n^vr^rnn ns^r^rro
W*IWJ*Pp!tT*U UtstT^n^^qr I
V*de al*o Adh*a>a XVI II si 19 For
Ihe deities, of the bcvcril planclb cj

^rr Jjgjun rjF-iT^-icgir^nrTdti *&&&*’* f

^^rif.^Fsr-bsTtvi'iij li qihj «rrr d

nm maim? w^fp£ro>>anrvmmTw mem: i am v

m as^rnir ««c*4T ar%7r ^rmr. 1

Hlftf'FM R/ddlM'MrT ^ffiFTT-

WTO ^ ftjH *11*53 3FTO ‘IlhtHttH, 1

^ gt^rnreg^TFra ira sr-_ -

*ri% *ri^3 ii
*u 11

ihhi. , 2 1the Sun's precious stpne.

The ruby is

a pure spotless pearl that of the Moon Coral belongs

to Mars Mercury's precious stone is the emerald
shaped like the bird Garuda Topas belongs to Jupiter.
Venus owns diamond. Saturn's gem 13 the stainless
sapphire Agate and the lapislacuh or turkots are said
to belong to the remaining planets Rahu and ketu
respectively. *
54 Adh.II

s^r: *r?r foRntfrf: i

g 5TTTC> VTStfft r%rm<T II

5S«!*tff:irirnffir STteih «?rf&gn-7 g I

nrgrr^ ^s^faqTflrfiwscra I

^f'TT'T-irsrq ?nr tt'-tft??’ irfrfWt f>3»r; n

JTJ^nj’T’iTTcr RTJnrr wr ^7 vr srrn 1

*3*ottoR?to f|^r jtt&jt jpttpT t^5t^ ti

ftvnwir 1

„5&*iOT3«*Ffi n*i*w*M»;i * isftTRW i

st •=rnfcr roflrr ^qfrrr 3^1 m

^oiferrsrfa d TC tP 5 <h ('

*i i

-rei^t q srcftffcn 11 ?mi

Sloka - 19.. Red, .white, reddish, green, yellowish,
variegated and black are the colours of the planets from
the Sun onwards The same colours are declared to
belong to them in queries regarding lost articles, etc
cf. g®n7t
ura fa a ^jiv^ r^srou i

A l^o *j*i 11m


?jsr 1 T^ 17 T T^It2tst ||

g =r«T«rreraw{fc
v^sv^i^srtvt i ^7^ 5^^


Sloha. 20 The substances ascribed to the planets

from the Sun onwards are copper, gems, gold, alloy
metals, silver, pearls and iron Fire, water, Kumara

SI. 21

(Kartikeya), Vishnu, Indra, Indrani, and Brahma are the^

presiding deities of the planets from the Sjun in their
order. * 1


ard ^rmrfiitJtfiir^aTraV vhq 3 g^rrn«t

ri* 5»s«f3r **r wrftwtfwnirfrre; fanwx 1

sra ftrnnjh* hf^ac^n^ 11 ija^r vr^n^mT
aw f^wNhrc<r _
5tt%‘ 1

sthrer Fnjk fi^qq fcjfrasm*^ g^r 11

tfispnrei^Sswi?«T tffcr fwinra *x jnrrr^r asm 1

srabni v qr*«ir a^w^rnn

srojwrrsirar ais^rn^^UT 1
F»rf«ni«-o Adhjaya XVI 1 si 19 For

the deities of the several planets c)

qln ti^ h

a»tr zv?t& rw"rrarrrrnnm 1 urn ^ amr-

vt vK\<mt *rf?q nfixt wi; C v


Hlftl'fM f^RFT^T itfKnft-

I '•3


r© ftitgH»rc 'w »?raM?# >R? il

Mafia- 21 The ruby is the Sun’s precious stqne,

a pure spotless pearl that of the Moon Coral belongs
to Mars Mercury’s precious stone is the emerald
shaped like the bird Garuda Topas belongs to Jupiter.

Venus owns diamond Saturn’s gem is the stainless

sapphire Agate and the lapislasuli or turkois are said

to belong to the remaining planets Rahil and Ketu
$6 Adfi. II

uif gw ^Pn n ^iij,

Sloka. 11.
All the sages say that the articles of
apparel appropriate for the Sun and other planets are i
thick cloth, anew fine robe, one singed by fire, a cloth
washed m
water, an ordinary garment, a durable mantle
and a rag respectively
W tut zr mrin^
qjrcira q&
*AT*n «T^q 5>rjfrVt^ *sqr^qf*q?TJTt n


SPiif^Ri *54.
11 *3 11

Sloka . 23. The Sun, Venus, Mare, Baiun Saturn,

the ’Moon, Mercury and Jupiter are respectively the
lords of the quarters East, South east. South, Southwest
WeBt, Northwest North and North-cast respectively
The lords of the six seasons reckoning from Vasantha
are Vcrjus, Mars, the Moon Murcury, Jupiter*^ and
Saturn according to the Drekkanas or the third portions
of a sign presided over by them
l ft

^13 -sf wmgn sifcr: *nft i

u srr^qrf* f^nfrwtr: 11

snrt^T n mwi

si. is 57


C arm fa ^ftsi'fcr: u

*?i?psiTfojW5R ij 5fg3tr<r$ ^ «j> nrf *reRr

i *rRr * «i> =r ’frsfr rnr ; rr^r ^rf^rr^^r t ^^
srmr; *sr. »r^f*T srw-T^wr'Tfrr i nnr =i jrfVr:

=i^h; f^rif^r: » ^fa

The Planets and f*« stitous indicated by them • —These are

useful in finding out the proper teasonu (of birth) in the uase of
lost horoscopes.

If there is a planet in the Lagna, then the season typified by

that planet should be predicted When there are more than one
planet in the Lagna, then it is with reference to the strongest
planet. If there is no planet m the Lagna, it is only in that case

that the season should be predicted with reference to the planet

owning the Lagn r Drekhana

The si\ seasons, their approximate periods and their lords are

given in the following statement —


Name of the Season Approximate period. Lord of the

From To Season.

1 ’’FT^T (Vasanta) 20th March 1 9th May Venus


2 (Grishma) 20th May 1 19th July Mars

3 (Varsha) 20th July 19th beptr Moon


4 5K^ (Sarat) 20th Septr 19lh Novr Mercury


5 (Hemanta) 20th No vs 1
19th]anay Jupiter

6 fir%c (Sisira)| 20th Jatiuy 19th March Saturn

*4ff liealwi* vfiho

/>»*/.«/!•'. — Suppose the Sun On progression
as per any system) to be afflicted by the Moon. The result will

be rll-health and bad things to the native in Grishma (tfN).

58 orawlitara Adh. It

The Moon afflicting Mercur> by progression will bring ill

health in Sarat Ritu {’TT*3) Good things ma> be sinnlarlj pre

dieted for the periods if there be good aspects

Suppose for evample Ihe Moon has progrtssed to \swmi

Nihshatra afflicted b> Mars s pure opposition ‘ntum a horn m
scope U the s.m e turn Wc a\c then to sa\ tint troubles began

m Lcoruar) an I Mirth (r if it Sis rx Saturn*) ind \er\ badly in

Mav and June (Gfisl nut — Mars )

1’ Moon! i

M irs


II ={« II

Stok (i. J1 A shrmc, a shore or ri\vr

bund, t ftre
pbtc, a plcisurc^rounj, i treasury, a bed chamber, and
a heap of rubbish arc to be a^st^ned is the places
the pi tm.ts from the Sin omvards Rahti and Kctu
ha\c their place* m the comers of a house

SI. 24 59

ascribed to them (si. 20) are marshalled for purposes of reference

in the following statement.

Planets Their appropriate Their articles of. Substances

places apparel ascribed
to them

Sun Temples, places of |coar r e cloths Copper


Moon [
Marsh} places Neu cloths Tew el
fafa „
Mars Tire places such as jRurnt cloths ... Gold
Kitchen, Engine
rooms, etc

Mercian . PJn\ grounds Wet i lolh*' Allojs


Jupiter .. 1
Treasure room Medium cloths 1

Venus I f items l.Kcellent Pearls

i loths

Saturn Hillock , useless plv'es Hags torn Iron

‘ cloths

<4 fiflieilfan r>f the afore—-Suppose the Moon in progression

(as per an> s> stem) Venus
comes in It Ins to he
trine to
predicted tint the person mil get or near new and good clotlies.
Suppose the Sun is square to Mars Wc must sa\ that cloths will
he set fi re to hy accidents In the case of a nalmt} for example,
the Moon, as ruler of the 4th home indicating investments
in conjunction with Saturn means useless marsh} lands etc

PfcreRrr tfraftw^r--
ftwnrerarf. jvj. srPr- ^rrg li

Slolta. 25 . Mir:;’ territory e’ctenjs from Link a to

the river Krishna.Sjkra’s sway prevails from the last-
mentioned boundary up to the river Gautamika. Jupiter

60 Adh, IJ

rales from hence up to Vinihyi From Vindhya to

th<* Ganges lies the region of Mercury Saturn has ms
sway over the country from th' Ganges up to the

ftm c-fhPmt W,
stft'Tftjfi ii ii

Slola. 16 Venus are Brahmins The

Jupiter and
Sun and Mars are Kshatrivas Th» Moon is a Vaisya
M’rairy is the lord of the Sudra community Saturn
is the leader of the outcast* The Sun, Jupiter and the
Moon are planets typifying Satva (purity# goodness)
Venus and Mercury are ess *nti illy the planets of
passion Saturn and Mars own <rogTamas or darkn»ss
as their distinguishing characteristic
{1st hilf) ef. *j®rwT

wr-Jirmr ^tr^mPr tfrcnewwnrw i

firirfitoraraftm *tW n


gr jra rnS srsfi stfatiraruswtiiTitrrt.

But accord ng to out tl,e0 ), com uuuity
1 ,
s represented ,

b> the Moon anil Mercurj and the Sudras b> Saturn rf

Htiprr ^Ri4r fH i

rgiftmr \\

***** tTOtfVs
if\(r( -inmiqqr&T
^uifqtn^V qr3>r
^ ^
Justae the four cutet hare been i, port oned
to the plan,,.
,t h» to bo inferred tbit the four U .,iMt 5 ebatur , ,dhom„') ,«m

nz(i)>mSanu (2 )tt-I Dane (3) Bheda and (4)ret^ndi

SI. 26-27 fitStfBPIPi: 61

have also been assorted to the planets, thus' To Jnpiter and

Mars and the Sun- Tv^-Danda; to the Moon-
Venus-T-IPT-Sama; to
TR-Dana and to Mercury and Saturn- "«TT Bheda.
cf. srqRfaiR

^Rfopr: ^ u

Further, the division of the planets into ( 1 ) biped (2) quadru-

ped (3) winged and (4) reptile is also hinted c/. gaaffa

qrVfWf^r *rfaFTsj?j* ; i

{Ln'ter half) These gunis should he ascertained after

examining the strength of the planets owning, occupying and
aspecting the lagna and the Rasi occupied i'bj the Moon. But
it must be remembered that the planet j n nhosc Trimsanisa
the Sun is situated pla>s a prominent part i n moulding the guna
of the mtive ef. jjogTiT-

frrairr ^marmrapg^f i

I W'.-WJUrti

«r.* ^rrftTS^tw rtnfewk wztnk t?%: t

fa&3^*rgcrreP4ncr ^othtt. ii yh
r^hrrTnrfgm; snrgr. zT^rr^prfttFmj'r

ra i *pft rreR ^d -f Kfr i 35%

vr^irrd:” 5ft: sro 1

" n«t 35 ^
httsto sprarf^n-

'm^s# >K5r6ral 1

1- II SB I
60 Adh II

rales from hence up to Vindhyi. From Vmdhya to

th<’ Ganges lies the region of Mercury Saturn has ms
sway over the country from th Ganges up to the

f^TT 'sft-tPTfll

! J,5^Tfir|T g fa g J i qft i

3CTK w 1 4<H i *n 'l i

M 'Tf ' HvIJnTpni^Tf

ipilt frc%«fr iiftwjTt li ^ ii

Sloka 26 Jupttt-r and Venus are Brahmins The

Sun and Mars are Kshatriyas Th* Vfoon is a Vais ya
M rcury is the lord of the Sudra community Saturn
is the leader of the outcasts The Sun Jupiter and the
Moon are planets typifying w^Satva (purity, goodness)
Venus and Mercury are ess»ntnlly the planets of
passion Saturn and Mars own frn^Tamas or darkness
as their distinguishing characteristic
(frt *>! f) ef% jjmsT

^ vr^irrqr qroqflv sfcrmmnrw i


5pr«iF 'ntr# srfr „

But accord WK
U e \ a «> a co
Off to un ty 1S re rese , ted

1 > the Moon and Mercury an l tl Sudras b\ Saturn «*

r ftsrsof ^nr¥r yuHr fjn i

srram*Tr %?!nrnt nfa *jjjr t^arntr n

nql’Pt inp^-r nyr ^ mft

aw*W ««rrcFtfk i^wrorcw ^rrrtrrar

JuslflS t] e four r-lMC),,!,

t has to be nfetred that
v,z (l) HI*T Santa

p) -n Dan.
e four Upjaas (TpfartUxhjtu,

( 3) >
*, port on'J

Bheit , M (
4 „] h
p anets

™ i
SI. 26-27 Hi7?T7r3'-77-7 61

have also been assorted to the planets, thus To Jnpiter and

Venus ’TR-Sama to Mars and the Sun Dan da to the Moon
W Dana and to Mercurj and Saturn V Bheda

cf TORfriR
^Hfn^rsr?n ^ u si*/i5ty i

tri'ptt Wft ^ n

rurther the div ision of the planets into (1) biped (2) quadru
ped (3) twnged and (4) reptile is also hinted cf.

fiMr ^5^5^ gfag;rrtr tl

[La'ter half ) Ihese gunas

<=hould be ascertained after
examining the strength of the planets owning, occupjing and
aspeoting the lagna and the Rasi occupied thj the Moon But
it must be remembered that the planet in uliose Trimsamsa
the Sun is situated plajs a prominent p«art in moulding the guna
of the nattve cf. yviR>T
fmrar I

it* rr ii

i wnrr-rfc
“^rrr T^fft m ” ii

v EnruJi^vn^: i

^atftre;: ^rsq«p<?r,i?r^fT«'ri^vt gtRrsfcr^f ii

ft tx yipr^tarntf wS* STfoarnTT n

fTmsRnrtsR; »R*ft R*rrfVj u ifa<j^ u « «g»r strfv

ra i srT i ‘‘«rv«tf£

^oti vRjirr-a:” srct ftsrftrntt g*’!: i



gTr?T j^i#rg#nf^fTn ^ n n
62 Adh II

Shin <j 7 Tne San, Mtr» and Jupiter are males.

Venus and the Moon are females Siturn and Mercury
are eunuchs Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Saturn and
Venus are respectively the lords of Ether. Earth, Fire,
Air and Water
[Latter half) cl 7*iiHr
“ anti iftw **

sw*r*«r{4tf'rMirnt*$ir ,5r<ics*iTTft i n i

tft*t:frrc!V(sw3miij<nt*n stwrw Tfr$u*Jifg3T<TPj;


dMinf atdaft f^Md(3s#tfaisrt$l;tT:

sidrtjggssdf^dS^gfe'iST^d ,

dst(?r(3? dtft«fg^(^CTd(3draR wr-

^radffid^SdJfwragsc d!if%r: n n
Sloka 28 The planets in the zodiac reckoned
seriatim from Saturn m accordance with the length of
their orbits are Saturn, fupiter, Mars, the Sun Venus
Mercury, and th* M"»on Mirs, Saturn, Jupiter, the
Sun, Venus, the Moon and Budha are respectively
declared to be the lords of the following constituent
cleol’nts of the body marrow, mas<de fit or grease,
bone, semen blood, and skin,
(Finl half} Vt it Slo1 1 71. infra
{Latter half) cj sermr
zpfx§ % *r*str

a ’T''
M~ 3rr 3 '' ,,'‘
w II !-T>n-tt*w»i «w, ™ro
n.TO,* „
.TtiWitu frsrr i W*™!* n
SI £9 £3

All diseases mentioned in Chapter VI are based upon this

g Mercury governs «f.m diseases Venus governs venereal
diseases Jupiter goaerns brain diseases, «-ucli as imdne's, etc.
The Moon governs diabetes menstruil diseises, etc

dWfowW ii II

Mofaf 29 Saline, pungent astringent, sw.ect bitter

acid, and mixed flavours have for their lords the Moon,
the Sun, Saturn, Jupiter Mars Venus and Mercury.
The Sun Mars, Venus Mercury, Saturn Jupiter and
the Moon sway over periods of half a year, a day, half
a month, two months a year, a month and a muhurta
(2 ghatikis or 4S minut s) respectively

l’lanet Per od I Iavour

Hie bun Half i yeir 1 ungent

The Moon (Kshana- 48 ) |


Mars One day Litter

Mercury 1 wo months ;

Jupiter One month Sweet

Venus 15 days Sour

Saturn One year E PTPT — hashaya

Application of the principle — If illness is indicated by Saturn,
it islong standing if indicated by Mars, it is of short duration A
This should be applied with reference to Chapter VI

64 A6h. II

rttsig; ^ w*** «n? *itj; i

*3*93«iRiVfafa?u *»g*n?r 'sr vm \5nr

{First hat) ) JTqhm-amTPFrr& ^ *r®^r^
irffrjdT irsft

Also »1 FW*I
iirfa sfrnr ^tast su^sst^i

vfcpnw* ^ hm rjifo* trrorcr m (^^^T^remuT) ^*rr^7

n vff -j< w n

{Latter lialj ) (7^rrn^> *»)

THM V MtfVtbwRtiS’-l •

ftgforT nvrfwstprritfrfft n

3f*»tP5: I S5«T srai?fT: 3T^U *rsffo rfTT^ *P»g $nsrcn>;

*m^r: i rrom stqforeqnft sr^r

ifr nwwm.Jn^r5^ ^r
§ra: q=fa^ ^^ rFr^Tt st^hr^rfaq^r

"tSldl^MlP? 'TT^t 9W»5 tl

Suppose at tlie time of a query, the Vrisclnha N.i\amsa in

the Mithuna lagna to have risen (2 signs 4 degrees 12 minutes),
and the position of Mars, the lord of Vrischika, to be 9 signs 1
degrees 13 minutes, The period tjpified by the <=ame planet is
a day. According to the first Mew, Vnschiha b’avamsa being the
2nd in the Mithuna lagna, the completion or success of the
ness has to be predicted to happen m 2 daj s According
to the
second view, as Mesba, the Navamsa occupied by Mars, happens
to be the 6thwhen counted from Vnschiha, the time in
which the
success or otherwise is expected to occur will be 6 days.

Find the planet that is strongest at the time of Adhana

The pregnant woman will desire (long for) food mixed with the
llavour typified by this particular planet.

w^5nT^=j^rar: rrr II 3? ||

Sloka. 30 Astrologers say that all the planets cast

a quarter glance at the'Srd and 10th houses, half a glance
at the 5th and 9th, three quarters of a glance at the 4th
and 8th , and a full eye at the 7th
Sloka » dl. ^Saturn is exceedingly powerful when
he has his strong quarter^glance Jupiter is auspicious in
his oblique or angular aspect Mars is potent with his
three quarterglance All the planets in general have
strength of aspect on the 7th house

i ,
e!• i


rtrtrfnrfn^mwuywMi it

Tjn trvrfii foipnrtfa

ij/flfja* vJt «

The following from Psnsara (m ) rrpnrdin/r

Rthu dnsiti
r\»H be of interest ^

*jnn-^au r% ’trfrtffe •^r^sfe r

trr^cre tf%E. a

To calculate the correct Dr/pbiji (w*)of planet* f les«e »ee

(wh^ sift) * r
chapter 2 of Snpatipaddhiti

-Eft l

Slaka. 32. The San and Mara look upwards

Venus and Mercury look sideways The Moon

Jupiter look evenly.

The looks ol Rahu and Saturn
incline downwards _

^iTiRir 11W

y.CTi'i?5i fTHft.di
'i h lilWi tg II II

Sloka. 33 Planets have

predominant strength of
position ( Stthambala ) when they occupy the -

Vatseshika Vargas ( Vide Adhyayal, Sloka 44 Supra.)

produced by the combination of three or more of the
Virgas enumerated below- —
^’g-Swochcha (the planet’s own exaltation sign),
^nforrn-Swathrikona (the planet’s Moolathrikona),
jj^-Swasuhrid (the planet's friend s house) f
drekkana (the planet s own Drekkana), Swa Rasi
(the planet's own
house), s^ro-Swa amsa (the planet's
own Navamasa), and being in the ascendant possess nu-
merous benefic dots (more than i, vide Adhyaya 10,
on Aahtaka Varga)
Sloka. 34. Planets which do not possess benefic
aspect or other such good influences may not prove
auspicious w hen they are m
their depression, or in
conjunction with inimical or malefic planets craspected
SI, 35-36

by them or in their Vargas or m the Sandhis 'or have

fewer points (m the Ashtaki Varga) or when they
occupy the bad portions of a sign or when they are
eclipsed by the Sun’s rays or overcome in planetary war.

The positional strength of planets will be better understood
by a reference to Sripati’s rules on the subject, Vtdef Snpatipad*
dhstt v&mAihvnva 1V si s

ssi’fts’ft 3333^ r

wraafiftrea 33 *3 iiVMi
Slofui . 35 Mercury and 'Jupiterhave their
Digbaia or strong quarter m the East Or Lagna Venus
and the Moon have tt in the- North or 1th bhava.
Saturn has it in the West or 7th bhava; the Sun and
*/. w
in the South or the 10th bhava.

*?(?tsw g^torr-rfr 3 CTt’fttrarararwt *rfciTn u


»qn>^ai f^nrwrS*
Also MhyayJllI, sT.
f and 8.

faaiftWCT'in gwsgm 39 tti 3^

Sfoka . 36 The Moon. Saturn and Mars have

^rsn^-Kalabala or temporal strength at night* the res! ;

during the day. Each planet is strong in his hour, day.

month and year. The benefic and malefic planets have
strength tn the bright and dark halves of the month res-
pectively. Mercury is always strong.
68 Adh. II

(f TC54fin>
f^rr^r ?TRTf sara: *?^?r £rs%
y^RtcTJiar rjj ?5mrr!JT *?pi i

The reader will see that the author has referred to six of the
sub divisions of Kalabala OfT*? *)
this sloha. Viz (l) Natonnata

bala Pakshabala (q-TT*) (3) Varsl apabala OrWtf)


(4) Masapabala (trrifTX?) (5) Dinapabala (f’^T'T?^) (6) Horapabala

fatW**) «/ Sripatipaddhati ("ftqftqrft} <ikviva-lll Slain t-9 14

Also c/ WMS't
fro $r<m f^rf^r

SfonWlfrtTSrTfS *fsR Hr*7T 1

sri w^mtm^iiractirKiiibsiftrat
f^smsriaqrh^ran n ^OTshniim 1

sten^issr t^getg^jprareit: irhi*;

iranur sraif*rei sjftfsiirmi>fg%i?3:gT u^si

Sloka 37 Venus, Mercury
Mars, Jupiter and
Saturn, when in their retrograd motion or in conjunction
with the Moon, are consid *red to be victorious (in plane,
tary war. The Sun and the Moon are strong the m
Uttarayana or Northern course The motional strength
of the plan ts taW in regular order from
Mars is addi
tive in the northern course Saturn Mars, Mercury
Jupiter, Venus the Moon and the Sunns' successively
in natural ttrangth (^Wn^-Naisargihabda)

*rf^t n
innr gins jrV^ftart ,

*n*h *<rJ* „
) "

SI. 38 H^rqTsvqm: 69

3^71^ T^ftcPf^W ^ifRWWJFH: mR%I4C I

The words EPTT'PlTC»r m the text have been used in a purely

technical way, the meaning being “when in conjunction with the

Moon’’ tf. “flsrmm *rfon h*, n^Ftr 'prr'PT-

5r*?r 9r®r ” (^c*r«r

cf eJrffS’TS^ Adhfiya'III-15 & 16

Also sr^trcrsR'rer

W *5t ^(rTTirr favih s*sr?r?s ^trnmflsfa ii »


For details regarding the effects of the several hinds' of

balas, please refer to S travail K Si okas -28 4G *

^ «T?sfc5n^ i

?rrPr ^fcr n n
Shkn. 38. Professors of Astrology say that the
six kinds of strength (<rc^5 Shadbala) taken in the follow*
ing order namely smwDngbala (strength of aspect),
wr^iotthanabala (positional strength), tefaw-Ntsaraga*
bata (natural strength), ^r^c-Cheshtabala (motional
strength), f^r**Digbala (directional -strength), «fW4«-

Kalabala (temporal strength) have varieties indicated by

the numbers 1, 5, 1, 5, 1, 7.

Notes *

Here the author want* to mention the number of >sub divi-

sions of the se\eral kinds of balas,
Dngbala fa*P?) is bj itself one,
(2) Stthanabala (wn1 ) consists of 5 <ub divisions, viz. (t)

Hchchabala (t^t) (u) Sapthavtrgajabala (w^^) («») Yugma

yugnubila (iv* Kehlridibtla OS^***) aal (v) Drek
(3) Nisargahalt(PrjOT P !
)U b\ itself one and has no sub division.
y mu! to consist of 5 sub divisions •
(4) Chcslitabala ‘^52R ) i»
what these arc, it is not exactly known [i Vakra fa*}. « Samagarna
72 Adh.il

Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars are his neutrals,

and the Moon is his enemy.
Sloka. 44. The Sun, Mars and the Moon are the
friends of Jupiter. His enemies aie Venus and Mercury;
Saturn is neutral to him- Saturn and Mercury are the
friends of Venus. His enemies are tile Sun and the
.Moon. Jupiter and Mars are his neutrals.

Sloia. 45. The enemies of Saturn are the Sun, the

Moon and Mars Jupiter is neutral towards him Venus
and Mercury are friends
planets are to be
his The
deemed exceedingly friendly or mimical by their being
friendly or inimical both naturally and for the time
being. Thus planet-- are divided into 5 clashes, vis, (l)
ftm—Mithra, (2) Adhitmthra, i3) xrx— Sathru,
f 1) Adfmathru and (5) mr— Sama.
In order to find out the natural friendship Ur otherwise
planets with respect to any one of the rest, the following
general rule is laid down h> »HH*| t«I — Satjacharjat Vit.,

* h PtUd ulf ^ 51^ |)

Planets are friendly to anj given planet when they happen
own the 5th, 12th, 2nd, 4th, Bth, and Oth houses counted from
planet’s Moolatrikcna Rasi, or when they happen to owtt the
planet’s exaltation Rasi, The rest are his enemies. .

Place the planet m its Moolatrihona and mark ihe 2nd, 12th
5th, 9th, the planet’s exaltation Rasi, the 8th and the iQtb Planets
twice invited become friends, planets once muted become
acquaintances and planets that are uninvited become
enemies But
the Sun and the Moon become friends on a single
invitation (as
each ow ns only a single sign in the Zodiac). .

The Eon unites More Hue, Jup.ter tine., th e

Mercury once. Venus and Saturn are uninvited.
Therefore Mars
SL 46-47 78

Jupiter,and the Moon are the friends of the Sun, and Mercury Ws
acquaintance Venus and Saturn are his enemies Similarly jd
the case of other planets t,/*

**itang:*F3«7f \\

But Yavaneswara holds the following vie^

gfrej vim wsf i

Jjfsfer If

i $m*j %pr: srf*P**ri mh ^tTjvt *» fttmr j

wra«r fa^n^V^fr: R'IFtj'^ =q tr^ n

Only some uithorities hold the ibovevieu ami not all, says
Varah imthira
ef. l^iiTFfh

^T7t 3ta:ySf ftUFJJpqqf SRt ftlTfOT SPTT-

ftgr^F^rrvTt ^nrRr^r jpo* ti

1 or friends of Riliu uul Kelu the following is st itcd in

777T^f?F7FTf^: — Sirwartthachmtharaam
7rftrg fmnrn yrn-nr^t yqreprrra ttRi -
^ttu: ii

3 »KTf^nrT i

gpwr g#r ^75 fts irnifterrteiwrm 11 s$ 11

Sloka. 46 If there 1 $ friendliness both naturally

and temporarily on the part of a planet, he 19 a great
friend. Those that arc enemies both ways are deadly
foes invariably. Th^t plana is bjt a friend which has
the character of being Incndly and neutral from the two
points of vie\v» while the one which has the character
of being neutral and inmictl is an enemy. A planet
that is inimical in the o‘ne case and friendly in the other
is to be taken ns neutral.

rft far ^njiT fw^g<rc3 fo«i

£1 gteOT ’£J37 75SST uft Sifter
1 - IIS'S!!

Adh II

steadfast the
Sloka 47 Sages say that the Sun ia ,

wandering (unsteady). Mar. is violent,
Moon .5
diverse qualities, ]uplter is
cury has a mixture of

and Saturn is harsh

Venus is light or easy

In the case of moveable, immoveable

Sbka 48
signs, planets occupying respectively the 11th.
and dual
from them or their lords will
9th and the 7th houses
troublesome planets if they happen to
prove exceedingly
the same time the houses occupied
by the lord
own at
of Kliata («stt) or Mandt (at®?)

3sVIII si 30 Forint) KliaraVideV 56 infra

y.cts „f,„ Adhyaya

Slckn 49 A person ought “to divine about hts

own self, father, influence, health, vigour and fortune

from the Sun It is the Moon that determines the
character of one’s heart, understanding, royal favour,

mother and affluence. It is through Mars that a person

cm ascertain his owmeourage, disease, characteristic
qualities, younger brother, lands, foes and blood
(parternaf) relations. It is Mercury that influences one’s

learning relatives in general, discrimination, maternal

uncle, friends speech and action

81. S9-52 fWKts«nt: 75

vrqjfwitgumftv&fimfrm mk
*rffh farm 3 fti#rar mni f¥<ftg; iih°ii

Sloka. 50 One ought to conjecture about one's

own genius, wealth, physical development, sons an
knowledge by referring to Jupiter. Information regarding
one’s wife, vehicles, ornaments, love a f fairs and
pleasures is to be sought through Venus It is Saturn
that settles a person’s period of life, livelihood, the

dUise of death, and prosperity. One

his adversity
ought to guess about one’s paternal grand father through
Rahu and about the maternal grandfather through Ketu.

The Karakas
*#3 ^
of the Bhavas beginning
11 H? 11

with the Lagoa or the rising sign are (1) The Sun
(2) Jupiter (3)Mars (4) The Moon and Mercury (Z) Ju'
piter (6) Saturn and Mars (?) Venus (S) Saturn (9) Tlie
Suft and Jupiter (10) Jupiter, the Sun, Mercury and
Saturn (1/) Jupiter and (12) Saturn
</. tout
qvft nr jjraTrw rhfr: yfa 1

irr*vf^jfTt rfhfr u

jrictbi nvui
Stata Venus, Mercury and Jupiter when
the 5th
they occupy respectively the 7th, the dth end
all horo-
houses from the Lagoa arc indeed harmful in
, ,

70 Adh. II

scopes Saturn in the 8th house from the Lagna gives m

variably what is agreeable
fie harmful /oyas is given b> Manlhresnan in hi

Are ns folio a
«5f £r«r wr «r**rir i

wrfr gir«inj*T vtr-jgn it

sraiqrtr^r t
73W<? wiwmfr «nr%OT i

ftwcTP ftWitet flEnw TfTjFnwR II M3 II

Shin 63 Poss-sfd of energy , of a square built

eyes bright as wine, of a
body, black red in mien, of
bilious nature, lovely with ]u>
limited quantity of hair,

the Sun consists chiefly of the quality of goodness

mgst v&nwiinrr txf fa*;

m<rwis&*iMW faWwnrft mr%
nnftrajTOT: £rrj»*nnm u

rt%u «#lMi*)34H(un wiPioiwi =t gvwr ,o

Wo 64 The Moon has phlegm
and wind

Ins composition, and in

given to cambium

soft, he is , h
is discriminating Heha.f, “
ate firm and exceedingly lovely
Hr> „
with a figure ayS
9 l,m, but round
r f *wn®i

m»S*Tmt fW «nfirjfisnn'^ni-
' » fh ™* w 1
si. 65»56 fjftftqrsx<rr*r; 77

^5m«^5r: I

*rtf 'rnsw-- » 11

Si oka Mars
has fierce eyes,
55. a youthful
appearance and generous disposition. He has bile in
his composition ; he is exceedingly fickle- He has a
slender waist His limbs are fine and of a reddish hue.
He is energetic and lustful and ; his tendencies are to*
wards the quality of Thjmas or darkness.
<•/, HRTPfl

iTOfarrartJirr?n:: ra*r*T*f<« j

wz tnfffor! 11

$^5? :

srrtf ^'t3«r-wfrf^5T'Rft5'

sfftnra ftrni ii n

Sloka. 50 Mercury has a person green as the

blade of Durva or panic grass He has a distinct arti-

culation. He is spate and tl. in He is the sovereign of
those who are endowed with the quality ot
or passion. He is exceedingly iond of fun. He delights
in damage He has plenty a! bile, phlegm end wind
ready energy
in his composition ; he has a wealth of
and is a sage.
tf. »in^T
wgr*iTr*t? f*3* T * 5r '
»rrrontsfhT*RtT. tjnonr:
6o Adh. II

Drekkana, Kis Hora, his week day, his Navariisa, his

northern passage, the middle of day, the time of his
entering a sign, the initial portion of the Navamsa of a
friendly planet, and the tenth house.

TrS^mfr tR «rcft

11 ^ 11

Sioktr. 62. The Moon has strength in Cancer,

Taurus, his week day, his Drekkana, .his Hora, his
Navamsa, the tnd of a sign when aspected by benefic

planets; at night; in the 4th house ; in his passage to

the south of the Equator. The Moon with all the digits

complete is strong in all positions except the Riksha

(». c. the last quarters of Aslesha, Jycahta and
Revati) The same when aspected by all the planets

bring to men a royal destiny


^ ^ II
^ 11

Slika. Mars has abundant strength in his


I own weekday, in his Navamsa, in his Drekkana, in. the

‘Uigns Mcena, Vrischika, Kumbha, Makara and Mesha,
during night time, in his retrograde movements, when
he is in the southern quarter, and also in the intial
portion of a sign. He gives when he is
prosperity m
the 10th house from the Lagna and also when he is m
ft (M-«6 61

fori i

# ^ wfHagtex 11 W !l

Sloka. 64. Mercury is mighty in Kanya and

Mithuna, in his weekday, in his own Varga, in Dhanus,
when without the Sun, by day as well as by night, in
hia northern passage (that portion of the ecliptic which
lies to the north of the Equator) and in the middle of a
sfgn. He invariably promotes fame, strength and pros*
perity if he be in the rising sign.

CT5 #*n
m g% ^ bji( sjffcnx ?ng; n ^n
Slokn. 65. Jupiter is powerful in Mcena, Vris*
chika, Dhanus and Kataka, in his own Varga and week'
dav, at mtd day, in his passage to the north of the
Equator, in the middle of a sign, in Kumbha, as also in
his depression sign. He gives much wealth when
in the rising sign, in the fourth as well as m the 10th
house from the Lagna

3# ^ II ^ II

Sfoihi. 66. Venus is auspicious m his exaltation

sign# in his Varga, in his weekday, when in the middle

SI. 60-72 83

r iltKiwwTsnSmt *r psinn& f^tsi wNr i

, ,

’ffts ? 5X17777 5T XX^g^lR TWtft *tfo ll^'Mt

Sloka. 69. Those planets which possess the

strength described above become unavailing when they

happen to be in the initial portion of a w^-bhava or
house as ascertained by «rr^i*bhava sphut i (correct cab
culations). Accordingly, none of the effects already
described in so far as they relate to Bhavas, yogas and
the various fortunes of a person’s life can be expected
to hold good in this case.
N. B This interpretation is onl> tentative V. S

axqtgHt f^tsra i^x-rflrat !f?r i

amtiftrax .^5: 11
»o n

Sloka* 70. Planets in the six signs before the Sun

are called Prone: Those in the six behind the Sun are
supine and are productive of happiness and wealth.

XtaUTCSWlXa* 5T57 II V9? II

Sloka. Saturn Jupiter. Mirs the Sun, Venus,

71. t

Mercury and the Moon are the planets arranged seri-

atim according to the length of the time'jthey abide in
the zodiacal signs. Rahu wlnse position is at the
topmost point of the Earth's orbit (ascending node) has
predominating strength when he occupies a position
below the planets above-mentioned i e. when he is be-
fore or to the east of them

(This mean ins is only tentative.) .

xpngfifr Txftra^ p# 1

xrxt xftsr iww


84 AdL 11

Shin 7i Th» Mtan in cbnjhnfctiuri with thi 3ilh,

Merairji in the 4th home from the Lagna Jupiter lh
the 5th Mars in the 2nd, Venus in th» Sth, and Saturn
in the 7th become barren of effect
Notes 4

Saturn is tatd to ba\e b*s full (fe*c«) Digb-tfa m

the 7th f ouse
Yiit sloka35 tupra It is therefore difficult to reconcile Witb

made in this c loha that he becomes barren

the above the statement
of effect Tihen in the 7th house

uffri jpm;pr>TTf3 i ff 1

^tnorf jjRtJi sfo ^3 »fi 11 03 11

3r ?t7 5 ^fjtff 1

»ta^rr rOl-'iirajii'itj'arTffJf ii 11

Slot is 73-74 Mercury (wt™ in strength) eati coun

tci act the evil caused by Rahu Saturn tin a similar
position) can counteract the evil influences of the former
two combined, Mars (when in a position of advantage)

Ucan remove the evil caused by the three foregoing

planets put together Vefus has pow^r to nullify th$
evil cau&fd by these four Jupiter ciri deStrby the evil

worked by the previous five The Moon can obviate
the malefic influence of the six preceding The Sun
can remove the evil effects of the foregoing seven.
This he does more effectually when he is m his north-
ward course

^1% f33T^ 11 uh II

Sloka «76 The Sun {when malefic) invariably

produces mental incompetence through the instrument-
ality of the servants of a king of Gods and of Brahmins-
in aggravation of such ailments as an Veiling head, tag
ing fever, wasfihg consumption and -dysentery
SI. 7'5-79
86 Adh. II

Venus produces peril through such causes as drink

and diabetes arising from the diseases of the beloved
women associated with a result induced by addiction
to females endeared by excessive gallantry

ifi Tftsr: 5T? 4Wtrt l


%g; ii <:» n

Sloka. 81 i Saturn occasions distress, by leading

to acts which the evils of poverty breed by means ol
fiends and thieves as also by diseases affecting the joints.

And Ketu causes the affliction by the itch, by an

outbreak of smallpox, by machinations of enemies* by'
diseases in general and by the instrumentality of low
outcast hordes^

I: I

Sloka. 81. Rahu causes great fear to men by

means of epilepsy, smallpox, halter, flies, worms, ghosts,
fiends and goblins ; also by leading to s Jicidesby hang-
ing, because of diseases resulting in want of appetite
and leprosy

yPikrtdwfl i


Sloka. SI. The planets shown

following, in the
three pairs— the Sun and Mira, Saturn and the
. SI. 69-84 61

Jupiter and Venus

-respectively, produce effect when
they are in the beginning, the end and the middle of a
sign. Mercury produces effect at all times.

, trosntfr i

g$rasr*r: ^^3 h
wr|t ^srlr wmrWt foarfrri j

g; write u

q ^a^MqPwifogifrrciis#

r4 =ro E^siferawfesB n u
SIoka. 83. Whenever diseases are caused by irri*
tation of particular constituents of the body, people
should, in view to allay all such diseases, propitiate the
lord of the irritated constituents in question, by means
cf prayers, libations of water, oblations
(thrown in the
fire)and by liberal gifts. When their minds are by
these means freed from apprehensions of disease ‘and
sorrow, they will become possessed of health, happiness
fame and ’strength.

TO! ITOlSSt 53T =5 -{£} EW WITCfft WOT I

w Mi : c.*5rarat :
5^7 qa$i: ii <;« li

St oka. 84. Jn an odd sign, according to the num-

ber*of degrees advarced, a planet is said to be in infancy,

in boyhood, in adolescence, in advanced age and in

extremis. But in an even sign, these several divisions
ta\c lo fcc again made xegulaily in the reverse order.
r 88 awwpftnh Mh It

cf, giu wrogwnfrarftr ureritffirrirH.

*m$) THt (6) $*rw % zpra j

*maf 'tr?rawr ^fagr snjNrrc^ h

*m 3
grr *nra wms??:
^r-vri: $wrct
«k% ^

In some of the astrological work*, these stales or conditions

of a planet are described as due to the nature of the Rasi occupied
by it ; thus, a planet is Bala 4P*S or in a state of infancy when
it isplaced in the house of a friend— some subdivide this condi-
tion into Athibala aftgawr and Bala It is in a pt^te’of fCumara

jrm; or boyhood Us own house (or m a Tnkona Rasi ac-

when in
cording to some). It is said to be in
Yuvan.JT^ or a state of adole-
scence when it occupies a Tnkona or Ucha Rasi-?^if?r, SO tne
recognise these as two distim t conditions and call them Yuva -pt
and Raja-n^l respectively and *o on Seperate effects are

ascribed to each of these conditions and are declared to be felt dur

inp the data period of the planet concerned, c/.

tgfiprnj: urat fag; i

SpUTf: WIUHlV+iSl g^T I)

3eiWi-i<Irtt ?RU fog. I

a wiw: t

^TF:: gg: 11

gri'rcro: \

MKUSUtM*! Zjgts'MifH ||

3 ^ttii^.iA tfci smih; 11

gprt^r T5ir^T^ f^tiRrgitff^rT: i

*?mft ^ R UtUl Bi;


WAsj ajRg?: |

*n»Wsa$ii3 ?r?ai *nfcr


SI, S3 $9

Also SKmtf
ggrni srrehTsj^ri
^f^PFTcTffit ^ ^JTRI 531% 3: II

*Hi*it ^m&CTRr gq^ra: snftMfi: i

qg fowa ni =3 f^r irnr tdtffcr: 11

•ftwnrl w?mr n ^<rr trcuraftm i

ST^TO? 3 ^TT ^tcl II

«n%: gar gsfra*^ i

5%jHil/5r5r5t zwn ii

§?foi*r. gmMn: arnTn^nir srfoir. i

ft*%!r: grata t.*t garer *tth=cT ii

=i sj^sp. j^rtttfrcrpT; g»yrc: i

sg^g rw q ftw r aW *r eraser. u

^5Rf?f ^ f| I

SfqntSFR ?rn ?IH q'RTRlTf?re^ II II

Sloka 85. That portion of a zodiacal sign in which


a planet is in its exaltation and that hJavamsa which is

owned by it, they say, is its waking state. The Navam*
sa belonging to a frier dly planet is its dreaming state,

while its sleep is that portion wherein it is m its de-

pression as also that which is owned by an enemy.
cf. toitc s^nrr^r rawr ^ «rc»rr5r^r sirs rZ*T?: i

f^um^ ^*rr n

r%nr -Tim gar ctw^=urg*{f?r7?: /

t Rrh^m. 'rfrtir ^ramr: ii

?7JTf7^ir nvjjwr ^r|er j

Prri^r gorr^sir tua-nr gPra^a n

Besides the ten Aiasthas towr) or conditions described in

slokas 16 lb supra and the three ones mentioned in the present
sloka, there are some inof e A\ asthas mch
(?TT'tn ) vi iia\ e been
as:rtb.‘d to the se\eral planets due to t’leir ben? placed in certain

SI. 85 01

^ *mraei% i

gfa?r: ^rsftr sr jto; ^.^mrspr: 11

^ ipfcn *&uik% qfark: i

^«5W»i^rar^i ^tkz’t: t.^5i«i: ii]

^rtft 5W
^ ^fP
fift *ni%
tfrx sr^$JT.
^ frcr^n \\

3rfo*irit forar to ^jra^jr^tnmrr i

gfaci: ^rr^rar si stfr n

Sjrorft vt^to jtj v* =g i


diftfir^faaSrr ^hjt to -rr it^ i

fast TO ^ TO*IT£ T^TOT^: II

Six varieties have formerly been declared, b> Sambhu regard

mg the conditions of planets, vi/ (J) Lajjitha rf?T ashamed or

abashed, (2) Garvitha Mftff (haughty or conceited), (3) Kshudlutha

UP-fiT (hungry), (4) Thrushitha ^rn (thirstj or greedy), (5) Muditha

^ gfftr (pleased or delighted) and (ft) Kshobhitha Jawt (agitated or

^ excited)
(i) A planet is said to be in a L,ajjitha*«Sra condition when
it occupies the 5th house in conjunction with R.xhu, Ketu, the Sun,
Saturn or Mars
(ii) It is said to be Garvitha when it is in it* exaltation
position or m its Moolatrhihom
(m) It is in a Kshudhithn. gppj state tvlun a occupies an
mimical house or is in conjunction with Saturn or an inimical
planet or aspectcd b> an inimical planet
(iv) a water} sign be at the same time
if the planet being in

aspectcd by an mimical planet and unaspected hj benefic ones

A vssivi Va
t/t VTi T.'CViva^VAMrc.^S^ °Ja*a
(\) But if it occupies a friend's house and be m conjunction
-with afnendl} planet, or Jupiter or be asperted by another friend
1> planet, it is in a Muditha 3KfT condition

(>i) Lastl}, its condition Rill be Kshobitha y*f«H when

it is eclipsed bj the Sun and has on it the aspect of maleficx or
that of an mimical planet.
Sff?) *TFTT*^ SthR^lT^t I

jT^nir =g wr. g^r ^ *mnf>JT*j. n

^FFt ^ ^rrrfa httcr^ i

TnftvJT ^ JnH H>TPU wH*T*TT II

STfrwr W3HT ^k' ,- ,

7T ^ ^13=^ I

f^r 77 ?tji{ %sr ^ u

yz^to a ifticfa; i

*rc$ ^re&ra Fnfra^; n

q ra j.^^
rr*TT rn’intf-iV-t 3»J l

?^OTT t^cf 1TUT ^Tl 9"!^ fiF5 II

vmfTr^T^rr^rn 5*: I

imnv^ tAoit ?ra:


?ar qa wT i

3:4 **? =g tr^r g*i tftfo ftqrq^ n

jjCt rrrJit: q\qr»^t nq wff} 1

t*t3r ttwSr ^1 nlr ^nrargCT^ 1

?rq^1 ^ ?t*w ^r’l'.'it faf^i 1

tfe^JW fq^CT ^ qPucn gfVgiri. 11

cvr ««ip tpr ^rer*rf w^ i

F^jrqv q^s a ^rr^qr cfer^ Pit. ii

g^TTspr rnrrun *q FFrifqm 1

g^FlTH fa$ft°i tret wt gvj 11

There ire twelve other conditions of planets winch Ime ilso

to be specially noticed
Tbev in their order are (I) Sayana 51R
(lyinE down), (2) Up.i\e<i -m*j (sittirg), (3)^ethriparu
(with the hand on the eye), (4) l'nkasani JOT'FT (miking briglit or
irradiating) (5) (desire to go), (6) Gimina mra

^abhiyim Visati »wri qnn (dwelling or being

(going), (7) in m
Agann 4Pta (coming), (9) wrr^(catm & ), (10) Nrutyi
assembly),. (8)
lipsa-T^n (desire to dance) (11) Kiuthuha (delight, joy,

pleasure) and (12) Nidn f-Cd (sleep)

To find the particular 4T?4T of any planet, the following is

the method to be adopted

SI. 85 93

Find the product of the following three numbers —

(l) The number representing the order of the planet (counted

from the Sun whose Axastha sr^TI has to be found (2) the
number representing the order of the Nil shatri (counted from
Aswnu) in which the planet is situated, anj (3) the number
representing the actual degree in which the planet is at the time
under consideration *lo this product must be added (1) the number
indicating the order of the person s Janma Nakshatra -t*K»T5JT ( 2 ) the

number representing the order of the Jananalagna (counted

from Mesha) and (3) the number representing the ghatil as that
ha\e elapsed since S mrise till the time of birth Di\ ide the re
suit by 12 The remainder will indicate the order of the Avastha
(counted from TO) of the planet

Again, multiply the remainder abo\e obtained b> itself To

this add the number gt\cn in the marginallj noted table urder the
initial letter of the name, of the person concerned Duide the re
suit by 12 To the remainder add the Kshcpa which is also
sn ippended m the margin, belonging
% 7
to the planet, and diwde this bj 3.
m U IT
The re^airdcr will indicate m
B ST ST Z Z which of the three Drishti, Che
Z Z Z V Z or Vicheshta rfe, %r, or

V? 5T q- q; *T conditions in the \\astha Ta^TT

^*1*7*^ already found,
the tune
the planet acluallj
is at
Z *7 *1 £
1 2 3 4 5 Take for example the ca*e of
tl e horoscope gi\en in the notes
Sun's Kshepa i r >
to Sripathipaddhathi tfPrfrTs ft
Moon's ,, 2 Suppose it is required to find the
Mar- „ i
{•articular A\astha 3f3P*TT of Jupi
hlercurj s „ 3 ter Tiie birth i-» stated to be at
Jupiter’s „ o
half *• glialika before Sunrise or
Venus’s „ 3
m the 60th ghatika from the pre
Saturn’s ,, 3
aious Sunrise The position of
Rahu „ 4 Jupiter is 8 signs, 1 degree, 25
Kethu ,, 4
minutes, 1 second Jupiter is m
9-1 mspufarSt Adh. II

the star Mooli nut in the 2nd decree of Dhinus vjj*r Jupiter
isthr$lb *lien coJnted from the San Mooli *£*1 is the 19th
from \swwt '•fapft

Therefo-e multiplying 5 x 19 x 2 = 190

To must lie- added the number represented 1>> the Janani-

lagnn (which is Mcshi »tT in this horoscope), the number

representing the Janmanahshatra "T^ir^Hg (which is Sravana irg"t

or 22ml from Asw ini sjfvjsfr) iml the number representing the glia
tikas that hi\e elapsed since lastSumisc (which is 60 m the pre
sent case)

Ihe result is 190+1 + 22 +60 or 273 Dividing this b> 12,

we have 9 is the remunder which means tbit Jupiter’s \\isthi
arw at the time is 1 ‘hojini -flt'T'T

Again squiring 9, we get M

lhe name of the native begins
with the letter g and the number given for tint letter is 1 So we
have 81 + 1 Dividing this bj 12, there is a remainder 10
or 82

To this must be added the Jvshepa of Jupiter, v 17 5 Total is

therefore 15 \\ hen this is divided by 3. there is 1 remainder
which means that Jupiter is in Yicheshta ftdET m the Bhajana
Avastha vmiT»u

The following table shows the particular Uastha and

the sub state or condition therein in which the several planets
placed in the horoscope under reference

Actual position Name of the i ne sm, state

rianets in the hcliptic Avastha
s n M s (•Hgwn) 01 condition

Sun 0 — 17 — 43 — 30 hauthula (^pf)

Moon 9—14—29—39
Mars 11—27—53— Q „
Mercurj 11—24—13—44
Jupiter H- 1—25— 1 Bhojana (vfl-R) V
Venus 0— H— 2 — 51 hauthuka (glgr)
Saturn 0—27—55—46
Tor further details see Hora Ratna,
SI. S6-S7

sftqfaiira. ikz.

3$aw qR# art Rtvprciftm

^ II


Sloka . 86. A planet in a Strshodaya sign (Vide

Adhyaya 1. Sloka. 14) yields fruit at the initial portion
of the period of life influenced by him But the same
planet in a Prishtodaya sign does it at the final stage.
But he should be in a sign which has both the charac-

tensticsi he becomes fruitful at all times

«/• 5*“TRRI
•liwwlRCS&ITr^VcT sung <n*^r II

Also *roH
^T far sghwUfr i

wr«f ^arvret ti

Al«o nrurft
»ner tftaVrorlmforar fcfrn: i

=a «fra6 ii

Sloka. 87. By the special favor of the planets, the

diversity of their work, form and properties has been
set forth in the Jataha Parijata which has therefore be-
come abundantly illuminated with the pith of planetary
effects treated of in alt astrological works

rift sftmrs’pn WrroWw

gpjqsjifrgpr jRsqsqjiiiTcipfl feffat II

Thus ends adhyaya upon the ‘Nature

the second
and Properties of the Planets’ m
the work ‘Jataha Pan*

jata* composed by Vaidyanatha

uder the auspices of the
nine planets.

Adhyaya III.
MASiroLD Births, oto.

Out of the SO slokas in tins Adhjaja, 4G lew c been taken

from Urihat Jataka, P«-*, Slokas I 4,7-15, 21 25, 3S 40, 43 4*,
16 47,58, CO 70.
The first 10 slokas of this chapter deal with Viyonijatima
(iHnSrt^) The words Amsa farr) and Ilfnj fan) hue been used
to imply Dwadasamsas (tt'mn) and not JJas.ams.is rrfTrr) as will
be seen by ^ the wotd Onrnisa bhaga the opcmug sloka m
1 he information contained in tl esc ten violas can be used with
advantage for horary purposes, when a thing is lost or an animal is
lost, or to cniblc the agriculturist and breeders of animals to

I md out the best si ie 0n foi initiation or for breeding purposes.

It can iVo lie at plied to an oidin irv horoscope to s ec !io \ much
of amm it nature the Jatal i f ffTT’O has or to sic if tl e horoscope
indicates human activity or becomes useless Idem immate beings
1 urthcr, it can be utilised for .ascertaining if the native is
fortunate or not with respect to amm Us or cultivation and if so
to what e stent

*uit- gm%TO^fesi dr«i:

3?^ -IsHWnd 1

a?33’t!ifes«inranH5 t i

n >
Sloka 1. If, St the time of the birth -of any
living '
creature or of a query regarding it, the malefic
arc found to be strong and the benefic ones weak and

OS Ad b- ttf*

Suppose u e come across such a position in the nativitj of

imy person. We have to judge that the man is fortunate in
Another interpretation for (Chandrcr
pigarhirasabbasasamanarupam). A form tvpified bj the Drekhmi
.imsa (&7^*njl) s=2 xi or Jrd) occupied b> the Moon In queries « f

theft* etc., these are useful to predict the form of the thieves, etc,

cf. npprsfr.— 4rar£^n$rripra in i

a^tTsfrar *jt u


art ^ ftwrcnre rcraifa MriSrotR-^ n ;; n

Sloka. 2. Finding that the: malefic planets are strong
and in their own Dvvadasamsas while the benefip planets
are strengthlcss and in Dwadasamsas not their own
and finding also that the rising sign is a fourft (Viyoni),
the astrologer may announce the birth of a finftfrram
(Viyonijanma) as before
(/. c corresponding in fotm to

by the 15th portion of the sign occupied

that indicated
by the Moon, provided the Rasi owning the J2th
portion in questicn »s a finhfa (Viyoni) one.
In the undermentioned example, Moon 4" md« lies \ mJub' n
ltaadxsains.1. The man. we jud R e, tmII be pmsp-rous t n cote'.
In horar\ futile as abo'c, breeding of cow*, etc mdt ated

Moon 4 |

Met cut) . Sun 12 j

28’ IVenus2 "i

An Example
Mats 9
(upper 2


SI, 3-4 ?at$iswr<i: 99

Vrishabha will be prosperous or we may judge according to the

question, that a cow has been lost. In the above figure, suppose
the Moon was in 20^ of Mesha. He will then be in Mecm 1'wa-
dasamsa This mil be \ery good for fishing
Bi ta £ tot pa la interprets H (Sa'abhagaga) to mean ‘ir his

1%*P fMw- Tr<TfT% 'JM’W I


Sloka 3. In the body of a -quadruped, Aries

signifies the head ; Taurus, the mouth and the dewlap ;

Ciemini, the forelegs and the shoulders ; Cancer, the

back , Leo, the breast ; Virgo, the sides ; Libra, the
belly ; Scorpio, the anus; Sagittarius, the hind legs
Capricornus, Membrum virile and the Scrotum, Aqua-
i lua, the buttocks, and Pisces the tail.

tf nrcrec'i

fasjjnr tphbjt frunr i

Sj^tayt i

*n»r =q i

thuH sni^?iawn vm is II « n
Sloka 4. By the strong points
putting together all

whether derived from the rising sign or the rising Dwa-

dasamsa, the presence therein or the aspect thereon of
certain planets, the astrologer should be able to give out
the colours that may be found in the creature born
(fqtftfit) ; the number of the prevailing hues, he should
declare suitably to the planets on the Lagna ; and as to
100 Adh. Ill

the streaks on the animal's hick, If any, he may guess

them in accordance with the planet in the 7th bhava-
w anothtT tending i-> another trading
Tint! out ho«v mail} planet' are josited in the Lagna or
aspect the Lagna If these planets are strong, then only ihe>
must be taken into consideration If not, find oat the using Dcra
dasamsaand predict the colour of the animal as described in I, 11
and, II 19) 1 he greater the number of planets iq the Lagna or

aspecting the l agna the greater w ill be the \?rieties of colpur.-

on the animal The colour on the back of the animal (natural
stripes of the animal at its back) should be predicted through the
planets placed in the 7lh bhara from the Lagna

^ kt ^ awm fcs a<n urrsRf u

iftrrre tor t

Tfe preform* ii

<jin*rir firufF*t4>»irwq i

runnst isitfer ftqpfbrn^ n

«tet dfoi: wtfr^t -q t

??Ft tfirar: wtwi gvt: t,

*q ?r5n i**rm 'twrar i

«^!Tv ?r war m

wt: snrqg Mfrjfinfrsfq n

*3ra$&8$nii qoftujf orqfrr srrargn^ u

fiunakan (jjsiHit) aud UhattotjeiJa (^T") interpret the WCCd

\m«a (’i-f) in flie sloka as Natamsa ,

gsfcat =Tg^iiR^ i

^1^35^ tsMft 11 k n

SI. 5-7 101

Sloka. 5 Grant that the lords of the 4th and the 1st
bhavas occupy respectively the 1st and the 4th Bhavas
the birth of a quadruped may be possible the birth of a •

brute may likewise happen when the lord of the Lagna

and the ruler of the 4th (^tr) bhava are in conjunc-
tion with Rahu and Ketu.

flints# $7 qr<n^?7$fr£irr H .5 ti

• Sloka. 6 fe^a?flTFf'Viyonijauma Yoga) the

If (in a
rising sign be aspected by Venus, the birth wilt be of an
animal of the cow kind when the Lagna is in conjunc'

tion with or aspected by Saturn, the animal bom is of the

buffalo kind; it is of the sheep or goat kind when there is
Rahu or Ketu in the Lagna An animal unlike all these
takes birth when the rising sign abounds with malefic
nteR* ^rotfMiiq f|a azv i

*n|«i3Trvqi *ir£ntsu ?er hqrg (l

qi i

qr »rer3 sn: H»||

Sloka. 7. When the rising decanate is aqn&f
'Tt'n (Pakshi Drekkana) or when the rising Dwadasarasa
is that of a moveable sign or of Mercury and has a strong
ytaort. vn ft, lawi vi wftsx bftfe my, c.-crat. isfto Mm*
ence according as the rising decanate and the Dwada*
samsas in the three cases are occupied, if not aspected,
by Saturn or the Moon.
* Notes.
For Pakshi drekkanas vtde Adiijava 5, Sloka 55 wfra. But
V *'i. Adh. Ill

according to \ irihamihin, the Pak^Ji Drekl anas are the 2nd


Mitbum, '’ntl in TIiuH, W

in Snnhi and 1st in Kumbha.

If a Prthsht Drekkma as above n> using on the Lagna dnd b*

asserted or occupied bj Saturn or the Moon then hirds are boro

or indicated as the case may lie

Maknra, Mesha Ratal a ami T ula {moveable signs) Dna

da amsas are rising on the Lagna a'pected or occupied b> Saturn

or indicated a* the ca°e may b-
or the Moon then bird- are born
If the 1 iwada«am«as of
Mercury (Mithuna or K&nya) a.e

rising on’the I agoa occupied or aspected b> Saturn or the Moon

then birds -ire horn or indicated as the case may be

In the ihove Saturn indicate

birds who live on earth 4-
oppaied to bird* tmne in wafer The Moon indicates buds on

previous slol-a holds good for predicting the coloiir of

th* bud Bhattotpala and Gunakara interpret *5T Amsa m the slola
as Na\am»a
ef WTOR'l
ftsiilflawwi ot 'i*
" '»<«•« i

irbil *n
'irfWrftfsnt: thh: ii

ircisifanssitfRis i


is nw «ra3iiitraii lull
Slata. S. With the Lagni, tht Ivloon, lupiter
and the Sun. all devoid of strength, the astrologer may
announce the springing of trees. Whether they spring
inland or water ts to be decided from the character of
from the fact of its belong*
the rising Dwadasamsa , i. e
in® to a land or watery
sign. The trees growing m
land or water will be as many as there ate Rasis from

the Lagna u£ to the^next land or water sign

'pTFWRlfa: 103

The Lagna, the Moon, Jupiter and the Sun must be power-
Jess* J‘'jnd the Dnada^amsa of the' Lagna • If it be a Viyom
sign and at the same time be a land'or watery Rasi, then we inav
say that tJie trees are either in land or nater) places* Suppose it

is Mnkara Dwadasamsa (first half) that is rising. This will indi-

cate ,» tree in a garden or park* Suppose the Lagna to he J/ in

hfiny.i* Then tlic rising Ouadasamsa is that of Meenv J his

will indicate a tree near the river-

if the T*#f ( Tarupati)— the ruler of the Lagna Dwadasamst


isawaj from the Lagna, predict the number of the trees by the
signs intervening the Iaigna and the frrgRf ( J arupati)- According to
TJfrrapd (Dasadhj-aycc), the following is lh< rule- Find out the
Avurdaya of tlic 5*3*1 (Kundalt)- Convert the years, months and
days mtodrfj®* The number arrned at nil) indicate the number
of trees or plants*

Suppose the M
th degree of Mitliuiu to he rising* I hen (he
using Dwadasamsa is the 6th in Mithuna Hash *. t , Vnschika
which is only a watery sign tf at the time the position of Mars
(the lord of Vrischiku) be Kumbha, the number of trees will ho 1

the nurnbci of haMc stparatuv Mus from the Lagna from

Mithuna to Kumbha t* «•, y \gain, from the sloka* of baravoli
United below, the following Ins also to be noted If the lord of
th" rt c mg Dwada^amsa occupy his exaltation sign or be
retrograde in Ins motion* the number already obtained should be
trebled. If he be in Ins Vargottamamsa, or his own Dwadasamsa,

NaVamvi 01 ’Drekkana, such number should be doubled For

sample, if Mars in the instance cited be retrograde in his motion,
or in tead of o r upymg Kumbha be 111 Makaia, bis exaltation sign,
the number (Makara) being the fath from Mithuna) should be
trebled* We shall' thus have 24- I3ut if Mars should occupy
Mesha Navamsa or Mesha Dwadasamsa of Kumbha, *•«•» his own
sign, the number of frees will be only 9X2 or 18 and soon

e/. nrm^i

104 sra=Fnf?3iJ Adh. Hi

Mirren ?ror 3 i

^rfirg^ e^rwr^^rqjnFTTnf Jj. 11

It should thus be understood that in order that a hum in

being should be strong and powerful, the I-agna, tin, Moon, Jupiter
and the Sun should possess strength. Else, Hit mtnc becomes
powerless like a tree and becomes a dependant cm others,

spurning sraifa 5^3:

ifdfiahaif&fai"! 4m 1

wira# cmmnrrtn gmsuN 3^

r&mmHj- ^wraim: »j%5ng HVi
Sloka. 9. The Sun generates trees that are in*
wardly strong (massive); Saturm produces such as are
unsightly. The Moon gives birth to those that arc sappy
Mars brings forth thorny ones. Jupiter and Mercury
produce respectively fruit'beanny and fruitless trees
Venus ushers into the world those that merely blossom
but bear no fruit. We have to say again that the Moon
mates his trees oily and those produced bv Mars have
strong-scented boughs.

This must be applied to the hot >scope of every landlord.

The Sun governs timber and other trees which are inwardly
strong Saturn indicate* u^ele^s trees, Moon, saj p\ tree-s and ,

Mars, thorny tree® or plants Iupit«r Covetns trees beantn.

fruits. Mercury governs good trees but not bearing fruit. Venu
will produce How ery trees or plant--, Mo**n r-pre'enU oih tre--,
while Mars denote-, ugly ones
The land Investments are indicated by the 4th bhava and its
lord Some people are unfoAunate inland investment, because
the 4th bhava and its lord ate werh Coming to progression
any system), progressed Moon in any aspect to planets m radix,
good or bad, wilt indicate cooler bid fortune in the trees or
plants indicated ns .iboxc

si. 10 103


»P?t.*7RT^ 2^ TTVfk n^trpj; |

«5t^5^n^ srcft aj?r: qrenh a ig d

Tfvn: gpfrrbiTTfapfwr g^: i

53Jrop^e3 ^C 3^*^ 5 u

Also TPlt
3Rqft ^qf tgfiqtTC: I

tmnTiTCttn *&%, jfj-rctr; vttt*jh: u

g^5r frEasrfam s^rraT^ gn. i

mnj; ^jlpwi <n 5r«rrs **nr f^r n

g»fog*$ sNc
ftqtfwFW i

'RTJF-K ^I?KI f^gfT! gw?;

»rafor gswwrow^rai! II ?»
li ?rct ftrmtowsww n

Slokd. 10 When the phnet presiding over the

birth of a tree, being benefic, is in the house of a
malefic one, it generates a good tree in a bad place. The
result is reversed when That
the condition is reversed
is, if the tree producing planet, being malefic, occupy

the house of a benefic one, a bad tree will spring up in

a good soil- The number of trees of the kind spoken of
before will be the number of Dwadasamsas reckoned
from the planet’s own Dwadasamsa last occupied by it
up to the alien one which it now occupies«
Notes *

*/» mtTTctl

grafts ^rh i

njrq>^r 'ET%aw 5pr ti

spjsflfl vnifcl film: f$n: I

m Adh. m
3 ?»frr: ti

saiwrtRmrfag ^rrT.rp'qr orafcr ?rn^T 1

^r srrrrr 37 arq. rrr*> ?Trw tt^t; u

V T) —The reader will do well 10 go through Chapter 53 of ruTT^t
(Saravali) for detailed information on fhtlTTTT f\ ijontjanma)

11 m 11

fHfppRWPTHi^ »ra g frrtjHgwis'uStm i

3rafcra#r gmsab§3 hot anM n ? ? n

Sluhn. 11 *
The menses of a woman which arc
due to the interaction of Mars and the Moon, 1 . c of
bile and blood, set in every month when the Mcon is
in an wrm*nsr (Apachayasthana, / c 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, ,

7th ,8th, 5th or 12th) from the Lagoa But if the Mcon
occupies a different position, an i e is m
(Upachayastham, 3rd, 6th, 10th or 11th) and is aspcctcd
by a benefic male planet, the woman lovingly unites
with a man

The Moon governs iluid mailer of a woman M-vrs signifies

ll e blood of a woman A combination of the two causes menstru
. m (Narena) The word mean* a man in llic true sense, Uni
isone capable ofprocreatir aipprr hatmm means t female who
menstruate 4 ?*T (Pecdarlsla) Kas s are wgr^V
(\nupacha )
places i e 1st, 2nd 4th, 5th 7th Slli, 5th and
12th houses
tm*t (Upaclnja) j laces ire 3rd Gil 10th and HU, houses

1 y the word^p
jit? (SulJ-apumgniha) Jupiter is
e is the onlj bei efic male planet if the Moon
meant u
1 un hts transit
occupies an f Upaclnja) and be aspected
hy Jupiter on
the 5th day after menstruation, the woman toms her
husband and
SI. 11. 107

The (Upachaya) and (Anupachaya) places are to

be counted from the Lagnaand not from the cmrcif^r (Janma Ras»*
Moon’s place)- It is necessary that Jupiter must throw his aspect
on the Moon on the 5th daj after menstruation for conception to
be possible. Along with this, should any hermaphrodite planet
strong m position aspect the Moon in transit, the conception
cannot take place. The position of all planets except the Moon
should be with reference to the radix, (nativity at birth).’

If we take a woman’s horoscope, it will be seen that there

Will onty be 3 houses where Mars afflicts the Moon But 2 of them
are Id ety to be $T5tJ (Peedarhsha) houses.

In the following horoscope Mars aspects Kumbha, Vrishabha

and Mithuna which happen to be the 7th, 10th and 11th house 0
respccluelj. Leaung eff (he 10th and IJth which are
(llpaelm a) places, Kumbha is the onlv Kasi where when the
Moon conies m his transit that mcnstiuation is capable of eflect

m mg or causing conception

1 |

of a won an
Siturn La^na

Jupiter Mars Venus Mercurj

Tor conception to tale place on the 5th or the following

the Moon I'j transit on the 5th «R\ after menstruation

must recen c (he aspect of Jupiter without , their hemg atn ofher
asper t from a herutiphrodiU planet.
1'roni the abo\ e principle it

is jw^ihlc to dedui r ul ethir a woman will have issues or not-

additional information is found in otter
The follow mp
work--;— ,

If, m the case of a t o*mn as soon as <he bathes aFter the

stoppage of the « ernes, ttie Moan in her otbh should o-cur> an
108 Adh. Ill

Upa.cha.ya Hast and be at the same tune a&pected by powerful

Jupiter, she Will have sexual intercourse with her husband If the
Moon in the abote sud Upachaja position be *ispected by the Sun
she will have sexual union with an officer of the King If the
aspecting planet be Mars, the union mil be ivitb a \oluptuarj if
]t be Mercury, the intercourse will be with a fJC Ue minded person

if Venus be the aspecting planet it will be w,th i beautiful lover*

If it be Saturn she will h*ue criminal intim-ica with an ordinary
servant* If the Moon be aspected bj set * a i malefic planets,
the woman will lea\e her own house and become a prostitute
3 ff

g rwfiftwtfafr w'rftraiHiroifa «r n

wrpr rjV f^mriprr

\n?Rf3ttrf t

«l*Vr tv


snSnm g^?Rr Hr n „

"A H ^ fHt r^: vr-ia ^Irj \)

H srjrqfcT Hr jiiipt ftftnupr ^ ,

•iV'j'rtrtfr fb’p’’ xfrlrjw ^^i>t i|

«5to>7^cwt rjT’sn

gxtr Htfr *tm sjT*rt2 n

inn eg s^rrfr ns ISfcr {

?i AH* ^ ?f5rrormfci «

wx tpiPi; iRrftfi* tjjtf ,

rftl rr^ftr ^rnrr gQpj ,}

^ra cm qr^rt i
SI. 12 109

Sloka 12. The kind of copu’ation that the native

can have is such as it is with the creature typified by
the 7th Rasi If the vrarffftt (Asta Rasi) or the 7th
house from the wsrrc (Adhana) Lagna be aspected or
occupied by a malefic planet, the union will be in wrath,
but if the 41*3*531 (Asta Lagna) be aspected or occupied
by benefic planets, the union will abound in amorous
play and laughter
should be noted that the twelve Rasis are Night and Day

Signs Night signs represent enjoyment in darkness and Da>

signs eiijojment in the presence of light either of a lamp or of
the Moon
Further, Mesha and Vnslnbln represent the enjoyment of a
quadruped of the ram and buffalo kind Mithuna, Kanya Tula,
Dhanus first half and Kumbha represent the enjoyment of a
human being Vnschtl a and Makara (latter half), hataka and
^ Meena — fv (Keela)—represent copulation among centipeds,
which is bad Simha (Lion) represents an enjoj ment by force
Why ? Because, the lion is a forcible animal Mai ara(lst half)
is very good for enjoj ment and so on A combination of the
above two ideas will come to this consider that Me'ha represents
the 7th house at the time of enjoj ment A man and woman under
such circumstances enjoy each other lil e a quadruped in darkness
Similarly for the rest

If nialefics aspect or occupy the 7th house from the

(Adhana Lagna), then the enjoj ment takes place much against the
w ish of one of the tw o
Another interpretation — if nialefics aspect or occupj the 7th,
the woman concerned gets into anger after sattsfaciton if Mars
should be the planet concerned without satisfaction or enjoyment
if Saturn be the occupj mg or acpecting planet If the Sun be the
malefic concerned, there is a refulnott at outset itself. If bene
fics aspect or occupj the 7th, then the union will be followed b>
iVM (Vilasa) and (Hasa), i t real conjugal bliss*
108 «TT 3 v> 4 (T?ilTil Adb. Ill

Upachaya Rasi and be at the same time aspected bj powerful

jupiter, she willhave sexual intercourse with her husband, if the
Moon »n the above said Upnchayi position be aspected b> the Sun,
she will ha\ e sexual union with an officer of the King If the

aspect mg planet be Mars, the union will be with a voluptuarj If

it be Mercury, the intercourse will lie with a fickle minded person
if Venus be the a«pecting planet, it mil be with a beautiful lover*
If it be Saturn she will have criminal mtiimcj vu tli an ordinary
servant* If the Moon be aspected bj several malefic planets,
the woman will leave her own house and become a prostitute


n'rt'^rb i

tiwriwisiii rural

nr it

vfiTR 3V stnj, fomirprr ^nisJirgtvrr j

»F%sr trea rv fiNmrfa ti

Also Him#!

ni 3 m*r 3^mr raf tt

faw *nrt \

^ rn: nsrto ^ftg 11

war srsttfci rat ftfrrwrnt wt, »

tpnuraral fagyy rr/aJtm rrrr 11

rjFotr )

^Ctfrt rut fit^rra: sjT*rce ti

a^ gnhr I'fer 1

?nqj»^st *Rmr ^fq^jrnfrRt 11

irV cfewrai: gft |

*<&> ^TW*n Vfc;^?, ’inf'TTT't xp/fa ||

unranftftirt ifnft <m m^rt 1

srasgreiiSilVdMii^s%i Hteron’i u 11
SI. 12' 109

Sloka 12. The kind of copulation that the native

can have is such as it is with the creature typified by
the 7th Rasi. If the vnrofti (Asta Rasi) or the 7th
house from the Mr«rrsr (Adhana) Lagna be aspected
occupied by a malefic planet, the union will be in wrath;
but if the Ottawa (Asta Lagna) be aspected or occupied
by benefic planets, the union will abound in amorous
play and laughter.
It should be noted that the twelve Rasis tire Night and Pay
Signs. Night signs represent enjoyment in darkness and Day
signs enjoyment in the presence of light either of n lamp or of
the Moon.
Turther, Mesha and Ymhabha represent the enjoyment of a
quadruped of the ram and buffalo hind. Mithuna, Kanya, Tula
Phanus* first half anil Kumhlia represent the enjoyment of a
human being. Vrischihaand Mahara (latter half), Kataha and
Meena — (Keet-O—reprcsent copulation among centipeds
which is bad. Simla (Lion) represents an enioyment by force.
Why ? Because, the lion is a forcible animal. Maknrn(lst half)
is very good for enjoyment .
and so on. A combination of the
above two ideas will come to this 1
consider that Mesha represents
the 7th house at the time of enjoyment. A man and woman under
such dircumstances enjoy each other like a quadruped darkness. m
Similarly for the rest.

malefios aspect or occupy the 7th house from the arNp^jr


(Adhana Lagna), then the enjoyment takes place much against the
wish of one of the two.
Anfthtr interpretation— if malefics aspect or oecupj t j le
7f}t '
the woman concerned gels into anger ofltr satisfaction ;f j; ars
»'«»»< tal„facli,„
should be the plmet concerned . „
,f Solum be the
occupy.ns or aspecting planet. If Sun to
there re a tefnlitan at tbionUtl
malefic concerned, i/r.;/t j/ . ,
fics aspect or occupy
the 7th, then the union u.ill b,
,SptH IVtlasa) and TO (Ilasa), '• '• teal coniusul b), s ., s
110 srarrfftsnlr 'Adh. Ill

f^TTr?^r rraRrgra ytto tra^r vvi i

mtfcrft *r*n^ 5 «m u

m*7 gvf m^rgsrAagnhrriman; u

^i^PertS^ ^rnimigCi frAofossfeiib’ft tt i

vrrm& ft Mdpnft^ to fttfiiiffirsnftnTOt n?3n

Sloka. 11 When the Moon and Mars (in the case
of a woman) or the Sun and Venus (n the case of a man)
occupy their own house or their Navarasas, there will
be a conception of an offspring. Conception will equally
tale place when Jupiter occupies the Lagna or one of
the Thrikona houses. These planetary conjunctions
fail of effect with regard to people void of virility, just

as the Moon beams in theejse of the blind

1 he commentator 1 Inltotj aH e\pl i ns that it is not necessan
tint aU the four fore^om* planets should be simultaneous!! in
their Na\amsas for conception to like place, it is enough that
the Sun and Venus arc in their Na\amsas m the (Upachiyal
leu'esef the male or the Moon iml Mars o^cupi their own
N-mnisas in the at w (Upachaj-i) places of the female
If Juj iter ts trine to the * r-JOT <A.dh'na) Lapin, the union is
lit eh to hear fruit (\ iheejmam) her< means of those
w ho ha\e lost their seed or \ otentialitj on account of old age,

accident or operation
cf aairn
***jp*t inept-si} <if^ i

rwfa tn ?f\n ifn u ;

a gfVar 4hn n»M*rr5?a i

ft4V*rcrg^}f fttstiRp* u

SI. 13 ^ipus’KJpr: 111

^Rtg^i ^fesnr g?r: mn'sraurgr i

g^rtgft J7T3^f V?r HTT TT$«I?l3r IHTcT II

Also yj*mi
srsWf yir^ I

^>Tt vr g^ra?^lr rn[T nifawfr n

The above combinations need not necessarily be with respect

to the male or female. They may also be with respect to the lime
of conception or Adtuna Ligna ' apiFF^ir).


nTO&mraiSlfc: *afcff'nrafe&. I

tnrfeptrorit^r Hcrerftr nwsi mrat «Ritr n

Also »ta
fosterer: i

arm n

Another meaning can also be attributed to the sloha as

^pjt ^*tt: sfhn: fon^nri ^ *nre*. \

So tW-Kavi in the sloha means ffap*) l’ingala and Indu means

rm The^e are the winds pasting through the right and left
natlts snfr ‘arteries and \cins— ). spirfor Suhruvamja ‘will mean
semen and blood or the male and female 'energy. 1 he sloka
mil then mean
(*) If the author of conception has, at the time of connec-
tion, strong wind passing through the right vrifr, then the female
mil conccu e a male child and if in the left a female child.

(it) If semen be greater, the female mil concur c a male child

and if blood, n female child.

In the case of equality of mnd in the right and left nadis or

of the semen and blood, the female v ill conceive a eunuch.

stirrer Cm^;y:qqferr |

jjqfrm^grn rre?rare Xp* ||

m ipppuinn^ Adh. lit

Al«o nfirr

^ ng^P ftnfira^irft TOrnrifa n

2nd quart" ef gfcrr

5ft% ftfeTTiJWcIsFT ^T |

<n»3i afeunftfe g?m^ ArSrnr; n

wwit gw^iMrcrei i

# r-jr
14 Mars and Saturn in the 7th
n? a

the Sun bring illness upon the husband The two

planets m the 7th place from the Moon afflict the wife
with disease They bring oh death if they be in the
32th and the 2nd place of the Sun m’the one case and
of the Moon in the other If one of them be in conjunc*
tion with the Sun or the Moon and the oth»r aspect
the Sun or the Moon, they likewise cause death
(1) If Mars and Saturn occupy the 7th place from the Sun at
the time of copulation the man is likely to sufler very much from
venereal complaints





(2 ) If Mars and Saturn occupy the /ihpUce from the Moon

at the time of copulation it is the woman that would suffer.

Another meaning—(3) if Mars occupy the 7th from the Sun,

and Saturn, the 7th from the Moon, the man and woman will
respectively fall ill* [See chart in the previous pace 3

lu other words the above cases can be briefly put thus ;

(*) Sun opposition Mars and Saturn ,

(ft) Moon opposition Mars and Saturn •

(d) Sun opposition Mars . and Moon opposition Saturn.

If any such joga as mentioned above happens to be 111 the radix
°r a native,we may safely say that the native' is bound lu suffer
from venereal diseases.
This is exactly the western principle also

If Mars and Saturn at conception lie on both sides of the Sun,

*'«•! 2th and 2nd from the
Sun or 12th and 2nd from the Moon
Ihe death of the man or,the woman should bo predicted. In the
above principle, Mars should be in the 12th and Saturn in the 2nd
>t is an important
principle that Saturn in the visible half of the
zodiac will increase the life. Ilenceiin the present instance if the
lifejs tbbe cut
short, Saturn should be in the 2nd alone.
5^ ^ 'fojjPETf (Kujarkajau yulau tatha tadeha dnshtya) meaus
Mars must be m conjunction with the Sun and Saturn in opposition
or in the 4th From the Then cause death. Tins
Lagoa. it will
amounts to

(1)Sun conjunction Mars, sqdute Saturn or (2) gun « con-

junction Mars opposition Saturn causes death of male

(4) Moon conjunction Man. opposition Siturn ciu cs dealt)

of female
. (5) bun conjunction biturn ^juare Man. or
(6) bun conjunction Saturn cifiw lion M rt. ou es death

of ttwlt


— (5) (G)

Sun •
Mars Salurn
{7) Moon conjunction Saturn square Mars or

(8) Moon conjunction Saturn opposition Mars causes teat 1

of female

f/% |r« *

vmrnff wn -siRiwr^ft rrfnRnnr^i *fm: *.

wvrcnfir ^ffT?r ^ ftfT'rjrwr n

* * t .
ne more similar yogas ct also *TMTn**ms
I or so

«B*ttn vt»^yinl’^T m ftg: t

* r<t wrrjn^i asR-rjj r^ar ?nm 3r^nnm: n

fentSF^lTT TTcft *J?H rrWjjtf: 1 „.

ajrqwy rvpi^ ^rornn «t*rr7i *tu®i g <tsyur ii

*P*pr ^tfRTR ^ft’sgrTfera *rwrcr i

nf^r rnr^r n
^ ra&TTcj*jpftrnrgrr tht qr t

^ut T3 wg^rra^fl Mrair«tr^n??f«Tn wr^ 11

fcn%5i V*»iH. fiit i

1 '

Si, 15-16

Sloka. 15. The Sun and Venus are termed father

and mother respectively of the seed sown during the
day; Saturn and the Moon during the night. Failing to
play the role of parents each of these pairs of planets
get the designation of paternal uncle and maternal aunt.
They become propitious to the pair they represent when
they occupy the odd and even signs (the male among
them being in the odd/the.female in the even).
* * ,Noths * *
* *
4 „
The Sun represents the Father at day time, and Venus,' the
mother, Saturn, the paternal uncle , and the Moon, the mother**;
lister, At night tune, Saturn represents the father, Moon, the
mother , the Sun, the paternal uncle . and Venus, the mother’s
‘•Bister, if the Sun is m an odd sign, and Venus in an even one, it
m good for both the nun pod the noman. Similarly, Saturn in
hn odd sign and the Moon -in an even one "is good for paternal
Uncle and maternal aunt.
n The Sun and Saturn are planets that fitay tolerably for a
long period in a sign, Pi*., 30 days and 30 months respecti-
vely. If the' above principle |s_ applied, it becomes fallacious as
there cannot be ia many ''deaths among those born during the
periods when the planets in their transits complete their passage
m that sign It should therefore he taVeh as ifnvu (OjaWmaj and
not (Ojsrasi). 1 hen it will prove correct.

cf- HRPP'f
Jirarfaew srffonfl Rim'd i

*nrt: h

ftfarmu arara \ I

wntffc’iftejmi: mg: ^nrc.‘ cm-

*m*2Knh«i unr *dj n

sr-ns (Vrfnn??: i ortw pr*t: t

sra as rst- i
116 Adfa. Ill

sr^r ^ mil
5/ofta. 16 If a woman’s menses set in when the
Moon is in an argr^ ? place and aspected by Mars, they

become favourable to conception and not otherwise.

The husband should sow the seed when the Moon occw
pies an tot house and is aspected by _ Jupiter. This is
to be done at an unexceptionable Lagna with many good
‘points in its favor and unconnected with and other
objectionable periods of time.
Tlie list quarter of tins sloka rends llius in T* IP-TI

Thil the rending in the text is the more general!) accepted

A few of tlie ohjectiomhle periods ire „*»

(i) Nikslntns rntfi, 3fim, ynp, <^ni;rmd i4ni(iq?f

(h) -Hgiftand other Vishlinktis, ind .
(c) Sinkrami md such other Sicred dns fasting dajs, lurth
di)s, anniversary days md their |>re\ tous ones Tor detailed infor-

mation, see Muhurthi Sastris

spin* TOab 11^11

Sloka. 17. The first 16 nights from the menstrua
ation of a woman are termed the season.
The first 4 arc
not impregnation. The other night s-^-those
fit for
are even— are recommcndedas conducing to the concept
tion of a male offspring. *

Noti i.

There is i difference of opinion for discarding the

first four-
days as unfit for impregnation. -Some hold ,T3J
3 wlnle
Othtrs hold til TTt^r»r t I or impifgnition, purity of the
is desired. .. ,

SI. 18-20 3<ft$rs*qpt;


tFT-arrfbjfo?. i

^sifWint 4trmr n
At tins time the female is supposed io attain the following
cf* Vahatv
WTOrnrq^t *3* wrPiwvtTrn |

’snmfof&r g*$rai fa?r^ u

Tor tins and the following sloka, see HIRSTS' for more

prasil unqi s* ft??n I

qfoftetasn #g% ;
Sloka. 18. The offspring conceived during the 31
nights commencing with the 4th after menstruation, will
ta of the following description If conceived on the
1th night, it will be a short-lived son; if on the
5th, a
girl , if on the 6th, a founder of a family, if on the 7th

a barten female if on the 8th, a son if on the 9th, a

, ,

beautiful female if on the 10th, a lord if on the

, , 1 1th,
a deformed female , if on the 1‘Jth, a fortunate son, if on
the 13th, a sinful female wretch, if on the 14th, a vir-
tuous son, if on the ICfch, the very goddess of fortune,
and if on the I (5th, an all-wise son

arcing gjf gffts; ^ i

sramssqranttg Mn# n n
Sloka. 19 When the Sun is in the 3rd place from
the iNisheka-Lagna there will he the birth of an
issue. The same result m«iy be expected when the Sun

occupies a Ttikona Rasi from the Adham

Nisheha Lagna
aiftiMwiHM g sprresfts'rn i
118 Adh III

Sloka . 20/ When this Ad hana Lagna is

aapected or occupied by a benefic planet, the son born

wilt be long-lived and prosperous and will attain profi-
ciency m all branches of knowledge.

2l With
the Lagna, the Sun,

Jupiter and
the Moon strong in an odd sign and in a Navamsi
owned by an odd sign, the astrologer should declare the
birth of a mile child If the Lagna and the planets
above-named be in an even sign and in a Navamaa
owned by an even sign, the birth of a female
child is announced Jupiter and the Sun in an odd sign
(irrespective of tne Navamsis occupied) produce a male
child. The Moon, Venus and Mars in an even sign
(irrespective of the Navamsas they may be in) make for
a female child These five planets occupying a Nava,
msa owned by a dual Risi.and at the same time aspected
by Mercury, produce twins corresponding to the
character of the dual Rasi to which the Navatnsa may
happen to belong tint is to say, both -males if the Nv

vamsa belongs to a male dual Rasi, Mithuna or Dhanus

both females if the Navatnsa be owned by\ female dual
Rasi. Kanya or Mcena, male and female when the Na-
vamsas arc of both kinds

Ifnnl<~n<idli'frin1. pl-mcts occupj
signs, "one being an odd dual sign and one e\ en, for instance.
SI. 22

Mithuna and Aleena, or Dhanus and Lunya,’

a twn is Iikly to be
born, one being a male
and the other a female.
ef. gro*3ft

fercwhsnrar i

^ ?nmr gqRnrJFS 11

jprq;qf StfMr To: rrtr fau^I^n. i

^Rt 3RW imt-JR sjfost if

?tKEf 3R«rt JTH: i

wft^ni ipqroi (forafopfar ai *j wm: n


Also «J=nfTR

ftqqy raqnrff sfenrrsf prarjanur: i

3*5i?R^t -?Tflvi3 qlfqnf wHqrondi. n "

q^’r f^qirs*3^ *rc fa* sVsfaat: i

f^fai$ifa??3reeqT RqSfTW II

%ra sit ftin#® Hdft Ssct^i


sKRtwnwi^m sajir jotshi at n aa it

Slokfl 22. Saturn not being in the rising sign but

occupying an odd house therefrom, also brings about
Thus the issue should he
the birth of a male child.
declared to be male or female upon 'ascertaining the
preponderance in strength of the several planets above
mentioned influencing birth. -

, Noti s
The lalterdmlf of the sl«U is applicable not only to the first

lialf but also to the previous sloha.

snq rpqr fait -jfhat: S’TtjFJrfr i

«?r»r fjrjrr^r qforir fa* Rsfa ii

It may here bo obsened that these slohas ti~. 21 A 22 pro-

Pound fourteen male and fourteen female yogas, t is!
8 of each in the first half of sloka 21
Adh. iri

Sloln. 20. When this *nsrpnm Adhana Lagna Is

aspected or occupied benefic planet, the son born

by a
attain profi-
will be long-lived and prosperous and will
ciency in all branches of knowledge.

gtfijf ft# 5ft 5 # ft#

^OTT # #£ MW I

Sloka.' 21. With the Lagna, the Sun, Jupiter and

the Moon strong in an odd sign and In a Navamsi

ownedby an odd sign, the astrologer should declare the
the Lagni and th6 planets
birth of a mile child. If

above named be an even sign and

a Navarasa m
owned by an even sign, the birth of a female
child is announced. Jupiter and the Sun in
an odd sign
(irrespective of tne Navamsis occupied) produce a male
child. The Moon, Venus and Mars an even sign m
Navamsis they may be in) make for
(irrespective of the
a female child These five planets occupying a "Hava,
rasa ownedby a dull Rasi, and at the sjrae timeaspected

by Mercury, produce twins corresponding to the

character of the dull Rasi to Navamsi may
which ’the

happen to belong that ,

is if the Na'
to say, both males
vatnsa belongs to a male dual Rasi, Mithuna or Dhanus ;

both females if the Navamsi be owned hy a femile dual

Risi, Kanya or Meeni, mile and female when the Na'
vimsis arc of both kinds
If male-v* well as female planets occup> Naaimsas of dual
signs, one being an odj dual sign and one e\en, for instance.
SI. 22 119

Mithuna and Meem ot Dhaau*. and Kanyi, t Iwm is liUy to be

born, one being a mile and the other a female ,


sHfo Jai art *rara ?pif?ara?« 11

afmsf 3^qj «rftNr ira aft ifto^grat t

*S»irt stfimr nwigift Tatar ufer n

. fouft gnCW ^HTSU JK3 I

vSr^w? tfsqnu faci5i??i4tar a 5met: ti

Also ajpKrr

Rmra Torero sfereta 3T3mnf;»nr*r: i

j^w-mt aaftg dtfam aHa^rnmai ' 11

afear feqftswj^ ?rc fore art 3% ^^faar j

m!*r?ret 11

fowjwr* tntft
ftsFt eit

Sloha 22
Saturn not being
the ruing sign but

11 33 11

"occupying an odd house therefrom, also brings about

the birth of a male child Thus the issue should be

declared to be male or female upon ascertaining the
preponderance in strength of the several planets above
mentioned influencing birth
Non s
slul i isapplu iblr not only
Tlic liiuitlnlf of thL t Q t ha fI[£t
pxBMous»slol 1
IrUf but il^o to the
«/. nrtrr-'r
^riii g-i 7r fcw inK? 1

qirt fairer tra rerepr TT2 t fare msft l(

Itnu> here be obscrxtd that these stol u- 21 u i o? rr°*

pound fourteen male pin! fourteen femilc iopns, ru
b of each m the first half of sloha 23
120 Adh. Ill

3 of each in the 3rd quartet thereof

2 Do......... 4th Quarter thereof, ami
1. ....Do id sloha, 22
Before making any prediction in this connection both the
>ogds should be carefully weighed and that i\hich has a prepon-
derating influence predicted.

»ri% gfcnal ^^n(%eVrrraftr

to m feral i

ftoniffaftOT! n^nrtinf^t ir^ii

Sloktt. 25* The following are the six planetary

positions tending severally to the production of a
(1) The Sun and the Moon in opposition and
therefore mutually aspcctmg.

(2) Mercury and Saturn in opposition and so rautu*

ally aspcctmg.

(3) Mars in opposition to the Sun, the Sun being

in an even sign; or the
Sun in an even sign, being as-
pected by Mars (Mars being in any sign); or, in other
words, the Sun man even sign xn opposition or square
to Mais or in quincunx aspect.

(4) The Moon and

the Lagna being m odd signs
and as pected by Mats (which means affliction by Mars
being in square to one and in quincunx to another).

(5) The Moon in an even sign and Mercury m an

odd sign loth being aspcctcd by Mars ; and
(6) Venus, the Moon and the Lagna occupying
Navamsas belonging to odd signs.
122 A6h, III

\ clo cr examination of this slot a mil lead us to the follow

ing conclusions —
(1) The bun anti the Moon in opposition (or TTW1 Poornimt),
(2) baturn in opposition to Mercury (lwo lierimphrodile
planets in opposition),

(3) Mars afflicting the bun 111 an even sign,

(4) Ihe Moon and the Lagoa both in odd signs in affliction

with Mars,
(5) Mars afflicting the Moon in an even sign uid also Mer
cury in an odd sign and
(6) Venus, the Moon and the Lagna occupying Navamsas
belonging to odd signs or male Rasis
are most unfav orable and detrimental to conception

Also *TKTT^f
fggrr*nrar t

ai gr stir gfegt ^3^4* 11

trssrfo gg; erm ^5 g^gr g i

gtrg nvira rm gfgfw 11

U 0|i I

f%^TJT=mr5T cri^^gr nTgtfSnzr gr it

These eunuch yegas take eflect only in the absence of male

and female yogas 1 hey are to be predicted from the atpJPT (Adha
11 a) Lagna or (Prasna Lagni) and not from horoscopes And
if they be predicted from horoscopes of the last child and if these

yogas should exist therein, then the mother will bear no more
Ihe author of the ^HTTPU (another commentary for Unhat JataLa)
after commenting on the slohn says eg

ira«i gin ggnnfaififtfgRT 1

The commentator of Lnhatjatal a twists this slolvi

so is to
bring it m
line -with the slot as he quotes from Badarayana which
are given below —
gr gug gjTRi ti
SI. 24 123

fqqqtf numw f%q^T^qrlr u

%'iiiyr rrqrra^ra&hir ?roqr4r i

^nrqqrcnf^qr ^r^raqWqqrrr 11

The English rendering in accordance with the commentator

would then be as follows
The following are the sty planetarj pos tioni tending scxeraJJj
to the production of a eunuch —
(1) The Moan and the Sun respcctuelj in an even and an
odd sign mutually asj ecting

(2) Saturn in an even sign and Mcrcurj in an old one

aspectmg each other

(3) Marsan odd sign aspecting and being aspected by

the Sun in an e\ cn sign
j4) Mars m
an c\en sign aspecting the Moon and the Lagoa
n an odd sign
(5) The Moon in an c\en sign and Merrurj in an odd sign
being aspected by Mars and
(f) Venus Lngna and the Moon occupying male Naxamsas

^ muit 5% m Hite: l

Sfoifcu 21 . The Moon and Venus in even signs

with Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and the Lagna in odd

signs cause the formation of a twin embryo The rising
sign and the Moon being in even signs and aspected
by any male pfanct cause also twins Mercury, Mars,
Jupiter and the Lagna being tn even signs and possessed
of strength likewise lead to a. twin fetus being conceived
in the womb There will be a trio of embryos con-
124 «JT^Wfr5TT% Adh, III

ceived when Mercury in his own Navamsa aspects

all planets and the Lagna. or if the Lagna and all the
planets occupy Navamsas belonging to dual signs. Two
out of these triplets will have their sexes determined
by the character of the Navamsa occupied by Mercury-
being males if the Navamsa is that of Mithuna, and
females if the Navamsa is owned by Kanya The tri-
plets willbe of one and the same sex if all the Nava*
msas concerned are owned by dual signs of the same
s»x , t.e , all males when the Navamsas
the trio will be
Mithuna and Dhanus, females, when the
arc those of
Navamsas are those of Kanya and Meena
There -ire three jogas mentioned in tl, s sloka for the birth
of twins jogi two female planets are m even gigns,
In the first

while Lagna Mercurj Mars and Jupiter are m odd signs In

the second joga a male planet (the Su n Mars or Jnpiter) must
aspect the Lagna and the Moon both being in even sign*
In the third 5 oga Mercurj, Mars Jupiter and the Latma mu t
he powerful in even sgn*

mn*T^r snrs? n
URtrrfr ,

ffl»pn5r *£<i«r A sw „
ftPnfkT5PF3*n^ =a

x nij u
n^iPci^ ^
n^r ?r^i nif n

rciftuirm cr?f rr$ l;

SI. 2 5 '28 125

In the first line of the slohi in the text some boohs read

“nifam trftww ’ for ‘gfh

MgSvaiMirSl iftwhfiwtHtest i

;wrfw ifnqite =? ?r% z*pr 'm irhii

S lokij. 25 Many are the embryos encased in the
embryonic bag when the rising sign is the last Navam-
sa of Dhinus and the planets are strong in the Navamsa
owned by Dhanus and when the Lagna is aspected by
Mercury and Saturn in their strength

(ipnPfar is mother rending for nsntfinr

If the list Nivanwi of Dhanus is rising, then more Iban

three children ire possible in the cise of dogs, etc The comtnen
tator BhiltoliaH is of opinion tint the h ore} T>j<r (Prab)iutali)
mai mean 5, 7 or 10 ‘
<J T R 1T TT »fa

Pasjfkiirajw stsra mb ^ qv?m i

gjwwg rr qflf'Ti =r
^ n&ar:


ytircmri^qsre % prog IR'sii

M irant gs: i

aNf&st ir$*rai^iT: II
5-c n

Sloka 26 When Mercury in a n^nsT'Navamsa owned

by ^wKa-nya aspects the other planets and the rising
sign, each of which is in a topt Navamsa owned by a
inch Yvvs'i, Vne wfnxAogc.T \tjco to km
the womb.
S hla 27 If Mercury occupying a Navamsa be-
longing to Mitluini aspects the other planets and the
rising sign, in the position described in the previous
Sloka, a female and two males are in the womb If
126 STRUCK 3 1 <V Adb. Ill

Mercury in a Mithuna Navamsa should aspect the

planets and the rising sign every one of which also
occupies Mithuna Navamsa, there will be three miles in
the embryo.

Sloka. 28. Mercury in a Mithuna Navamsa aspect'

ing the other planets, and the rising sign occupying the
Navamsis owned by any of the two signs Kanya and
Mithuna will tend to produce the same result. But if
Mercury be in a Navamsa owned by Kanya and aspect
the other planets and the rising sign in the positions
described in the foregoing sloh.i* there will he three
females in the womb
Notl *5

These are mere repetitions of "hit hai already been stated lu

slol a 24 mpta.

ggjft 3Tr«'4j--r«f>a<ii: II ^ II

loWdRliin i

^fajprprari'S 1 ii3°n
and M. T l’ c s»n and Tupitcr in a dual

sign aspectcd by Mercury generat: male twins. The

Moon, Venus and Mars in a similar position produce
twin females. In such cases, according to his peculiar
strength or weakness, Mercury tends to produce a
femdc hermaphrodite while Saturn produces a male one.
cf. rjrmr

ntsfcfr ^mT-rbTrnrvr i

utJjTTCTTT flRr3t*nhtr-n 5ufsT<rr:


mrrgmrvr nif uVr n

Si. 31-3) 121



:JT Bjta^JRT T4T II 3? II

Sloka 31. If at the time of irapregnition the Mooa

and the Sun aspect each other, they tend to produce a
eunuch. The Moon and Saturn aspcctmg mutually at
such a time, do likewise

3!t?r ^3133! ii 3a il

$ iok i 32. When the lords of the 3rd and the 1st

btiavas ate in conjunction, twins will become possible

When the lord of the rising sign is in a Varga-^n
owned by the 3rd bhava or in his own exaltation, twin
issues become equally possible

iM 3«i; 'fgjrar ^ l

Il 33 II

4 H *4 H 4 ^IH'IT jja^M'MIT I

Votu 33 If a house owned by Mercury be the

Lagn at a birth and if the lord of the 6th bhava be in

the Lagna and Mercury be in the th blnva the person f

bom will be a female hermaphrodite If Saturn be in

the phee occupied by Mercury (1 c be in the 6th bhava)
in the 1 revjoua case, the person born will be a male

54 qi^ara: 11 3« 11

Sioka . 31. There will be twin issues if m the

rising sign there be its own
lord as well as the lord of
the 3rd bhava at the time of Nwheka. If the Lagna

Adh. Ill

Neither in the text, nor in the slohasxibo\e quoted, the posi-

tion of the malefics is specified Hut they are to be either with
l he Moon or the I_iqna nod for this purpose “Tin (Sapapt) has t

be added on hj the grammatical proress of (sr^nfl^) Adhjaharana

mnJnVra. CTrils?rTt%n> l

ttTwnsr gtt. ti

- trmWecPte ftraftfo f^rnr^ t

stPuiRn 9tti*ft(ti'tf2rt» tr

Also fi'UMI'FT
qrftfr: 'ttt i

^qrnif'mrqrqvrrprrt^. ^5t: n” ..

sna «q q\ i

qtftstr ?r ^ratrt aw *^n it

\nd riwx-
*nf «ni aton Ttftratsqqi \

rt&twftro*?? wVq qtm^fot.

^R»ra >irat sfcfNknfaa-

'~Slok fi.*39*
w w;
When the Sun is in a quadruped sign
II ts II

and the other planets arc possessed of strength and in

dual *ot mutable signs (or Navamsas), there will be
twmi oorrt wrapped in one ah-nth (secundines)

5nx f^TfTrrrfry^n qfcq |

»w^ ^5 RsntrVt it

\l<o n T

far* i

si^r *r w*Trtreffc?rr it

Also ml
^q»«n f^vrrq^tq- 4i i

w&Wt wafwterfilWt ii,


SI. 40 '131

Here is an lllustrition for the birth of twins (both males) —

1932 January 19, Tuesday, one at 11*19 M and the
P other at -

11*50 P. M Madras Time Place of birth — Madras

The Moon is m the -

3rd Path (ip ) of the star Rohini

" Moon Jupiter Moon

Jupiter Sun

Saturn Clnhri Chakra

Mars Saturn Merc
Sun a

Ketu Venus Rahu


Lacna or Ascendant for the Tirst child — — —36'—30

5 7 4°

Second child— 6— 2'— 19’—30"

1 rom tho above chart it will be observed that almost all the
planets occupy eitlier a dual Ro$i or a dual Navamsa
Ihe Sun is iu the first half of Mahara and therefore in a
quadruped sign
The Moon is m lus exaltation sign in the bright half of tha,
month and is therefore strong
Mars is in his evaluation and in a dull Nav
Mercury is in Dhanus, a dull sign
Jupiter is in exaltation and in Meena Navamsa a Kast of
dual nature. Further, he is retrograde.
Venus is in a Navamsa owned b> Dhanus i dual sign.
Saturn is strong being in his VargottatnamsA* Ilahu and
Ketu are in dual Hasis

SFt ft? ft fit T-ft 5% I

nit qtfrfot: il v° n
S/oAn. 40 * When the rising sign is Meaha
Simha ft? or Vrishabha iw, and when Saturn or Mars
occupies it, the person born will have a cord coiled
Adh. in

round that part of the body signified by the rising stgn

or by the sign ov/nwg the Lagna


*«%Br I

jit-y mt rr?tfsmurmn*B ii

gtutift ^«r an ’ is another rtidin 0 It mil then mean* If

Media or Simha be the Ljfina and be it the same time occupied

by Saturn or if Mars occupj \ mfcabha identical with the Lagn-i
and no other planet occup cs the* Lagna in other case, then tin
effect said in the teu mil happen

tf tr'uo
T»n it«w fog'-ov rar n?t i

ay V*?rf h* ywn n
Also Tw>trm
w* x&fx^ yr fhnft of* l

^ fbufr i

<t mfuA ay fbrmVrrftnft vf* »

•nil i

iiwif g n nrai Jiit Hrefftfetrs: impi

Sfcifrn II. When the ns mg sign has t malefic
planet in it and is either ispected by many malefic pla*
nets or occupied by Rahu or Kethu tn addition, the
person born has n cord cotied round
his’body Again,
when the Lag n i hr longs tti a malefic planet Mid the
other conditions mentioned previously
obtain, the same
result follows

wnnt >rojt as insg^sj^fe i

^ yil #9^1 ^ auft ^1 H wPftftan 1

S/otti 42 When a malefic pbnet other than Mars
is in the L-i^m !n conjunction wlt h Rahu, or when
51. 43 133

Mars occupies Lagna being aspected by Rahu, or

when Saturn Lagna and is aspected by Mars,
is in the
the person born will have a cord coded round hie body

\ etikalesada»vaj,ti i reads \ uatanalha instead of
^l*TT «7 i*T
Vasuramtha in his «3UfowiPl barwarthachintamini

5^ Wif I

n II

Sloka. 43. Find the particular Dwadasamsa (skiuu)

of a sign which the Moon occupies Find the Rasi to
which Dwadasamsa belongs
this Count from this sign
as many Rasis as the number represented by the Dwa;
dasamea in question When the Moon is in the Rasi
thus found ’'in the month of delivery, the birth cf the
child in the womb may be expected Secondly, find
whit Dwadasamsa has been passed by the
fraction of the
Moon at the time of the query or ®m*R Adhana fimpreg"
nation) When this much of the Rasi is passed by the
Moon m the month of delivery, the birth may be predict'
ed. This gives the (nw*) Nakshatra of birth Thirdly,
find whether the rising sign at the time of the query or
amaR-Adhana, is a day or night sign (vide cnnTrrffoRT
lathakaparijatha Adhyaya I. SI

14) ard also what
fraction of the Ligm is .passed. When so much of the
day or the night is passed, the birth m question should
be declared to happen
e\ siffirmi
waw swerit wr <rfqm¥fa<r sisfr i

rrfsr m&sfag; nrrat wgit »


124 Adb HI

m nir ajsjj. i

f^nif^nraw^r n*r4r sngrsin m h

STr fanfrnn -
mriRmrl nwnr j

afifcn Trffrm'Tfr iran ?fear nfo

rnrrrro *m qf«r w?nfr i

misl »TT >Jsf<n «iw*iiJJ?I II

hth Jn^fers^r jnrnr wVt i


snr qrvnw n*n rrsTOn i

r^rmrf7 *rmr*r g?if Pui*a >rg ti

mj strosmrct I^*u5t *rnRfi ffcrfci i

arrerr to Tra> for nr to* 11

g war

^ ferareT

Htn*ra *m ic$( for nr mtfr *r^. i

?tfttrftTmr *A ***% nr i

fVtTrfirru?t nr ftn^rnT »
*rn nn«®Tjm nnsr nmifr ftnft i

srram nam nrnwt n^grstft nr ftfit a

nfWur’anmnvn nffcrnnrfit vir^nr it

*«rnwim ^5*fa?>8nMin nni (

w r;npmf^ Rn fjf% f^armr 11

*rn amfanrrr^p^ st*wtpt?ir

mrfnrn nr nr^fr j^frc *^cjfj 1

^5tJt nrfa *;? ^ *r ; t

vfcrx arar s*rir *rfnvnn ^rijtrto arr^ mfn »

nR»n>-> jr^irSt
ftm 1

rrrr-irq.-r sjr „

tiwh*!, t r?5fRI WJI.wfTO,,

ftmw* w *”"*> ’rfsw to
W li " ’'-’•

art ynti^i*TOitn,
imiPiiAnnam ,]„'
reftutjTO^r., "aamftgfr to
SI. 43 *j*frqrs«rrtr: 1 35

sr*r i ^r<rmfcr i g a?*r-

tm3r q^r«q:
gr^mm w&nrdjqrrqnqmr^
^ i
qfw-SK.’mRt nvnv^R s'qqfsqasp? i *

rrnsq^ wr ntfw ii^


qrft yr^nsra ^f^TM^qn ftw i rfa

*rx **sfrvtwfr% qr q^rq; cPq ?r?5ii?r^q?tq ^nf^q
sj^rr^ t

p ftpiftqlr a*q r^Rir^r ?rm i

t ,

qm^wnpr^r jiT^t fiqri rVor urq it yftr

>ra nftgsFrqrqqrRntrffrqrRr^raFnRgH-srfrrrr^xiq ?jf

Suppose Die oUVFJ^TT ( \(i!nmh„in) or qw^rr (Prasnilagna)
to lie 3 signs 8* 12* 20' and llic |iosition of the Moon -it the time
4 signs 10 25' 35 As the Moon is in the 5th Dw vdisamsa of
Siniln the Dw'ld'is.uns.'l is Plnnua The birth has to be pre
dieted when the Moon passes tluouph the 5th liasi counted
frem Phanus, t * Mesha Dus is the view of some

According to others the birth should be i red ic led thus —

Find b> counting from Mrshi Oil onltr of t?u Risi representing'
the Dwadasamsi when the Moon traverses through so man>
Rasii front the Pvvadasnmsa lv isi, birth will happen According
to tins view Dhanus happens to be the 9th from Meslia the hirth ,

will happen when llic Moon is in the Qlh Raxi from Plnnus » e

Siniha The former view seems more rational

1 hen, to find the exact posit unTof the Moon we have

of (*b0 Mesha as having been traversed b> the Moan at birth time,
or 5 110 or the second quarter"'of the star Aswini
' To- know the fime, vve proceed thus
J he Lagna is s° ]2 20 in T7? (Katakn) which is a night sign

The exact time will therefore be at

8" 12' 20*
^5 — X 30 ghatihas (the

period of night) or at 8 ghatilsas, 12$tVighatikas in the night*

36 Adh. Ill

Balabhadra also adds that only in the case of the Moon and
the lord of the 5th him a at the tune of qucrj or (41'Jl*?) Adhana
occupjmg one and the same Uisi, it has to be predicted that the
pregnant woman will he delivered of her child at that v erj mstant f
and not otherwise
The converse process of deducin' the time of conception
(tTl'TPT'TK Adhanakala) fro n the data given for auj birth has
not Wfen defimleh slated in ant of ojr astrological works as far
as I have seen
Hut the follow ng general principles enunciate 1 in Seph&rial s
“Manual of \strology and winch have h»en found to* be true
after elaborate tests will he found to l>e very useful —
(1) When the Moon at birth is waving and v isible, or wan
mg and invisiole the period intervening b“tween 4PIR (Adhana)
and birth will be less than the time tal en for 10 lunar revolutions
or f Solar months
(2) If the Moon at birth he wrong and invisible (uppraf
^dris>ardha) or waning and v isible, the interval between concep-
tion and actual time of birth will he more than 10 lunar
(3) The actual number of dais—less or more— is obtained
b> finding the distance oft be Moon from the liorieon, the distance
being vomited from the Lngna when the Moon
is invisible, and
from the / th house (tfFKirAsta I agna) when the Moon is visible
Convert this distance to degrees and divide the result b> 12 The
quotient will represent the numher of da^s required
(4) If the birth tabes place in (Suklapaksha-brigh t
half of a month) the sign denoting the Lagna will represent the
Moon s position at the time of Misr (Adhana)
(5) If the birth be in J^mfKnshnapaksha— dark half of a
month) the sign denoting the 7tli hbata mil contain the Moon at
<41*1 R (Adhana)

(6) The lias, Oeoupied b} the Moon at birth will be

or setting at the time of JltHtr (Adhanakala) accordm*
as the
said Moon is waxing or w wing
Let us take the following example
There teas a birth at 4 am on Sib January
1?00 <*>rirt<r

SI. 43 ^rTf^rurp?: 137

Ayanamsa, 22’ 26' 4")—Vjkan year, Dhanur month — 75th, Sunday

night and Monday morning, Lat 1 3° N

Moon 11 signs 21° 15'

Sun 8 signs 24° 22*

Lagna 7 signs 2° 51'

The Moon is waxing and below the horizon (invisible) The

interval between conception time and birth time is therefore more

Moor Lagna
Ketu Merc. 1
Sun 1

Chart at birth,
Chart at
conception 9
8th Jan

— Saturn
time 1899
April, 1st


than 10 lunar months (Rule 2 above) The distance of the Moon

from the horizon is

11—21°— 15' «/*«« 7^~2i' —5y


(Lagoa) or 3—29°— 24 r
which when converted into days at an average rate of 12° per day

(Fiji Rule 3) is or 9 95 days.

The conception should therefore have taken place 10 *

27 32305 (period of one revolution of the Moon is 27 30305 days)
+9 95 or roughly 283 180 days prior to birth The Moon being in

the 2£nd degree of HPT (Meena) at birth, the (Adbana Lag*

ca) must ha\ e been Looking at the Pancbanga for
Meena 22 5
that time, we deduce that the time of conception should have
been at about the early hours of the morning cm the 1st tpril 1899
when Meena had not fully risen
[The child died at 3*30 P M on Friday the 22nd March 1901
when the Moon was transiting (Aswini 2nd Pads, the

6th house from the Lagna 1

is 8 Adh.IlJ

3^ igmfo hh’wi ^ ^
^ vrafa fite ajars<3^r I

straft 3 ft Pm stpi?-.

i¥ta li «» n

Sloka . 44. If, at the time of conception, the rising

Navamsa belongs to Saturn and that pi met occupies the
7th house (war) the child will take 3 years to be born-
If the conception takes place when the Moon is under

similar circumstances, t. e. when the rising Navamsa

belongs to Kataka and the Moon occupies the 7th house
(w3) the birth will happen after 12 years. The effects
that have been described in this Chapter as due to pla*
netary conjunctions at the time of the («irsrc) Adhana
must also be predicted in regard to the tune of the birth
when the same planetary conjunctions are found to exist.

^r^TTS^T! II

Also amir

3T^T ^ rtfoirt n

5** ?nt*{Kt trkn'i tntfr i

The third quarter of the SI nU

rn T«IT4j fDasi ^
dhyayi) to menn"If
Navamsa Ras, ,f the Moon at the
time of
c onception be one ofSatorn's houses and if Saturn
bhasa from the Moon, then the birth tv, 11
be the 7th m
happen ,n the twelfth
' »

Si. 45 5*fh?rs**Tra: 139

year” and in support thereof, the following sloka from

(Brihath prajapathya) is quoted:
sw rn^f<r step* *Ttf: l

?T??r tt fffra wb i)

in fCSTMl'TST (Brihathprajapathya) it is said *ti

Sapthamam hibukam va and in the text HfUTOt (Sapthamasthecha)

is used This *T (cba) should be taken to mean ^ ^
(Sapthamasthe Htbukasthe cha sat hi.) The object of Varahamrhira
in putting Saturn m
the 7th house is not only to secure his full
aspect on the Lagna or the Moon, but also to give him his full
Digbala (directional ’'strength) ns Saturn's Digbala in 'the 7th
house is full.


'#^1 5TW: /

sffesr qfkfo&wpT ,

,It is also opined that if these yogas exist, the femalelwill bear

no more
f/* stRtftRT
vacfspim i

^rt^fr qr ?ra: ii

aMf^nr i

qtTT^’nfnrr a*rr ti

^rartr *£4# fa*!**' 3^= i

a tVa; q^r n*ri%ss »

^ gm ^

ffipr: II8HII

V\ ’vfrt.'j'i'i’i '.

Sloka. 45. When

the lords of the Qth and 10th
bhavas are in bad positions, and the lord of the rising
sign is strong, the issue has undoubtedly been born
without srm*<r (Seemantha) and other purificatory cere-*
Ha Adh. in

monies. When there is a malefic planet in the 11th

bhava and that is owned by a malefic planet also, there
will be no issue with the purificatory stop's (Seemantha)
ceremony performed upon it.
c/. tMK'fVtiifa

to^nr srrat tflrerc: art n

r?u m srt: nraftftsft a* i

ftgstfoi >itwr OTf^nqdiT%


ii u
Sloka. 46. When the Moon does not aspect the
Lagna, the birth of a child is out of the^ father's sight.
And he is at the time absent in a foreign country,
if the
Sun be in a raoveab’e sign and has fallen out of the
(Madhya) or the 10th bhava t e. ia in the 8th or 9th


thratftinRrfi srtoft ftart srra* i

«rr n

^ f^nrofH mr«> 5^01 (

wuRi strata snrnreh^ «

Also. v.sH-i

otsV fti!?tS=n % ma amc® n>tffr


jbnraSk w fi^rretJt pb,,-, 5

If the I...ng sign .s ooa-pected by the Moon and the Son „
either in the 8th or 9th bhaca, then the father is
not present at Ih,
place of birth of the child If the above Sun
be in a moveable
sign, the father *,11 be ,n a foreign country
If hc be a„ lm .
moveable ®. the father wall be ,0 the
name town bat away from
SI. 47 gftnitoHJT*; 141

where birth took place- if the Sun be in a dual sign, then the
father will be on his way home. The Yoga depicted is a day
For the second yoga given in the latter half of the sloka (in
the text),the condition that the Lagna is not aspected by the Mood

is necessary ; cf. (^aTct-ti) Sukajatbaka:

vrr^r srwreTOrwfr i

. fcrah ftar \\

acfrlrsft m ^ f5r ms® i

fat qqrcft uso u

SL ka. 47, When Saturn is to rise on the Lagna
or Mars is setting (occupies the 7th *rr<* bhava) or if the

Moon be between Mercury and Venus* then also the

father will be away at the time of the birth of the child.
Balabhadra slightly differs — He says
*nfiraH&s*inrar ir£t> i

where the Moon if between Mars and the Sun is said to cause the
same effect.

In the previous sloka, the day scenery was depicted. In the

present slolca the night scenery (birth at night time) is described,
since Saturn (the Karaka of the father at a night birth) is taken
into consideration instead of the Sun as in the previous sloka.

tfiEdr: ffigropr: t

g^Efenrai^j ht aja: it

The Sun at a day birth and Saturn at a night birth, if aspected

by Mars, indicate the absence of the father. And if the sign that
isoccupied and aspected respectively by the above-mentioned two
planets be a moveable one, the yoga indicates demise of the father
in a foreign place at the time. The author of Saravali further says:
siraasJTarsm i
142 Adh. Ill

felt 3T 5ftff3T fM#I I

Prefer fl^srrar nye ll

Sloka, 48. If the Moon be in ^ sign owned by a

benefic planet or in a (Varga) of Tupiter, the child

born is legitimate.

cf. sjraRTT
HRirostem grntfafrsfa *rr i

•Tf nrr TgT

t dtfrsfr h trrnhr 11

Vt ft also sloV.1 SO wffa

3fitt =1 Sjfetre ^rltTFRI I

UrTsfit vfeSId' m TOPJf II It

Sloia. 49. When Jupiter is notajpseted by Mars,

and the San and the Moon are in their (Varga), the ^
child born is a sro* (Kshethrajah The same is the case
also when Jupiter is strong and in conjunction with

^rWi 4RS; 3*33^ 3 stt i

Kngsnrrw^ s w- S'rcttt to ii k° ii

Sloka . 50 When the Moon is in the (Varga)

of Saturn and the 5th wr (bhava) is occupied by Saturn
and also aspected by the Sun and Venus t the son born
is a (Pounarbhava). 1 e. the son of a remarried
wfe ttiwhnfe *nf fliW>W<tt: l

. sfesff II M 11

Slifn. 51. When the ICth srnr-bhava is aspected

by the Sun, or the Sun and the Moon are m the
Varga of the Moon and the Sun, the person born is a
SI. 52-55 143

^rftangKt gift ji^r: ii ii

Sloka. 52. When *?tt^ (Mandi) is aspected by the

Moon and is in conjunction with Saturn or aspected by

him, the child born will be given away by the parents

to another to adopt

^rsnwfl'3% srssj i

g ii it

Sloka. 53 When the 7th or the 5th arnrbhava is

occupfed by Saturn and Mars and ib unaspected by other

planets, the son born should be marked out as
Knthrima (t. c to be adopted by others)

g j'RHHralsvn i

ftsWt <n ^5niiTgw tiw ii \\i 11

Sloka. 54 If the lords of the for (Hora) and the

4th vrnr bhava counted from (Janmalagna) occupy
each other’s houses or ifthem be in conj'unc'
either of
.tion with Rahu or Ketu, the child born was begotten by

^ 5fk5‘ft»T git a^pft sn# n Ii

Sloka . 55 If Jupiter does not aspect the Lagna or

the Moon, or be not in one and the same house A with
either, the Lagna or the Moon be not in a
and if ^
Varga of Jupiter, then the astrologer should declare the
child to be born in consequence of the mother’s congress
with another
Ad h. Ill

^nrft Mm ^ i

asroft nigpiffaBi %s ara: tot It H* n

Sloka. 56 A child born in any of the three follow'

ing combinations of Oinr-Thithhi, ^fC'Vara
and ^THW'Nalc'
sbatra is declared to be the result of the mother's
congress with another: (1) fstfT*n-Dwitheeya, Tf^srrt -Sun-

day and ^-Swathee, (2) sstf-Sapthami, g**rr-Wednes'

day and ^-Revathee, (3) 5t?tfhDwadisee, ^nt-Sunday

and wF^BT'Sravishttha.
f „ Notes.

Balabhadra in his $KT«r (Horarathna) states that this sloka

is from ttRtfo* (Thathamisia ) The reading given is as follows*—

5lf« 0T 3TJH nap^ct ^3 .


Sloka. 57. When any

one of the 3 weeVdays, vis
% II <4® II

Saturday. Sunday and Tuesday, 13 associated with a

vncftrfr-Bhadra thithhi. (j. e frfftnr-Dwnheeya, srarft-Sap*
thamij or SR^ft-Dwadasi) and a fanr^nr-thr ipada nak*
shatra, (* e- 3 nt^ -Punarvasu, f^reti-Visakha or

«r^T), the child born is declared to be begotten by another.

The following are some more yogas for illegitimate oflspriogs*

pst?is*7ti ect. «r«wr TpFrT^Tfrawnr: it jpir^r: 11

h««V i

M^inrra: tr f^nn U73 11

wjfrTOnnr' ’ra 35: rmnnr *if? 1

Tirrsrersmi sr » arafJrw: it
SI. 58 146

Also *iui$ra5*

fsgH$r qg^ft ^grsTTcnmsr q h

fipn*?t n raror^ srosrnq snjfag i

9HWi*S q qr smr: Tfrssqanr; mOKnis ij

^nqT^CTqmrsfstfnrr qf? I

mrtfr smsft anq^ »q^ n

5f g^Rlg% h *n ?rcni Tf^it ’Tflinaq. i

Trri'nrtrfpii gmsw *rA <6ur snt^r ft*pn^ii^n

Slokn 58. When Jupiter does not aspect the rising
sign and the Moon, or the Moon in conjunction with
the Sun; or when the Moon is in conjunction with
the Sun and a malefic planet; the offspring is positively
declared to have been begotten by another.
Fora child to be declared as legitimate (1) Lagna or the
Moon must receive an aspect of Jupiter, (2) the Sun in conjunc-
tion with the Moon should be aspected by Jupiter, or (3) there
should not be any malefic along with the Moon in conjunction
with the Sun

q?qfo it gq. sirSrc 5U7 q f?qr*7 i

qrqga qr qf?; anrsirq: it

But it has to be stated here that if the Lagna and the Moon
be in a Navamsa belonging to Jupiter, then the child should not
be declared as illegitimate
ef «nr>T*R:

qr sfmr q^rsq r'q^nvt qr i

wq qfrs?af5ucr qqfcr qr^q 3fqqiq q^qq^Trq; II

q qi rftqr Rfliqq Nava Sasanko Ka\ lua Samagatbalia

js another reading. The whole sloka is capable of being inter-
preted thus.

UG srftpRTffanr Adh. in

^ ^^
*t?t 5?: vu n it *rcns: cntnmi
=r s#jigd: ?nrrp: qr g*w trqjj <r>i smt

That is, if Jupiter does not aspect the Lagna and the
Moon, and at the same time the Moon be not in conjunction with
the Sun, and secondly, the Lagna and the Moon being unaspected
by Jupiter, if the Moon in conjunction with the Sun be also asso-
ciated with a malefic planet, then the child should in the —
absence of any restricting (awR-Apavada) yogas be declared —
illegitimate »

«t *r *3 % gi^wfa^RT t

^53*^ dtra: ti

ur rpra. i

ugirsyi st’piq^ i

u=d= fVarasg gsuit Die ii

It would appear that 44 tor (Apasada) yogas were' after

great penance observed one after another by Sages as
slated below '

Brahma, Subrahmanya 1 Garga 1

and Surya . / 4 Martchi 12
Vyasa 3 ManU 1
Vasishta 1 Angiras 5
Attn **• 2 Lomasa ... 1

Patasara 2 Paulasa 3
Kasyapa ••• * • 3 Chyavaru ]
Narada 2 Saunaka 3
l'i It Srutis.

=143; bjTPintfgij I

fir ^ t^3jhr 11 II

When the Moon is hi a Tn=i

Slukci 59.
owned by Jupiter or u ,n another nfir (Ra„) in
tion with Jupiter or is in Jupiter’s
* SI. CD 147

k or =T^t^r (Navamsa), the child born has not been begot-

ten by a paramour
This sloki is from Girga Please see sloka 48 and the note
thereto (Vanyarasige) is another reading and seems to
be the correct one.

Sloka 61. malefic planets Saturn and

If the two
Mars be Mesha, Simha and Kumbhaand
in malefic signs
occupy the 7th» the 9th or the 5th place from the Sun,
the father of the child born is in a state of forced aeclu
sion confined m
a foreigr place, in his own or on his
way to bis own country, according as the sign occupied
by the Sun is moveable, immoveable or a dual one.




vsjjpmrwh' vAu+fa vnrtte i

*. 'a

^ rrremrra; ^rsu^r *rrn u

From the plural numbers used in the above quotation, it
would appear that the term malefics ’ need not necessarily be

confined to Saturn and Mars, but may be extnded to weak Moon,

Rafiu and Ketu But it is not so And by11 ”„Krurarks"ha
.149 Wam'i iR'dlt) Adh. Ill

all the fhe houses of malefics, viz Mesha, Sunha, Vrisehika,

Mai arc and Kumbha are not meant but onl> Mesha Simha and
Kumbha Here the difference between the terms Paparksha
and krurarksha maj be noted

The one means "all the houses owned by malefic*;' while

* the other confines them to ‘
their odd signs cf. «N3T

wfctf <r? 3rrd^r n

ftTOI adds If the Sun in the above case be in or
fSp]53fTO (Nigata drekkana) the father is forcibly (illegally)

confined, and if any other Drekkana on account of business or


^i ufifftr *TOf?FT OTra gk

^ traw

asfcotaft :rr ng>i% nq?|l

Sloka 61 When the Moon is full and in. hts own
sign* c Kataka, and when Mercury is in the rising sign
and Jupiter occupies the 4th house, the pregnant wo
man is delivered other burden in a boat This may
happen also when the rising sign is a watery one and
the Moon (whether full or not) is in the 7th bhava
„ Notts
The word (Saumje), rnaj also be interpreted as benefie

1 lie meaning will then he If the Moon be full and in Kataka

and if benefie plarfets beTn the lagna and the 4th house, then the
birth takes place in a boat If the Lagoa be a water) sign and
the Moon be m the 7th being al<o full then also the birth takes
place m a boat
rf, npr^t

The word (Subha) in (Subh6 Sukhfi) ‘rjl? ,n the text

has been underwood to mean only Jupiter by the commentator as
there is a <?| always a possibility pf Venus occupying
the 4th place
SI. 62 149

from Mercury in the Lagna. “ {pngspF? ^3 Wiring.

3*W w c f* agZirrrn

h ^ g$mtfirci ^r.
cf• Also jpiwir
ir rpsh sjvtf^ 1

srr sngtit snfg ngrsn mfc n

But the word Swirasige may apply to (Sasim) Srfttft^or

(Saumye)%^r in the text. For the latter view. cf. ^JTRn^T

mh qgiSr q^qprmnqr ^7$ g^ l

srcfr uir^srsrmr •irmrr Ergn; it

Also *iE??5kf
g qisfr ^rrrfsnsi qur *fr*q q i

*r^^r»»rw: •& «tarat smk it

According to the above, the word sj> (Subhfe) may also

include Venus and (Poorne Sasim) »jyf nfttFT will mean the Moon
during the ten days from


^ to fT1TOjT3*?r-


^RpTi ll^il
Sloka 61. If the Lagna be a watery sign with the
full Moon in it, or if such Mcon be in opposition to the

Lagna, or in the 10th or in the 4th bhava from the Lagna,

then the child will be born near water.
When the rising sign is a watery one
Another interpretation.
and the Moon occupies a watery sign, the delivery takes place in
the vicinity of water. The same happens when the full Moon
aspects a watery sign or the Lagna being a (Jalarasi)
, Efsrrrfr,
the Moon occupies the 10th, the 4th or the 1st bhava.

si is another reading.

sts5?rai rfiarh a«ir gdi: i

150 iTraivr?r.i:h Adh. Ill

tetit HT> 11^3)1

S^kn Gj. When the rising sign and the Moon

happen to be in one and the same trftr (Rasi) and when
' Saturnis m the 12th htr (Bhava) and aspected by a male*

fic planet* the delivery will take place in a secret spot.

(Probably widows delivering children secretlj is hinted here)

Again, when the Lagna is (Vnachila) or wz^

(Kataka)and Saturn occupies it and is aspected by the
Moon, the delivery will take place in a pit.

qiiftCrrfcr i

ggr nrpantRh n

nrr fora i

a tftmgt'ft sma hVt n

Also W Tiflo
jr? 'nvhrOTwa i

hr* *R*nTRrft rre *uRm n

Also ymftrj
HR rjqfoj gn^Tir |

vflM RT ar^vi^f Umh ||

Also RRRsfi
. r* i


ip^SS3Pra fte'i't tiring i


Sloka 64 According as Saturn,

occupying a watery
rising sign, is aspected by Mercury, the Sun
or the
Moon, the delivery will take place in a pleasure house,
a temple, on a saltish ground or on a sandy place.
SI. 65 161

tfrsf rtfiinm guPaih JUTS: I

Tfqoir ^snnft a*nv> *rr »

In the joga described in the sloLi in the tevt, the aspecting

as well as the a^pecled planets mast he strong
c/- *T^n
tfrrVffr: i

strafe ^niK Pm^r 11

3rc> «nr5t*rr zir sri^fa i

StRi f*t: ?irarc I

fiRiiOT it: nn-7 *hra IRMI

Sloka 65. If the rising sign be a human Rasi, and
Saturn occupying it be aspected by Mars, the delivery
will be in a cemetery, cremation ground or kitchen If

Venus and the Moon aspect Saturn in the position des'

cubed, the place of delivery will be a lovely one If

Jupiter be the aspecting planet, the delivery will take

place in the house dedicated to the sacred fires, If the

Sun should aspect, the place of delivery will be a palace,

a temple or a cow house, And lastly an art'gallery will
be the place of delivery when Mercury is the aspecting

cf. eiTRlfl
a*n w^

ev stfbr5? ii

152 Adh III

^H^3T M5i4lMh4wiA4H>W>S II II

Sloka 66 The place of birth of a child is usually

that corresponding to the rising sign or its Navamsa

whichever of them is stronger If the stronger of the

two be moveable, the birth will be in a building far

away from the native place of the father If immove-

able, the birth will be in father s own house , if ma
dual sign, it be in an outhouse
will If the using

Navamsa be a Vargottama one, then the birth will be in

the child 8 maternal grand father's house
awn i

*njr£nfimi II

aiwiRnr it i

WTTrnrnr qr nqr*^r nibr qi II

TnrnrTt ^ i

Also IffURrTcJT
*it siy qi ^f rc refonr It

*q*iit *5151 hsfo i

=nnr vrnnf^rt rrrtrT^ i

'pfsrr mlm w n -v fcvTrssrm
^wnnuiicqr srgsmus'mvqfcr


For the last quarter of the sloka ef

^rawiilwn t

Vrq^r I
SI. 67 163

^5^7^ ^rTj^7 *gVTT I

TO!fWmr?Tvr^ qggffnfiw %m II

The consideration of the stronger of the two, viz., Rasi and

Na\amsa is important and should always be borne in mind Sup
pose the effect of the Rast taken is directly contrary to the one
given for the Amsa occupied by the Lagna or the Moon We
must first decide which of the two is stronger and then onlj
proceed. Varahamihira urges this principle throughout his work
Bnhat Jataka Mere consideration of the Rasi alone will pot
therefore suffice.

mm- \\$m
Sloka 67. If the Moon be in trine to Mars and Saturn
and occupies at the same time the 7th house, the child
born is abandoned by its mother, But if the Moon be
aapected by Jupiter* the child becomes long-lived, happy
and well cared for
Another interpretation **
When the Moon occupies the 5th
the 9th or the 7th house in respect to Mars and Saturn occupying
one and the same house, etc ” ef.


Chandre Arke =^4*5$ is another reading for (Chandre Asthe)

and the meaning will then be "If the Moon or the Sun
-be trine to Mars and Saturn etc "
(Asthfe) may also be interpreted as eclipsed,' */ , in
conjunction with the Sun ef.

infant i

*j7r nrar rr?T fer^witt, n


sloha quoted above distinctly <ays that the

Moon should
(Moodha) * * , eclipsed by the ravs of the Sun and so the
be JJ?
quotations from
words (Asthagathe) STSPff and»*r Asthfc in the
house” but
Saravaliand Samudrajataha do not mean “the 7th
mean eclipsed

For alleviating the effects of the yoga described in the test,

Jupiter must be strong


gragr g*oir 12 tiTni; 1

7^5 m tftsnr fpfrg * ngi 11


?REt fiJOTfa fsn&rfRtunsA I

<m§ asi#rasiairftr
TOsmatwraij II 11

Sloka 68* When the Moon is tn the Lagna and

aspected by a malefic planet and Mars occupies the 7th
place, the child perishes being abandoned by its mother

The same happens when Mara and Saturn are tn the

llth *ng- When a beneftc planet aspects the Moon, the
child passes into tHe hands of a person of a class corres'
ponding to the aspecting benefic planet. If another male
fic under the above yoga aspects the Lagna, then the

child bereft of the mother will fall into the hands of bad
people and will die. Even if cared for by others, the
child lives not
fanet qrgtiz snhft $7t:*ur 1

3 i -^ra nHghfcpnfpt M

nr«u gpnft sim 1

5j*rmn*re rr fm% 11
SI. 68 155

mfrg sreft glau^rtg: i

*nrm n^r ti

Balabhadra adds
srcriTr^af wqr qra 1 3% q
g»m?5H <n*mi

t^qRr ^ gm:
ftqq q*: u

Harare ^ TTr^Tnfsr^ qnsr faqq 11

Also «£«cWfl ill?!

g*r& rq*TH«*t ^iR^rs^nar 5^ 1

?rerm nqqfnq mj q^wrfqt: 11

n*rr nranmt sirat qnrr t

mrari^T gdr^e^f^rcr «rf *ra: 11

^tranhifq qrto grfVtfsq qqr ftqtf 1

swsTfttSgcrjfoRr qr qr|?TT^ial II

Lagna Lagoa

Saturn! 1

Moon Moon 1
1 1

l 0) I (2)


Mars |



160 «rwnfbm> Adh II

git I

itm f srg^ir 11 11

Sloka 69 The deliver/ will take place the m

house of the father, mother, paternal uncle or maternal
aunt according to the strength of the planet represent-
ing these relatives (vide Sloka 35 Supra) It will happen
in an exposed pl'ce such as a grave a rampart or a river
bank, if thebenefic planets be in their depression houses

If the Moon
occupying the Lagoa be not aspected by
the benefic planet* o-cupying one and the same sign,
the child will be born, in a lonely place


wpiramcfftfr writ h? nqs* i

fonjsm a?in^T «nrs*qgfe


sms-vreih i

„ a fol«njn*wtrci-*r«m^g snssrmo, li

srnjatu^frg ^ ^ffcffanVrlr ^nv i

jt?t JTfrc*«rm; n

Also srrsiTim

fouKg fojgsrfoi i

fr^in^ stin \

?foir ^ *r \

tr^r 3r ram for;r \\

And Ttmprnr?!

n v vfe 55pf^rf^ I

spftsejtfr ^tr i?i flt-pT- q mj »i

wrvi^ font ^ fojin^ u

SI. 70 167

^#3 Tlftft fllTI Sift qt

Uj'<K 71 <I7t7 7177 7(77777 tjm I

?R3T jrWtsrcg qjq.

'rifa'jra 5KS6R% liTTTrsSrqfTTi II VSO II

Sloka 70 When the Moon is in a Navamsa

owned by Saturn or in the 4th(»rrJr)Bhava from the Lagna
or u aspected by Saturn, or occupies a watery sign, or
is in conjunction with Saturn, the accouchement is in
darkness The same takes place on the ground when 3
or more planets arc m their depression signs The
coming out of the child from the womb is exactly like
the emergence of the rising sign from the horizon , i e.
if it is a 5Ti tt?<T (Seershodaya) sign,
the child appears
with the head foremost and if a (Prushtodaya)
sign with the legs foremost, and if an swifter (Ubhayo*
daya) sign, with the hands foremost If malefic planets be

m conjunction with the Moon or occupy the 7th or

the 4th w* (Bbava) therefrom, much distress, it is said

has to be endured by the mother.

Another in'tvprttaUoi When the Moon in the 4th bha\a
is in a Na\atnsa owned b> Saturn or is aspect rd b> Saturn etc

In this sloXa vttif (Abpgfc) sJ ould l e til cn to mean (Abjam

sagfe) 3i5U]5i?V for Varaliamilnra says (bal-i> ogithph-ilamamsa
harkshayoh sc^tRl TWn?>Wt Vtdt s lol i 66 supra Also

tf T7,^;\fiu

" nr<oi gr gh i

m ^ *1 *HT*f

2^ li
158 sTre^TiffOT^ Adh. IJ

^R^rtncT. qm?3 i

3li w $far*X3p7 qns^flfll 57 u

And srturnr*
tfimrew: «i>ct rz ^regerrsfr st i

ar?7RTr <r *tr fws II

ci^r sm*TT^? <T*rn!wrfa =rrt3 1

*r ^5 *£$fetfVr$ir rr^tf^r \

xrcpigBJnr 1^3 rflSfto II

qar 5r sif^^r *mr ^Tjprtj «

Rtftrorurt 5r««r «rwi7ft«H7 jrr II

5?rVt xmrrr n*fr *rrf r^nftgvr II

Also «KR^1
4m5TS'T5T7U7 N^T I

<rr|c 7f jTrnm't sm h tr?V <1

$-?n *113 ir(5jv7^xT7 ^T mf^i v i

«q>^i‘MHH<!^T <TT7r JHCWT rnr^rr^f. I’

%?i irsrr^^'ini ^fSff'Ttsiig^^^rratTtr: 1

5K ^ 11 vs? 11

Sl)kn 71. The quintity of oil m the lamp will

vary with the portion to be traversed by the Moon in

the sign entered upon The wick, is to be guessed from
the Lagni, 1 e will vary with the portion of the rising
sign still below the horizon The character of the lamp
is to be guessed from
thechincter of the sign occupied
by the Sun, whether the light is moveable, fixed, or
1 c.

both, is to be declared from the nature of the Rasi in

which the Sun is. The door of the lying-m-chamber is
to be guessed by means of the planets occupying the
Kendra positions, or rather by means of those that are
possessed oi strength 1 t. when more than one planet

occupy the Kendra positions, the door must be guessed

SI. 72 169

by the strongest ofthem when there are no planets in


the Kendras find which of the Kendras is' strongest, and

the direction faced by the door is guessed accordingly
, Notes
The Moon determines the oil in the lamp ; the i\ ick m the
lamp is determined by the Lagoa and the Sun determines the
character of the lamp.

If the Moon is waning, there will be little oil in the lamp. If

the Moon is at the beginning of a sign, the lamp will be full of oil.
If she be in the middle of a s’gn, the oil in the lamp will be
moderately full , if in the end of a sign, little oil 1 he same
holds good in the case of a wick •

If the a moveable ugn, the lamp is not a fixture but

Sun be in

can be moved about If in an immoveable sign, the lamp is a fu-

ture and not capable of being moved about If m a dual sign,

the lamp can be separated from its place (removeable)

If the Sun be in a fiery sign, we may say that the light is lit

by electric power ,
if fiery and also moveable (sign), the electric

lamp is moveable, and so on

cf. WRR*
grant i

qrw rraa=rrei 1

nraiyrgrfftH wafcn 5 arggr nn?fr I

ip 8W3 asw II

w=q?pT ntratn: *jer Tn^^pinnft l


afof rarrag% ^4 ^4
’WB#? V, ...

**4 mg4 snf ^ sjgsr tt jikt

Hnpagjil 4^ II w II

Sloka 72. chamber will happen to

The lying-in
be bid but repaired when Satuiri is ttrong. It Will be

siawirim-t Adh. in

a building spoiled by lire

when Mars is powerful ; a
new budding when the Moon is in strength; a
abounding in timber, but flimsy, when the
Sun is power-
ol several artisans
ful, an edifice built by the combination
when M-rcury is strong When Venus is predominant,
lovely, possessing worts ol art
the chamber will b;
and durable when
and quite new. It will be strong
powerful. The astrologer may guess
Jupiter is

the rrunrpr indicated, of other houses

structure, in
immediately around the
beginning with those which arc
lying inchamber by means of the planets in the Zodiacal

With this Compare 11—24 & 11—22 regarding the places

and Cloths indicated bi the several planets

cf rsTCRcft

^ 311 "» ^ 'TRIOR

ott frirat sfijwml miwr IM3II

Sloka 73. The direction of the lying-m chamber

is determined by the sign owning the planet that is

strongest in the Kendras If the sign in question be

Mesha, Kataha, Tula, Vnschika or Kumbha, the lying-

in chamber will be in the eastern portion of the house
If it be owned by Jupiter or Mercury, the lying-in-cham-
ber is in the north of the house If it be Vrishabba, the

lying in chamber in the western portion of the house


be Makara
If it or Simha, the chamber will be located in
the souther n quarter of the house
SI. 74 wWfsnira: 1 01

Suppose Jupiter is' the strongest, then the Ijing-in-t.li.iinb r

uill be in the northern portion of the house.

3*225 .

iPiFRT — I

9^'J3JTJ7?nlf»^fiT^?»7«TPr-T^T75rjT^: fryr-7 II

1 ho oumnmiUloi bh.illolp.iU is of opinion ilj u tin, tlueUion

of the lying in hamper is delcrmmtd bj llw using sign <tt Jiulh

(and not by ihe sign owned b\ the siro» n si of tin planets m Ken

dras, vide sloh.t -IS *« [ra whert.it is staled Uni pointful pi inets
in Kendras Hill indicate the doors of Uv lying in chamber and tin,
character of the building where birth has taken place) li is view
is not acceptable

ai^sn^ i%*n^TT fi 7
,\ I

Hloka .74. The four pairs of moveable and immove-
able signs beginning with Mesha represent the East and
other principal points of the compass m order m the
lying-in-chamber. The four dual signs, v iz., Mithuna,
Kanya. Dhanus and Meena, signify the four intermediate
pointSj viz., S. E., S. W
N. W., and N. E. The astro-

loger should make> in regard to the bed of the confined

woman, statements of facts such as have been made in
respect to the lym^in-chamber, the legs of the couch
16 i Adh. irr

being represented by the 6th, the 3rd, the 9th and the
12th bhavas from the Lagna The head and face of the
lying uv-woman are in the direction indicated by the
Lagna and the 2nd bhava And the 3rd and the 12th
bhavas represent the fore-legs of the couch (the 3rd
being the right leg) the 4th and the 5th bhavas. the

right side ,
the 6th and the 9th the hind legs (the 6th
being the right leg) of the couch The 7th and the 8th
bhavas from the Lagna represent the legs of the lying-in
woman. The 10th and the llth represent the left side
This is the principle of Directions as per Uw-RTif (Keraln
chan a) also


N Directions of the S
Rasis as per
this Sloha

N \\ \\ W S VY

The four corners of the conch are mrheated by the 3rd the
6th the 9th and the Util houses from th-
Lagna The Island
-hid hou-es from the Lagna tndreate the hetd
an<j „f , be
mother tnd conse pientl* the direction in which
she is l >laff -j h{.
left part of the bod} of the mother is indicated
bv the stable 1 if
of the zodiac at hath and the im isible half md, cates the tnrht
part of the bod> b

<•/. rrrma nnuRh i

to a* „
urrg»r m fttja finmtr g ^ ,

«nv nnl.yiPr fcqr. i|

dl. 75 Sfirastuni: 163

SfttTTm •SWSTJJSf’TSirft II vs 1! II

SI oka 75. The females attending on the woman in

childbed are as many as there are planets between the
rising sign and the Moon. Such of these as are in the
visible hemisphere are without the lying-in-chamber.
Those that are in the invisible portion represent the
attendants in the interior of the lying-in-chamber.
Others assert the contrary.
In the following example, there are 5 planets between tlie
Lagna and the Moon We have therefore to predict that five were
in attendance upon the woman. Of these 5, 4 are in the visible
half of the zodiac Therefore we have to say that they were out.
side the room where the actual delivery took place and could be
seen This is applicable only to females and not males.

1 I Merc
1 Sun

Jupiter Mars


. _ |Saturn|

1 | J j

Note , —The earlier slokas will indicate the presence of a male

ittendant on the woman pro\ided the following conditions are
fulfilled -
(1) Lagna with Saturn in it should be in opposition to the Sun.
(2) The Sun in the Lagna should be m opposition to Saturn;

(3) Mars in the Lagna should be in opposition to Saturn.

(4) Mars m the Lagna should be in opposition to the Sun.
(5) The Sun in the Lagna should be in opposition to Mars.
Ml Adh.m

(6) Saturn m the Lagna should be in opposition to Mar®,

'lhat is two of the three malefics should lie in opposition, one

m the Lagna and the other in the 7th-

rr, npTKi
Btm. |

ni^pniF'FTHwiT njrpqr itfiwur *nr;««n: i

’rnmirm ^s?f n

hor visible au I invisible- portions of the Zodiac at any time

JtiTpr fSamukal ,«s-
- r witT pnrf^-fr t\ r. Mtq ^rr <wr Jjfa \

77k pin%rinfr rfo w

J he tc\t gues the generally accepted rule for ascertaining the

xclual numufr of inrsons present at the time of confinement

bomt. aUthoritus new it otherwise, ti-., that the number of
persons with in the Tying in chamber should be guessed by the
number of planets 111 the visible hemisphere, while the number
without should he reckoned 1 »> the number of planets 111 the in
visible portion of the 70diie
j wwt’njJhTT ^qr. 1

ttfTfrmwum 5rmr«tr« it


^rrr^RtqrcT ^ryafu^tt> fr??r. 11

Jhis\i«n is not accepted by VarUi imihin and that is why

he said ^S^MT (P-iremitln) in the slol a in the text
,* t ?utx' 1 ‘ en t,w - Lngmandthe Moon me m one ami the spue
‘hou*-(, the number will be instated ni
?»-. qnfHf-^-r T'X ifcr
* “
^ 1

TUI ibl -vdi 1adds >» his euttfT (Horintna)

f'ir niiwti qr qrrnr rpnftq.
W" ^ Tjfof*
^ ,


SI. 76

y d3 5 ^ wigsq
i 1 gq{ i

^f^OT^vnimTO: ins$ n
Slota 76. The
native will correspond in mien to
the lord o£ the rising Navamsa, or his
appearance will
be like that of the planet that has the greatest
His hue will be that of the lord of the Navamsa
pied by the Moon. Hts body and limbs will be com-
mensurate in their proportions with the rising
sign and
other Rasis which are described as
forming the head
and other portions of qrajriq
(KalapurrshaJ [Vide
Adhyaya '
I, slokas 8, 13 and 56, Supra.]
Shon anil lend signs a r« describ'd ,n Utakatari-
]fita 1—13

Remembering that the Lagna represents the head the 2nd ,

house, the face, the 3rd, the neck, and on, one can predict
whether the several parts of the body are long or short, or dispro-
portional, by the length, shortness or otherwise of the signs'typi-
fymg the particular part of the body as well as by the plane*t 2

occupying- the particular Basi,

In the following example, Lagna being Rlesha, a short sign,
the native has i small head. The 3rd house is governed by
Mithuna and must indicate a fairly long neck controlled by planets
therem, vit„

m Adh. Ill

Sun indicating medium

Mercurj „ ><

Venu: „ »
Moon anil Saturn indicate long form or stature and Mars
short stature

Lagna i Merc
i | i Venn*;

Jupiter Mars



^^urni^uirrTi sfTfsnrumrs ir

Also nwrftwr
?,T^r^wr?rfir ^rrr^r n? i

rf*^r<niei#«iw^3^i4Rru^ II »

^ t at a at rdi4 1 ra tin't t s>b( cKVr1!-

% %<>4l«<Mis<ii$t<w*l4ift mfirerai I

nfei: rawifr ztw iqojtfe art sn#fl

3iffTtft?5>Taa wraii^rsnWiT%n it ws u
Sloka 77. The Lagni and other bhavas every one
of which is divided into three parts (Drekkanas) re'
present the three divisions of the body as detailed
below : The f inst decanates of the Lagna and other
houses indicate the head, the eves, the ears, the nostrils,
the cheeks, the jaws and the mouth The second drek'
kanas of the same twelve bhavas correspond to the neck

St. 77 167

shoulders, the arms, the sides, the heart, the chest and
the navel The third drekkanas specify the pelvis# the
organs of generation and the anus, the testicles, the
thighs, the knees, the calves and the legs Of the two
sides of the body, the left is signified by the drekkanas
risen already i. c drekkanas of the signs in the visible
hemisphere. Thus, the first drekkana of the rising
sign is the head* The first drekkana of the 12th, the
i and the 8th houses from the
1th, the 10th, the 9th
Lagna represent the eye, the ear, the nostril, the cheek
and the jaw on the left side The first drekkanas of the
2nd, the 3rd, the 4th, the 5th and the 6th houses correa'
pond to the eye, the car, etc., on the rignt side And
the first drekkana of the 7th is the mouth

The 2nd drekkana of the Lagna indicates the neck.

The left shoulder, left arms, left ribs, left side of the
'heart and the left side of the chest correspond to the
2nd drekkanas of the 12th, the 1 1th, the 10th, the 9th
and the 8th signs, respectively, from the Lagna The
2nd decanate of the 7th sign is the navel and so on. ,

Left* _
Left > •* •

Ear Eje Heart Side Arm Shou

Head agna
Jaw I
-agna -f Chest ! n i
lfofici’KU Tuatni
Lagna 1st 2nd
Mouth Decanate :

Navel Drekkan Shou

Eje lder

Nos Chest jHeart Side Arm

Jaw jeheek Ear
Hlgbt < .7 Wight..
Adh HI

V<»fr — If the first decaoite of the Lagni happens to be ti u

first decanate of the Ran, then the usutl order 1, II and III is to
be followed if the first deranitc of the Layna happens to be
Left < :

tight ..

the 2nd decanate of the Rasi the order is II, III and I* If th#
first decanate of the Lagna is the last decanate of the Ry*i, the

order la III I ind II. This is the meaning of 7i?4?it-|.ii*r*r (Uditau,

drekkana btevgaihO,
JT’tTT^ —
ftrfr rrtr TtfRnnoirrJr num mu* ’jinoi 1

n^sra+r n *rfw ^ftorr f srfr ^ 11

qrfctmrftrwij* u srrggir st 1

rrrfr % ^nr it

itojI wri ^
SOT f^TOSct ^ |

S'^SHIWO ki'h 5^1 •<£%?:

Sioka • 78 —When a drekkana is occupied by a

malefic planet, there will be an ulcer or wound in the
part of the body indicated
by the drekkana. But
when it is S?
30 occupied or aspected by a b^nefic pla-
net* the astrologer should declare the existence of a "spot
SI. 78 3rfrmynrm: 169

there. When the planet happens to be in its own Rasi

or in conjunction with Saturn, the ulcer, wound or
mark should have been in the portion of the body indi-
cated from the very birth If the planet be in positions

other than those described above, the ulcer, etc., will

crop up later on. If Saturn be the planet to cause such
ulcer, etc., it will be due to a hurt caused by a stone or
some wind disease. If Mars be the planet destined to
inflict an injury, it will arise from fire, a missile, poison
or serpent bites. Mercury be the malefic planeti the

injury will arise by a fall on the ground from a height

or by a blow received from a clod or some such earthy
substance. If the Sun be the malefic planet, the injury

will be inflicted by some piece of timber or a quadruped

Lastly, if the Moon
be the malign planet, the hurt will
come from horned creature or by 'liquids, such as
acids. If other planets than these, viz., Jupiter, Venus,

the waxing Moon and Mercury not in conjunction with

malefic planets occupy a drekkana, there will be no
mark or moles and the result would be all favourable.

(Stthira samyuteshu) has been interpreted a9 ‘'in
conjunction with Saturn ” In the following nativity, all the

Ven 7 ° 1

Lagna Sun 25°

25’ |

Mer. 29°i

Jupiter Mars 22

Moon 1

Sat. 21°

” ;

otKraririfant Adh. Ill


pottion of the Zodiac. Therefore, if at

malefic, are in the invisible
all there should be marks or moles, they must he on the
side of the body. In the above figure, to determine the
various bhavas according to the principles laid
down in
of the
Slcka 77, we proceed as follows*—
Now Lagoa is Mesha 25°. It is the 3rd decanate of Mesha*

The decanate of the Lagoa rules from 25' of Mesha to S' of

6® of
Vrishabha- The 2nd idecanate of the Lagna begins from
Vrishabha. The 3rd begins from 16' of Vrishabha and extends to
25° of Vrishabha.

As the 1st decanate of the Lagna happens to be ithe 3rd

decanate of Mesha, Table III applies Therefore the 1st decanate

of the Lagoa symbolises the pelvis. The 2nd decanate of the Lagna
' happens to be the 1st decanate of Vrishabha, order being III, I and
II throughout; the first figure (I) applies. Therefore the 2nd
decanate of the Lagna symbolises the head. Similarly, the 3rd
decanate of the Lagna (2nd decanate of Vrishabha) symbolises
the neck (Fig. 11), and so ou with respect to the other bhavas. la

the same horoscope, the order with respect to every bhava being
III, I and II, the Sun's position represents the right shoulder
Saturn, the right side , Mars, the right testicle; Mccn, the right
side; Mercury, the right t sticlc, \cnus, the right eye.
Bhattotpala interprets 4^3* (Stthira samyutej m the test

as "in an immoveable sign or Navamsa

to sjsit mm
wft PrwrroraTffi, Sj^RSpis m i

WKP' TO II iHifawiVd
bbotpj; instil
'loka 79. When four planets whereof Mercury
should be one, come together decanate of a sign, ma
that part of the body indicated by the drekfcana will
invanably get an ulcer or wound or some mark accord'
mg ts the plar cts coming togtthu arc fcenefic or malefic,

pint bf tht body Indicated by the donate occupied

SI. 79 fptfStswiT: 171

by Venu3 (in case Venus becomes an Asubha) will

have an ulcer, wound or mark. [This applies if Venus
is alone.] If Venus be aspected by benefics, a mole or
mark will be causid. If hi be in conjunction with
benefics, the person will possess an auspicious mark in
the portion of the body indicated.

Venus becomes an (Asubha) if he be in combustion (that
is within 5’ from the Sjo) or if he be weak in Navamsa or be in

inunical house, etc. Sone books read the 3rd quarter of the sloka
thus’ iTTOtsp?: 7$ esWtTfi) The translation will then be
“A malefic planet in the 6th bhava from the Lagna brings on the
ulcer or wound tn that part of the body which the Rasi indicates.',
1 he reading gsi & is better, ta here means the 6th planet or

In the example given in the previous sloka, Venus is in a

neutral house fair) less powerful than {Swagriha! or sff
(Uchcha). He is going to the operative conjunction— hence weak.
He is in 5T?pni<r (Satru navamsa). Hence he is an 3T5J*t (Asubha).
He will therefore cause a mark on the right eye.
This ’sloka indicates permanent marks caused ifrom birth.
The time when the ulcers, etc indicated as above occur will be

during the Dasas and Antardasas as mentioned m Ch. VIII — sl.21

of Bnhat gataka.

*it 5r^r sPirr^f^ ii

*5m:5ii*u m ?tfs^fr *pi: it

gw£S^3 <uirs«r I

<*»! ^rrar ^ yjicTT t

^4 ilr inr ^mRr it

17 2 snrniffcsict Adh. Ill

fWtftsFRftfrTC <55^ I

# wwi %pn*riW^ smnCTifcira

SL-ka. 80 A knowledge of miscellaneous births, the

effect dueconception under various lagna and planet'
ary positions, the ascertainment of the time of birth
of a child, all this has been treated of in this Chapter
as declared by the wretf w?f}rf^(Achirya Varahamihira).
Thus ends the 3rd Adhyaya, on Conception and
13irth in the work (Jatakapanjata) compiled
by Vaidyanatha under the auspices of the nine planets.

Adhyaya IV.

Death incidental to Childhood.

In this Adhyaya, Slokas 17-18, 32 to 39 and 99 have been

taken from Brihit Jntaka

OTirnfar qres&rfsrpfa ?ren>! ii ? n

3rra swflfawM g ftm/^rn'rat'. i

isjTfg 31:33 n H II

ml 5tiOTtetntr TOnf -ftnifte snjyrftaft 3ng 1

3R7 3I3TffrHTT ^ 313 ! 3T3F31J; II 3 II

Sloka 1. In thecase of viviparous creatures, it 13 not

possible to determine the period of life within the first
twelve years- In consequence of the sinful acts of the
parents (whether in this or in a previous birth), the
child meets With destruction being seised by demons
called sir-tos (Balagrahas).
Sloka the child dies
J. If m the first 4 years, it is

because of the mother’s sins If m the middle 4 years, it

isowing to the accumulated sins of the father. If it

comes by its death in the last 4 years, it must be due

to its own sins (in a previous birth).


174 Adh. IV

Sloka 3 *
The first 8 years in men’s lives is the
period of srarffe (Bahrishta — ills that afflict children).
Tilt the 20th year, they say, it is the ’rmrrte (Yogari'

3 hta) period (evil brought onbv planetary conjunctions).

It is called ^7133 (Alpayus) or short life when the
period extends up to 32. It is called JrcTwgn (Madhya
mayus) or middle age when the period of life extends to
70 years. It is ’17^3 ** (Purnayus) when the period of

life extends to 103 years.

Mantreswara m whose work Phaladecpika also (Tv^tfNTl) these
three slokas appear vrbstin suggests in the following sloka th
methods to be adopted for palliating the evil effects described.

wrysV ^ from mal vtz fhr'V'm^mi^ 7^7. fl

Regarding the three divisions of Ayus mentioned in Sloka C

he adds
=nfsmi3Jnh snrowt xm-
rjhirtr cmfa ^ mr gih nfa l

^rt trymRr <rrra ntfasr 11

Fid* also the Following from Sy-Mi'l

wx ftnfhxmr II

Also nghifk^’iimh

T 7T*T?T |

-W ^TRT<* a* <?. < t,?l g II

ft^rxfrijgr. Vrh-Vfxxrranfir I

err? /?E7nnv ntf&rr I


T^rsn^iftinr I
SI. 5-6 175

SI oka 4 Even Jupiter may occupy the Lagna ; but

if the Moon be in the 8th, the 12th or the 6th bhiva
and be aspectcd by the malefic planet Rahu, the child
meets with death.
ef, ?wr
irl« trs nrRra i

[ wt qpraqfcra qr i

qrar sq qrfl <rqr qtqfttfTiTft qr n M n

Sloka 6 When the Moon is in the (Gandantha)

portion of a NaUhatra *i«[R and is aspectcd by,
or in conjunction with, a tmlcfic planet th: child meets
with early death The same thing happens when the
Moon happens to be in the (Mntyu) *rg; or fateful
portions of the several Rasis {VuU Adhyaya f Sloka
57, <upra) or is aspectcd by a malefn, phnet.
cf ’P'Ttfbri

q-rh m
ivnrph Ppprr^r fc^mTratif^ snnfa t

nrefurnh xj m nfr few n

Fcr Gmdinlba (‘•tt ), ude \dhya>i 122 »•/»»

qrafnrrroqqiqig^ra wmsi qi^?rai q qrs: I

sqrf^% qzrqwnfr. Tw»rag cm: <5rw I! 5 v

Slot i 6 The fath r, the mother, the brother, the
maternal uncle, the rother's mother, the moth-r'a father
or the child itself v. ill die soon when the 5th or the 9th
[vn) BKva from the Lapna hea(Krunratsi) Trnfb (male
f *c ngn) and cccupud rtiptcuvrly by the bun. ifctr Mcco,

176 Adh IV

Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus or Saturn

This is ftvidentlj taken from ISTHTTW The reading in that
work is slightly different t

^ ffrpr^ *tt jrjtt ti

*TT^ yjA* m I

^w grrabi srofan Harass 11 ^ »

SJcfca 7 * When the Sun and the Moon are together

in the 4th tin (Bhava) from the Lagna and Saturn ts in

the 7th, they all conspire to bring about the mother s

death Wh’never a malignant planet is in the 6th

( Bhava), it may occasion a brother's death

‘Ftrji half) ef ^rmrrTT
«*»arvg'ni vnh «[«.<< -<u i

tf? cnrft pF* n

(Laffer half)
For tbfc same effect i e , the follow mg slola frem
" 'tl he found useful

n^r vncftni'ft Viin'i'ii!fiS?vrnrrrr|nl i

wVira *mr *faT ^fcrvrgn Hqruvmgw u

^gk?iwnn?Rt I

gmitePFafl «ntra urat Hjjlfl tcih, 11 <i n

Sloka 8 If the rising sign and the Moon
he aspect-
ed by malefic planets and at the same time be not
aspected by or connected with ben-fic ones, and if
Jupiter be not in the Kendra, the mother of the new'
born infant wifi die.
51. 9-10 177

^ cf.
^ 'mmt i

jn^TRnY WMn?i 5prxc sjvr !l

3*n# flwng; i

«ra# ?ifp^ g^nfi ftqtftsffi sratf ^ n h^t il

Sloka 9. When the Moon is in conjunction with

Saturn and the Sun is in the 1 ah house from the Lagna
and Mars in the 4th, the mother perishes with the child.

ffarcmra swo ann? wi ll ?° 11

Slok'i 10. If the rising sign and the be Moon

devoid of benefic aspects and be betwixt two malefic
planets, the young woman and her child die together or
separately, say all the astrologers

Lagna or the Moon to be jn the midst of two maUfica should
be within a distance of 5 on either side.

Sat. 13'
Lagna 9’
Mars 5 a
_Moon 2 _
Sun 29’
Merc. 20=
Venus 16
An example.

Jupiter 6°

f/« suurtff
nnraren m n wm I
an tjriFff ^ If^r ^ «ttrs t Hti’ir

oA'!} *r ^r*qtfrT5Tar i

giWT^ra ^r nwgfn fwnt II

Also 3u ii't< „ ^
9fu*a^if jproflpn^f fttfriTti^r utnr hmt i

gWrsftsraf^ ?na9WI»5 frtn^ sft I

TOTTOH1CT*mif3 f<3 nVf!T^!®3 I

qm^n^ *3<r3 ,311 *ti =itfl 3571 fttqq g *rer: ll ?? il

Sloka 11 When malefic planets occupy the 6th,

(Bhava) from the Lagna and
the 8th and the 12th
benefic planets, and when
are not in conjunction with
Venus or Jupiter is between two malefic planets, the

Iying'in woman and her child die forthwith,

HMlfcWrat TN#Tft
gir^ftqfJrai i

^ ^Ftfeawf qfi "*11^ ii n
S/oAo 12. When the lord of a month of advanced
pregnancy is malefic and evil planets occupy the Lagna
and the 7th vnb.mg neither in conjunction
with bencfic nor aspected by them, the pregnant
woman meets with d’ath consequence of in operation
, i Notes
*</• j^mr—

nrotrviqm frsMrrVi nnmr nqoi anff^ux it

be tefere 7 month* the d-uh is b> nn abortion nnd the

If »t
after effects of abortion The month of dc-th of a pregnant woman
can be easil> determined in the following manner Tho several
SI 13-15 17S

planets ruling over the ten months (in embryo) are given in the
17th slota !"/<». Whichever planet is weakest will cause the
death of the vcman m his month The day also may he similarly
determined is per sloka 39

nraa: Tir<Ht:w%: 1

toto#? vfc wfm tost mt ft# zmfr U" 11

Sloka 13. When evil planets occupy the 4th place

from the Moon and ire not asp-»cted by or in conjunct
tion with benefic planets, the mother of the new born
child will die The same event hipnettt ,wS*n evil
planct3 occupy the 10th place fiom the \fo m and the
Sun is among them
is another reading in the 2nd quarter of
the sloka

gffir sraii* aisro tot ^jtt npfttsf^ai 11 ?s 11

Sfokj 14 When the Sun possessing abundant

Strength ^ occupies the 3rd place from Venus and is

aspectcd by or m
conjunction with Saturn, and the

Moon is either on the wane or in conjunction with a

malefic planet the mother and her child die quickly

stttt# tow «ri% sptotji ft# l

sfesarfl# tot ?ro<rei # wft 11 11

Sloka 15 When
Sun or Mars occupies the
8th place from the Lagna, and the Moon is on the wane
and is asp^cted by malefic planets, and is void of bcnefic
aspects, the mother will die

^T^ tT# 1
— '

sra 'idra'W ^r ^rr i

«nxi^mv:>iQf^Tar v ^r^rfsiaT i

3T tnSgm i«rrsj?t il

Also g®rrc * ........

guTT^^f ra<?*iT^r tsw *
giny^cTT^n^at ^ <r^f &*w+ f<t~tft

qgTTOfflCT«Prg% ftj ^355^3 1

qrTRTtit gg^J ,3fl *n ^rfi hj?i raqn g *ra: ? ? II II

Sloia il " When unlefic planets occupy

the 6th,

the 8th and the 12th m? (Bhava)

from the Lagoa and
arc not in conjunction with benefic planets,
and when
Venus or Jupiter is between two malefic plinett, the

lying-in woman and her child die forthwith.

cramim qR wLro’t

g%»r 3tE sgqra nfW

Sloka 12*

When the lord of a

11 n
of advanced
pregnancy is malefic and evil planets occupy the Lagni
and the 7th «n (%ava) being neither in conjunction
with benefic planets, nor aspected by them, the pregnant
woman meets with death in consequence of on operation*
_ Notes
* </• St'rfn f

atT'-traniY. ^vrrsrfiWi strife *i^twir I

jn^Tirevtif fttufsf; arrir rrcet ^nriT^rx n

If it be before 7 months the death «s u> *tn abortion nod the

after eflects of abortion The month o c death of a pregnant woman
can be east!} determined m the following manner The several
SI. 13-15 **3s*fs' ,TT£i: 171

planets ruling over the ten months (in embryo) are given m the
17th sloka t »f <*. Whichever planet is weakest will cause the
death of the v oman m his month The day also may be similarly
determined is per *io!<a 39 n f ra .

ffalr; uhrcregwi I

ssiro^if sr- frcMt sttto srar faro unfs II ?3 II

Shk a 13. When evil planets occupy the 4th place

from the Moon and are not aspect >d by or in ronjunc*
tion with benefic planets, the mother of the new born
child will die The same event hapocos.wVn evil
planet3 occupy the 10th place fiom the Mo m tnd the
Sun is among them
ansrfW% ^*r?T5l9gr3> is another reading in the 2nd quarter of
the sloka

ganjfr nr, nit tort hr-’topto =rr I

#r to wt uro tot ngfi raq>sf%i n ?» ii

Slokj 14 When the Sun

abundant possessing
strength ^ occupies the 3rd place from Venus and is
aspected by cr is m
conjunction with Saturn, and the
Moon is either on the wane or in conjunction with a
malefic planet the mother and her child die quickly


firoia urai if ttoi ii ii

Sfofefl 15 When
Sun or Mars occupies the
8th place from the Lagna, and the Moon is on the wane
and is aspected by malefic planets, and is void of benefic
aspects, the mother will die.

UfTOsfRft afigroftraiTl


180 silicic! Adh. IV


sm? ii ?$ ii

Sbka 16 If Mars occupy the 9th or the 5th place

from Venus during the day, if Saturn occupy the same

position with respect to the Moon during the night and
the Moon be weak and aspected by milefic planets and
devoid of all benefic aspects, the mother meets* with

tf. ffw ,

f^JFET: fWf: &

Itjtfc.liltfh fT-T^ 'tif'U.llJJUi; I


Also «nn<Si
«a*5i^fit£wm*n tftirc irc-pfi} mri i

ffat? «rr^T rttv II

ftftr fa£W-t n*^ qmftfrfifct i

%r eptravr wfc **>*& «=r^ u

But according to Garga, if Mars and Saturn be in the 5th or

the 9th house from Venus and unaspected by Jupiter and Venus,
the child does not promote the well-being of the father,

nrn^rntrair sysng <n* vrfc^Pr nr i

Sritteir rjrtpRnf'n ftrg : «

toJt nRcn:
^ ^rraTPrq%: n ?\s ii

6lolu 17. 8rom tbs time of conception

of the

SI. 17 181

embryo to the time of delivery of the child from the

womb m the 10th month, there are several stages of
development In the 1st month the semen will be in a
liquid state still and the lord of the month is Venus
During the 2nd month, the embrvo hardens and becomes
more solid, and the lord of the month is Mirs The
lord of, the did month during wiich the limbs sprout up
is Jupiter. In the 4th month, the bone is formed and
the Sun is the lord In the 5th, the skin appears and
the lord of the month is the Moon. In the 6th month
the hair begins to grow The 1 ird of the month is
Saturn In the 7th month whereof the lord is M*rcary,
consciousness appears The lords of the rem lining three
months vi; , the Sth the 9th and the 10th during
which the fetus becomes pilpab'e feels thirst and hunger,
draws sustain ce fro n the mother throjgh the uinm'ical
-cord moves abaut fsnakeO and be-om’s fu for d ‘li-
very —
the lords during th^se months are respectively the
lord of the (Adhani Lagoa) the Moon and the
Sun The good or evil hapnening to the child during
each month is dependent on the condition of its lord
l. e if the lord of the month is strong and occupies
benefic positions, the child is happy , if the lord of
the month is weak, in its depression sign conquered 3

in planetary fights and troubled, the child suffers and

there will be miscarriage, etc
- Jupiter is the planet that gives brain and head in tne 3rd
month The Sun rules the 4th month as he governs the bones.
That is why after three months miscarriage is not possible. If, at
the time of conception, the Sun is strong, the issue will resemble
the father If the Moon is strong, the issue Will resemble the
mother if any planet at the time of conception be weaV, then the -•

fetus will suffer m health in the month governed by that planet.


fq a$

' 4
Also nrrnjff
tp&RT HVTzftv) 3T48% |

JTT^SBir Rt tjwir tjqf q qqrr a*fl^T 1

cprEr nm ovi <tot> 3 ^ <r?ircC nft II

^g*rt^5i^r^4rn3vi[4c5n%iri^CTri i

WlfFTiTC 8JW3J*? fh*?T^ ))

According to Yavanacharya the lords of the first and second

months are Mars and Venus respectively for he «a>s

uraiftoirort n -r$r *mr an{q^jtTr% r

Vasishta hold3 the former \ien cf

op ^ tfrgtgtf 1

inmPrTT ^ lEFrat ^trf rrflf^fjr prnqra n

Balabhadra says with regard to the above t*o contradictory
“ MW*ift'^n^?^rtf3;<Tcnj;jt^2<ir<.ti3r7!jfTT
?mr|f^ |
qjterawru. m^rxrT9 inrin^ 1 nqr q rrrr

JUjJt »?{?« JTW iJTBlVXTH »jfj


fA<ft4 wtRt aj^fninmujlrst^ n

nvr’f wi\iw JtraiPjiTrsfs'tr 1

anrfeuroqr *rrfa =13-4 mvviijbn

<ra> *nfir *ta^q*nn«i ntrw 1

BgfS'(T«5 q% aw mmtir? ((
S), 18

STT^r^^fT 'TOrhto nf?«w jJV i

<sn*JR3UMlft 5Tlfa ^^CTTTHViqf 5^5J^ H

®4f*if mimvsT Brasil tost ‘sryfr i

jtirt totcu to: II

*rer flwmf ftt£r »Trat susmnVfr i

n/ro^rjlgq *?rft snritar s?rq«TO II

^grasra'Iira^nvR: g<i ^ irif asm R$%rs ii?«ii

Sloka 18 If bene ics occupy f

the Ldgna or be m
conjunction with the Moon and be aspected by Jupiter
and the malefics occupy the 3rd and the 1 1 th, safe deli'
very is assured I f b’nefics occupy any of the following
houses, v>tz., the 5th, the 9th the 7th the 2nd, the 4th
and the 10th, reckoned from either the Moon or the
Lagna and be at the same time aspected by Jupiter, then

also safe delivery may be predicted
Some books read tftnr fRr/*r<T (Ravina Nireekshitaha)
There are two distinct yoga in this sloka as stated above
The commentator Bhattotpalado & not however accept the reading
given in the text but would have the other reading and would
interpret it thus \V hen benefic planets are m the rising sign
or in conjunction with the Moon, or occupy one or more of the
following places vts , the 5th, the 9th, the 7th the 2nd, the 4th
and the 10th and when the malefic planets are in Ihfc 3rd or the
11th or in both, the fetus is happy if the Moon or the rising sign

in the positions described be aspected by the Sun He quotes in

suppof i i n e rdu o wi ng-
' rr om 77Tfra#i

tmfavwqfa ^ IW tfqqr II

This is further supported by the following sloka from JFirjSf

53*fl?Ti'U I

*ra mtqirriSTO wrasrSi rerr ti
184 tSTCERTORara Adh IV

supported by the following worho

But the other reading is

ws.tro 1 ~
rrti <n ftp! 3>i I

tiAtrg^orti^raiRHnB^ gtr it

snrrr giiTrruMTnbinxnrTy'i i

aiA hups. w& 3% asr rragJ Pt&m n

Also ifsttran?!

^Jrsn^sirVT Hrvznurr mrfed n

qrqr/^f0 ;T^ns5 rsi^«r

r i

afooraw 1

«tfMttta*ns!TOi rrrra jjs[ 1

awmito n»T «g°faT?3W^ H

In the light fif the abo\e quotations gw pTTfocT (Gunwa
Nirechubithaha) would appear to bh the original and correct read-
ing and ChF'WlfitJrr (Ra\in*\ \ireeksbithaha) must be an Inter
polation m Varahamihira s work and must have been followed »by
later authors like (Kaljana\anran) ard jjqwt (Gona
kara) Varahamihira has u«ed angfc^ (a^bhanaihi) tr<r5 (Papa —
kaibi) is another reading— which means more than two malefics
1 t ,
three or more Rahu and Ketu are not reckoned as forming
part of the malefics in this yoga, for, at the end of the {^V^-fW
(Nishekadhjaja Skanda h«s said
VI «agH(wr»ar 1

Him ^tm^rr n

The three malefics can therefore be none other than the Sun,
Mars and Saturn

to g nun
Slokj 19 When the Sun and Saturn occupy the
12th place from the Lagna, and the waning Moon, the
7th place, they predict the loss of the father quickly.
In case the Moon is aspected by benefic planets, this*

event takes place in 3 years. ,

* ,

'Jxtro 71^% vT'rrqf jqtlw wr l .

wggar. t^pti Rfir fwi IR°ii

Sloka 20. If the birth takes place at night when
the Moon occupies a moveable sign, being aspected by
Mercury, the father of the new-born child has to go on
a journey to a far region. If Saturn and the Sun occupy
a moveable sign at the time of birth in question, the
father goes to a' foreign country and there meets 'With
. . Notes.
, For the latter half, cf» 5ptrwra> > __

ar fafcmnt ii

• Also J 1

fa^W oroafa Rm't it

Wafa ftcTTWfa <ri^i vrra sft*: »

Vide also III —47 Supra .

TOtR R ftvpRt ftTR 3 "IRS: I

^i^i: ll =??_n

Sloka 21. When the waning Moon occupies the

rising sign and a malefic planet fs in the (Kendra) or
in the 8th place from the Lagna, the child dies- If bene*
fic planets occupy the Sth or the 6th from' the Lagna
Adh. IV

and be aspected by malefic ones, the child goes to Yaraa’s

city in a month.
cf* gR'Rwi.

5fl»r TOlft ftsir 1

ipiiti ^;n ii

$5r ?rftift ftA watoTiiifite'qi qft: i

qfaireS =j?s: fra: fra?i Pfels II

^Kn: ’TOISWr: I

tor ^ gte; {ist: l|

Also JHP13TRH*
m>rwt sit =rtot: i

to?to fair tor ^ =t an*t: u

OTt *1 ESI Rrro I

TO1 5TOI« 3 B5R: II

awt 3# *t: # >T!fa R!TO |

h aiffi »?TOfc.TO II

tort #r wra^i; *g: irhii

5 loka 22 . Saturn, Mars and the Sun being together
in the 8th or the 6th house from the Lagna and being
neither in conjunction with benefic planets, nor aspect'
ed by them; bring about the death of the new-born child
at once.

sr# Hire 3m sWilfrnSft i

TOflHftraironH'tft ft*;: n 33 n
Slokci 23. V/hen Mars occupies a Navamsa owned
by the Moon in the 7th place from the Lagna, and is
SI. 24-27 *tpns«qm: .

not aspected by benefic planets, the death of the new-

born child happens on the coming of the 77th Nakshatra
(from the star of the nativity).
-• sercsrROTfcra: I

Sloka 24.
When Saturn, Mars and the Sun occupy
II ^8 II

the 5th place from the Lagna, the astrologer miy predict
the death of the new-born infant upon the coming of
the 77th star reckoned from that of the nativity.

r sfase \

?T<im qa^itfr u sh n

Sloka 25. When Mars is in a Navamsa owned by

the Moon or the rising sign, and is not aspected by
Jupiter and when the Moon is in the 5th place from the
Lagna, the child dies quickly.
^ <V44<ii

Sloka 26. When


the lord of the rising Bijn is In



his depression, and when Saturn is in the 5th or 7th

house from the Lagna, the child almost still-born' dies •*

after much suffering.

cf. xjtwricn; -

W^Jl ftuKwft f^ffd 11

snwfeTObHdl TOnx ’TK I

to qr vtito mm
Sloka 27. When the Sun and other planets occupy
the ^nrt%n (Apoklima) places (3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th) and
1S8 HTcTWfcsm* Adh. IV

are strength'less, the life of the child, say those that

know the science of astrology, is either a couple of
months or six months
Cf srira*
WTlfpr Pw i

vmm 31 fsnm 31 mrs II

OTtff(?STswir W# SWR 1


^5^755? f%2 siterW »: II =<: II

Sloka 28 When the Moon occupies the rising

sign, the 6th the 8th or the 12th place from it, and is
aspectcd by a malefic planet, but has no benefic aspect
and \yhen the Kendra places are unoccupied by benefjc
planets, the new born infant will die
2 ins sloka appears to hat e been taken from (Sam all)
lo that v.ork the first half reads thus
5T?R g%5 |

is another reading Vt&r also sloka 34 infra,

^ toft ^ *rr i

^231 ? TRtTn^s
1 Sloka 79 When Saturn occupies the 7th place
from the Lagna, or ts in the Lagna itself, and
when the
rising sign is a watery one and the
Moon occupies the
Lagna or tfire tVrischrla) and when benefic p l lnet s arc
in the Kendras, the Yavanas say that the n-w
born child
will die quickly

Slola 30

rai RTSPJiggtift r: h % 0 «
Jupiter occupies a nfh
owned by Mars or is m his depression
and when the
SI. 81-32 189

birth takes place precisely in any one of the 3 Sandhyas t

t. c., the point of junction between night and day, day

and night or mid-day, the child will die in a month.

sfast&sfa sn??ofer ii

qtra^tauKi strata wk ramg, i

traira 11 3? n
Sloka 31 If Mars, the Sun and Saturn occupy the
8th house from the Lagna, the new-born child will die'
in a month. If Ketu occupies the Lagna, the child will
pass off in 2 months,
c /. mm?}
srrasr i

faq«5ti;fa n ?tCf qff^cRyt'fcr il

? 3* % I

urettfvr f^Rf^tra^T «nrer ii

^>4 #14
32. If two
w ^4 44#?^ 1134
malefic planets occupy one the

Lagna and the other the 7th place from it, and if the
Moon be in conjunction with a malignant planet and be
not aspected by benefic ones, the death of the new-born
child will soon happen.
if one malefic
Lagna be in opposition with another
in Ihe
-malefic in the 7th bhava ard the Moon is in conjunction with a
malefic mropectrd bj Lcnefics, it mil lead to death.
The word Sf (Krura) may mean Mars onlj. If the Moon
be with Mars while the Sen and Saturn are in opposition in the

1st and the 7th bosses, then it will Lc twilight.

190 Adh. IV

Moon Moon |

Mars Saturn!

Sun Mars

Venus Sun
Merc Saturu

Jupiter jjupiter


<Fit nr R<m mr$ i

«F^3^sf^n^c3 I

Also *r^trn
*t?t m^mrmrifriv i

a^a^wre-TT a ^nm: u

stkw *ro. wr-wi nFJim i

#i ftwn «wt ifl^’iia’iSi: I

%% gura
Sloka J$. If the
=t ^ Rr $nw iri^
wmmg Moon
occupy the 12th
n n

place from the Lagna and all the malefic planets be in

the Lagna and the 8th place from it, and the benefit, ones
be not in the Kendras, the astrologer may predict the
death of the new-born child at once.
When the ». 0 ,.C Moon „
tolled of u bn^
,„ the ,j th hmM _
(hen .ho Son most ho ,n the Lopa
Therefore ,n
.he fire, end one ,„ .he 8 th or .11 .he
three „.. the Mcs
pose Three m.lefie, „„„
s b.dfcr .,fe Too
,»U*h. Uo* „ U«
, n»lefic, .he Lagna qulncnn , asp «,
n.th a malefic » .he 8.h house or the Snn „ smB the „
SI. 34 301

quincunx aspect to tno nilefics in the 8th house n conjunction r
also bad

Moon Lai;n l Mercur) Jupiter

Sun Vents


ej. tnvrt
'TN: *rm i

=rra*i «rtomvi ttti. ^sp?r. n

AJ'o miff

sfm ^ *wra- qrhi?Tn?mh.

O'-^uiwuh: w*V£fhf*r Putt *iVt;


ijyl I

STOKlRdt UWfifa3«r II 38 II

Sloka 34. When the Moon m conjunction with

a malefic planet occupies the rising sign, the 8th, the 7th
or the 12th place from it, and be not aspcctcd by benefic
planets, these latter being m positions other than the
Kendras, the death of the newborn infant will happen
THjf is’anothcr readme. c/. the sloka quoted from

gni3»t (Saravafi) in the notes to sloka 28, Sttf’to.

192 Adh.IV


X^5 ^igd t Jj t^i *U (• grt • I

*£^*3 tins?* ii

Tbe word (Krura) may mean Mars who unfailingly causes

death, and as he is one of the planets governing childhood in the
•rStfw^yT (Naisargtka dasaj Then the Moon in conjunction
with Mars in the 12th or the LagnarulL mean that the Moon is

just risen or rising Note that the Moon in the 12th 1st, 7th and
8th houses is bad [Vide Bnhat Jataka XX—4 &. 5) The Moon in
the 1st, 7th, 8th or 12th, that is, the rising or setting position for
Moon m conjunction with Mars is bad when benches are not m
angular positions This is also the western principle

3?hn mnw; ^stratsj l

sraferratM strafe ^
Wi0 ^ n ^ ||

Sloka 35. When the Moon

occupies the 6th or
the 8th place from the Lagna and is aspected
by mahg'
nant planets, the death cf the new born
infant follows
quickly. If the Moon in the position
described be as-
pected by benefic planets the child
will l lve 8 year,
If aspected fay benefic and malefic
planets mined toother,
it will five only 4 a eats tf the ford of
the lag’na be
benefic and in the 7th m
operating conjunction with a
malefic and in affliction with three
malefics, then the
child dies m a. month
The Moon m tie 6th or 811 is ceneralty bad \V,1, Br.llt
jattta Chapter XX) If she , 5 also attend in oppose,™ b, if
Sun. Mala and Saturn (malefics becoming
onentat), „ fca<i f„
When such Moon n m opposition with benches {all the three)
— — ;

51. 35 193

it is bad for life before 8th jear. According to the Naisargiha

Dasa, Mercury that governs the period from the *th to the
tt is

1 2th year of a child.

When the Moon is in opposition with malefics and benefits

it will shorten the life by 4 years.

In the above, if the combination be of

(1) three benefics and 1 malefic, the child will live 7 vcars
(2) three benefics and 2 malefics, the child will'll ve 5 years;
(3) one benefic and 3 malefics, the child will live 1 year,
(4) two benefics and 3 malefics, the child will live 2 years
trofamraRr raft tnjrewirlTtfrorar swi i

• rai; n

3T5J«3J»t: i

^TTci: tflattr; H

Latter half
As interpreted by me i. r., 3* TOfiftit >WT
HfKalathrasahithe Vilagnadhipe bubhe papavijith6 sathi), the fol"

lowing is an example —

Sun Venus
Mars may be in
Kumbha, Meena or
Mithuna. Jupiter
and Saturn are in
the same degree


The lord of the Lagna, *• *•» Jupiter is in the 7th in operating

conjunction with Saturn, a malefic He is further afflicted by 3
malefics, vis , Mars, Sun, and Mercury (who should be considered
as a malefic when in conjunction with a malefic planet). The
ruler of the Lagna, (the benefic Jupiter in this case) is setting in
the 7th house m operating conjunction with a malefic while it is in

25 :

m Adfa IV

aSicJiop witt three otter malefic*; which are rising. This wilt
lead to death \\ ithin a month


1 Lagna
Another ]
example |

Venu 1-


Mars I

AT B »— In these two cases Mercury 'bould be taken as a

malefic ad otherwise the >og& will not be complete
The commentator BhaltotpaU *-a\s m connection with this
“ ynnjr TCTErnit fteqfaror* I

ys7%tn up* <nnw?i *1m2mnr wrcnrcT urrsnmi

srgfa Mnw?‘ n

That is if the Moon in the 6th or the 8th place be not aspect
ed by any planet the child will not die Again, when the Moon
in the 6th or the 8th bhava happens to be in a house owned 1} a
benefit planet, or, being in a Risi of a malefic planet be at the

same tune in conjunction with benefic one*; then too, tha child
will not die In support of the above he quotes from \ a vanes
war* the follow mg sloka —
ew*3*fl MvptrilsgvT^ ulsuut j

Wjn^l w ||

He aUo adds that the Moon m the 6th or the 8th house fro’1

the Lagoa andaspected bj planets whether benefic

or malefic does
not cause death tollic native when the birth happens to be lb* m
day time dutmw lie dark half of i nopth, or , n the n«gbt 1

during the brgbt half cf A mi nth <7 cb

Bt.hat Jatoka Cl rpter Mol* MU $ ) an d quotes m supper*
tf this the following siol a tl\ ?5 ) from
ManJavj 1 ft -r-sg) ,<crt
SI 35

gs* faii vT^r?r «fftn«n sprrs^T^ra l

n g?^rr rlgftjnsnnftsfr ^mrnrg teatf ftd5 fog «r sw «

lhe commentator ndds — ‘‘

tlfeswl’ ‘IT 5JV

f?'4ci qicr^# <mre *trnw *trt fonnfffta i

wnFirfeT st3 Hf?K*iHrc** *!***% ftetfirmnt i *ren5 ?


RIcq^RTT ^F** I

srrsnT'WtST tinT^fararttislT^f *r sj^cr i

TTT»r*r ^5 qitrfsrar 8Hiwr& II

Also JnrtRi
wr qftr&t i

srrwfffiro *ry» ?j»t£b *?*?fe$** u

'<(ft<8?'«Wf*s&r7 sri* stoge-m i

sr«r?5is*tr«TW»r *r^fWi®r^ i

qfai&rer *?w«ig *< 3* •»

fa^ft ftftri* gfa i

t^m^r ^ araw wranr^rurr^ n

\ ott —The 6th

uul the 8th bhtvas are consideretlbad.be
cause, one and the other has already set
is setting (Bad planets

,n those blm as are better there than

good ones cf Pi mi
Sbashtashtaroeshu (Brihat Jatalm
tfTFJE^S VipareetJnm nbppha
benefics to the Moon in these
two places
XW)0) Opposition of
only hastens death
{ArivicasaJ to mean
Again some take the words
the 8 th fron the 6th house, the La^na, and
» *

(Asupapekshite) when aspected by the Sun (also called wpimr

(Asug&mee) or -JCT'n "f
(Seeghragamee) and in support oF the
f r
-Jhso’«vTi 4'irc*bifc nil rcrfrrug^roru^lWi \^ v^oiaii

~ ?r7ot^ *% ^w*wi*OT t

«?I °?T g?irfP?t 5HU ^ 11

The word (Atha) m the 2nd (Pada) of the text has been
m ^
above given (.n thejrst
understood to mean “xufh the condition f

quarter of the sloka) « * when —

the weak Moon the Lagna is

190 Adh. IV

aspected by the Sun and further b> =$3 (Suhhaihi) ’ * ,

Jupiter and Venus then the child a ill lue for 8 years
r/ 'fair
jJVTTfVfa |

srrgisijrsr q-ro g> ti

J3y v'tpiU (dalamathascha misreh'hite) is meant

when the weak Moon m the L3gna is aspected by the 3 benefics
and also b; the 3 malefics, the child trill in this case live only
for 4 years

!J*T |

In the 3rd 'TIT (pada) o' the sloka in the te\t, if the
(padachcheda) be made as (Abalibhihi), the meaning will
be " when the full Moon in the Lagna (being benefic) is aspected
by 3 weak malefic s, the child will live only for one month
cf tfnr
«t;ft5 snr Rranwr )

The 4th quarter may also be interpreted thus " When th“
lord of the Lagn«vis defeated by a malefic planet
in planetary war
and the benefic Moon occupies the 7tt> house being aspected by
the 3 weak malefics the maximum life of the child
will be one
month cf $pf<r

rn g =r


53tt rM^i m ft^inmiipt:

it ii

Slota 36 When the Moon with Rahu is in con-

junction with another malefic (irr
espectlve of lts
SI. 3G ^ns^Erni: 197

position) and Mars occupies the 8th, both the mother

and the child will die and the death will ensue from

the effect of an operation if the Sun be in the Lagna.

(The force of g (Thu) can only be brought about as above.)
Again, when the Sun or the Moon occupies the
Lagna and malefics be in the 5th, 9th and 8th and
benefics in their strength do not aspect or be not in
conjunction with the Sun or the Moon in the Lagna,
the new-born child (and the mother) will die.
The words lifer =3^ (Gratthfi Chandrfi) ha\e been interpreted
Moon in association with Rahu " and not necessarily ‘eclipsed
as understood by some.

Mars Ketu Mars Ketu

afrago* $ Merc.
jg- ssjifcar s
Sun wnsra' Lagna
Merc. I Lagna
« Sun
Rahu Rahu
Moon |
pupiter Moon Jupiterjvenus
Saturn = aturn

Saturn Jupiter Ketu Mars

*4t g rnrcni:
Litiia >-ai

Venus 1 Moon* Mercury

1 Rahu

Gl **
conjunction with this ‘tfa l
The IX* (Asubha) in
“‘h' C"” '” I’ 0Wn ’” P
Ctafa)*., 1* BtoS.««'
m£T examples


iLattei half of.

Latter half ol gatutn
the Sloku |__— \ the Sloha L
Example Example U

more rational and

The interpretation given aboVe appears
(of the simultaneous demise of mother and child)
n. instances
that are of common occurrence mav be brought under the yogas
Slain In the first yoga, the Moon,
cted in the first half of the
is very much afflicted, being in con
whatever may be her position,
but also with another malefic, and
junction not only with Rahu
8th house is occupied by Mars as
well With the above, the
in the Lagoa is further necessarv to cause the
Sun’s position
Moreover, there wa* no necessity
demise as a result of operation
tothe word S’q'T (Asubha) if
u e he did not
for Viirabamihira
intent) any one of the planets
**- Saturn or the bun
, The wojd
(Lagnfc) should be taken only with^ll (Ravow) that is nevt

to it and need not apply to ^

(Chandrfc) in the first line which is

fir removed, inasmuch as so many words anfa-TPU

jfczj (Kujc Nidhanasrithfe Jamnisuthaj oiinnlbyu) intervene

The commentator Bhattotpala takes the word (GrastVn)

as referring to eclijse (lunar or solar) Iccordwg to his view
the translation of the first half of the slaha will be “when the
Moon m conjunction with Saturn is etlipsed the Lagna and m
Mars occupies the Stb place from it, both the mother -ind the child
will die, and the death will ensue from the effect of an operation
ifthe Sun be in the above position, (»• ‘ , if the Sun in coajanction
with Mercury and Saturn be eclipsed in the Lagna and Mars be in
SI. 37 199

the 8th place from it ) * So that such deaths should be expected

only in times of eclipses, ind tho c t by operation especially in the
Solar ones \ccording to tins .interpretation the word (Asu
bha) in (Asubhasafnthfe Giasfhfi CfiandreJ can
mean only Saturn and no othei malefic planet 1 or, an eclipse of
the Moon can occur only on a full moon day and the Sun will then
be in the 7th place or in direct ujij osilion Consequently Mercury
will not be near the Moon

Vlfc WB* i

JTrTTT 917 7^?* 7 57*3^ II

enS* qtijf ^ferrfci-ftoftwg i

not *rt<rrr*r omSrar *nj§r II

bfcii v% mm gm =r fmm: n ? u>h

Slolui 37. If Saturn, the Sun, the Moon
and Mars
occupy respectively the 12th, the 9th, the 1st and the
8th places, they will conspire to bring about the death
of creatures born under this combination, unless they
be aspected by Jupiter possessed of strength.
In the example given below the Sun is squire to Saturn
7 he Moon is quincunx to Mars

An example
Lagua Mars

Saturn Sun
200 Adh. IV

The Sun has gone down the midheaien while Saturn ascends
it The Moon is rising TOsngFir 4Tr>rr—(Balma Guruna
Veekshitaha) may mean onlj trine aspect (frlta Sfr'} (Tritons

ef. n®m:
*F3 I

tzrxrijiT^vj^ix^Trfjnw TnfV^t^rt
grwyrr?trat|V?^rera sra if

From the quotation given below from (Sara\ali), it

will be seen that the same effect is produced if Saturn and the Sun
interchange places in the yoga described in the teit

c> t£*i?TRRT I

*J7^T *T II

In order that the four planets may be aspected bj Jupiter, the

latter must occupy the 5th hou«=e from the Lagna If he should
aspect onlj some of them, or be weak though he might aspect all
the four planets the child wilt die It will escape death
only in
case Jupiter in full strength aspects all the four planets

Also iwiiiTt
^nctnrftr? i

srf^rr %flrai II

gw W 7! sntf^f^tnirg nR? i

The planets mentioned in the sloka in the te-rt as respectively

occupying the 12th, the 9th. the 1st and the 8th houses
may also
be taken in the following order, viz Saturn m
the 8th, the
Sun in
the 1st, the Moon in the 9th and Mars in the 12th
cf. iticul-uH'-q

The sloka is else eamM. o[ the follm.ne

,pl.ty«n<WTO»raiT rale t™. ihn,
,aterp,etat,o a; _
«nm„ acd
*PralPtOTrs.Il£|J into two thus sflraft
TO.IP5 V vVhe”
SI. 37 201

Saturn and the Sun arem the 12th and the Moon and Mars are m
when Saturn and the Sun are in the Lagoa and the
the 9th, or
Moon and Mars are in the 8th, unaspected by powerful Jupiter m
either case, the result will be the same

*j?t %sw i

cRt tpir OTmfsSa. li

w igt i

iRI BBT ||

The inverse order may also be applied in the aboie view.

Cf. xfcjr,

3PTCI qrcH'S'M <RT cW: I

stc! am nmiftlia. II


twat gjjtp# %xnn JimrSM II

The words sorjTr^JtKqvt'W may also mean the 8th house count-
ed From the 12th, the 9th and the 1st * e
the 7th, 4th and the
8 th from the Lagna. Cf, —
^feanf^sn i

aRWrei BB^it mam ?R: n

<P5^5>fa5rr: ndar ftm I

aTfgraBFaqimat RWBVmn n
Again, the words ^TltitKftwyr^lW^f are capable of being in-
terpreted as that is Saturn and the Sun,

Saturn and the Moon, and Saturn and Mars placed in the 7th, the

4th and the 8th houses from the Lagna Cf.

*SW cI^T



srsnffi B3g?EBi f firter jSFiit: i

HpmRro ?al ||

Adh IV


in conjunction
with a mate
The Moon

att-jrjwiaiSiM-- ,

i=asiK53S- '-**=s= NOTBS-


cmrts , r

ttfQ ud'l'ff u'l 31^ SffT I

sirsnu ?iig?3i'S*
^fiis l asm m u

necessarily be waning as opined t» .

The Mow Jim® need not
If she be in
conjunction with malefics loot one-
settles oi cuIaBabiB
may be interpceied as as^tn-lm
bases his opinion on the folio*
hcmon, it is enough Bhattotpala
mg quotation from trnnO—
faaans’-TOirfttVim sflan^asesr i

tftit Ejxir irasRt st 'll stSWflrcr I

aM ssaft nw sfat% fms W ll

Sloka j9 If a child is bora under a fateful combi-

yogi) whereof th» period has not
nation (wfteft* ^rwbta
child will take place
been specified, the death of the
when the Moon m
its periodical courses goes to the

house occupied at the time of birth by the strongest of

the planets producing the Anshta yoga (atftefrrr) The

same event may also happen whi»n the Moon goes to her

204 snrvufcrfii Adh IV

qisnrr ’ir tra^tRi ii

TRfiflfmw topi i

smRaftfir sifcprfil wi rai II

HW ^PlfCsTO =iT5lft WRU I


•-HM ’-l fd *1 1 dd C 1 'A h Id I tT-T-Jif V-i'J,rh t

s[5r wnfPRH tel jrfipr sfnrura n^raq. II »< n

3t^raft»rtfrrafefRt siTinii irmft Jtsrr^ lis^n

Sloka 40 Saturn in his retrograde motion, when
occupying a house of Mars a Kendra position, an
cal house or the Sth house (tom the Lagna
and aspected
by Mars in strength, gives a 2 years lease of life to the
new'bom child
Shka 41 Jupiter in a house of Mars and in the
8th house from the Lagoa and aspected by the Sun, the
Moon, Mars and Saturn, sends the new bom child to
the other world in 3 years, if devoid of Venus’ aspect

'rigtRl fijifrawsllv

These two si okas as wall as slokas 43
45 46 and 50 are
f rom

isict J&SX Hi*i gqitftttfirhmrSt


**$Z «*»**« mi
the 8th place from the ** the Gth °
Lagna and^el
and is aspected by the ° C ' Up,e5
Moon, th^ner-onT
person bom
will m .
SI. 43-46 *S3*trswtr<i: 205

years pay the debt of nature although possessed of every

kind of strength.
«/. mm'l
MiMWft mcq: ffisHsfa, I

?8#w^ -wi r
iriCTfa n

fsrgfj'fcffiT! #s*«h I

W 15IM?'):
Sloka 4h If the Sun, the Moon, Mata and Jupiter
II «3 II

be together in one sign at the time of birth, the death of

the new-born child comes to pass in 5 years. The same
happens when the group of planets m
one place consists
cf Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and the Moon or the Sun, ;

Saturn, Mars and the Moon.


qqfatfrmfww firm phpjot «if% wn

^ gvnTi5^f5nj8?n
RtftTsja: irfgfOT

^infr srrasr qsqqftij n ay n

Sloka 44. When Saturn occupies a Navanjsa own-
ed by the Moon and is aspected by that planet, and the
lord of the rising sign has also the Moon's aspect on it,
the child’s life will last for 6 years

toft hifS: qs# ^ n an n

Sloka 4G. If the rising ^"Ttor (Drekkana) be one
of those styled ftnss (Nigala-fetters), ^%-Ahi-snake).
fa55T'(V lhanga-bird), mrrar (Pasadhara-carrying a noose 1 t

and be occupied by a malefic planet and unaspec^'*


206 'artful Adh IV

its own lord, it would lead to the child’s death in 7

years [For the names of the Diekkatias in this sloha,

refer to £5=jm (Bnhat Jataka) ch 27, also snawft'Tm

(Jataka Panjata) Adhjaya 5,SIoka 55 znfra \

3Tr*n Hqszumtsrrf&aira; t

sir srcft #r i

tct 3 *nii»Wiftn*r%A *ng; n sg n

Sljkt 46 If the Sun, Saturn and Mars be m
the Lagni and the 7th house from it be a sign owned by
Venus and occupied by the waning Moon, and if Jupiter
aspect not that Moon, the death of the child may happen
in 7 or 8 years
The last quarter o f this sloka reads , n

STOHamSrai: i

*dHI *H1^ ’till 3 Mil'll VB It ||

SUka 41 1! the Sun. the Moon and Mars occupy

the 5th place from the Lagoa, the new-born
chili goes
to death s habitation in the 9th year

S’tPlH 5^1 ^ fU«jrn

™ cifd ^ {]

to! ftcmMlfi !nn#,p^w^iti

trR; qt g$5n srrc:
ffrijqfft 54
Sloko 48 lithe lord of the using
jign be a maleftc
planet and occupy the 12th place
from the Moon and be
SI. 49-51 207

aspected by malign planets, the child will die in 9 years.

The same event will happen if the lord of the rising
sign be in a Navamsa occupied by the Moon or happen
to be the lord of that Navamsa itself.
«/• fcKPtffT

<m; ttRihrt ftswt qft ^ i

Also JTTOit

<?wf esrcfife wn si?t ftjfaiw

^fprag: iRtft fivsfi; laatn. II

ii B<\ II

Sloka 49* When Saturn occupies a Navamsa own'

ed by Makara and is aspected by Mercury, the child

will live 10 year 8 and will have to experience hatred

since its birth.

tfli«n 5tri
^ II

Sloka 50. Mercury in conjunction with the Sun

and aspected by benefit planets, destroys the child in 11
years though brought up in the interim in regal comforts.

(This perhaps has referer.ee to an ^ftCTVT (Arishta yoga)
The latter half of this sloka reads thus Ultrcsft. .

fpm ||

'vt^CTTiravii ll *it II

Sloka 51. If the Sun be the lord of the sign occu*

Adh. IV

pied by the Moon and be m the 8th house from the

tiding sign in conjunction with Saturn and if Venus

aspects them, the child will pass a wav in the 12th year.

ci i«rp*

faph srfafoq we ^ifh ^ urffr gfa ^ I

%h T. *i*£Rfo q?: n

sqswifffcra to: ftMra I

fttU W WhenI Stfrl II ^ II

Sloka 52. Saturn occupies a Navamsa own-

ed by Vnschila and is aspected only by the Sun, the
child will live 12 years hated by the father

g^hwMt to stteferaM i

nign^ TO tots frofoi- II n

Sloka 53 When Saturn occupies a Navamsa own-
ed by Libra, and is by Jupiter alone, the child
will be disliked by the father and die in the 13ch year.

TOterafani ip^ TOTs-fomiMl i

to to: ^ ii k« ii
Sloka 54 When Saturn occupies a Navamsa own-
ed by Virgo and is aspected by Mercury, the
boy will
be ill-tempered and pass away in the 14th year.

to rij^ ^ Rfn%iT i

Sloka 15

When Saturn
u ^
occupies a Navamsa own-
ed by Leo and is aspects br Rahu, the child
will suffer
hurt inflicted by a sharp weapon and his life will consist
of 15 years
SI. 67-59 ogufswpi: 409

5ft %gtft55ftft I

5$ft51 iftw II II

Sloka 56 When Saturn occupies a Navamsa own

ed by Cancer and is aspected by Ketu, the person will
be hurt by a snake and die in his 16th year

5ft 5RTCPPI i

wtjl wfWi ga li H's u

Sloka 57 When Saturn occupies a Navatnsa own
ed by Gemini and is aspected by the lord of the rising
sign, the person will be a hero m
war, lead a life of great
luxury and his death will take place in his 17th year.

TOi#ra*ri2ira> 51 5 ftw I

gw fttft; neRSnft ft 55 55ift uv:ii

Sloka 58 If the lords of the rising sign and of

the 8th place from it be m each other s places and if
they be not benefic, the native dies in his 18th year
The same thing will happen when the lords of the Lag'
na and the 8th house are not benign “md the 12th or the
6th place is unoccupied by Jupiter
The 3rd 'TCTl (Pada) of this sloka reads 'as ft TITO*

uninT.ft’ft 5ft tiw 5 ftiifift 1

5J515S 515 551 ft? 5ft II H«. II

70155 51 5ft TfilRlift 515 gift (9515515551)1 Iftoll

210 Adh. IV

Sfofefl 59 When Saturn occupies a Nava rasa own-'

ed by Jupiter and is as pec ted by Raliu, and the lord of
the Lagna is not as pec ted by benefic planets, the new'
born child dies at once But if the lord of the rising
sign is m his exaltation, the life of the child is 19 years

Sfofen 60 When malefic planets occupy the Ken*

dras and are not aspected by the Moon and other benefic
•planets and when the Moon is in the 6th or the Sth
place from the Lagna, the child born lives happily up to
the end of the 20th year
Some ttww SOf»s restricting the period of life to
within 20
>ews are extracted below from

iffcfersA =tift

in n
•’i •livi'il tfii i

S’raWi <i 4| wnfwfttmfit n

ftwfoft wijfisifir 1WH. II

ift 5W 113

nnsrit u\ itig^ u n
TOH gj?i 3H33I

a ®nftnal
%% n ^ ^
Stola 61. When the Sun m conjunction with

^ Kcndra - thc
SI. 62-G5 211

following >ogas from
The (Yi\ inanthaha) fixing
the length of life to a period ringing from 22 to 2G >ears vull be
found to be useful

Tig°n TO ^ i

q qftlftqTOt TO TO?f|55ff?qFir 11


^r^&wgr 1
!- n

q tor -

TO$qi«n jsitos qsifrafi! iwn. n

HRprn sjjmgi i

qt ?ng sHffaftrorc n ^n
Rinj TOird: <ri*t qrcMfi-ra I

rto qtro ti ^ n

qjstofirerq: stun qqjr asf?, il II

gjTOaqqtt'S? ^ $t I

Sffifcri5l=ft qi fira^qRt at u \\ \\

Sloka 62 When Saturn is m the rising sign and

that happens to be an mimical sign and the benefic
planets are m str'rftru (Apoklima) places, the end of
person born will come either in the 26th or in the 27th

. Sloka 62 Whenthe lord of the 8th house 13 a

malefic planet and aspected by Jupiter and a malefic

planet, and the lord of the house occupied by the

is m the Pth house from the Lagna, the death of the
native will occur m
the 28th year
ni srnicqrfforcr Ad h. IV

Sloka 64, When the Sun occupies the 8th house

from the Lagoa in conjunction with the Moon and Sa*
turn, the person born will go to Yama's abode in the
29th year.
Sloka 65. Wh°n the Moon is between the lords
of the 8th house from the Lagna and of the (Janma
Rasi), t <?. the sign occupied by the Moon, and Jupiter
is in the Uth house, the death of the native will happen
either in hts 27th or 30ch year.
For additional information see the following slokas from
smsHufert rarfra /

W OTS 1TO ftsR l|

STWWt Jfft am iRI feaq; ||

W’nwwl qr/t #5tsfpir q Rja |

q* |;

^ 3F3$S£q qjq |

^ fq

qeiih h# i

q^ u

^ 7rcg%
riR!i5^ ^ ii
„ ,

’"#* «l=fe few inr=ra<t*r ftq*

S;»A" 66 When the lord of the 8th
sqfo „ ^ ,,

hou 3 e occu-
py a Kendra, and the lord of the
r,»s llga
7rpiTstm7: 213
SI. 68-70

strength,' the petson born will live no fewer than 30

yeats; perhaps his death may happen in the 32nd year.
the wane and
Sloka 67. When the Moon is on
occupies a Ken-
the lord of the 8th house from the Lagna
dra or the 8th house itself in conjunction
with a malefic
and the Lagna is without strength and
alsoby a malefic planet, the person born will die in his
32nd year.
Vtde also the following from ilH-Ji (Yavanajathaka)

latewresgdoni. u

«n?TOg*&3<t H


sr*$st vnQfr srrawg. <rt ftrcm II

vWT flRT I

^’Tt^'TWI qi 11 \t II

Sloka 68. When a malefic planet occupies the 6th,

the 8th or the 12th from the Lagna and when the lord of
the rising sign is weak and is not in conjunction with
or aspected by benefic planets, the person bom is either

short-lived or childless. %

src#rcf$ Jitg%sft 7i i

3I71P7^ 7IW 7R7717i5h1^ I) ||

777171 7177<J77t 577#f77Tl7t I

571577173771 7177713^17(77^ II 1S» II

' Adh. IV


tt?iPi «* new II

Also sfi5i n
V^TSTT «j!<tj|r^»^uot *lf* •

ntf*te rfo RiRnr «rar i,

nitsft or? #* 5 W 5* s> msfirinri, I

ir-in 3r g<ren:» nAAe Pnmin n

^jsSSTn?*! g??f ^ *f!*W ^It

5pt€f^i: irci*ra f«i ^rSfrsfir =n i

swuutuaVwtftxi?!!! ntxjxfefi*?!:

fte gjsrc fcrai%: sra^rirr ’mi n w»

Stoka. 74 The full Moon in its own exaltation,

in its own house, in a varga of friendly planets or of an

auspicious one, or in its own varga, if aspccted by a
benefic planet but free from the aspect of mimical ones
and free from all malefic aspects and conjunctions— the
Moon m such a position destroys distress, however
difficult it may be to tide over, just as the Sun destroys
This sloka is taken from ^HiT^I (Sara\ali)

Also cf rawnfrr
^*5 xtr rbfH
finr lafniji xn grr&fj: t


wnjmnff^S'SiftTnwssr V)rr- <i xtxtt


iifi to ^ >ri^ ifiTOf

swtsspnsft 5jniyn4iiijK: i
Si. 75-76 217

S/nAri 75.
vaft ftfo
If a birth
M wra^*wi
takes place during the night

in the light half of the month (Sf^-Suklapaksha or )

during the day in the dark half of the month ($**17^-

Krishnapaksha), the Moon at the time though’occupying
the 6th or the 8th place from the Lagna, if aspected by
benefic as well as malefic planets protects, the new-born
infant very like a father under alt afflictions.

This is from TFnrarsrWS (Mandavyaiathaka). The reading
there is ns follows ;

fhh vrqra wt $wi$u?rrs5ft spnsprotrarc: i

n *»**m Agfarrurndtsik «TOrTT7fg rwfh fta* »

also notes to sloka 35, Supra.

*/• wW&Riwfo
^ "5*2^^ 7'on?nrr%g^! i

*?rar sir tratforflr tnpi n

Also =Hl<TO(«R
trlfr fRTtrftntfrfa i

n$m wj 5PTVT7W: fan* n

Also •Tt^TT’

5jto7^t t*ntt s** dnqfhftiah i

HrO# iF»FT$i tmt fiefa’ircru. n


^RsSso^ra^Ri mrtviwU

n^rS p lEj'ft swrai II ii

Sloka 76. Jupiter in a Kendra position and pos-

sessed of exceeding strength, with clear bright rays, can

its aiaw^i^ Adh. IV

singly and to a certainty destroy a multitude of evils

however difficult they may be to tide over like a saluta*
tion humbly and devoutly offered to the trident bearing
This is from (Saraiali) The reading of the first half
there is different, vtt

Jupiter is considered to be the strongest among the benefics in

the matter of ward ng off all evils and increasing the happiness of
the native e *T35T (Yavana)

ft -a i

?t^i'Tr^fT5ift^ar to 3 II

Also atw«r 5T

'araj tftq tr^ttur^ ti

awl 51 =53^ I

sftCTmraisft 5itr «rflil% ftqn: n «« n

Siuha 77the lord of the rising sign be strong

in a Kendra or Trikona position, the child though born

under an evil producing planetary conjunction survives
it of course
»fF ft ^brr TOrftra 1

ftrcro m-ff ftar£r fas* qijf ]|

wFuft gs^t: ^i^iRsinnnt^raii

fatlS"! RRJ ^ |f?t!T5r q E(5pj:
|| vsi


SUta 78 if, at the time of the

birth of a child
thueare planets occupying some of their exaltation
signs, others then own Rasa, they will
contribute to the long life of the new-born

SI 79-40 *TsFW5«if*r: 219

This si oka is taken from JRWT (Kasyapa)

^irerrsafe *ra: I

wifit to n u 's'i 11

rsira rrfferc nm, i

tfaltafa! to: *t«n 11 <= 11

Sloka 79. RaKa occupying the 3rd, the 6th or the

11th place from the rising sign and aspected by behefic
planets dispels all evil then and there as the wind
sweeps away cotton.
Sloka 80 Rahu, if occupying the Lagcia in
(Mesha), $<w (Vrishabha) ot (Kataka) protects the
child always as a clement sovereign saves an offender
from (the) death (he may have merited).

These arc from'tlKIT**! (Siravoli).

cf HOTf-MWft
swim; ^qrtba^t *1*151 nn&gn;- 1

fotramwig emtfte ^ %nr?r II

ItE Hick 3J>h JTCE: II

*i£ 4IBfEr>frr?T7;nr 11

Also TO-fT^TI

^reremr. sSnmtfFur em i


Also or-ffii

5T m g»wfp )

h^tet *n nqr f\v sironr (I

Also grort
- -*
vgfcmrz. fimnrrff ge: gft ffegr? u
220 Adii. IV

«wr tfa. i

ngtaTONTOi; gsrajftflftnn IS

^qf^’rfenr sift G«flf<er«ntRi$n u

fwroi H^i iMtffiTO: i

5n<ra RfisnmfcRig ftsfa to TOflig. n e\ n

Sloka 81. The Moon occupying the varga of a
benefic planet and aspected by benefic planets and shin*
ning with full radiance, averts completely all ills that
threaten the new-born child as the Garuda removes
poison (threatening to cause death).
The reading of this Uoka is slightly different in
(Sarwartha Chintamam) via.,

airaw farSmfamsj ft* ftnfet „

Wn R? 5*^1 ii ii

iloka 81. When

the lord of the sign in
which the
Moon is, occupies the Lagna and
is aspected by
planets, the evil threatening the child is
averted. This
is the case also when the Moon is in its exaltation and
aspected by Venus.

5tj few a ^Iforgt

^ i^rasfir^TOSB^ttn n ^ „

H ||

S/ohn 85. The lord o! the rising ,

- sessed oi gnat strength and

unaspccted by
%l 84

planets but aspected by benefic ones and occupying a

Kendra position wards off death and secures to the child
long life graced with the strong virtues of a vigorous
This sloka is from (Mandavyajathalm)

shrift ^ i

TBiOTtR vfa II <:» II

Sloka 84. When the lord of the rising sign is

without strength and Jupiter occupies a Kendra or Tri
kona position, and the 6th, the 8th or the 12th place
from the L-igna is occupied by a malefic planet, the
person born is declared to possess the mean period of

Mean period of life ranges from the 33rd year upto

the 70th year (both inclusive).
A few of the Madhyamayur yogas culled from
other works are given below for the reader’s information ns the
same appears to have been cither lost or omitted from this work.

wh fcjptNm i

S5W« wr immgwin. i

fefts =! g^jran: II

gaaim rp3|: ^^ i

5|R^ «reqig: II

^ 5310 aspt Hal 5vt»l^'b%: |

teiisiltsfrw sraift II
«rac*ifcnd Adh. IV

m ’ift at fosft i

#{\fen qw^qq^n^ftra^fq *m, 11

=3r srct Titefri 3% mV*! w*) nfr?q$: H

jjsgait a %rs=q\ siret wasa i

3TNtfCTPT fl^qj mwi? tfwqq. ii

im«pA 3? '’n^M 'iiiwpl i

innsi itafisiq: i«pj ^ftaqo n

qtit^ 3!I<Tt qrn te.IHRfiif^T. I

^Ufaw^rqi qHW7.ifcTqq.il
3VfPtft 5TTSVI a^st 5'tt ^!$ ftspq II

aiafg Hm #tP§w: nqifn qriainb nfeq i

fHr #'«Twi am^i qrtq=s

«iE«q?t i

vqrfhuSM a 51 # 11

sew pots qfr hH$r i

TTitefft^sW an gat qi«ra 5Tifajtaii.il

qqftq ttSeS ftsTt tfS fpit ar q£ tu qfi% ,

fctea't ?fgaVi qrom^flafaifiRiTR^ n

Tjvt q$fq i$s3 bit at fcgtis qqfc n
atOTlfc^ *=£ ijft STT fWlfair I

sjtl^agBqq, n
®t*i frarr ftifa-i-i-i a ansfiFT ?*qfq I

awt aareSt a^qrawi jprPqvtftsn

q«nfctVq>ra errs inrfcit ttttoI

ai 5^5% q^T^fSf^q ,|
Jt^ Btrisssn §sji flt«tRra Jjaftfa a,,.
rowi-q f^t arnfM^ ^ ,


aiiaviiR-in^ Adh. lV-


m-afr feft lift mft *ri^ ft-anft i

g^m. siraim miaa wm frft sraift u

ftft qqft <mq s^raft sftw; ^wra ( 5^11

nrraft w ^ iilWii 9 «h!(h an II

tPTSFmP&sft 1

iggfe^ag. 11

nft fteft smft 4ft ^ mm ffift a 1

aiftt^ HIBt HTgft ?HPlS<?ft ftk fts: wft: H93i5:ll

ftxmunftsift Pranam^ ipjHiH =i ^

4ft qitlT aftsftW Hinfl H HI ftftfftrffti ^ l

HBUi HSfttllHI af^s

'44 fftstgi <iftft>ft II

4ft feft 4ft OTt 51ft ftawft I

aift 4ft HftllanfSHIf "1 ftft.TCqT q?55lft qgsq: II

=ffi5RPwffa. hPri hhfi; ftftffei=wf|ft gftn -

Sfeftft 'HW'llft igwj'. ft’J'lRRHHHS'rein II

IT'ftlTTR^gtii qaifjft I

a=ft sift §s nr qsifftiftft ftqft qiq, n

4ft qft 4,ifti -it ft ft ii ftft ftft qiqft qi q ft ft 1

4ft hto iftiftft inft ms' mftftmwim. 11

SH% teft ftft ftsft ftiqsfftq |

il'llftft nqftflnftftft unfft,


Wift HU# 4ft q%jft jft |

MftlH. Hlft Hgsqpg HHWI fftqq qfta_ ||

SI. 85-S9 qsviswnr. 225

3S»^T |

gro >#1131^1^ n -s^ ll

Sloka 85 When the Kendra is occupied by benefic

planets and the lord of the Lagna is in conjunction with
them or is asp acted by Jupiter, the astrologer must
pronounce the period of life of the native to be full,

<n*tf iFt'njiW^ n <1 »

Sloka 86 When the lord of the rising stgn occu-

pies a Kendra being in conjunction with or aspected by
Jupiter and Venus, the person born must be declared to
doss ess long life

mufti u ii co n

Sloka 87. When 3 planets are ih their exaltation

signs and the rising sign is occupied by the lord of the

8th house, and that again is without a malefic planet,

the person born will have long life

tKfftsjifilfts tiz- i

vsrVu l| <c< ll

Sloka 88. When 3 planets are ih the 8th house

from the Lagna. occupying respectively a n exaltation

sign! a friend's house and ones own Varga and when
the Lagna is possessed of strength, the astrologer is to
declare the person born to be long-lived,

Wro snrfNp l

nfSnf m n i\ n
ne Adh. IV

Slokn 89. If Saturn or the lord of the 8th house

from the Lagoa be in conjunction with any planet in
his exaltation sign, the life of the person born must be
declared to be long.

Amman spni i

Slokn 93. If malefic planets occupy the 3rd, the

6th, and the llth places from the Lagna and the benefic
planets be in Kendra or Trikona positions and if the
lord of the Lagna possesses strength, the person bom
will have long life.

<rcjra<TVTO'?3 g$s sftiis ^ i

ii ii

Sloka 91.' Whenbeoefic planets are together m

the 6th, the 7th or the 8th Bhava from the Lagna and
when the milefic ones are in the 3rd, the 6th and the
llth places, the person born will live long.

iri’t.vjanii: HHT crifcjT ^ l^l |l |

rfsRsiPPrats tbu! ^kts ^t^iratr: i

|| v* ii

Sloka 92. Malefic planets are in the

llth and the
Cth houses from the Lagna, and the
lord of the risins
sign occupies a Kendra: this is
planets ate ,n the 8th house
yosa , m a/,!
from the La^na the k>rd of
the 10th house in h,s Station
The majority of astrologers agree
sign : lu
that in both these
yogas, the person born attains long
Si. 93-96 ill

^sra^’ioTsfhrrr ?r¥t l

trefcfl OTim ^ trmr^

Sloka 93. Find the Rasi in which is the lord o
II ^ n

the sign occupied by the lord of the 8th house from

the Lagna. If the lord of the Rasi so found and the
lord of the Lagna occupy a Kendra, the life of ^ the
person born will be such as has been described.

fitOTR 32^ m I

m fat effaft II W II

Sloka 94. When the Lagna is a dual sign and,

when its lord occupies a Kendra, its own, its exaltation
or Moola'trikona fsign, the person born will live long
and be fortunate.

51 ini to sr;! TOi^fTOR'^ n n

Sloka 95. When the Lagna is a dual sign, and two
malefic planets occupy Kendra positions in respect to
the lord of the Lagna, the person born may be pro-
nounced to have long life.

551 Risprc: surra; 11 *,$ »

Sloka 96. If the Sun, Saturn and Mars be in
Navamsas owned by moveable signs, Jupiter 3nd Venus

be in those owned by immoveable signs, and the remain*
ing planets in Navamsas owned by dual Bign^, the person
horn will live 100 years.

11 lyrars#!! >1

From the 71st year to the ICOth year (both

sive) is called Poornayus.

This appears to be from tPJTKH* (Sukajathaka). The
quoted there is slightly different, iii,,

sftiOTFqr- qf-w^iW - 1

jnirawag^ n
One of the means of finding out the srrr, *5*7 (Alpa, Madyha)
and fc'fcnjfl (Deergbayus) in horoscopes has been taken from Para-

oara and given below in a tabular form for easy reference



^>TT: R7^ 7T:

TTTtnrat #zim:

tnrotnu st:rt TvirniTTi

T^TTrcusfetn i:

Explanation:There are three sets of yogas under

each of
tfd Deergha,*^ Madhya add a*U3« Alpayus That
kind of Ayus will ha>e to be predicted under which both the
conditions which constitute each s%t are satisfied
Thus, taking
the first set under each of the heads of Ayus,
(1) if the lords of tho
Lagna and the 8 th house are b'oth in mo.eable
K asis ,

(Deer 8 b.yu 0 w.llW. lobe predicted, („) .f they occupy mtl '
able and fixed signs tecpeclnelj, tivnngB (Madh) snilytis)
„ lU
have 10 be staled , (m) if U.ey a,e u. (Chara) and 38, (Ubhas-a)
Rasis, then the native will be 3 «^ (Al r, y„) Sumlarly
reference to the remaining two sets ,

^'MtiR qiuT<rarem:mT!ratw i
SI, .97-99 &0
Sloka 97. If the Sun, Jupiter and Mara be in the
9th house from the Lagna, and if the Navamsa they
occupy be owned by the 9th house from the Lagna and
also by Saturn ft e if Mafcara or Kumbha be the 9th

place and the Navamsa occupied by the 3 planets be

the yirfcrcnsr (Vargoththamamsa) and if the Moon
occupy the Lagna in strength, the oerson born will
be blessed with a happy life ending with the end of
the world

The reading of this sloka is slightly different m tffaUPEW

(HorapraJiasa) ,

tfevmtfRr m?rprr t

iwvwft gmr^rarg fww^ijrfcf n

'rof&tn Eli
^ OTih’it i

at?*# ii %c n
Sloka 98. If Saturn and Jupiter being in the 9th
or the 10th house from the Lagna occupy one and the
same Navamsa and be aspected by benefic planets, and
if the Sun be in the Lagna, the person born in tins Yoga

will be an inspired saint endowed with long life


SJofm 99 When Cancer is the and

rising sign

Jupiter and the Moon occupy it, and Venus and Mer-
cury are in Kendra positions and the remaining planets
happen to be in the 1 1th, the 6th and the 3rd bhavaa
from the Lagna, the person born will have an immensely
long life without reference to the order of reckoning
treated of in the (Ayurdhaya) chapters
232 Adb, IV

Sloka 105. Whsn the rising Navarosa in Kataka

is owned by Dhanusand Jupiter occupies it and when 3
oi 4 planetatire in Kendra positions, the person born
attains to Brahmas sear. • •

The Same Sega is again referred to in Arfhyaj r V-J22 hfra.

^ tsm ^qpngj?ni% t

Siofta 106. When the rising sign is Dhanus

and is occupied by Jupitet and when the rising Navam*
sa is owned by Mesha. when Venus is in the 7ch house
and the Moon is in Kanya, the person born will
final beatitude.

Tot the same ioga,sce AtUyiyi V tloha.123 infta.

f^t ’frni^wfiEqrana!

Slokc 107 aratmt (Balanshta

-affliction. -..j ' ‘
bcod), early dead, due to planetary
combinations. ,fefr
nullification mean age, long l.le,
drnne life due to rn
abattact meditation (2) rec.tat.cn
ofs.cred hvmn. .
there .even have been treated
of .„ ,h, a Adh
a“.' y
Thus ends the Font*
Adhyaya stvled r . .

wttifit and other yogas ,» the

panjatha) composed by Va.dyanatha 0j i1m“
of the nine planets.
un * r tflc Apices
II adg^falBlPIt II

Adhyaya V.
Length op Life,

In this chapter slokas 7, 9, II, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, have been
taken from Bnhat Jataka

'Hmrci: *f$rarft ^ja srafcj I! ? II

Sloka. 1. I abridge and give in their order the

several methods for finding the lengths of human life

under various planetary positions as treated of by vrrcrc

Parasara and other eminent authorities on Astrology
under the heads of (1) ftnfrr Nisargaja (2) fo^-Pindaja,
(3) frstsr-Amsaja, (*) n?fnr-Rasmija, (5) wr-Chakraja,
(6) irsnnr-Nakgbatraja, (7) ^rntLiyaja and (8) wernfa-
Ashtaka Vargaja Ayus.

Sd r
-l'-0 ^«n^TT I

tw Ri^in: sprat Jt^mr HsRti srrgfa Awi n ^ ii

Sloka 20, 1, 2, 9, IS, 20 and 30 are the figures

indicating the number of years prescribed respectively
for the Sun and other planets m the Naisargikayurdaya

234 wrwi l W Adh. y
• VtJt whRmOJ V.-ZS
Also tf VKRVf
fahjftt)n> fkfw «zfcfflr /3hnfa*r vsn«rq t

nnbnvfV ftwf A?r>Svar* u

:rfcrr'r TOOT.' WOT ftrofr» wp fTOt I

tow wycsgassiir rfaryr)*?7 £wfpron^

^ (|
'S/aid 3. The Sgsrepte number of „

dayurdaya years assigned to the Sun and tC *
in their highest exaltation point are retina
P Ctl Ve .
15, 12,1 21 and GO
5, V 1
0, 25
n<// Wfc&wft r— 1&


h'lpful to find
ee , - * ri « ®3
2 0 ra„

SI. 6-7 'radts.-mr: £3S

But if the exaltation point minus the phntt should

exceed 6 signs, keep jt as it is ; reducing the same to

minutes, multiply this by the planet's years. Divide
the product by 21,610. The quotient represented by
years, months, days etc., is called the Pindayus
of the planet. >

Vtit sfrrante ft —20, 21,

fetO-gCT rrarflmtp^ i

m itt td h dilfc.i.a-i *
I ! -J P- d 1 1
4 q.

gw Vst %hM% ii 5 II

Slok<i 6. Sages say that in the fonngfrir-Pindayuiv

daya as well as in: the ^^TTgtf*-Naisargikayurdaya the
working process is as follows: The interval between
a and its highest exaltation point,
planet’s, actual position

if less than 6 signs, should be subtracted from 12 sighs.

The result reduced to -minutes must be multiplied by
the number of years assigned to the planet and divi'

ded by 21,600, tc. the number of minutes in the 12 signs

of the zodiac. The years and months thus arrived at
correspond to the surj^fa’Ayurdaya of the Sun and other
planets obtained upon the application of Neecha
rdha and similar proportionate reduction.
This is simply a paraphrase of the 2 foregoing slokas.

^ it a II


depression P°‘
Sloba 7. When a planet
is in its

redoeed by halt u
the period assigned to it is ,

intermediate position, the reduction .

it occupies an
beptopomonate The number ol years given by
Navamsas that
Urns correspond to the number ol its
According to some the
have risen above the bouton Basis
as many years as there are
went* (Uenayus) is
to Cagna The planets ercept
Atoned from Mesha up
.s retrograde
lose a third of their
wten their motion
when in inimical houses
When they arc
(Ayutdaya) ts to be dimimshedby
eclipsed, their sussle
This last reduction does not applv to Venus and
> Korts
Fust quatttr. is the reading adopted «n the

commeounes ^|nr3 and

of but in farefti it is

c.hicb clearly means

Stand tjuatitr By the *ord ^
(Apart) in this sloka is
meant (ufcr«0 Mauittha (some call him Mamntha) and men of his
school For, according to them the number of years contributed
by the Lagoa, is thus found
^FTifirmnw^r sjTgrnnijiiRra j _
i^rr sreirfora n

Alsu vidt slohas 1 4 and 15 infra

THO. if 15" ST" 2S" of Vtisehiln have
nseo at the bulk nee
of a person, the cumber of years Kum, b> the
Us,, according
I arnhamihin
But ft
s nee. v,U be
Ma Biditha'Q
W «2» o. S 731

oienr be adopted, the

Leeniyus mU be 7

Both the »«bod, of eafcuht.og

ntgu (U«c wos t „ st , d
fmi» the sen begmmng ppu,,
was not a nee, TOtbod
found hy affcr or men of bis school For we «*,
31. 6-7 q'Sitfrs'nmj- 237

But tTFtc*J and men of his school followed the latter while
others preferred the former Under the two methods, the past
f Navamsas and Rasia and their fractions represent the years months,
&c Bhattotpalu adds that RPimttha's method should be followed
if the lord of the rising sign be powerful, and the fitst method

should be adopted if the lord of the rismg Nava rasa be strong,

and quotes in support thereof the following sloka from ,

^r*TTr«T*r ti

This view is not however accepted by Varahamihira

For the latter half of the sloka in the text, cf «fy£<7355T
V 22
A planet is said to be eclipsed uhen he disappears within a
particular limit from the Sun, his light being then overpowered by
that of the Sun This limit in the case of the several planets is
as follows

The Moon when within 12* from the Sun

Mars when within 17°

Mercury when within 14°

but when retrograde 12°

Jupiter when within 11°

Venus 10’

but when retrograde 8°

Saturn when within 15°

Let us consider the following example —

Lasn* >5UD

Birth at half a
_ ghatika beforeSun
rise on 30th April

Moon 1853 A D


238 Adh. V
Lagna 0—14’— 32 1 Mercury 1 1 —24’— 14*
Sup 0—17’— +3 1
i Jupiter 8- l°-25‘
"Moon 9 -H 1
—30 [
Venus 0-14’— 3'
Mars 31— Z7’-31 I
Saturn 0-27°— 56'
1 To find the income or salary —Find the lord of the 10th
house or planet la the 10th house (or that planet which vs near the
meridian) The figure indicated by the said planet gives the ap
proximate income.

In the example given above the Moon is m the 10th house

and is stronger than the lord of that house His figures are thus
obtained The Moon s years in depression nre 12} years He is
71 4“ removed from his depression point and therefore gets l2j

+^Xl2i or about 17i approximately

The native a incone must therefore be 175

2 To find the Ayurdaya —
The Suo s exaltation is 0—10’
His present position is 0—17’—43 —30*
The Sun therefore contributes x — i=i$ 5923
The Moon s position is 9-“14° 3(7
Hw depression is 7-*3 8
His years therefore 25
are— -f x 143 -
or 17
7 4 --
2 2 2X180 465 J,ears
Mars depression is 3“-28°
His position IS 1 1 2T*~sy
His years therefore are i|+-^ x J „ ,j 5 years
Mercury s position is
XI— 24 p 14-'
His depression is jjo

He therefore contributes lt
+ (?xg 25 -r
" b3i
2 180 year*
luptter sim.larty e.s
e U+2 x 87s yeaR
Sl.8-0 ’twxtt'otm iso

Venus contributes IQt-r * %r °r ^9‘g7 years

Saturn 'gives 10+^“^™= 10'44 years

In the example, there is no planet that is quartered in the

house of its enemy So there no reduction on that count-

As regards the rule about combustion, Venus and Saturn are

eclipsed. Their years should be reduced by half- But they come
under the exception and their years are therefore not reducible.
The years for the lagna=4“ or 4‘36 years

srar W7.* i

Sloka 8. All planets except Mars when in inimical

houses destroy a third of their Ayurdayas. When ec-
lipsed by the Sun they lose half their Ayurdaya, the
exceptions in this latter case being Venus and Saturn.

The word ^ (Vakra) m the preceding sloka may be under-
stood in two senses - The first meaning acceptable to the majority

is given in the translation. The second has the support of so

illustrious an authority as srtrrtqw (Badarayana) from whose
work this sloka has been taken by the compiler Vaidyanatha
Dikshita. v

" *Rft crar? ew: ^

Sloka 9 When malefic planets occupy the 6 bhavas
counted backward from the 12th, the whole, a half, a
third, a fourth, a fifth, or a sixth, respectively of their
240 Adh. V
Ayurdaya is lost When benefic planets occupy such
positions, the loss is hall of that incurred in the case of
malefic ones When several planets are in a bhava, only
the strongest of them causes a reduction in the
(Ayurdaya), Satyacharya says so
Th» eottKaeateto* add* that \as 3.h-vrc\d\>ra. concurs 7.^
Sfttyachaxya in this view r»* that when several planets occupy
a single sign, the reduction shall be made for the most powerful
f/. tertra^t

stfftrttTSrjtf irsrR^ur 1

*trsrtroPT «nffT f?sA u

, ^Tshtrfr *nf^ *rra 1

^^ ^157 tr^ 11

Also nw*
h *i 1 srr? srnwrfai I

w ^nrwm

a ng
wg l^rrmrr stfcr ^rrqremrcfrR ti

trrrni^als^ 3 I

«rrnl<T «4^i<jqwr ^ ^Fremrar 0

i i 1 Lagna k
* i |t*asna

malefics For 1

i benches


SI. 10 5241

The principle to be noted he?e is that the deduction is enjoin

cd for planets—whether benefic or# malefic — if the) ire m the
visible half
In the present horoscope according to the above rule, there
are t*o planets in the 12th, viz Mars and Mercury, of whom
. Mara is stronger Mars therefore loses all his years Tins reduction
is enough and Reduction in the case of Mercury is not necessary.

The Moon js in the 10th 1 ouse He i*> benefic md therefore

loses ith His years when reduced will be 14 55 1,
tupitcr js in the 9th He loses |th and his reduced period is

7 766 years «

. Jt should however be clearly understood that the above com

nutations are only rough and not quite accurate inasmuch as no
distinction is made hotiveen a planet occupying the beginning of a
bhava ami another occupyiflg Ibe end of it Both are made to
<uffer the same amount of reduct on which is not correct Again
Suppose there is a planet occup)ing the beginning of the 12th
house and another the end of the 1 1 th, the relatn e distance between
^them being “ay only 2 or 3 degrees If the rules enunciated above
are to be strictly applied, one planet (that is in the 1 2th house)
loses his whole period while that m the 1 1th loses only one half
which is mathematically not correct To calculate the Ayurdaya
^periods pf the several planets correctly and accurately , readers
are requested to refer to the 5th Adhyayi of $ 'tfjnjrRt (Sripati-
pnddhati) and the sample horoscope worked out by me therein

T3#7»nrrcr ^irWi I

fpfraiw rt HW II ?° II

Sloka 10 When several planets are inOne hous*,

only one planet that is pre-eminently strong and no other
causes the loss of wgv * 1 (Ayurdaya) portion m the wiy

»* C\
^ ^

U2 Ad h V

5R 5PR
ira4 ITOpT U U II

Sloka 11 Ayurdaya found by the

Multiply the
number representing the Nayamsa portions, whole and
fractional, of the Lagna that have emerged from the
horuon Divide the product by 103 The quotient in
years, months f etc , is the period to be diminished from
the Ayurdaya found mr cousequence of a malefic planet
occupying the Lagna If the malefic planet in the Lagna
be aspected by ab^efic planet, the reduction will be
onlyliy half of the period above found *

The amount of reduction under this count Will be
\l\2tix of thewhole Ayus when the Lagna happens to be the very
end of a s gn According to some the number of years
of reduction
is obtained by multipljing the total
number of jears already
obtained by the number of
Navamsas between the fir«t po nt of
Meshaandthe Lagua-whole and fractional-and
dnidmg the
produet by 108 Thus should the Lagna be at the
very end of
Meena, and if a malefic should occupy the same
the whole Avus
is lost The former view appear*, more rational The latter
uew is not fa\oured either by fihattotpaln
or bj Kah 6n3> „ n

e^irTpfntr sete; f^rngm |

The Commentator alsiTadds eiim^ *rgth,% -4/v n

When lliere are two planets one*malefjc

and the nit. v, *

‘”a, ' 6c ptotl bec “ ,r “» •*«**» itTtaltl
made; but if the benefic be nearer, then no reduction need be
The nord qr* Krura in the sloka does not include the waning
Moon, for, savs the commentator
m^rr V73r>f f

. rq-^flr wr*^f?r ^q iafr{?» ir% I1 srfo

In the example, the Lagnais 0— H*—

32' or 4 ib 5 Navamsas.
This be divided by 103 and multiplied by -the Ajurdayas
is to

already found \s there are two malefic' planets, i;r ; Satum'and

the Sun in the Lagna and aspected by Jupiter, a benefic, the reduc-
tion to be made in the tiyus will be
^os' *

t^r*j£^qtqfeqr?ig<Fir Fqqnorf sqqarqq; i

^wqiiijf^qtiS^ ^na^qi^wiptri^sssi^ ii

qqq. sr ^qq lt*qd! qRsq qtq.q^rf i

qi5ra% f^q qtf =r n H

'-Sloltai 12 & YS Convert the degrees and portions
thereof in the Lagna to minutes (the number represent*
ing integral signs being left out), and multiply here*

with the (Ayurdaya) of the planets separately.

Divide the product by 21,600* The quotient represent-
ing years, etc. found for each planet must be subtracted
from its (Ayurdaya). This reduction is enjoined
when a malefic planet occupies the Lagna. -But if the
malefic be aspected by a benefic one, only half
the result obtained by the above process for each planet
is to be subtracted from its (Ayurdaya). This
reduction does hot apply to the (Amsayurdaya)
The process in the (Naisargikayurdaya) is
also the same as_in the (Pmdayurdaya).
Same aa sft'rft'retin t(Sripatliipaddhati) — V-26,57.

244 snwrritsitf Adh.V

atii^ras *ra®J3?r %ra u#r ^ftfarlftsir I

«t# fei^t 'sgip# Mail's jii# <ra nun

Sloka 14 When the Lagna is strong (i. e., when
the strength exceeds 6 Rupas), convert only the degrees,
etc , contained therein into minutes, the integral signs
being left out Divide this by 203 , the quotient in the
form of years, etc* should be added to the
This sloka is taken from efilfa'ufa (Snpatipaddhatl) ch V.
(«) The Ayus
the for the Lagna in (^msajur
daja) sj stem is found in the following manner Reduce the signs,
degrees, etc into minutes and divide by 2400
, it The reminder
is the angers (Ayusbhalaha) of Lagna
the Diude the
(Ayushkalaha) bj 200 The result will be the number
or jears given bj the Lagna
Thus, if in a nativity the position of the
Lngna.be 0-14“
—31’-46 -
, the (Ayushkalaha) =871 76 The number
ofyearS Biv-eu b, ihe Lag„a=4 3588 Tine
mihira sloka 7 suf-ra)
,s the 0f v„ ata
m But according to son,-, sinee the
Lagna ,n the above
instance is ascertained to b e strong 'its strength
be.ng 9 I37 R upas
the Ay us has to be increased by 11—3) 46* , 1

30’ ot a year
=‘4843 of a year

Thus, the aggregate number of

3 ears denved from the
* tiV3S8Splu* 4843 or 4 843 Lagna

"w™- Lagna.1,.,
for the Lasrna has to
»nd ’

V>«. „ „.i
. ajurdaja) the fr

be burled out
(Amsayurdaya) {Vide (4) *bove]
,„s, M the

SI, 16 'naij'rs’cwT- 245

Since the Lagna is strong (in the present example), we have

to add to 13538 years (already obtained) 4 3588 years more
The total number of years demed from tlu. Lagna will therefore
be 8 717 j But (Diw ikara Daivagna) in his com
tnentary on the 24lh sloka of the (kesa\apaddhati)
quotes approvingly the following reading of the slol a in the text —
vr^F %:g?Tr vviicftf awr u

and explains anrePT**T (Abalidhya lagnc) 3?^ <t?si?5j (Abale >

baladhje \a Lagne) it m a I agna whether weal or strong And

W'Tfjft (Lagnay ushi) he explains as importing (I.agna
yurmmittham), * ' for the Ay us of the Lagna The sloka with
the above reading as interpreted by l'^J7TSrg*T (Diwakaradatvagna)
would therefore mean
In these three Ajutday as n Pndtyurdaya Nisargayur
day a and Jeevasarma yurdaya om it the sign'- and take only the
degrees etc in the Lagna then vul ice these to minutes and
divide the same b\ 200 The resulting quotient will represent
the number of yeais due to the I agnayus

According to this interpretation I agnayus works out only

to 4*3588 years And p^irr (Dirva) aradanagna) adds that the
interpretation is largely accepted

srroftrcm^rra^mrisrg'nw i

skrarafiftirecii It ?'a ll

Sloka 1A People versed in Astrological Science

would have the ssargn; (Lagnayus) consist of as many
whole years whole Rasis indicated by the
as there are
figures denoting the Lagna and some months, etc
obtained by proportion (i e some months which form
the same fraction of a year as the risen portion of the
Lagna is of a whole Rasi) vidt, wrfcpisfth V. 18
See notes to 2nd quartet of slol a 7,
240 WdVtiffsrnf Adh. V

^^nss^qt OTT^f^nf^Rt
?m$n m ik 3^*13; II \\ II

Sluki? 16 with care which ever may becom

necessary of the six redactions it\ the Ayurdayas of til
Sun and other planets in respect to their being affecte
by (1) the presence of a malefic planet in the Lagna (2)
the loss of lustre owing to too great a proximity to the
Sun (3) occupation of an inimical sign (4) arrival at the
depression point (5) conjunction with other planets and
(r) position in the lath, 11th, 10th 9th, bth or 7th
house from the Lagna The reduced Ayurdayas of the
planet! joined to the simign; (Lagnayus) will
give the
proper wtapt-Ayus (in the aggregate)

The anti or here talks of the 6 loads of reductions
alluded 1 >
already ,
ne (1) itatqerei (Krarodaja harana)
[Slola U], (7
1WW! (Asthaugala haraua)- [Stola
8], (3) tmro*, (Sathrn
kshetra hatanal [SloUS] « -NAv,
(Neectardha haranid-
[Sloka 7] (5) , HOTBOT(Grabajogato harana)—
[SlokalOl and
(6) shifts?*! (Vyayadi harana)— [Sloka 9],

nfdjq ifWiT!

q^fn^ hfisu
SM, 17 jeevasarmin lays down accordance
with his own doctrine that the (maximum) period of
SI. 17 «rawhwn*r» 247

life given by each planet is 7 th of the maximum aggre'

gate period ( 1 . t. 120 years and 5 days). The declaration
of Satya that the wig^fa (Ayurdaya) of a planet
corresponds in years to the number of the Rasi whose
Navamsa is occupied by the planet, is in agreement with
the viewsof the majority of astrological authorities
(vide the next sloka).
Fi»s’ hilf. According to (Jeevasarman) each planet
when in exaltation gi\es l/7th of 120 years,
5 days or 17 years,
l month, 22 days, 8 ghatiKas and 34*3 Viqhatikas. CJ. afrajrifsj;

nrrar nt^rnr^ 1

inhgi tirvwvrTrmg; 1 1

^ irftaranfr II

Jecvasarman's Ayurdaya is, to be resorted to when the Lngna,

the Sun and the Moon are all weak* Cf- unfit

wqpwt ^JTrgtnism. 1

nk rzz nr 11

It has also to be noted that just as in the faoeTJTfa (Pindayur-

,i>a\ the several reductions viz, •!*7Hr nt (Chakrapata harana),
(NeechaardhaharatnJ, fSathrukshetra ham),
^VT?T5tfa i(Asthangataham), iF»rc*HE*»i (Krurodayaliaiana) will

a\e to bei made and then the resulting length of life ascertained.

By the words (Swamathena), Varahamihtra means that

eevasarman (of the Bengal School) stands alone unsupported so
nr as riis met Hod'or'Ayurdaya is concerned’

The Am^ayurdaya method has been accurately treated ui
^ripathipaddhathi, 5tb Adhyaya and the reader will do well to
refer to the example worked out by me in the notes to that work.
It has to be remembered that there are no years fixed for each

planet as in the Pinda, Ntsargaand Jeeiamrma Ayurdayas* There

is also no Krurodayaharana in this system*
m Adh. V,

* 5 : %<tttt wi: 11 \c 11

Sloka f 18 According to Satya’s rule the signs,

degrees, minutes, etc traversed by a given planet ought
to be converted into minutes and divided by 200 If the
quottent be anumber exceeding 1 1 subtract from it ns
many multiples of 12 as you can, ithc remainder gives
the number of years, months, etc

SMiPwMy 11 n
SlUtti 19 The (Ayu'dnya) of a planet is to
when it
be trebled is in its exaltation or in its
motion The sirae is to b> doubled when the planet
is in a Vargottamamsa, in its own Navuosa or m its own
house or in its own Dreltkam This is the peculunty
in the method of working out the wr 5? h,
according to <wmr4 Satyacharya) All else is similar
to what has been already stated
fere Trerfen ^
^ to
Shkcu 20 hut the Lagm gives
=? =n^: Sprite; n^oii

its wgftcfAyurdayi)
corresponding to the character of
,t, rising Navam'.,
»= “any years, months, etc, ’

I‘ as the number of th
owning the r.smg Navamsa
indicate. If ,he
Ugna be strong ,t gives m addition as many years as
there are Ras.s in the figure
this nertgiya fSatyayurdiya) the
denoting the L„a In
reduc«,o„ due”
presence of a malefic planet ,n to the
the Lagna does
place. The years assigned to not f.nd
vious Ayutdayas are not
the planets ,n 1
I*. „
SI. 21-2 1 249

{2r? 5 •lig'J^nw I

srrcnbfR^r sjgfftfrciti* a tkh ll =!? II

Sloka 91. The rule of 3?iiyj4 (Satyacharya) is

preferable (to that laid down by n^Maya or sfrwnft)

(Jeevasarmma). But some make the process inconsistent
and unwarrantable
(1) by a series of multiplications. The
dictum of the Acharyas (<r?*-Satya and others) is the
. where several multiplications crop up, only one'

and that the highest is to be gone through. (For instance,

a planet is in its own house, and in its exaltation,
and in retrograde motion, the Ayurdaya is not to be
doubled and then the result trebled, and the second

According to the rule, the »n$$f

result further trebled.
(Ayurdaya), should be trebled once for all).
. Again, when there are several reductions appli'
cable, only one and that the greatest should be made.
(For instance, a planet may be in an inimical sign and
may be eclipsed by the Sun. It is enough if the reduction
by half t. e . the arenra (Asthangata) reduction is made).


'zJi'u'h'Zt 'Yli,

their exaltation, they have respectively 10, 9, 6, 5, 7, 8

and 5 rays .

O f. tKKZ*

q^FjSf edik *rartr w l

q-q u .
* «
*Tm*»ifrc3Fi Adh. V.

xjuStM 5J1H UTST^ II \6 11

Sloka *. 18. According to Satya’e rule the signs,

degrees, minutes, etc traversed by a given planet ought

divided by 200. the
to be converted into minutes and

quotient be a number exceeding subtract from H it a**

many multiples of 12 as you can, tthe remainder gives

the number of years, months, etc
ftWTOfawftWPF! I

’ffetraife TOiTOTOraiiHl<IR«l^ li W II

Sh Ini 19 The atrg^r (Ayu-daya) of a planet is to

be trebled when it is in its exaltation or in its retrograde

motion The same is to b: doubled when the planet
is in aVargottamamsa, in its own Navimsa or in its own

house or in its own Drehkana This is the peculiarity

in the method of working out the ( Ayurdaya)

according to umrxrt* i
Satyncharya) All else is similar
to what has been already stated

fen fnTrfen tirto h I

tKlR^f H HR HiR H Hl^: ||^o||

s/cfcus20 Hut the Lagna gives Ayurdaya)
its wig^hr f
corresponding to the character of its rising Navam'a,
i < ,
as many years, months, etc as the number of the

Rasi owning the using Navamsa indicates If the

Lagna be sttong, it gives adJition as many years as
there ate Rasis in the figure denoting
the La-na fn
this rran^sfi’I fSatyayurdaj a) the reduction due’ to the
m the Lagna does
presence of a malefic planet
not find
The years assigned to the planets
vious Ayurdayas arc
m the pre-
not to be used for

SI. 21-2 249

tot? q^nFirm: i

siRTfem qpnwm g *?rm ll =U li

Sloka 21. The rule of (Satyacharya) is

preferable (to that laid down by rr^Maya or tfmrw)

(Jeevasarmma). But some make the process inconsistent
and unwarrantable
(1) by a series of multiplications. The
dictum of the Acharyas (frer-Satya and others) is the
. where several multiplications crop up, only one" ,

and that the highest is to be gone through. (For instance,

a planet is in its own house, and in its exaltation,
and in retrograde motion the Ayurdaya is not to be
doubled first and then the result trebled, and the second
result further trebled. According to the rule, the
(Ayurdaya), should be trebled once for all).
. Again, when there are several reductions appli-
cable, only one and that the greatest should be made.
(For instance, a planet may be in an inimical sign and
may be eclipsed by the Sun. It is enough if the reduction
by half /. e. the (Asthangata) reduction is made).

: I

Rii^wa <r n « li

Sloka 2 2. When the Sun and other planets arc in

their exaltation, they have respectively 10, 9, 0, 5, 7, 8
and 5 rays .

v [—trtvr*-
^ircrnj va 1 1
' *

*TTn*r vrrnV rr4r $»i o „


250 Adh V


*PW*lfam ftmrrr q^r* rntmaf ’frtvr?T*r *=73? If

The tffcnai-J'W (Rnsmijnyurd'iya) system founded by Mahendra

has been m
vogue from a very long time and has been recognised
by eminent astrologers such as Manittha, Mava Havana and IJada
r as ana A brief description of the method of obtaining the correct
number of t?;i( (RaMnt) or rays of planets is given below
The seven placets from (he Sun onwards have respectively
10, 9, 5, 5, 7, 8 and 5 rays when they are in their full exaltation
position, the corresponding number of rays when in their depression
being zero in each case The number of rays which a planet in
any intermediate position is entitled to has therefore to be deter
mined by mere rule of three

When a planet Ins emerged from its sffa (Neecha) or depres

aion nnd is on its way towards its exaltation, its rays are said to
be atfhrjr? (AblrnnuhhaJ or facing to Awards the front These
rays ire declared to be capable of producing benefic results to the
native m a very short tune The reverse is the case with the
W'SCT (Paringmuhlia) or downloohmg rays of planets which
have fallen from their (Ucbcha) or exaltation and are oins

toinrds their depression

Tho raysh-ive to undergo 'onie multiplications and reduction',
befete their utilisation
for purposes of prediction
When a plmet occupies n Dwidasann3 which is his own, his
^xaltsvtion or that of n friendly
planet, his ra )3 are to be doubled

the tuya
rc,nar ^
8 m 15
^° f
Cne-,,, 5'
when the planet is retrograde in hie
sl|clra )
or the planet s
Rlsl But ,f the £> waA*
(Neecha Ras'
n faction by i/|6th
Venus All planets—
f Asth
,n CXCe

ariKa'jT .
^ te d —
lose their rays when they become
R l> J anet aa 0f *c hpsed
When the retrograde motion of
abou ^ ^ tI>e m
1 he quality > s sutler a reduction by Jth
*X Iays given I0S ° P * Var * es
b> T
directly with the total num
ti 2fi
P ajlets at
the time of birth* Persons

&J. 22 251

with 1 to 5 rays will be very insignificant, mis-mble, low minded

unlucky, etc , tho^e born with 6 to 10 rays will be dependants
with no permanent home and poor those with [0 to 15 rays will
be somewhat better, being virtuous, of good temper, good speci
mens of their family &.c, those with 15 to 20 rays will in addition
be rich, famous and respected by their relations and so on

It is also stated that the native should be declared long lived

when number of rays exceed 25, as one of medium life when it
is between 15 and 25, and short lived when the number falls short
of 15

cf. ^reisrifcff

iftcranro fa*ryi. i

For detailed information the reader is referred to the several

•hapters on the subject in Bnhat Parasarahora Saravali, S .

The following horoscope of a distinguished personage, is

given as an example

Planets Signs Degrees Minutes Seconds Shad Remarks

Sun J 2 55 30 8 154

Moon 11 23 35 24 7 289

Mars 3 34 1 26 7 354 •a

Mercury 0 13 10 48 7 550 jf

Jupiter 6 25 43 23 5 678

Venus 2 is 15 50 7 719 t
Saturn 0 17 59 38 5 053

Lafitia 7 15 * 24 7 345

The position of the Sun is 1 2 $5 30

Hu "fra fWeecha) position is f>*iB *0 D
252 srrasTrfrtfT^ Adh. V
The distance of the Sun from his (Neecha) is 5-7-4-30.

His (Patargmukha) rays are therefore X 10 ft

8 72G4.

Saturn Venus
Moon Sun
Mercury Rahu



Ketu L/igna Jupiter

As he is occupying a Dwadasamsa Rasi of a neutral planet,

there is no reduction or multiplication of any kind.
The Moon’s position is 11 23 35-24

His ifFT (Neecha) is 7 3-00

His «r«^(Abhimuhha) rajs are — x 9=7 0295.

The Moon is in the Dwadasamsa Rasi oF his enemy. He
therefore loses -p-thof 7 0295 or ‘4393

The Moon's net rays are therefore 6*5902.

The position of Mars is 3 24 1 26
His sffa (Neecha) is
3 2 g. q q

His distance from sfH (Neecha) is 0 3 58 34

(Parangmuhha) rays are — 3253 Z y 5 0r 193475
He occupying his
is own Dwadasamsa
His rays will tl ere-
fore have to be doubl ed

His rays are thus *220695

Mercury's position is
0*13 10-43
31 . n qatilmre* 253

His depression 1 1 15 0-0

Subtracting, we get C 28 10 48

His (Abhimukha) rays are — X 5= 7&27

But as be occupies his own Dwadasamsa, his rays will be

He will thus have 1 5655 rays
Jupiter s position is 6 25 45 23
Hjs sffa (Neecba) is 9 5 0 0
His distance from rfrr (Neecba) is 2 9 16 37
2 30g 23 _
His Jpi (Parangmukha) rays are x 7^2 6941
He occupies the Dwadtsamsa of a neutral planet, hence
there is no reduction on tbit account His motion is retrograde
His rays will therefore have to be doubled
He thus gets 5 3882 rays
Venus is in 2 18 15 50
Hjs depression is 5 27 I) 0
His distance from depression is 3 8 44 10

JHs WSTJCT (Parangmukha) rays are

3 2-~ x 8 or 4 38824

As he occupying the Dwadasamsa of a very friendly planet,


his rays will be doubled 4

He will thus get 8 7765 rajs

The position of Saturn is 0 17 59 38
His depression is 0 20 0 0
His dista n ce from depression is 0 2 0 22

His (Parangmukha) rays are 0669 x5= 05575

Though he is an astangata planet, as he comes under the
exception, he suffers no reduction

Thus the sphuta rajs of the several planets are

Sun 8 7264 Parangmukha
Moon 6 5902 AbhimuVha
Mars 0 2207 Parangmukha
Adh. V.
Venus g 7765
Saturn OQ557

Total 31 '3232 (of which only about 8 are

AblumuUn rays).

Forp.r»»spO!«a,«3l rays, tl* follow, m T’ (fhola) i=

(Jatahabh'irana.) vu.
Stated w Qflft’tl9!

uagon ««« ** ii

cf. Also *RH*T Sara vali _

tjirircifoi3 W* 1 11

found to be true
This has been verified and
Next tve come to the C&ffT
(Rasmijn) Ayurdiyi It has to
this system of ajurdaj a has to be adopted
be observed here that
*hen Mereury possesses the greatest nr* (Shadbala)

vi it (si oka 33 >*/")•

2 °55' 30’ and the Sun’s exaltation
The Sun s position is 1

0 10 0 0

Subtracting, we get 0 22°-55’-30’

As this is Jess than 6 signs, vVe have to subtract this from

Tberedult is 11 signs 7° 4' 30*. The number of years
12 signs

Son is lOnr '-1SS. X IO^S'363

( ,ra by the

years - Similarly for the other planets

Wherever the (fr^r) Haraca mentioned in si okas 24 and 25
have to be applied, the same should be made and then only the
aggregate Ayfis should be determined

SP51T531*1 I

SI. 24-26 255

Sloka 23. A planet diminished by its exaltation,

if less than 6 signs, is to be subtracted from
12 signs,
and the result reduced to minutes should be multiplied
by its rays (mentioned in the preceding sloka) and
divided by the minutes contained in the 12 signs The
quotient in years, etc., thus found fcr the Sun and other
planets, represents, they say, the (Rasmijayus)
due to the rays.

wm swranistfa: tl II

Sloka <s4 When the planet is in its own Rasa, in

its own exaltation, in the house of a very friendly planet,
or in its retrogade motion, it has its rays doubled for
(Ayurdaya) purposes When the retrograde mo<
tion comes to an end, the rays are diminished by an
eighth portion When the planet is in the house of an
enemy, the rays become reduced by a twelfth
arcs *%3 qsftj 'tit %5T ^ I

'O _ J

Sloka 25 The (Ayurdaya) is to be halved in

the case of all the (Astangata) planets except
Venus and Saturn Sages say that the (Ayurdaya)
Vielded by planets according to their rays is treated
of in the Astrological Science founded by„Mahendra.

256 Adh. V
Shka 26 The ampt (Ayus) consisting of the agg re-

gate of the several periods belonging to the untraveised

portions of the (Nakshatrapada) or Navatnsas
occupied by the Sun and other planets is said to be
the (Chakrayus) of the seven planets reckoned
from the Sun (vide Adhyaya XVII sloka 6, infra).
The name (Chakrayus^ applies also to what is got

by means of the formulas relating to the (Savya)

and wnw (Apasavya) chakras, (vide, Adhyaya XVII,
The (Chahrayurdaya) is to be'calculated in the case
of a horoscope tn which Venu3 has the greatest (iTI*) Sbadbala,

The >ears assigned to the several planets ate those mentioned m

Mtyaia XV 11 , sloka 6
Assuming the Sun’s positionany nativity to he ] sign
i 55* 30', be is 1975’ 5 removed from ths First Point of Mesha.
As each star covers 13’ 2ff or 800 minutes, the Sun
is in
the second quarter of the Star feftrr) KnttiU having ai ready
traversed there 375‘5 minutes. The number of years of

Ayurdaya given by the Sun is therefore 9

SCO 2 653
years. S.milarly in the case of the other
planets. There is no
ST”! (Harana) in this Ayurdaya.


Sloka 27. The
.ujtnr (Ayurdaya)
<Rrr IR>s l|
whose in,ri,l
portion consist, of the years
due _ .
tikas of a %nftrrr
(yogatara)at a birth
t>ogatara;at birth, i
whereof the lord

SI. 28-29 257

is one of the nine planets from the Sun onwards

this atgOn (Ayurdaya) is called (Dasayus) or more
commonly (Nakshatradasayus). The last is

the awgn; (Ayus) derived from (Ashtakavarga)

wherein, say those conversant with it, is treated every-
thing (to be known).

The nine planets referred to m thisSloka are the seven
planets from the Sun onwards and the two nodes Rahu and Ketu.
The years assigned to them are those mentioned in Adbyaya
XVIII, Sloka 3. infra.

ii =!« ii

Sloka 28. When the lord of the Lagna is strong

and aspected by a benef ic planet, the sthigtt ( Amsayus) 13
to be calculated. If the Sun or the Moon be strong and
have benehc aspect, the (Pinda) or the ftnnrgn (N isat'
gayus) respectively should be reckoned.
This Sloka is from fan?**) Mamttha’s work.

</. wgr
rrrrni i

rg: *nmr: n>nnx II

rmsn: rrrmf^nfen i

sraiffe: nn ^ ? ar ii

wforc-j S7* fob*. I

snrcti q tq<w n ni ^
» I)

34 *i4 r4t ttfesii I

slsr<n^3 trftft ii
^ ii

stf 414^% ’i<3ra3 ^ I

Adh. V


HSPpi'ft’iS •ftqWp't
x I

TO’ii'is 553 'Wws tow

u W "

S/oSos 25-31- iVhcn thc Sun 15

’ his exaltat ‘ c,nm
Kendra and,
and Another pUnets are strong occupying
the planets are in their era.ta-
Tribona places, when all

turn in the strongest

tin (Sasa), or Prim (Hamsayoga), m
all other yogas
reckoned as those of long-lived people,
generally (vide fra Adhyaya VII m
in the Chandra yogas
-ampim Chandra yoga tx. Kema-
Slokas 11 13 ), in the 4th

drumr yoga (amsOTbi) when thcMoon is strongest, in the

Mahapnrusha y^gas tW*®-"* Adhyaya

where the planets are
VII, 59), and mall Rajayogas
strongest, Parasara says ftroyr (Pindayns) is to be
Tbe-datter half of loha 30 reads thus in TOUttKi (Parasara-

bora )

o^i'ifi'3 fag •a g n

and seems to be the correct one

The translation ought to be " When the Sun has reached hi s

exaltation and the other planets ha\e attaired their maximum

strength and occupy Kendra and Trihona positions, when all pla-

nets are in their exaltation, in the strongest TTxr (Sa^) or Sflrtbr

{Hamsa oga) d hyaya VII , Sloka 5y),
5 m
all other yogas reckoned

as those of long-lUed people, in the three ^rx (Chandra) jogas

Sunapha, Anapha, Durudhara, ude Adhyaya VII
Sl*ka S-/)when the Moon is %ery strong, in theJfSIJSg (Maha*
purusha) >ogas, Ainyiyi VII *Sf«S» 59) when the yoga producing
planets are possessed of exceeding strength, and all Rajayogas m
Adhyaya VlJ, SI tit MS, parasara sa>s fomgxfc (Pmdajus) is to
be Calculated."
: .

SI. 32-33 iSirtstiiw: 259

^ qrct srsFwr i

%^f^r<j?PRq ^ sfcq siT^rThlrs^s Wq; ii^ii

Sloka 82. When Jupiter Sun is in the Ingna, the
in the 11th, and the Moon full of strength is in the 4th
or ifi the 7 th and other benefic planets occjpy a Kenira,
Trikona or an (Upichaya) place and when th;
malefic ones occupy the Mr iff)?* ^Apo'clmi) haases, the
(Pindayus) is to be reckoned.
This Sloka appears in (Parasarahora.) Bat the latter
half there reads ns follows

ghg qrqcr4r^i^trqf>rat£
%j\ f?j£f«ifare*

TOt ftqqqqqgnlt
tf^qit fftqjq


srsrnt qfss
sit q®3> =qis«qt$i<?qtt 11 \\ ll
Sloka J3. The leaders among astrological professors
say that the fo»»s» (Pmdaja). Otnnn (Nisargaja), tftan
(Rasmija), ffjwre^nJi (Bhinnashtakavargaji), ^<34$ it
(Kalachikraja), MtfM.T(Nakshatrija>, swHJ?f4*(S.imudayajT),
or mstm (Amsaja) Ayus is to be reckoned according as
the Sun, theMoon, Mercury, Mars, Verms, Jupiter, Saturn
or the Lagna possesses the greatest strength.
The following sloka ; from itonrtlTl fParasaraliara^ giving

some more detailed information as to the set era! cases where

( Pi nd ayu rdaj-al &c. have lo ba reckoaei will be found to

be useful
gqm q;^ fimtqqs^ aRsq i

ftwie<r&3 swnMfcm a II
, 1

Adb. V
qrcrafr qiqq stw qt flW: qis wq ft qnt m i

q>'n<M^>SSfilq stfcih qft[ SB iSR'Jl Si gilisq: 1\

fl"iPrt qijb: q?. irqiqiqt^ i

qft gw*? q gjift u

feisw. qt«q g qaqiiiaiBq: i

5k\ qwRn SitcBir.qtjng fgq ||

SiPiqiEqnfg qft g qqrat i

qrai TOt ft: qgqqqifig n

qf?H3 quftrft hi Vqq fqfisif, |,

teisgq stftrft

^ ft?'* qimqt :ft q gftj J

g“l ifmrqiiKl pqi»\

g qftft ||

5F*\ q qrft gji b^lRjjsgV.

WWW ftqft «W%fH ||

q.qftij qftfg I

ft qft lift >jSH% gq-

'wwiqq Winns TO q fjq ||

qqqraft wwi5Rmi!q, ei
SWiftg q qgig,,
Ww qq g, |

' W®™WI
51. 34-35 261

q$%rm *rra: n

fw g^iqfsflraqnwfci. II

g'tafe^ nt^r straWiin^repit i

sraingnm ferafS^seMw n

fefr q?rarera4 <m; i

j% iig Swii QF-rat ’rafain? ^ II

tp TOf4% I

9?F1T ^ BT.R: II

q^tarotfa pim^rareqi i

^eifwnn^? --prici. n

*u4*\«i <[4 3=4 i?rcnffits^i4 ii 3a ii

Sloka 34. The ^^(Ayus) in years, months, etc,

multiplied by 360 and divided by 365 is termed ^rrg*r
(Sourayus) r, e., the period of life in solar years.

*T M&h4ftRI fef^fHrfiT
*T TORTOI RlsitlPx^l 2? I

^ HR^fT tft^'tfyfoffRT-

rriRk ii if

ifilTfjfa 2* *T II Ii

Sloka 35. This wg7*

(Ayus) has been declared by
wise men in respect to those who are engaged in the
practice of virtuous actions, who are devoted to the
Brahmins and the Gods, who eat wholesome diet, who
winiwnfrltt Adh. V

keep their senses under control and who preserve the

hnd marks of character and conduct peculiar to their
high families
Stoka 36 Premature death overtakes those who
are sinful, covetous and thievish, who revile Gods and
Brahmms, and who are addicted to gluttony.

Vi^lfWOTTSTTV 3? 38

*PS fe?I35Rf JlSftoRt ? I

stisMRf t II ^ ii

#li gfrjnti WiJTO R I

RTORTOfaldt TOtfaiflmt II \C II


^nOfii tjnaftil ftji II \\ n

Slokas 37-39 Sudden death seises those that are
sceptical of the force of moral law, that are vicious and
are the enemies of Gods and Brahmins, that filch other
people's goods, that arc a source of dread to all, that are
foolsand turn informers, that have abandoned
duties and traditional observances, that
live by sinful
courses, and those thatwouldnot out of folly abide
the ordinances of the sacted scriptures
Those that
Uaw the sacred sciences regard thewjH
(Ayus) pre-
scribed as applicable to people other
than those that
have been declared liable to untimely

(!) RTwikr r |

sSftdlHfSl^OTe^SRr II tfo |(
a. 41-44 2©

Jiipnf ganwi w
'hf^ itooti:
% il

»? n

srorfl'i’ft&r ^mra tori! ii n

smuifaf qresr i

ssra' 'TiRTi-'r si^ns^i! fq*i: gw ll v3 il

f sfti^iK <R^TT* I

* f^rcra^rcr rtwi m\ ii #y u
Slokas 40-41.A thousand years is recognised as
the maximum length of life of_ vultures, owls/ cranes,
crows and serpants. Hawks, monkeys, bears and frogs
live for 300 years. _ Rakshasas have length of life lasting

150 years. 120 .years is known as the maximum life of

men and elephants.
Slokas 42-44. The maximum age of a horse is 32
years ; of an ass or a camel, S5; of a bull or buffalo, 24;
of peacocks, 20; of a goat or sheep, 16 , of a goose, 14 ;

of-a cuckoo or parrot, 12 ; of doves, 12 likewise; of a

fowl 8; and of the bulbul or eastern nightingale," the
maximum age is 7 years.
. cf, HTCTTOt

Fetvrr: **femfar: *? 2j n^ir »

srf'T^rf^RRTrj: 55 'iterr «

g'Tt g iima n

tr? rorfor ^pmnguf^i^ i


In the following ten slokas (*>. slokas 45 54) the author has
explained the various clues to find out the stfaj (Arrshta) period
of lie native:
164 Adh. V


- M
Sfofco 45, When,
in one of the three cyclic divi-
11 «h n

sions (into which the 12 houses may be arranged under

certain conditions for arcpW'Ayurdaya purposes), there
isa malefic planet devoid of strength and unassociated
with a benefic planet, the astrologer can announce the
death of the person affected by this yoga at the conclu*
s ion of the (Da$a~Ayurdaya period) of the weak
malefic planet m question.
The fellMiiiff sloki from =rfft?nt
will explain the cyclic
divisions referred to —

TjtTOibrar ^nre,sTTO'ito I!

Pwple have long, med,™ « short lives according as at tkt

“' ls
r,‘ T’“' p, together .a

“ US hepemeg
the 2nd .. the 3rd ef
re.pM.v el, „„h

,i t

^grogs of4

5U> Mj ^
w n ||

* .*?*?
the end of a sign k
t heilH '

ofa planet occupyins
.* “
brings on duero twu
tnrttedasn oUk
plan,,7„ "I
has progressed na father
hc ’’'““f
tfcegfct (Rim) degree ° f

«/• T^iftn *

41. 47-49 266

- SI oka 47. If a malefic planet occupying the 6th or

the 8th house from the Lagna 6$ aspected by its enemy
and if that 6th or the 8th house be itself owned* by a
malefic planet, the death of the person concerned* will
take place in the subsidiary dasa period of the planet
occupying the Gth or the 8th house when the mam dasa
belongs to a planet conquered in planetary war- «

£/• yj|!'h<

TOTOimr: V l

usurer gf<g rq i i Jjrhir?: il

5HS3*ft ^
^ >i$ gttfeii
«H»ft II

«<: II

Slofui 48. If in the order of main dasas the 6th

happens to belong to Mars, the 6th to Jupiter, the 4th
to Saturn or the 7th to Rabu, every one of these will
prove fatal. v _
* e/. 'KS'PTiifoi - "-
>3 TjhWf % *narft nr I

.. ••• •••

?rcn to TOSTtn f^nra: n w II

Sloka 49. If the 3rd, the 6th or the 7th main dasa
happens to be that of a planet in depression, in an ini*
mical house or eclipsed by the Sun, it will prove fatal *.

and this will be the case all the more when the fatal
dasas are associated with malefic planets also.
266 Adh. V

II u

Sloka 50. In the main dasa as well as in the sub'

sidiary dasa of the lord of the 2nd cr the 7th place from
any bhava there will happen the destruction thereof by
(1) the planet occupying the bhava (2) the one aspect-

ing it ; or (3) the (bhava Karaka) representing it.



irat wi®i: |

Also TO5R
arar^T-jgrqr,Tt rout grttWaaT i

3TCT^vnnhm%%ra»K srit l

c^m'pwitj »r> m nw ii *•,? H

Shka 51. When Saturn goes to a house occupied
by the lord oi a (Drekkam) of the 8th house from
the Lagoa, death may happen. The same event may
expected when Saturn passes through the tttVt (Rasi)
owning the Navamsa occupied by^he lord
of the house
in which is the owner of the (Drektana) referred
to above. .

This sloka also appears i.w'ta
CPhaladeepiha), but th,
readme tberehs aertn (Ashtamasya) („

leSt JeKt rr'in^j tayqy;


TgiUffimTITTi || Vt ||
SI. 63 T5IRtS'SIT*Ti 267

na fesoros' i

TO ^ ^ II II

Slokas 52-53. The following seven are termed

(Chhidral Grahas or planets of vulnerability : (1) the
lord of the 8th bhava; (2) the planet occupying the
same; (3) the planet aspecting the 8th; (4) the lord of
*3T (Khara) i.e,, 22nd Drekkana from that of the Lagna,
(vide slokaSS, infra); (5) the planet in conjunction
with the lord of the 8th ; (6) the lord of the 64th Na*
vamsa from that occupied by the Moon ; and (7) the
(Athisathru) of the lord of the 8th house.

Whichever of them is strongest, in the dasa of that

planet should an astrologer predict death

ag ^s^nzfcw^r: arih ii

;T^hr?>w ^srgtr crgtf?; H

Also «r«tpt

tcwnrot t

TT5§3 g^Sr fW:

mrel ^w<nwnp'd«ral

^!7Rf 5TB: rj 5E:

m ftfrrnj. II
268 - wawiftani Adh. V
Also TStfffoT

^ igsrr^fa n n smnarr ti


fra fpgS frara* n H« li

Sl^ka 54 The death of the relative signified by

any particular bhava will without doubt take place in
tlie mam dasa (1) of the planet occupying the 12th place

from that bhava or (2) of the planet owning it which'

ever la stronger

,, Notes
The reading of this Sloka in T^h^i (Pliatad pika) is as
<W3?r*irairpro ^ I

<it% jjtgr^mqr^ (I

runii n«qiTOH!t«TO i

Hoka 55
tSpi sidi
The middlemost
^ | (

the last and the first

Drekkanas respectively of Kataka, Meena
and Vrischlka
are termed art (Sarpa) Drekkanas These are also called
vra-Pasa (noose) Drekkanas The 2nd Drekkana of
Vnschika is staled iW (Nigada-fettets) Drekkam
Th: fust Drekkam ot Makara as well as o! Simh 1 15
termed of* (Pal,h.-b,rd) Drekkana.

and U» Ust of tfiafMeena) are

w^fSSrpa) Dr.klJk Ur'^tyr
S[. 56-57 269

“ ^i%^r sranffcardt qa ^rt^wir.”

teram's^mra^j sjSRnct! (nut) *r: l

Slckn 56
^ u H5
the 22nd Drekkana from

that of the Lagna The 64th NFavatnsa is reckoned from

that occupied by the Moon
• It is evideut that the 22nd 5*<KM (Drekkana) reckoned from
the«r 5Rfa> ,J
l (Lagnadrekkana) is the first s^FTOT (Drekkana) in the
8th house from the Lagna The 6*th JT3JST (Navamsa) from that
occupied by the Moon means the first ?rqf<r ("Navamsa) in the 8th
house from the Moon

air <ra??r =r

#ra I

hot h? f^rcr^r grg^ii

*nmk\ sfkRr ho li ii

Slaka 57. The figures for the rising sign multiplied

by 5 and superadded to those for *wH (Mandi) will give
the exact figures of what is called sn<n (Prana) l. <. life of
living beings* The figures for the Moon multiplied by
8 and added to the figures for (Mandi) get the
designation (Deha) or Body. Seven times the
figures for tttiS? (Mandi) joined to those of the Sun go
by the name of (Mrityu) or Death. Long lives the
person born at a time when sum total of drq (Jeeva)
and qs (Deha) *. c, life and body is in excess of ^
Mrityu) or Death.
In finding the position of an*? (Mandi) the following from
Parasara qtna? will be helpful .
r^HREvir ?^n qrtan^^issrni; II

srsm^r ftfor* 3&$ *JJ3: l

nnt < cqgqr iwi srfantfrainf^P u

*3*?t <r?b£ rfo: 1

SFq^t ajfo-fc: rfftr g35T WWi: I!

wrFtft i

&**rt$isi?rsr?:: 11

The following is the rule for finding the times of (Gulika) 3f^
and others on the several week days* Divide the day into 8 parts.
The lords of the first 7 parts are the 7 planets counted m order
from the lord of the day, the 8th portion is lordless. Saturn's
portion in each day is called gran (Gulika)

Nights are similarly divided into 8 portions or muhurtas.

The lords of the first 7 muhurtas are the 7 planets counted from
the lord of the fifth week day from the day chosen the 8th portion ,

is without a lord Here again Saturn’s muhurta is (Gulika).

Jupiter's muhurta is styled sprr»Z7: (Yamakantaka)
that of Mars ,

is termed (Mrityu) The Sun’s muhurta is called TF* (Kala),

Mercury’s, (Ardhaprahara) The position of gf^s (Gulika)
and others is assigned at the end of their respective
For the horoscope taken for illustration in page 238, the posi-
tion of tltfe (Mandu is thus found out
The time of birth was Fnday night The first Muhurta on
Friday night belongs to Mars, the lord of the 5th
weekday f tom
Friday Therefore sftqi (Gulila) .. e. Saturn's
muhurta is the 5th.
The length of Friday night nr question is given to
be 129 tf 5 fg
Therefore each muhutta Is 3 tr 38 125 (it.
The 5th muhurta ends'
at 18 V 16 625 ft Gulika's position is 10 signs
2» 54
corresponding to this time S.m.Iarl, the
prahnra) etc may he found
positions of
(Ardha «iW
[Ft* also notes on II g
In the same eeample, the Lagoa is 0 14°.
31'*— —
plying by 5, we ge, 2 -l^_3S'_50
10-2 47'— 54,* we get for
" Addmg
(Prana) 12- !5*-26^~44

^ • (A)

SI. 68-59 <*a«t,wipr


The Moon is 9 — 14° — 29* “-39 Multiplying by 8, we gel

75-25°- 57’- 12" Adding *nw (Mandi) 10— 2°-47 ~54’’< ,

we get for (Deha) 85— 28° -45' -6 * (B)

Again multiply (HTT^r) Mandi 6 position by 7

we get 70— 19°— 45— 18". Adding the Sun 0—17° — 43—30"
we get for (Mntyu 71— 7°— 28* - 48 * (C)
SOT (Prana) or sf1 (Jeeva) Pl«* (Deha)=98— 14°— 1 1'—-50 *
=(D) This is greater than ^3 (Mntyu) (Cl,

Adding SIFT (Prana), tt (Deha) and (Mntyu' 1 .

+C we have 169— 21°— 40'-~38 " So that when Saturn is in

1—21°— 40' 38* or transits Vrishabha there is Death This is
found to be correct as Saturn was then retrograde in Rohmi.

cf. grTOFT

qiggwt tfftttraftr it

3te’iisag<iprai§*i 7$% ww i

Sloka 58 When Saturn m his progress through

his orbit arrives at the sign indicated by the total of
^5 (Deha), site (Jeeva) and ^3 (Mntyu), there is waste
of money. When Saturn is in a triangular sign from
theRasi referred to abovelor in a Navamaa owned by the
same, the astrologer must predict death.

wfispEtoPt nHf uraara a^ri 1

nmStolfolot git srih 11 11

Sloka 59. When

Saturn arrives at a triangular
sign from the sng*rfa (Ayurbhava), the astrologer should
predict the loss thereof. The same event, /. death
will take place when Jupiter arrives at a triangular sign
from where the lord of the «rg*nb (Ayurbhava) is-
’srtas.'Trf}-^ Adh.V

1W1TO5 '

raffim# ^>f5t =n ajfcftfrt stra: u 5° il

Sfoka 60 Find the house occupied by the lord of

the sign indicated by the aggregate of the figures for the
Lagna, the Sun and hfctndi When Jupiter arrives in
his progress through the orbit at the Rasi found as
above or uv a triangular sign hereof, the native meets
with death
This as well as the next $ix slokas are also quoted in

^ tetlTO &ft«? m«55^

„ ,

. 3*3$ >m: II ||

Sloka 61 Subtract the figures of the Yaroakantaha

(mm*) from those of the rising sign and find out the
Rasi and its Nivamta indicated by the difference. When
Jupiter comes to occupy this Navamsa in the Rasi thus
found, death swill take place without doubt
*ng$i foStat i

Sloka 6’ Subtract the

^ rj^j;
p ^ ( |

figures for Srturn

those of «*
(Mandi) and find out the
Ras, audits
Navamsa indicated by the difference
When Saturn
arrives at a triangular position
from this Navamsa of
the Rasi thus found, death
will take place The same
event wdUlso happen when Saturn arrrves at the
cared the aggregate of the
o' *« particular
Rasi Tnd-
f.gures of the f,ve
Upagraha, reckoned from
v (Dhu ffla) , (t , rfc A j™

St. 63

(The five Upagrahas reckoned from >0 (Dhuma) are (0
(Ardhaprahara) (3) (Yamakantaka),
(Dhuma) (2)
(4)*gJ0S (Kodanda) and (5) (Mandi). For finding their post
tions, see notes on sloka 57 above and II —
6 sup'* (page 47)
The figure for (Mandi) is 10 2 °— 47' 54” — —
Subtracting Saturn (0 —27°- 55' —41"
we get 9—4° — — 52* 13" which means
Makara) Hast and (Kumhha) Navamsa When Saturn passes

through a Rasi trine to Mai ara and a Navamsa trine to Kumoha,

death may be predicted

atpircsjfwfSt i

=5 )
it ^H
Slafti S3 Navamsa, th= Dwada-
Ascertain ths
satosa and the Drekkana indicated by the figures for
Mandi When Jupiter arrives at the Havamsa, Saturn at
the Dwadasatnsa and the Sun at a triangular sign from
the Drekkana in question and the rising Navamsa is that

denoted by the aggregate of the figures for the Lagna,

the Moon and Mandi, death will take place.
Mandi 19 in 10-2-47—54, that is, he is m Tula N--
xamsa Kumbha Dnadasamsa and Kumbha Drekkana According
to this sloku, death may be expected when Jupiter arrives in a
Nxximsa trine to Tula, when Saturn arrives in a Dwadasamsa
trine to Kumbha and the Sun in a Drekkana tnnc to Kumbha,

But"/. wmnJt
sn u grrfa rrrrnft n?rfon
trat vifV^mn?rft=r ®r vt i


Adh. V

Sloka 64 Find out the Rasi and its Navamsa

indicated by the sum total of the figures for'the Lagna
and (Mandi) This Rasi and its Navamsa, say
the Astrologers, will give the clue to the particular
month and the portion thereof in a year in which a
person s death may be expected to happen t (i e
theSun arrives at this particular Rasi and the particular
Navamsa thereof the person will die). The Moon at
the time of the decease will occupy the Rasi indicated
by the total of the figures for Mandi and the Moon and

the rising sign will be that denoted by the total of the

figures for the Lagna, Mandi and the Moon
Fifsl half. But tee also the following quotations
(l> Jtwf

jrwrmd ftrcrorcq <trrrr m n

( 2)

a*r fcrrtfis (ft)

qrrciqn nrq
L «ll«r half, c f, sjiflnir

1'WM^n ,


qi XRbi sjijnn I

qr n
qr jjfo ,

jjfevaqJi faft „
SI. 85-67 <raifriWiPT: 275

gfop =7 gfSrai i

3«wit<p>KR$5RR»> i&s ii v* ii

Sloki 65. Multiply by 9 the figures for wfe*

(Mandi) and Saturn. Add the two products and find
out the particular Rasi and its Navarnsa which the total
indicates. When Saturn passes through this, death will

stsfir gorra; ll II

Stoka 66., Find out the sign of the zodiac indicated

by the sum total of the figures for the lords of the 6th,
the 12th and the 8th bhavas. When Saturn is in this
house or in a triangular 6ign from it, death has to be
f/» ^fcw.for

mMtrimH xr-fk m, ii

yrf ft^WTOT 7^3;

Shka 67. Add nine times the figures for Saturn
and (.Mandi) to nine times the figures for Jupiter;
repeat this process again. Adding the two sets of figures
relating to Saturn, Mandi and Jupiter, find out the Rasi
and Navarnsa indicated by the total obtained. When

Jupiter progressing through its orbit arrives at the

particular Rasi and its Navarnsa above found, the person
concerned will have his exit from the world.
276 «iawilfai7 Adh. V

713^ =? Tifc
sen MtaRFroRnfas i

TlT^ 3*7 77%7 57 7 3S7713.

7^lftR75I7n,Tpr ?tS7>rai II \c II

Sioku 68. Add nine times the figures for Saturn

and »nf^ (Mandi) to nine times the figures for the Sun.
To this sum add again nine times the figures for
(Mandt) joined to nine times the figures for the Sun.
When the Sun passes through the particular Rasi and
the particular Navamsa indicated by the grand total, the
demise of the person concerned will take place.

d^Pfd iris m SRPlf STOJiniM 11 ^ ||

S-oka 69. Add together the number of years,

months, etc. constituting the Dasa period of the
in conjunction with the lord of the 5th or the 1st bhava
and divide the sum total by 12. The remainder will
indicate the month
in which, astrologers
say, the death
oi the person concerned will take place,

^3^ TTTSiijftrtl g Jlrt^

7 7=756 (VjPrqtepflqq |

WrTT jqSpfSinffigq qriq

nine times the figure,
for Saturn
. S
rni-t „,
to nine times the
figure, f or the
4 38ain " ine li “»
the figures
ormfMMandi) joined "a
to nine times the
figured f or
the Moon. Fold the particular tlfh
(Rasi) and nrltt (N ,
y.4i 277

vamsi) indicated by the grand total. When the Moon

pisses through tV and
«rfr (R.\si) (Navamsa) thus
found, th» d *ath of the person concerned wilf take place


3nw«n l


'O't satsprmi ^qiq. ll »? n

Sloka *71. If the birth of a person be during day*

time, his etit from the world is to be thus determined

Add the figures for the Sun and Saturn , and find out
the asterism (Nakshatn) and the portion thereof
indicated by this total In the Jmrrrr (Mahadasa) of this
asteriam ( oidt, Adhyaya 18, sloba 3, infra), find out
whiwh period corresponds to the particular portion of
the star already found The death of the person con*
earned will occur at this point of time
If the buth be during night add the figures for the
Moon and Rihu , ascertain as before th" particular period
of the Mahadasa corresponding to th^ portion of the
asterism indicated by the total This will give the time
of ftufa (Nir>ana'

The following sloka from *1^ (Garga) gives another clue for
ascertaining the Pmfa (Niryane' of any person
wn »i<t SRt i

non fnt?t sunrnr (f>) irnl l*

5^1 «&k«f 1

It ^H

278 Adh. V.

Cause of a Pebsjn’s exit fbom the World.

Sloka 71. The 22nd Drekkana from the
(Lagna drekkani) is the cause of death. An astrologer
thoroughly acquainted with the application of ths prin*
ciples of his science should indicate the exit from the
world (ftifa-Niryam) of the person concerned in
reference to the lord of the 22nd Drekkana aforesaid
(vide Adhyaya 5-A SI 11)

e/. Also *ntnrSi

^rtq JJftff |


vnTOmtit I

Fniialso lihysytV A Shh II „f„. For lt ,

condltlo „
as to when this sloka has to be applied see latter half of
sloka 75

wfi fiiSM Hi>m sjjt gTa: 1

H.'pt ufat g,%re^

S'° ha 73 “ «">ng

kncl.c planet occup.es

„ ^
1th house from the Navarosa where (Mandl) is at
a person's birth, that person's death is sure to come
about happily But be ,f M rs
such a position, the
death will be in battle Saturn should If
occupy the
same position the death would be ,„f
lcta3 bv th
demons, snakes and other reptiles 1

waning Moon hold the above position,

the death would
fcj, 84 279

proceed from the dreadful doom rf a sovereign or from

an aquatic being.
cl sniwr

qnreni n?ir?g 1

sfo#; grvr r%/a?j3: tjVronrf

qvTJH'wTarsjnoi^ «rsp rkwrirtt. il

X?-j ^R f¥tfa% 5?cR<N ^^TsPflTI^:

ra?.T3 ^ ll wj 11

Sfofrn 74. When a strong planet aspects the 8th

bhava death results as the effect of the inflammation of
the humour belonging to that planet. If the aspecting
planet be the Sun, it will be due to an ailment caused by
a burn; if the Moon, from a disease caused by water;
if Mars, fromdisorder arising from a hurt inflicted by

a weapon Mercury, from fever ; if Jupiter, from

; if

phlegmatic affection; if Venus, from famine; lastly if

Saturn be the aspecting planet, the death will arise from
thirst. If the lord of the 8th bhava occupy the Lagna,

the disease leading to death will be located in that part

of thebcdy of the Kalapurusha which the sign
constituting the 8th bhava represents If the 8th bhava

be a moveable sign, death will happen in a foreign

country; if a fixed sign ( it will take place in the person’s
native place ; if a dual sign, it will occur on a road.
fir Sl qttarft', cf.

ipnr: a
Adh. V.

ara'iswR^ %ra>nawnd;
» <° i>

Sloka 80, If, Mars and the

at a person’s birth,
by each other and are in
Sun occupy houses owned
planet that is the
Kendra positions with respect to the
lord of the 8th bhava, the person will at his latter end
the sovereign and suifer death
incur the displeasure of
some other instru-
by being impaled at the state or by
ment of execution.
the reading of the slot, a as given in sltmfC
The following is

5r<n4at qft wwwri wto «fr strar ftw&agfr ^ %=£ t

fyitarc-fclmti n

srori'gigfi gs*i ^ to i

ti%tt *n «i^ iu? ii

Sloka 81. When the Moon is in the Lagna and

the Sun is without strength in the 8th bhava and Jupiter
occupies the 12th bhava, and a malefic planet is in the
4th bhava, the person born will die by falling from hia
couch, or Leing assassinated at night by a low out-cast.

The following is the reading adopted in

sira^r m mnt (V,

i «
'il. 82-85 t
ra*frs™tr*i: &83

fowhia $S TOtrasq^t I

gsn«rci ^ nw ^gCn *?Cra3 u « n

Sloka 82. When the lord of the Lagna occupies

the 61th Navamsa from the Lagna or is eclipsed by the
Sun or in the 6th bhava, the death of the person con-

cerned will be by famine on the bare ground with no

relation by bis Bide.

sngHOTir-TOl Crct sfnag^RrsxFs I

?Rt to 3tr fisin: sttro uwr ftsiTO n

SLka 83. If, at a person’s birth, the lords of the
Sth and the 1st bhava be both weak and Mars be in
conjunction with the lord of the 6th bhava, he will die,
say the astrologers, in battle, and that too by a blow
inflicted by a weapon
The second qrr (Pada) read* as £\ 3\ ‘TUFjrnsrgift in S'WtVcnnft.

vrSwi snnVlwiH 3%
mm m tot ptstW)^ ii<ss
Sloka 84. When the lord of the Lagna is m con-
junction with that of the 4th bhava as well as of the 2nd
bhava, death will result from indigestion. When the
lord of the 7th bhava is in conjunction with 'the lords
of the 2nd and the 4th, death will result from the same

is the reading adopted in STPri'T-WT’ for rAtfc m tTTfV

f^rrtJFl id the latter h3lf of Ihis sloka.


TOit=n ^—to sa
n h

Adh. V

of the 10th Navamw

Slofeo 85. When the lord
with Siturn or occu-
[tom the hagna is io conjunction
(i.e. the 6th, thi 9th ot the
py a 5 turn Dusthana
bhava). the person concerned will die by swallowing
poison When the lord ot the 10th Navamsa from the
in conjunction with Rahu or Ketu, death wilt
Lagna is

be by hanging.
This si oka reads thus in

vprc^i vtpjg^t g<ri % ?iraur *n ftqnsjfoH i

^Tareni =3
5 II

sjtht wt ^ n>WRipiF^: 1315 .

Sloka 80. There will be a trouble due to demonia-

cal possession or danger from fire or water when the
waning Moon in conjunction with Mars, Rahu or .

Saturn occupies the 8 th bhava If the Moon under the

conditions stated above occupies any other bad position,

death will follow from 'a fearful epileptic fit

Vide also Adhyay* XIV, tlok* 62 (latter half) tnjra.

flit 31 I

gratis ftwnpSti 3^ <;is ii ii

Sloha 87 When the Sun or Mars without

occupies the 8 th blvv.i, and malefic planets are
the m
2 nd, the astrologer should predict death from a bilious

11 <*<: II

SI. 88-91

Sloka 88. Ii the Moon or Jupiter occupying a

watery sign be also in the 8th bha^a and aspected

by a
tnaUiic planet, the astrologer may predict death from


gs> i

When Venus
tmsi #1 ^ u
occupies the 8th bhava
Sloka 89.
and is aspected by a malefic planet, the astrologer can
predict death from rheumatism, consumption, or diabetes.

f^RfW told; sium n ii II

Sloka 90. When Mercury occupies Leo and is

aapected by a malefic planet, the astrologer should ascer*

tain that death is to result from a disorder of the three
humours ; or he may declare that it will be brought on
by fever.

^ift I

^ 11

Sloko 91. When Rahu is in the 8th bhava and

aspected by a malefic planet, death will occur from a
heat*generatcd disease such as a boil, or from an injury
inflicted by a snake.

Sfofcn 92. When Rahu is
bhava and
in the 8th
n ss n

aspected by a malefic planet, death will happen from an

attack of smallpox and such other affliction or from a
fall brought on by biliousness.
286 Adh. V

3R( 3<( tjjjfa «RI%^T ^T 3T I

; mi \\ M \\

Sloka 93. When Saturn is in the 9th bhava and

when the two planets occupy the
Jupiter in the 3rd, or
8th and the Uthbhavas, there will be an amputation of
the hand. If Rahu, Saturn and Mercury occupy the IQth
bhava, the person born will hive a slit in the hand.
The verse reads thus in •rercfoaTCffl

tm $Rf agfr Jjaft Wrc3fr s£ fogg ^

^ fttRifcrit gt gr fnfft n

zm; „

^^ ^ srt m i

Sloka 94. If the Sun being the lord
\\ ^ \\

of the 8th
bhava is aspeeted by Venus, or Saturn conjunction m
with Rahu occupies a malefic 60th portion of a sign
as (Krura), the astrologers predict
decapitation of the
person concerned.

This sloU is also m trmiSjrmft Th. eadmg of the first
half is slightly different, viz.

gwn% f^raifiisni tn> stSi <n wSisfityi;


^ I

\tyt§; ^TTTniltJTTl ril'd a 11 so it

siola 95. When Snurn ,5 ,n the rhto? , L .ni

Rahu in the 7th bhava,
Venus occupies Virgo
aid the
waning m
Moon .s the 7th bhava, the
person il! $u ffet w
the amputation ot hand and foot.

51. 96*99 287

reads «[% for

1^3^ ?r a£t amfcra sothwr f l

aa^TCRTOasa^rat n^r afca^ II ^n

Sloka 96. When the rising sign or its Navarosa
is owned by Mars and occupied by the Sun, and the
waning Moon in conjunction wita Rahu and Mercury
occupies Leo, the person concerned will have his belly
The latter half of the Sloka reads thus in

ipji ^ ftfia *?fr I

Wi town: n V9 il

Shin 97. When Saturn in the rising sign is with'

out benefic aspect and the waning Moon is in conjunc
tion with Rahu and the Sun, the person born, say
Parasara and other authorities/ will suffer a wound by
a weapon in the upper region from the navel.

'HJISHSspi ^ I

^ il ^ II

in the 6th/ the 8th or

Sister 98 When the

the 12th bhava ts aspected by the lord of the rising sign
and is in conjunction with Saturn, Maodi and Rahu,

the person born will die an unnatural death.

JiRf f^untn vrtti ^its? 3^ I

iTO’wril 3 rfirr^t gsftrocft n ^ n

- Adh.V

Sloka 99. When the Son o in the 10th
conjunction with a bene P
Mats in the 4th not in
the msign, death wlU
net and when Mercury

of an ox or cow or by the
be indicted by the home
of a dart or spear

i W
r-gh vngj>
tIP# ; '


Slcka ICO When beneficplanetsaspected

by male-
4th, the 1st or the 8th
fic ones occupy the Idth, the
bha-va, the death of the
person concerned will be due to

the fall of a spear. When the Moon is in the rising

sign, Saturn in the 4th

bhava and Mars in the 10th, __

death wdl result from the bad effects of a fracas.

PR %
Rftfatf »3ig I

rW R%5raf5RT
\\\ ° \ ||

Sloka 101. When the San is in the rising sign and

the Moon in Virgo aspected by a malefic planet, the
death of the person concerned will result from risk ma
quarrel or from water IE the Sun and the Moon be in
the Lagna and other planets occupy a dual sign being
aspected by malefic planets, death will be caused from
the fang of a horned aquatic animal found m large mass'
ca of water such as lakes and rivers.
51. 102405 5r3,ifrs«jn*: 280

(! ffcrart

Ewrar qrqgiTeaf i

3^3: oraftqm ftarq ircr^ ll

Vide also V. A*i infra.

^nTOTORii <n>rtte<Vi& <n i

Sloka 102. When the Oth or the 5th Raat from

that in which the Moon is, is either occupied or aspect'
ed by a malefic planet and when the Drekkana of the
8th bhava (t.e> the 23nd from the rising Drekkana
happens to be what is termed (Sirpi), ftns (Nigada)

or *mr (pasa), (vide sloka 55, supra), the astrologer

may predict suicide by hanging.

Trl-CT ^ WT Wfi%'tJ I

irfr gk n#
jp«pe3r jr&ft n #

Slata 103. When Fisc* is the rising sign, when

the Sun and the Moon occupy it in conjunction with a
malefic planetand when the Sth bhava is also occiipied
by a malefic planet, death will be brought on by a
mistress. When Mars is in the 1th bhava or the Sun
in the 7th and when Saturn and the Moon occupy the
Sth bhava, death will be caused by rood of a special kind.

tpv nh gnus uraft vrars

- *iRi%nJ mrgto l
290 . Adh. V

urct g FSfJ’UFrcT^ n ?«« ii

Sloka 104. When Saturn is in the ‘2nd bhava, the

Moon m the 4th and Mars in the 10th, the person
concerned dies from the effects of a wound. When
Mars is m
the 4th bhava, the Moon in the 2nd and the
Sun in the 10th, death will be caused from the effects of
riding on an elephant or a horse.

wf) ftqfa tm% Trsn^

fr> §& tRg: I

HHI-ol 'sM'te.'nHUl frhol

Fra n?ot\ ii

Sloka 105. When Saturn

in the Bth bhava and
the Moon in the 10th without strength
and the Sun in
the 4th, death will happen from the efferts
of a blow by
a piece of timber falling unobserved
the lordWhen
of the rising sign associated with
of two malefic planets, and the
Ketu is m the midst
8th bhava
is occupied
by an unpropmous planet, death wilt be caused
mother’s wrath.
3 a


the lord of the 8th bhava

beina «
5| ant* w^ &n
Marsoccup.es the rising sign,
person enneerned will eomm.t
by hanging
SI, 107-109 - tradrrarai 291

cf- Qrrarc
m^*ficfrtrob§nrr I

*?[5r li

w ?tr p *k gfetfgi l

Tit srcra-fi ^nsiPnwr^fits II ?<>\s n

Sloka 107. When the Sun is in the Lagna, Saturn

in the 5th bhava, the Moon in the 8th and Mars in the
9th, death has to be apprehended from the fall of a tree
or thunderbolt.

«/• trow
arir^rsS^r §<m *?ir favfr vm> i

^r^R^r^ra^n af^a^r II

qiVtwrc-scirtiTfeits sift <roRro% njira i

^ OTiF^qrroRi ^i m ^rruS ?tr il

Sloka 108. When the 10th and the 4th bhavas are
occupied by malefic planets and the waning Moon is fn
the 6th or the 8th bhava from the Lagna, death will
happen at the time ol pilgrimage to a shrine by the
machination of an enemy.

wrRi'ft *n3<rof^ f^rsr^W 1 •

l^raR^stMl srrijr few g ara: n II

Stofca 1C9. When Saturn and Mars occupy reaper

tively the 1st and the 12th bhavas, the Sun, the Moon
and Mercury arc in the 7th, the person bom wifi meet
his end in a temple garden in*a foreign land.

For the same eflect the following yoga is quoted in *!UhK
sqqfrsft TTf Trcft Wh 5^ \

qjfo fa?m'imra*sm gtrsfarrc 11

otict qntg^seqsi fts'Fn?qi% 4ir i

OT«it twisra 5^ jjfif^nRjn^ n?3: ll $?» n

S loka 110. When a malefic planet occupies the 8th

bhava and the lord thereof occupies the 10th or a Kendra

and the lord of the rising sign is deficient in strength,
death is said to result from the evil effects of pursuing a
wicked course of life.

5?tufe?[TOr srais wrcniFTOl I

^rqi m flpimra nit ^prorepnli n ??? n

Sfo/»a 111 When the Moon occupying a sign be*
longing to Mars or Saturn is as peered by a malefic
planet and is between two n\alefic planets, death will
arise from exposure to fire arms The same event may

happen also when the Moon occupies the 4th bhava in
the sign Virgo and the other conditions hold good as in
the previous case.

Vuf# Also Adhjaya V A, SWaj, infra

cf iitrarc

vroriimq^sEk 'twswin ^ arrqget 1

vwrt ftwSt *r u

foralUwimft <ircs%

Sloka. 112. If a person be born m ftatrfta (Vishi •

SI* 112 • t
TB«TstqpT: 293

gbatika) when the 8th wrsr (bhava), is occupied by malefic

planets, his death will be caused by poison or fire-arms
When the lord of the rising sign is in conjunction with
several planets whereof one is the lord of the 8th w*,
(bhava).* the death of the person concerned will be
simultaneous with the death of a large number.
For c 'f’

wm \© *1 *33*11 «o

to 3° % S. lit: HH mn %« TO H° yd wflwl

HI fulfil' H® I

U 3 1» 1® Hfm (a fflOT: frai H8 TO1

H ® W ?
o ?

ja l< ^ U ft Hs >ara4t h® RiH^n^^stoisfy


Also YwnrifcCTT c *• 30
sngrnrar^g I

wfr nvtfsfcih u

arid fin d*sd *jwdfjTa^ I

wPair s intend srafcnn*n

tf. rterart
^ ^

nf\ ^ fl3% l

«FT% fadd ^IrlSS ft«Td SdTd.il

Ml WTUWfftwll Adh. V-

>j<3 to sfiroi gftpnn ii ??3 II

Sloka 113 Some eminent sages versed in astro'

logy say that a person’s death will be caused by disease
arising from the inflammation of the humours of the
sign to which the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the
rising sign belongs


114 When the Navamsa
occupied by the

lord of the Lagna b’longs to Jw (Mesha), death is said to

be brought on by a burning fever or other such ailments
If the Navamsa in question be owned by ?ni(Vrishabha),
death is produced by an aggravation of
asthma and
colic If Bn!* (Mithuna) be the owner of the Navamsa
death will be due to headache Ifthe Navamsa belongs
to Wf (Kataka), rheumatism and insanity will lead
death , if to (try(Simha), virulent tumors
will break
out ending in death If the Navamsa is owned by
Kanya (*»«), deathwill be due to diseases
from a morbid condition of the gastric juice
and the

Si. 115 295

Sloka 115; * If the owner of the Navamsa be Tula

(g®r), the "cause of death will be grief, a quadruped or
fever; If (Vrischika) be the owner of the Navamsa,
death will be occasioned by a stone or a weapon or other
such missile. If the Navamsa belongs to vrjn: (Dhanu&)

gout of a Virulent kind will produce death. If zt be

(Makara) that owns. the ‘Navamsa, the end will come
from a beast of prey such as a tiger or from a disease such
‘as colic. When such Navamsa belongs to ^>r (Kumbha),

death will be inflicted] by a tiger or a woman. And lastly

if the Navamsa in question be a tfbFrafc (Meenanavamsa)

water or dysentery will be the cause of death v The

place of death will be the haunt of the sign ( vide Adb'
yaya 1. SI. }0'12) to which the Frnmfcr (Randhranavamsa)
- Glth Navamsa from the enprafer (Lagnanavamsa) ~ be-
longs. (See Adhyaya 5. A. Sloka. 12). ,

For this and the previous two slokas, c/.iflUHn:.

swprctfh# i

qi : 1

- tft 3% & 31 rfrHqFT^I ll

ft# i

. ^rlr it

qi i

Adh. V

^TOtfinrafi^pi spis^r^sffft II

sftrKral ^T5t

^nsgii is. it

TO nTTrfr qi F^raisPljfemR^hl,
qnga sqinpl mRrti R a^r H

jit jiiiidi ii'P’ro^S’iipl i *

’aifrfw&fti'rawn amfei. II

#i tffrra n rftn # wn*#«fa i

rfor? fiftat ®3-’H

faftra^sarrat OTirasit wi
ari^ ^paa: 1 •

ftfir tjfaptnra wntniSfiRsa n

W I)

during the
Sfoio. 110. When the time of birth
day and the rising sign is a Rasi strong at night or
when the time of birth is during night and the rising
sign is a Rasi strong during the day, the
person con*

cerned will meet his death in that direction .which

belongs to the planet predominant in positional strength
nmnra (Stthanabala] among those that are in conjunction
with or aspected by the lord of the rising Navamsa.

SUftlddfaWrefoil ffe
>riWsgirfi5tri%i#mi Rr%a^Htii5R! t l

- tfeRl(I^WT^9teRJ55% !

117. Sloka . Find out the rising period of the

portion of the Lagna below the horizon at the time of

Sl.'118 v»a«^swrT^* 297

birth The duration of unwonsciousness prior to death

will be measured by this period If the rising Navamsa
be aapected bv its lord, and that a malefic planet, the
period of unconsciousness will be twi^e that given
above' If that lord be a benefic one, the duration of
Unconsciousness will be three times the original period
According as the principal Drelkana concerned, vis the
22nd from the w«i^*v»r(Lagna Drekkan.t) is a^r, (Krura)
watery, benofic, or mixed, (vide Adhyaya 9, Slokas 112
—115) the body by fire, by water, by
suffers extinction
absorption jwith the elements, or by being eaten up by
beasts and brds of prey (See Adhvaya 5 A. SI 12'13)
c* *r?tms* sn i

* Lnp; Hmk h vnrugffc n

^K«T$jmi3dT I

Sloka 113 Jupiter occupying the rising sign at the

time of death makes the dying person a denisen of the
abode of the Gods. ' Jf the Sun or Mars occupy tne
(Maranalagna) they procure to the dying the
world of mortals. The Moon and Venus m the above-
mentioned position send the deceased to the world of
the Manes Lastly, Mercury and Saturn occupying
the rising sign at death cast the departed into the
infernal regions
Ci Bupfrt w
grsmp i

rjaurar^r tnt *rai?nr nfacafa n

nTwntregk "anm i

rrm feRrsnurj *n>5n. u

m Adb

Also Vtde AdhyayaV A si oka J 1 tnfra

Jfw ^ %pmra aptM?;

sntr <p%i#F ll

SI ok a 119 The four Rasis beginning with (to
(Mesha) form the region of >j?re (Bhuloka) Thoa
beginning with f«e (Sunfn) are termul g*?fc (Uhuvar
loka) The four commencing with ’43^ (Dhanus) con
The soul goes to the
statute the gsrafc (Suvarloka) site

(Loka) to which thc*nm?«r (Maranalagna) bi-long*

fowfitr 1

lift fti% ,nn^i%5% srarewraftsir am ^na;n?^®

SUka 120 When theWd of the 12th bhava occu
pies a malefic 'iwi (Shaahtyamsa) and is aspectcd by
malefic planets, the dying person goes to the region of
hell The sime will be the case when Ratiu is m the,
12ih bhava in conjunction with mr^ (Mandi) and the
lord of the 8th bhava, and is also aspcctcd by the lord
of the Gth bhava.

3^ qmir: :jr%!
&& * ftjs smfft afnx

ipra ||
Slutn 121 Wben a benehc planet us exaltation
occupies a benefic an (Var Ba) ,h e Uth bhava and is
aspteted by planets both fcenelic and
maleltc the astro
lo ter can predict great celestial
Jupiter being the lord ol the 10 th
happ lne „ Whcn
bhava occupies die
12tK c. uSgected by tcnelic planets,,
he dying pei50n
will attain to ibe position ol an
Si. 12Z-124 'raAs.iira: 299

ftfaqgffi: *rs wflz^i wsftirew? wilr n IRR ll

Sloka 122. When Jupiter in great strength occu-

pies a Navamsa owned by vivpt (Du anus) in sign Cancer,
and there are three or four planets in the Kendras, the
dying person will go to Brahma's region.
cf. IV- 105 suf>ra.

qf!c g-vras i

qsifcra qq q# sroftn nwil

Sloka 113. When the rising sign is Dhanus
and Jupiter occupies a Navamsa thereof belonging to
Mcslia, when Venus is in the 7th bhava and when
the Moon in strength occupies (Kanya), the dying
person goes to the region of eternal bliss.

tf. iv-ior>. *«/r«

Pw m i t I

Wwwhk ^ ll ?q« u
^-Tir^qqf ^mranftNr snTOnffcrtt
ans^n^rn; q=5n: u

Sloka 124, The accurate process of calculating the

years of pnrtf (Nisarga) and other Ayurdayas and all

the different circumstances attending the last portion of

one's life and the precise moments of time when the
wivfcm';ha. nvaidii m.vj he, tank&i far., ha.ve.alh tewn.
fully treated of by the favor of the Sun and other planets.
Thus ends the 5th Adhyaya on the “ Length of
Life" in the work Jataka Parijata composed by Vaidya-
natlu under the auspices of the nine planets.
Adhyaya V. A.

Exit from the Wourf

no othw Him the WlfMIT (Chipler XXV

This Chapter is

of Brihat Jataha
the world.
The Adhvaya deals with the native’s exit from
time when, the place
Itenables the Tender to correctly guess the
where, and the manner how, death happens.
From the first ele\en
also able to furly diune the particular disease which
slohas one is

which culminates death Unnatural

the native sufiersfrom and in

deaths—by drowning, by being a prey to wild beasts, by fire,

torture, suicide by hanging or falling,
decapitation owing to royal

displeasure—can also be ascertained The 1 2th sloVa gives a clue

to determine the r«'Od of unconsciousness one may ha\e before

Tbe next sloha deals With the hind of transformation the body
undergoes alter death^whethrr it is burnt or buried or exposed to
the Sun and wind to be eaten by beasts and vultures, etc
The last two si oh as enable one to find out what bis past

birth was and what his future birth will be, whether he will attain

final emancipation, etc

Sloka 1. When the 8th house being unoccupied

is aspectfd by a strong planet, the humour belonging

7 <0 4
£l.I Ikm&ranajpr: 301

thereto becomes inflamed in that part of the body which

the Rasi of the 8th Tiouse represents, and death is

thereby produced. When there are several strong pla-

nets aspecting the 8th house, the humours peculiar to
them become morbid and produce death. But if that
house be occupied, and the occupying planet be the Sun
death will be due to fire ; if the Moon, it will be by
water ; if Mars, by a weapon if Mercury, by fever ;

by an ailment not accurately ascertained ; if

if Jupiter,
Venus, by thirst and if Saturn, by hunger. And

according as the 8th house is a moveable, fixed or a

mutable sign, death will be in a foreign place, in one's
own house, or on the road.
The Sun=bile
The Moon*=wmd and phlegm
Mercury=bile, wind and phlegm
Venus=wind and phlegm
Saturn =wiDd
If planets are not posited in the 8th house or are not aspect
ing it, the 8th house causes diseases as above according to the
nature pf the ruler of that house. If planets aspect the Sth house
or if planets occupy the 8th house, they cause the diseases (the
strongest of the planets acting best) in those parts of the body
typified by the sign representing the 8tli house. The Sun represents
fire ,
therefore it will be by fever, etc The Moon represents
'RiA.csv dNSRasfta SJatV. zs Vwsse. wvaKmnR, d.w.ri'/KZ, dgsesfeesy , Wtioi
impurities, etc Mars will cause accidental deaths, epidemics as
cholera, Mercury will produce fever of brain or
plague, etc.

smallpox. Jupiter will cause mental worry, or come unknown

diseases. Venus will cause thirst by excessive drinks, and Saturn
by starvation or excessive eating, if two or more powerful

planets aspect or occupy the 8th house, then two or more diseases
1 ^
302 scrcrerfrrsn^ , Adh. V.A.
1 ’
afflict the man. If the 8th house happens to be a moveable sign,
the native will die in a foreign place.. If it be an immoveable
one, he will die in his own place, and if common, very near his
birth place If be powerful, there will be death when
the planet
he is engaged in good work if it be weak, then when be is eng-

aged ui bad or indifferent work.

l wTO?g !

qfar *i<riw II

if! for* erg-r^Tar jjg: 1

AlsoV-74 Supra.

SPIRT imtsOTl:
vnsr TraTRis^sfensRi tAckt siais: tun
Sltta a. When the Sun and Mars occupy respec-
tively the 10th and the 4th house at a person’s
his death will be caused by the fall ot a stone from
top of a mountain. When Saturn, the Moon and Mars
arc in the 4th, the 7th and the 10th houses respect.vely
he will die by falling into a well. When
the Sun and
the Moon arc in Virgo and arc aspectcd by
planets, death should be traced to the evil deeds
of his
own relations; (or he may commit suicide
owing to
differences with them). If the rising sign be a dual
Rasi, and the Sun 3nd the Moon occupy it, he will
perish by being drowned in water.

Vamhaimhim here lilts af accdetitJ

mentioned in lh„ nod the
teak-. If the y0 „s
wcccJms slotas {oTOi f
SI. 3 Wftrers'.'nro '303

applicable in any horoscope, the effects mentioned in the fust

si oh a need not then be applied.

In the first yoga, it is not necessary that Mats and the Sun
should respectively occupy the 4th and the 10th houses ; they may
occupy any of the houses cither singly or together-

cf. qftFPO

qpnntwin sisuprran?*)

^ ti'tq «rsra: t»

*I i\ ^^ni W -

^rarRunrt: w^qgvrfrt# ft#, i


•fr 7 n ;i' ^iTOtiRU'raftttrersiftpitr afam

#r& irft; -is# fiftt# *sKri#it: $<r: n 3 II

Sluka 3. When Saturn occupies Cancer and the

Moon Capricorn at the birth of a person, his death will
be caused by dropsy. If the Moon be in a sign of Mars
between two malefic planets, he will die by a weapon
or by fire (or he will die cf tetanus or by shortage of
blood). When the Moon occupies the same position
in Virgo, death will be due to vitiated blood or cmacid'
tion. If the Moon be in a sign owned by Saturn in the
same position, his death will be by a cord (by hanging),
by an accident near fire or by a fall (from a high place).

isr&r&f *r^ sm* l

'TT'Trenhj ^ $3ni5p|- *renn%*w:

qj^nroi qrcRisra: 'n'w-^mcT: I


sjfg snm Ff n
» .

304 Adb V. A.

si'df vsnfJmrayH,

jRlfsjJSJ IT q^| g |
U| ? q q^T am II

^ 'wnrfFTi : ainntnwn:

H?f ’I ffTI^ IR11!
^ frft

Rl^t II V II

S/ofc * 4. When two malefic planets occupy the

5th and 9th houses and are not aspect Cd by benefic
planets at a person's be
birth, his d~ith will
captivity- m
When the decanate of the 8th house is what is termed
n't (Sat pa), *nn (Pasa) or fan* (Nigada), the death
will be the same as before. When the Moon is in
Virgo occupying the 7th house in conjunction with a
malefic planet, Venus
in Arie< and the Sun in the rising
sign, the person, concerned will come by Ins death in
his own house through a woman
Slokas 16 of Chapter XXIII and 6 of Chapter XXI
of Brihat
Jataka deal with the yogas of imprisonment If lhc abovc m
yogas, there be a strong malefic in the
5th or 9tli, auch planet
causes death to the person while so imprisoned,
prm ide.l the male
fie planet is not aspccted by benches
If tbe 22mT
decanate (the
first decanate of the 8th house) be
(Sarpa), «ntr (Pas m
,) or
(N.gada) death will be painful Th.s refers to the -Wnom

1 ScT
i mal,f,c
a and
a vrr r

due or can but, need

tta Sun bo ,n iko

* b,ms '"
b ' intereshns to not, boro
that of

", "" !lh hou “ “ =»•»»«.»
Lafna and Vonus
u™„ Uj

, 1,
l ove




tion with accidental deaths. Western authors also say that Virgo
causes accidents when afflicted by malefic planets in squares.
(C/* Arcana.) '


?rra: qT^anram?x^rs*Tqr g^rq, n

frrar^ f^r€r rntfoasTau ^ i

Wife? ft irrn !1

s.'m sri %^

^i3T4 ^
JE#nf»r€5i: snufir jr^t ii K il

Sloka 5. If at a person s birth the Sun or Mars be

in the 4th house and Saturn in the 10th, he will be
impaled. If the thrce?malefic planets named above simul-
taneously occupy the first, the 5th and the 9th houses

in conjunctionwith the Moon, death will be by impale'

ment. If the Sun be m the 4th house, and Mars be in
the 10th and aspected by the waning Moon, the same
death will befall the person. If in the yoga last
mentioned, Mars be aspected by Saturn* instead of by
the waning Moon, the person will die from the effects
of a collision with a piece of timber, or death may be
caused by his being: beaten by wood.’
*Saturn will have to occupy the Lagna, the 4thorthe 8th |

house. In the first two yogas, the death need not necessarilylbe

by impalement. The person may die by accident.

cf. *urf*37

rw Rpmi I

g^nra^r II

: '

80(5 wra^m-Kia Adh. V.A.

hwfa gifted s&m I

£ifr»ft ga : «fewh 3rar =r a%: u *

i ts^Rf

^tuR^^fr#tf ^r-^: ii $ ii

Sloka B. When
tHc waning lvlodfl, Mlr4, Saturn
and the Suh occtipy tiie 8th, the lflth, the Ibt and the
4th houses at a person's birth, he will die beittg beaten
to death by a club. If the same planets occupy the 10th,
the^tti, the 1st and the 5th houses, kis death will be

due to suffocation by Sfnoke, to fire, to imprisonment

or td thrashing

Lagna Saturn Lagna

Mars Mats

— Case 1
Case II

Sun Moon Sun Moon

The commentator Bhattotpala Mould place

the planets
Moon, Mars, Saturn and the Sun respectively
in the 8th, the loth’
the 1st and the dth houses in the first >oga and m the loth the Qtt,

Moon cannot
.nthat j.
* - * ^ — - « «- «* *«.mnLL:::i; m
bo naning as b 5 „11 be tbc 5th h„ , f

gi 7-8 'Wn^rvTn^: 307

^fi S\*^abR^R^5i 3u .*

H;qTfifi«pvyqMOtfStf a^ : I!

«P»^?33iforf|sfa $-4<A.4*I 3j/'

ftnkmasifilfi^Sma^ing; I


Ift^mcrc?!! sgyni K&- |

5 H* SRi%fcr<ra snftqra: « w 11

Sloka 7. If at a person's birth Mars, the Sun and

Saturn respectively occupy the 4th, the 7th and the 10th
houses, his death would be brought about by a weapon,
Fireor the displeasure of a king. If Saturn, the Moon

and Mars be in the 2nd, the 4th and the 10th bhwas
respectively at a person's birth’ he will perish in conse'
quence of worms in a wound ( t.c by an operation or
by insect bites).

*/. sim$t

34R. II

q«n*3f^w4b formal s=?r. ti

aroint ^Rwraisst
Wt^Ti-W f%sJStfq'n i

=qtw IKII

Slofm 8. When the the 10th house and

Sun is in

Mars in the 4th at a person s birth, his 'death will be

by a fall from a vehicle. When Mars is in the 7th
hopse, the S?up, the Moon and 'Saturn are in the Lagna
308 Adh V. A.

the person concerned will be put to death by an instru'

ment of torture. When Mars, Saturn and the Moon

respectively occupy Libra, Aries and a sign belonging
to Saturn, or Moon, the-Sun and Mars
when the waning
and the 4th houses respectively,
ate in the 10th f the 7th
the person concerned will die m
the midst of filth and
the Sun be in the 10th, Mars in the 4th, the man will have

a fall from a vehicle and die If the sign on the 4tli is a quadruped,
death will be caused from a four footed animal, and so on accord-
ing to the nature of the Rasi If Mars be in the 7th and Saturn,

the Moon and the Sun are in the Ascendant, the man will have
an accident near a machinery and die, or he may undergo a n
operation and die
If Mars be in Tula, Saturn in Me® ha and the Moon in Makara

orKumbha, the man will die uncared for after badly purging.
This yoga arises by the planet* being in the Rasis If weak Moon,
the Sun Mid Mars are placed in the 10th, the
7th and the 4th
respectively, the man will die under similar
cf* biui'' 1

si s w n uMrimfrd . i

5^1 ^r> *mr yitw n

g iSra^PT „

11 e, 11

Slota 9. When the waning Moon i, aspected bp

Mar, m =tre„gth and Saturn occupy the 8th house
the person concerned w,U '.suffer from ptlc, or ftstula
SI. 10-11 • 309

and die of worms or an operation or of an application

of a caustic substance.
The man will die from hernia, piles, kidney diseases after an
operation. t

*/• •srcrM

wit u

There is a slight difference in the yoga given in V. —78 supra.

31% RTt


7 :

SI ok a 10. When the Sun and Mars are in the 7th

bhava, Saturn in the Sth and the waning Moon in the
4th at a person's birth, his death will be caused by birds.
If the Sun, Mars, Saturn and the Moon occupy respec-
tively the 1st, the 5th, the 8th and the 9th houses, the
person concerned will die by falling from a precipice,
by thefall of a thunderbolt, or of a wall.

cf- tikiisff

T SR tfiravfa I

l (3?T 51^5*3*4 i^m r<i ji :

i fl

«hKu l
?. -'-hr (Jll RTRtRjT SjRl%« I

^ ^gSt: irq^il ll ?? II

Sloka 11. (Where the foregoing tests do not

apply), the cause of death is declared to be the 22nd
decanate from that of the Lagna. The lord of this 22nd
310 Adh. v.a.

decapatc or of the sign containing it produces death

according to its characteristic^.

In the absence of the yogas mentioned m Slohas 2 to JP, we
have to apply this principle and not otherwise The 22nd
decanate from the Lagoa drehhana causes the disease according to
the nature of the ruler of tint decanate with certainty If the
ruler of the 22nd decanate he the Sun, he causes fever as stated
in SloVa 1 Similarly in the case of the other planets mentioned
therein The ruler of the 8th house modifies the influence of the
2’nd decanate This is implied in vqlsft u (Dhavopua)

Til e for example Lagna Anes 25" The 22nd decanate is
the 3rd decanate of Scorpio which is ruled by the Moon The
ruler of the 8th house is Mars Therefore death is accidental,
unexpected or short because it is Mars The Moon gives waiter
diseases and as Mars modifies the Moon to a certain degree, we
may say death will be due to loose bowels, urinal complaints
(sudden stoppage of urme, etc)


srCi^ir m |j


JiwfintciiRf grt
Tot the toot, ofdealh dot to each
of the 36 Dt.!*,™,
happening to be the ZJnd Decanate, the follow,
° s i ol f „
same work will he found to be useful — ,h

fetSflafawt nidi
U?$fR[»q Raq


Ti ipit’inm traT^ia>nai5T n

pi’ll fill Ids'll] gqilii ]1

SI. il 3ii

fawn qiHTHHnfH'liafffig i

set Hqfi) ft *r!>i OTRufa H5ragaiR n-
• anil WIWWR-it Haft i ,

jrg'ift’ifi'Tiqtaftfftenft a nftntaigi II

qHmfirqgaOTtHqaHmi^ramwTg i

smH=% hih g ggng

nqft ft g?s: il

hi# HOTHig <f/u-Tgi^q at am gain i

mft ft q;fesii) gcjHqi gakHiit g II

aifHHltllfSH'HHIFHS.q sir! Hq RHlft.SH. I

ft5HHH?!pHrafi^m n gnnft 11

aq# hhf jmg


gaftHFl nsitHqsat qft|% n

fiqw#ngi*kfo!nqi5r am h imst i

§55# mift ft grga h%: ii

anil HgqiiftraqisftijRgrg: |

aqRSfqftjnqHHt H^- IjJIfHHRHm ||

ifsfis# |mi tog; # fcfe;


t# & «*}lstejaft«I: II

miSsftHfpwft ftrnr^Frftfiai^mHHq: i

H^r g qisHiwHHiiwift grg; n

sftft g-ftqHiit %*smqmfttft2?tii! i

Haft ft HOT 0HTT yii HTlftqH^giiTg II

mmsft 5# gqift^g^qftftqfiili i
Adh V. A.

«p^| gata«5f 33^ tfflglciSfflSfi I

3 jc3^ it sst

TOtfl ^EW ^^aTOTI'^fS t

3?#mn?isr stf^rcae^tl^wwhll
e.^maafn1-^ s^w’ngflfi'P^ '^ >

3^ tTR5<I5t wt"!! 1<3 sv 58 11

jrit nipCT^t ^ftwwiWlI I

mqivn ‘tWI^Cl^S II

%j5nnts ?sfa >sg

| l


sirm^ Tl't'pm?^ wnfcfcwg3.ll

^JRiaw*! sft swmflsfopira™; i

«F& wfc f| h<ot gfaiiftlft «% II

gT*i«5«m?l%W I

Jiteg 3S3y3<tsg\^ii!iig<!,i
ftgteftgon 11 ?3 «

Sloka 12 From all this we have to determine

generally this Fiqfa (Niryaro) or exit from the world as
occurring at a place whose surroundings will be indica-

ted by the planet occupying the Lagna or by the planet

ruling the rising Navamsa as also by those that are m
conjunction with or aspecting these The unconscious
state at the time ol death lastj for such time as is
— ,

SI. 12 WtfnpTsttiT*: 313

measured by the rising period of the portion of the

Lagna below the horizon. This period becomes doubled
when the rising sign is aspected by its lord and trebled
when aspected by benefic planets generally
Bhattotpala interprets the first half of the sloka thus The
exit from the world will occur at a place appropriate to the Rasi
occupied by the lord of the rising Navamsa, with such circumstan
ces as are the result of occupation or aspecting by planets of the
8th house or the absence of both (Vide Slokas 1 and 1 1) and states
tha-t the following are the places appropriate to the several signs
Aries, Place frequented by sheep Taurus, Place frequented by
oxen, Gemini, a house. Cancer, a well Leo a forest Virgo —
, —
a water bank Libra i bazaar, Scorpio— a hole Sagittarius- ,

a place frequented by horses Capricorn—watery tracts , Aquarius


— —
a house, and Pisces watery places
But the above does not seem to be the correct view. The
following view which is advocated by Varahimihtra in Chapter II,

sloka 12 seems to be the correct one The Sun— temples the

Moon—a fertile place (green all round) Mars —operation theatres,
kitchens, store houses, factory, etc Mercury— play grounds
Jupiter — treasury rooms Venus —well furnished rooms, Saturn
— dirty places

The place of death and surroundings will be indicated by the

planet in the Lagna or the one ruling its rising Navamsa If there
be no planet in the Lagna, the ruler of the sign occupied by the
planet owning the Lagna or the rising Navamsa will depict the
surroundings of the place of death If any planets aspect or
occupy the house where the ruler of the Lagna or its Navamsa is
situated, they also indicate the place of death in addition to what
has bean stated above Suppose for example, the Moon indicates
the place of death according to tha above principles and together
with it Saturn as per last principle We have then to 9ay
that death takes place at a spot where it is green (Moon) but dirt>
Adh. V. A.

peridd of unconsciousness will b6 the

tube t'tkten for thte
IT thfe rising
Action of the rising sign below the horizon to rise.
the period 15 doubled If aspected by
sign be Sisptfcted bj its lord,
a benefic, it is trebled If by two benefics, 6 times and so ob.
Malefic® aspectmg the rising sign will not deprive cosciousness.

The oblique ascension of the remaining portion of the sign

risingon the Lagna corresponds to the time taken by it to rise in
the East Take an example, Aries 25° is rising. The remaining
portion is 5\ The time taken for 5 of Aries to rise in the East
will be 29 minutes generally (calculating at 2 hours for the whole
sign of Aries to rise) Ihe period of unconsciousness undergoes
multiplication twice or thrice, etc., because of the ruler and a
benefic throwing their aspect on the Lagna. The multiplication
should be dope once only. Suppose the Lagna is being aspected
by its lord You ka\e to multiply the period by 2. At the same
time, say, a benefic is also aspectmg the Lagna By the rule
above, the period is to be multiplied by 3 By natural process,
the period mil thus ha\e to be multiplied by 2XS This is not
so. It will be enough if it is multiplied trace by 5 V*. (3 4- 2).
Vide also V —117 *k/»o.

e}. SRStfi

*t5: Srro fafiiyh f^rjfoKP


S«. 13. According

as the decanate
oi th c Sth
btava the 12nd [tom Ihe Lagna)
turns out t fc
Iiery, a watery or a muted one,
«h f tc ,s a
) 1 — 1

81 f 13 315

qf the dea^I body by its being turned into ashep, or

being thoroughly wetted and softened in water, or being
dried up by exposure to the Sun and wind. If the
decanate of the 8th house happens to be a sqrsrjfcnr

(Vyaladrekkana), the body and bird B

is eaten by beasts
of prey ? i^s thrown out
assimilated into their bodies and
as excrement. Thus* the final sta^e of the dead body
has to be thought out in the manner stated above. The
following js the essence of whit Ins been cullpd from
higher works (such as stilftroffinr* Jyotisha Karma —
Vipaka) regarding past and future life.

For fiery (ffit - Krura or -rs*T-Dahana). watery ^-(Jala) and
mixed (fatt misra) decanates, Vi ie IX-sloLas 1 2 1 5 Infra,

For convenience, they are shown in the following statement.


Krura or Jala or Saumya or Vimisra or

Malefic water-bearing Bencfic mixed

Lra (1) |
Cancer (1) Aries (2) Capricorn (3)
Aries (l) 1
Pisces (1) Sagittarius (2) Aries (3)
Aquarius (l) Pisces (2’ Taurus {2; Cancer (31
Scorpio ( 1 ) Virgo (2) Aquarius (2) Taurus (1)
Capricorn (1) Taurus (3) Capricorn (2) Sagittarius (1)
Pisces (3) Libra (1) Gemini 12)
Scorpio (3) Virgo (l Libra (2j
L«. (3) |i
Gemini (I) Leo (2)
Libra (3) Sagittarius (3)
Cancer (2) Virgo (3)
Scorpio (2) Aquarius ( 3)

= 11 =6 = 11 ~S

Total =36
316 Adh V, A*

Far aw (Vyala) or serpent decauates, see notes to Cb XXIII

—16 of Brihat Jataka
The 22nd decanate is the cause of cremation, bunal or other
wise according to tbe nature of its ruler or according to planets
posited therein A malefic planet causes 'cremation A bene&c
causes burial If a mixed planet (like Mercury), then the body
will be exposed to dry away Lagna Anes 25° Tbe S2nd
decanate is owned by the Moon Therefore as per abo\ e rule, the
native should be buried

The following are tbe exceptions to tbe above rule

(1) If the 22nd decanate be a tfy (Sarpa) one, tbe body is

eaten by vultures, dogs, etc
(2) If there are malefics in tbe 8th
house, cremation must
be predicted
Vide also V — 117 ifpui

|jj: |

|| ||
Sloia U. Of the San and the Mo™, find out
»h.ch . stronger. If the lord of the
decanate „ ccup, Ed
by the stronger of these two plane,, P
deceased should be made out as
world of immortals If the Moon
a person come A-
or Venn, bethe

of the d-canatc in quesnon, loM

the deceased „
wor.d of Manes
particular decanate, the

the Sun o, Ma«
the Dre
T ,

belonged to the world of mortal, b,rth
be the owner of the decanate
petson came from the {infernal

f l.f

T *e
U> ' prev,ous
de ',3rtc<!
bittli, the rant of the departed
„a, hl J* “ ed
low according as the owner
c,tre or
of the dreU !
arekkana. under con*

SI. IS S17

sideration was in his exaltation paint, hid filten off

therefrom or in the depression point.
Determine the past birth from the ruler of the decanate occu-
pied by the Sun or the Moon (whichever is powerful) and predict
accordingly the particular (Lola! from where the soul is come.
The last quarter. Arother interpretation. If that planet is in
mid heaven, he should have held a good position ; if culminating,
a bad position, and so on.


tatrcwftft *nrfRf ^nmsr: I


^ Wsjt

^^ :iif5?raTW wi 11 ^n
SJoka 15.
The refuge of the depirted is the lord
of the Drckkana of the 6th house (»>., the 16th decanate
from the rising decanate) or of the 8th house (i>., the
22nd decanate from the rising decanate) or the planet
occupying the 7th bhava (Bhattotpala adds the 6th and
the 8th bhavas also). Whichever of these planets is
found to be strongest, to the world thereof does the
departed person go. If Jupiter is in his exaltation and
occupies the 6th bhava# a Kendra position or the 8th
bhava, the departed person will attain final emancipa-
tion. The same happens also if the rising sign is Pisces
and the rising Navamsa is that of 2 benefit planet and
Jupiter occupies it, while planets other than Jupiter are
without strength
ftjOT^TTq (Ripurandhratryamsapa) may also be interpreted
as the ruler of the decanate of the 6th or the 8th bhava counted
from the 7th, » ' of the 12th or of the 2nd bhava (This agrees
with the western view that the1 2th and 2nd houses indicate future

births and the 6th and the 8th indicate past birth) Planets
placed in the 7th will indicate also future birth

Exceptions, Exalted Jupiter in the 6th, the 8th or in a Ken*

dra position will make the native attain bliss If Pisces be
rising in a Navamsa of a b*neftc, it leads to bliss
above Jn the
two exceptions, the other planets must not be powerful as Jupiter
V.B —Bliss (Moksha) is higher than (Devalola)
This is clearly hinted by Varatiamihira talking pf Moksha (*ter)
as distinct and quite apart from the si okas containing { Dc\ a
loka), (Pitruloka). etc

iT'im —

Adhyaya VI.
Marring or a Horoscope.
Six slokas. vis. Nos,. 48, 49, 50, 52, 99 and 1^0 have been
taken from Brihat Jataha.

qro I

Son: %^ Iww-
% ^nfi smresmt: w: n ? n

Sloka 1. There are certain planetary conjunctions

which mar those leading to Toyal fortunes. There are
others named for (Reka) which produce poverty. Some
again which are called R^r (Presliya) i.t. these leading to
dependence and servitude. And lastly, there -are those
called (Kemadruma). These four classes of yogas
abound in fortunes marred just as they were going to

n'Nf sirat

^ra%sfOT?i:H n * ii


Adh. VI.

Sloka % When the Sun occupies in Mesha a Na-

-vamsa of Tula and is aspected by a malefic planet, the
person born will be money less. If Venus be in the
signVirgo occupying a Navatnsa of itgo, a beggar is V
born. When the Sun is in his depression sign occupy'
ing theextreme depression point, the person born,
though loremost in the greatest of royal families, vrill
soon be bereft of fortune, sons, wife and means of living.
This Sloka is from

//. miiri

HTt fpfl; ^<3^133: I

crisis} II

sGrotopj? qim. i

rP&Tt g wi f?5a>n; ii

ffBwt gpn=3« #ifil nwfen: i

strong fm. u

g^rai =rferataw #wita i

BfeWMlIRi >tesTO. II

?WW: 1W sihiufsjw: I

Accorim, to SUnth, the meie posit, on cf the planets in

tfiml.oTsrt^HIti is not enoush. They most also be In
a certain
particular hhara to he thos capable of natnng
the fortunes of
the horoscope otherwise accruing </

3=trai gsw wtwJsro (iff j

SI }. qlrssqp?: 391

vi. gs% 5nSls3 II

^HifiiwPfara *im qa-wl i . -

®irp^ irrsg&i sna: ggwRftn u

4Rr >iintrrf5?« «nH >Rr i ,

§•?& fflftltSrafe ||

>ra* qg4 *nn=nfsra ftq5t gira |

«TMfiefd =fla> g: Htqg^q sfafq n

qpqrai safi?i*r im <m t.it |

4t ^ra: s$q: 4W Rre$iq iftqfa ||

awl figqifas >im qqira 5i=it i

Jiwi q: ssqt.fei h *q?ai sftifil ||

ti^wfemP-risHvgCi gs^is-Ti^t
*tra: ^5?s%TOsfq ftftref fwigTra man l

*k*wi im^r Uftf^rr

^ratsift sgqfl ^rsfiT^gq^ 11311

Sloka 3. When Jupiter in conjunction Kvith Sa*

turn, Mars and Rahu, is aspected by Venus and Mercury,
the person born though in body a Sudra, will acquire
every kind of knowledge and fortune. When the Sun
and the Moon occupying the 7th bhava are aspected by
Saturn, the person born* will get a good living by the
adoption of means prescribed for a person of base birth.
<{• .

‘--raiRqA: qiaRigare i

sjgtsft ^IsgwFKft fH q mroftn'q ^re.ji


323 Adh. VI

Tr^l qi ffi^TOTSe
^asit srasftKm-rogsft ftsjn i

trtare^-fe gRiw h#k *m Pig?:: an?

3 s pagan sia: arrr nan <

Slok t 4 . When Saturn occupies cither a Kendra

position or the rising sign and is unaspected by bsnefic
planets, a person born in the XT-xfrtt (Kalahora) [yule
tfrrlciyiifa (SripatiPaddhati), AdhyayaS, bloki 11, Not’s]
ot Mara becomes a slave and a beggar. When the
Moon in conjunction with Mars occupies Mesha and is
aspected not by b*nelic planets hut by the Sun, the
person born is a mendicant. II Saturn, the Moon and
the Sun be in Kendra positions, the person born will be
dull in appearance, indigent and feeding
upon the
leavings of other people
e/ uehlfteieft

SoPP^Riftim wsr V-3 5ia\ tfflfe


gWSTOWITfR eropj ft;U5I4^-fp


I'OHtiiyrift nV.-rimjnirrr n

vtrai ftgq; k? ^pseRpqi r^j

ftgg |

viTORTOf g fti’E’Rg qvpnit

. eira "ito: tf?rasRgu; fwiftsWi
gag imi-
SloU 5. When Saturn is a Kendra position,
the Moon in the rising sign and Jupiter
in the 1 th
bhava, the person born will be „ onc other
thin x be™,

forlorn and ,n exile. When the lord of the 9th
occupies tl e «th and a malefic
planet is ln a Kendra
position, the person born will be
addicted to evil
•‘il. (3-7 <igr5«ziPT: 323

at other people's table and miintnned by their money

and ill iterate-

?r?t oTsrns wi ^ih sq*r f*ms ^ i

sffir qtqf^ff sfiwC

qrq ^ftqqqifsfa g*g« mteft i

w# qf^qsq'i’f q-s faqtqita _

q'q: gqn^sn ijkz qtqfalr: n $ n

Sloku (1. When Jupiter m conjunction with Rahir
or Ketu is aspected by malefic planets, the person born
will do base acts. When Jupiter in his depression is
aspected by a planet which is also in his depression
sign, even a person that is born a Bnhmin will commit
wicked crimes. If the Moon and the lord of the rising
sign be in conjunction with the Sun and aspected by
Saturn, the person born will be slothful. If malefic
planets occupy the 10th blnvaanJ be without benefic
aspect, 'the person born will be a menial.


qft mirr ifi *n qrfiTn inftfiftH qq i

qhfept qtaqqPra hi hTi hist: -hio. n

'The latter half of lh«c doha rei'k thas in ll-* f /rT

=IHt -FSft-RW HjBqTiqq

HPT: =!!'5‘in-R"7 ftMV I)PPT FMiRh: II

qtprT.nq: qfcqqMro
5>M qf^qqif^fcqir sTFU^iqrcq: i
324 ®RRi*nrt3ii3 Adh VI.

SIoKa 7. When the lord of the 9th bhava 13 in

the 12th and malefic planets occupy the *lrd bhava, and
the lord of the 12th bhava occupies the 2nd, the person
born will eat unwholesome food, wear a truss or other
band and be an adulterer. When all the planets, being
in bhavas other than the 10th, occupy their depression
or mimical signs or portions of them, the person born
will be lacking m
learning, intelligence, wife and child*
ren, will be ill-tempered and go about begging

HirSNr* ft sis fiftir ftnNff aigigto qyj |

ThHiiffiigT. Ud CJJf] )|

ftifSt 5 pnrfit ^
tf %rwsat tTiMsdW'tdVt
^ tos jcrerati;: u c u
Slohn 8. When the lord of the ris.nv

Moon »
the 12th bh ™ and “ contact, o; 4“th t^
in a malefic sign identical
with the 10th bhava
the person born will have to
go to a fore.gn land
he may have to live in indigence
sacrificing enmf . a
t3ai' d
affluence. If when the lord of th» 9th
12th. the lords of the runng
bhats “ th =
by the Moon are not tn conjunct,
nets or are eclipatd by the Sun, the
wtth benX“p£
person T
h,s w.fe and chddren wUl brrng hrs farratly to
SI, 9. 325


ffcat fi-.'sna g to Tgrtfro 4kg;l l

dimsfmra: <r%Tisft !?ng. II

wg<a> tosto din ^irt^ytV iftifl i

fiiisi5ti>Sii=n>inB Rig 5*1%^ qR sft%al it II .

By the the term JFITT (Krura) as applied to a house in the first

*T1T(pada) of the sloka, all the five houses of malefics, viz., Mesha,
Simha, Vnschtka, Makara and Kumbha are not meant, but only
Mesha, Simha and Kumbha. Here the difference between the
terms nn>jj (Paparksha) and ffitS (Krurarksha) may be noted.
The one means “all the houses owned by malefics,” while the
other confines them to “ their odd signs.”

dWOTTdgSj fejTT-fgr^Tft trgmmrr


to =r TOTOgrarai: n <ui
Sloka 9. When bcnefic and malefic planets occupy
Kendra positions, and the Moon aspected by the lord of
the rising sign is in a Navamsa belonging to Saturn, the
person born brings his race to an end becoming bereft
of wife and children. When Mercury and Venus
occupy the 7th bhava, Jupiter the 5th, a malefic planet
the 4th and another malefic planet the 8th, all the bhavas
in this case being calculated from the Moon’s place,
under such a yoga arc born those with whom their race
dies. ,

rf. flsM'Srarnfa

sroiit i

#Ti?r% r sgtitans-. §jTOgp?t figu: ||


«rtrapflui«tJ Adb VI.


faiw life'll nsrir^rS ^ i

$?r froir ’tfa; ^ni^ffaratrfct ftifana#!! II t°

SI It 10 Wh’n th* Moon is at the dose of a

or in
moveable sign or in the beginning of n fis-d one.
strength, and
the middle of a dml Rasi and is without
when the rising sign 19 unoccupi 'd by plinets, Rajayoga
comes to an end

snwn'Vfrt itiRhiPs 5rat n Ml"! I

t$mfi n go't =}Vt II

sitirisRifWPinrfii i

twmraftnn inan: n $ ? n

Shla H If at a birth owning the

the planet

rising Navnrasa be th' Sun the Moon or Jupiter, and if

it should occupy in its depression sign a Navarasa own'd
by it* enemy and the lord of us depression sign, the
person born will be the folic ver or servant of another

smiH ironfc

% 5-qt

Sloh i J2 When the Moon is in the 10th bhava,

Jupiter m th* 7th and a roaUic planet in the 9th, the
person born becomes the ruiner of his family If Venus
Mercury and the"Moon occupy Kendra positions and
Rahu be in the rising sign the person born will live
hke a bas- born wretch, lost to all s>ns* of duty enjoin
ed in the sacred scnptuies

Si 1345 n'grst'mq S‘27

, (Firjl half). Vide also Adhyaya sloka 20, *nfrt*

(Latter c/ tpftq ‘Sraiqfa

OTfcrai mPift 3 fi.s?r i

qasisqfa h vrerTt qrai ft3i3Rgf3§fa u

Also STRFRltsr

5ifti33333- ^ <1533 3T5 R 53 <3?r i

q&sraqViRfqpi, Riai <?uq. ||

3H 5j<ft R^rfg% qr 5 »jRq iiiggqf# q I

qqqf&it qfiqq*> tf3T3i qiqi spqgro fq^ll S 3 II

SI kn 13. When Venus in its depression sign or

in a Navamsa owned by Saturn occupies a (Dus-
stthana (such ns the 6th, thc8th*orthc 12th bhava) and
is aspected b> Saturn ,
and when the Moon in conjun
etion with the Sun occupies the 7th bhava, the person
born wilt be to. perpetual servitude with his mother

ql 3 gft 3133313% 3 qpsfeq 31333

i fsigsr: 1

3i^ 3313 anWiJR gft RRPrafe'dl II 1# II

Sloka 14. When Jupiter in its depression or the

Sun m the same position occupies a (Kendra) in con-
junction with a mnlehc planet the person born will
commit infanticide When a malefic plinct is a m
(Kendra) and has no benehc aspect, and Jupiter occupies
the bth bhavn, the person born will be th- bhughterer of

animals of the cow and deer kinds — e. will become the
purveyor of beef and venison

33r3i33mf qftPfrai 3m#3m q 1

Riqismi 3 iR33 gnrCR( 33333 1^33 qfifi^ar 1 Shii

3S0 tfTSS’TTftera Adh. VI.

malefics should be in Kendra positions identical nith their


sion or mimical signs icd (2) that all benefits should be posited 10
Dusstthanas (6th, 8th or 12th) hold good, it is stated there that the
malefics should ostoaaUd vnik or asfnlei ly the benefics


m *3 ft=n/3rat 3 Btrargsirer i

g>Bl gift ggggft II

teffiattr gfezt m\ 33313? l

5'ffi45tfits;g3SiS!3l>5l Q,
3iUT%ig%53'i 33I3f II ? II

Sloka 19 If Saturn, the Moon and the Sun occupy

Kendra positions and are not aspected by bencfic planets,
the person born will be a drunkard If the same planets

occupy malefic 60th portions owned by their inimical

and depression signs, the person concerned will be
wickedly inclined and commit adultery with another's
Ftnl half. —Vide also sloka 8! *tfrc,

Utlir hill. For the same effect the following yoga Is atso
mentioned ini

31511$ ^I^Fqifcnil,tft I,

31% fj<% 333% 33ft f%33J3? 31% 31333 I

^3% 53%fig3f3l3vft 3J3f 3 ^Rfi333^3: 3ff^ 113 off

Slula 20 IlfVcnm m
its depression sign
and in
conjunction with a malefic planet occupy
the 9tb bbava
and be aspected by a malefic planet, the
person botn
tsMkalmfa. Magnetic sign represent the
bhava and Venus occupy therein a
Navamsa owned by
Saturn, the person born will be
excesstvely addicted to
s etvant maids.
SI. 21-32 TSfswrnr: 331

The second hitf of this sloki is qnte difl’re’it la viz,

m a?i fiiga: n

II ^r^FTr: II

si^gfi foumWl '*ri? I

Mtfg% ufo a?t II II

Sloka 11. a birth the lord of the rising sign

If at

has no strength and is aspected by the lord of the 8th

bhava and if Jupiter 13 obscured by the Sun, there will
be the planetary conjunction called fReka) (emptying
or purging). If the lord of the Navamsa occupied by
the lord of the 4th bhava be obscured by the Sun while
being aspected by the lord of the 12th bhava there will
again be the yoga termed (Reka).

mm’itPrcWr gw't ^jcrfsr ott

^jirptprnmi sft g*m %=57^sroi T>n: |

im 3Prs?ifa> r mnnretr mi ms irc^ll

Slok i 22. When

the lord of the 4th bhava is
aspected by the lord of the 6th ; when the lord of the
9th in conjunction with the lord of the 8th occupies
the 5th bhava and when the lord of the rising sign is

depressed, the person born gets (Reka) for his lot.

When benefic planets are in the 8th, the 6th and the
12th bhavas, while malefic ones occupy KenJra and
Adh.* VI.

lord of the 11th

Tiikona positions and when the
concerned suffers in)U
„ without strength, the person
nous effects of thenrfn(Relayop)

jfcj: liRRiSti: firaiJS 'twd»Wi

sRprcira! giwisa’ira *rai rK* i

aiarewiat ftrJttl®


if the lord
the rising sign be
11 ^ 11


planet Venus and

,f Jupiter
conjunction with a malefic ,

ihe planet owning

the 4th
have become invisible , and if
one disappear
bhava being in conjunction with a malefic
likewise, a hnx'm (Reka yoga) is produced.
When the
ol the 9th bhava is obscured by
the Sun’s rays and
when the lords of the rising sign and the 2nd bhava
occupy their depression signs, there is the (Reka
yoga) again
cfiapaHIRI fift5if!OT s55,31TCRt Sift

II R» ii

Siofcn 24. A Vm?«i (Rekayoga) is produced when

there are three planets either depressed in position or
obscured by the Sun’s rays, and when the lord of the
rising sign occupies a bad position (such as the 6th, the
gth and the l.th bhava) or is without strength If
malefic planets— aspected by depressed, inimical, or
malefic planets— occupy any of the 9 bhavas, namely
the 1 st, the 2nd, the 9th, the 10th, the 1 1th, the 4th, the
5th, the 7th and the 3rd*, they will produce the Reka
effect m respect to the bhavas affected. t

'IS 25*27 ^rs^TPT: 333

\*m\ '

vmm I

3TT^t 5 ^5*Rlttivw

- Sloka 25. A single malefic planet, a pair of male'

fic planets or a triad of them occupying any one of the
nine bhavas (mentioned in the latter half of the preced-
ing sloka) and aspected by depressed, inimical, malefic
planets, will produce the effect of the Rekayoga respec-
tively in the early, the middle or the concluding portion
of the lives of the person concerned.

#R*s trnmfra: q^s i

fosjrcft PtqRfarat qR*rfqtqiPq3>

VWWi|^4<tiS II ^ ll

Sloka 25. A person born under the Reka yoga has

neither knowledge nor wealth he is penurious, hostile,

lustful and wrathful ; his mind is always distressed ; he

is disagreeable, having no beauty or grace ; he is crafty

he lives on alms ; he is filthy and quarrelsome he is ;

full of envy and rage he reviles gods and Brahmanas


and he is rated daily by his (wife and sons) whole


jcnni fTOl

Adh. Vf

TOtgft %‘HI't
H li

SloJto 27 person born under the Reka yoga

will be evil minded , he will have ugly or
be ill olf
nails ha will be given to bad wayi he will
his relatives
be will be intent on minting and abasing
be may be short lived he may b‘g all
round he may be ,

d*af or insane in mind he

a mute be may be blind
may be’ lustiul or wrathful , he may b- a cripple,
thoughts may be b’trayed by the change in his eyes


HFWRftRrfl frpWTO <JI

aroriro ^ ?rcss h 11

Sloka 28 When Jupiter, being the lord of the

8th or the 1stbhwa exceeds the lord of the 9th bhava

in strength and when the Joid ot the 11th occupying a
position other than a Kendra is s ordi^d by th* Sun s
rays and is weak in strength, the person born will b*

aitnfcq ’K-atppiCTT

tn^^dbroirt r^rmt
atra Tftgal ftgqn irv.ii
Sfofert 29 Mars Saturn or Mercury
If Jupiter,

being depressed and obscured by the Sun s rays occupy

the Hth the Gth, the 12th, th 3 *
6th bhava at
31. SO- 31 S35

a persons birth, he will be a beggar. If Saturn in the

9th'bhava be aspected by malefic planets and if Mercury
inconjunction with the Sun occupy in the 1st bhava a
Navamsa owned by its depression sign, there will be a
beggar born.

sfaffcrat tfNwfirejit sfe: ii n

Sluka 30. If Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Saturn and

Mars occupy the 8th, the 6th, the 12th, the 5th and the
ICth bhavas in any order and if the lord of the 12th bha'
va though depressed in position and obscured by the
Suns rays be nevertheless superior to the lord of the
rising sign in strength, the person born will be a beggar.


Venus Mere Sun


i\n example

1 .

LnRirx ljuprterj Saturn

SpW qwfcRI'ft 3^1

rmn n 3? n
336 Adh. VI.

Sloka 31 If at a persons birth, Venus, Jupiter,

the Moon and Mars bj m their depression signs and
occupy four out of the six bhavas namely, the 1st, the
and the 5th that person
10th, the 1.1th, the Oth, the 7th ,

will be indigent When Venus occupies the 1st bhava

Jupiter the 5th, Mars the Uth and the Moon the 3rd,
each one of these bhavas being identical with the depres
sion sign of its o*cupant phnet, the person horn will be
a beggar


Mnrs Mars

HI (2)
Jufilet Jupitcc

Moop \cnus, Moon

L Venus

^^ ^ ftspp:
^ i

ftpwra 3 n ^ ,|

Slola 31. When the lagna „ a moveable sign an d

the «a* Nasamv, is alee owned by a moveable
Rnt. and it asp-cted by Saturn a,
depressed Jupiter, the person
The seme will be the case when
or the 12th bhava in a sign other
than his
well a'br
born will be a h* l
JnptteToecu J,
SI. 33-36 SS7

smrs <nw s? I

fffalT f«5TTIR.‘ ^T^rwm'^ II33II

Sloka 33. When an immoveable sign

the lagna is

and all the malefic planets are in Kendra and Trikona

positions while benefic ones occupy other than Kendra

positions, the person born will live upon alms and will
owe his maintenance to other people.

^ fern ftrcr Mtaf : i

wuin: wim prmgtft snm H3»ii
Sloka 34. If a moveable sign be the Lagna at night
time and if benefic planets be in Kendra and Trikona
places possessing no strength, the malefic ones occupying
positions other than Kendra, the person born will always
live by begging.

mt stfromr; toot! sNt ^rr: l

sift tonw wrat ifra 4m jafo 11 n

Sloka 35. If the malefic planets be in their depres'
sion signs at a person’s birth, he will do sinful acts ; if
the benefic planets occupy their depression signs, he
will keep his sins concealed ; if Jupiter being depressed
occupy the 10th bhava or Mars be in the 5th bhava
depressed in position, the effect will be the same.


Jiff: n 3$ «
Sloka 35. Planets produce depression effects if

they occupy m their exaltation signs the Navamsa belong'

338 Adh, VI.

mg to their depression signs, they produce exaltation

effects if in their depression signs they occupy the
Navamsa of their exaltation signs


?frai%af mfa ^ ut^i tfroraia Franwmrrqr

i i

^raimu ssi nun n

The following are some more^HiT yogas mentioned by^THl^

IRI Ffh^I 'JfPlcJ ||

fOTiwi™ gm i

(Sic) *33 Ofo \\

Wlfwst |

^^ JR!
$g ft’SRT SR II

^Rpngfl^wnlsq II

$37^ fqil'lKW *R WlRtel qg |

SiwiNupi H ^ ^rai ^raf^Rsq ||

a$*f^ra ^n?nsj m ^5] ^ |

5^5^ 5Plf?l flWqftqffoqRq 11

2r5»ite m asit&ira


sfq-qi m \\

•hJwhI <0*141^ JpJRTOlS^iii


^ sRiil *7R7T


^ ll
1 1

SI. 36-37 3ljlsS3T3: 339

smawt 7rsinft 717 % II

^^rfSrrt 351 t| ^fgfeqqTT 33% i

373 %7 ftw t?s 3133: 11

7393 gstfta stit gjmffog. i

3513 33ft 33r giffcjfo 'ftftd: II

3wreft<titr: <3§ <ft«n: ^qqtq^qdssuTd^i. i

3T®nl ijsfoal g 53 % gn;% ft 3% qft ft37; II

55ri4tal 7% iS7i^5i: gga: itoI: I

gsnj ipqs igizs grRi-y t| tnn^ %ir& II

333 TlWfft 3jJ2H 371 S3: |

3TOI>ft IJifft q Jif^t 313 3133 II

irmst ^3 <wt snt 73 ftqg: I

3lRgqt3 7Rt7T?3ri5R3 513 33: II

TRW Hft% 7 f ?: 5*7 7 3% I

33t 3fe%ftS3 33*77ft sSfo^H. II


ft| W 351 313. ftqtrygal 333,

g?^3H7I#^ H3=ft 73ft HIT. II


{73371 fN&fcjpflr m
ftnsrsrt ftsTterar {3733115 firafcp 37331
IT* 7< lJ i33

r 3 P3r; 33^7r 33: 11 ?«> 11

Sloka 37. The characteristics of a person afflicted

with (Daridrayoga) arc such as these- —He is

340 Adk VJ.

generally an unlucky person , has organs of sense may

he defective ,
h- is crafty , he is reproved and rated by
his family , he has to live by begging , he is m difficult'
les , hissp’ech is disagreeable, he is addicted to lust
and gluttony , he would earn money by foul means , be
daily gives vent to his spite and speaks pungent words
his heart is always set on other people’s wives
, he is

mean • often times he is blind mute and idiotic

SkesBup ^ fsl fni f|a^ fas:

n \c n
Sloka 38 A
person born in a tfhpita
yoga) is fond of quarrelling
, he may be a len>r he
destroys what is
beneficial to others
. he is uiwtatcfnl

and given to boasting he has no reverence for

n" ’ he has a bad w,ta “ n<i afflicted
with diseased ugly

II V'4m(<TU H

^ 1, ,
Sioha 39 When the Sun )3 the in.), hi l
M oon in the 7th,
the Lagna
Saturn ,n the 4,h,
a movable Slgn
and j„
Mars the jri
3ri ' ™
bhava, the person horn m
this yoea at nicrU
V 8 n sllt W|l»> <* 'h= ’ T
servant of another.

5M' 5?
*** ** *m
fefart a, i

«f% n ». „
the Moon the Tth.anS
Sl,\4M3 341

2nd or the 1st bhava and when Mars is in the 8th and
the Lagna reported to be an immoveable sign, persons
destined to servitude are born.

Mr niMra
^ g 3Tft: i

£#njgsrr fsrfr

HiNferaiftR^tOT^r am n »? u
hloka 41. If at the birth of a person at night, the
lord of the m:veable rising sign be in a sandhi and a
malefic planet occupy a Kendra, he will be a menial. If
Saturn, the Moon, Jupiter and Venus occupying during
the day a Kendra, or a Trikona position, be in a sandhi
and if the rising sign be an immoveable one, the person
born will be a menial likewise.

Mr $o>ro§ 5i% i%it liu=>n

Sloka 42. When Jupiter attaining an vwaht

(Iravathamsa - vide Adhyaya 1, Si 47) occupies a san*
dhi and when the Moon possessed of an awteh (Uttama
varga - vide Adhyaya t, SI. 45) is outside the Kendras
and when Venus is in the rising sign at a birth at night
during the dark half of a lunar month, the person born
is a menial.


srft tore# wnsq, ir


3TT?P5TnftaTa Adh. VI.


stoka 45. A
person will be a menial if at his birth
respectively the
Mars, Jupiter and the Sun occupy
If the
sandhis of the 6th, the 4th and the 10th bhivas
Moon occupying the Navamsa of a malefic planet be in
a benefic sign and if Jupiter be in conjunction with the
lord of the rising sign, the person born will live by
serving another

WW& TOmdlOTftsiOTjt 1

wrawa ftwi tenoral ftw*, liaail

Sloka 44. When Jupiter is in ** (MikaraJ occupy'

ing the 6th, the 8th or the 12th bhava and when the
Moon is in the 4th bhava from the rising sign, the person
born has to be at another's bidding

U ||

THum 'hdadiyl dgodlfa a^ddl^Huil

fdSdrndfldf^iafTO: firatsl tob

dWdireiWRd^jil rJlif qpftnl; II SH ||

Sloku 45 These are the characteristics of a person

born in the yoga called mw (Parapreshyaka-being at
another's beck and call) Such a person is generally
evil-minded, he lond of quarrelling, he is
harsh of
speech he is a revtler of the Bratmnna
he ,

has a liking fot people

he ,s indigent ’and

depraved; he and wrathful, his pastime

is spiteful
lying, he is deceitful, lustful and
intemperate he is
clever in simulating tenderness and false
51 46-48 njrsnira 843

H 11

Tjq ^iqq> fqqjH^at qi% mq^ir I

n^; n#si|p i%
Sloka 46 When
the rising sign is
^ lia^ll


(Vrishabha) or vt-pt (Dhmus) and is aspected by a

malefic planet the person born will have tooth disease ,

when Saturn occupies the 7th bhava and Mars is either

in conjunction with Rahu or is without strength, the
person born will be defective in l»mb
«/ xmvm
atm Timet tv i

qmesiiniwqeit h

qnn^mw?: q;w?t srciga: I

I'tsfaqqRJU mfarct i uu u

Sloka 47 When the Moon is in the 10th bhava.

Mars in the 7th and the Sun in the 2nd, the person born
will lose Bomc limb

nt^wm %
5%i%?5ri^3uraqi qqg; i

gqi^a^a; i»K ii ac ii

Slcka 4S When Mercury occupies the 5th or 9th

house from the Lagna and the other planets are weak,
the child will have two heads, four legs and four hands
When Moon
occupies Vrishabha and malefics are in
the Rik«ha sandhies, the person born will be a mute.
If, under the above conditions, the Moon be aspected by

344 Adh. VI.

bcnefics, the child may get speech afterwards (after a

long tune)
Fuji half —The above result 6bould not be predicted unless
the characteristic combinations mentioned are complete If the

characteristics are incomplete, an inordinate largeness of the

organs named should be foretold Some commentators take the
word FprPT (Tnfeona) in the sloka to mean (hloolatnkona)
of Mercury . that is Kanya But this has to he rejected on the
authority of *T#f (Gargi) who distinctly says —
v&ffaiik =
jyj 1


5«ond half —By the nords "malefics are the

in Riksha
Sandhies " it is to be understood that alt the three tnalefics, W„
Saturn, Mars and the Sun are jointly or severally to be the last m
portion of -my one or more of Kataha, Vrischika and Meena. By
the words afterwards (after a long time),’ nothing
more is meant
than' later than the ordinary time Within which a child mar be
naturally expected to speak

The last quarter of the sloka leads to the

inference that such
Moon should also have malefic aspect
to make the person mute
This is supported by Gargi -who sgj* —

V rn^n,
iV-ttSqumlq ^^ ipftfqen \\

U».«, iWm .11

(h „ u
«rmW„ a-^c, tte ltaliawn
shmliMhe f f

should be foeetold
aSp * cto ^ °ne Qr
more bene fie planets, the
when be would otherwise be
Tutsan willhemn / Sr>ea^ later tlw*
asturalfv e a
thus be remembered that the ^ ** mUSt
aspect of
make the native mute, and the requWK$ to
aspect or benS to counteract
of benefics
St. 49 345

t Aflwfl wfo 5T%?>r & wrairW^ t

j£*T: tn&$% q?rwr?g^ er?RT u

*rtr% ^sr^guic^nri^: I

%gwsw^str ^rhsferan%nr *ref?r n»r: ii

The word (Gavi) in the sloka in the text may also mean

in the house of speech," *.«., the second house from the Lagna.
This view is supported by 6fF<^f{T (Skandahora) where it is laid
down thus:
TOfFg&OTth trnrfcnneft MOT57: i

^T7 nfijsr smrrfqrareft sr^xctt, «

litasmr tm#Ri ^ H3?As=r 3ra:

f* 3 n 5ty nfifH 335 n-xttip(t& I

qifwr aro#
"aHI qft 3 35: ^ret 33; gWe: n S'*, n

Sloka 49. (1) If Saturn and Mars occupy the Rasis

or Navamsas owned by Mercury, the child will have
teeth at birth. [This refers to the time of conception].

(2) If the Moon be in the Lagna identical with

Kataba and aspected by Saturn and Mars, the child will
be a dwarf. [This also refers to the time of conception].

(3) If the atranicTO (Adhana Lagna) be Meena and is

aspected by Saturn, Mars and the Moon, either singly or

conjointly, the child will be short in stature (cripple),

malefic planet in conjunction with the

(4) If a
Moon occupy a Riksha Sandhi (at the time of conccp'
tion), the child will be dull. These yogas take effect
only when their authors fail to have bcnefic aspect on
346 Adh VI.

(1) In the case of actual birth under the above yoga, the native
•will have often tooth trouble

(2) In the case of a nativity, the above yoga holds good pro
vided the Moon is in the Lagna and in Kataka (See Brihat
Jataka XX)

srar st =i 3rs i

^vrsi^qwTOFn sifsnfmr n

£?il |

vj fisiri&iftift jjtrr^ *rara ot? i

«i«t wfa nhTt dtasfftiffcn n

uta5ji*i^nTO& wot! i

Shka 50
the rising sign be the last
^ 11

\<> n

of Makata and i[ it be aspected by Saturn, the Moon and

the Sun, the child will be a dwarf If the last Navamsa
of Makara iswith three malefics in the three
decanates of the Lagna bbava (the 2nd,
Ird and 1 st
decanates), the child will be without
arms, feet or head
as the case may be

-iirorntr sr.icrtu 1 alson If all i)t» rt,. ,


the ,ssue n,U be bora nithoot

“ ' “”™ ,he 1


2nd decanate ,. „„ b. «to shou.ders ,f

P '1S *“
the 3rd decanate it „,11 be n atom leg,

* The
“» ——
words MFHflteuftsr cnin oft h,„. .
SI. 51*52 ^rsvrjnr: 347

But this is opposed to the opinion of rtf (Garga) tfrom whose

works the next si oka has been quoted.

isi'tt n u
Sloka 51. Mara occupying the Lagna Drekkana
and aspected by the three planets Saturn, the

Sun and the Moon produces a headiess child. The child

wdi be born armless if Mars occupy the Drekkana of
the 5th bhava and is aspecced by the same three planets
as in the preceding case.
This sloka is from (Garga Hora) where the reading is

slightly difierent. viz, E^rlC’WTn! Wn &c. In order to com-

plete the idea given in sloka 50 abo\e, this has to be read with the
following first half of the next sloka in that work, viz,,

faq? srairoft i

Its omission from the text must oaly be accidental. The

translation should therefore be thus

Mars occupying the first (rising) Drekkana of the Lagna and

aspected by the Sun, the Moon and Saturn, produces a headless
child The child xv ill if Mars occupy the first
be born armless
(rising)Drekkana of the 5th house and be aspected by the same
three planets The child born will have no legs if Mars under
the same aspect occupy the first Drekkana of the 9th house from
the Lagna.

MMM\T7rr.’ •'fi r'TrrrV^-' f

5, w,KM<ra i 4l ;rm f%rr^5tnTT rft:

’Tint »r#<r ll II

Sloka 52. When the rising sign is Simha and the

Sun and the Moon occupying it are aspected by Saturn
348 fc'tjvrrn'HTti Adh. VI.

and Mats, the child will be bom sightless ;

if the same
Ascendant be aspected by benefic as well as malefic
planets, the person botn will be blear-eyed. The Moon
occupying the 12th bhava from the Lagna will injure
the left eye while the Sun in the same position affects
the right one; these malefic yogas mentioned hitherto
can be escaped from in case the authors of such yogas
happen to be aspected by benelic planets.
*/. WXi’h
aiai qaraft s?t i

sS to*?-. irofii in ii

H^idj 55,; j

wtadsft q«tt trciq^t bb^| 5] n

insisfBsS inaiiif wii n

Also *riWfarrf}er

(Vh ,

and Saturn, the dnld

Mind of the left e}e

aod b. » SM c«d
,f the L
J) L blind ofT
5* ^
b aspected
eye - He
by Mars
ftl (S,nb:,>
b, JJars
Sa , J,"
See also sloka 56 *•»/«.

htoUXX-J) |r '' Bnhat

also cause blindness. 6th and ‘befith
(See Slcla^O
3]. 53-54 549

Mars and Saturii also cause blindness when they are ‘dmilarl^
placed (j when they are in the 6th and 8th).

m &it *ir mf«rh II

w* l

Stt** <g33TO! 11 H
S/d£a 53. When the tfsing sign is (Mesha)
and the Sun occupies it being in his exaltation, the
person bom will be brave, obstinate and possessed of
moderate vision: if f*rs (Sirnha) take the place of ^
(Mesha) in the previous case, the person born will have
eye disease; if the lagna be gsr (Thula) and the Sun
occupy it, the person born will be night'bhnd and poor ;

and lastly if (Kataka) be the lagna and have the Sun

in it, the person concerned will have inflamed eyes.
This sloha appears tn

Rra>il^ sgM*

fi?HPT RtoF'?: I

#?tS=^te>S: 5lRtW1% 553TCI: 'l#

jjRs=qt ft-i'fa ||

ms (^ 77
iHnt'AMv-i^T I

w: tf5*} oti ^° ngMg

i ti II RB II

Sk-ka 54. The Sun and the Moon occupying the

12th bhavn whether conjointly or apart destroy the
348 Adh. VI.

and Mars, the child will be born sightless; if the
Ascendant be aspected by benefic as well 3s mnlehc
planets, the person born Will b» blear-eyed. The Moon
occupying the 12th bhava from the Lagna will injure
the left eye while the Sun in the same position affects
the right one ;
these malefic yogas mentioned hitherto

can be escaped from in case the authors of such yogas

happen to be aspected by benelic planets.

srai >wwm tRotIrI air i

5*nWi«ii snsR: wnfa \\

snlra^lmfEr g|%wr sw i

TOfawlsfi OTtsgHi u
s>W4TO«I=ir ?ti[

*BTOg>wt «hto! to: a


aM: ll

the commentator,
aids that Lagna FIT
it the
(Simla) he occnp.ed b) the
Sun alone and be aspected by Mara
,, l
«*' , b' b '‘ Dd °’ ,h ' «»*•««. He it til be
' l' '

M d?r'!l!t''
bl»i ot the left eye tf tb. Moon
atone sho„d occupy Prf (SttnM
and be aspecttd bj Mats ani
See also sloka 56 • >/rj,

“ dS,“" ™ Uweta
cao JbW.«f' i'""' that

Belt J AIU "Tf'”

1,1 ,h '”bta' »d (2)
™*r notes to sloka 5S , u fr*

lataUX^r t/,s ‘ kh ' <*' •" Bnhu

r^b,!LJt tsisr,:r h ' 6,h *° d *“

£]. 53-54 349

Mars and Saturn also cause blindness when they are Similarly

placed (» * when they are in the 6th and 8th)


cf gRRtfl
m *rr 5r^5T*r mfya il

5ft fins* |

H$ri ^ng;
c55T?I II II

Sluka 53 When (Mesha)

the rising sign is

and the Sun occupies it being in his exaltation, the

person born will be brave obstinate and possessed of
moderate vision if Hr? (Simha) take the place of ftv
(Mesha) m
the previous case, the person born will have
eye disease if the lagna be ger (Thula) and the Sun

occupy it, the person born will benight blind and poor
and lastly if (Kataka) be the lagna and have the Sun
in it, the person concerned will have inflamed eyes
This slol^a appears in 'iRT'TW

frjmsS agift

ST felFS |


’ifUpft STiJTEtft fl-Jft ||

jrtiwTH^rcrft l

'Rrasptrarfg ITfat w: tot ^Tyomimw tins li

Sit ko 54. The Sun and the Moon occupying the

Uth bhava whether conjointly or apart destroy the
850 Adh. VI.

right and left eye respectively , malefic planets m the

tth and the 8th bhava have the power to take away the
sight, the planet in the 6th destroying the left and that
in the 8th bhava destroying the right one.

ft ^Tt ||

ten t ss*rat$*8PTt Tf i

tfmm m% n v* n
Sloka a5 The Sun whether in the 1st or the 7th
bhava wh°n in conjunction with or aspected by Saturn
will in no long time destroy the right eve of the person
concerned, bat if the Sun be in conjunction with Rahu
and Mara, other conditions being the same as before, jt
is the left eve that will suffer in this case

siofcfl 56 If malefic planets occupy the Gth 8th

and 12th bhavas, those m the last b»mg the Sun and the
Moon, the occupant of the 6th bhava
will destroy the
lefteye of the person born while the
planet in the 8rh
bhava will deal similarly w,th the eye o
n the rjoht side
Vide sloka 54 skJ>»«

^ tor

^^ (

„ SV9 „

,f t h= « bJ J' .X ^t^r m

1 2 " d bhav1

SSL 58*59 *ri?T4<E*TPT: 351

bom will be blind. If the Moon occupy the 8th, the

12th or the 6th bhava and Saturn be in conjunction
with Mars, the person born will be sightless.
This sloka is from
The following are some more si okas from 5rRi<R?T leading

to the same effect:

Ml im§c#?r ?e s 3 u

MraKpirenal mil nl'i 1

Mufel ^thrt'iIj g wngs ^7 gfewffes II

'll ^sot »tRt amy gmits^ 1

fW3R<ll ^tS'spsft VR^iRq; 11 *\c 11

Sloka 58. If the Moon

be in the 6th, the Sun in
the 8tb, Saturn in the J2th and Mars in the 2nd, under
such a yoga, the person born, be he Indra himself, can-
not but be blind.
cf. iftiiiiin;

r TfN^rmi mi am i


Also aiH«hfyT

1& ircft Irtm q s<R ^ ftrpij q lift I

TOienRapr m *R gl qr ||

5571^1^1^ foRw

M irjft qfr Irpbisr:

*f OTT ^1% II II
352 Adh. VI.

Slofca 5Q. If the lord of the 2nd bhava being in

Conjunction with the lord of the 1st, occupy a
(Dustthana'6th, 8th or 12th bhavas), it will result in loss
of sight. If the lord of the eye, i e. the 2nd bhava being
in conjunction with Venus and the Moon occupy the
1st bhava, the person concerned will be night-blind;
but if the lord of the eye occupy a position of exaltation
or be in conjunction with a benefic planet, no such
malefic effect will happen, say the astrologers.

This and the 5 succeeding slokas are quoted in

The undermentioned slohas from srnrrttf give some more

yogas leading to blindness. *

« 'IJTOSfrTffift: flfgir tRlft

wsqsrst i

ft nra
™ <MI nnft
3^ II

w it

Slot* 50.

When Rahu,
^ ^
Mars and Saturn

together in the Lagoa, the person arc

born will have enlare-

ed scrotum. lithe lord of the 1st
bhava be th 8
and this again be occupied by fh
Rahuand Mandl. the
efiert is produced, say the
wise astrologers.
SI. 61-63 35J

air gilfo fsrom I

smrcreiinrawra uiRnr'?in%33 im « n

Sloka <51. When Rahu occupies the Lagna,

(Gultka) a Trtkona position, and Mars in conjunction
with Saturn is in the 8th bhava, the result will be the
same When the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the
lord of the Lagna is in conjunction with Rahu, Mars,
Mandi and Saturn, the same evil result will follow.

T=fi jpmwsrrafsWifoii i

4fo ra?w gftrajfeii qg^i: 11 ll

Sloka 62 When the Sun occupying the rising

sign is aspected by Mars, the person born will be afflict-
ed with consumption and asthma
colic, When Mars
is Lagna and aspected by Saturn and the Sun, the
in the
person concerned will be troubled 'with small-pox
Two different readings are given of this sloka, viz ,i

! . ?s nnw ftsffiij'W'im. |

fe5r 'sit&Pi snu. ||

V # gftgipi I

4ft 3g|iPi ftfttR5 wTsra.11


4i4iP>kl *1^5 I

tfem groftragtra anr- ll ll

Sloka 63 When Saturn m

conjunction with a
malefic planet aspected also by a malefic planet occupies
854 srawifona Adh; Vi

the 2nd bhava, the person has to dread danger from a

dog When Saturn n m conjunction with or aspected
by the lord of the 2nd bhava, the same result follows

ufe i nfUTOftrara ifo grR 11 S8 u

Slof'i 64 When Rahu is m the Lagna and when

the sign occupied by the lord of the Lignalias strength,
there is danger from a snake When the lord of the
3rd bhava is in conjunction With Mercury, the person
born will be liable to throat disease
i Notes. ^

IS another reading for VtJe also Adhyaya

XII, Sljfei. 42 infra .

^ ftsarftmg; I

f^mW(l?nit;TOiib ii
^ h*
SioSn Os. When
a depressed planet occupying an
inimical sign and overpowered by the
Sun’s rays happens
to be in the ird bhava and aspected
by a malefic planet,
the person concerned will get disease
of the throat in
consequence of the application of
poison or of the swal-
lowing thereof In the absence of
these causes, the
disease if it sets in is intended
to dram off money
the su ferer-a result in which
the purpose of the
particular yoga will be fulfilled

to ^Ptr fiftro |

vniri^ ^sihreai i^qt

«-»« Whcns malehc planet
conjunct, on
with Mand. or some such ’
other planet occupies
the 3rd
astrologers predict the
disease o! the “hro
51. 67*69 »r§ts«iPT: 355

^ when Mandi in conjunction with Mars is in the 3rd

fchava, astrologers specifically ascribe the disease of the
ear to the yoga.
Vtde also Adhyaya XII, sloka, 43 tnfra.

imafi tfrrw otA wfer srm: I

afra qJTO dn frsffj H5»li

Shka 67. When the Hrd bhava is occupied by a

malefic planet and aspected also by another malefic pla'
m net, the person born will become liable to the disease of

the ear. When the lord of the ’rd bhava occupies

malefic 60th portions of a sign, then also do astrologers
declare disease of the ear to be the result.

Wpot mfet tti ^ l

toi fora qA ll \c n
Sloka 68. When the Sun in conjunction with a
malefic planet and aspected also by a malefic planet
occupies the 6th bhava, the person born will suffer from
excess of bile. When the Sun occupies the 8th bhava,
Mars is without strength and a malefic pfanet is in the
2nd bhava, the same is to be predicted-

TMFimtRr t&ra n'ragir i

iTOfafS »

fo-qm f^r
m r* ^ i

ll V< it

Adb. VI*

SI oia 69 When Mars m conjunction wither

cury occupies m the 6th blnva the Nav.msaVof a
and is aspected by the
Moon and ,

an ailment due to
person born will suffer from
state of the phlegm.
Mars aspected by a
When *4*
planet occupies the 8th
bhava and K»tu is in
the 8th an ulcer will be
cf qroforift .
qg egTt

qfcsjft mqtft fan T^^RT 3T I

mndfidi urip: m^MSt n H

Sloka 70 When the lord of the 6th bhava m
conjunction with a malefic planet occupies the 1st
in his
the 8th bhava the person born will have ulcers
body When the planet described before (f e , the lord

of the 6thbhava in conjunction with a malefic planet)

occupies the ICth bhava and is without benefit aspect,
the person concerned will have ulcer scars
This and the next Six slolas are quoted in

eto’jpsrcnsssn! utferan aWnsniFm I

spntra’inwffts’ifci ifnt n is? II

Sloka 71 If the lord of the Lagna,Mars and Mer-

cury being in conjunction, occupy a very unpropitious
bhava and aspect the 6th, they will produce, say the^
sages, a disease of the anus or Bome-nasty disease such _
as piles
In the second Ttr (pada)of th s sloka q§r ^1 is
another read ng

SI. 72-76 3*>7

. - . _ i %a[ i

33 wt f^raags^ sl?i 3 T n n
SI oka *12 The lords of the 1st and the 6th bhavas
when with the Sun produce fever , if
in conjunction in
conjunction with the Moon, they lead to an accident in
water if with Mars, they occasion some mishap
, in
war or danger by an outbreak of hot boils

ftxmimK 3(3. »i'rR37fit

^ I

WlTK II ll

Sloka 73 If the lords of the 1st and the 6th

bhavas be in conjunction with Mercury, they will cause

some mishap due to bile if they be in conjunction

with Jupiter, the person will be immune from diseases

if in conjunction with Venus, they may be the cause of

some danger to the wife if in conjunction with depres'


sed baturn, they will, say the astrologers, tend to

engender a wind complaint


Sloka 74 If the lords of the 1st and the 6th

bhavas be in conjunction with Rahu or Ketu, the person

born becomes liable to danger from snakes, thieves and
other such evil deers If they occupy a Kendra or
Trikona position in conjunction with Rahu or Ketu,
the person concerned will suffer imprisonment say the
astrologers acquainted with the subject

33r: HTJJpfeJl WPR I

353 WniVITNiU* Adh. VI.

Sfoka 75. If the lord of the 6th bhava being in

conjunction with Mercury and Rah j, occupy the rising
sign, the person born will of his own accord cut off his
inembrum vcnle If the lord of the 6th bhava be in
conjunction with Mars and.have no benefir aspect, the
person concerned will become liable to a disease affect'
ing the organ of generation.

q;qq 11

Sloka 76. the lord of the 7th occupy the. 6th in


conjunction with Venus, the person born, say the astro-

logers, will be too weak to match his wife. Jf the lords
of the 6th and the 1st bhavas be in
a Kendra or Trilona
position along with Saturn, the person
concerned will
suffer captivity.

^ ftsk ftS=lT<Ri! #q pntf ftqvt q qtf I

5fiRpro»rt ft

Sloktt Tl. When

Riurf tiiitufipnr^ n w n
a moveable sign is the
lagna and
it „
aspected by the lord of the
6th bhava ; when Mars
is in the 1 1th bhava when
; the 9th is represented by
an immoveable sign and when the
7th bhava is a dual
yOR3 PMr,le bcCOme '' ib '=

by the incantations of their

“ the fever

^^ «HN««
Mars he in the 7,h. the result
the person born. H
the Sun and
tadl^b in
the Muon Zu"y
Sl.,79‘80 trehvmu: 359

eitherSimha or Kataka, the person concerned will have

consumption as the consequence.

t/i =w ft srmt I

sgtft 3?r -t-pt *r# pt-tpt tl ^n

Sloka 79. When the Sun is in the 1st and Mars
in the 7th bhava, the person born will become insane.
When Saturn is in the La^naand Mars occupies the 7th
house or a Tnkona position, the person concerned will
be a lunatic.

W ft'ftr frirwsft

$iRrat fp^a>


«# 'twgft mPaftr^BiEtn^n: i

ftm piftfen- II

aft is the reading adopted in some book., for f'JT and

appears to be the correct one.

BniWra ?ji5f gft qi i

gmrai^t nft ii <° n

Slokii 80. If (Dhanus) be

the initial portion of
the Lagna, if the Sun and the Moon occupy the Lagna
or a Trikona, and if Jupiter, be in the 3rd bhava or in a
Kendra position, the person born under this yoga will
become insane.
The last quarter reads as qft 5WJTT* >n *nW3»!Plft. *
360 Adh, VI.

Also if.

tR^ anp^s^t sffa I-

3% «Nr? p ’m ^ra. u
Some books read for ?TTPT?n.

The translation will then be “if any of the 4 signs from

Dhanus happen to be the L^gna and if the Sun and the Moon be
in Tnkona position (*. * occupy 5tb or 9th places) and if Jupiter
be in the 3rd house or m a hendra position* thel person born, etc.'

^ ifcs n'jTRtet iu? n

Sloka 81. If Mercury and the Moon be in a Ken-
dra position orfail to occupy benefic Navamsas, the

person born will have aberration of the

mind. If Saturn, *

the Moon and the Sun be in Kendra

position, the person
concerned will be idiotic and addicted
to wine.
f/« >3 Wit <51

53^ grfaseV i


3-t 33^ gg(Wi

^# 35331533; Wlim PRtfl irofrfi
Shka 82. II the Moon occupy


,he Uavamsa
belonging to Cancer, Aquarius ot
Scorpio and be in
conjunction with Saturn, the person
born w,ll suffer
from a dtsease affecting the priv.ties
H th= Moon
occupy in the 4th bhava a Navamsa
belonging thereto
ana be in conjunction with a malefic
5 P2 "° n
concerned w.U have disease of the

The 2nd
Hi? (Pada) reads as
^ *tft awhfl ln >cd4'

Si, 83-85 'nstoamr: 861

^ sin qitaiqgk ga q^jn^nsft

H^i qraijfsrqsgng n^n

gqfojqRt sn^qg

Sloka 83. When the Moon in conjunction with

a malefic planet and Rahu occupies the 12th the 5th or
the 8th bhava from the Lagna, the person born will be
liable to insanity and that of a raging hind and will
develop a tendency to quarrel.

gil is another reading for g^r in the 2nd qit (Pada) of the

=q^r -to 71 qfr 3t:g& jk ftn&tfi i

qt #qrftqiqmarci3q n n
Sloka 84. When the Moon or Rahu occupies the
12th bhava, Saturn, a Trikona position and the Sun, ;

the 7th or the 8th bhava , the person will have bom
ailments affecting teeth and eyes. The same effect hap-
pens when the planets mentioned above occupy Navarn-
sas owned by depressed mimical malefic planets

Sloka 83. If
w iqqqqq sra: n

the 5th and the 4th bhavas be occu-


pied by malefic planets and if the Moon in particular be

in the 8th, the IZth or the 6th bhava, blindness would
follow as a result of the yoga The person born in this
yoga must of course be blind when
is no benefic
aspect upon the planets There will be no
evil effect when bcncfic planets occupy the bhavas
referred to above.
362 Adh. VI.

fern esircfS i

^ a s'sftvi vfc ftri »jftsii I

ji^i nft si
dnS. ^W'l'A'Kfyir^'i fs mV^Rhiij ii it

Stoka 86 When {malefic) planets oth°r than the

lord of the Lagna occupy the Lagna, the astrologer may
predict leprosy ,
it will be black leprosy when Saturn
occupies the Lagna as described above , it will be red
leprosy when the Sun so occupies the rising sign ,
leprosy if the occupant be Macs When the Moon in
conjunction with Saturn or Mars occupies a Navamsa
belonging to (Kataha), *fra (Meena) or (Makara)
and is unaspect«-d by, or unassociatcd with benefic
planets the astrologer may declare the yoga to be pro'
ductive of leprosy to the people affected

ufttR v^STOIjt
nlftjl w-TuI si| gsiftifl


|VSH5°T KfH TPlffai || ca ||

SfoU 87 When the Moon m conjunction with a

malefic planet occupies the sign occup,ed
by the lord of
theSthbhavaand when the last
mentioned planet .5
aspectcd l y Rihu, the person born
will 8u ff er f rora a
dtsease affecting the prtvtt.es. the
same result happen,
when the 6th bhava ,s occupied by four
or three malefic
planets . but if a benefit planet
be the 8th bhava the
person concerned wiU be exempt from the
vf«'i<<4,^rF<^ g^ll rjgrug
SI. 88-90 qdsvwr: 363

qfarafts’# #ptt #n#

#53511# #to ## II II

Sloka 88. When the Moon is in a water-resorting

sign and the lord thereof occupies the 6th bhava and is
aspected by planets occupying watery signs, the person
born will suffer from strangury; when the Moon occu'
pying the 6th or the 8th bhava is aspected by Mars and
when Saturn is in the Lagna, the person concerned will
suffer from an ailment leading to blood discharges (piles).'

s# to i

qffir nrtr#

SI# H-aiKSt #3. ii ll

Sloka 89. When the waning Moon m conjunction

with malefic planets is in the rising sign belonging to
Saturn or in the 8th or the 6th bhava, the astrologer
may predict flatulence, spleen or some such ailment as
the result of this particular yoga. When the Moon is
between two malefic planets and Saturn occupies the 7th
bhava, the person born will have much bodily suffering
from the combined effects of abscess, spleen and con-

fjet ft# ft### I

# 3# ##1# m IsfwlRd* 3113 II V II

Sloka 93. When Mars is in the rising sign and

the lord of the 6th bhava is weak, the person born will

spleen and colic. Whe

have indigestion, a diseased
planet occupies the Lag™ and
Rahu or some malefic
the person concerned will be
Lain is in the 8th bhava,
afflicted with a stomach complaint
4i Wf 4i *roid l

agtfffi&ircPit 4i II

qPfRlcf sidMrt *T HiV-HPl I

J$<3iri*T R'J'fi’Hl'-il

RfR g§[ tfft qwte II II

Sioka 91. When Rahn occupies the 4th bhava

and the lord of the Lagna is without strength and
aspected by a malefic planet, the person born will suffer
from acute pain in the chest When the lord of the
Lagna is depressed and in an inimical house, Mars
occupies the 4th bhava and Satutn is aspected by a
malefic planet, colic will be the result

tintft ^RbUlWl'l Mr, 01

3ft "fftifpreiRf ariwftiit I


Sloka 92
When thcloid of the 8th bhava is weak
a^i i\ ^ ii

and the rising sign is aspected by a malefic

planet and
the 8th bhava is occupied or aspected
by Saturn the
person born will be smitten with
a disease that' will
prevent the taking in of food.
When the Moon in
conjunction with Mars occupies the
6th bhava, jaundice
due to vomitting and delirium will
afflict the person
. -

SI. 93-94 865

concerned. And when the Sun, the Moon and Mara

are together "in the 6th bhava, the effect of the yoga may
be' colic and erysipelas,
c/. ainna

fciret %i pt ii

3tra%d ’IK
initsw^ra# i

^;sw njqm irgn ri«n ?iid n ",3 u

Sloka 93. When the rising sign is aspected by

Mars, and the lord of the Gth bhava occupies the 10th,
the 7th, or the 1st bhava, the person born will suffer
from the effects of magic employed against him by his
enemies. When Mars in conjunction with the lord of
the Lagna occupies the Lagna or any other Kendra and
the loid of the 6th is in the Lagna, the same will happen.

HH 3OTdS*hnsWji’l H*l«;ii*A I

-qi,giTtt qiqraii qjHnft

Rqsjhqtjij.tri it^fri vrqrj. ii %n u

Sloka 94. When' Jupiter occupies the 4th, the

10th or the 1st bhava and a Kendra is occupied by wfr?
(Mandi), the person born will suffer from an illness due
to the effect of his having come face to face with an
immortal. When Saturn is in the 7th bhava and a
bencfic planet occupies a moveable rising sign, and the
Moon is aspected by a malefic planet, the person concern

Adh. VI.

to his
sutler tromn d»«3K due
ed will 'undoubtedly
goblins, ghosts and
having met
from reading u» ** 3rd t*& °
This sloka ts

this slolca is instead of

asra; ^3!ns^ sw i

wrewi ^nratnt
^ iM"


gat^lti ^sirarl't

the Moon in conjunction with a

Slota 95 11
mMic planet and aspectcd by another malefic

occupy tht 6th bhava, the person

born will beconrt
the 7 th bhava
lubleto wind disease, if Mars occupy
under the sime circumstances, the disease
produced vm
blood and bile
be hemorrhage due to a cunupt state of
\f the planet occupying the 7th
bhava under such condi*
tions be Mercury, the disease will arise from a

condition of wind and phlegm if Venus it will be

dysentery ,
if Saturn, colic , and lastly if Rahu or Ketu,
the ailment will be produced by demoniacal possession
This 11 alio from TiETTU*

ftlT! 5lfin% fiyt 7'9<tlTt

fwisret assswi im n 15 n
Sloka 95 When Saturn
occupying the 5th bhava
in conjunction with mfr? (Mandi) is aspectcd by the
Sun, Mars and Rahu but is unaspected by or unassocia-
51. 97 . ^svzrnr: 367

t ted with benefic planets,' the person born' will suffer

from^an illness caused by a complication of "cough, ;

asthma and consumption. When a malefic planet is in
the 12th bhava, the Moon in the 6th f Saturn in the 8th
andwhen the lord of the Lagna occupies a Navamsa
owned by a malign planet, the person born under such
a yoga will be liable to dryness of the nose resulting in

loss of smell.


16 ^ to? qft i

TOqnrramg^; qfaa ftnTOfijlii II

TO ^ qrorrofaiftfeit i

gW to 3*n qt WHfMOTifi.gir.. I|

TO3! In 5jra! I

to? ijgt ?m?nj?.i:

=? faros ?n% ii v» ii

Sloka 97. When Saturn is in^s (Kataka) and the

Moon in (Makara), the person born will have dropsy.
When Saturn in conjunction with Mars occupies the
6th bhava. and is aspccted by the Sun and Rahu; and
when the lord of the Lagna is without strength, the
result will be a lingering illness.

*/• liwTHref i

qiTOiTOftfa to Kfrojfatffifa I


roSTOTO? ?falFT TO? <S«*| TOT5 I

'-Adb. VI

imm g <rai ti V n

S/ofcti 98. When Mars is in his own house* Mer

cury'in the 4 th or the 3rd bhava and Saturn in the fst
the person born will be a dwarf. The result is the sami
when, other conditions being identical, Saturn* ts it

conjunction with the lord of the Lagna.

. 7 PUT vF3 I

5jra^ u ^ n

Sloha 99 , When the Sun and the Moon occupy,
one of them the 12 th, and the other the th
6 house from
the Lagna, the person born will
be one eyed and will have
the unique fortune of possessing a
n one-eyed wife as
well. When
Venus and the Sun conjointly
occupy the
7th, the 9th
or the 5th bhava, the
person born under
this yoga will have a wile
defective in some limb-
- Notes.



from Ihe 7th in H.

31 100 969

* The Moon is in the 12th from the 7th in I and 12th from the
Lagna lt^ll.

•"The pridciple is clear from the above.

• The J eft eye will be affected by the abo\ e yoga. In the other
case the Sun in the 2nd and 'he Moon in the Sth (the 2nd from
the Vth) will affect the right eye

If Venus be in conjunction with the Sun in the 5th, 7th or

j)th house from the Lngna, the wife will always be ailing, ffap*

wt *wal ftompRl i

qa Rmt qistraS II


OTlJfqftawrt: SOT® I

w>w nroijqq: sfiTO qFqi ri|iaqswi n

wt jpmrnqtqfe sri qqflffqw i

qfaqftWfaf qf3u%q, ||

=mR5qm't3?n q q rattr-Tar: I

[ wtwwra a# li !« II

Sloka 107. If the occupy the Oth,

malefic planets
the ilth, the 3rd and the Sth houses in any order accord-
tng to circumstances and be not aspected by bencfic
planets, they conspire according to their strength to do
damage to the organ of hearing of the person born ; if
they occupy the 7th house and be without bcneftc
aspect, they make the teeth unsightly.
The man will sutler from car complaint with certainty. The
3rd and tl e 1 1th house*, stand for cars— 3rd for the right car and
the 1 1th for the left (C/. also \\ estern astrology). Varnbamibtra

Adh. VI.

— to extend the prtnc.ple

to the
W— -**
gy. C/- Alan Leo.
: pnnn.p.e .1

the 7th hone.

“Malefics, unaspecttd
b, bodies, ncettps me
d.seaee, (defotmtty or

w ,ll br.es about tooth

the Moon also mthe 5 0 ®t caus.ns

IJW noul.l include

damage to the eai. Cf-

tfnh'na wPa jsiw'raw* ftffi II

Also •m.He't
TOT: =tol|S 1


4I^igSI<ipn: qm: atemftRiin. i

wqitiqw# 3 wpn sfe^fooi: n

Bdt trurlvWtl ejl tfoKSl 1

Ptrliq-ir^'ie'Tq f-tMtll’I

smfirc *ras% nra: n ?°? ii

Slokn 101. When Jupiter occupies

bendic varg
such as OTfantet (Vargottamamsa) in the Lagna or t
4th bhava ; or is elsewhere possessing abundant strengt
when the other planets arc in the 2nd, the 11th a
other bhavas connected with well-being and prosperit
and when the lord of the rising aign is powerful, t

person born gets on well and is, happy.

SI. 102 iBrssrra: 371

k tot l

n toto -
to*tRfatir arfi^rfpgKn^ n ?°=iii

sPi #1^55711 tsMiqfrtfoir ^rawiftstt^

3tra«5Hwi^rni: ig: II

S/gfc /1 102. By the grace of the Sun and all the other
planets, what are called arnrsnjrrs (Jataka bhangaha) con-
sisting of TOrfftW (Rajayoga bhangaha), *«t£rni: (Pre*
shya yogaha)t (Diridra yogaha), #Hf£4JMfon.>

(Angaheena yogaba), fcnftiU: (Reka yogaha) and fintfnri:

(Roga yogaha) have been fully treated of in this chapter.
Thu ends the 6th Adhyaya on what mars a horoscope" in the

work Jatakap&rij&ta compiled by Vaidjanatha under 1 the auspices

of the nine planets. t

Adhyaya VII.

On Raja togas op. claHes nt conjunctions

waBinq to Kingship.

wintfto^dtsfagifiiiM* Ms
knMwnrnfeftssi mn mra! ^ II

i4lwl 3i»& H t

Slain 1 When the planets occupy Kanya, M£ CQl >

Mithuna, Vrishabba, bunha, Dhanus and Kumbha, tbs

person bom will be a famous king, great in possessing
an army, mighty tdephants and horses , if the planets be
in Thula, Mesha Vmbaba and Meena, an emperor
comes into the world in this yoga if the planets be
Vnshaba, Dhanus, Meena and the Kendras a person
destined to rule over the earth and acquire wide fame
sees the light
In tins as wll ns u» the next Mol a the author bis described
inn very condensed mtsaws the firm ( t'unliasam> 10A other
yogas With a v e* to make then clearer the following nte
extracted from other works and appended below —
si: 1 srairtsvsrras 373

(1) Pnnfl»ptpns ^nr=n5f%

?q ft?mq> =qtn; -TqTil gq% sft I

qn q\ ?<\ $ c »r j^*N aft *ra: II

qftM ?pft wat: I

gqaPrct qqffi =jqt qft %ra=* aim II

wfawfift qfq gni: fertw: 4fSa;

ft at qtqgg«r§q?f<ir #ft f? ffigiaa: i

q: la^iqqqW f? ugat qjqtftflqt q#

qqffqwiPmfagqaqit anqn# n


5<l ftqrqa\ qtsR q; iftq ?q a? i

q%??r q qtnisq qgswtsft-flqct n

qwar q?(flq: ffo: maRa: i

®n?nqqt q?raai TO>f.>ft qit qiq. n

gq ftt q^qiq^ftgqFtqiftjqit
qqiq: qraaifa? qqfs q^qR ar- I

qgsft qm qq?*g!sq)5tq ftftii .

q^qTqiqi-’flg^qfSrnv^ frm n

(3) RTpS^ifjiT: tf[TRRR.

5ft ^ %q l=nqi q ft>ft \

qiq: wwar?qt ^qrgqg^-q: h

(4) 4t*rant;

^ ^ ft# # €fz *ffi: |

3^tft£ W- *fft 32RTT: ||

mavnfnrra Adh. VII.

arm aft i

qffifift mai a rnttnaisa u

(5) wrrota flitrsrar

5ft <ft sft aisft flu ptn aft aft i

at^nnaft aft iraftasiaraa n

at aift >-iaaft a aift aiftsfl ftijai 5» l

apqt ft aftift nift aifi 3ft i aft? II

(6) 3t*nptf
<&ia;iftl aY^mft gai I

m ftm i^sfl am a aiafamft n

mat aim sugamm Mm fiw

aiw*n aiia ePn aaa*a n

>mfi a^taia teraS mtftm
saafti aianjisfirafia^arafti i

a^tft ftsuaaaaTfi

*Ri=Kitl saisift ftaiift aim n

(7) ^irnn? 1

^ *W ^ %m\ fe^t ^ t

Tv^^t a ^>3 ^ i)

(8) ^ TTO^n HimraT

$31113% m fro at i

15 awataisi iaaft lift mi i

^laifopaijlri 1P1T! I'-MRlrqT


>jjftlii$fit m 15 wkm|‘W 11
SI. 2 37a

qft a3w«ra$?SU5t nisi ftaqPa %a. I

?? igsw^Rffii^s: <jrft: nuri asa ctr ii

(9) qfrraKn. ,

pt qfft iafa»3: qpqi^ gqi aq i

*&$*$[ >Aai'l*I3:mqCT: 5>l: II

(JO) *ifa; *#w3fr&

p* ?f$f9i fsi q qm n ftgq q* i

qtnniawl qr<ft ftF?g«ai q?w. n

(JJ) somite:
m aw swift qqmr jftw- I

stqq^affsRsfts?^! feftqft:

qqqii3ift?q swft qqiftq q?qR u

(12) ?famtn:

qfi qi^g^qisii^ftqqa^ i

aqqqiTjjqq ^ gqi ifpmzw'i sniffs e=q: n

Sf^wrtqvmiraBqlqis^iriqq: i

^3i fqsCT^jsnijin It Pra*n?faat

im gaqigq qrflmilm mi qq^ipfe ll * ii

Siofcti 2. When the planets

occupy Kanya, Mesha,
Thula, Simha and Kumbha, the person born is a king.
When the planets arc in the 3rd, the 5th and the 4th
bhavas, the person born becomes ruler of countries
abounding in great wealth. If the 3rd, the 4th, the 5th
376 Adh. VII

the 2m3, the 9th, the 1st and the 7th be occupied each
by a planet, the person born will become a just king.

•trrit *wreft I

iffanwframjsiT’rrai: ttii rc|whmat Tfai ll 3 II

Sloka 1. If the planets are associated with the

Moon’s hora, the person born will be a famous king. If

the benefic planets be in the 9th and the 11th bhavas,

and the malefic ones in the 6th and the 10th, a king is

^fr n s ll

Stoka 4 benehc planets be strong occupying


the 1st, the 10th, the 7th and the 4th bhavas
and if Mats
and Saturn be in the 9th and thellth bhavns, the person
born will be a king possessed of every amiable

The number of yo5 as satisfyinR all the
conditions described in
this sloka will, if carefully
aniljsed be found to be sery limited
ThefollovMMg horoscopes suited as an example fortius

1 _ ! I


Jupiter Mars \cnus ^Mercury

$1 , 6 '

But see the following sloka from srcreft (Saravali).

gw wror: i

whmram?r forcr ^r^isj=n


TOiRm: ii \ it
Sloka 5. When the Moon or the Lagna occupying

a (Vargottamamsa) vflfrniitr is aspected by the other pla'

nets placed in the 4th, the 10th and the 7th bhavas, the
person born is a leader of men.
According to TTiSTT-Tniar (Biihatprajapatya), 'HtTW (Saravali)
and other works, and as per Yav anas' view quoted in ?S*3JTTT
(Bnhatjataka), four or more planets (other than the Moon) aspect-
ing a Vargottama Lagna or Moon will make the person born at
that time a King.
el* SC33TPT*

^rffatins =f=| 3T I

to gifigfa: raw II

Also mmtfr
ipjfpa^ sJTTO^rstfsr fromaifi Wfrasro i

-iasit«FSfWSfer QntWftft =11- II

Also sfpTfrnm
^lihitis^TO qfs m wi\ mtRra ^ ^gn®Jifts|Cw:

ififroffrafroi: *j§ qiw saswrfaft'iFSTRra. n

Also Hl^T^T
nh 4-wh 't ^nTvro

3T ynltflfs* I

Jf STfTO <?3 a>1|W|7!»ik®T

wPp.fi >ftsfr ftsro n «renroi. ii

5?8 Mh VlL

But our author has gone further hy restricting the position of

the planets According to si okas 30 3) of the 2nd Adhyaya, Saturn
in the 4th or the lllh house. Mars in the 6th or the 10th house
and Jupiter in the 5th or the 9th house, all counted from the Lagna
or the Moon, are also capable of aspecting e ther of them respec*
tively as all planets are while they arc in the 7th house. Our
author has rejected the aspects of Saturn from the 1 1 lh house, of
Mats front the 6th house and of Jupiter from the 5th and 9th.
houses. He only accepts the aspects of Saturn from the 4 th house,
of Mars from the 10th house and of Jupiter and other planets from
the 7th house would appear to be to place all the
IIis object
planets m Kendras, 4th, 7th and 10th and itt such a
the thtep
manner as to be capable of bestowing their full aspect on the
Lagna or the Moon ts the case Maybe. The least number of
planets thus situated and capable of aspecting the Vargottama
Lagna or the Moon
is four i e , "by planets other
than, the Moon"
has reference only so far as Lagna yogas ate
concerned, for the Moon cannot aspect itself. But the question is
“Will t of the Moon on the Lagna
the aspe nullify the joga if it
is otherwise complete"’ The answer is m the negative In this
case, theMoon’s aspect Joes not count, being products
e of neither
good nor evil and the Moon cannot be one
of the planets making
up the least number of four abo\e stated Cf.

lUft: fgfroft: ||

=1 writ Vm rnrijflFT I

=H=af? hi hW sgsiPnfi^ =, =,
win *ron=3|n; |

iwg tjj; h sk?*h =i mna n

There will be 22 Jogas u.^

5 ogas in all.
l5+6+ 1
the Lagra and the Moon, or

Si. 6 379

srrat ?rafgni3t frgpraffi sip'tai I

fe^t 8iHmraA< M^ 5| rig8 sramifMt-

Nk srarrat ^ri? RTRfTfrr: 7gift%ff^nq; II 5 II ,

Shka 6. When Venus occupies the asterism As»

wirri in the Lagna and S is aspected by ah the other
planets, the person born will be the senior in family
destined to destroy the whole host of his enemies and
to sport with many women. When there arc three or
more planets occupying not the Navamsa of their depres*
sion sign but one owned by themselves and one such
planet is in the Lagna, the person born will be a king'
and a very wealthy one too, when there are 5 or more
such planets.

' [Fint hilf). Cf. sjRPFfttf

afRpqi mm: awsMRw I

sfaftira ftftfiwfiw'PM ||


*f?fS ft'irRH. II

The following from arcjfs't fSaravali) mention ms the several

astensms which, when occu[J |c<t by Venus, confer kingship will

also be of interest

wtfa tjspr 5n<wfa s ’irafi flfpw II

Latter half, Cf.

tfarawj.’iftspti stnft&TOHfFqin. I

fWFTO fejrpi: sMifin; II

380 Adk VII.

According to TgBtruwac, swriRTfi and other works, three or

four planets in their exaltation (Swochchn), or in their own
signs (SwakshetraJ and are at the same time trine to one an*
other, make a person barn in the tojal family 5 King Five or more

such planets will make any person a King. But two such planets
in the first case or four such m the second case will only make
the person rich. C).

tferffe: SJjTPI: H~: StfblVl I

hVi ||

tal^pRWI 3F35I I

3J«ti rjpft HfW: to; II

It has also to be noted here that

only when the 5 or 6
it is

planets in **WT (Swnhshetra) are frong that the

person born be-
comes a Kmg. If they or any of them be weak, he only becomes
rich But seven planets in will, irrespective of their
strength, make the person a King. Cf.


*r?3 u

fSjHTpI ||

<ra5a |

|| \s ||

.. Jzz t» >“
TOTOfSrarm: 3S1

borrt willbecome a kin®. When the Moon occupies at

night own Navamsa or one belonging to a very

friendly planet and is aspccted by Venus alone, a king

comes into the world.

fonlftKKigw fwBpJr sira; e? ^frri s# s w n

qgiflq qg 3RFH mrfe i

=rai m3 =v: sM'rfii: n

From the two parallel passages above given, it will be seen

that Venus and the lord of the Lagna should both be in the 2nd
bhava. The text lends itself also to the above interpretation and
it may preferably be rendered thus-* “ When Venus together with

the lord of the Lagm, who is also 2nd bhava,

stroug, is in the

which is neither the plnnet't (Venus’) depression sign, nor is owned

by an enemy, the person born will become a King.”
ef. jhrHsO

^f .07 ?ST I

^T5nftffafa I]3 tS’FIT


25: ^T^H -


sfpr swr TT3TI l

crcraiffift fifn

snrt*ift3 % *ntft tifl'iitWii 11 <i 11

Sloka 8. When Venus occupying the Lagna is in

Meena and in a Navamsa belonging to Meena, the person
born is a king ; (Z) when the lord of the rising sign is
m Adh. VII.

strong in its exaltation and aspected by the Moon, a

royal personage sees the light ; (3) when the lord of the
Lagna occupies in the exaltation house a Navamsa belong-

ing neither to the depression sign nor to an enemy and

that exaltation sign turns out to be a Kendra and has no
other planet, a ruler of the earth is born under this Yoga.
tf. sricprfiRr

ifftrafc oft hHii


igiwgTTO^l: yfiaftft II

(Lalltt Ml), cf. Sloka IS, Mr,.

, UTinft tajijftTOTi fajigwf Mi


iRpjit fib ftin

Sloka 9.
When the full Moon
w n&ttas?, H s
is in the 9th bhava

occupying its own, exaltation or a friendly house and

when Saturn and Mars occupy the 10th and the 2nd
bhavas from the Lagna, a lord of the earth is born.
When the Moon is full and strong occupying a Kendra
other than the Lagna and is aspected by both Venus and
Jupiter, under such a Yoga is born a sovereign who will
generously, make gifts of land.

(Fm' h,in. According to dram (Saravali), nay planet ,n
the 9th nliava identical n ith its exaltation s,
CT .,1! bestow Kine-
sh,p .( the lord of that Mum occupy „ r „ Ml tm> 0, h „
T&ttftVs "Me va «* ,t oaW&'uon signs as ire} 5 . cf
btpj5 «w TO!?*

misft #sni tr? to? 551ft „

SI. 10 S83

( Second half), ef. sloka 47, infra.

m fftgrcrq: i

mii^35>=qf ?st rrm irtfirqag n

f?ram (a^ir atm ftwft qR sft-ife i

gftm ?ft ^igg; ait n

This yoga finds an exception when Taurus happens to be the

Lagna with the Moon there, cl. J’PCrr^T-
gft 3nft ssnra: gw fain set afoift fpraa I

iiTO»Kt *raft fefrm II

For u person born in a royal family no aspects are required to

place him on the throne, cf. mriqtfr.

sir fisiq ^ ftnnw i

fenfa »r^nia ftifiT-WT^an. n

RifhiisKi§£<,i w^ iFiwfir

irasft snftssjqr fti'sir l

$<fu raft
sift gofftai&ft TOfft: 'rrat rag; n ?° il

Sloka 10. When a planet is in the highest exalca*

tion point and is aspected by a very friendly planet, a
king is ushered into the world. A king's peer takes
birth when Venus is strong occupying the 11th or the
11th hhava* When Q or 3 planets arc in their exaltation,
signs, the Moon and the rising sign possess*
is in Kataka
cd of strength, the person born will be a king honored
(F7m< quarter), cf.

tP6ts=g5ift:wt Pwe: ^5^ fraipir^uvi. i

3fct «ra«MvHn3 A*. V«*

inr. g? inn <st% TOWiat qR I

=1?^ taros sRtft sfaftiffM. II

(Latitf ha\j.) See notes under <.loka 6, i ttj’ ra According to

Yavana’s view quoted in Brihat jatal a one or t w° planets in their
exaltation, one of them being in the T and the Moon in «f
(Katnka) will create Rajajoga 16 such Rajay°£ as are possible
under the above combination tf

Stflflltj tl%.m taS l*rcfcpt flfilft to ’jfl'IT f3 II

Ordinarily 3 or four planets in their exaltation will, it is said,

make a person born in a Royal family a King Five or more pla
nets m exaltation will make any person a King c
f StfJnstTTFT

ftftntsijfrof srtfSfrmrc i

ro 9Hf^n7n5i!naisft roro n
But there are other special combinations tinder tvhich
3, 4 , 5
or more planets may not be Ur the r exaltation signs
yet the
person botn attains royalty The author deals Kith several such
exceptions to the said ordinary yogas
handed Jown by trad, t, on
which are difficult to be observed except by men of extraordinary

^ tot
n>?Rn: 35wn! tot ftsuftrar
iWM^ift in finnktain:

'^idi HriHd frTni'bThd

malefic ones
born will be a cruel kmc

m the
ot the 10th bhava
i st


C ^ erson

C 1“ ^^?T
oneH, ntt t,
2 fuelling his numerous
jt foes
If the Sun tn conjunction
with the Moon and
bhaya occupy the exaltation the ? m Th
whde beneftc and maleftc
and other Var m
planet, aspect «hcm,a“r
SI. 12 365

a king’s equal of a very fickle disposition, will come

into the world
A manuscript copy reads the first quarter as follows:

5$ flfctT fesifisjfn: I

Probably this is the correct reading. The translation will

then be, If all the malefic planets be m the S'PTT (Upachaya)
houses and the benefic ones in the 1st or the 10th bhava, the person
born will be a cruel king quelling his numerous foes.”
The author
desires that malefics should be in the (Upa*
chaya places excepting the 10th as the undermentioned quotation
from makes it clear.

[Latter half), ef. *TKPP31

mi fam ^ n

If placed in a similar position, t.r, in the 7th house,” has

to be understood from in the sloka previous to this in
(Sara vali).

^ iferm 3w:
Sloka 12. If, at the birth of a person, Mars occupy

Dhanus, Mcsha or Simha identical with the Lagna, and

be aspectcd by a friendly planet, he will rule over a
kingdom won by his own prowess. If the Sun, the
386 ana$'tfttsr& Adh. VII.

Moon and Jupiter be in tbe 3rd, the 9th aftcl the 5th
bhavas and have strength, the person born will be a
king comparable with the God Kubera in respect to his
(First half), cf.

^51 MWlfit fafBKse: «

(LilUr hslf,) if Slot* 49 »»/#«. Also *n<rt*»l
>®<PrwgiftOT q'-fitfi. i

tfit trar 5^35% rfflSst ll

*fHl Mdl -I'M M *7T 3T?J Ml I '1

M5TraMIMisft BPMM! I

% 5E
^rai II « 11

Sloka la. a birth, a planet be nuts depression

If at

and if the lord of the sign occupied by the

planet or the
.lord o! its exaltation
sign be m
a Kendra position in
respect to the Moon’s place or the Lagna,
the person
Iborn will be a king and a just ruler.
cf. 'T^firtTT

*J^TT j

^ ’RhWftvni tsnfwfi
^ mss Mi-tretpft

^fisyi^j,. u
^ ,
SI. 14-15 387

Also 5Tnt3iPF?T

^ srarraitercsiiffi ajwm: i

ip^ra) i w: sgift g<?ftgwa n
Also *rar4Pfinwi

. q#5t gwrcpi ^iflRi;mg3 I

nrraira% aisfl qrgqpft >N3T: ii

gx^%icm^=rfg rat i

%t 3! Rr mgl ^ i

RflKmqfog at
srrfn jmWaTRiiRsrssRi rr ii ?» n
Slokn 14. If the lord of the Navamsa occupied by
a depressed planet at a birth be in a Kendra or Trikona
position and if the si-fnsu (Janmalagna) be a moveable
sign or if the lord of the (Janmalagna), i.e. the 1st
bhava be in a Navamsa owned by a moveable sign, the
person born will be a king or possess great power.
tf. *rtf>J£ramiuT

q'taffqmSHTOtl I

q-ftst g gqt *m. i

^WRH'Rl qqtwtit 1KR3i5rsqqr

waimrai Jtqg; I

. *RriSrcrat It il

Sloka 15. When the lord of the 10th bhava is in

the 8th, occupying a Navamsa owned by its exaltation
sign, its own (Rasi) or a friendly Trfo (Rasi), or has
attained a 'mnrafcr (Paravathamsa), the person bom will
be a king of kings. If Jupiter be depressed in the Lagna
wiav-iiRjift Adh. VII

and the 8th bhava occupied by a malefic planet, and if

the Navamsa of the 8th bhava (64th from the Lagna) be

that of a trfa (Rasi) owned by the malefic planet in
question, under this yoga also will be born a king of

#rer trI viwft

ftlff ISfMdl 3 VJ 1 -j |

vn^5reR5n?A aw vpgftA *n

r 13 M s tooti: li 11

Sloha'M) When Jupiter, being the lord of the

rising sign, occupies the 12th bhava and when Saturn,
the lord of the 3rd bhava is in the 12th place in respect
to Jupiter or when
the Sun occupies the 11th bhava
from the Lagna, the person born will be a king of kings
If the lord of the Navamsa
occupied by the lord of the
9th bhava be in the ath ot the 4th bhava, a king
into the world If Mercury be in conjunction
with or
aspected by Jupiter, the person born will be a king’s

sft ^ ?PT 5r\ 3T ft?,<11 far I

spft sw I)


^(DWv!*, «*. thB c0ndlll0n5

rf trUrcJ
^ ^
iU M 1 1 _ ^ *

51. 17-18 389

Mf^ra 333a ^<nsg5=ft 11 "<=s 11

Sloka 17. If Jupiter be in the rising 'sign and


Mercury occupying a Kendra be aspected by the lord of

the 9th bhava, the person born will be on a footing of
equality with kings. When Saturn in strength occupies
the (Moolatrikona) or exaltation sign happening
to be identical Kendra or Trikona and is aspect-
with a
ed by the lord of the 11th bhava ; under this yoga also,
will the person born he pn a par with sovereigns of the


=$ 5^ hww 'ftRia i

<=£rcr fefe 513?^ VWC: II

gtt *>i j n
tor: i

ii ?c n
Sloka 18. When the Moon is in the rising sign,
Jupiter in the 4th, Venus in the 10th, and Saturn in the
exaltation or sr$ra (Swakshetra), the person born will

be either a king or equal to a king. When benefic

planets are in the 12th, the 11th, the 1st,
the 2nd, the
3rd and the 10th bhavas, the person bom will be like a
sovereign and in great favor with kings of kings.


sir 3ft bI'ft iAw I

>7=3 11
890 apr*'nfjFjnS Adh. VIL

ft TTOflWTOPpt l

Jglfsiaftit %nfal TOTO »Hs|( II

TO; sraalt tftoto 53ft

ITTHt 5ft>RTfe>l|i|g® ncrf^WtOT! I

qifl !fi4i5r sum qft#

sira ^ qflTOrqfta ^“nwr'it v^ll II

Si oka 19 When Saturn is in strength and has

attained 3=tm^n (Uttaraavarga , when Jupiter occupies a
Navarasa other than a depression one, and when the Sun
ia in a benefic Navamaa and is aspccted by benefic pla*

nets, the person bom will be in the good graces of a

king and equal to him If Rahu be
bhava, in the 10th
ifSaturn occupying the 11th be aspected by the lord of
the 9th bhava, and if the lord of the rising sign be un*
associated with a depressed planet, the person bom
under this yoga will be like a lord of the earth.
cf TrrwPt-’wfa

TO |

nroft to, 11

41^81 fsfTO^ifTOi: qftTOWijqn: 1

n 11
“lloin 20 If two three or lout planets
in depres-
sion occupy benefic sMityumsa (TOP) or 60th

of birth T person, he will
of a
eminently just and virtuous
T ral e " ,tltlOD "*"• fh* ttm.
be a lord of the earth,


to qi „t ml qtsft sfapjpj |

=1 Ff?^K'FI^Tirqt%m I

ar^^jgq^jii'i vptq&: #rfcpn =r^ft

srrat ’TFn^R^wts^ ^sfararitro: H R'< u

Sloka 21. The following are the three yogis*under

any one of which a person born becomes wealthy. In
the first yoga, the lords of the 10th and the 9th bhavas
counted from the Lagna are in conjunction and associa*
ted with the lord of the 2nd bbava in the 2nd yoga,

the lords of the 10th and the 9th, reckoned fromJ»

(Subha) , t e. the lords of the 6th and the 5th bhavas from
the Lagna occupy each a sign owned by the other and
are associated with (Dhanapathij t.e the lord of
the 2nd bhava , in the 3rd yoga, the lords of the 10th,
and the f th bhava calculated from the 10th, f. the lofds/

of the 7th and the 6th bhavas from the Lagna occupy
mutually aspecting Kendras and are associated with vr»i>ift
(Dhanapati). If the several pairs of planets mentioned
above be aspectcd or associated with the lord or the
karaka fan*) of the 4th bhava, the person born under
each of the several resulting yogas will have at his
command much wealth and many vehicles

The fir-t 3 quarters of this slohi are also capible of being
interpreted thus —
" If the lords of (1)the 10 -rod 9th houses counted from the
Lagna, (2) the 10th and 9th houses counted from the 9th house
and (3) the 10 and 9th houses reckoned from the 10th house be tn
conjunction, occup> each a sign owned b> the other, or occupy
mutually aspecting Kendras, or be associated (at the same time)
ithiv the lord of the second house the person bora mil be wealthy.
392 Adh. vir.


flifs »nnRi%
of the 12 yogas caused
>nR ^
by the relationship of the lords of
wra l>

any two successive houses out of the 12 ones, our author describes
here the S Hajayogas

JThe 12 yogas are

(1] SW by the relationship of the lords of the 1st & 2nd houses
U)«rpp*t do 2nd JL 3rd ,.

(3) do 3rd & 4th ,,

(+) wupT do 4th a 5th ,

(5) =5t^l *iA do 5t i & 6th „

(6)rmPr do 6th d- 7th „i
<7) ffen#i do V7th&8th „
(8)w«rs>npi do fith & 9th „
*9) mr^fm do 9th L ICth ,

(10) do lOthlllth ,v
(II) wnpnt do 11th L 12th „ i

(121 fcroft do 12th «. 1st „t


"a^fcwt ft$i! i

TOnS Mk-jJt >iffM[Tq4 l|

tpW! <s3 4| %
i ft wiS fgsiqi i

rTHTflR TrAnr'i II

•witu ow *5 mw ft^Bn |

inwPi jj

qmi ^ ||

The relationship between planet* »sof four

l Each one occupying the other s liotm e,
or ...
Rclhp1aretcaspcc(i«e each other ° tvcna ’
3 Am rare Of the too plant,
„t*c M ,,
4 Both p.aoc« occoppro, ,lt „„
ii 393

Si. S5Tflrs«n q':

c/. TO5TC

SW FqFfflppft ffp?F3 Ite: I

gtffamwt sis: fpi&iBt n

ipn ft pi Sgm^qtt fcqift i

«mRiS Pm msfq %-wnaaV «ri ii

. The association of the lords of the Kendra and Kona places

Vis capable of producing Rajayogas

ef. vHl<R-*PsW,l


^SwRSI^feWTijKWTil: II


wafr H II

Also <rtm
«wwt: flinmft TRlVltfri: TFH. I

n^pii ptra^fci TiftrfeTiPFFm. n

rn:wRtfsnV »i55ft fitiia: i

3>ht=#<ihiS Jirafift? TFTin^ n

in pnft pSTst nt msfi iwswft I

TPnWHTt nm tri '•nfit Priaran. n

TIpRlIsHIT *11=1 itml Tip #>IT: i

gfewtPmwtf 5 tSi %fS? ii


OTTnijfr? mpiisu: mPTO ^lnfsiFTOS: II

5UWtf«ITt llPmWT npV I

TiRiHwn gtr'l Trniafi.? 11

glwil WIR5ai?sit’iiCTfi gn> foiir 1


394 Adb. VII.

$w« nr=T!i|;sq=n ^isr^nfifrot qg gyro II

wb u«w ^ ^assa

'raqifiwgtp qrasif5 ^
v •

Prarafe fiarefa v. Hrejfcnftsi i

'gm 333% irai spft ai asratsfl qj n

q=q: «ft nqafi gtfaq: i

gw«*it an; gV. gaia aisawiiq, 11

aal gj'TOn'l ^qw=ntfrn<m

in: qn»II9Ti mfii q5W5TtsR |

341 qq^aiq?!fBa?qo2iqq^-

t?1=S featfeqqijq

aqi jaaswfr aauxait jwmaa

**8 qqfa qRaim qqq 1

‘qfenflfS^ln 11

qqi ^ysiwft anigi&^sfaSr

*BI 9;FSt q?I SPRiii b 4tft aiar: 1

mi wnraFft TOfeesrft
SiSist^iiTOHWTn toSi' 11

In these cases it is not verv nr.rK«n. .,

. , .

*>-*.-»«** l ,o
®* be the loti of t»o Weas o, a Keo4, a
P '“" s”
a good a ill be produce,) thread,
K °” a d » et
. Ko “
evhen they ore owned by too
sepaiaje p
s uJ
' as


m=qj qg (|
Sloka 22. When six planets are in their exaltation,
the person bom will be a king of kings ruling over the
whole earth. When five planets occupy their exaltation
signs and Jupiter is in the Lagna, the person born will
rule all men and. all lands.

q^Prer ppti ftsir 11

Also snfrarom

wro: qa qa spjj\ a a firqqlq: n

' The author suggests the inference that, in the case of five
planets in exaltation, one of them must be in the Lagna, and that
preferably Jupiter. In the case of six planets in exaltation, it is

not necessary that fine of them should be in the Lagna. One, two,
three or four planets in exaltation alone do not make a person of
ordinary birth a king. cf.

sfi!»in»WT ’CPWfd^'Tfnsi 1

q* ftsqi: n


ftfifitsigfW steplfrom: i

^q: qsirqsVqqqpiiitsft uni: n

A11 the works on astrology are unanimous in the above view.
According to Yavana and others, three or four melefic planets
in their exaltation makes tie king cruel, tj,

wq: *w>n4?missiqt i

srcrrft f=Pm: ppqq wsiqi^ilqq-. 11

sutiomfisi^ Adh. VII.

the Moon becomes a king. Again whent

Mars, the
Sun, and Jupiter occupy respectively tnst (Makara),
(Mesha) and jar (Kumbha), the person born is a king.
' (First half), cf.nm’&l

§3t >4 35!) i^igqwfttiftdisf: I

ti^i tRf tnjfawfBT n

wrri^WtTCSt! 7
lK 'ipiWc.

Z ^ 1

im =t W*nRtwr ifen n ^n
Sloka 29. IE the full Moon in conjunction with a
planet other than the lord oE the' Lagna be aspected by
Venus, Mercury and Jupiter, the person
born will be a
ting. Again, if Jupiter, Venus and Mars occupy uifru-
uhi (Vargottamamsa) and malefic planets be not in
Kendra houses, the person born under this yoga becomes
i ruler of men.
t/l iKH'A

1 V)i'*t- r
*s rh-r> «s •<.

.dirip7 ^-inu ^ynf^id tn
SB gqTO5% n n
Shka 30 When all thf lanets
^etshodaya) signs and when the
:p oc
Moon occupying
(Kataka) is aspected by
benbfic planets, the
born as a king. Again when the person
lord of the rising sign
81, 31 *fC)tih 401

occupies the 9th or the 10th bhava and when the Moon
is in the Lagna, the person born will be a ruler of the

cf’ UITFPft

'Ht: flTOl =5falfpn <sli2| ?Rtt?: I

feJr n

iwnq; gRif^ft
sft ingaSpMfofta I

M ?J~I ipftT f^dll^Tld! J

J'r-U'-l vjqit£

srafcr to farct sraiwfcn ll 3? ll

Sloka 31. The Sun has traversed the first half of

vi^K (Dhanus), the Moon fs just there; Saturn possessed
of much power is in the Lagna and Mars is in the exal-
tation sign : If this be the planetary position at a
person's birth, he will grow into such a mighty king
that his enemies, overwhelmed by his fiery valour will
do homage to him from afar, regarding him with awe
and giving up all idea of measuring their strength with
him in battle.
This as well as the two succeeding: slokas are from

glrst.TcHigfi ^ 51ft:

cf. Also
WSPt: IP 1


^ gp: I

aiRJlVl g'jfelT'ra 51^ II

402 «nrs'nfrin« Adh. VII-

The reader cannot have failed to observe that the Sun is strong
in a quadruped sign. His own as well as his exaltation signs are
both quadruped ones '1 he second half of ’tjn. ( Dhanus) is also a
quadruped sign and the bun is stronger there than in the first half.

ii'TO’KTOi TOii to
SPREFranth I

3 ^ TOlfilTOI!

Sloka 32
topi! ^
the lord of the Lagna

an sire* (Upachaya) place in respect to the Moon, when
the benelic planets occupying Kendra positions are in
benefic Navamsas, and when the malefic planets have
no strength at all, the person bom will be a king equal
in might to Indra (the ruler of the immortals).

^ snfef
H n
Sloku 33. If, at the birth of a person,
the Sun be
about to go to the exaltat.on point, the
Moon be in
(Swakshetra) and Jupiter occupy
(Kataka), the person
born will hold sway over a region teeming
with manv 7
gems and precious stones


33^ ’ircrato || ||
Sic la 34. If, at a rersons b.rtb. the
m SJn ma lr ‘
kona position be
exaltation sign and
.being respectively in the 3rd,

the Sun,

the 6th and the

V~1 ^

h 8th bbavas
_ ,

from the Moon, occupy

amsaa belonging
to them
SI. 35-36 «tt41swtr: 403

severally, they make the person born a king who will

guard his kingdom just as a cowherd guards his kine.
The following is the yoga given in mOT 5*! for the same effect

(aftstqmsft <n TOfirapir: |


4 g ftg’ra&lf'TOttf jft%: I

it w?r Trcgeft ^'ttct: wg; ttto

tItott to x%: ii 3>\ ii

Sloka 35. If Moon, Mercury and

the Sun, the
Venus be in the 10th bhava occupying friendly Navam*
sas in a sign which is not owned by an enemy and
where they neither become invisible nor depressed, the
person born under this yoga develops into a great king
in whose royal progress, the dust is laid by the ruttish
flow exuding from elephants composing his train.
This as well as the next four slokasare taken from UKncft.
The yoga mentioned in this sloka is applicable only to persons
born in the royal family.

^wgni^rat to


Mars occupy
Sloka 36. If, at the birth of a person,
in strength the exaltation sign and be aspected by the
Sun, the Moon and Jupiter, that person though low-born
will become an illustrious ruler of men, capable of
protecting the whole earth.
404 *ia»7TTftf;9 Adb. VII

5^ HWt ^ f# giiTOfSfts# I

vmd n\ ngife $«??» tt^'slt

S/oia 37. The person at whose birth Mercury is

in the rising sign, Jupiter in the 7th bhava, the Moon

with unclouded radiance in (Katafca) representing
the 4th bhava and the planet Venus occupies the 10th
bhava, this person is destined to rule the earth in health
and without any disturbance
In IRTflET and other work-? the yoga is declared
to result from the following combination Mercury m Kanya
identical ruth the Lagna Jupiter and the Moon m the 7lh house
therefrom ft € Meena) Venus in the 10th (i c Mithuna) and Mars
and Saturn in the 5tli (» e in Makara) cf

^^ icjjoiifsft i

Also irwn 5? wvm*n Sira ^ I

‘fctw =i

i*n i

SSfalOT Hi'’? gun^i II

-PtHfail-IB m the text app-ars therefore

to be e „or

Moon Venus

__ Sis?

_j Merc.
81. 88-42 sfnhsennr. 405

i^rfa ffa srra troftTOKSn \c n ll

Sloka ^8. The fullMoon predominant in strength

ia singly capable of making the person born under its

influence a victorious king

^npifl $3*rar unfair nnfcra: I

^aTOrw^u v*. ll

Sloka ^9 Jupiter occupying the 2nd bhava in

conjunction with Venus at the birth of a person will
make hun a lord of the earth capible of conquering all

3% temrcfa ’jPgrifiin |

nn?l% otto TOiWtft \\ «o n

SLka -to. The person at whose birth the lord ot

the 1st bhrva ts in a Kendra, the lord of the 10th in the
4th, I he totd of the 9th
bhava (n the 11th, such a person
will become a king and be blessed with long hfe

faiSHWI ^Ttti Ijfa tJSfttRTOJi: |

fafiRnfitfa *rc?T
n »
SI, 1*0 41. Mercury with ,t, uy3
obscured by
he occupy us^ibtb, (Moola
Trrkona) and be in
the <^r (Swastha) state
(v„U Adhyaya 3 SI 16)
b! akinB c3tce| ,n m his
rover T T
o every kind o t learning
g know! e go

Other planets slm

placed do not produce ,,Jy
this effect

’^3* WfaPrJi
4oa «KnNrfft& Adb. VII.

Cf. the latter half of feloka 12, supra

5 MmP^cI

5^35^ 5r=rrq% n \° 11

S/oA«i 50 When the

Sun occupies in strength the
rising sign Dlunus when Mars in conjunction with

the Moon is m the 10th bhava and when Venus is in

the 1 1th or the 12th , a king comparable to the lord of
the immortals comes into the world.

tomnfrn: tot ^qs l

ttsn nqft SraswdlRd; II n

Sioftti 51. When malelic planets occupy the 3rd,
the 11th and the 6th bhivasand the lord o! the Lagna is
aspeued by bcnefic planets, the person bom will be a
strong energetic king extolled by all people.
tf wrrSr
5TO ijdhTO mi 1F1P1F1 gqjgj |

aqt mftgi. wtsornf^

^ )t

5H1 |

Rdi<hd *nwij
no ||
Sloia 52 When Mars occupies m
ill strength the

'^ ™ m^

r^r 1 pet> b°
SI. 63-54 •raAs’nmi 409


fTl^ gftgB sft*rt qqgir («t?) qfNt i

farci^ ggqJr (4) q^mqt amqjf 11

qi 3Tiq jtitts^jhi r? 1

smft gqpst tram bt srI 3^*11 u,3 11


Sloka 53. If the Moon in conjunction with Saturn

be in the 11th, the 4th or the 10th bhava, the person
born, if of a royal family, will become a king or a
wealthy man equal in rank to a king.

^rwlT^rrPpRt <tgqft ^
5?*n'Wr qft gtn #iff*rai

333<r: OT3

Sloka 54 If,
^ t^r 3tra)tsqg^t

at a person’s birth,
^ II

the lord of the


Lagna occupy an (Upachaya) place, the Moon the

9th bhava and the beneftc planets occupying benefic
Vargas in Kendra positions have strength, the person
born will be a king If Jupiter and the Moon be in

Vrishabha, and the lord of the rising sign occupying a

(Kona) be exempt from the aspect of Saturn and
Mars, the person at whose birth this yoga obtains will
become a ruler of the earth
(Latter half) cf

qft fiw'TOS *ib l


Jjqft H 33 4a? 3^t h

nraiqirrRiS Adh. VII-

SioArt 55. If, at a person’s birth, the Sun be in

Meena and the Moon in Kataka, the person bom becomes
a king. The planets one and all fail to bestow the
fortune when aspected by inimical or depiessed planets.

#i^*i ftersei



wJIftsreSw: u ^ !l

Sloka 65. A single planet occupying his highest

exaltation point and aspected by friendly planets produ-
ces a king (or a leader of men) Such a planet though
single will make the person immensely wealthy if he be
also associated with another friendly planet But when
planets are in inimical or depression signs, the persons
born under the inauspicious yoga, are (1) without
wealth, (2) without comfort, (3) without intellect, (4)
sickly, (5) afflicted with captivity, (6) involved m
murders and (7) other equally wicked crimes (succes-
sively as the number of the badly placed planets rise
gradually from 1 to 7).
TMs stoW vi, (ton JaWka By Ihe -word faq (Mitra)
in (Milrayognt), natural friendship fiFPlfarf (Nisarga
it is

maitratva) that is meant and not the (Tathalika)

half The interpretation given above i-j what
has been
given by Bhattotpala, and in the face of it appears as i»o*t
Tor, from a xefc-mce to B.that Jat.U
I,MX „ be 5 „„
the Moon ,n Tauxus .settled by the Sun, Mars and
Mercury pro
duces no Bond cilects, tide also XIII I of the
same wort
— —
SI. 67 4lr

Tlie word (Uchchagaha) has been translated in the text

as "occupying his highest exaltation point.” Of. snTOnfcnti—
re VII- 10 Supra.
May not the word f*T5? (Mitra) in rise- (Mitradrishtaha) mean
the Sun 7

By the word (Uchchagaha) Varahamihira appears to

imply Jupiter, Mars and Saturn. Mercury and Venus are not
taken into consideration as these can never come in opposition to
be aspected by the Sun. Tins yoga is possible m the following
way :

(1) Mars m Mahara and the Sun in Kataka.

(2) Jupiter in Kataka and the Sun in Makara.
(3) Saturn in Tula and the Sun in Mesha.
The Sun thus in opposition to any one of these three planets
in exaltation together with a friendly planet makes the native
wealthy as well besides asjT (Nripa a king or leader of men). It

is only such rich people that suffer from very longstanding diseases
such as diabetes, pleurisy, etc., (Brihat Jataka, JCXIII —7-9)

^nswt sirafent sunsupfljftq; n n

Sloka 57. When Saturn is in the rising sign iden'
ticalwith Dhanus, Meena, Thula, Mesha, Makara, or
Kumbha, the person born will be a lord of men, hand'
some, intelligent and wise, and will lead a town or a
Garga, as already pointed in II 67 (page 82) supra, has staled
that Saturn in Thula. Dhanus or Meena identical with the Lagna
Is capable of producing kingship. The author says tfiat Saturn in
Mesha (though his depression sign) identical with the rising sign
will bestow kingship, (malefic in depression is not bad). As regards
Makara, TRimtt6! (Jatakabharana) says’

sruw from) qisn. |i

412 Adh. VII.

Saturn m Makara is therefore capable of conferring the appearance

As for Kumbha, Satyacharya has declared that sign
of royalty.
Kumbha as ascendant 15 not auspicious. The Yavanas did not
agTee with the above view, but were of opinion that it is only the
Kumbha Dwadasamsas (in all lagnas) that are bad This view
has been supported by (Srutakirti) but again opposed by
Yishnugupta cf
Itit a aaBsi *1 1

Aral Afft A?t |:<ajiiwaH: n


§M&WTO*t in Afft l

wft 51 <TU ||

5*KKflAint Affrat =f aatot 1

(fill ^TT'ItlRmftBTKai ||

'wJt'trarcitoi =f *ra rrawirewntinn 1

A [|

* S’*5 * sprats flat =i w%m=n qrPj 1

A 'Wisffei
s »‘«h»ya' S v
le ws. Nor
above views of Yavana are incorrect ™®
and that lt , , !
bha lagna ir, a birth that is bad and
not the Kumbha*
KUm *
For Aquarius os Ascendant - oo.
„„»E ,, T^'
for Romocnod leaders 0 f mtn ,,™ „ ronW
The acceptance of Humble ”*
fore reasonable

lh . pres t case Hems there-

v (|
SI, 68 SHrfrswrnrs 413

Sloka 38. The good influence of plansta is at its

maximum, three quarters, half, a quarter, at its minimum
or nil according as the planets are in the exaltation sign,

(Moolatrikona), srV* (Swakshetra),

(Mitrakshetra «* friendly sign), sra&ir (Satrukshetra =ini-
mical sign), depression sign or (combustion) conjunction
with the Sun.
In the case of benefics,
35 (Uchcha) Full effect
*i5>Ri<ft' T (Moolatnkona) a
(Swakshetra) } „
(Mitrakshetra) 1 ..

(Satrukshetra) i ..

i/N (Neecha) 1
i * »
3T^ (Arkaga-Combustion) s* I,

This order should be reversed for the malefics.

(Subhaphala) will increase if in (Uchcha).
( Asubhabhavaphala ) will increase only in stfsr (Neecha).
Benefics are good in exaltation. Malefics are good in depression.
Malefics are bad in 5nr (Uchcha).

The proportions given above are with respect to benefics. In

the case of malefics we must reverse the effects , c.g. a benefic
in exaltation gives very good results [i.e. full) ; in depression 1/16
eflect. A malefic in (Neecha) must give 5 good effect and in l
(Uchcha) 1/32 good eflect This will be found to hold good*'
for finance.

I?; fara ?n-

area <ra RrcR ^ gi ah^sR


«retqrftJtia Aib. VII.

A 14

Also ^

See also VIII l!6if«/rfl

« qi^lHOTTT: II

TfFjS^n ^^ ^**1 ^'

ii rr n
Sloka 59. According as lvhrs, Mercury, Jupiter,
Venus or Saturn possessing the greatest strength and oc*
cupying a Kendra is in the *£?rxtiqr (Moolatrikona),
^rt (Swakshetra) or *rr*r (Swochcha), will the result'
ing Rajayoga be named t^e (Rvchaka), ^ (Bhadra), Cfl
(Harasa) to** (Malavyi) or «ra (Sasa) the beautiful

c/ niwl
*(& ^ ^ C?fs *%

qis^qi Sfiftw >f$RT q^srqj 1

Also HfflW


«tra: ^nff^J^niirasiteiP^:
fl-^WTpNKtsissr Tmtssrn aiim: I

flfit^s^f'ltnSU H? u^i Sl^lg^ij^tct: im 0 u


'SI. 61 £15

Sloka 60 The person born under the auspicious

r-tt (Ruchaka) yoga will possess physical strength,
fotrune, fame and fine will have a know'
qualities. He
ledge of scienceshe will be versed in the sacred hymns,

the method of praying with them and the art of producing

magic spells. He will become a king or a king’s compeer.
He will have a lovely attractive person ; he will be
liberal, victorious and wealthy. He will live 70 years
in comfort and happiness, commanding an army with a
good supply of fleet horses.
Iq the following 3 slokas from the effect of birth in
the is given in more detail

WWltsfil# fiSSWW JWHi

«ra? sprang: 11

ft=sqm>wfln'ta. eafaH*iT =?t%r, i

SKsnefiti'jfg: smiffl sto n

Also >r=nfif7^r. ch. VI-SJ. 2.

>sr q li \\ u
Sloka 61. If, out of the lords of the 9th, the 1 1th
and the 2nd bhavas, there be but one that occupies ‘a
Kendra position in respect to the Moon and if Jupiter
be the lord of the 11 th bhava, the person born under
the yoga will become the ruler of a full-blown empire.
416 wrarvuifara Adh. VII.

It is net cleat why this sloka has beeu b ought m here. The
reading is slightly d fterent m T??fmn viz ,


The following slokas from describing in detail

the yogas caused by the lords cA the 'everal bouses each occupying,
a Kendra position ie«pect to the snrajl will be found to be
useful in this connect on


>hRi =rtftmt snfqift Tjigq ll

jftwim wgjvg'i ,

'*t #i?5?5t WOTufiwgirom'l ))

Vipra jwMti srftmis* I

wfspwt Saps gaifoaS ^ftroga;


^tfa'i te?ra «tft a>nf^

w yv 'mn. m ) i

wwn^jqai'ft whs*?

- -c'.a'w Tflamug
^ stpt
=v^ Ww
^„ $,


SI. 62-63 417

3ni%sJn%RT^fr *fhii%: Tfcfl^Tsji^rer

»IRi >4to3Spft33T
T^s^JTErnr^nfq^ig: ll II

Slokd 62. With the face of the tiger, with the ma-
with a broad massive chest,
jestic gait of the elephant,
with lcng brawny rounded arms and of a commanding
stature, the man born under the Bhadra (ws) yoga will
be a king high-spirited and diligently devoted to the'
befriending of kinsmen and well-wisher3 He will reach
the age of 80 displaying commanding genius and enjoy,
ing vast fame and extensive wealth.
This sloka IS taken from ^TTCIT^ Ihree more slokas from
that work on the same yoga are extracted below

arc i

wgfe«mf5|^l giCTRngl I)

fating ffbiqj s-Hsifawtf i

ftqqsirei fqa it; II

’7Krara=Hifa-<;: g^ifi ?6’oT': WTJ

tfrasf: g$iiR?remw: 7^5 377: gufi I

5imRTOW wwtft gofl

7raisii'i(?pRiiT3Ti% HS6 ininP^Rmr^ ii 53 H
Sloka 63. Thep*rSon whose rooJ fortune it is to
be born under the tfeuiin has these chiracteristics He
has a red mouth and a prominent nose; his legs arc

418 snavtiftaiB Adh. Vll*

welHormed , he has the voice and the phlegm of the

swan; he is fair limbed; he is blessed with a beautiful
wife, he is himself lovely like the God of love , he has
every domfott at his command! be is intent cn aequo
ring a knowledge of the sacred scriptures ; he is acute ,

has great merits ,

his life is 82 years , he is beneficient
and devoted to virtue.
The following slokas from E>ve moie information
about this, joga D

ftf: 'fcff'itertliWsft fHW |

iHfii 53 iwiWf?!CT||RRiOTi0i4
Tsig IRTufjat qgfm ^q^ far: 11

BfiraiwiB wt q gS sqifit fwq 1


nmt? Vng. sg 'iF'wntTOFmRnq; 1

sTW’nfll «rw?<h pjqfa qi^ u

See also •r^lmich 6 Si 3.

#rerafemrerfaRii!ii h'Mto) gnfi

wit ureiqteriHit! 1

Uttwyelra aHUH qrasqqiqrs^: n

^ ()

... 1«
perton born under
has the gestures, the graceful bodily
structure mdth
ryrs ofa female, he „ hnd» m»

e, ltotlou ,
powerful he is blessed wtth
children, Wlfe v-s K |.
and raealth be know the meaning
of the .acred

tout, he ..learned, he., cltvtr
the appl.eatton

SI. 65 419

the three regal powers— energy, capacity and counsel

he is liberal ; he is fondly addicted to other women and
he will attain to the age of 77.
cf. wwO
F#st ^ %immfin5STsTHf5‘T-
Wr WW: gmm: I

Jifosfcq feflft eaff&mmim. n

ftaift V3 °t wifi'll <r.i feifa i

h ^ mii^RmsTOffFgirciftqraR. n

^<n m mfait mrrmOT: forrra: ipufr-

cam i

tefi gjlsflraiw!

stra: smtmaftii sra% 11 n

Sloka 65. The person born in the (Sasa yoga)

may be a king, a minister, or a ~eneral haunting woods'
and mountains ;
he is cruel hearted, and would even de-
ceivc in his eager pursuit of metallurgy; he is bountiful;
he his wrathful eyes; he is spirited; he is lovingly devo-
ted to his mother, he is brave; he has a dark form; he
lives for 70 years. He is a voluptoary and inclined to
play the paramour with the objects of his guilty love

cf. WW 5’,

?a®u: ntenfa: simsS rrarsRqft ftgwmr: i

••HtfsjVij ^PTJ: wit-vft ||

wnint Vfraift ftft-

Siahfc «nfi ftra*ra=i: i
stavuRaia Adh. VII.

isftiTgtB TT-TRI?! ITliJTfP H5™

jjctt ftwt RffiiiH) 'F’hi. 11

i r"
'WT^rawimisura if* "ft ’• 1

rfPisai^feiPniitfiii-iTOf^T Mnft
Cf ch 6 sloha 4

7^ *?t TvTT I

siSwnnfH)^ ^nit "E^i ! ^ •'

s/uln 66 In such planetary conjunctions ns
(Adhi yoga, vue slo*tas 113 115 infra) the
planet to which the yoga is due and which
has the aspect
on itself of less powerful planets will produce the
of the yoga tn us Ttu (da«a) period
This a quotation from *rqtin
is The tune when a >oga
takes effectis as described in this sloha in the case of all
except those which are effective all through life and the Rajajogas
, (Antardasa) lord or
where the ="11 (dasa) and W=1 'T[ periods of the

the occupant of the Lagnaorthe 10th J>hava * ill bring about


nftre^u n

II ||

VIRtRl i

3jfi Jnnwtn5f: srptut 5n^fl?Tng;

ill'-’ri^fdf-t'U-iPr TjffldiR^ir: tjrj-.jj rpfip [l^isll

Slohn 67 If Mercury be in the7nd bhavr with

respect to the Sun, if the Moon be m
the 11th with
SL 68-69 TOnftsv’rra 421

respect to Mercury and if Jupiter be in a (Kona)

with reference to the Moon, the yoga is Bhaskara
The person bom m the (Bhaskarayoga)
is brave, lord like, versed in the interpretation of the
scriptures, handsome, with a wealth of musical tones,
good at reckoning, resolute and competent.

fft 3ftg<ri# sifts ^ferr^

TO ftnr^^nii tfru I

u’tisrcra*TO \ir-q 3t TOr«ii

w« il II

Sloka 68. If Mars be in the 3rd bhava from the

Moon, Saturn in the 7th fron Mars, Venus in the 7th
from Saturn, and Jupiter m the 7th from Venus, the
yoga is styled hidrn. The person born in this yoga
will be celebrated, amiable, worthy of royal nnk or m
some similar position, eloquent and possesse of wealth, 1

diverse ornaments, fame, beauty and prowess

guriu; wito p: gqjfi g* g <fi sftnn:
fs^^Ri wit TOW® l

wifi 3i3*m snwi^S[

TPT5J: i^RUftS fWI 31*1 5 331 II \\ II

SL ka 69. If Jupiter occupy a Kona from Venus,

the Mocn the 5th bhava from Jupiter, the Sun a Kendra
from the Moon, the resulting yoga is termed swn
(Miruthyogi\ t e. wind yogi The person who has his
birth in the (Vayuyoga) will be eloquent, broad-
breasted, big'belhed, conversant with the scriptures,
thriving, clever m
striking bargains, and of royal rank
or in some position approaching thereto.
Adb. VII.
m OTHwrrais

i jlfa i w ft ^ ’fort
p *riw i

Ji- J-H'Tr!riTI

>3T^[: iOTqtfftS ^ »JlMWWW^

11 'so


Sloi.1 70. When Jupiter is in
Moon Kendra from Jupiter, Rahu in the 2nd
in a
Mars in the 3rd bhavalirom
from the Moon, the Sun and
is designated (Budha
•the same, the resulting yoga
in the 3*3"! (Budhayoga) has
yoga'. The person born
the majesty of a king.
Hts strength will be matchless
and his name celebrated ; he will be conversant with
the scriptures. He will be skilled in traffic,

and without enemies.


smi&tt Kto ^ tn Rips

aptft rTtcrt nifR i

% TKWTg^t ftnraiq
tf ^ ii c\ n
Slohi 71. When the Moon occupying the lit or
the 7th blnva is without the beneEic aspect of Jupiter
upon at* the result is (Keraadruinayoga) If the
number of dots in the places occupied by planets {vide
Adhyaya 10) be very deficient, these as well as all weak
planets produce the effect of (Kemadrumayoga),

fra'tn 5i^5i 7i>i 5^ i

JJh'hl'linv.d'lTf HIT TU%: II tSR II

51. 13-76 S8ws*sra. 423

^Vir Mitsui ?nra wish i

qggrfnswnnl q^i; n n

Sfokas 72 71. if the 2nd, the 1 2th and both the

houses from the Moon be occupied by planets other
than the Sun, the yogas are termed (Sunapha) snrsr
(Anapha) and fpwr (Dhuradhara) respectively. In the
absence of these three yogas, the artrologer may declare

the effect of STOfwfri (Kemadrumayoga)

c/* «swstfhRr

3 ii

Vide also si oka 83, xnfra

^ sraral ;ifa<d: wm *nra I

HJnir iiiisja <ing% am sn<r n ®# II

Slakti 74. When the Moon in conjunction with

the Sun occupies a malefic Navamsa and is aspected by
a depi easedplanet, the person born experiences the
effect of the (Pat tdrayoga). The very same
effect follows also in the case of the person whose

takes place at night time when the 8th bhava from the
waning Moon is either aspected or occupied by a malefic

*ng i

sirr fnmmm n ®h ii

Sloka 75. When the Moon seised by Rahu or

Kctu is aspected by a malefic planet, the person born
soon gets into poverty. When the house representing

4.24 Adh. VH.

the 4th bhavi from the Lagna cr the Moon is occupied

by a malefic phnet, the same effect follows, say the

3 gsii H
S/o£ i VVhen the Moon aspccted by a benefic
planet wotsted in planetary fuht is seized by Rahu or
Ketu m an eclipse, the person bori\ is indigent. The
same is the effect whan, the Moon occupies in the sign
Thula the *n (Varga) owned by an inimical sign and is
aspectcd by a depressed oi mimical plan;t

m qi? wi

^ i

nil *m% ^vrwtirati li

Stoka 77. When the Moon occupying a Kendra

or a Kona is in the nn (Varga) of its depiession or
inimical sign and u-hen Jupiter is m the 12th, the Oth
or the 8th bhava from the Moon, the person botn will
be indigent. Again, if the Moon occupying a malefic
WI (Amsa) and aspccted by an inimical planet be in a
moveable sign ct it the maldic amsa occupied by the
Moon thus aspccted belong to a moveable sign and il
the Moon have not the aspect „f Jupiter upon it the
poverty ol the person botn in this
yoga will be unparal-

xpnVatgi stft^tRifi
WW1T qi ^ q'reriwiii^fonfi
,r5^r srarft
%nettinire(a n \sc II

?“*“ 78. If Saturn and Venus occupy

tng the Vac
gas cl depressed ot mimtcal ffilWlc
pW(s bc aspect£(J
SI. 79-80 425

each by the other or occupy one and the same sign, the
person born under this yoga, though of a princely family
will experience the effects of (Kemadrutnayoga).

^ 71737 a w-fRii 7T7 fti% 7i ri%

Ml%7 IT77& $757PTT 777; I

7(”RqR7fn^ *1337 7*n

7^ 7>737 PtRT CTtRT StlTTf %777i II ^ II

Sloka 79. When the Moon in conjunction with a

malefic planet and occupying at night a malefic house or
malefic Navamsa, is aspected by the lord of the 10th
bhava and 19 void of strength, the result is

(Kencadrumayoga). Again when the Moon in the

depression Navamsa is associated with a planet m the
(Khala) state (vide Adhyaya 2, slokas ld-18) and
aspected by the lord of the 9th bhava, there is the yoga .
(Kemadruma). Thirdly when the Moon is on
the wane and occupies the depression sign, the person
.born at night has to experience the effect of

11 ^s^JTmnr: 11
'O .

ftw* ^77 71 7n7R%^[7 TftWTO* I

Tpwfcra 71 5fl7is7 %7 TftSTfa: II II

5 ioka 80. no yoga producing poverty

"There is

when the Moon or Venus occupying a Kendra is aspect'

cd by Jupiter. Again when the Moon associated with
a benchc planet or between two benefic planets is
aspected by Jupiter, the (Daridrayoga) does not
Adh. Vll.
426 /

tflg ?fe.5TO fiRta' I

1»t cRt 3*1# 3TO

H wmft II <:M
. Siofcii 81. 11 the Moon occupying the Nava**1 of
a&igti of a very friendly planet or of its exjltation

aspected by Jupiter, the person born

(Rasi) and is

be exempt from poverty. Again, when the full Moon

occuptes the Lagoa hi conjunction with a benefic planet,
or when the Moon occupying the 10th bhava is in its

exaltation and aspectcd by Jupiter, the person bom will

not be poor

aaripiTl # ?0J to* N &"

Slaka 82. If in any horoscope «»**nr*T (Kemadru-
nuyoga) comes in, the Rajayogas disappear like elephants
on seing a Iron

tftafan tsSratr-nm g sjft: OT^is%iri| i

?;-s sda^sm n?sa wtjiii

8 WheD P'anm ° th» 'fun the Sun occupy

„ ! f; v
U'bcthth.. 2nd and
the i2th houses

^\ '"fj"®
3 ¥°pSm '«P«">ve!y styl-
It » declared by tbc majority of
astrologer, that ,o the
J yo®!S de f‘ r cd » b
S!™? “
7 7
»w, there is the
But there arc other,
who would
SI. 83 427

"not allow the (Kemadrumayoga) where the

(Kendra) (calculated from' the Lagna or the Moon) is
associated with a planet. Some there are who declare
that* the 3 yogas gw (Sunapha), (Anapha) and 5«5 «r v

(Dhurudhara) are to be reckoned from the presence of

planets' other than the Sun in the 4th and the 10th Ken’
dra from the Moon instead of from the 2nd and the 12th
houses from the Moon and the absence of any of these

3 yogas indicates the presence of (Keinadruma).

Another class would declare the three yogas in reference
to theNavamsa occupied by the Moon, t.c. find the Rasi
owning the Navamsa which the Moon occupies if ;

reckoning from this Rasi, the 2nd or the 12th Rasi or

both be occupied by planets other than the Sun, these
three yogas exist. (Kemadruma) is the absence of
any of these 3 yogas. But the holders of these last two
- views* are not recognised as authorities in the science
of astrology. „
This and the next two slohas aie taken from ftreTKni*

Note In the yogas propounded by this sloka, the Sun is

always kept out of consideration

(First half). The authorities relied on by with

legird to this half of the slo1 a appear to be JfTTlWI

and TOTTHNST and «;uch other works, where, in the absence of the
as positive.
* 8 Was {viz.) (Trn, s-um and is declared

cf • *T=r?KT.

aiit 4kiRf* ii

spqsjT qaitfttraf'T: %trgT: PJ<T: II

* But Parasara has recognised the last two views.

Adh. VII

Also Jltsim

8^ 8t l=i ftm 8T'gf|8f?4'i'. -i

WWHwfewP'it’ird. aVs ||

fife & g/wrorai ftffmimft s i

m fife ififai fwi gsgteift n

f7%OTR: F54: I

aa«i«j?fe 84iP4?'al'tffi n

(Third quarter )• ^Cl ftfet (Varahamihira) relies on tpr(Garga)»

for the principle laid down in this »n^ (pada) of the sloha, who says
that, in the absence oF any of the 3 yogas above stated,
(Kemadruma) will be mitigated or nullified by the presence of
any of the five planets Mars, Mercury, Jupiter Venus and Saturn
in a Kendca ot by the Moon s association with any one of them-

The words “Sn* JTCgV are also capable Q f being

interpreted sJtTO* that is, if the Moon
occupy a Kendra (calculated from the Lagna) or be associated
with a planet (one of the five above named). Rut this has
to be
rejected on the authority of TOtftfc who says
jr*|; *
VI SloU 0 nod on tbc Ulhonty
of slolta 77 supra. Ths abase inteiprstat, , s a i 50 oppo5ed t0
the principle laid down by Garga who has said

'smsteptsreoflin i

* Tfiq'iqifivU 8ini%^ll^lS88T l|

%n: ipjjqt sm iRI lam ufgfT. I

wfa ftmsRra ®'R<fiiqw83in: II

That is, if tbs 2nd or the 121H house

otaoycf the K»J,.s-v,ho,h-r recloued
coated f„. n n

fro m , he
U,„-t>enoheoccu,,, rf by aay Moonartlie
one of ,he 6ve
P „, Ma „. Um
— -

51. 83 429

c/. Also 30 m
•refti H^wTOifgrr 'Brar»ft:
4?f5Tftftfwtf%f53«t %S5>r: I

^ iptu-wl' nil siftnja s ifcflgTt

#%'. WftFHi WHWMV . II

The correct interpretation of the words therefore are (I)

Wl ^nregh itfh —
That is, “if one of- the Kendras or
the Moon be associated with a planet “ (any one of the five above
named)' ( 2 ) ttitsfa&snr Ut$T —
“ If Kendra be devoid
the Moonor be occupied by a planet " (any one of the five above
named). This interpretation will correspond u itli the above quoted
Garga’s principle as also that of Kaljanavarman who sajs;

UTOHWgeau: awn 4 b i mPs |

f^srawqjlpt: 3tfHW=intft?l|: II

»?l 1 Vfl shm tesasiftr. ^IWf «J I

WgitsfaTO: V nlq?lf& ||

From the above.it will be seen that, according to Gatga

though the position of any one of the five planets in any one of the
Kendras mlUannul or annihilate the effects of theKemadruma-
>°tn.it dees not produce any of the 3 yogas Sunapha, Anipha and


[jVb/e. The Moon in a Kendra associated v ith one of the

fne planets does not desti op the effect qf Vie Kemndrumuyogii]

(Fourth Quarter). But the Yavanas went further. Sruta-

hirti, one of the Yavanas declared that the presence of any of the '

planets (j) "m the -4th house from the Moon is Sunapha (2) in
the 10th house Ampin and (j) in the 4th and 10th houses is Dhu*
nidhun. cf.

rpra >?wpi: aftffoitTO fi^i: i

awjsnfinisBsT 4 b: ii
Adh. VII

M fjGgrowe

aai. ^ gfisai^mfo:
^liwSlsR ii

Also SKlf^ .

BFgfefcWipt. SlftT. SW^T

s|5WF5?®ta ,ni liftFj'- 11


^njii *nfa ^ift^^rfitsTi n


w fsn^ggg?TO% Tt II

srere S'JWb i

vniPnOTiR. wi ^cra^nra s% II <:$ n

Sloka 86. The person at whose birth Mars is in
the 2nd bhava from the Moon will become a king and
in that capacity he will be fierce, cruel, hypocritical,
strong minded, wealthy, valiant and irritable.
Varahamibira does not differentiate the effect of the planets
by their positions in the 2nd or in the 1 2tli house so far as the
yogas mentioned in slokas 86 105 arc concerned. He attributes
the effects to the planets causing the yoga without reference to
their being in the 2nd or the 12tb house.
ef. T?r=m?
BW BJ: 5JRBI Rot: wg I
SI. 87-00 *nrors«*Ti?. 435

Wft •J53|'T3\ fopfalftan II

37ft3TlRsi52t7'l)'fliI 1

fft'TT* q>if 3^ II C'a II

Shk i 87. C onversant with vedic ordinances, fine

artsand music, well-shaped, highly intelligent, of agree-
able speechand pious will the person be at whose birth
Mercury occupies the 2nd house from the Moon.

^Praim: sfteFa; 531?) grow 1

^ ^TfhntTr g0 ll « 11

Sluka 88. The person born in the g*rsr (Sunapha)

with Jupiter in the 2nd house from the Moon excels in
every branch of knowledge, is prosperous, has a good
family, gets into the good graces of his sovcretgn and
becomes lordly and famous

TT3r4r. ffra II fA II

SfoAfl 59 In the g*rrr (Sunapha) m which Venus

occupies the 2nd house from the Moon, the person born
will be valiant, married, wealthy, possessed of agricul-
tural lands, engaged in work, with much property, rich
in cattle and horses (quadruped) and will live in regal

373Fif0raR0i tfam gqlf l

ftp: ntsfts ^RcnlftTOr srI n v> n

Sloka 9— When Saturn is m 'the 2nd bhava in
respect to the Moon, the person born will get the esteem

Adh. VW

of »H r^plc '0 oT'o

ever/ .
talented and venrf


Am? wiS*-
^ -


|| ||
, tjfc:

S/otn 91 When
Mars occupies the la tJj
h oase
from the Moon, the person born will be arrogant
for war, wrathful bold, at the bead
of i band f
marauders, resolute and of an alluring
rra^t TR??7t
tsft% g^™
SRRBp,^ ^
Slola 92 When
„ ^

va from the Moon, ;2th bhj

, discoursing cleverlj, *» f'
J, capable of
eloquent, “ d " w,
handsome, 0F 6 J* ' Tenom Md
"S. learned,
veneration bp
kings held


Shka 93 The re „ Jjf| || t^


person be at

whose natvvvw, VeTv\«, v

“«“ n*hww*«
- ' wft « w
. ,
hetlSatum occupy tha
*f person
from the Moon, th*. tom re 1on 8 „ medj
nous, possessed of numerous cattle anti similar posses-
sions * a leader and hie words catry weight and
he is

are accepted , he 18 voiced to a bad woman

sratwil 5«nn uufl i

gajl ii ii

SloJhr 96. whose birch the Moon

The person at

is between Mercury and Mars is untruthful though

possessed of merits, clever but very depraved, censorious
and avaricious, and addicted to unchaste women past
their prune.

srofftrJrajr ’wraf ftyfifta: I

^®5las<pi khhti iBtifiwr: n n ^

Stok 97iWhen the Moon is betwixt Mars and
Jupiter, the person born will be i renowned individual,
owing hit fortune to hts own mighty exertion, but
harassed by foes. The moral tone of his" household
would wholly be due to his powerful example.

:^FITffi 5*P1'. ^ETI I?! I

3TO5fe: ijimgt Wi $=igwY. II %c it

Sfofcn 9$. If at a person’s birth, the Moon be

between Mars and Venus, be will be athletic, handsome,

cruel, cheerful, virtuously inclined and wealthy,
liable to swerve from morality under the influence

sRitf ’Win; ftg^sftuR[ l

ll II
ara^Bt firarcra
The individual at whose birth the
SloKfl 99
Moon between Mars and Saturn will be addicted to

vile women, wrathful rich treacherous,

with numerous enemies but unscathed and uncontrite

Tmft ^ M ?°° li

Sloka 100 Wh-n the Moon is in the midst of the

two planets Mercury and Jupiter at a person’s bnth he
will be pious, conversant with the sacred scriptures,
eloquent, facile in composition associated with good
men and of great fame

Tlmnn gsft: \


Sloka 101 The person at whose birth the Moon

is between Mercury and Venus will be an amateur in
dancing and music beloved of agreeable speech, hand
some, highly intelligent and of a heroic temperament

&i«i 1331


5F> H-TtjuvTfq II

Sloka 1Q When the Moon is between Saturn and


Mercury, the person horn may have to

go from one
country to another he will be revered, have
learning and wealth but evince great
aversion to his
kith and kin *
SI. 103-106 439

s4fafl[ qUagi feviifoa: I

. w£[S£CTRwl H'-Rit n ?°3 II

Sloka 103. Acting in a princely fashion, prospe*

rous, politic, valiant, celebrated and guiltless in thought
will the person be at whose nativity the Moon holds a

place between Jupiter and Venus.

jjoi I


Sloka 104. The person at whose birth the Moon

has got between Saturn and Jupiter will be comfortable;
’possessed of humility, knowledge, learning, beauty and
worth ; owning much wealth and of a conciliatory

*ri fenfc^ir-eK n «; An
Sfo fca 105. If at a birth, the Moon
be between
Venus and Saturn in a grgtnifri (Dhurudhura yoga), the
person born will be an important personage in a tribe
wedded to ancient customs and the lord of a band of
worthless females ; he will have much wealth and enjoy
royal favour.

^ dlM i w3 ^
nufira strange Ppr
^n%n 4i Rrasissasas
41^344 'ROTfis TO3R131! || ? ||

Slain 106. The whole effect of any

yoga such as
has been described is invariably realised by the person
torn under the yoga, when the
yoga-making planets
440 Adh. VII,

occupy then exaltation, their own or friendly houses.

The same is equally true, say Parasara and other autho*
titles, when the Navamsas occupied by the yoga-mahing

planets relate to their own or friendly houses.

tri 3i wgsFSKitsf ^ ftiwrai


Spirant nt nit ntnnsi nram <£3nipnt: ?oe

» S loka 107 I£ the Moon be m conjunction with
Rahu or Ketu or if Rahu occupy the lUh bhava irotn
the Moon, or if the planet producing the yoga be depress
sed or obscured by the Sun s rays, the effect of the yoga
will be mixed to the person born therein

With regard lo Ibe Moons capacity of doing good or c\il

tvith reference to these three yogas Varahamihira says

,, ,
5S‘ ?Rnsr5 ew^rnl¥?ragsj jpts^mss)^
That is far persons bora in the day tine, the
Moon m any of
the fr.t 6 houses., auspicious and m any
of the other C houses IS
rruusp c.ous The reset,. .fleet ,s lo be
ot persons born in the
Understood m the case
n ght time

Stauda and I niap.lt -rnd others ,ls„

these yosas 1 lies, therefore
says „ reMce
deseros consideration

>1 ^ Jm-.dlK.^PT: ||

sroftn: nnraitifa: n
^ n

tJSlS SZZZS2£.?z t T

5l» 109-110 441

Cf. Tafiftpi
“ sifirft 3 wb 3«pt ^ftraTO."
But Parasata says

“SiTrsSPT OTJ: fmit: ”

If all the planets be in the 1st ard the 7th bLavas, the result
mg yoga is called 5iqra (Sakata) Also (Varahamihira) in
(Bnhat Jataka) ch 12, SI 3 gives the following defti-
mtion of (Sakata) identical with Patasara's
“ cbWIi OT»T..”


Tho (Sakata yoga) mentioned in sloka 168 infra 13

diflerent from this. The yoga referred to m this sloka is devoid oF

its bad effects if Jupiter, while being fo the 6 th or the 8 th house
from the Moon, is ma Kendra from the Lagna

aiPr rra# tot fh:^r: gwftnsr-

Irrorcnrcnfaei n-# n n
S/ofta 109. The person born m the wwtn (Sakata
yega) be he of a royal family, becomes indigent and m
consequence of the trouble and fatigue falling to hia lot,
he is always distressed and becomes an object of
aversion to the king.

8ft3.5ftTOiqR=;gn: TR.2T 3=T: mgqfii graiq, I

' St% gfigratRi: SSrq aw: 1|

II 3T«T mRyidfR^U II .

S'TTftTOjgr: grsift I

Tunsrhft iftsRM resraTO- n??o|i

Sloka 110. To the person bora under its influence,
aplanet secures comforts if in the rai train
4raiCTTfrare Adh: vit.
442 ,

sound health if in the swrafl (Utrami Vargal; numerous

and dominion if in
cattle if in the tiistnt (Gopntamsa);
the fftsttrafrt (Simhasanamsa, tide Adhyaya 1, SI.

rsftft TOra»nn35ft iotwj, l

^ n W. \\

SI off a 111. A planet that attains the ntuairt (Para-

vatha Varga) biioga to the men born under its auspices,

cleansing and renown accompanied by great prosperity.
If the planet reach the higher (Devalokabhaga),
the lucky person coming into’ the* world under the
happy yoga comes to possess an army containing a large
number of cars, torses and elephants. * If the planet in
power at the time of birth be -in the highest
(Iravatharasa), it secures a kingship to the person born.

These are the eftecls of the
yogas mentioned in sloVas 45 46i
of Adhyaya I and are taken from ’KlntSRl.

u -vi Hi
^ er-ift

Pro ^
u u tftt] ytn=,

, II ??? II
U2 AcMrdm 8

Kmd a ftnnpara
P oral, ApoU.ma
in respect
occupies a

imsk ^r" t“
to the
' th ,e

J M°l ™’
(lowest; middling or
own Navamsa or
in that 01
of 3,
v *y
»r„ j, , .
friendly planet and
* —
SI. 112 443

if be aspected by Jupiter, the person born will bef


wealthy, if it be aspected by Venus, he will be happy

in both cases without regard to when the birth takes

place— which may be by day as well 33 by night.

This and the next sloka are taken from Brihat Jataka*
From the effects mentioned, it will be seen that the Moon m
a Kendra from the Sun is bad whether in the conjunction (1st), m
a square (4th or 10th) or in opposition (7th). Here Varahamihira
differs from Parasara with regard (Purnima Chandra)
The Moon situated in the 2nd, 5th, 8*h and 11 th from the
Sun is middling) 5th is a negative trine and 9 lb is a positive one.

The Moon situated in the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th from thr
bun is good in result. Here Parasara also agrees Cf.

us aft i

==^jnr^RsTft sRiftssuiift ^ il

sriitsfWragro sr fNt st mft i

ijran ssss as urat fegsifNa: u

aTfsffisRissii# ^rsssferm u
ftwij ??ift iJUSSSTTSTfUTT. I

frmFT ust: II


i mifirivsggsFi: i


snt ?Rft >TT'nss^fSf%?ft'TO?TfSsT: 5dse: i

ajnsTisfsTO h g ?nijcet %r ^sjhflss' n

The sloka in the text can also bear the following two inter*
pretations —
. <U If the birth be in day time and the Moon be aspected h
by Jupiter, the person becomes wealthy. If the birtS
be at mr’ u
Hi Adh. VII.

Utti* atsd the- Moon be aspected by Venus, the person born becomes
happy If the Moon be in bis own Navamsa and aspected by
]UPder, the native will be wealthy If the Moon should be in the

Navamsa of a very friendly plaDetand aspected by Venus, then

the person born will be happy

(2) Whether the birth be at night or day, if the Moon be

aspected by Jupiter and Venus together, the native is sure to be
rich and happy The amount of wealth will he in a less degree
if the Moon at birth be in his otvn or ma friend s Navamsa and
be aspected by Jupiter In the same way the happiness will be
slightly less if at birth the Moon being, m his own or m a friend s
Navamsa be aspected by Venus
cf. wrft * '**

ft«nb»ppiw amn n n
* U} - With the benefic planets occupyrng'
the 6th, the
7th and the 8th houses
from the Moon
there results what »
yogajwhetem takes place
called the Moon’s «Mn A dhi- (
the hitth o! »
Superintendent or head), a
m.mster or a ruler
(of a district or Province).
Those that aro ,v

^“^^^Woga* are at the he.ght
of pjospemy
and pleasure,
overcome the.r foes and hve
a lonfhfe
being exempt from diseases
and dangers
r ,
The yoga mllibe lowered
a little m efie ct if the Sun should
SI. 113 s*mrs’Rmr. 415

be in opposition to the Moon. The effects described in the third

quarter of the sloha wilt take place if only two benches instead of
three as above be in the above places From the Moon, and those
mentioned m the last quarter result if only one benefic is present
in one of the above places from the Moon. The benefic planets
referred to are Mercury, Jupiter and Venus
Bhattotpala says that the interpretation put by some that all
the three places, viz . fith, 7th and 8th houses from the Moon,
should be occupied each by one of the three to constitute ,an
arftoft (Adhiyoga) is not correct, and quotes in support thereof
the fallowing from saq'iw (Srutakeerti) who recognises 7 sorts of
(Adhiyoga). -

n shft navn tjfc g

The seven sorts are caused according as the' three benefic pla-
nets occupy one or more of the three houses, 6th, 7th and 8th
places from the Moon. That they might occupy the 3
is, (1) all
houses, 6th, 7th and 8tli, (2) 6th and 7th, (3) 6th and 8th, (4)
7th and 8th , (5) 6th only , (6) 7»h only and (7) 8th only. He
also adds

%, TOl, I .

INI u'%1 fa&fiw&te II

Badarayana and Parasara are of opinion that^ accord-

in^ as *he benefic planets happen to possess superior, medium
or ordinary strength, a
person born under the yoga will become a
,#G« n minister or a commander.

nftw bVni-. 'rcs in ^ |

Wi if^i -tn Vraircii (i

$£|: ira^irfpT: 1

KlK.wfe: |

=im ijjR: ^nsptu uraii.


smrcpnftsnil Adh. VII.


But m'-h -.-PT’I
(Kalyanavarman) classes the vrynApf ,

dtadhiyoga! -with Raja yoga when the planets Mercury, Jnptet

malefics. tnimel
and Venus are not eclipsed nor aspected by CJ-

?r istKiaii ftifttfnt aro n<P3V. 5W

qft ‘'W 4 ifa<n- i

igUS 4 !PWfH TO sra5Sel|44l'A^(:

tRurasffeiwfea *$is 'fora

Mandavya is also of the same opinion cf

aiRa aifta Rsn'i'm 'ftiwPW

»m. sHrafts i

ijfftmft; 144^ ft<U3ig44Hr

SWTtfi&S wftr HtJS ’CTH II

u ssrrf^mt «
wtRft^i'isniift: 55^ 'nw'inrdh i

eraiMift *rera sfas: aft: giswiftaf^si II U» II

Sloka 114. When benefic planets occupy the 6th,

the 7th and the 8th bhava from the Lagna and are nei-
ther m conjunction with nor aspected by malefic planets
•which are in positions other than the 4th bhava , the
celebrated smfashT (Lagnadhtyoga.) is produced. „* -*

This and the. next s\x s\ okas are from Parasara. From the
quotation from Phaladeepiha quoted under tte previous si
oh a, it
•ajll be seen that Mantreswara recognises Chandradhiyoga and

Lagnadhijoga alike

'TTUTOnFh^STTfftftwirfa^: I

gmft’irftin.'in nwffit >

14(4 u
' \

SI. 116-117 447

irarrawn i

5^R3 froiifest 55i% ii

Sloka 115. The

person born in the «RrfiiqbT (Lag'
nadhiyoga) will produce many scientific works, possess
philosophical training, hold a chief command in the
army, will be unsophisticated and generous, enjoying
the eminent advantages which fame and fortune give in
the world.

ssnrfwtiraat ipsft TfRiqfrorarat i

For the 5fJnftqt»T (Lagnadhiyoga) ths following effects are

given m —
3HifTOi?T0fi qfe igm: qrM g«s%m:
?ft«ii ifa: i

im«r% srnfSmii «nn.

gi4rfiRRirf5i% sire ^Wira J!

iz ftmra-sgt: 5rcn% iltarai$3ifci%m1 II ? ll

/ Sloka 116. When occupies a kendra from '!

the Moon, the yoga produced is called (Gajake-
sarj). Again if the Moon be a spec ted by planets,
Venus, Jupiter and Mercury without being depressed
or obscured by the Sun, the yoga produced is ntrfcntf


farci gwnft ii u® ii
artgWTftarttt Adh. VII

The person born in the rnfttrfwra

Sloka 117
(Gajakesariyoga) is energetic, has much money and
grain is intelligent and m»ritorious and does what wl»

please his king


nw?iRa 'R&TfiSFifi I

run inw?wf3i %flft II

%gfthlit rust rnsH. B3<3if^T ti?rai?i I

n^jPtiRiFm Sara II

ii smcspfa; ll

^ 33i[T *tt^ ^ 9vSi&r i

m ift 11 \U n
Sloka 118 If at the birth of any person, a benefic

'I planet be in the 10th house reckoned from the Moon

the Lagna, the fame of that person will remain unclouded"
an the country and his prosperity will be unfailing till

1 the end of his life

hto 11 u
Sloka 119 When the 10th bhava from the rising
sign or the Moon is occupied by a benefic planet, the
yoga is styled (Amala -spotless) and the fame of
the person born in the yoga lasts as long
as the Moon
and stars endure

vsid^pvuTOi^ gugihifift (t

’TO’iWl OTT ^'fsmfSp?! j

towtI !j»iTO5igri|jrav)q! ii ||
SI. 121-122 44 9

Sloka 120. The person born in the (Ama'i

layoga) highly revered by his sovereign, has great

enjoyments, is liberal, kind to his relatives, benevolent!

and worthy.
The effect of birth m an (Araalayoga) is thus describ-
ed m (Phaladeepika).


Sloka 121.
If planets
occupy the

m ll

the 2nd or
both the bhavas from the Sun, the resulting yogas are
respectively named (Vesi), %i?t (Vesi) and
(Ubayachari). When the planets concerned occupy
their own, friendly or exaltation signs, the persons born
in the resulting yoga 3 will be on a par with kings in
regard to the vast wealth and comforts they can
Wifi tftcurrt firaift: I

imt ii ?=« n
SJi\ho 222. Tbo person bom J.o ao oo&pjoious ,

(Vesiyoga) is amiable, eloquent, wealthy, intrepid

and triumphant over his foes while the one born in a
(Vesiyoga) with an inauspicious planet is fond
of bad company, cvihminded and bereft of riches and

460 slfnisWIriA Adh. VII

Wt 3W33 ftjoi! SI^RI

'iniP-i't uk ntjsmtsraijgs


l £5
The person whose
11 W
birth takes place in

a ¥*pfhr (Vesiyoga) with a benefic planet is intelligent,

liberal, delighting in scientific pursuits, and possessed
of comfott, wealth, fame and strength but the man ,

born in a (Vesiyoga) with a malefic planet will

be very stupid, afflicted with lust, delighting in murder,
and ugly*faced and he may have to go into exile


|| n
S/oftrt 154 Those that have their birth in
msvHtk (Ubhayachanyoga) produced by benefic
nets are princely individuals possessed ol
wealth and comforts and beloved
lor their amiability
and compassionate nature But those that are
born in
the wnuft (Ubhayachari) w.th
malignant planets are
wicked, afflicted with diseases,
engaged in service lor
other people and in indigent
*/ 'aPt'rr'T

=ntra't nVii

aim tst^ptste. II


SI. 125 999ls:9T9: 451

if? 19 3^Hk“<lti151: II

gwt qinft 33513. 9PF3313? 3lr3Sfttl: 3113.

ftalcHl® 3inft qft 313 : ^wkn II

Also TOST*
3m^T^5^Rq'SRi: iraiftfew:
9T%39qW5?9931? 9?9: R3: 91331: I

ftfoUSMt? 99 f999I 553 3WI33T

S% SI# 91ST 3|?3 13T5ffl3l ,Tl^3: II

fiends: H^Hsigwii aalsai $9Si9is9H«i i

391 99133 3ftl3t3R3?qas3t 31p33IHlf35115!)ll

391 9IIH49 f#?999ft9t991 %f399:

3|S9P9I 99919919^ 33 953? 9913551: I

91fa«: 953[99nsf“95193la 3>: 33®: 331


31319 fPPUHH: 9935^ 3? 3?: B^Tfit: II

Also t^IRtt
F919P?: Bf# 39: 9313991 1193511: FJ5U: I

BUM |J9^ftrg99>t iftfg 919159?

331(5339: 39^ 559! qim 9 niRft: 11

ggil g9W9l 9933? 9391(393 I

3$: SS3t?33 m fWlaBB??: II

U 3TO ^t#TTf5- II

391391(5? 3f^ SF35OT 39139 K# 9'-TC9HI9X I

39lWi: 9TO3$ft5!!tl^ qiWt9t*9!TSS# 3 ?9H II II

Sloka 125. Accordingas the rising sign is occupied

by benclic or malefic planets, the yogas produced are
452 ww<nff«ra Adh. VII

termed (Subha) and (Asubha) respectively

When the 12th and the 2nd bhavas from the Lagna are
occupied by malefic or benefic planets, the yogas are
called (Papahatthari) and (Soumyakarthi
ri) respectively

<rmmR3: wfi 'tmrf WhR ll li

Sloka 126 The person born (Subha in the

yoga) is eloquent, handsome, amiable apd worthy while
the one born in the wgnqm (Asubha yoga) is lustful,

wicked and feeding on what is not hts own but

another s

qrii finjial msat nH ii i *'3

Sloka 127 The person born in a gmtfiroliT (Subha
karthari yoga) will have superior lustre, wealth and
strength while the one born in a 'rrr^ft (Papakarthari)
will be criminal, eating begged food and impure

la the 3 yogas TT
(Subha) srepr (Asubha) and *aft (Karthari)
meat oned »n slokas 125 127 the Sun and the
Moon are not
ef *1 I'M Pill

TIvJ/Ti'l. 1

qsStt tmreqnn ||

93 wt mat TOR ?f=mraa>


Rwlgwn? gm 5^^ ,11

sirat wifl ^i^pTsf^n^ 1

SI. 128-129

q$fld)r) dial ddird, nrfraifdii I

IP): WtlidaT ftnfty'a^: II

II H<4cr-tl'*i: II

rj^srei gup ifes I

anRW bt? TOTOi^sC'nai

w-to 4 >rafo ’pfcranpftitf ll ?3<: II

Slakn 128. benefic planets be in Kendra houses


and if the 6th and the 8th bhavas be either unoccupied

or occupied by bcnefic planets, the resulting yoga

n*i (Parvatha). Again, if the lords of the LaBna and

the 12th bhavas be tn Kendra positions with respect
each other and aspected by iriends, there i3 the
(Parvatha yoga).
tf. qn
eiirredi’ij'n'Ti: war; hi ni^si §§ Wiin I

a iii ftfe dsifrodi swub ll


3^raw%% B55t5 ftflnPH 3% I

«b nRfSmTq-rmt Btntsi ii% dm n

hM'-IIMu: iHnubU'Udr pltttidntn,ud<di K^UTT I

dnafl Ki’^prf^Bw.Mfitraiai
Sloka 129. The person who has
^ n tss u
his birth in the
TOrem (Parvatha yoga) will be prosperous, engaged in
literary pursuits, liberal, libidinous and fond of sporting
with women not his own, full of energy, famous and at
the head of a city.
454 wafttRsnS Adh. VII.


>3jrat wig Mas I

amrairarf sjaaragmraftfri: rara. n


33lPft *133% 3ft 3.1113: 3113 I

WOT fflt% 3 ftcilftitl 31

rararaq; gmat 3ft ami: raig ll \\° II

Sloka 130. If the lords of the 9th and the 4th bha-
vas be in Kendia positions with respect to each other
and if the lord of the Lagna have strength, the yoga
produced is 3*5* (Kahala). If the lord of the 4th
bhava occupying its exaltation or its own sign be as'
pected by or in conjunction with the lord of the 10th
bhava, the yoga will be such as the foregoing.

qnsrfi I

3fftq%!<FH3S3 Sira: =313; 31?$ w 11 ??? n

Shkn 131, The person horn in the ditsistrn (Kalia-
la yoga) Is vigorous, daring, ignorant, possessed
oi an
army complete in its parts and ruling over a few
cf. itistitst

fcsinfsrat 1

qtqfii qta: Ti??n=rfi:

Mira fimaffts: 1

«n?nit 35Pll=i| qft rapfilsft =11: II

TOnflV (Kahalayoga) and ,t, e D„t ,r. thus suled -

SI. 132-183 46 5

35rr%iaq7fofpiTOftmTO'hra'tre qft ^"RgOTW i

qta ft ffa nfta it

gqft vm $ra wsaHr i

sai^OTisni ’ri? ftH^i
^rrat aiiqRifaqtfTflTOra: l

ftfrrfjm FUttqjq: mqfosff;!

’tfiqtii^'rgnmra; fR^i^naf d
Sloka 132 If the 7 planets be in 7 houses from the
W h

Lagna, the person born in the yoga is a king in command

of many elephants and horses If the (Mala the —
wreath of planets) be from the 2nd bhava, the person
born in this 2nd yoga will be a king owning hoards of
weVth, dutifully reverent towards parents, resolute, of
3tern aspect and possessed of eminent virtues


yv ft w fmi i

qftjfl wi.wqit li II

Sloku 133 If the mfcrr (Malika) commence from

the 3rd bhava, the person born in it will be heroic and
wealthy but sickly If the starting point of the mrhtr
(Malika) be the 4th Lhavi, the person who has his birth
therein will be a very liberal sovereign enjoying the
good fortune due to his governing many countries.

gqnn qf? qifew sHqRrfen<jqi

sih; >nc[ i

‘Adb. vli.

Sfo^o 137. The person bom in the (Cha-

maia yoga) will be either a philosopher, wise, eloquent
and held in high esteem by kings, or a king who being
Competent by birth &c , to enter on the study of the
sacted scriptures, has mastered everything connected
therewith. This personage will live a year alter the
tale of 70 years is completed , i e. 71 years.

Jiim i

h-ynw n

II 5I1%T: II


<ri^ ’ffc tjijrnn: l .

Sloka 1J8
'd tPRtfton
When the lords of the 5th and the
^ li n< n

bhavas are in Kendra postt.ons

with respect to each
other and when the lord of the
Ugna ,s strong, the yoga
TI ’C * m<: yogi 11 said to esjst
whml”f S“?? ,
8M “ ' WelJ Js the lord
of the
Wth bhava, occupy a moveable
„a„ and the lord w
0th bhava is strong.

=n* t™-,:

">* a wife,
practice ol virtue,
’ "Saged in the
w,]| ,

sacred scr.ptures, w„ Ibe Well cond^ft^T,

SI. 140-141 m
and raay live 81 years (one year after the hie’ of eighty
is completed)*
, sW faafti iNn: i

q: SfsjrHtWUffrBr 4><i: ^JI-i?I fRw II

5is4|iteit to! urn afaitsR m i


=i<ia*Fr nia. n

W^PT (Sankhayoga) and itsefiect are thus stated in

tefSTOHgffigft 51*: II

ipn fsirafgiTr gjioififiritiiHBRisii: n


^3% «rf? i

Vs. 4nn
up^ 3 h ?»° H
Sl.it 140. When there are planets in the 2nd, the

12th, the 1st and the 7th bhavas and when the lord of
the ICth bhava is strong, the yoga is Sift (Bheri).
When Venus and the lord ol the 1st bhava occupy
Kendra positions in respect to Jupiter and when the
lord of the 9tH bhava is strong, the same yoga
should be

said to exist.

SfS&ifafirKrcjdT.' uRtjtj I

Jfiksiraiigsn ftgoro
that are born in
55dm: »
W Sift
Sluia 141 Those
Ada. vii.

birth, long-lived,
yoga) are lordly men, of good
from diseases and danger, possessed
of much w .

lands, sons and wives, of great

renown, enjoying mu
happiness on account of their virtuous lives, cminen
heroic and of great experience m the affairs of the

SLka 142 If
^ W
which a
the lord of the Mavarasa
N 11

planet u\ its exaltation occupies be m

a Kona or Kendra
Kendra post'
position if the occupant of the Kona or

tion in question be in its exaltation or own bouse and

haveabundinc* of strength and if the lord of the Lagoa
be powerful at the same time, the yoga produced is
QMrudauga) and confers on the person born nobility of
mien and fame such as it is the good fortune of sove-
reigns to have

iffliuft ifofa ^3t CTtftN WTOSarf =? I

5Ww<Pit srnjf Rtt HWti

stoka 143 When the lord of the 7th
is in bhava
the IQth bhava and when
the lord of the 10th is in the
exaltation si n and also in conjunction with the lord of
the 9th, the auspicious yoga called tffcrrc (Srmatha lord
of fortune) is produced. The person bom therein will
be like Indra, the king of the celestials.
SI. 144-145 461

'But see tT^2 tfafiT
stw^ggsfigwii: 6%tj i

5®ifa<nrci:n>rafti>iT: eftwratirsun n

?-?>ft4R WHtf%^t5ftsoit ’mwnif lf|a:

<ramf|;cIS?m>)ft!0 mn: I

aa^nfaft smi^'Hfsq^raNii:
#Tf wfafftsfagw: efNiqjfinteq: ||


qtm ^rrartra^Ks gaira umlfifo
T^tm% M^^^iH-MmPqfr i

r( r*TTp-IT?T°T

sra qr af? n ?»a il

Sloka 144. When the lord of the 10th bhava is in'

the 5th, when Mercuryis in a Kendra ; when the Sun

is in its own and exceedingly powerful ; when

Jupiter is in a Kona in respect to the Moon and when
Mars occupies a Trikona position with regard to Mer-
cury; the resulting yoga is called str^t (Sarada). When«v
Jupiter is in the 11th bhava from Mercury and other
conditions mentioned before obtain, the same yoga is

said to exist.

ijqfSqi g^ftg%TOi: I

3TT3 t! snrffircm ?Rr imsM 11 ?«n 11

Sloka 145. Those that are born in the snr^nrm

(Sarada yoga) take particular care of their wives, their
. I

Adh. VII.

appearance and their

tom their relatives. their personal
they are in favor with their sovereigns
virtues ;

preceptors, Brahmans an 1 ° s ,
show reverence to their
pursuits and have a goon
they rate delight in literary
merit and strength , t ey
deal of amiability, religious
this world
are attentive to their duties in


via# w -qtnt# II II

Slofca 146. When a malefic planet is in the 9th

bhava from the Ligna, when the 5th bhava is
by benefic as well as malefic planets, and when the
Sijto (Chathurasta) I e. the 4th, or the 8th bhava from
the Lagna has a malefic planet, the yoga is termed riser

(Maths yah
tfiiciri! 'bht 1 1 ffTV'tl if!7Ih'

Sloka 147. The person born the (Mathsya) m

yoga will be an astrologer • be will be very compas*
slonate ; be will have virtue, intelligence, strength,
beauty, fame, learning and religious merit.


Sloka 148. If the benefic among the planets be in

the 7tb, the 3th and the <Jth bhavas and the malefic m
the 3rd, the 11th and the 1st bhavas and if the Arasas ,

of Rasis occupied by the planets be invariably those of


El. 149-161 TCreT sierra: 465

their own, exaltation or their friends, the >oga produced

is termed (Kurma).

trhfii ^jqiraw:

*fk‘- Ipft WT II II

Sloka 149. The person boi n in the (Kurma

yoga) will have wide fame, royal luxuries, and will be
eminently virtuous, the quality of goodness (Satva)
predominating in his nature ; he will be staid, comfort'
able, and disposed to befriend other people by putting
in a kind word 'on their behalf with the sovereign or

he may even be that sovereign.



Sloka 150. When


the lords oi the 9th



and the 2nd


bhavas are respectively in the 2nd and the 9th bhavas

and when the lord of the 1st bhava is in a Kendra or a
Kona, the yoga called ’jRJi (Khadga) is produced.


jw: f.ijai: ^asn: II II

Sloka 151. born in the *r?n (Khadga) yoga

\ devote themselves to the study of the Vedas, the Science
of polity and all traditions, to the ascertainment of the
truths contained therein as well as their application to
practice,and to the maintenance of their rank, power,
dignity and happiness. They arc free from envy or
. ;

462 *nreqirr»rw Adb. VII.

sons, their relatives, their personal appearance and their

virtues they are in favor with their sovereigns ; they

show reverence to their preceptors, Brahmans In 1 Gods

they take delight in literary pursuits and have a good
deal of amiability, religious merit and Strength they
are attentive to their duties in this world

qw qgq

rm qft qflfcq qretfi** n II

Sloka 146. When a malefic planet is in the 9th

bhava from the Lagoa, when the 5th hhava is occupied
by benefic as well as malefic planets, and when the
(Chathutusta) i.e. the 4th, or the 8th bhaVa from
the Lagna has a malefic planet, the yoga is termed w?pt
(Maths yal'

n qnqwtiragsq: 11 ?«u \\

Sloka 147. The person born in the *ror (Mathsya)

yoga will be an astrologer: he will be very
sionate; he will hive virtue, intelligence,
beauty, fame, learning and religious merit,

firaraqqn qft u^n
to, K amon e the planets be
the bcnefic
the 7th, the 5th and the 6th bhavas
and the malef.c in
the 3rd, the 11th and the Ut bhavas
*, and if the Amsas
or Rasis occupied by the planets
be invariably those ol
Si. 149-161 463

their own, exaltation or their friends, the yoga produced

is termed %% (Kurina). '

j^uppraR! |

qrkf fwsxt nrnim*rw =n n ?y°, ii

Sloka 149. The person boin in the (Kunna

yoga) will have wide fame, royal luxuries, and will be
eminently virtuous, the quality of goodness w.% (Satva)
predominating in his nature , he will be staid, comfort-
able, and disposed to befriend other people by putting
in a kind word ‘on their behalf with the sovereign or
he may even be that sovereign.

iVT 3!:

it ?V ii .

Sluka 150. When the lords ol the 9th and the 2nd

bhavos are respectively in the 2nd and the 9th bhavas

and when the lord of the 1st bhava is in a Kendra or a
Kona, the yoga called (Khadga) is produced.

ftforcra Pfspfi’ftwgroi:
*t| vfcs s?qB mm'- ii ii

Shkii 151. Men born in the (Khadga) yoga

of the Vedas, the Science
devote themselves to die study
of polity and all traditions, to the ascertainment of the
as well as their application CO
truths contained therein
maintenance of their rank, power,
practice, and to the
dignity and happiness.
They are free from envy or
Adh VIJ,

passion and held m high esteem for their courage
prowess , they are clever and gratefully remember
kindnesses done to them,
another reading m the fourth quarter of the sloka ,
Frfrai is

which means their orders are readily obeyed.

n h

srtoi q aiNHw ?nfw It WII

Sloka 152 When the lord of the 9th bhava is in a
Kendra identical with the planet’s Moolattikona and
when the lord of the Lagna occupies the exaltation sign
and is possessed of abundant strength, the resulting
yoga is declared to be s*tft«rta (Lakshttu yoga).

watrqrrat n V'A H
Sloka 153 The person born in the Btpftqfor (Lakslv
mi yoga will be a king of kings amiable for his many
virtues, ruling over many lands, widely known for his
learning, lovely as cupid, bowed by kings from the
farthest regions of the earth and having numerous wives
and sons.
This yoga and its eftect is thus described m

Pm *npNW *Pm\ Ml

ftai^iUHqr wifa g^msnfsrat

Sl.154-156 4es

c/. '•slqwv^i

- iHfftnft
^ hijrhir jprftft i

;ssif¥r g fftftr: ll

Rrifwra viij^ nfaq. g»is| I

3«nt ijifapt ^wm iftRa n

\\ f^FTi \\

f*nail w^
HTOiHRra hr rihct ignt
ftift'iKt giRft


ll ?Hv ll

Sloka 154. When

Venus occupies a Kendra repre-
sented by an immoveable sign, and the Moon in a
Trikona position is other than benefic and when Saturn
holds a place in the 10th bbava, the resulting yoga is

$?}« (Kusuma).

H5fa'’^5HTSRRHT wfl I

h?i¥i(h5h: nanft Ri«ft •riri jgiiteR:

Sloka 155. The person born in the
^ ?HH
ma yoga) will be a powerful sovereign of wide celebrity
in the world, foremost among kings who trace their
descent from illustrious royal houses, of great enjoy-
ments, bowed to by rulers of the earth and bountifully
bestowing gifts.

ftoTOfeRRiraHWaiH’OT Rift I

Rft HnH; 5T3WHI ri Rft HTfcrra:

Sloka 156. Find first the zodiacal sign occupied by it
the lord of the Lagna ;
ascertain next in what Rasi the |

lord of the zodiacal sign first found is. If the lord of

46d Adh. VII.

Ji the 2nd Rasi thus ascertained or the lord of the Navam*

sa occupied by the lord of the secondly found Rasi be
ll in a Kendra or Trikona or in its exaltation, the yoga
Uproduced is qinsmi (Parijatha)

nvTjFcrfer: fSjieraiOTrft gsiHt Trcsnrfiraffii I

^sififflftircai ggs 'nfctifr: ll H

S/ofta 157 The person whose birth is in the vrfbjrTer

qln (Parijatha yoga) will be a sovereign destined to be

happy in the middle and latter portion of his life, res
pected and obeyed by other kings, fond of war,
possessing elephants and horses, attentive to his duty
and engagements and of a compassionate disposition

cb<$lPlT^ i

w ism sfn
h*sih tw

Slota 1S8 When Jupiter occupying the 2nd or
n n

the Sth bhava is aspected by or in conjunction

Mercury and Venus or is in a house owned by (either
of) them, the yoga is called (Kalamdihi).

ftiratnitHiitttis: n n
Shka 159 The peiscm born in the wnfStfs,*,
lamdhi yoga) will be gallant, armablc
for his many
virtues, waited upon and loyally greeted
by many b
kings His ret, nuew,U consist o fan
Strong elephants, conch, dram and
lr /ho
other instrument, of
SI. 160-162 467

martial music : he will be exempt from diseases, dangers

and foes of every kind.

5?ra i

n li

Sloka 160. If Venus and Jupiter be in Kendras

and if Saturn in exaltation occupies also a Kendra and

if the rising sign at the time of birth be a moveable one,
the resulting yoga is called arfnrrsr (Avatharaja).

ywIt-wT'krfi flraitur I

srrar II R? II

Sloka 161. The person born in the

(Amsavathara yoga) will have the majesty of a king ;
he will be of good reputation ; he will go to holy
shrines he will be conversant with fine arts he will
; ;

be devoted to gallantry he will shape the character of


the age in which he lives; he will be void of passion.

He will be acquainted with the Vedanta Philosophy
and qualified by birth to study and interpret the sacred

-3Td 1^4 -'Ps.k H ^ I i I

51T^lll€OTlwfnTT II

Sloka 1C2. The following are the three yogas called


(Hariharabrahma) by the ancients. The first


468 Adh. VII

( Hartharabrahma ) yoga is produced when

the benef ic planets are in the 2nd, the 12th and the 8th
bhavas in respect to the lord of the 2nd bliava The
2nd yoga exists when Jupiter, the Moon and Mercury
are in the 4th, the 9th and the 8th bhavas with reference
to the lord of the 7th bhava , the 3rd yoga is present
when the Sun Venus and Mars occupy the 4th, the
10th and the 11th from the lord of the Lagna


WsrPwwm fTtJR: JpiTOt II l|

Sloka 163 The person who has his birth in the

nfawst fHanharabrahtna) yoga will be
conversant with the entire body of sacred
lore, truthful
in his speech, possess-d of every comfort, of pleasmv
address, gallant, victorious over his
Joes, benef, cent
every living creature and virtuous

fttWjlrnq^! Wj
Shka 164 There am on

>eo i,
different figures
mmcd after the
they represent "anil
general designation of
W®'"8 '“I' ier
Ai Thcy are
(Yupa), a sacnhcul
(1) post.© » /jT,
(3)«Rs(Siktf), a spear,
(41 ve(Y
5va)i a barleycorn,

SI. 165 469

(5) (Danda), a stick ; (6) (Gada). a, mace ; (7)

(Samudra), the sea ; (8) (Chathra', an umbrella ; (9)
(Ardhachandra), a half Moon ; ( 10) (Sakata),
a waggon : (11) srcfH (Ambuja), a lotus ; (12) «r%^(Pak'
shin), a bird ; (1 3) tfr (Nau), a boat ; ( 14) to Chakra, a
wheel; (16) (Vajra), Indra’s weapon, thunderbolt
shaped like the letter X ; (16) 5® (Hala), a plough (17) ;

(Karmuka), a bow (18) (Kuta), a trap (for


catching deer); (19) ^nfr (Vapee), a well ; and (20)

(Sringataka), a place where 4 roads meet.
The Nabhasa (heavenly) y >gas are said to consist of 4 divi-
sions, tnz- (i) •UfftqfaF (Aknti yoga) which has 20 sub-divisions
(u) (Sankhyayogi) which has 7 sub divisions, (in) iTp.Fl *im:
(Asrayayoga) having 3 sub divisions and (iv) (Dala yoga)
having only 2 sub divisions —Total 32 in all.

Yavanacharja is said to recognise 1800 varieties of these

Nabhasa yogas, which, when properly analysed, will he found to
have been included in the above 32.

In this sloka mere names of the 20 air#T (Ahriti) j ogas have

been mentioned, while the yogas themselves have been described
in detail in slokas 168-17Z.

Sloka 165. (Rajju, a rope\ (Mala, arced), ^

and gfTH (Musala, a pestle) are the names of the three
arms (Asraya) yogas (named from the general charac-*
teristicof the signs which the 7 planets occupy): ***
(Srak a wreath), (Bhogin, a snake) are the two ^

A*. VII.

^< Srat “ d >

that =«!. yoga “B®"
h » be ”',fe
1 ,f ,b ll
,4 the commentate, adds
the foot Kendras while
planets occupy three of
that token
of the Kendra places; and
malefic planets many
are no
three of the Kendras while there
malefic planets occupy
houses, the yoga ,s known
of the Kendra
benefic planets In any
should be left out of consideration
ni Barca), and that the Moon
or malefic. He also quotes in support
and not classed as benefic
thereof the following two nuotatlons : Via-,

(1) Gargi .

Hfit J'fatTflHl?; (|:wlSi»t4 :) I

rltpRatlSRI Kin-i II

(2) Badarayana
Wtfrtl >m!R I

otr4sIhi 5I st tfiftaV n

The Dala yogas are tbas described in SWrttSTCrcr.

K13I 13^|5tlfefm54; png. I

f; a fiFiftrra aewi giftwi f| n

The commentator adds that these two yogas have been men-
Honed not only by Parasara but also by others and quotes the
following from (Mamttba).


gl fit of fifi fi Bfififi It


%it tnp?n?TOjtTi ttiRtf

fi t I v4-| c(|Cg'.-Illlfi, filial |

H.rpitii 1 tflrfdort |

^ ^tissl #1 || ^13 I,

Slola 167.According to some astrologers, the

Asraya yogas are the same as the fiw (Yava', «tt5t
mala), na (Varja), nr^ (Pafehin), ritet (Golaka) and
% 1G7 4*73

L others* of the ( Aknti ) and ( Sankhya )

yogas and the two
: ^
(Da! a) yogas are only similar to
the yogas caused by the planets restricting themselves
to Kendras and consequently have the same effects as
have already been described for these. That is why
these yogas and their effects have not been separately
Varahatnihita has explained in this sloka the reason why some
of the astrologers {meaning thereby the Yavanas) have omitted to
treat in their works separately of the 3 *n*W (Asraya) and the 2
3T (Dala) yogas
It will be seen that the three WPT (Asraya) and t(yc two
(Dala) yogas some times (but not always) happen to be identical
wjth some of the wijft (Aknti) and the nr?n (Sankhya) yogas.
The cardinal signs where planets are posited need not necessarily
be angular at the same time in any horoscope.
1 or instance, suppose all the pla r cts in a certain horoscoue
happen to be in *17 (Mesha) and (Ka taka'. As these two signs
are mo\ cable yoga cau«cd is 17^; Kajju) and will be
ones, the
indentical with (Gada) if the Lngna happens to bo cither *17
(Mesha) or «PT! ( Kataka). Hut if any other »i,it (Rasi* (other
than Jfv Mesha or Kataka) be the Lagna, ami all the planets
areas described in the above, there is no ij^l (GaiLal yoga though
it may still be called (Raj;«A
Again, if all the *17 (M*sha) and
planets be in (Tula'
and if one of these he the Lagna, thru too the yoga
tlasts *VJ
( Raj m'
since both the s gt s arc moveable ones, Astra Me-ha)
and (Tula) Inppen to l>c the Island 7th loupes and alt the
Planets arc said to "be in these 2 ’nou'e", tne yoga is tit z saVu.a .

Suppose all the planets to occupy 3*71 (Kanyt) and hr

(M eena), two of the dual signs, the yoga is m"’ (Nalah If one of

* (Sakata) among the ( \hritt) yogas

and yr (Yoga', TI/ tSula) and (Kedara) at long tie *l r 1I
(Sankhya) yvgas.
Adh. vii.

these two Rasis be also the Lagna the yoga is known both as
VftZ (Sakata) and (Mala) Rut if IMithuna) or >1^
(Dhanus) be the Lagna, it will be both 'ff T5! (Pal ship) and
(Nala) If any other Rasi be the I agna it will only be a
(Nala yoga) Examples like these can be multiplied
The question now arises as to why then Varabatmhira makes
special mention of these (Asraya) and T& tDala) yogas in
his work The answer is, all the possible instances of these
jogas are not included in the atTjffl (Aktuthi) and (qr^jT Sankhya)
yogas The Wtrnr 'Asraya) and ^
,Dala) yogas may be these and
may not be these It is therefore that the author has deemed it

fit to treat them separately

Again it i* said of the two ^
(Dala) yogas that other authors
have described the eflects of benefic and malefic planets occupying
the Kendras and as these are also the effects of the two (Dala) ^
yogas they have omitted to treat of them separately Varahami-
hira treats of these separately in order to make it known that the
two are *I*m (Nabhasa) yogas and as Such their eflects are felt
throughout life, and not like the other yogas whose eflects are
felt only during their Dasa or Antardasa period and not
wards cf
^ni mi fpfa? mm
Also tutHsfl

S34HPslf’i rtr~3[ ph j|

stttri ,|
Sloka 168. Astrologers
say that the
(Gada) » produced when y °** '
the planet, o’ ,
cesstve Kendras «« P tW0 ' UC'
<;Sa fc a , s)

planet, are
» the!, tend the 7th house, a |[ ^
. ^^.n)
SI. 163 47B

when they are in the -4th and the 10th houses ;

(Smngataka) when
the seven planets are in the Lagna,
the 5th and the 9th houses ; and (Dala) when they
are confined to a group of triangular houses other than
the one containing the Lagna.
In this stanza Varahamihira describes 5 out of the 20
(Aknti) yogas.
1- (Gada). All the planets should occupy adjacent Ken-
dras. There are thus 4 varieties, viz., all the planets may occupy
and 4th houses; (2) 4th and 7th houses (3) 7th and 10th
(1) 1st
houses and (4) 10th and 1st houses. The Yavanas recognise
these as 4 distinct yogas and call them respectnely as *IT[
(Gada), rTtf (Sankha), (Vibhuka) and vr* (Dhvaja*. The
effect is somewhat good and somewh it bad They will be in
2. (Sakata). All planets should be in the 1st and the
7th houses. The effect must be bad as planets arc in opposition.

3. ftfir (Vihagak All planets should be in the 4th and the

10th houses. The planets being in opposition, the effect must be
4. (Snngalaka). All planets should be in the l*t,

3th and 9th houses. Effect good.

5. (Hala). All planets should be in —
(a) 2nd, fith and 10th houses
(b) 3rd, 7th and 11th houses;
(c) 4th, 8th and 12th houses,
that is, in trines beginning with any house other than the Lagna.
c/. swgvKe'i

=*3<n sftiTI ip.reai: I# II

gorcvt- i

’iSTli PfR. II

vgWift.'fpiftraT g gw?*’ II
476 Adh. VII-

3 hfirnfawfl frai? %?i?n!ras ll ?V\ II

Sloka 169. (Vajra) is produced when all the
benefic and all the malefic planets are ranged as in the
TO (Sakata) and (Pakshin), i.e. when all the bene*
fic planets occupy the 1st and the 7th Tiousea exclusively
and all the malefic planets are in the 4th and the 10th
houses exclusively. This order when reversed gives
the *r*rifrt (Yava yoga), ».«•. when the malefic planets are
as in (Sakata) and benefic ones as in (Pakshin).
The yoga becomes (Kamah) when the good and evil
planets are ranged promiscuously in ths t houses indi*
cated (1st, 4th, 7th and 10th) mq'bibi ('/apeeyoga)
would result when the 7 planets occupy the 4 mnqt
(Panapara) or the 4 aratfen (ApoUiroa)houses.

Four more rnjft (Ahriti) yogas are described m this sloka.
6. (Vajra). All benefics should be »h the 1st
and the
7th houses, and all malefics in the 4th and th e
10th. The spirit
is gooJ , because bid planets a* oppos,.,o„ ,0 bad on e s rtUU
VI ^ versa. -

7. (Yava>. All malefics -liould

be in the
houses aud benefics in the
1st and 7th
4th and 10th.

Venus ILagna
Merc Sun

Saturn Jupiter
I Mars

( ?)
Mars Venus
SI. 169 477

8. SOT?" (Kamala). —All the planets should be posited in the

4 Kendras promiscuously.

bagnn Sim 1

Venus i

Mercury 1

Jupiter |

(8) 1



The effect will be that the person rises with the maximum
labour and hardship. For example, Sri Kama’s horoscope.
9. 3RI (Vapee) —All the planets should occupy
fa) the 2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th houses,
or 'b) the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th houses.
In the (Vajra) yoga, the man enjoys well in
early and
latter life, because, benefies in the 1st and the 7th must mean
good in the beginning (<st house) and good in the end (7th house),
and bad in k hc middle, because, bad planets are in the nnd-hcaven.
Similarly for (Yava\
In the (Kamala) yoga, it should be noted that wealth is
not indicated.
In the 4Pfi (Vapee) yoga, wealth is indicated without character
or name —a mere money mahiDg machine

41>tl Mi
^g nsrtjwa fNV. II

Also OTCFpft

tfi: gl^lA'I'hfft TOR; I

fW&h’imT TO =?f|: II

476 Adh. VII.

Sloka 169.
*ra (Vajra)
is produced when
all the

benefic and all the malefic planets are ranged ns in the

(Sakata) and ifen. (Pabshin), e when alt the bene*

i .

fie planets occupy the 1st and the 7th houses exclusively
and all the malefic planets are in the 4th and the 10th
houses exclusively. This order when reversed gives
the (Yava yoga), t.c . when the malefic planets are
as jn (Sakata)and benefic ones as in (Pakshin).
The yoga becomes (Kamah) when the good and evil
planets are ranged promiscuously in the 1 houses indfi
catcd ( 1 st, 4th, 7th and 10th) (Vapce yoga
would result when the 7 planets occupy the 4
(Panapara) or the 4 ( ApoUimalhoum.
Four more *12^ (Aknti) yosas are
described iti thin sloka.
6. ^
(Vajra) All Wiles should be ‘
the l st ., nd tIie
7lh houses, and all tnilefics tn the 4tl,
and the 10th. The sn,,,!
rla ', " S ** ° PP ‘” I "“ >“ ones a„ d
SI. 169 fmwSVQTVI 477

8. *?>tP5 (Kamala). —All the planets should be posited in the

4 Kendras promiscuously.
Lagna Snn




The eflect will be that the person rises with the maximum
labour and hardship. For example, Sn Rama's horoscope.
9. (Vapee) —All the planets should occupy
(q) the 2nd, 5th, 8th and 1 1th houses,
or b) the 3rd, (5th, 9th and 12th houses.
In the (Vnjra) yoga, the man enjojswellm early and
latter life, because, benefics in the 1st and the 7th must mean
good in the beginning ( i st house) .and good m the end (7th house),
and bad in the middle, because, bad planets are in the mid*hea\en.
Similarly for (Yava\

In the^PT^ (Kamala) yoga, it should be noted that wealth is

not indicated.
In theapfl (Vapee) yoga, wealth is indicated without character
or narre —a mere money making ma'hme.
W* - 11
* * ~

wrff'TfcT 97Tfifa: fftffrf

qpft fHV. ||

Also «KM*0
WlS: 8t«fc W* : gUWWlft I

ftsl: ss sfb
478 WTOJlfotfil Adh. vn.


terra gw: rff <3^1 I

XR ftxrtxrajtlwteTi: II

fw- 7171: gw: qS: %%<i 7B7BJ. |

ttariMfR^S wfefo q aifant II

Also ?iw for T»

P5-:i31Tt'R)|si Hi>^: WiW'feqiMSI 57: 1

Wpqqpitst WtRgtRI Itfllft: 71J^5Pi|W(t II

Tor the ^ JT5t (Kamala) and sflrfi (Vapeel yogas herein mention
ed, four malefic* are required. Rahu is to make up the 4th
malefic planet, cf. *flf^lT?Rt

V-WwA: xVq^WgxXR^: |

^ xw wratnl OWftqw xa; lt

ssWrl % q$ q 13: qitsgx: 1

7? %4Jra ftarsrft aa. 11

q timi x |

’’SF* Taiwia: wingxi xag 11

St, llo 4ld

inftf&nV fit *frnt i

gjfe3>5>fiit faatft ^ >wmfafii gufimn n

But readers who are familiar with the working of the Bhava-
sphuta process described in detail m ifllfdTOfl (Sripati

Paddbati', Adhyaya I and in the note? thereto will easily see that

it is not impossibleas we go to higher latitudes to have some of

the bhavas uncommonly short and others extraordinarily long, so
that Mercury and Venus may happen to be m the 4th bhava with
respect to the Sun, though not in the 4th 0 % (Rasi) as interpreted
by Varahamihira.
It will therefore be seen that *17 (Maya), 77*T (Yavana),
(Garga) and others have not erred in treating of these yogas as
possible ones, if the yogas in question are meant to refer to the
positions of the planets in the (Bhavakundali) and not
to the uftruifi (Rasi chakra'.

WMftsi^isr sa#itiit: i

wfe 3>tT^ II ?«» II

Sloka 170. If the seven planets exclusively occupy

four contiguous bhavas reckoned from the Lagoa and
the other Kendras in order, the four resulting yogas are
^5 (Yupa), (Ishu) or 5R (Sara), wife (Sakti) and ***
(Danda) respectively.
Four more atnft (Aknti) yogas are described in this \erse •

. 10. ^7 (Yupa'.— All the planets should occupy the

1st, 2nd
3rd and 4th houses. The planets are rising or are about to r,
11. (Ishu) or ;k (S iral. —
All the planets should be
in the 4th, 5th, 6thaud 7th houses. The
planets are culminating
or are about to culminate.
12» Vfa (Sakti).— All the planets should be in the
7th * 8th "
9th and 10th houses. The planets arc sett mg or about
to set
13. SW3 (Danda).— All the placets are in the
JOth *|i i
12th and 1st houses. The planets are electing Cr '

aKE “ i
Si. i7l najftswn's: ‘JOl

(15) (Kuta). —All the planets are to be m the 7 houses

from the 4th in any order (t e.. on the occidental side, setting and
(16) (Chhathra)- — All the planets are placed m the 7
houses from the 7th bhava i <?., elevating and setting — all m the
visible half).

(17) (Chapa).— All the planets are to he in the 7 houses

from the 10th (t e., on the oriental side, rising and elevating).

(IS) (Ardha Chandra) —All the planets are in the 7

houses beginning from the 4 *rjra: (Panaphara) or the 4 wrftfjpr

(Apoklima) houses.
Consistently, Varahamihira gives the several effects for

(Nan) and other three yogas —gcod effects for c* (Chattra) and
^ (Chapa) because in the one case, planets are in the visible
half and in the other, they are rising and elevating — in both the
cases, theymust be good. 1 ide sloka from Brihat Jataka quoted
under notes to sloka 178 infra,


?ga. i

vnsiijfesl ss^?: n
Also gmgvnrr'l

5wiRmhmm^: 4lftla I

fsft'fiqsr ii

Hti>nP,fp!HRir!a: i

<?i gqt^lstn 3<l- n

npiisqraft gflqrawPaiH l

laW«i: im^arw ne^i uifl i

Also qinWl

Ct^lfvTon«I. OTtfnV F3 : I


482 *ra«ufisna Adh.-Vlt-

41s3$sst3?f%ll: |[

^aisssHft i

WtrwOT'mig?:: itjRffmfo i

ftgaiKfeai^^iTOiificre^: n n
Slcka 172. If the planets
be ranged in the 6 houses
beginning with the 2nd house and separated from one
another by an intervening {planetless) house, the result'
ing yoga is called (5? tnudta) and if the planets
occupy the 6 odd hhavis reckoned ftora. the Lagna, the
yoga produced is (Chakra). Thus an epitome of the
(Akriti«- figure) yogas has been given.

The remaining tno ^liPt (Akuti) yogas ate described here.
09) «13; (Sartiudra), — All the planets should be m the 6
even bhavas, i.e., the 2nd, 4lh, 6tb, 8th, 10th and 12th.

(20) (Chakra).— All the planets should be posited

m the
6 odd bhavas, . «? the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7tb, 9th
, and 1 Jth houses.
The Western principles 0 f sextiles and trines
implied in the
above two yogas may be profitably compared
0 this connection,


Also tnarjxTirt^t

f^. j

R^tfi q)n: ii


iropafiferci t

qiW.lTRt II

r-ufaftvKRftq fj: pimA TO^VsT-

'HaPmw ii

SI. 173 ?7jnTts'nipr: 483

forciw^Hkmrem I

^ro^it ^4Vrn

Sloka 173. (Vallaki) or sfair (Veena), v*r

n ^ n

(Dama), vrt (Pasa), Ntt (Kedara), (Sula), 3*r (Yuga) ^

and dre (Gola) are the seven £t?*rr (Sankhya = numerical)
yogas respectively produced by the seven planets occu*
pying aa many Raais as are denoted by the seven figures
commencing from 7 and diminishing successively by
one, f.r., by the numbers 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1, These
(Sankhya) yogas are to be reckoned when those
mentioned previously are absent.
cf. tosh:
q- qfrr: qiftst: SH %rci&nn<rrc 8>il

iftaslWrigri I

qffFRWiW 'TT5IF3 Ww
q^p-isfaPui ^ w?qr y< n

rt^i<h*n’. (Santo hya Yogaba) 7.

0) (Vallaki) or tfalT (Veena) — All the seven planets

should be m 7 Rasis or signs (in contradistinction to bhavas or

(2) (Pamim). — All the seven planets should be in any

6 Rasis.
(3) TTO (Pasa).— All the seven planets should occupy any 5

(4) —All the seven planets are 4 signs,

(Kedara). in

(5) 51? (Sula'. — All the seven planets are m three signs.
(6) Jpr —All the seven planets are situated 2 signs.
(Yuga). in

(7) ’ll? (Gola) or (Golaka). — All the seven planets

should be in one single sign.
484 e!tasE<nftsr$ Adh: vii.

'Phis is a proof that all conjunctions are'bad That is why

sftraft (Vallaki) yoga is the best Tor effects, see sloka 179 tnfra.
Yogas other than (Chandra) yogas are (Nahhasa)
yogas and they take effect at all times and periods irrespective of
any da*n. or bhukti ruling at the time These yogas are of perma-
nent effect on the life, character and fortune of the person
concerned (Karaha yoga) and other jogas also come
under vn*ttf (Nabhasa) yogas

The e^Tt (Sankhya) yogas may sometimes coincide (or become

identical) with the zfflfft (ALnti) yogas

For instance,(Gada\ UPPf (Pakshin) and (Sakata)

yogas are particular cases of 3<rf«T (Yu^a yoga) mentioned in this
sloka (Srmgataka) and ( Hala) yogas are only varieties

of spsiftff (Sula yoga) The yogas 47 'Vajra) (Yava).

(Kama la), (Vapee) ^ (Yupa) 55 (Ishu), (Saktt), and
5^ (Danda) are only special instances of the 5 (Sankhja) ^
yoga (Kedara)
5fH (Chapa) and
The > ogos sfl (Nau) p
(Kuta) CT (Chattra)
ar^-^ (Ardha Chandra) are particular
of (Veena) yoga
are special cases of
The ^
(feamudra) and
(Chakra) yogas
(Dama yoga) In thes- cases it must
be understood they cease to be *nt*rt (Sankhya) yogas t e the

(Sankhya) yogas are not then to be taken into account

cf JFlfW

HRl sPli
^ |

wtriMi S15 11 \m 11
SfoSn 174 The person born in the 433 (Rajju) yoga
SI. 175 485

many works ; he whose nativity is in the (Nala)

yoga will be defective in some limb, resolute and
shrewd the man born in the ***> (Srak) or *TR5i (Mala)

yoga will have many enjoyments; he whose birth is in

the (Sarpa) yoga will suffer many miseries.

zi&firn: gsw jrgir.- i

SIT: <5331171: ^fWl: HIT 3)f<rai: II

niff*! gifall: <?TOC I

fpufaai aH^c’lT 17f% ?pi: S53I: II

WllllfitftsfaftloiW I

3~3%n*i gsit rPigqftr II

ft?3 g<a33I1t 3IS1WI$ltWW. I

HRIT: g3g#51 JtPSRt H'nrilT: Fg: II

film: Sitr ft <31 ft?3 5 :<3#lt: g#<TT*t I

7<S3<r'. inert: iwr iiftr w: ii


g^it iwnggr: i

<?3I3: ft|3l ftftgq'r 3g-mc3t gftlftTIJfftsft 3<rft 33133:11

lift nici?tf3r gP-KnsV 5:# Hn# ftiitsftftl: 1

*F5<nfot<5 Fra<wbf%»fcraT?.
rj<IK5t: <T<?H: $TW I

‘ISTlft ftlTOftt ^n^STIfft II ?«'A II

Sloka 17«5. The person born in the n?r (Gada) yoga

will be a performer of sicrifices, have accession of

wealth and be ever hankering after the same. The man

186 »itiit[N3td Atm. VII.

whose birth is in the •srez (Sikaul yoga will gain h»

livelihood by driving a cart, willbe sickly and cursed
with a bad wife; in the vflr (Pakshi) yoga, the person
born will be a message bearer, of vagrant habits and
quarrelsome. The roan that has the (Sridgataka)
yoga will be happy in his Utter days ;
and the person
whose birth is m the (Hala) yoga will be engaged in
From the effects given above, the principle to be deduced 1$
that planets in square or iti opposition to one another give bad
results, while planets in trine to one another produce good results
and the same is brought out beautifully. And this is our old
theory and not the theory of other*. Varaha.nub.ira does not agree
with Par&sara and others who think that some Kendras do good.
(Kesan yoga). Varahamih'ra is consistent throughout
as regards the effect of squares, oppositions and tnnes.

The word (Chira suhbee) has been interpreted as

fill*?* (Chirena Solti..), i.e., "happy in the Utter days”
according to the commentator Bhattotpala.
The interprets!, on
"happy for a long time" given by some is not accepted by the
commentator as it I, opposed to the follomog
,n„ta„ 0 n f [Dm
Gatga viz ,,


For the .fleets described in this stela,

cf. Rnted,.
Hitii tfllWl, TrTR: 5ne,qtn§*lengj

W?lWfm°Iilp5rtiI UntTf
g ||


5113, tfifSa
3^; II

frpf W- 351; I

?3?fsm,ei Pia t^i)

31. 176 487

gwraf i

wish jpfifipw 'j^isTimr i^n; II

^ifiRT sfoai %-fmm ngm: f

fcqi ?0BBra 3571: II

M-^wftfgih rd i gmftsfippl
sfhrffoSfenwr ik gfasr to it I

fteqrai|fcqrq<l?n*?qipi -7 qsr

m°rf agraigiifi ^rat ii il

SJokn 176. The person bom in the (Vajra) yoga

will be happy in the early and concluding portions of
his life. He will be lovely and v^ry brave. In the
(Yava) yoga, the man born will be valiant and happy
in his middle life. Jn the (Kamala) yoga, thi person
will be ofwide fame, his enjoyment will be immense
and his virtues numerous. The man born in the
(Vapec)yoga will enjoy some small though long enduring
comforts, he will hoard his money underground and
will not give.

anunfwfft ifeur 5jjr g«ro i

qFqfi?fcl iFH Sim: Ifpfllfejal II

smfoprqireTO wi n&t gaHKillw i

mart ffcrcftai qqqtwn ssit- ii

FtSiprciRt gwrasi: fcwHRt f^jaqSaq. w. I

jjtoih’ sftftat: qsisnm fa-qq ii

ftfroSf ftsnf^q: B’Ri%ot33,! i

qqqgqqpqissi qrftqft =ro qrai; II

51 178 489

Slofui 178 The p°rson born in the vjrtfnr (Chhattra

yoga) will be happy in the beginning and the end of his
lifewith matchless riches and strength The man at
whose birth the (Nau yoga) occurs will live on
the surface of water and get his living there In the
(Chakra yoga), the person born will be a famous
king The man who has had his birth in the
(Samudra yoga^ will find his living in water and will
be a ruler of the earth He who is born in the
(Ardha Chandra yoga) will lead a life of pleasure The
person who has had the (Kuta yoga) m his nati'
vity will frequent mountains and forests and be addicted
to cruel deeds If men be born in the snjqfa (Dhanur
yoga) they will adopt the profession of thieves haunting
inaccessible places and be despised outcasts
The effects of these yogas are thus descr bed m

srilwi wgw n

’it1)! I

Also 1

(aw-wt sssTft i

wm ^ gwig. ^'ilg^raqa II

wirfW %m i


infit itgJtai; srrcif qft ||

Hligcn sjwrfsrar figm i

«n!rpm?ww Adh. Vll.

' :3gRpqgfqr: g$qi* fpTffql!!' II

fpnicin. 14 mrafin ifai I

iftrETPjq’nS'l' nPi II

WJtlWPFWnqi HpXIW >131 ^V- I

gjqgfw Pin mps ftRji’nfRit igm 11

an^PTiawnShi ftsw us four. i

sijpaft irai wilii wfa ww finT! II

#tmi JHwriwg <51301. ir^ra^riWt

j^ift'mat+utwsiil^ siwidRsirajft I

nit sfiiri 4 14 4 ' Kn .j 1 M-i-a-i.



S/ofcfl 179. The

person born in the Strain (Veena
yoga) will be skilled in every kind o{ work and fond of
music and dancing , the man born in the wftn (Dama
voga) will be obliging, with a clear intellect and famed
lor his learning and wealth. The person whose birth
takes place in the vrercta (Pasa yoga) will be very clever
in the acquisition of virtue and wealth, will be talkative
and have sons The man who has
the (Kedara
yoga) in his nativity will
pursue agriculture, acquire
wealth, be slow of comprehension and kind to

cf. ’K=*ufan

iWiTOi iwHafoini? qife aini »pfttsjn"n(t

qw ifil IrairesWg: ip^ "


'fiitew ftjni M
SI. 180 tnrUswini: 401

Also «kML
fjRlfclrlT: g99H: 9TSWJT fawiftTcmj I

gl=P1(9t 9|>Rqi iftoiwi 8941; |1

qrft=E?ll'lTI<t TOOT JJ5: I

4)n fen omm eim. II

81^1 4844819: OT?5?K' RlgSTTW I

Mat 4|qsn: FPRgji: C S: II

g4f4I54*f|88!: frlRII: 83fflf?9: gfell' |

#pi^99mi 945TO II

# iniOTMgi *ra?ra
m- srar wfa)
<fiqns$ir ira<r
ftsjrcfi I

*Fb f5NRlKT^8ISCT7f S54t3^rRifl-

jnifitiw-raT TO?fin?Ti9r5foi tfti ?r ii ?<j» ii

Sloka 180. The person born in the g^*frn (Sula

yoga) is full of rage, fond of money, brave, with the

marks wounds received m fight, and without wealth.

The man whose birth is in the ^nqm (Yuga yoga) eats

begged food and is exceedingly fickle, heretical and ad-
dicted to the drinking of spirituous liquors. He who
is born in the flrerim (Gola yoga) is without wealth,

indolent, of vagrant habits, short'] ived and ignorant.

These 32 yogas have been mentioned by tr«5fh%T


5$ f!s. iftsrcftat sffe 'nw't Rif«?#4T giTt^ i

fife: 81 ft RNiJW 9W8?.3BTS?'n5W II

wtwnfr*ra Adh. VII

cf. nr55ncffiu
qi: srat 53% 11

55MI5: 'll 3% pw
{^ qntrfg pl I

fe miwi'WR fn %m ©ifl^at HSI53JH i

<mw g ^5P5i! 53% ifa. 5pnn=% n

qWTCTlf'Rt 51 '5'l.ht'll 51 5f^ cl^ll '%% l

gaJTR'Wftsl 5551% 5 H 5 I 51511 II

^iftsn^sm ftsn?iimftii 5 l%5i: 1

ftp >%% pfr >n£ci toi II

The following additional information regarding the iTTWfl

(Nabhasa) yogas will be found useful .—

The 3 3Tt«PI (Asraya) yogas produce the effects described for
them only when they do not partake at the same tune of the nature
of other yogas. Otherwise, the other yogas become effective and
bear fruits. < f.

«5W?W4 ftusn H5=P^ftfi|f§lai! l

Pp-n <l(% 51% 55(fi|!1!: WK3H*U II

Also 9KR5ft.
allWlft 5151 aiftite sW^oirilJ^Jttll:

s I5t
3:5®? qftl: II
Also spiut...

R=51 5 55 : 'fi'WtW'IIr'n
pi: II
The two W.
yogas „,11 coiDc.de „e„hct
m „ h , ho
(Asraya) yoga, not with the attsft
(Alt,!,) y„„ as
00 , DC.de with TOT (Sanhhya) yogas-*™
Th "T
qRr(Pasa) or
treated as only *es
^ <Kedata)-,n which
(Dala) yogas and
( Vtaa ),
case th , „KaS
are to te
° ,

not a* nr7rT /~°

im. Slolta 173 and the notes thereto npra). S " lk! a) !'°g ”
St. 180 493

Again, it has already been stated [ Vide slokas from

(Bnhatjataka) *TPW*^ (Sirnvili) ind glfC (Gunakara) quoted
above] that where the 3Tt»f7 (Asraya) £ogas coincide with other
yogas, the> cease to be an«W (Asraya) yogas So that the
(Sankhya) and 3TWT (Asraya) yogas become null and void (eclipsed
or inoperative) when they coincide with any of the arryr't (Akriti)
yogas But suppose the 3TTSTT (Asraya) and (Sankhya) jogas
to coincide with each other How are t ley to be then treated ?

According to the commentator, if the coincidence relates to the

S'TTC (Kedara) *1? (Sula) and JT (\ uga) yogas the yogas are to be
treated as ®T *W (Asraya) >ogas only, but if it refers to the iffev
(Gola) yoga it is to be treated as such and not as arrOT (Asraya)
one—otherwise there will be no scope for the illjr (Gola) yoga
at all

According to Yavanacharya there are 1,800 subdivisions of

^rr*m (Nabliasa) yogas qf

ft shot! w ftswto ri-n«n fs d

Also flTCPnfl

qtaiFj =iraf i

It will now be explained how the Yavanas recognise 1,800

subdivisions Taking any one of the 12 Rasis as the Lagna,
there are 153 yogas of which 23 are 3TTSTT (Akriti) and 127
(Sankhya) yogas The ar *r«r (Asraya) and ^ (Dala) yogas are
not taken by them into account. (Vide sloka 167)

As already explained in the notes to Sloka 168 the *rxi (Gada)

yoga has been treated of by the Yavanas as 4 distinct yogas
\dding these to the remaining 1 9 3TI$!?r (Akriti) yogas we get 23

Again the 7 ?T^n (Sankhya) yogas nre split into 127 ^TpfT
(Sanl hya) yogas for eachLagna by the \ avanas thus —
The yoga srpir which is caused by the 7 planets occupying any
seven signs has 7 sub divisions as each of the 7 planets may
occupy the Lagna The 2nd (Sankhya) yoga is ST¥ (Dama)
according to which all planets should be in any 6 houses Tie
494 «wmnfcn& Adh. vn.

Yavanas recognise 21 vatieties of this yoga (number of yogas

caused by 5 out of the 7 planets being la 5 houses and the remain
tug 2 occupying the Lagna)’ The next yoga is <110 (Pasa) This
has 35 Varieties (4 of the 7 planets occupying 4 houses and the
remaining 3 being in the Lagna). The neat yoga vtt. VtTC (Keda.
35 nineties for the same reason. Similarly 5C*
ta\ ha's also got

(Sula) has got 21 sub divisions and g*r (Yuga) 7 'sub divisions
Lastly iff* (Gola) has only one, vie the case in which all the
planets are placed in the Lagna

So that the seven (Sanlthyal yogis are sub divided into

74-21 + 35+3S+21+7 + 1 or 127 divisions These added to the
23 (Ahnti) yogas mentioned above give us 150 yogas for
each lagna or 1,800 yogas for the 12 lagnas.

iiaismTOinipnfeOT? i

'ite'ifikra n n

# uffiTOTlitsnil

(r4hii«iih ii

Shka 181 Rajx yogas (1-57), the

5 yoga, Ruchaka
and othetj (69-65), xnu(BliMUra) and

(Kemadrami) (71-79) , the yogas

and nymR-w (Grahamallfa)

w (Adhama)?^
( 67 70 )

1 lUW,m 7°S>) (152- i), rflmterw,
btaoha yoga

(161-3), ww*,
. Kanhata-
Kahala yoga (130), nnra

(Nabhasa) and other yogas

( 16H80)
hlV( b ,

of by the favor of the Sun and

other deities.

ITW eirul rde M Adhyaya 4 C,


Adhyaya VIII.

On Conjunctions of two or more planets.


Combination of 2 planets
m fi[5rf#rr: n
in one bha\a. There are 21 such

^TRT* f^TT^ ^TT^«R

f-ra^pm ?ipft Hf#r #t n \ ii

Sloka 1. any person, the Sun be!

If, at the birth of
in conjunction with the Moon, he wjll be submissive toi
his wife and clever in every work he undertakes; if^
the Sun be in conjunction with Mars, the person born
will be illustrious, possessed of strength and energy but
untruthful and wicked; If the Sun be associated with
Mercury at any person's birth he will have learning, !

beauty and strength, but will be fickle-minded ; if the *

Sun be in conjunction with Jupiter the person born in

the yoga will be full of faith, active, pleasing the King
with his works and wealthy.
4«6 srowmlura Adh. Vin

jjq#n sum wR-ta 3?fttsg?fiti I

snBiftin^u^t ftwPraoi it

STI^SI wfim e~o;qutjq|>^i'llq; i

hmftlwPKst siiwsia II

fmf.afBTwt farnmiq to. i

airc fiiPfVif^.faH urn ^ *RWframm ii

sijiwfTraRn ssfwi.tfniisraim'i i

^Fifngfl n

#$5iiarait=g«ircfc!ra: sms wiVwt

i^ni^Mkii 'in^nspTt *i
5^ w i

!Jj: 'TO^nW

Sloln 2 A person
ftfegom ^ usm#
will be intelligent and atten
II =t n

tively honor the relations acquired through his wile it

at his birth the Sun be in conjunction with Venus if


the Sun be associated with Saturn the person born will

be somewhat dullwitted and the power of m his
.enemies If the Moon
be in conjunction with Mars,
Ithe petson born will be brave, of high birth
Vrlch and worthy if the,Moon be associated with
Mercury, the man born in the yoga
will be pious
devoted to sciences and will have diverse
merits 1
wsronRsii nftugai totow |

’5^l WW ShBJiRK I

'OP^t^Safes, ||
snrmsctrnr: 497

wsrai'ft i

'jsrWgftT'ft ^njTsaqft n

•7.P7Wra%^SUT: ew: rilfwa: g5M I

wfgRl?0?t: II

5tra: 7ii’f3Htqqiumw>nqiM 'i i

3% ttot

torut f Tigt jRjfepI 1

sCpri fq^#i 5i<tii>iwkis3!

'TtI qr 'qtrofsis’RrrafSRR stenfcra *iga 11 3 ll

Slvka 3. When the Moon is in conjunction with

Jupiter, the person born will be very intelligent and
protect good people. When Venus is associated with
the Moon, the effect of the yoga on the person born
will be that he will be evil 'minded and clever in
making bargains. If the Moon be in conjunction with
Saturn, the person born will have a bad wife, abuse his
parents and will be without wealth. If Mars and
Mercury be together, the person born in the yoga will
be eloquent and clever in medicine and fine arts.


Mu: 1

nfcst: gq#q: ||

feqififa?- ?ef?!7i:?l !3: I

tub: TifWrra; h?i •ipr 11

n'qWTHTSr MRifa: I

357: qqifJH 3I'5?ll#.5lR7t7 II

gi»I^I5SWT5: pwfn: I

jMfiqqwr ^gMiiqqfoqrf'lj’t: II

498 SHafTfitaill Adh. VIII.

wft ’c^siiFrai *iftrare? 4ra n^nf^ra

uratqfen: stqsRRrat ’jas
w mm 1% $%
yni i

n « n
Sluha 4. Loving, revered, w jrthy, and acquainted
with the science of computation will the person be that
is born when Mars is m conjunction with Jupiter,

The effect of Venus and Mars being together at a birth

Will be that the person born will be fond of metallurgy,
delight in tricks and be cunning. If Mars be in con»

junction with Saturn at the birth of a person, he will

be disputatious, indulging in the pursuit of music and
dull-witted. When Mercury and Jupiter are in
conjunct***., u.. ^aonJmrn will be eloquent, hand
amiable and exceedingly wealthy. ^

mm*-, n


^atwlftipi: *i>sifra:

1 i

SI. 5

Sloka 5 If Venus be in conjunction with Mer^

cury* the person born will be versed in the sacred books
and fond of music, pJay and mirth If Saturn be

associated with Mercury, the person born will be

learned, wealthy and distinguished for his moral worth.
The man at whose birth Jupiter and Venus occupy one
sign will be energetic, in favor with the Ling and
exceedingly intelligent If Jupiter be in conjunction
with Saturn, the effect of the yoga will be that the
person born in it will be an artist If Venus and

Saturn be together at a birth the person affected by the

yoga will own large herds of cattle and be an athlete
aiftwqqir war igfwrir ran i

qmiwisiTi aiai ifTf¥rn;Tta i

film atowiwt j'rafwVt 311=1. lift 11

sfafiT stimsi i

fifeifl liwfiin. 11

sin ftwret uraftifimift a 1

inftsftqqt mu SISmirninTiii. 11

iisfqqaoRS gifqiCTifirffirft 1
ift:si irgifa ?rfiffRqfr sm. wfri 11

The above described ire onf> \erj General beios apph

cable to the several combimttons formed in in> of the 12 bhavas
The effects in each of the 12 bhavis hive been described in detail
byzppmrT 0 -uanicliarj-i) and quoted »n (Horarafna)

The author of Saratali adds



aw >sa nwn 1

ftjft ail
aproft ftfOT rips

II f5pj?%i II

m oao W>va. Thovo«»yb«35

Combinations of 3 ptoots
such comb'nat ons

sfft ffirm
ftuwa# ^
TOsftlflrt «Ht II \ II

Shka 6 If the ftapfet (Thngtaha yoga) or the

combination of 3 planets in one bhava consist of the

Son, the Moon and Mars, the person bom will extirpate

the whole btood of his enemies, and be wealthy and

politic It the combination contain the Moon, the Sun 1

and Mercury, the person that has his birth in the

(Thngraha yoga) will be a king s compeer famed
for hi* learning If the Sun, the Moon and Jupiter be
the tno planets influencing a birth, the effect of the
yoga on the person bom will be to make him a mine of
virtues, learned and much liked by his sovereign If
the Son, theMoon and Venue be together m one bhava
the person bom will be addicted to other people s wives,
cruel, in dread o* enemies and rich
ef ntn^t

sjr i

fRSRT ftSPPrffi 511^1


515a# fftdtftMft 11
SI. 7 3TE*fhtqT*r* 501

iraift ^3Rfa. e?fN^Rifipftt ii

^•^"l ftyii q^roasi ?rrafgs*ro


^ft^^rqVfpi 5 fg? ii

[ WHUIg'hfi
a: s=n*fsrai%a!

^ ^ISW

4wi^gr?R^i^R:^ vfWt fssrct^rq; ii « i

Sloka 7. If Saturn, the Moon

and the Sun combine
in one bhava, the person born will be wickedly inclined,
deceitful and fond of foreign countries. If the Sun,
Mars and Mercury be together, the person whose birth
is influenced by them will be bereft of comforts though

possessed of sons, riches, and wives. If Jupiter, the

Sun and Mars be in conjunction, the person born in the
yoga will be a patriotic premier or Commander-in-chief.
If Mars, the Sun and Venus be together in a r^m?irhT

(Trigraha y oga), the person born will suffer from dis*

eases of the eye, will be a voluptuary, of gentle birth
and of great wealth
cf. WFpft
3OT few ^ TCFWl sRseq |


»nfi) <?qrat Prerr friasa i

i=tfa iffrf f^fwfa>F5ft i

wqTw sgi? Heff4Hi<ra#i ii

g'f’ft ^irTOSsr q&i i

’JSHkftWnq Siting: I,
502 U ' »'“
Adh. VIII.

jjsff fm>ns

I'ft Vt^intni || « ||

SfoA/i 8. If Saturn, the Sun and Mars form the

(Trigraha yoga) the person affected by it will
be bereft of kindred, ignorant, wealthy but suffering
from diseases If Jupiter, the Sun and Mercury be in

conjunction, the person born will be sharp-witted,

famed for his learning and wealthy. If the Sun, Mercury
and Venus be together m one bhava, the person whose
birth takes place in the yoga will be soft-skinned,
renowned for his learning and happy. If Saturn, the
Sun and Mercury be associated together, the effect of
the planetary combination on the person born will be
to make him friendless, poor, malignant and wicked.

vrufHi tbnfaft u 3 ^ :

wsHtftntsfa^ii: fitfntnlitmgfip

dirprif^^-TIX'ncT.IIclf-ala-T,?'. qtg : i|

^ ^
aiW WTOt *ppn#p
Bflj§. „

^ ^dfK- ita® .

y 6 aemsoira 603

srrat wgprairafr: ’n1f*r«n=m:q#r

^V^gfi: P^Rraqft il s ll

Sloka 9 If Jupiter, and Venus be together in

the Sun
one bhava, the person will have wife and children, will
be intelligent, suffering from ophthalmia, but wealthy
If Saturn, Jupiter and the Sun combine and form the
(Trigrahn yoga), the person who has his birth
m the yoga will be fearless, a royal favorite and very
pure minded If the Sun, Venus and Saturn produce
the (Trigraha yoga), the
person born under
their influence should be wicked,proud and self'opinion'
nted If the trio planets forming the yoga be the Moon,

Mars and Mercury, the person born will be addicted to

gluttony, wicked and offending
cf nrci^
jfeqg qp ft sw >£ra pftq i

qqwftm ft?i sftrt n

srafqmq fnqgnto I

•prate) fvraqq) nftd «

qtqqqicfti'it iTHTTiTi^nfftit i

$f?traqflii $Bt ffimfJqftagsqift n

"otto qra-sr q'inqpt ggf*PH#n i

stnftfrra S5i( ifirnypiftn. ll

sfffcjraftra: #rai q.nngft sqqn

afeiifc? Jjrgff tsnn?r iqissT

«flVss<wt'iq qj'wswisqqrafqq! ll ?° ll

bloku 10 If Jupiter, the Moon and Mars be m

604 Adh. VIII.

conjunction, at a birth, the person bom will betray

impatience in and handsome
his speech, be love sick
If the Moon, Mars and Venus be together and form the
Trigraha yoga), the person affected by it wilt
have mannered sons and be of wandering habits
ill If
the Moon Saturn and Mars combine and produce thi
yoga, the person born in it will be fickle minded and
so wicked as to perpetrate the unnatural crime cf
matricide If there be a conjunction of Jupiter, the
Moon and Mercury, the person who has his birth in
the yoga will be very rich and renowned and will
become a king s favorite
Cf HRRtft

ft™?; ^l?pan TT^fisj qip


Mt n tjej
p; II

5 .inn ^ frfhv |


^ 1<v™fc6 gqt ftmiq

qft qft

3lnft asptft

s^sg^fSfi^ I,

srtf! wisgrt:
3praift'^iV>irgt; i

W# grog'r
(| ?U|

bom in it will be learned but devoted
rV'’'' PCrSOtl
and yet honorable
51. 12 505

Mercury and Saturn, as a result of it, the person bom

will be liberal, honored by the sovereign and worthy.
If the three planets producing the yoga be Venus, the

Moon and Jupiter, the person who has his birth in the
yoga will be wise, have virtuous sons, and be proficient
in the arts. If Jupiter, the Moon and Saturn be in
combination, the influence of the yoga on the person
born under it is that he will be versed in the sacred
sciences, addicted to women past their prime, and
kingly in his life.


felWSOTfittfi turner: i

flWt 'wngs'it n

frraiir- wft safe I

*nRt =W: t^JOT5S5II"IIH II

fltsferc: ai?: ^raPl^i sifga: Big: I

’‘nfailWlftrift 5IIti: g<wt II

5IRra^FlR^‘Uf.pl^'TF3.'lR: II

^ TR|Ti%nsfiig*m! sjVp”Ti#:
5iR5r«p^T|! i

fat mw ii^szzq&mntvimfkb
t ii ?=? n
Sloka 12. If Venus, the Moon and Saturn be
together in a bhava, the person born in the yoga will
become a learned Brahmana teacher, a kings chaplain
and will be much liked. If the yoga be due to the
combination of Jupiter* Mercury and Mars in one bhava

it will be devoted to
the person whose birth is in

poetry and the dramas If Venus, Mars and Mercury be

(Trigraha yoga)
in conjunction, the effect of the firmptor
is that the person affected
by it will be defective m
some limb, base born and fickle minded If the three

planetscombining to produce a fhyrpuu (Trigraha yoga)

be Mercury, Mars and Saturn the person born will be
a menial servant, with diseased eyes and vigrant habits

ftfiT^WTFgfclin sfh gjis i

isjpifrw 'nrisys i

wfwjgfi Hfts II

«T|<fRt i

5Wt flf$ ll

S)i31 WJJRSm SITWft?! i

W3 HSfTOtfcjqilW® II

^nxwgfti ^ategisa^jfcfi l

HRKl^Jf’ll^RI ^TTlTTTf'Trll

5Pi^3Jifof>rf3raft$: ll ?? II

Sloka 13 Venus, Mars and Jupiter be together


in one bhava, the person born m

the yoga will be liked
by his sovereign, wilt have good sons and be happy
If Jupiter, Mars and Saturn jointly produce the raEnpmr

^7*gn)uu'jwg^,&it •pwrytm “i/itetei’Dy re wtfi'De'lean,

suffering physical pain, full of self conceit and ill man-
nered If Saturn, Mars and Venus be
in conjunction
the effect of the yoga on the person born is that he
SI 14 607

will have bad sons and be obliged to live abroad If

Venus, Mercury and Jupiter be associated in one bhava,

the person born will be triumphant over his enemies
and attain to fame and power
cf srcrTsft

gifle. flrpqifcrerffrftw? H3TH iigfiW ii i

Hfift 11

=35Htra wmft Rft i

<nft mt n

'nRafts'farai g:fr <h? qtrgsRf =t i

fta inraidte B5# n

gsa siftmft'i'nr gift gqnsiqr aiaulft i

fige# SR HPFRfiW 11

^^mn gt<fgg5t#Ei

smft sArilidiftSwdiJIRwMtiWwfMa *

*SH. iiigl wmi wspst^ ii ?» II

Slokct 14 The person that is born when Jupiter,

Mercury and Saturn are in conjunction will enjoy

exceeding comfort and prosperity and will be attached
to his wife When Saturn, Mercury and Venus are
together and produce a frR*4ta (Tngraha yoga), the
person born in it will be untruthful, vicious and addict'
ed to other peoples wives If Jupiter, Venus and

Saturn be together in a bhava, the person whose birth

is in this yoga will possess a clear intellect and be
famous and happy When the Moon is in conjunction
with malignant planets, the person concerned always
has his comfort and happiness diminished When the
unre»nt*ara Adh. VIII*

associated with evil planets, the astrologer

Sun ia
will be
divine that the father of the person concerned
similarly affected.

PlW#a%d m “fgW <mm. I

g>tf atri!|pa II

gtsft rjafoiiiqiT 'Ais'm'te: l

gijgipgjfpiq: wiafhrt: efonn: II

5^ #lsR Siial rflfa ajirflftsrffii: I

gwwtf^tw'5ilT.#t. rftewa-. u

qftfb; =f=i mgwq: wHfetR: t

# Rgsqi^: gq qXPqfS^fqaq, II

The author of OKl^i adds

w ^mv. Win qqgfipwMHti tyifiRBu 11

3W?tp3 traft rjrpKvtmrqq ||

mretqlsR filaat: jqfri qj gftfit aft i

?ifeTj-<sfiH nf§isi pRq0qq. n

For the eflects of the abo\e combinations of three planets m

each of the 1 2 bhavas, see Horaratna-

H =^fe%n: u
Combinations of 4 planets in one bhava. There may be 35
such combinations.

I 3TOJ3?r ST*
wti feifosr frtt l

tR'dl+ilili II ?>t ||
Sh 1G 609

Sloka 16- If the Sun, the Moon, Mars and Mer-

cury be all in one bhava the person born will be a

conjurer skilled in the production of illusions, a scribe
and sickly, ff the Sun, the Moon, Mars and Jupiter be

together in one bhava, the person affected by the yoga

will be rich, famous, talented, loyal to his sovereign and
free from sorrow and sickness.


sto. wfi II

vnraftnfrvc&reit i

sfqHaq! afl'S; n

ftwpl ftsur: fmgi l

$5rct<rfa«tC«* ii li

Sloka 1G. If the Sun, the Moon, Mars and Venus

be in conjunction, the person born in the yoga will be
blessed with a wife and sons, learned* temperate, com-
fortable, shrewd and tender-hearted. If the Sun, the
Moon, Mars and Saturn be associated in one bhava, the
person affected by have wild (restless)
the yoga will
eyes, and be a wanderer, a cuckold and a pauper.


stwfftMFsfii: g<sw?, i

foaiswgm II

ftTOifld 'wftat qifttTFirit 1

H«I: W«B imt ||

510 Adh. vin

g®r«Rii757i3?Ri I

n^ftrcrotrsw II ?» n
Sloka i7. If the Sun, the Moon, Mercury and
Jupiter combine in one bhava, and produce a
(Chaturgraha yoga), the person born therein will be
fond of his wife and children, wealthy, virtuous,
famous, strong and generous. If the Sun, the Moon,
Mercury and Venus be together in a bhava, the person
affected by the yoga will be defective in some limb but
eloquent If the Sun, the Moon, Mercury and Saturn
be associated in one bhava, the effect of the yoga on the
person bom will be that he will be destitute of wealth
and ungrateful

STO RktKI m Rjfror jfa |

sira ^iift^ras u
gira wft =rm<ral iig^ i


wft R?ra^ai?fcfiqg%s i


Si k(t 18 If the Sun, the Moon, Jupiter and

Venus combine to produce a
SI. IS 511

> yoga), the person born will be moving about in water

or in some forest region be held in great esteem by his
sovereign and have many enjoyments. If the planets
forming the yoga be the Sun, the Moon, Jupiter and
Saturn, the person whose birth is influenced by the
yoga will be broad'eyed, with much wealth and many
sons and will have for his wife a courtesan.

BRpjWRoqRi giift *rcftl <j?n: i

STlfilS11!: II

mnSFRdtent ^rs^rgw: I

aw: ii

Wran sig; u V*. m

Sloka 19. If the Sun, the Moon, Venus and Saturn

be associated in one bhava, the person born in the yoga
will be weak, exceedingly cowardly, with his wealth
depending on his unmarried daughters and given to
gluttonous habits. If the quadruple planetary yoga be
produced by the Sun, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter, the
person whose birth is affected by the yoga in question
will be strong but afflicted with misfortunes, possessed
of wives and riches, suffering from ophthalmia and of
vagrant habits.

qftttlWSITiH! TC: I

ifte af?l: u
512 sntmrfbuit Adh. VIII.

tfptsq ^fWITW At ftfiRIKW I

^iShIs-th gmjliiHt-ij-wft n

ft'waajft’iaNlflaiRT! i

wftaPril *n •ft^snrcfte: n r ° ii

Slokj 20 If the Sun Mar®, Mercur> and Venus

combine in one bhava, the person that has htg birth in
the sjgnc^ln (Chaturgraha yoga) will be addicted to other
mens wives, of odd looks and dress, thievishly inclined
and devoid of all goodness If the Sun, Mars, Mercury

and Saturn be in conjunction, the person born will be

a commander of an army ora king’s minister, stooping
to base acts and inclined to pleasure

cf urcwtft

TOitwalit fiwsl f$% tappi |

wfll am Rfgj) ||


futo^dRdifr ii

^tinrrRtffriRirTi; : oRi-TrsKp^ytit vj;fj

sfrmrf^Km^Rsni sri: 3533^ i

tribnuiHl f^ptluufj:

SMa 21 If the Son. r

Jup.ter and Venn,
together in a bhava the person born
W1 || have ,
equal to that of a sovereign be rpnr™,«
a ,
esteemed and wealthy If the Sun ’
Mats t
. !
Satutn combine to produce a
WHJrriSOT: R\\

" '

: ne person born
wi!! bo moving about in water
Dr !Cl ~c forest
region, be held in great esteem by his
wvmign and have
many enjoyments. If the planets
° rill mg
the yoga be the Sun, the Moon, Jupiter and
turn, the
person whose birth is influenced by the
will be broad-eyed, with much wealth and many
^ will have for his wife a courtesan.
'/ aaprt

HfeiwwRi sitft tai?ate«^ m/ft I

S^TOTgtatWrl! ffltfiOT II

swfteWt ^griftai vTSHijjw i

at-'?: ||

TO"t ftWt
?ro&ir^ wn n ii

SWn 10. I( the Sun, the Moon, Venus and Saturn

^associated in one bliava, the person born in the yoga
''"fceweab, exceedingly cowardly, with his wealth
“‘pending on his unmarried dau hters and given to
s ettonous planetary yoga be
habits. If the quadruple
Jupiter, the
Produced by the Sun, Mars, Mercury and
P'Ron whose the yoga in question
birth is aliened by
*ffl be
strong but afflicted with misfortunes,

“'Wives and tichcs, suffering from ophthalmia and


VJ Srant
V- mus/i

ifpimtaism yt p'ism--si?vnft?: I

'flr.i naa ftfii'b II

6l4 sr wyn fomt Adh. Viii.

Chaturgraha yoga be the Sun, Jupiter, Venus and

Saturn, the person born in it will be proficient in the
arta, in command of the vulgar people and daring. If

the Moon, Mats, Mercury and Jupiter be in conjunction,

the person who has his birth in the yoga will be devo*
ted to the good of his sovereign, become a wise minister
and finally a ruler of the earth.


staRt wft i

s«q: n

gw: SHU: sn^T gjfci: RrdtiNms): I

'flit ffcwswT u
gqg. q>fq* R-'iR; qqbqarobfdqat |

rui srrat Hqffs: ii

g>5: gitgiiRsnsiRT
” |


wscRffgt: iKrcggg: jnit

^ qpflggt |

....tin.*! S £-

g^ qpt^. n^„
Sloka 23. If the Moon, Mars,
Mercury and
Venua be together, the per. on born
the yoga w.ll
hav e good wives and sons, w.ll be
wiss, deformed and
happy If the Moon, Mars,
Mcrcnty and Saturn be
our planets forming the *3irtn,
(Chaturgraha yoga
the person affected by it will havp
fathers, will be brave,’ *"*
the Moon, Mars, Jupiter and
“f" son3 ‘ If

the yoga, the person whose birth

.SI. 24 615

will be clever in iniquity, sleepy and itching for wealth.

The person who has his birth in the yoga formed by
the combination of the Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn
will be firm-minded, brave, comfortable and /earned.


l?J!rf#lfc|: gw: I

=i gi-ft n


>Hfri g^SfTCI: II

STT^lt (I

Slfro fNWiffil: I

r w^iiiWg^: ii

The combination of the Moon, Mars, Venus and Saturn has

been left out in the text. Its effect is thus described in *7701^
(Sara vali).

$5!snfa: W'l: gifst fern fftipl: I

Jun-'SWts^q ll


#in: g%?qw- *iH II


Sloka 21- The person bom

in a yoga formed by
the combination in one bhava, of the Moon, Mercury,
Jupiter and Venus will be deaf, but learned, famous aad
616 Adh. vin.

If the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and
t 2
together and produce a ’ssfr^rn (Chiturgraha yoga),
will be exceedingly
person influenced by it

kind to his relatives and charitable. The person whose

of the
birth is m the yoga formed by the conjunction
Moon, Mercury, Venus and Saturn, will become hostile
to a large number of persons and have intrigues with
the wives of other people If the Moon, Jupiter, Venus

and Saturn combine in a bhava, the person who has his

nativity in the yoga will be devoid of ease, sceptical
and unfeeling
Cf. tm.N'rO

•T© Sift n
nfmiFj. i

sj Wf^ nwsf? sifSiymhffii) n

rs^’nffoliST II

imRftii gwm© | ft# |

>111# wwi gfiijwjSRft gf|| ||

flnrai ftr^. |


The person born when

Mars Mercury
Jupiter and Venus are in
conjunction ,„,w u
h a"dj * ™T
reviled If Mars, Mercury,

planets forming the yoga,

the c»tsnn „ s,
'"i™ V®
J' 1C
51. 25 srntfrs'.TiPT: 617

Jupiter, Venus and Saturn betogetherjin one bhava,

the person born in the yoga will hive exceeding wealth,
learning and amiability.

e/, gjrwtfl


irarft strait tttih^t fifoijaai i

The following two combinations do not find a place in the

Text: Viz., (I) Mars, Mercury, Venus and Saturn and (2) Mars,
Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. For their effects, vide the following
sloLas from SKfflTf.

sifts: 'Fjb: Thrift g^|T?; i?rra: i

wit x wwTsrrmTiS: n

ftvIJT: isfcjta WSTfowH?: I

TlT!J5gT4^-TptTfe fe?: II

Also rn-TqTrrftTsr¥

Thrift s&ifcr f gnwTTinl: i

fiTrai sfc ?sn;si row sftiftti. ii


K'liuai TFlt ftrrt TITT TC II

Tor the elfects ot the a"bo\e combinations in each o? the 12

bhavas, \ide Horaratna*


Combinations of 5 planets in one bhava , there are 21 such

518 murMiflsii^ Adh. VIII.

«teg gsfsra: ft?p: aw: i

nwj: II ^ II

2G It the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury


and Jupiter be in one bhava, the person born the m

yoga will be a good combatant and a clever informer.
If the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury and Venus com'

bine and produce a (Panchagraba yoga), the

person whose birth is affected by it may be faithful to

his various functions, attentive to other people's

concerns and friendless.
cf TOW't

SOTOt fW *FJpfe Jift fiifdfloi i

SMa 27 If the Sun, th"

Moon, Maia, Jupiter and
Saturn foim the raw (Pandiagrahl yoga)
,h- „e „ 0 „
born will be hopeful and
have to sufler separation
the ttoman h® love, If ,h c Sun
, *= Moon mT>
Mercury and Saturn be the five pl,„ el! '
the peisoo whose birth
will be short lived, bent
m mone
’ "8
hv >h,
' n“ mK ’

wife and sons >’’ but »‘*ont


Si. 38-59 *re*rrs**n*r: m

cf. m<n4
«%#?: i

arif^sgafts'. u
35:5515: ww q?Rri^: qrnarit q 1

figasisaj get: 51^51 fofq-afcf^tn u

<3rff»* |<^<-T^^ H <& "A I

II ^ It

Sloka 28. If the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Jupiter

and Venus be together in one bhava, the effect of the

yoga on the person born is that he will be an assassin,

cast out by his father, mother and other relations and

will become sightless. If the Sun, the Moon, Mars,
Venus and Saturn form a «NJT?*nJ (Panchagraba yoga),
the person, who has his birth therein will cleverly turn
to account the humility, the wealth and power at his
command and will be depraved and have intrigues with
other people's wives.

srreror %%<& i

wfft to fasft; 11

tTOtqfW!#?! qfiRNR: TOpnftOT I

3renre^s$»n3sas >wra-
Adh. VIII.
m 3fTd4.'nftsn&

Moon, Mercury, Jupiter

Slot fl M « the Sun, the

with n hme, power and
tefw^lthy minister, own t the five planets
quite his i

to punish offenders,
Sun, the Moon, Mercury,
,S\y forming the yoga he the born in the yoga will be
the person
Jupiter and Saturn,
tor his food, very cowardly,
indebted to another
wickedly inclined and practising
cf «TCFT*t ^ *

spq^faH^ jjFStfWh#*! II

»rte fspriRW «Ni?f ssHif fawn I

as #35^16$ n

^fawiaggi nsfinnwi I


tn»#sj5ntRgjl faw iraji n 3° n

Slvka 30 If the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus
and Saturn be together m a bhava, the person born will
be without wealth, tall in stature, bereft qf r children
and his body will be afflicted with many diseases If

the Sun, the Moon Jupiter, Venus and Saturn be the 5

planets jointly producing a qvwftti (Panchagraha yoga),
the person who has hia birth therein will have a
wedded wife, be eloquent, clever in juggling, fearless,
but have enemies to contend with
cf wratfi

^ rWrrit iRoiiiflist !

ifwjjpftijrijls ii
! 1

SI. 81-32 621

w*n s 3*iraftcf«raPra: #3 3^ 313.

*ipgFWw> ^^^pPflgga: ||

3"ti W4y<?^'S9d R *

ft'naisf irar^-i '37>cn?y! I

ftqrasft si^ 11 3?
Sloka 33. If the Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and
Venus bein conjunction, the person who has his birth
yoga will be free from every care or sorrow, will
in the.
command an army and horses, and be restlessly moving
about after women not his own. If the planets associa*
ted in the (Panchagraha yoga) be the Sun, Mars,
Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn, the effect of the yoga on
the person born is that he will have to eat begged food
and wear dirty and tattered clothes.
cf. wttfcfr

3Wl (rftftffRnfilfrlfllfcp I

lPlfspJtfi)g»inT <SRl II

ftatfiHr iW> ftfli ss Jmt 1

sftqirJtiTinrai 11

fnft nraiRrag^f tosw: 1

. ?|n€:

Sloka 32. The person whose birth is in the yoga

formed by Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn
being in one bhava will be honorable, proficient in the
arts, have to do greatly with the .infliction of punish*

Adh. VIII.
,9 11 the Sun, the
Moon, Mercury,
Slola 1 (Panchagraha
and Venus P”
d a ntrasyiu
th „ , nf u enced thereby

h« food, very cowardly, very

indebted to another lor
practising cruelty
wickedly inclined and
cf, iw 1

So^imT TO. I

laqra ywtfasm II

rite fuuiPitra #nKt TOdig fawn i

3h Wrim^ ^32?^$$ H

rnnfi^iia-ysid ft»W TO II \° II

Sloka 30 If the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus

and Saturn be together in a bhava, the person born will
be without wealth, tall in stature, bereft of 'children
and his body will be afflicted with many diseases If

the Sun, the Moon, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn be the 5

planets jointly producing a <i^ns*fnT (Panchagrjiha yoga),
the person who has his birth therein will have a
wedded wife, be eloquent, clever m Juggling, fearless,
but have enemies to contend with

frrcinrc) ^rHi^ i
Si. 31-32 srealsJumB 621

^nft^piaf^nagRri: >#5 qg<?r *rf^*rra. 1

RHi^W^ra^q^ragi®: l

f^gra^r Hra?3faVi*w 11 3? <1

Sloka 31. Ifthe Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and

Venus be in conjunction, the person who has his birth
in the yoga will be free from every care or sorrow, will
command an army and horses, and be restlessly moving
about after women not his own. If the planets associa*
ted in the (Panchagrahi yoga) be the Sun, Mars,
Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn, the effect of the yoga on
the person born is that he will have to eat begged food
and wear dirty and tattered clothes,
cf. SKratfr

"Piift =ifain=R: 1

iRifsPitfilguift fsiroftsfagfe <sifi u

fi&lft’lt M ft!3i 2?! Tr!) 1


UTt: *55513 I%J!fl

irm PraiRrajp.iTOif rm: 1

RSIsfrtJilSR'RRtg'I-' Ifdra:
II 35 i!

Sloka 32. The person whose birth is in the yoga

formed by Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn
being in one bhava will be honorable, proficient
in th<*
arts, have to do greatly with the .infliction of
Adh. VIII.

Moon, Mercury, Jupiter

Sloka 29 H the Sun, the
produce a u^cm fPanchagraha
and Venus combine and w
birth influenced thereby
„ 11

yoga), the person whose

with a fame, power and authority
be a wealthy minister,
quite his own If the five plane
to punish offenders,
jointly forming the yoga
be the Sun, the Moon, Mercury,
Jupiter and Saturn, the
person born in the yoga will be
very cowardly, very
indebted to another for his food,
wickedly inclined and practising cruelty
rFS3t tiffror trwfiprr m i

larra tjbwfasm u

rffc fSWtWi hataig ftjyisr |

art sticwpit 11

r ilfififuin 2tJri t ttqltl

[ foUT. imt I' II

Slvka 30 If the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus

and Saturn be together in a bhava, the person born wilt
be without wealth, tall in stature, bereft of Children
and his body will be afflicted with many diseases If
the Sun, the Moan, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn be the 5
planets jointly producing a TOwftir (Panchagraha yoga),
the person who has hts birth therein will have a
wedded wife, be eloquent, clever m juggling, fearless,
but have enemies to contend with
cf urcra?i

prcgfitfa i
Si. 31-32 3TEUfsKUTin tS‘l 1

#5 us<it ^hri. i

ujMiafcwit ^^pgrwgga: 11

nw^-fawnwi: ^irg; 11 3? (I

Sloka 31. the Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and


Venus be in conjunction, the person who has his birth

in the yoga will be free from every care or sorrow, will
command an army and horses, and be restlessly moving
about after women not his own. If the planets associa-
ted in the qwriftf (Panchagraha yoga) be the Sun, Mars,
Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn, the effect of the yoga on
the person born is that he will have to eat begged food
and wear dirty and tattered clothes.

cf. mtrati

wft qfgVRT: 1

^rnfsmtffigwt jurctfitfoga-.: tain. 11

ftsri sic nptt 1

'Ijpt: gsng i%5"n TTTPHR-n

• 5r-ira:

M *- M l Vtl '7 ^ 1 1 M M 0 M 0*7^ M

I ' i
II ^ ||

Sloka 32. The person whose birth

is m t he vast
formed by Mars, Mercury, Jupiter,
Venus and Saturn
being in one bhava will be honorable,
pro'icient in tb
arts, have to do greatly with the
UrUTVrtTrrrh Adh VIII.

and will be
mcnt m the lot® of death and captivity
sickly the Sun, Mars, Meicury,
Venus and Saturn
yoga), the effect
be associated in a wnsn'm (Panchagraha
of the highest
upon the person born is that he will be
rank, but have much miseiy, danger
and disease to
endure and be famished

"WTpvpTO’iraT 5#RU 1

ft sit II

sutftfttRftfei fttpmaisftj i

aqft §fts II

Tntii'ddi tn?RTiSiTi^raqia;-

tRTV 1 fj T'lhtTT.Kd tT2M t I

tfft? ii w ii

Sloka 3'. If the five planets, th- Moon, Mara,

Jupiter, Venus and Saturn combine and produce a yoga
the person bom in it will be a menial servant, without
wealth, shabbily dressed, ver/ ignorant and thievish
The person at whose birth, the Sun, Mars, Mercury,
Jupiter and Saturn are in conjunction, will be famed
his feats of physical energy in the enjoyment of
in toy mgs in the form of a lock «»•* (Yanthra)

Sftft >£s nf?=iRRtef3!$ii) |

tnftl till

Ifft sftrsntf
SI. 34-35 sf£*frs\3ire: 623

In the latter half of this slolta, the planets forming the com •

bmation should he the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn

instead of the Sun, Mnrs, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn which has
already been dealt with in sloia 31 supra. Farther, the effect
given for this combination more or less tallies with that given in

the 2nd oF the two slokas from (Saravali) quoted above.

mgl W& 5PI5R


Sloka 84 The person who has his birth in the

yoga formed by the five planets the Sun, Mercury,

Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, will be wise, versed in
sacred books and of a virtuous character and conduct
such as gods and reverend seniors always approve of.
If the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus

together in a bhava, the person born

under such
influence be
will virtuous, hippy, very wealthy,
powerful and learned.

btw U's’ri ^ I

qiw: isrefill- : II

u jfcjT.wto'ZfW* ii

toi 'pni fnwi’^ zfifi'fsjH?: wrii s?rn H IMi

Slain 35 . Ifthe five planets, the Moon, Mercury,
Jupiter, Venus and Saturn be together
one bhava, m
will be honoured
the person born under their influence
and have
every where. He will hive defective vision

526 snTTTTftarft Adh. VIII.

Meteury, Venus and Saturn will be insignificant,

engaged in works not his own, afflicted with consump*

If the
tion and dryness of the nose and despicable
Sun, the Moon, Mara, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn be the
six planets jointly producing the yoga, the person whose
birth is influenced by it will be a king's councillor,
bereft of the joys which wife, children and wealth give,
but calm and contented

stra: ftmvnjfea'fl-

T3: wiiww'i W"ra>< areai I

srjjPi: fifor* iVng f^ra:

Jmfaifiriw<r ii ^u
Sloka 39 When the Sun is in the several signs
beginning with Mesha, the effect on the person born is
in order (1) that he will have small wealth , (2) he will
delight in music , (3) his mind will be full of care
regarding the acquisition of learning and wealth ; (1) he
will be ignorant , (5) he will be versed in th** several
arts and be clever , (C) he will be devoted to the acqui-
sition of money
(7) he will b e dari ng (8) he will be

esteemed he will be a petty trader, (10) he will bev

, (9)
clever m
every kind of exercise (11) he will be lacking, i

m such joys as children and children s children give,

.land (12) he will prosp-r by such industries as
u tural operations carried on by irrig ation
cf X.VIII —slokas — l

TisriiPTt i

Si. 40-41

fst g ft&iTOt firaifi: goi

5ii% ^rangi gumt ^qrssjTi tow ii «» n
Sloka 40 ]f Mars occupy his own sign at a
person's birth, the latter will get wealth from a king,
from agriculture and from his wandering about in
pursuit of other such occupation If Mars be m a Rasi
owned by Venus, *
the person bom will set his mind on
sensual enjoyment ,
the effect of Mars' presence in a
sign belonging to Mercury is that the person
such influence will speak in a dejected tone, if the
planet be in Kataka the person born will become
king’s favourite and have much wealth If Mars'll
position be in Sunha, at a person's birth, the latter will
he in possession of secure wealth In a Rasi belonging!
to Jupiter, Mars makes the person born triumphant
over his foes and possessed of comfort and happiness.
In Kumbha, the presence Mars has the effect of
m akmg the person concerned served by bad people
And lastly when Mars is in Makar a, the person born is
either a king or his equal

c/ HWCBFT XVIII— slokas 5—
*$% TOsgitTOT! faTO? gal
RSifTOST <3# I

utotow gureiWr
iSra&HB TOnjI fipft <Wmi II II

Sloka 41 A person will be poor if at his birth

Mercury be in a house of Mars , learned if in a house
of Venus happy if Mercury be
, in Mithuna , will dissi*
pate w his ealth if the planet be in Kataka ,
will be

MS Adh vm.
henpecked if Mercury be in Simha , will have virtues
in abundance and be exempt from dangers if Mercurv
occupy Kanya, a kings favourite if in Dhanus ,^a
11 subdued servant if in Meena , an artisan and a menial
servant of another if m a house of Saturn
If 5*7^1 be the readme instead of the translation will
be 'will get rid of all bis troubles

cf f«»3lpn; XVIII—-si okas 8—1

^rcatgetim: gft
'W:lt ldd*t |

ire rnni gfj

urorikani sot'): ii n
Sloka 42 If Jupiter be in a sign cf Mars at the
birth of a person, the latter will be
superior to others
.n his army wealth and sons, highly
virtuous and
bountiful, if in a sign of Venus, the person
will be energetic if in a sign of
, Mercury, be will have
a large follow, ng of friend, if
Jup, tcr bs ln Kata|i

the person born will be wise

and rich ,n sons ,1 , n

tr! C ,n ' d W,1 ‘ C"
S’et b?m rb
the planet be Simha, the person
,0y l« P»«»™
alfected will become
,f Jup , t
0C CU P>' a
(Swakshetra), the
person born willI be a king
or on a par w„h a
krng If
in the depression sign
Mahara the person
Will be a wanderer and have
a careworn

of Will — slokas 12 13
SI. 13-44 620


^ftaigorefaijra; ifonsnrafera n a? n
Shka 4-* According to the position of Venus m
the several signs from Mesha onwards, <-he per©on born
will be respectively 0 ) a gallant , ( ) wielding large
influence due to the possession of fortune, genius,

friends and kindred, (*) learned, wealthy and wise,

4 5 will follow
( ) cowardly , ( ) will have dull sons , (*}

courses of conduct prescribed for people lowest the m j|


social scale, (’) will be a king’s favourite, ( ) will be ,

served hy a set of bad women, ( ) will become a lord
of men, (j^) will have enjoyments, ( ) will become 1

u will be possessed of
to unmarried
girls ( )

fortune, learning, worth and amiable manners

cf XVIII— slofcas 14—16

faf Hiraw
strfs jpijdranpfterfli t

sira: TnifiraT frfrci^

Kfiwa ini^raraw n n

Saturn occupy Mesha or any of the

Sloka 44 If

other signs taken in order, the person born will respec-

tively be (‘) stupid (') will not have much wealth !

will be bereft of money, sons and intelligence ( )
( )

will be banished from the joys derivable irom the kind

care of a mother CJ will be disreputable ( ) will have \l
very little wealth and very few children (’) will be
the leader of a community, town or village ( ) will

have a cruel heirt (°) will enjoy the dignity attaching v

to the possession of children, wife and riches [“) will*
630 smrrTTTfar^ Adh VIII.

11 11
be liked by his sovereign ( ) will have wealth ( ) will

surpass in energy and other hingb virtues.

cf is.im XV11I— slolas 17—19

ihJdllWT'H ^ TWTf^Ctf^TJ I


S fo/u 45. An intelligent astrologer should weigh

well in his mind the effect of the Moon's presence in
the several zodiacal signs beginning with Meshi as well
as in the Amsas (suet) belonging thereto and then declare
the result of his deliberations

qiqism ’FWtumft ssiWi

ara: g^gunrtq tiflftjiqi I

iwiNIr 5
qiwtrs ’Eq^sr^irn'era: 11 n
46 1When a planet is aspected by a malign
out, the person born under its influence suffers
bad ailments and is without the virtues, worth
and fame which a person of his birth and social
ought to have If a planet be associated
with a malign
one, the effect is that the person born under such influ
cncc has a hankering after oth»r people s wealth and
women, is harsh of sp .ch, fraudulently
minded and

anqqgif«ii<fl gispjsq: |

'riwrotm s'i*rra£mil

u 8SS

SI, 47-48 «reW$wiW 53

Sloka 47. A person born under the influence of a

planet aspected by a propitious one will have children,
riches and enjoyments, will be handsome, honored by
his sovereign and exempt from humiliation or disgrace.
If the planet influencing a birth be associated with a
benignant one, the person born will be triumphant over
his foes in this world, conform to the duties and practt'
ces appertaining to his birth and social position, and be
shrewd enough to understand (ascertain) the unexpressed
wishes of others by their outward Indications

^ Wm ^$1%:
n?K wsraft: JtiwsFnra ^Vi rfiji (!) writ i

fra am
fP gmlrtn^ *ik: ’rwi »<:

Sloka 48 When the Moon occupying Mesha is

aspected by the c everat planets beginning with Mars
and ending with the Sun, the person born under auchjl
influence will respectively be a king a man of learning, II
a person equal in status to a king, one endowed with
every amiable quality, a thief, and a beggar If the |i

Moon be in Vrishibha, and Mars aspect it, the person

1 orn will be one bereft of property if Mercury be the ,

aspecting planet, the person born will be a judge, if

Jupiter, an hononble person , if Venus, a king , if

Saturn, a monied person ,

if the Sun, one of a servant'

class. If the Moon be in Mithuna and the several

aspecting planets be tak^n in the same order as before,
the person born in thejseverai cases will respectively be,
one defective in some limb, a king an intelligent and
sagacious person, a brave person, a villainous wretch,
and a poor man
632 Adh, VIII.


seems to be the correct reading in the 3rd patla
of the si oka. cf. Brihatjataha XIX— 1. The translation t> ill then
be “ If the Moon be in Vrishabha, and Mercury be the aspectiog

planet, the person born will be a thief &c.


imgrci H^Tfcl l

*i ,
iftr ttpwft Tftit rfe ire ii

From this, it nould seem tliat in place of
was the original reading.

^fafrra*-. i

tnu^fes: J-Hfg 5lf5Tf% >J3t& ||

^RlfrsrBTI: Bgrro

SFirette I


wit ’ssre a«n*w. «

wRif.'-if^fai^ ^if^i n; |

r’rfcfew?’! Prftftra ireffi li

aFRgirey toriM pRrrafi?i«j i

f|TO^ *rfipn & TOR: ||

|| ^ ||

wtPrt W ^WtRifisj^: n

3 ^f| ?i,


mfhi *Tt5^ sjii 5i5vj

^ ||

ai? =ot>iR[^ stsf^fia

^31^^ ,|

Jpg® OTt
5^ „

SI. 40 •TCBreotra: 533


RfiRawtan* ftcrfwl qR 515ft 553 11

WS'knfe# ?W SR ff?r *? gft'kR 1

^g3?s: srcft f5ft u n , „

s^pr uroi ftsft wif?# gsrfreii. 1

ai%:fa<w«<n$ #.shi*f5 : 11

§# ftlft *Rft 11

«wtflR!l35I0 55ft SJTOffta ^ #i T I

uftTOm^ %ft 5<pftRra«F3 : ||

ft?waram fiwra gsm’wffcs'R 1

fRi 5ifttraft=f #lft sfftM ftgft u


afar 5# aw ggsft 11

5# rR 1

*1# #firai ft# 5lf¥lRl3«I'?: II II ^ II

5t%r gnigag^NisihsKt STtwg;

^ra%rog\iqfftwRM hsrhrs I

^11 afepnT; w
firr: arfi fti: raw
$RRt «lMt fft^l HS(RT RRwrara: g*fl o\
Sloka 49. If the Moon be aspected
in Kataka
severally by the six planets from Mars taken in order,
the persons born in the six cases will respectively be
valiant, honorable, endowed with the highest poetical
working in iron, and suffering
talent, of royal rank,
from ophthalmia. If the Moon be in Simha under the il
lame aspects, the person born will respectively be a
Adh. VIII.

fang, one speaking 1

-amedly, a wealthy man, a king, a
If the Moon be
wicked person and one that is mighty
the several planets taken
m Kanya and be aspected by
born in the several cases
m the same order, the person
respectively wealthy, mighty, lordly, learned,
will be
badly behaved and in easy comfortable circumstances

wfew '1-1 Hlfft-i lUilRT. llfl 1

fi.il SPlft 5 F5 t ife’Sl 5111? II II

5jj feirilf rngirfos fin *31 .


%fewftfililii#ltlft Vstt 11 II

iiri mfft giftffti writ i>j| [

ngniM-i giafii flWnim i ii

ijfta TOigsB SRlfft ir? sfcufRB I

gRmgiri iifiainiirflitrFiin ||

sflTlIvt'StllftSrltlT 1111 515ft flft I

ireef ft 5 iOTim; win 11

auwgis ifc 1151(10 fsWTfaii qiin i

nfiii fs <sgi wffil i=st ii ihn ll n s n

rjiBiga gift slrgsgi 151H5 ftlin 1



w f?i| niti fttja

gftfttwmi fft|


www fin nfttvi gqfiftnf |

Sift jfti e£l lignilmftii!

sifftin g-?in qyttn ipiitut

^ n
1 1

gift iVsi^ gOTn^tn fi> II

SI. 60 wenwamn 535

ftfiipifi gafawi g.st i

grafts hi? 57ft gw?e: 11

'63'T.qqft g^ftsgaqa iftft 1

Kftsft am sm ga%##w?n; =5 515ft n 11 5 II

s-rraterai i»Hi 3 qgtamri ftfftiB-Twfoiq. 1

asmim ^fisai Hwlflft 515ft sf-ft 11

fwirmq i?ma mima ftftia gftti a 1

m«iim jjafet mgpffte 515ft 55ft 11

flapssbIj ftafqa gang 1 .

3 Tfa 5t'i ppmm qaqfa faj<n gftfliasi-a.: n

spgSHKq gftlft qqgicW IT^ftHTfft H |

«FHWt g«aet amifft ftmnfcm «PS: II

armqi qgm{ ftfiHisTOHiPFm«n®ig 1

flaaftgrfaagfca 55ft gg°iT fftfi{*ra«~r: 11

asFjfi qfij gqrcflmmKjii g^fs^qq. 1

iF*rmi ws.- 5ftqtnimi 515ft 11 II $ n

iiwft 3HiKgg^T^i^5r'55Hi^

¥ksj 51151W {aqia.Ra.P6t qisriSpit qftmjsg

qWi iqmftmt gqraqfgm gvmas?: II V II

Sloka 50. When Moon

Thula is aspccted
the in
wizThWy by \\yc. Yrcncttt. jkmtfn, Mtrccsy, J’opi/ltt -aod
Venus, the persons born in the several cases will be
respectively a king, a mint-master and a merchant. If
the Moon in Thula be aspccted severally by Mars, the
Sun and Saturn, the person born in each case will be
impotent. If the Moon occupy the sign Scorpio and be
636 Adh. VIII.

severally aspccted by the planets taken in order from

Mercury, the person born in the several cases will be
(') aman with two fathers and two mothers ( ) a
favorite of the king, ( ) a mean-wretch, ( 4 ) a sickly
person, ( ) a poor man, (*) and a minister of a king.

(Vaochakaha) is another reading for (Pandafcaha)
in the 2nd pada of the sloht

cf. gttFP*l

*kkk =KifKfiKJK Kmirosii; b i

'kk’iR n
bn §5 i

tfiMwwrssrn wfa K^fwiq^: u

S8I JKK 'JSlfeiq H>?ilKKKFKH, |

35n<ft n
*Rnfil ?m 'jpfi %bjj ; i

BB^sras ^ar% krk 5# n

^Pfttok 5KB iwfiaimKKiPKa sn?m |

sjflfiw- H

RTOfii gURflK
^ |

mg: || || « „
S# #ft'K skkzkkk ^ |

ftKTCBtsfiKcKFg; gtgiftj

5# KKffoq gfWi |

!jnnlK KKt BKW )jfq%q I,

*RgmHBrR BUSKfiK n ^ ,
SI. 61 atwls'ntnr: 537

«fe S# #75^ H ftcHFa =1 I

5OTt seisfenSr ftnwl VFRi s II

utfcmSRcfHg'Pi wifdHVreiaift? $Z I

gtfafcnftrami swift ii

tffana =<nfttww ^ =? i

smmtwsf mwi ^5pn: -ife ll tu It

qg^f ®n?iEi% ram^ifm^hsisist: I

-ffl gRlfclfttaVTI Ffftm: 'FTT^T F1T3 IIH? II

Sloka SI. When the Moon occupies Dhanus and

has the aspect of benefic planets upon it, the person

born will have plenty of learning, wealth, wisdom, fame

and strength. V/ hen the Moon in Dhanus is aspected
by Mars, the Sun or Siturn, the person born under Buch
influence will be an arbitrator in a court and addicted
to courtesans,

c/. uruyel

•pftwsi $5S 5jj

^ 1

tnFH’resFSRwra^is ’^ ^ 5 1 ii

g=nnft ires gin at?3iinWi IWl. i

Tiift ll
^FPJfrgi'rja tttftgiira:
; l!
di-^ait ?mftiTftv3f^iiR.f is
i i

«p?B> ftKifirriffrapi ^ 5^ ii

= 3
aT3>Pt^ fW jefitraei tfcr“l 1| i

fgetigr^pt|ftrha'rutT I:
3 !fht ;i tf^t II

gftwr#i fl cf^a gw ’prm^i -t i

*nVgft3W life: ipflifl^: ll

638 3jrcT^Trft5lT% Adh VIII.

fsPHifp 3f«n swufe stan. I

?i$vt aVifea *r# )) » «, 11

*rcn ^Maftsjq; spft fasji I

svnfcusr^ terw 11 hr n
Stoka 62 When the Moon id Makara is severally
aspected by the planets taken in order from Mercury,
the persons born in the several cases will be respectively
(faking ( ) a ruler of the earth ( 3 ) a learned man
( ) a neb person 5 6
( ) a beggar and ( ) a lord

wre i fam*i wtci qsftira i

fqspiq qtfeA ^oit


a»ftK <nqf5 §«W 'apTfPpl w JWH I

aw qrfeis=3 ii

>j& qqiwfte aT^qnf^i 5| |

pqfil sb g?nf|(i ftp ii

=Ti%fl ap p 3rra^ |

qgiRpfp pqft U

rt ^ |

'Sjq}f?irOT=£ ||

wh atP figgp wsiftfiiti«m


ftwRpre ^ ? ,
|| I, n
Priri^ ^njitpu |

3n ',!
|| ,
Slofeo 53 The effect nn
Moon in Kumbha be.n’ " JT™. b° m ° f the
Si. 64 srgjftsezrrzr: 539

aspected by malefic planets makes the person that has

his birth under the influence a libertine,


STfirtf^Tf?! 1 H I

ftdWiJt 'ETOR: W1: II

jljsfewiw si^5?^lf%3>ragi3; i

flTO Qttfi $¥§3*1*%: II

armitomTjw tftafift? ftq s gidfam; i

ttafrrcip m wt® srcft |*t il

nm&Ri&’it *rrc smimnm ^ i

S?5| qffrvnro mg reft SR n

msn. i

5# wft fifcRmt wfcwiggn


ugma to flwte. i

pimmPwia 415ft "ft tftfras n u \ \ H

¥t-m gurftf^ ftroi* crafirot >^;

trmWif^ tot^ttk qmmst smitf l

mmlt ^ftRra
ENft stmt *mft ^ n hs n

Sloka 54, the Moon in Mccni is aspected

by benefic planets, the person born will be a learned
king, fond of mirth. the Moon in the same Rasi be
aspected by malefic planet9, the effect of this on the
person born he will be foul-mouthed and evil-
is that

minded. When the Moon occupying a malefic Amsa is

aspected by malefic planets, the person born will be
wicked and licentious- If the Amsa occupied by the
SI. 55 548

have already stated in si oka 3 stipra that Moon '•onjunction Saturn

is bad.

(6) The Sun aspectmg the Moon in

Aries will make the person born a beggar

Taurus cne of a servant class
Gemini a poor man
Cancer suffering from ophthalmia
Leo mighty
Virgo one in com forlable circ uni
Libra impotent
Scorpio a poor man
Sagittarius an arbitrator in court and
addicted to courtezans
Capricorn a beggar
Aquarius a libertine
Pisces foul mouthed ^nd evil minded
AH opposition of the Sun to the Moon is bad except when
the Moon is in Leo The Sun will then be in Aquarius and
aspectmg his own house
What is true of the Moon is also true of the Lagna So says
Varahamihira in his Brihatjatal a (XVIII —20)
All squares or oppositions between the Moon and any malefic
Is bad Similarly, all squares and oppositions between the Lagna
and any malefic is bad So also conjunctions of malefics with the
Moon or the Lagna is bad except Sun conjunction Moon
All conjunctions between malefics are bad (c/ slokas 1, 2, 4,
8 supra as also Western astrologers)


Sloka 65 The effect upon a Rasi

of an aspect
must be held to apply likewise to its Amsa. The Rasis
as well as their Atnsas when aspcctcd by or associated
with benefic planets become benefic or auspicious.
644 Adh, VIII.

irfirat irat =? rnf^ra soi I

nfim fjnfflT?! tftqfaftftBi ^ af¥wi, II

qu^kl 7TK rt'4M(S5 |tl»iMI -111! g(31 !u vd

l IJ
Idvmiift ffocSipil 4TldtVcJ.! l4t ^ifkM ?RI I

Ufa sfoicr n^'Rt #forct. H K$ it

Sloka 56 Sun be in the Lagnabhava, the

If the
person born will have few sons, lead a life of ease, be
cruel, eat sparingly, with defective vision, be given to
boasting in the battle-field, well bred and acquainted
with the histrionic art But if theSun be in the ccal
tation sign also the effect of it on the person born 15
that he will delight m the acquisition of
knowledge and
virtue, be possessed of good vision, fame and
ijdence If the Sun occupying the Lagna
be in Mcena
the person born will be waited upon and
served by
'females but if the Lagna in which the
Sun is be
identical with Simha, the effect of
it on the person
is that he will be night blind
but possessing good

^ ^ir f^^Rt PiVitsfc
aft ffqferwqq

S q "
Also w-lfcn


^ (
SI. 57-53 BiS

totera tout fto nfiftt f%5Ji=^ guru,

urfe%?a> ftauwct uraRprui w. n

The Sun m Leo causes blindness at night In Cancer, the
Sun causes cataract in the eye* The Sun in Libra causes blind
ness The Sun in the Lagna causes some defect in eye'

5F*T*T <nra1fr 3 I

«rcr ^ n Hu n
Sloka 57. When the waning Moon occupies the
Lagna the p*rson born will be deaf, defective in some
limb and a mental servant If the Moon the above m
position be also in conjunction with a malefic planet,
there will be no born and he will
vitality in the person
soon be dead If the Moon in the Lagna be in its exal

tation or own house, the effect of it is that the person

born will have abundance of wealth, fame and much
beauty. If the Moon in the Lagna be full, the person
born will attain long life and become learned
cf ££»>HcPfi

jjft'uuusrtotoftt to nuT^to
<a,iitoiu to it

Also TrflftliT

ftu to to
toa stornu. uift fttoi ?um ii

uui uruftottottouto uni $n sun

ftoftorn stow ntto I

sift auto ftoigru^toi to sn-m;

uto unwuji u<Ruto ftstoto 5jift ll hc ll


Sloka 58 The person born with Mars in the first

bhava will be cruel, daring, given to wandering, very
fickle and sickly if the planet va the first bhava be

iMereury, the effect on th* person born will be that he

be devoted to the acquisition of learning, wealth,

\Wtue and religion if Jupiter occupy the Lagna the


person born will be long lived, and have knowledge

untainted, wealth and beauty if Venus should be in
the first bhava, the influence on the person born will
be that he will libidinous lovely m mien, blessed
with a wife and children, and learned
Tit IT Him II
# (TTR II sfa fllSR. 11

Rtftgm gfeia *ias^ II

HuagKfafftsrqig!?:^ mi?® 11

ti tutrrit a5?irai>i<iw n
50T»n^TR. fVlHTOT ?R 3l\ RlrRR H
rn\ 5F3?#ti g%iin tNgi *rilf3 Tfi n

Hifr-fH'' 1!: gipnfiRTO »irai Stjtfigjra i-ui’i: 11 n

Sloka 59. The ellect of Saturn occupying the first
bhava at a person's birth is that he will have stinking
nostrils, suffer from fistula of an advanced type and
have a defective limb but
the first bhava occupnd
, if

by Saturn be the planets craltation sign, the

bom will be a kings peer amiable for his
virtues, and endowed with long life
cf f^T’Trrr
tsrasrol fnt mroiitstiimfeuf
SI. 60-61 stetrtssirra 847

fiigm flftggtramwflqrj: I

jjfififiteFT aiogn gftgrajthf n

Also irstfftoi

<al% STtq<n% f^fooiisjFqi

<?%s5;j| oifo ^snftoiq i

Trtg J wiWtfea qq qi?%

<5lforaj <3151% RfeMTS^Hiq ||

to <nTroHR%^5irat w naomfff g fm"i I

TOf ffeo IR^fl^igr-i: flVqpgg IR'TOR'fl'm'i II S° II

Sloka 60 When Rahu occupies the Lagm, the

person b^rn will be cruel, without compassion or moral
virtue in his nature and suffering from ailments , whend
Ketu occupies the Ligna, the person born will be sickly i

and very avaricious, but if the Rihu or Ketu in the I

Lagna be aspe^ted by a benefic planet, the person |

concerned will have princely enjoyments

Cf. 'TrS^lWTI

PlT^cl ft* %*T*T *WI3PC I 'fHT II

diw tic TTUft I


Stola Cl Rahu occupying the Legni in the sign

owned by the Sun, piomotes princely enjoyment in the
mtdbt of affluence Ketu produces longstanding wealth
and offspring when occupying the Lagna in a house
belonging to Saturn.

m 'atM+'wfcn^ Adh. VIII.

ii HsftoUi f

<prif *FCTTOiffiftmft i^k* ^

Slota 62. When the Sun is in the 2nd bhava,
possessed of property
the person born will be liberal,
in minerals, cherish even ill-wishers
and will be
eloquent. II the Moon be in the 2nd bhava, the effect
fond of women, beloved,
is that the person born will b:
speech, shrewd at guessing the covert
ot agreeable
purpose i ot others, fond of study and possessed of riches.

TORig3$r=F.'flAWi fit farart

g^niStri^5ft0g"RHCingi g£ I

tpm g?t

ftiiTO^srtPiara^igiPfiMM tim'd 11 ^ n

Sfofca 03. Mars b; in the 2nd bhava, the person


born will engage m much wandering m the pursuit of

metallurgy and agriculture, and will be hot tempered
ifMercury be in that bhava, the person botn will be
virtuous and have much wealth and moral worth discer-
ningly acquired if the planet in the 2nd
, bhava be
Jupiter, the person born under such influence will be
eloquent, command
comfortable meals, have vast wealth
and bestow liberal If Venus occupy the same

bhava, the person born will have leirning, gallantry,

personal graces and much wealth

smpiwfl ^ 5 San;:
MraM srcmral M-jJf i^vii

S/oiu 01. But it Saturn be in the 2nd bhava, the

a 65 54$

person born will be untruthful, thoughtless, vagrant, in'j

digent and deceitful , if Rahu be m that bbava, the

person born will be quarrelsome if the occupant of the;

2nd bhava be Ketu, the person born will be a public

According to Varahamihira, the Sun or Saturn in the 2nd
house will make the person immensely rich, but will cause some
defect or other in the face or teeth, while the RIoon the m same
position will givehim a large family. Mars »n that bhava will
make him eat food, Mercu*y in the 2nd bhava will make the
native rich while Venus or Jupiter will make him eloquent or

ftnaftatfiwfw wfawi 'otto (<jtO n

<raf& swrfeft. u

(?) faerattoi n

titql Hfaterciiw gggt ft? (sft) 'Pi -Tift?: II


ftgJiW'P?? (wl) switP? ? tsn-

QFmlmqsm II

s^tftEg’s^n'l (*$) wit: g1?! II

$?fe sin. wrafwa sst *ppi: ii

ii unfair it

ujt wtit pit

^ ^gP-rt: 1

^Fmi^til^isRprrat Cniisg^ gg n ll
5S0 Adh. m
Sloka G5. When the Sun is in the 3rd bhava, the.
person born will be brave* served by bad men, veryj
wealthy and liberal ; when the Moon occupies the
bhava representing younger brothers, the person born
will have insignificant wealth, be kind to relatives and
virtuous With Mira m
the 3rd bhava, the person
born becomes famous, of immense prowess, and of up-
right (uncrookcd) views , but when Mercury occupies
the 3rd bhava, the person born is bent on the practice
of deception, of vagrant habits, excessively vacillating
and miserable

sft ’ravrc:

3Pfi ottptcs nq't q>ifi#ra: I

slot I 66 The person born with
guff || ^ ||

Jupiter in the
3rd bhava becomes indigent, henpecked and
addicted to
/evil , if Venus be in the 3rd bhava,
the person born
speaks fretfully, is vicious and controlled by his wife
The person taking birth when Saturn occupies the
XHirr ( BhratrubhavaJ
eats sparingly and
wealth, moral worth and ercellent
family traits , when
Rahu is in the place of valour (3rd
bhavaj, the person
born becomes very valiant and

anti wealthy
' ““
rieh and if Ketu be
,n ,


Rlpmfaq: tjtfi:


SMa 67.
Venus n
gjgf qfr
the Jrd
n n ^
and the Cth bhavas
causes sorrow, diseases and danger. Tl.e Lme planet
SI. 68 651

in the same position may become benefic when m

advance of the Sun (when appearing as an Evening Star).
The effects stated in Bnhat Jitaka
for the Sun, Mars and
Saturn bhava are good as they make the native intelli-
in the 3rd

gent and strong. The Moon m the 3rd house will make one cruel
while Mercury in that position will turn him a consummate rogue.
Jupiter and Venus when in that bhava mike him stingy.

(ijq;) n

n?tf«r (^) n

gqft sqgqlsgSt @sr) n

5jj: otth: gHfswdg: wwtsV’ig'® @*0 n

m?: W- SalcIS?*! (gS) II

fiRTOpm? wi OgY) ii

fegfisw q yjYq qqqft Kfigaflraa fei ^ II

grqt attiftftq?) ^Hfii w ‘4

Praslft (a$i 11

wrct: smnrateq nigral II

u n
id’ll vnniif’isi%ri53! m: uwi rd

ftstraftaguiPiai <rnV,s
5 q?gdlw: ’firam: irfan*
^^ I

*rqi Tfara: II II

Sloka 68. When the Sun is in the (Sukha

4th) bhava, the person bom will suffer from heart disease,
will lack money, corn and common sense and will be
hard-hearted. If theMoon be in that bhava, the effect
thereof is that the person born will possess learning,
Adh. VIII.

good nature and prosperity, but will hanker after other

people's wives. The person born with Mara in the
(Bandhu 4th) bhava will be bereft of relations, and
hen pecked, though valiant. If Mercury be in that bha
va, the person born will be a forlorn creature without
friends or relatives, while growing up to be a pandit
distinguished for sterling knowledge and affluence.

TOS Spill I

’jjgq qft q^qra II ^ II

Sloka 69 When Jupiter occupies the 4th bhava,

the person bom will be eloquent, wealthy and possessed
of comfort, fame, strength and personal beauty, but of a
crafty disposition When Venus is in that bhava the'
person born will be over-ruled by his
wife though
making much (boasting) of his comforts,
fame, wealth
intelligence and learning

W qs5qifqqq(;RTsfi %qj ^ qqiqqj^ t ,

Sloka ,0 When S,turn 15 tn the 4th bhava

peteon bct-n Wllbe lacking *“
1 the
m the obscrva „
scribed for his caste, will
be crafi-v p
to h„ mother When
person born will keep in
Rahu Ts „ P ° 51tlon the
the seclusion f \

wives and such others as ,eI Rll ° h

stand a ? 'M
him and when Ketu rcIatl ° 1' to
13 m e __ lSukhs
IC , ,
*th) bhava
the person born will be
a reviler .
' ol other
P«>ple (scandal-
SI. 71 WSRlsiam? 653

Brihat Jataka

if tie Sun Mars or Saturn occupy the 4th housethe person

born will have no happiness and will be troubled in mind If the
Moon Jupiter or Venus should be pvSited in that I ouse the person
will be happy Mercury in that position will make the native

g# %'it amt gs£ (-.^) flgSEt§R*rat n

(5%) n
mm mm m%(sv)
(#) n

gi? (Til) n

5 ¥t^i^i?<nwigfi3al spf# (w\) ii

(#) | ssrflgr? n3 ,
4*?Tf?rr-gcJt n
RtfoqiRWigiRR (fenl) 'RJJSfMfe;?! II

II TlfraL II

mrntife: i

H^tfa’llTOMRT RHRft R.|q II Il

Sloka 71 A
person born with the Sun tn the 6th
bhava will be a courtier with an unsteady mind and
will sojourn abroad. When the Moon occupies the
(Puthra bhava, 5th I, the person born will be
high minded, rich, compassionate and di)i j<.ntly bent on
dong what has b’en determined upon after deep
deliberation i

554 SUSFWTttSTTtf Adh. VIII.

jsftsjsismayiifaist fr-roi

wnl «RT =5 ^ <tsrag v«ra I

nffFtq;^«3d: ggtr lr II «3 . 11

Sioka 72. If at a person’s birth, Mars occupy the

5th bhava, the person born will be cruel, of wandering
habits, restless, daring unrighteous, voluptuous and
wealthy ,
if Mercury be in the (Putra, 5th) bhava,
the person born will be proficient in eacred texts and
in the art of overcoming foes by magic spells and will
be blessed with a family cf wife and children, wealth,
learning, fame and strength

goft favrrammfetg:
aCTWr: g?rcrftint i

fcngtSfuRKUiwl ^ ga; n n
Sloka 73 Clever in counsel, virtuous,
of choice riches but with a paucity
of sons, will the
person be at whose birth Jupiter
occupies the 5th
house, if Venus be that bhava, the person
born will
have good sons, friends, wealth,
much beauty and (be
the master ofj command an army and '


*fiwT13TO! ggf|

bhava will be »'!> Saturn in

s iveo, unhappy and
the 5th
SI* 75 555

but virtuous and victorious over his enemies when , ft

Rahu is in the 5th house, the person born will be

cowardly, compassionate and poor when Ketu is in

that bhava, the effect on the person born is that he will

b* crafty, dreading water and ailing very much
Brihat Jataha
any one of the nnlefics
If {viz the Sun Mars or Saturn)
should occupy the 5th house the person concerned will be child
less and without wealth if tl e Moon b~ in the 5th house he will

have children Mercury in that position will tnal e him a minister

Jupiter and Venus in the 5th house will male (he native intelli
gent and happy respectively

giftWiPHPPnn (rfy 11

gyit iraNt ga-ifr (*f¥) n

g!r (f^r/ n

frrwWraw ngtgajat nrPcrs impr (Si) n

tagat 3?t?raPH> 'ikH. gaf>r u

snafetrsR 31 gqftRirro ro=i?3 (gft) ii

*13=15213) h* u
STO* sraulnfwH'ftei (Mr) Cv^fii * in 11

gyr rra’EPTtsfti'iH'} issrai imro frrfsi 1

315*151 qfrPBfeifti# g!f znitsfii |gfj {^ig; n

Sloka 75 If at the birth of a person the Sun

occupy the Gth blnva, the person born will be lustful,

brave, honored by kings, full of self esteem, renowned

656 Adh. VIII.

..and opulent, if the waning Moon be in the Gth bhnva,

if it be full Moon,
\1 the person born will be short lived ,

the person born will be very voluptuous and long lived

Wifi fll'dW:

^^araftdi srfs&sfatii n il

Sloka 7 When Mars is in the Gth bhava, the\


person born will own property, exterminate foes, have

'a powerful appetite, b* opulent and enjoy fame and
[strength, when Mercury occupies that bhava, the
person born will b: instructive, amusing, quarrelsome,
but friendly, void of morality and abstaining from all

beneficence to his relatives

wfi firaiR^sffrdsifc^
^ fiya i

wifi m"! wRi siym! il isis ||

SM 77 The person born with Jupiter in the 1

6th bhava will be lustful, victorious over foes but weak


when Venus is in that bhava, the person born

suffer from sorrow and calumny, when Saturn
the . th bhav, the person bom ltI w
b . g I uttono
afraid ol troublesome opponents, lecherous
and wealthy.
Tift fiyaOTd
R ^ .

fijJt s,y t || isd n

SJoia 78 If l^abu bi in
the GtK inis-. •

born will be of good birth, subdue

f,„ f

SI. 79 557

life, and be very happy; Ketu occupy that bbava, the

person bom will be kind to his relatives and renowned
for his generous virtues and illustrious erudition.

Brihat Jatal.a.
the Sun, Mars or Saturn occupy the Gth bhava, the person

concerned will be powerful, but will be overpowered by his

enemies. If the Moon be in that house, he will have many
enemies, will be of a delicate constitution and will have a dyspep.
tic appetite. His sexual passion will be weak and lie will be

harsh m temperament and indolent m his work. If Mercury,

Jupiter or Venus be m the 6th bhava, the native will be without

sPiagfliffliRpi: ($:; gjqqqlsgqqq.

SRB>T?,3: sitmg (5%) 3?: ||

’rotfl (5^1 RqqainqsqTfqiftftfr n

(5*1) qR*ia qj: ||

fivipqq 513 (gsf.; gqfii^lqq fisiq.

3515ft sfVnPim w II

*n=ft ftq> (*ftsr) n

fi-OTjflfilfstn ngv^fwif- ng: $ia (fill) u

shiqqwpi afqfl: (%sl) qfe 93 ^nftqw*fqsftlft;'I, II


#S ???$&, mati.
^ *sr*m
mras ^iufW3
*?i*r-ii*) i

Sloka 79. When the Sun occupies the 7ch bhava

658 Adh. VIII.

at a person’s birth, he will hate womankind and be

exceedingly wiathful and wicked , when the Moon is

in that bhava, the effect on the person born is that he

will be compassionate, of wandering habits, yielding to
women and voluptuous , the person at whose birth
Mars occupies the 7th bhava will be querulous
about women and fond of war if the planet occupying

this bhava be Mercury, the person born will be maimed

but capable o! amusing with his skill in the arts

qtolTOWl; ftlpsal 44*4 551!

454(fra44s344 5mi ®4?Ji 144 4444 I

4TO'4444H4'fa4f4$t 4% 444444
4 fl irfWi ®4 f?i 4 114413 lt<:°li
Sloka 80 Jupiter occupy th’ 7th bhava, the

person born will be resolute and have a lovely wife

will view with antipathy his parents and spiritual pre-
ceptors if Venus be in that bhava,
the elfect on the
person born that he will be a favourite with
courtesan class, charmingly lovely
but lame , if Saturn
occupy the 7th bhava at a person
s birth, he will
indigent and distressed in mind Iron, th4 tort he , )a5
undergo bearing a heavy burden
over a longdistance
the person botn with Rahu
,n the 7th bhava
will be
P 0re 0,C gJ ’ Ut5
dSe.' fiorn
3 Ui $4i4m q ,

speech, constantly
roving and a* Vsnt^b^ blocbbead"

SI. 82-83 659

Brihat Jataka.
The Sun, Mars or Saturn occupying the 7 th house, will make
the person suffer humiliation at the hauds of w omen The Moon in
that position will make him envious and exceedingly over head
and ears in love. If Mercury be in the 7tb hou^e, the person con-

cerned will possess a knowledge of the laws and rules of the

country. Jupiter in the 7tth bhava will make the native excel his
father in his qualities. If Venus be posited in the 7th house, the
person born will promote quarrels and will be fond of sexual

(^t) II

Rll (,^=s) ?s: II

sigRtiiit ^Rrafsr-jt (#) s^nt ii


gTO^K («$, sfngwpnin^iTlsRis: i.

gmWffaa r? (§&:)


rwft fifs: ii

cteRflt (us)) sqfigiisflq: iqq^smt: II

qjt (&#) sitnRRflakfflRFqjW qrc: •RRWft'DI

Rpswqw: tor-tr? R as-' I

dfi vRRra itcRH

Sioka Si. The person born with the Sun in the
8th bhava will be heart winning, skilled in disputes and
discontented ; if the Moon be in the vcironi (Ashtaraa
bhava), the influence on the person born is that he will
be eager for war, liberal, fond of amusement and learning-
Wmq’rt viJRTq. *mT RCtgl g ^ra: 1

fWngmsRR'Fiitra'?! q=fi gRRragfcsro II 'A II


560 Adh. vrn.

Sloka 83. The person at whose birth Mars occu-

pies the 8th bhava will be plain tn attire, rich and
possessed of authority over a multitude , if the planet
in the3ren*rrai (Ashtama bhiva) at a person’s birth be

Mercury, the person born will be lenowned for his

many good qualities, the most notable of them being
good breeding and will have much wealth.

tiS ft'W’ri ftjRiTO'rii m-p Fipnir

Till iwntfi 0^*4 TPfi II «» ll

Slata 84 If Jupiter occupy the 8th bhava at a

persona birth, he will be long-lived and
sagacious but
of ignoble deeds, i! Venus be in that
bhava the p-tson
born will be blessed with long life, hive
every comfort
be endowed with matchless strength and
possess great
wealth , if Saturn be tn the «CTvn»
(Ashtami bhava) t
the person born will be a hero,
the foremost or fiery
men but will become bereft both of strength '
and riche, -
if Rabu occupy the 8th
bhava, the person born
will have
to endure trouble and public
action and will suffer from many
censure, be dilatory
V m

th °"ava >
the person born will desire tn .

others and to en
w then
being given uo
1 8u ^cr ^ rotn

UP tr> nr fi
r W
is aspected
a benet.c planet
tr ^V y he "‘ b =

*,* bt,ava
Llh" °£
the person born isthathewdi thl! on
and long-lived.
become va Kom V Wealthy
SI, 86 661

Bnhat Jataka.
If the San, Mars or Saturn should occupy the 8th house, the i

person will have a limited number of issues and will have a I U

defective eyesight. If the Moon be in that position, the native
will have a fickle mind and will suffer from diseases. Mercury in

the 8th house will cause the native to be widely known for his
good qualities. Jupiter or Venus in the 8th bhava will make him

(?=!) itavurg: 11

fttgWiTtSr'Iigfei; SPIRIT: u

ifrhl rfafit flTST ll

'ifeTOtr (®sftO ii

tf#ra|sMs-7g: -Mk-iOlsfei ps=Frrwrfta:

tost rnamtsciic'Pb (v%)
biv'iiyftefti? T<r5 ^ (%$) srattii fR^nrate?m ll


3nf<tir ftwfacr:
=q%. S^i cRi I

’iK fijtPwdlui ’f’lras sj<iwi’t ,1

mA gikicf 3 yfiqPn;: wol ^NMi'd

When the Sun is in the 9th bhava, the
Stoku 86.
person born betrays antipathy to his parents and spiri-
tual preceptors and beta lies himself to a religion different
from theirs , when the Moon occupies that bhava, the
person bom will be devoted to his duties towards the
" ,


Manes and the Gods and bestow liberal gifts the person ,

will be
at whose birth Mars is in the 9th bhava,
associated with something wrong and untoward towards
his parents while enjoying renown other respects m
when Mercury occupies the ’rtwpi (Dharma stthana, the
9th bhavaX the person born will be in possession of
wealth righteously acquired and will be learned and

str! truant

^ ft^RT
Sloka 87 If Jupiter be m the 9th bhava, the
person born will be wise, devoted to his duties and
will serve as a king s minister if Venus be in that bha

va, the person born will be conspicuous as a possessor

o! learning wealth and a family of wife and children ,
if Saturn be in th- Bhagya (9th), the person born will
become celebrated in the battle field and will he rich
but without a helpmate in life, if Rahu occupy
the 9th
bhava, the person born will hate his lawful father
possessing fame and wealth

^ qrwii nmft qn ^ t;; |

5jjs ft^qq^sftoqmi n <cc n

Shka 88 When Ketu occupies the Guru (5th)
va the person bom w.U be short tempered,
void of virtue and rcvdinf. other,
, he w, 11 be brav,
hostile to his parents, ostentatious
in his behavimn
'Sts . *• -.i-S™;
51 . 89 sr^ms^mrr 663

Bnhat Jataka.
Varahamihira unlike some Astrologers gives good effects for
the Sun being posited in the 9th house. The person will be
endowed with children, wealth and happiness. The effect of
Mercury in that bhava is similar to that of the Sun. The Moon
is very good in the 9th as the native will possess sons, friends,
relations and wealth. Mars in the 9th house will cause the person
tocommit sinful actions. Jupiter or Venus in that position will

make him devout and philosophical.


. feints'? ^SPRI: II

trcf« (yfttft) fitsrw n

ipgKflMsTO: swqRre;: (5%) 11

fowNrft: 115 <nft 5^ wcsrftoitsfilfinft 11

tedra: wflfti: g«t (gft) sSgfnnrsn^iirafigiR 11

tHugswri g<r (g%) 11

rp=r |tfa: I

(tip) 11

nqfRwgq flijHMg'W vffcprariNif^'Png (%P) 11

11 11


fttTrtgnras^TniRTTOgii5!: I

>jTO'jiRpwui+rt 1 firate: 11 11

Slxka 89.' When

the Sun is in the 10th bhava,
the person born will have hereditary wealth, virtue,
learning, fame and strength and will be a king's peer ;
when the Moon is in that bhava, the person born will


gifts the person

Manes and the Gods and bestow libera! ,

at whose birth Mars is
in the 9th bhava, will

associated with something wrong and

untoward towards
his parents while enjoying
renown in other respects
when Mercury occupies the ufnuM (Dharma stthana,
9th bhava), the person born will be in possession
will be learned and
wealth righteously acquired and

iml fP?TO giifraf# sffr

fenfttnssiiSiriltn! 5P6 g«i^ l

ti^ prowtt ftjtn

tfptw 3 Itewii

Slaku 87. If Jupiter be in the 9th bhava, the

person bom will be wise, devoted to his duties and
will serve as a king's minister , il Venus be in that bha-
va, the person born will be conspicuous as a possessor
of learning, wealth and a family of wife and children ,
if Saturn be in the Bhagya (Oth), the person born will
become celebrated in the battle field and will be nch
but without a helpmate in life, if Rahu occupy the Oth

bhava, the person born will hate his lawful father while
possessing fame and wealth


gj! ftStmOTWWi) n <<7 a

Slofcn 88. When Ketu occupies
the Guru (Sth) bha-
va, the person bom will be short tempered,
void of virtue and reviling
others, he will be brave
hostile to his parents, ostentatious
m his behaviour
‘ n ** ^lent and fZl
SI. 89 563

Bnhat Jataka.
Varahamihira unlike some Astrologers gjves good effects for
the Sun being posited in the 9th house. The person will be
endowed with children, wealth and happiness. The effect of
Mercury in that bhava is similar to that of the Sun. The Moon
is very good in the 9th as the native will possess sons, friends,
relations and wealth. Mars in the 9th house will cause the person
tocommit sinful actions. Jupiter or Venus in that position will
make him devout and philosophical.

, touts'?. flgFFgsrcffl II

cTC® (Slfilft) giTWr^TTOL^fflOTH: II

5$ (5%) II

framtaOTK: frcft ?n?s iVitsfil !iP‘ft



(IrSfrl: gH (t$) II

g<r (g%) 11

>rwn ti^mtNW|m ^ g*i jfe 1

(tfft) sfilfWFncosmimfa'nss'tpng. 11

II 35PraC.ll
rid n
fttntf!?nras^si^nfrag5’i! 1

*jro^ft«iMciiReiie5: II <:^ 11

Slokn 89. When the Sun ,s in the 10th bhava

the person bom will have hereditary
wealth virtue'
learning, fame and strength and will be •’
a Icing’s peer
when the Moon in that bhava,
the person born will

eagerly seek and obtain wealth, com, appirel, ornaments,

dalliance with women and skill m the arts

*«nwft atraT^i^wPraPt^ijtei n
n v
Sloka 90 Those whose
Mars occupies
at btrth
the 10th bhava, will be predominant in valour and
wealth and will become famous when Mercury is in ,

that bhava, the person horn will engage in pursuits

promoting the advancement of all kinds of knowledge*
fame and wealth
tejw HispRi: wft fasHreJf 3Rn !
qm^r i

tRi dihVUrfd vri'-Mrl lii.i Id VT u?

Slots 91 When
Jupiter occupies the 10th
at a person s birth, he will succeed in his undertakings,
be o! virtuous conduct and steadfastly adhering to
own religion and also possessed of wisdom and wealth
when Venus is in that bhava, he will get wealth
through a tenant of his land, or through
some women
and will be powerful

’Rt ^d<Kdf
R’ft Pld&rWipiq
^ 3JJ! |



9Z ^^ K<5n
' ^
The person it whose
10th bhava will

" ° CCU
chastise offer a
capacity of a magistrate
w,l! be Drl
?' “ the
prominent in his own frmsly wealth V.
When Rahu ,,
bom will have
and of
Z r
Umc tem P"*-
bha ™* the
a '
‘accordingly be void o,
^ -1
SI. 93-94 665

gvftfei srwgmfi ^ i

OTRJfE! «?R5tI ^ %#| I) 9,3 II

Sloka 93 When Kctu is in the 10th bhava, the
person bom will be wise, strong, skilled in the arts,
self-knowing, loving the people but acting in a contrary
wise, phlegmatic, foremost among brave men and
continually wandering.
Brihat Jat&ka.
if the Sun occupies the 10th house, the person born
will be happy and powerful. If Mars, Mercury or Saturn be m
the same position, the effect is similar. The Sun m the 10th
hou«e gives maximum labor and minimum income. It is bad for
finance, because the Sun there is square to the Lagna. if the
Moon should occupy the 10th house, the person concerned will
complete to perfection anything lie undertakes and will be endow-
ed with virtue, wealth, intellect and valour. Jupiter or Venus in
the 10th house makes the man wealthy.
flgaTO^ffiiifilsfaaJro: ^ (#) ftfiRftl: II

C^i) 593*1, Hf?9 'W ii

5Prf& II


5«rat 9<wfwft
936: 11
% #)

«P=ft 9T 5?: (gift) ||

^ 916 % : II

wwSa>tgr9cqim5?i wRa* 93ft (%m) Sttfwffwffftn h


hibI enr«i% 5
660 Adh. VIII.

stn^t ’TO>ftgtr ^snnrnfi «pft #riP3:

ifi^ spiPK filgopfinHim^} toi n S» n
Sloka 94. The person n whose birth the Sun is
in the llth bhava, will hive extensive wealth, wife,
children and slaves and will be hippy , when the Moon
is in that bhava, th* person born will be of a pensive
disposition and wealthy, when Mars occupies the awr
(Ay a, 11th) bhava at a person's birth, he will be clever
m speech, lustful, wealthy and valiant, when the occu-
pant of the llth bhava is Mercury, the person born
will possess an acute intellect, be famed for his learning
and in possession of wealth

Jnavfifi^ranun to!
otis ^53 <rc^rais*n i

Jina >n#
Sloka 95
The person
totojr! to! <iiroi: n Vd n
at whose birth Jupiter
occupies the llthbluva will hive a slrong intellect
his name will be celebrated and he
will be wealthy’
When Venus,, in the labha (llth) bhava,
the person
born will live in comfort, longing
for women other
than h,s own, with wander,
ng propensities and p-ssess-
led of wealth When Saturn occupies P"
M, tW .

person born will be Voluptuous

in a king s service With Rihu


person born will lose his sense the

the battle held and
w^lthyand distinguished
for learning

filfeR TOTfi
SI. 96-97 «TC*fU«lPrr 667

Sloka 96 When Ketu is in the penultimate bhava

the person born will be valiant, kind to other people
and honored by them he will be of a contented frame

of mind, possessed of power, with limited enjoyments,

delighting m
works of beneficence and the practice of
Brihat Jatska

The Son, Mar <s, Mercury or Saturn in the 11th house will
make the person born wealthy. If the Moon be in the Iith, the
person will become famous and will acquire wealth and the like
Jupiter or Venus in the 11th mil make him prosperous.


*r=rwt 05 (Siftft) ll

tni5 |
# »n gTa fft ll

=i§ig' wusP-Jr fiswRgtift sivt (ft) II

stnpr CHft) ll

>w ’srfrqft ll

3f[gi fpKffiirHflRtl. 5ft> ll

sifaraTfiTgafsrogfgt Hwfoi: n

sro (%a)) gifW flfstfflfiW’l HTSsrffafsg n

|| 3W5WT II

<5ii3t (ptjrai s gsftr: qfirara: wra; I

tj fq^agral 1 1 ^ ll

Sloka 97. When the Sun is in the 12th bhava,

the person born will possess sons, will be maimed, but
very energetic, and will become an apostate and a
vagrant. When the Moon occupies the last bhava, the
5GS Adh, VIII.

person bom will live in a foreign country

born w
Mars is in that bhava, the effect on the person
that he will become odious and be without wealth
without a wife

^q^ TO:
bldil (drift TO I

Slcka 98
ftiTSI5 TO
The person at
tto;: II

whose birth Mercury

S<f II

occupies the 12 th bhava will be odious to relatives,

poor and senseless , if Jupiter be in the last bhava, the
person born will be sceptical in regard to religion, irre-
solute, of wandering habits and evil minded When
Venus occupies the last bhava the effect on the person
born is that he will lose his relations become a professed
rake and grow penurious if the planet occupying the
**m (Vyaya, 12th) bhava be Saturn, the person born
will be deficient in intellect and turn out a dolt, a
pauper and a cheat

Uoka 99 \Vh*n Rshu

^ fofte:


the 12th bhava,

person born will be immoral, but
prosperous, defect^
in limb and disposed to help
oiler* The „
whose birth Kcuisiu Z(V y 'y n J
b%m ’
ltckle and immoral and
will L- LLI
”** “CKOt
and status he may be
7 Wealth

Brlhat Jalaha
The effect of any on - nf
«I Salem brag posited
(he 12.h
’‘beLe^'thm ll “"‘"T
ih»e nerson
Si 100 wsmswrro 669

will suffer degradation The Moon in the 12th is also bad The
native will be wickedly disposed and defective in some limb *

Jupiter in the 12th makes the person a villain while Venus in that
pos tion. makes him rich

figiftra ftT5*nt ftqqjst (si) n

aft gsqt | ifitprsBfHir II

’Prefix Wtsvil *ik II

(ft) yadtswa ii

i=q> faTjiHiraw fern w%s9d gw i:

aft (rcftaW^gfat II

ftrestre# =q^ (sml) sxflwr >ipf ftlrWfts II

SK^WHSt q|sqqfil ft tegepfifel II (1$)

. iiwwwHH nwwufr i m ft qi %ggfiwft^ ^ m n

T=F'q (g^nw w asft irn Ti%i


tttr srcqfWfaiFsiaift: gisft

sift w.i ijt.fi <Hg<i itstj ^qrems n !•» n

Sloka 100 When the Sun is in exaltation, the
person born will possess wealth and command an army,
if the Moon be m
the position of exaltation the person
born will have rich food clothing and ornaments in
ih? ^*iKRstf mtfb&rijw WArn
Mars occupies the exaltation sign at the birth of a

person, the latter will be valnnt If Mercury occupy

the position of exaltation, the person bom will raise the

status of (advance) his family will rule over men will


talented/ victorious over his foes and live in

* 7Z



w *rofFi flinJr H


jfe: w- i

^lf?l*R5W 3?pJt mpf*' 55? 11

%RspJ!Wat UiTOfei ^

sRpnai spHgq 3^PI> (|qw 11

^ to w=rdgfi%Tn. I

^isScWgvRjrt 3*ifqt «jgn: s#
fttft iw: ffpjTSfrl ^ r: 1

*iffl<rfa(w?t *?rar 'n’lftg^sT 3 OT: tfftprc 11

sn*m: 5<i3^: gs^pra w;^ aftm i

;ag»rat W’Ri a 5#ft 353>i\ a® ii

^ fiEt fruit W gift n Jim: *&*'

wsifemft^sigsm: l'

M ar?FOT? TOift 3?m: ok) 11

fit 55^%0: S§* :

fl^ifaiitfimfeirei^jwi: 5?? 11

Fife; pifWt ofarait ft«!7 I

rcffensrat «u(nspra<r ft#* 11

>W ^3^51: ^t 1

H M vU '4 *1*1 -I 3 '4,-4 gfgiP^ ^ II

Sloka 104. Even one planet occupy 111 ^ Its exaltation

and aspected by friendly planets can
make the person
earth, eminent
born under its influence a lord of thr
and honorable, and secure to him allies.
m Adh. VIII.

cj. VlI^-56 supra.

W! ^wr m w ^rat^nii to; i

dci'4ld. ^5^
^dd^TTHI 3TCW?: n t °3 \\

Sloka 103. When a single planet occupies its exal-

tation in strength, the person born will possess plenty
of corn and wealth. When two planets are in their
exaltation and possess strength, the person born will be
a feudatory or tributary prince When there are three
such planets, the person born will be a king ; when four
such planets occupy Kendra positions, the person born
will become a powerful king of kings. When five
planets occupy their exaltation signs in power, the
person born will become the lord of the whole world.
cf. TPTwiftr-n

swift ’IMS mlfie I

®95ft 3 SPFafiraift ||

swift n

^^ II

gra> erJ

tort «nil jjtjjfi iJtjji

™ £'%*??**'****
^ to! n ? „» ,,

born will be rich and happy ; if Mars, wrathful and
ruthless; if Mercury, rich and devoted to religious
prayers if Jupiter, voluptuous and liked by kings ; if

Venus* ruling villages and towns; if Saturn, brave ; if

Rahu, the person born will be poss;5sed of wealth*
cf. nrcrnft

tot *toi fe.*jrfa Tttft ftffifrin: ssig u

wtsfi toiM 5p < 3§ ftS mfi 1

flWt 3!f¥l ||

# 1 : S-rfliTR gstfiR I

spma. inirs^rarpnBg’m^ 11

sirctrF^Ptq $3gs qm 11

Also jmrn'nfasffc
tpft gijft frsm 1

^ vpft ^ Ktar *3 hVt 5J?R3: 133: II

3& Fffiftltt fwl friRt 5T: I

smrRRi TOifaifii: gtfi: 11

33 &smtt g?:
; ^lifil: 1

^ =r> 33: to •Jsnjr: ^ 3 t: 11

11 jt 11

Sst5| giSH -MWPiii'lHlfljt’Hlft

?rw?wi ifei: 1

% 53

^ ^ ug q- g iCTi iwgTn
S/atn 105. II the Sun be in raira (Swalshctra),
Ti?t 'ujlRg^K 11 ? o*t 11

the person born will own a fine mansion, lead a de-

praved Jlife and will suffer from fierce lust , if it be the
Moon that is in (Swakshetra), the person born
will have power, beauty and wealth , if Mars, he will
be famed for /his agricultural strength if Mercury, he ,

will be learned, if Jupiter be the planet occupying

(Swakshetra), the person born will be devoted to

poetry, the arts, traditional doctrines and the sacred

scriptures Venus, he will be intellectual and wealthy,
, if

if Saturn, the person born will be distinguished by

fierce prowess but bereft of happiness , if Rahil b® the
planet in (Swakshetra), the person born will
possess fame and wealth


=VFjt tmnft
qtfeat tFrcrqft


Ml fFI I

Pita ITT^ II

^ i ft m r, u . jrtRr;! |

<1 MpTigcsi: n n
Shka 106 It ., exactly a, a ntf grows w.th the
growth ot its meshes that a man atta.ns
a position of
equalitywith h,s tribesmen, a position of
an honored place on account of comparatively
wealth, pre-eminence for vast
riches a st, i


kings or a kingship itself

planets occupying
^(Swakshetra), at h, birTh
.pens to be one, two, three, han
four, five orsix
si; lot 575

cf, ~ *

'iftgfetftftn: 5W7.$S3i il


f xzg&m ^mf\
^ l

C k- f Cl Cf .Til fr
Cf t9-l IHt: r.M^mt’un’ivi'iti

tera: lira lags? qrRfrsFft li ? °v> li

Slo’ka 107. When the Sun is in the house of all

friendly planet, the person born will hive firm friends


and will be liberal and famous when the Moon is ini ;


such a position, the person born will be esteemed, live! 1

in comfort and have wealth when Mars is in a friendly II


house the person born will enjoy the favor of rich


friends ; when Mercury is in that position, the person

born will be most witty and jovial; when Jupiter
occupies the house of a friendly planet, the person born
will delight in the society of the learned and the virtu*
ous ; when Venus occupies such a position the effect is u
that the person will be happy in the society of his i*

Adh. VIII.

home at a peraona
children. !i I«n be in » friendly
as he will have
fed by another
birth, the latter will be
no -wealth.
cf. urasflrttwft , j>

ftaqH ^ncl: ^FfflWv l

^ SR( rprtSTOftl U

®feiK TF*h bdi H7!WB3f!: 11

gfe ^
fbfl 3 rpft 1

thI W TO. II

Also *rcra*ft

fq^sqi: &m fTOteWWH. I

from: tost tor! TObWtnifnrc, n

3r<fPr£tsft ESS^WWlBrCT. 1

taftm-. ussw wlfii ’<«$?» toto H

wpprffr: fW' 'f gfiftewWi, l

fqrnpt isfrsd II

rnpfi^g: UnritftWflMwn II

rsmat gig%' nn^.g*fti
, I

rM ^ ftmtRP?«5 SPII^ II ?«c II

Slofca 108- A person is famous, happy, pleased with

hts friend, witty and jovial, wise, voluptuous or fed by
the bounty of another according as the planet in a friend-
ly house at his birth is the Sun, the Moon, Mars,
Mercury, Jupiter, Venus or Saturn respectively.

jjj: i

IRftSffrtl KnragRtrrgs ||
\o\ u
51. 109-110 611

gpiCTf 5rar ’iw! >ra &ro: I

h^sit: hh 3i5i! II ?S° II

Slokas 109 and 110- If at a persons birth, the

number occupying ftra^nr (Mitrakshetra) be
of planets
one, the person born will live on another's substance ;
iftwo, he will be enjoying the wealth of friends if ;

three, he will liveupon self-acquired property ; if four,

he will bestow liberal gifts ; if five, he will rule over
a community or tribe ; if the number of planets occupy-
ing friendly houses be six, the person born will be in
command an army when such
of ;
planets number seven,
the person born is a king.

If seven planets are in friendly bouses [au-TlfaR (Tatkalika)

and (Nisarga) combined], the native will become a King,
The following chart seems to be the only possibility.

Saturn Seven planets

posited in
their friendly
Jupiter bouses .Moon

Mars Vennsj Merc, Sun


cf, nrcRsft

Rjtra<i g! n

HFSRgSfvPt? ftRRfasr mgS); *?-rra I

£78 Adh. vm.

^ronf; WCTsProsa} =rw.

^Wi^Rg rra.

fSfNwr%n?=f>2?i writ wit



Wd. II

m&m l

Sloka 111. If there be three planets in their exah

tation signs at a birth, the person born will be a king.
If three planets occupy *r^re (Swakshetra), it is a
minister that is born then. If three be eclipsed at a
person’s birth, he will be a slave. If three be in depres*
sion signs, the person born is an idiot.

cf. nrm^t

9 $$?i:


» ii

jfk 5

P «t '£££££ t'r intaM k «»*

rI0I b0rn Wl11 studi "
ously cause affliction
to his mntr !i

SI. 113 5 T9

the person born will be defective in some limb, ungrate'

ful and unclean be Mercury that occupies a hostile
; if it

house, the person born wilt be miserable and inclined

to evil ; if it be Jupiter, the person born will be specu-[|
lating about the future ;
Venus, he will be a hired

laborer ; if Saturn be in a house owned by an enemy at*

a person's .birth, the latter will have to be wayfaring
and suffer sorrows therein.

gjr =fHt i

3 k«r %r 33: ||

3 *1% stit n

»$> 3ig# 3a; fsfe|;ftrat 3(; i

•qiWraft'i Rak ’An. n

Also UHNi^T
553 finraftftii 3lffi I

3%35JI: 353 ©tft'n'rfkl 31 HOT! II

tpsnfksvR <fH fins 3 gfl«i 3k; |

aitipwffiflsk ffrsRn n

55fkxl 33% 33ft% 3 I

g3tsfil]t 335 5=FWfitJ:fiiii 33%. II

3IF5TptsR 553 3fei3 “3IS3lRk M'dhH I

33 'TSSjl OfrSl&lljl \

Slokn 113
W R.33V.



thete be five planets occupying hostile

??3 II

houses, they witl be productive of mixed effects (good

and evil). If there be six such, comfort will diminish
and misery will preponderate. If there be seven of

580 Adh. vm*

them in immicil houses their effect wifi be misefy aod

the planets in these positions be
that wholly. If

eclipsed also, they work evil.

cf VH—56 Clatter half) aupra

imftw ftft i hi« ftsRuss'toH i


3iffnR>jtinwfi 11

qipi cm SllftrlilHSflflHiq. I

drirc II

tot i

<tfmrf|<ra'ii % tw'^ n

wnftlt ti^r si^ihih I

n ii

^ SpJTfl TcTt

^stnn^ ^5.*

Moka U4 if the
depressed planet be
the Sun at a

“without friends
, V <ter
W,IIb ' M
ab d oned person 8 n
“ ^
«* . >t « he the
relations an A

with little religious merit

M„o„“r “
Pe n(
or wealth to
:i z r r°
Mars, the person bom w,I|
be U ng rat£ful P b,m • lf
.jif Mercury be the ami ‘"“Vnt
depressed planet
1 will be hase and ' b
will be tinder censure
hostile to h„ relatives
j’ f dupiter
SI. 115-llfi 581

what leads him to sorrow; if Saturn be the; depressed

born under its influence will be with-
planet, the person
out wealth, without wife, unfortunate and mischievous.
sfre flffor 5# fcq 11 ,

ftffi'n'rfi 5>m #% i

$# UtojS: SJ3 2 I



®ra^fists?R# a «
2/ti srHmR'riitf#!.



^21^2 95S 222 1

212^2 =f# I mn
Sloka 115. Full effect is produced by planets when
in their exaltation states ;
their effect in their own
Navamsas is the sime as when they are in their
Moolatnkonas Their effects in friendly Na-
vamsas (3^"vU-Suhridamsa) is the same as when they
are in ^Swakshetra), their effects in depressed or
eclipsed states is the same as when they are in inimical

This sloka appears in TO^l with a slightly different reading,

'S2 2>TO ^#25# 22ri?foj I

=fhnft>n^2 2wn >r=? II

*jwi; i

52 II II

S’oka 116. The good influence of planets is at its

maximum* three quarters, half, a quarter, at its minimum

682 Adh. vm.

ot ml according as the planets are in the exaltation sign,

Moolatrikona (qtfinfri), Swakshetra (^rsfa), Mitrak'
shetra ?= friendly sign), Satrukshetra. (tfniSm =
inimical sign), depression sign, or (combustion) con*
junction with the Sun
This si oka is the same as VII —58 supra

ipsrftWJim: ^ sricHi gmi I

ffttmaii tot 5rtw. ii II

Sloka 117. Benefit planets yield good results when

they occupy in strength the Kendra or Trtkona bhavas.
Malefic planets ptoduce good results when they are
strength m the 3rd, the 6th, or in the 11th bhava,

^ wOTi6ts5tiTOT(n^ t,
SUU 118 The several effects due to the coming
together of sk, five, four, three or two planets and to

their being in their exaltation, tp Rmitu (Moolatrihona)
(Swakshetra), Rratra (Mithtakshetra),
kshettal or <ftn (Neecha) have been
traSra (Satru-

chapter, under the benign influence

treated 'of m this
of the bleuinm
obtained from the Sun and other
dett.es prying
the nine planets. cv c

fifeiil fffif’-mraT’ttiititsCT!


z 0"5

U " der
various formations in the
by Vaidyanatha Dikshita
work Jmaka* Par Ilf
" d ' r the auspice,
^ ““T^d of the nine
II JTI’^loqiltf.'^cdlW II

Adhyaya IX.

The effect of Gulika, Year, Etc.

. M 3 qaTOi sii-iWH .

'n'Riw^roPw jr[«ri f^nScritssRi n ni .

Sloku 1. I am to describe the influences of the

time of nfe* (Gulika), of the year, the month, the day,
the hour of birth, upon the person born. If 3^
lika), be in the 1st bhava, the person born will be dull
and sickly ;
if gfer (Guhka) in the Lagna be associated
.with malefic planets, the person born will be deceitful,
lustful and depraved; if gfSw (Gulika) be in the 2nd
bhava, the person born will have a craving for 6ensua!
enjoyment, be of wandering habits and indulge in scur-
rilous language ; if (Gulika) be associated with
malefic planets in the 2nd bhava, the effect on the
person born is that he will have no wealth and at all
events will be destitute of knowledge.
The method for finding the. position of (Gulika) and
other Upagrahas has already been described in detail (vide notes
to 11*6 and V-57 supra).
Adh. IX

eyes and will have a slight body.

ico paired

GuUa is in the 9* bhava. the person born wlll ™^g'

an extent as ultimately to
10 vile deeds to such When
parents and preceptors.
the murderer of his
person born will aban
Guhka is in the 10th bhava, the
observances prescribed for
don all religious duties and
his caste and being associated
with hundreds of shameful
all sense of honor
or sell
deeds, will become dead to
k _ •. r y i* » .

t|g>ra<iHTrn ?>WPf II

fWTJyirijSr gFct STHI I

fsppitflrftft ^fa-irarasra'Vft

faftrawws raittrarai ftfiraft li % H

Sloka 6 When Gulika is in the 11th bbava, the
person born will have much happiness, wealth, power
and beauty, but will occasion the demise of an elder
bom petfton NV hen Guhka is in the 12th bhava, the
person will have the appearance of an ascetic and by
cleverly employing the language of the distressed will
get money from every quarter

gmgiirrftifR tnPdtif smnpi li

Pwnfltftm ifift tljsto lynjart rjforffiSt 1)

aiPiriraaT fufaga^nsii ift iraisftstRt
Sloka 7 The Lagna occupying a Tnkona posi-
SI, 8-9 687

tion m respect to Gulika, and also in the same Navamsa

or Dwadasamsa as that occupied by Mandi, and the
planet associated with Guhka and the lord of the sign
occupied by Gulika, all tend to b’come always malefic.

gfei cira:

sfarewn wr ^mgsrs i

3RI3R wrft gw
HHOTanpifat II c II

Sloka 8 If Guhki be associated with the Sun,

the person born will hate his fathei , if with the Moon,
the person born will cause distress to his mother , if

with Mars, he will have no younger brother, if with

Mercury, he will be insane, if with Jupiter, he will be
a blasphemous heretic , if with Venus, the person born
will be afflicted with venereal diseases and will be the
favourite of base women

nigrtft fairaj® i

2$g%; wrt g?.g% ^iTtfWws; ii

arra* s vtwt g *k<i^ JR* 3^



fogs ^tifl^HrirsTir^ ^rcrEisfr J7

snTOTWttt^rar tnPtnt: grfottiM 'ssg II 3 II

Sloka9 When Gulika is associated with Saturn,

the person born will be devoted to pleasure and enjoy'
688 jllct Adh. IX.

ment ; when Gulika is associated with Rihu, the person

born will become a poisoner ; when Gulika is associated
with Ketu, the person bom will become an incendiary.
When Gulika is ir> a house affected by Vishanadi, the
person born, even if he be a ruler of the earth will
undoubtedly become a beggar. In fact, the major pla*
nets united with minor ones (Upagrahas) produce a
malefic effect.

! 5l£t
>Tf mjqig: II

<1593 Mig^s qFal i

Sfera 3 snr. <m i

qnrawqtn qw ii

qlqqqSt qwtqRJjmtqiq wm®

q «qqqqqqt qqqraftqlsqsqfaqi: rj: n
Tor (Vishanadi) see Adhyaya 5, Sloha 1)2 supra.

u 11

lh. nan,., of 11* 60 J.ar. can caaly be

ttmemb.Md by com
muting to rntmoo the following «lohas.

swi ftqq: :p: sit-tsq qqiqfa: |

«51toi uni jqi qnn

, „
qppqa qqpft flip,', ij,.

fqqqia 3,13* mw
q fihfl
, lfr^ m !


=pqqi ftqqSh qqi

CTqqt q R Trtt 55,. ,

Slj 10-11 snmlswtpr 589

rhft ii

sm #717; fttra 1

ttoft ran^i 3tr^\ n

fiira TOffffist fesml 1

f'S'ft sftiterft irara) #hw m 11

5TO5Rft sira: sraift araratf

ira?sgwra: giraftsfarai l

finmn^ gnu't rftiret forage:

utoothM gignurasra'i 11 ?» 11

Sloka 10 The person born in the year Prabhava

will be daring, truthful, possessed of every virtue,
proficient in astrology and pious The person born in
the year Vibhava will be lustful, pure, constantly cheer-
fuland will have prodigious wealth relatives, learning

and fame
cf WPiRre
sqft fifiFj'iT sranfSb °t 1

Mii rarara ra n
a?ragwH)»ft f. "isuCT?l^ ii 1

=ift «n 11

ggi^ iwwft »w«wi:ft rarari

iraft wTOsra»nwi55Tra: Tmi^rE 1

vpfi ijwrai: giro: uira: iratrara^i

girara h'jtt -EqigrM =rawkHK gift II U II

Shin 11 The person born in the year Sukla will

be an adulterer,effete, but liberal and intelligent the ,

person born in the year Pramoduta will be clever in


590 >dl3* Adh. IX.

counsel, business like, and voluble in speech , the person

whose birth is ta the year Prajot patti will be virtuous,
bounteous, inch in sons and cf a tranquil disposition;
the person whose year of birth is Angirasa will be rich,
sagacious, experienced and ever compassionate.

cf. -wnrrq-

HOT yiPOTH Htift sawfltmi- I

nigiOTi g;nw-frt vm 11

Rsqwft ^ if-URl Hr I

spfripa g>9t wft swte hi ra fyg tl

OTtdi HPTt ot! yHRSHHpHH |

eOTWOTtW ann(sqgsi ||

-rtfl gift h -tt-fi =i iftiHin ftiirq


'{Hlglrjsisi rlfpR rf» tug H

sws ^npiTOit TO^ra:

Hml TriTbrl Hdl-HTdi 9 In) If 1 ] *-P jjij* |

S'Wzitrci!: tsmmg: itf) g;^

aist •RTTJSiqV^tlftTT.
-K! || I,

Sic l„n. The person born ,n the yrjr

lone. lorwomtn not h.s own it honest
and wctlthv
tho person who,- birth '
„ in the s ear m„va r.

hinp maker, and renowned

ssrrtir, a
,„ w
and nrmiph , the
rson born
for h,« ”’‘ ? ***
,L y r « Y
covttous, belle ntrdcd,
til capered
ttuut.on, little hable to 8 ’""'
andn'r^ J”
W«f -.-hr t,r,onw^VviTr? W,ththC
will be addicted b,rth » “atm
to other
lawyer r co r )V,
* e JKcb and a crafty
w 1 *
, 1 ;

SI. 13 •


gsqft: 5ITCI: TOR: gRfeq: I

o'^i3%S5(«i sftg%s»? hW: ii

simt grt qqft Hh?*wi$ i

*ra?ft sreftpn (WOTBgs: II

fSSfR2"i'!73t I

5iRi: gwfs: qrta> gqi^ swt n

€gfg: gMiit ew g31CTiqria?^T: I

TOi qm qaf qigmfat qfc 11

Mtar^^R^ssRRfiSifcrt goim^i
gpi-g^Wn HR? qFHK ftwg-
W wren
rmns;5iTK wi
i%r--j: ggft

5ng't ftspnsrcw: vk sr
, ? jrito: eatfrei^ 11 ?3 11

Sloka 13. The person born in the year Easwara i

will be prosperous, steady«minded and a good judge of j

merit ; the person whose year of birth is Bahudhanya

will be a rich merchant, beneficent and voluptuous; the
person born in the year Pramadhi will be cruel, addicted
to evil, hot tempered, friendless but living in comfort
the person whose birth is in the year Vikrama will be
wealthy and valiant and command an army.

h!tt% t

ihjr *&i: H^T eW 11 .

qttf iF-rewift sfgTOwfta: 1

star sreraa 11

HaniTW^ 3 5 1

mi attppflftsircl Adh.'IX.


snr fimis; tor h

fiSqift Clcraat ftw?

(^•ra^irais'rrrc; i^mrat i

^ ft333ftaF3n<rfs g*nnl
ftfoii li il

Sloka 11. The person torn m the year Vishu

will be a pauper, lost to all sense of shame and engaged
in doing what is wrong The person whose birth is in
the year Chittrabhaim will have the energy and the
beauty of the lord of day. The person whose year of
birth is Subhanu will have the learning, conduct, and
virtue characteristic oi his tube or race, The person
born m
the ^eat Thararta will possess exceeding wealth
and strength and will be a philosopher
efi wjr?;
*^ts?nT ^ I

>AWK *11^ ||

tfo sg^

'ifi'TO'i ^'T 5ftst

% <33 |

^ ||

5«®s "4kw3?7t‘ gsft

SI. 15-1 fTT*T"^7nT: 593

srwi ^ imifoiftra: rar ft : 5<n^: n ?k h

Sloka 15. The person born in the year Parthiva
will be a king unequalled for his prosperity and happi-
ness ; the person whose birth is in the year Vyaya will
be lustful, cowardly, immoral, staking his property in
gambling, and addicted to wickedness ; the person
whose year of birth is Sarvajit will be eloquent,
possessed of great physical strength, versed in sacred
scriptures, virtuous, and conversant with the real nature
of all things. The person born in the year Sarvadhari
will be well-to'do, versed in the arts and liked by kings.

IRfl: gnam: I


wmw #nf tow TOfSm 1

tofftot TOsjh'n'mftSfa. 11

ottofftItow 1

gTF FjTJfig: Wi wfF?g 5?<it =F: II

>Fft FFft fteiFgrj ng: I

fffRPi fi 3ira: Trf’F'Ft >fta. 11

-IFTI ^TOlIsfil'ltlftw' TO
FRFft iito# TOfrora^fi: I

fro?? <Trrf to:

tototto gTmTO 11 11

Sloka 16. The person born in the year Virodhi

will be afflicted, delighting in the company of the
wicked and addicted to sinful deeds and cruel. The
m Adh. IX.

person whose, year of birth is Vikriti will be (uH of

guile, lov^s\ck, and devoting his mind to magic formu'
lanes and their practical application in ceremonies.
The person born in the year Khara will be unattractive,
worthless, depressed xn speech, sinful and mischievous.
The person whose year of birth is "Mandana will delight
every body, enjoy the favor of kings and wiU be
conversant with the meaning of the sacred hymns in,


cf> inpram

^ II

wfaj. 5qm: \

SsctUrw =m ii

wm Ptaa; ^ n

$^93 5RJ |

2 SlSRrgsft 3ft ^ |

Mte! II ?u |(

excellences, If
7z:zt*t r ^
the year of birth"**

.^0u.n d in real

wdl be Either a U 1** he

has his birth in the
cravms for «en*„al
y m M«Jk* h^tTf"

enjoys -
ove, hi, to. The pcf!oa who ,
SI; 18

Durmukhi will be void 61 virtue and wealth and will

be immoral,
c/, ww
5JC WTTJvrt: qanaqSMftfcltl: |

’Mt toin% =rrr ma. u

slOTmt flqstrafqqms: i

j?ri matfa ?m sqm n

q %rtft % feqqtftq: I

^mroi^qis* tr^jq q?Sr qH il

?ra-’ qjWffljer R^at i

wnRsmgqwl ggm% *mr: 11

terait qf? gq^mnqq: ^qrf^qRg?:: ,

-ftwP?«4qn%3: irarofowfl i

frft ‘4twmtq. qtqraMqt iwfcii

3rtW«iftfrq*ftngwqts qmraHirqra II \< li

Slbka 18. If a person have his birth in the year

Hemalambi, he will be ill-natured and will ardentiy
pursue' agricultural and other operations. The person
borh in the year Vilatabi wilt be prosperous, resorted
to by the Brahmana community and dis in teres te’dYy
benevolent. The person who has his birth in the year
Vikari will be sickly; cowardly, indigent, irresolute
and of an ignoble nature ; if a person have his bitth in
the year Sarvari, he will have exceeding wealth and
enjoyment and will be cheerful, honest and well-behaved.

cf> ,

696 'iudtsfftsrnfr Adh. IX.

«Kt Wh: I

•nft ft=p% fiig; ii

TO<rSf MR:: lira; l

frofrffHf TO; waft WF.'. n

. qfore. !SH: ss&'ft WIB35W I

f^fera siwfaegvf* II

to hforofain guf Rt to g^nf: gsfis t

gtroft f^ragr-TO ftmRjlrfirtt

pM toot: 5tOTi!ri sswjt II ?MI
Sloka 19. The person who is born in the year
Plava will be tranquil, generous, compassionate, brave
and devoted to his own duties. The person who has
his birth in the year Subhaknt will be the
dupe of
women, but learned, handsome and intelligent the
person whose birth is in the year Sobhakrit
will be
wise, possessed of royal virtues and fond
of learned
pursuits. The person born in the year
Krodhi will be
an adulterer, addicted to evil ways, crafty
and of an
angry temperament.

cl. w-wr-M:

SW*!JT3; wft |

hddlol Ti fiapeq-k
JJWft T |


tan fiadl wft

*rat >nft

trt. n
St. 20 siirotswira: 697

fisflWl TJTOtTW K^J I lift I

sSt^fRfHt TO II

nrii srercttfan gorTOSnft ^ ftgnral

5si^W7.' t
ra*T-T7K35rrFr: ^ssffRn i

wit spgw gnifsiftat towst tot^i:

^TOSRTOlfcfagW 5Ttmf'!re: II II

Sloka 20. The person who is born in the year

Viswavasu will have a high sense of honor, will be
fond of the comic and will evince admiration for those
who are rich in moral worth. The person whose birth
is in the year Parabhiva, will be engaged in wickedness
and will prove the ruiner of his family. The person
who has his birth in the year Plavanga will be lustful,
fond of relatives, evincing a partiality for children and ,

slow-witted. The whose year of birth is

Keelaka, will devote himself to divine worship and will
be exceedingly fortunate and valiant.
Cf• lcl<t>

fraregflgKS: g<m >ra. I

otto *?rar gf%: n


otot # >wfit


<!rm ge: i>


#3% »lfiwt W II

stRngsr firctetssTC sirfeft ^Rstsz^

Sloka 2t. The person^ \Vhdse yedr bf birth ia

Soumya will be tranquil, universally popular* exceeding-

ly wealthy and firm-minded. The person born in the

year Sadharana will be versed in^the vaHous branched of

learning a lid Will posset a sound imd&fstandlhrf. The
person whose birth is in the year Viradhiktit will be
credulous, ill-tempered, indigent and given to wandering.
The man Whose birth is in the year Paridhavi will be
ill-behaved, harsh in speech, and possessed of wealth.
cf. *H«i iia-h

’rfteai =i i

<trw. =tf: asiiqj ||

gl%: ?£!«!*%: 1%m: I

tiMl u
f&sft I

ftnfstjsn K(fi ||

ftSPi, BTFilPi^t gift: |

qntfte: qftwrflfigsa: ||

strat TO’js'ra;

trft ^ T4Hiqisq=inl
?rai qraw: sn^i! irrii
Sloka XI. The person born in the .van- PreWss-
cha will estrange his relatives, and will long
for women
not his own- The person djhoid y far
oj bltth is
Ananda *itt be of a joyous tcmperamdnt, w
jH d cvo .
fed to the study of traditional doctrines and sacred
scriptures and will be acquainted with the real nature

of all things* The man whose birth is in the year Rak-

shasa will be sinful, indulge in vain talk, and will
injure the virtuous. Ilhe person born in the year Nala
will be a donor endowed with many liberal virtues,
tranquil and well-behaved.


SJBTOI gsvjSJ qiTrfra: gift: II

qgTO'fstfRJS Rift I

STlR^ffft 313: !£5|ft-TORN3: II

(Tftl’ft $3S!5| RiftirffTlfe I .

Rgfffllft TIGRIS* vm: II

(?) $ft 3iat Rsmaft ’Ri ii

rW? fSRwn <stras<Bfl

RiBift Ri^ sragraiHi? l

resTra^na: 5^: ,

gift (Mftgra: sizstffafai swron* n 33 n

Sloka 23. in the year Pmgala

The person born
will be a saint with his mind under control and will
engage in the practice of penances. The man whose
year of birth is Kafayukti wit! become an astrologer
and will have fortune, enjoyment and works of benefi-
cence. The person whose birth is in the year Siddharti

will be successful in bis undertakings, will be reverent

towards spiritual preceptcrs and Gcds and will be intel-
coo amnrrrfcmf Adh IX.

Iigcnt The p non who his his birth in the year

Rotidri will be u rake, p'rverse, proud sod wicked

JP TCIO'T'ni >)Vl

'r’TPiftiwrt firpOM *t'sH ll

BifriTUT to rpuntpuj * h^tr. i

m (tnjn u
fed Mint ifiofwrr? i

rat flfsTO ?r<n frcmtmipti n

wwr^ tiit figi i

xltw at =mt =n: ?rti5<n>m.li

wfl ^Rnrart tnruftii raRnroaw *re:

5irat spgsRTjrftfcor 1
^ itRtfosK sitetRC IR8II
Sloka 24 The person born in the year Durmati
wtU be lustful, dull witted, distressed by afflictions and
base-minded The person whose birth is in the year
Dundubhi will have a bodily frame distinguished by
big thighs belly arms and head, and will be happy
The person whose year of birth is Rudhirodgan will b<*
wise truthful happy and rich, the person who is born
in Raktakshi will be of a tranquil mind fond of rela-
tives exceedingly fortunate and amiable


IP 1*3<I Till KrRWWJrfw l

5«ra\ q r fK ;? u

SI’ 25-26 7£>0if- . 601

l#W5|^naHk ||

Jjmspft •r?iit<i: wtefirftfia: i

IgriJ &wl sfrCtsifaT? ii

=MWt fri 6«;tfeNw: 65i i

gRi: =rc: n

sirat sfR! sforejs? iwiff g?pq1 =iiTRgmn rh i

Rrerro: ijrrh 6Rt qfaroraMsjR^ ii V\ ll


Sloka 25. The person whose birth is in the year

Krodhana will.be a rake addicted to evil ways, a hater
of his relatives and devoted to brigandage. .The person
born in the year Akshaya will be virtuous, cheerful,
handsome, endowed with a high sense of Honor and
exempt from foes and ailments.
cf. *nT*nrnnr

armt f%a°i: qiamit mw -

rr 6®;: wjfeiR ii


RSt Rl Wfrlfe II

t II a*tw<W54i II

'iTttiM y ltiy^ ! 6103.1 I

SMPFPRi UtRUpm^ifelf^TRltRT: II ^5 II

SJja^.% Vi. X.hft ^ax.wx hoco. in. nbii rjoaJi^a.vA. ut*JA

be devoted to 'knowledge and contemplation and will
lead a chaste life. The person born in the Dakshinayana
will be confident in his speech maintaining a distinc-*
.don between spirit and matter and will be full of
602 Adh. IX.


ftqip aTfeRiwfi s#i i

V#HRWRI3{tS hWR gttpm gTOt II

m 5isf <Vigtia^? grafg^Aggi srra I

nWgfFfgifii ftig*! ^i^cn^iwiflwR'^ 'I

mi ii

gg-agg^ sng: g<pqf3pft
ifNff vprafqtisq^l gr*fi W5i S^fil I

STTTsftW^rsR: ggggt q#3: ?T^fl:

S^gign ggsi: ggfi gr? tgirnsteg: wgg: gvs

Slofen 27. If a person be born in spring, he will

be long lived, wealthy and fond of fine scents ; if m
summer, he will seek relief in the use of ice, will be
clever, voluptuous, lean bodied and intelligent ; if m
the rainy season, he will be fond of milk, salt and
pungent flavours, eloquent in speech and possessed of a
clear intellect , if in autumn, he will be pure-minded
handsome faced, happy and lustful

^tR^Kwig! gtggf gT=fi gg^i ftrffogsj:

Shia IS The person born
in the winter season
will be a contemplative saint, o! a spare
form, following
the business o! agtieulwrc, possessing
the means j}
enjoyment and capable The person
whose birth is in
the coo dewy season will be
devoted to ablution,
w t,iih s5'-= *
r„xrhr b3Uty - ' '
-: r
» ;

SJ. 29-30 sraifisKmi: 603

II qifNwAH.
'll fttiflSHl ^TTffr

%it ^ 5T5! ^nafepRt *pms I

s*l| wfsr JF=rftrar£tra?s

tmaifid tfPft tothr: ll ^ li

Stoka 29. The person

born in the month of
,Chaitra will devote himself to the study of every art,
science and the scriptures and will be perpetually
engaged in racrry'making and delighting in the company
of women ; if in the month of Vaisaka, he will be con-
versant with every science, independent and hold sway
over some region ; if lVJyeshta, he will be blessed with
long enduring wealth and sons and versed in magic for-
mularies and their practical application to ceremonies
if in Ashada, he will be very wealthy, compassionate,
perpetually happy but betraying an aversion to other
^br (Chaitra), t^rrcr (Vaisakha), etc., are the names of lunar
months (^sCWT-Chaandra masa), and are so 'named after the star
occupied by the Moon at Full Moon (<TFnfl-Pournami), i.e., the

end of the bright half. Each lunar month conststs of thirty tithis
(ftfr) commencing from ya'KJipJHT (Suklapaksha prathama the
first day after the New Moon) and ending with the following

eptHTOI (Amavasya-New Moon).

MMlV-dW^ JHKl^Hl^ I

Shka 30 If a person be born in the month of

Adh. IX.

Sravana lie will devote himself to the worship of

if in Bhadrapada, he will
take delight
and Brahmins;
in visiting countries, be full of theories and
imaginative; Aswiji. he will be hostile^ to bis
if in
own people, indigent and base-minded ; if inKarthUca,
he will be f lt-limbrd, broad-eyed, devoted to
and surpassing in wealth.
Bffeft'f ^ vnfl

sRgeptOTfBt 3"1 1

fjfcSBra^RI’WWKdl^ BBTRlIB
ttnifatH'BKel! TdHipf BRrate; II 3? II

Sloka 31. If a person b; born in the month of

Marga&eersha he will show reverence to Gods, his
elders and his parents and will be virtuous ; if in
Pu9hya, he will be possessed of wealth, virtue and.,,
strength and will have a prominent nose ; if in the
month of Magha, he will be mischievously inclined
though very attentive to his duties and well-behaved
if in Phalguna, he will practise daily beneficence
and be
fond of music. '

U ’israsw ||
1WW* S-l'faWfW *1%: ijmg; |

WilhHiM prarngBTf;:

SMa 32. If a person be born in the

bright half

riches and sviU be virtuous

'° Warii!i h
but inimical to hi, relate, 'S m0ther

SI. 33-34 605

II ^7^1* II

3ira: rr<sqfft fr^trarfi

ql? wapqgiqqi^ srrar qgt sgft l

HPrqn^nqqi Qn^qr-T^T^i7^: r^^\7 m t^\\

quft ^T.vinq jflvqqjBi ?r%‘q srt^ n 33 n

Sloka 33. The person born in the early morning
is attentive to his duties, leads a life of beneficence and

is happy ; the person born at mid day will have princely

virtues ; the person born in the after-noon will be

wealthy ; the person born in the evening will be fond
of fine scents and lovely women, base^minded and of
wandering habits; the person born at night will have
the same characteristic as the one born in the evening.
The person born at sunrise will enjoy abundant

11 fcrtew 11

5TH! Jtftqft fw
finffarqf I

tjataraf g ”T!R^fmisq q^qt*


Sloka 34. If a person be born in (Pratipada)

or the first day of the Moon, he will be very indus-
triousand lead a virtuous life ; if in (Dwitiya) or
in the2nd day of the Moon,. he will have abundance of
splendour, cattle, strength, fame and wealth; if in
ijniqr (Triteeya), he will he virtuous and very timid
and will have a sharp clear voice; if in (Chaturthi),
he will be credulous, accustomed to wandering and
conversant with sacred texts.
Adh. IX.

wfi TO?T^ :

qiwiROTKft q^tinJOT: aisfrsftr^iqif^w! I

Hqrqf qifem^fre 5Rqra: wotto <fcft

qigt qmffoig qK gwjira! toot 3H
Sloktt 35. If a person b; born in raift (Panchami)
or the 5th day of the Moon, he will devote himself to
the study of all sciences and th» sacred scriptures, will
be lustful, lean and restless , if in R# (Shashti) or the
dth day of the Moon, he will have small strength, will
be equal tn status to a sovereign, wise and of a very
angry temperament, if in tfenft (Sjptami), he will have
a stiff extended voice, lording over people, phlegmatic
and powerful, if m
«re*ft(Ashtami), he will be exceed-
ingly lecherous, fond of hts wife and children, and
phlegmatic m temperament
OTitr firog: s^iotot qnfft tott ml

qrarP-TOt fftrqw
^ |

Sloka 36 If a person be bom

vpfl H ^ ||

in mttf
(Navami) or
the 9th day of the Moon, he will be known
to fame
have a charming person, but a bad wife and bad sons’
and will b- lustful, if born m
^wft (Dasani), he
be virtuous, with a clear voiced wife
and sons, pros-
perous and wealthy , if born in
(EkadMtl u„
will revere Gods and Brahmins and will bave
servitors and wealth Y
W.U be engaged
, if barn , n sretf (0™L T?
liberal, wealthy and learned
very b-nedeent
w^tdl 1 J h*

q cpfqjjj.
SI. 37-38 607

sniFtwRng: fq^Rumsmft
«pft *prpf£ qr? 53*mfr *r gwr; It 3» il

Sloka 37. If a person be born in (Trayodasi)

he will be covetous, very libidinous and possessed of
much wealth ; if m 'sgf (Chaturdasi), he will be of a
fiery temper and he will be ever wishing in his heart
to become possessed of other people's wealth and women;
if born in vrararoT (Amavasya), he will be credulous
and devoted to the worship of the Manes and the Gods ;
if in ’l^far (Poormma), he will sustain the reputation
of his family and will be wealthy and cheerful.

II e(K4)t!S4 II

3RS ft?T

^nsRTpFE! grors rrw torr ll Ac II

Sloka a person be born on the day of the

38. If

week sacred to the Sun, he will have a lofty sense of

honor, with brown hair, eyes and figure and will be
lordly ;on the day of the Moon, he will be a gallant,

with a lovely form and will ever be tender-hearted ; if

on the day of Mars, he will 1)2 cruel and concerned
with daring words and deeds ; if on the day of Mercury,
he will honor Gods and Brahmins and will speak
m „

mfam SPflflj I
610 aiTHWidsnSl Adh. IX.
SI. 40-44 ST7t?7s*7;p7: 611


Leonis, Leonis

a j

Palki each

Stars. m












(The 8t4ut


10 11





SI. 40-14 613















11 13
M u Sl ,ClClKl!

IV^3 Mii«HWHPt+-tPiHir? n'lPwi^ I

n »h ii

Sloka 45. (Gandanta), which consists of a


of each of the three

period of Hi ghatis at the junction
paits of stars >jaa(>dook) and
ii" r (Jyeshta), (Magha) m
and «5otr(Aslesha),and fcrft (Revati) and sftrtr (Aswinf),
is productive of ouch
evil to living beings. The sfr*r
(Ghatfka) at the /unction at arai Cjyrahta) and Hf-<
la) is wgn; (Abhukta). Any girl, boy, beast or
slave born in the ghatika in question cams the ruin of

the family owning them.

cf. mla* -
3%81^KniTT^ 1

^ mi Kmr&ifki' f| II

Tie term zr^p (AbhoVtamoola) is thus defined *

^BW ^

RTi I!

A child boro m * 2’^-' (AbhnhtamooU) shoal d be abandened-

If this b* not possible. the father should not see the child for
years after pet forming seme rehg.ous Japas and
Shantis, he may
see the child to the 5th year. cf. tjhrc
*T$9$33PTRf fn?c^FTI
SI. 46-48 615

®f% 3<3 899ff8tll S3S || Hratsft

sjs^ w^ & a#tft tffaSfct i

am^rsi anrei^ssr a filial?, n

f^aaKT ^gfJi^sr Hwfo smfe4> ii l

aniftr sR#mn fi#r swflforc H li

<£#9 ^ mr “ag^: i

sncraaa; 93 arfa'aaraai: n avs u

wf ^nm^mn igaHWJ(


sfoi %i giaf5i% li »<: li

The verses are *

elliptical ; we have to piece together the
various portions as we best canto get at* the sense they are
intended to convey.

blokas 46-48." Make ten equal divisions *of the

ghatikas which the Moon takes to pass through the
asteiism ^er (Jyeshta). If there be a child-birth in the
1st tenth of the star, it will cause the death of the
mother’s mother ; if in the 2nd tenth, of the mother’s
father ; if in the 3rd tenth, of the mother’s brother ;

in the 4th tenth, of the mother herself; if .in the 5th

tenth, of the child born ; if in the 6th tenth, of cattle

and wealth ; if in the 7th tenth, of both the families ;

if in the 8th tenth, of the whole race ;

if in the 9th
tenth, of the father-in-law (in prospect) ;
if in the 10th
tenth, ot* every thing.


*nfpFT*ft *T!rfl*fii fgrffali I

gaft figs ?fti ^9 nm 11

35mm gfSa 86 8^ 1
sTrrarnfhrn* Adh. IX.

flOT S5TO1: OTrS*! struaklH. II

qqtt 'og* ?fol (TO I

s$tgj ftqjq »=#f II

^nwiytwto ^s«n
’J33TI l> ^ <1

Slota 49. A girl born in rtut(Jyeshta) coupled

withaTuesdjy will cause the removal ot her eldest

brother from world, while the girl born in flju

(Moola) happening on a Sunday will cause her father-in-
law to depart.
5%tnn^s5Firti(3 ?”ng. fca'toiR aufifdB^


fatfa m ^j4 :
ijfrfefa gra: n v ii

Sloka 50. The person born in the first quarter of

the star Jyeshta will soon cause the death of his eldest
brother ; if a person be born in the 2nd quarter oi the
star, he will occasion the death of the youngest among
his elder brothers ; if in the 3rd quarter, he will
cause the death of his father ; if in the 4th quarter, the
person born may himself die*

The following verses contain similar and some more details

about the bad effects of being born -with the Moon m Aslesha,
Visakha, beshu and Moola,

* iFtqraftHgHui Pro
,3^ |

ftnsrort w ^
433c ^ ^ a^urn 1

si: 51-55 sran*ts ,ntr*n 617

***** r ^ sfe ™
ijaMVnfrnrais at^g atea: saia. i

6 gtT$fl3lt a ftwSiaj qf^fil |1

^S<5 f!&$ 5irai 6tft n ifrtarqj |

4f%fe ft%# siMi gfti a%! a n

g&rawaaat awraa f^rniPRat g iHtg i

Maatsaga: gai ai aaraift <agi fagfa II

(Raait^ afaar a ?Pa nwlpfifan^aar aaag n

^si«im^ (Tat fai-aig fiJafaa; araiaTg uf^a l

qtftaSr fcaftaRta;: airg; agaar^ agafr ah?ag;iiH?ii

Sloka 51. If a person be born in the 1st quarter
of the star Moola, he will occasion’ the death of the
father ; if in the 2nd quarter, the death of the mother
very soon ; if in the 3rd quarter, he will occasion the
loss of wealth ;
if m the 4th quarter, he will be happy.

^aigraat aiaa: rafaa^aifaaifeai: I

stra fiat fiaatar gala ataaiaia: n hr u

faaiawga g mar asafa a^aa l

ail 1 aiggiaa’i asm wgaarai n HR it

3tsgf% ftgsaaii ftfoa g aaia% i

asm agaaiat ^aiaaiTgRifai^ li H» u

g sgg ana: aaaagag gatgar I

ag$r ag^nft aiawsiagr H hh ii

Slokas 52-55. Make 15 equal divisions of the

61& Adh. IX.

ghatikas which the Moon takes to pass through the

asterism Moola If a person be born m the 1st 15th
portion of the star, he will cause the death of his father,
if in the 2nd 15th, of the father s brother , \i in the ltd
15th, cf the sister's husband , if in the 4th 15tb, of the
paternal grand father, if in the 5th 15th, of the mother,
if in the 6th 15th, of the mother a sister ,
if in the 7th
l5th,ofthe mothers brother, if m the 8th 15th, of a
paternal uncle’s wife, if in the 9th 15tb, of everything ,

ifin the IGth 1 5th, of all the cattle in the house , if in

the 11th 15th. of the servants , if ui the 12th 15th, the
person born will die , if in the 13th 15th, his eldest
brother will die, if in the 14th 15th, his sister will
die, if in the last 15th, his mother’s father will die.

HW5 3 n II

Sfofca 56 II a person be bom in the hrst quarter

of the Star Aslesba, there is
no danger to any person
f in the 2nd quarter, there is the risk of
losing money
ifm the 3rd quarter hrs mother runs the risk of losing
her life, m the 4th quarter the father runs a similar


ffiS 1 1131 tnij

4)*n Plfa f^tsnre rprqqiq
|| ^ | (

v, ?°xr
Moola, Magha or ? a"
P ' r50n bom m
tl' c f '«t
quarter of
buth be in the
will lose his fat-W u . t i_
Aslesha, there will he less of

the mother,
quarter of
the faher and

SI. 68-GO G19

the child, it being immaterial when the birth happens,

whether during the day, in the night or at the two
junctions of day and night.
This sloka is also quoted in

srra^g sr^pfir q*n i

atRqtq uwqqt{p,j qtra rpTfmq; n v 11

SJoku 58. The person born in a Ganda loses the

father if the time be day, and the mother if the time of
and if the time of birth be in the junc-
birth be night;
tions between day and night, the person born will
himself die, so that Ganda fails not of effect.

qqjnrratft qfq f£r ott i

3 u w n
Slot: 59. There is Ganda at the conclusion of a
Gandatara such as Rcvati, Aslesha or Jyeshta at night
and at the commencement of a Gandatara such as Aswi-
ni, Magha or Moola during the day and at the junction
of a pair of Gandataras in the junctions between day
and night. This is the distinguishing marie of a Ganda

^ qqg, n \° n
Sloka 60 The person born in the Dhanur Lagna
when the Moon is in the astcrism Poorvashada will
lose his father ; again the person born in the Karkata
Lagna and when the Moon is in the star Pushya will
likewise cccasion his father’s demise.
T'rf'HS U frtTT HPH 3df( 1

it ii
& 1

Adh. IX.

n ,
5tar P° otvMh
^^^to/n“d° i„ ‘h e
preceding slots «i
^ ^ Ji 0SS0
t f the father,
till then or the mother’s
raot , ft the birth in question,
r ,

Sjr£f«=S, *w - <«.! a—to.

«' »'
fateful star referred

^wfi'i aro ssw ’it i

qiif a/w PimTH tpitt wps *r l

ipfrifiisfenmi^pRr^>ra ^ IK? n

uftfRg wrai sfct arai %ianiii a*n I

Sloka 61-63 fc. If when the Moon pisses through

the 1st quarter of the star
Uttaraphilguni or the two
middle quarters of the star Pushya, or through the 3rd
quarter of the star Chittra or through the first half of
Bharani or through the 3rd quarter of Hasta or through
the fourth quarter of Revati, there is a birth, the father
or the mother of the child born will die according as it
is of the male or female sex.

u u
t mni 'qroraw i

vimdHist Nnilt.^'llEq^lt: |l ||

df'i qqsff %i ddduddidfuf 1

5t qiat ’dlsRltrai 3
S' ? if 3 fitqrasfgf I! Vt II

ddd »n% mi m.
^ diH^g ftui

n $5 ii
Sf. 64-69 621

3nSrEIJo5WS <pn f^cR \

srsTK^ft^t to sfntfe »im: i

ftsmrw MItoc «ti&nfoftsro il n

Slokas 64 —67, The Ganda period (i.e. period of
risk) is 16 years when the birth is in the 1st quarter of
Aswini ; it is8 years in regard to the 1st quarter of
Magha ; one year with reference to Jyeshta ; 4 years in
the case of Chittra and Moola ; 2 years in the case of
Aslesha; one year in regard to Revati; 2 months is

the limit of the risky period in connection with CJttara-

phalguni; 3 months with respect to the star Pushya;
the child born in Poorvashada will bring about the
removal of the father from this world in the 9th month.
If aperson be born in Hasta he will cause his father’s
death within 12 years. The person born in Abhukta*
moola (see sloka 45, latter half) will cause the death of

the father at the very moment of his birth. If the

person born in Abhuktamoola should live, he will be
the cause of his family’s pre/eminence, raise its status
and will be prosperous he may perhaps command an



itij wt gnu l

llrfft fimi nfhi tflft tot n n

^igi} nigs sfni I


Slokas 68—69.
^ fej sfct toto
If there
be a birth on the
ll n
day of the Moon in the dark half of a lunar month and
that in the first sixth portion thereof, it will prove aus*
lota of
picioua, if it be m
the 2nd 6th, there -will be
beloss of the
the father, if in the 3rd 6th, there will
cause the death of the
mother, if in the 4th 6th, it will
remove the
mother's brother
if m
the 5th 6th, it will
if in the last sixth, ,t Wll
brothers from the world,
born Thus the evil of
causethe death of the child
Ganda has been mentioned
ef Tiwswiftfrt ... .

a IJjft WW H 3 ell'll^ II

fiat ?Pa i

mga ?Pd TOb uprndu, ii

a % i

Jrararat nTRi difd-ii oti i

irci t nft'itfbit Tjgcqnrf ftsra: u o. n

MuraiTThlRf tSffif trq f|

ftSjira snPft friftiFras I

ftdldWdi TR^mi fqvfltpf || vs? ||


Slolns 70—71 The abandonment of the younv of

elephants, horses, cows, buffaloes and more especially
human kind, if brought forth on the day
of the
of the
new moon when a digit thereof is faintly visible in the
morning the abandonment of the young
of these ani-
mals is hid down as a rule If they be
brought forth
on the new moon day when no vestige
of the Moon
becomes visible, expiatory rites should
be none throng
in accordance with the prescribed
rule, to avert
evtl o such births the
the rule of
abandonment „ absolut
when the creature born
i, a.
specimen of, m
Si, 72-73 jnrtfiV'Trrqt 623

The real meaning may be, the day on which the

Moon with a thin crescent of light scarcely visible.”

Monier Williams. The term appears to apply to the first Jth
portion of the New Moon, while the period covered between the
second Jth to the sixth Jth is designated ?5? (D.irsa). The
seventh and eighth Jth portions are termed gif; (Kuhu). Accord-
ing to ^Rnidiir^RiT (Kalaprahasika), (Kuhu) occurs when the.
Janmanakshatra or either of its Tnkona ones synchronises with

the New Moon, the ending moments of which coincide with Thyaj
yam. Kuhu signifies an evil yoga Various expiatory rites are
ordained to ward off the evil arising from births during these


stfsgfiaTOSirara: *rat il n
Sloka 7Z. The child born under the same star a3
the father or under the 10th star from the father’s (see
sloka 78 for the meaning of Janmarksha and Karmarkaha)
will occasion the loss of the father ; the child bom m
the same Janmala-rna and the same Nakshatra Navamsa
as the father will cause the father’s death on the very
day of its birth,
r/. *rf*ro

frit si HIHR} I

Steffi q tig# =ira: flat II

3??C fll^T snfl! qiini'mi'sq. I

fircrui gi&NdMpfln * li Il 5

Sloka 73. he child born under the Musala or


Mudgarayoga will bring about the loss of what is good

or auspicious. Birth under the Vishtikarana betokens
624 Adh IX.

a pauper and by his birth in the Guhka period of the

day, the peison born will have a defective hmb

fofiTCT v^\
nm tj: I

sn€t frfft'flfot! 11 «« 11

Sloka 74. The person born in a Rihtha thithi be-

comes barren, he who is born in the Yamakantaka
period of the day will be a cripple he who is bom

under a star assailed by a bad planet will be afflicted

with ailments
faw (Rilwtha thithi)svjj«ff (ChiturthO, swft (Navanu) or
^grrfl (Chatuxda 1)

II wv ii

Sloka 75 When the Lagna is free from

any planet
but about to be occupied by one, the son born will
given for adoption to another person When a bnth
tales place in a Vyatipatayoga, the
person born will
have adefective hmb The child born
.n a Par.ghayoga

hewm^,h“:rrhe^vi^ d
Vtn^ Z
he will cause the los, cl
W" U " m °" “ » Gania he w,H
” Cr tr ° c c

fcWmni* I

^ll veil Tl; c ij 3; ^ r r WWStmgi

pjaj Bj,- *
51 y
§51 ^ j|
St. 77-81 625

Sloka 77 The child born with teeth will cause

damage to the famity from tne commencement of the
second to the conclusion of its fourth month the rising
of teeth at the time of birth may cause the death of the
father in the 6th month of the child When this
critical period is over, all may go well

ii smTcira^r: ii

stnisfora g $<? i

sr’ftGraftRw* %m5.nFTORf «rrif i

snfttsnratesm: n &>, n
'*1'-M9KlV7f n«|! MIMf-tM 2-!*! I

mt 3*: fjOT*OT?ti il ii <

SJoKas 7S —SO Th star in winch the Moon is at

the time of birth of a person is to be reckoned as the
first and is called (Janmarksha) , the tenth there
from is called (Karmarksha) , the 16th, they say, is

styled rromtr (Sanghathika) ,

the 18th is named * rrg^*r 1

(Samudaya), the 19th is called snurr (Adhana) , the 23rd

is known as (Vamasika) ,
the 25th, the 2Cth and
the 27th stars arc called respectively 3m?r (Jati),
(Desa) and (Abhisheka) If the (Janmarksha)
and other stars above enumerated be occulted by malefic
planets at the birth of any person, they will cause death
on the very day of birth
, if rccultcd by bcncfic pla-

nets, they will produce benefic dkets



Jnfff ^ ii <:? Ii

C26 Adb. IX-

*f? ^f#}: Trara wira gt# cH ll ll

^Uhis — The Ganda the months

SI S2. in of Vat*
sakha, Sravanaand Phalguna is such as relates to the sky;
in the months of Ashadhi, Pushya, Margasirsha and
Jjeshthn, the Ganda ts such as affects men in Aswija, ;

Kattika, Ghaitra and Bhadrapada, the Ganda is such as

relates to the Pathala or the nether world in the
month of Magha, the Ganda or risk to b; run is death
The evil of Ganda which relates to Pathala and the sky
Pushhara does not concern this world and so does not
rcaUv exist for us.

sttOTra finss ftai 1

sWtei 11 <\ ll

&l 'I i S3 Tbc father should behold the face o[ a

sou as soon as bofn by seeing tbc son's
; face, the
father is released fiom his debt to the Manes

M*t || »

ffcRRwnotfSftm srt:
^ ,


i A ,
^ 1,1
P rwn

TOsten n
«nJ« the star
w „

(Aswirn) will have a great deal of
mrclct, sagacity and fame
mtelWence We ,,T
and will be happ^

SI. 85-86 snroiswTO! 627

star (Krittika), he will be energetic, lord-like in

status, not dull but with some valuable learning ; if in
ir/ibnr (Rohim), he will know the weak points of others,
be lean, enlightened but addicted to women not his
• Notes.
. Compare the effects given here in si okas S4 —90 with those
given in Brihatjataka ch. XV I.

stis^inw^isiswss i

=T 5*14 501-5::

RRS t%rg*m: SSRqi TOM sRfUjg; II II

Sloka 85. If a person be born in (Mriga-

sitsha), he will be soft-hearted, wnndertng, squint-eyed,
love-sick and ailing ; tf in strsj (Ardra), he'vvill be des-
titute of wealth, fickle, with much physical strength
and addicted to base actions if in 3*% (Punarvasuj he

will be dull-witted, strong in wealth, famed, learned,

and lusting for women if in (3 C!0 Pushya he will love

Gods and Brahmins, possess wealth 'ahd intelligence,

enjoy royal favor, and have a large circle ol relations.

si* go^Rdi^
otu spft I

tfpft : gtfft I! II

Sloka 86. If a person be born under the star'tft&*r •

(Aslesha uc. when the Moon is in that astcrism), he

will be silly betraying ingratitude by his speech, of

hasty temper and depraved; if in the star Jrrr ( Maghi),

he will be lustful but devoted to virtue, indulgent to
u ,

Adh. IX.

hia wife, proud and wealthy ,

if m a^ffoorva'
pbalgimi), he will be restless, pricing evil,
strrrcgsfr ( tears
strong and longing for women ,
if in.

with a lofty seme of

phalgum) he will be voluptuous,
honor, grateful and intelligent

tpg; 5OTvph%WII WiT®lf ^

’nA I

^rraf wft tuMi’.

ntf firaifttftwiM fttinstef. »

SJoio 87 If a person be born under the star V&
CHwta), he will be devoted to love and to virtue, be*
friend the learned and live in opulence, if tnfan (Chittra),
he will be very wary* good natured, and endowed with'
a high sense , of honor, though longing for other men’s
wives , if in (Swatt), he will try to please Gods 1

and Brahmins, devote himself to enjoyments and will

have much wealth but little intelligence, if jn ftrcrwt
(Visahha), he will be proud, but uxorious, overcome his
enemies and betny much irritability

Ira 5SW?Pi.vFft giro: '5?^ ’isrefl fta:

wfoli^sfairM qrfl
^ rpf,

5^1 qpgsfti II £C ||
« » lemon be bom m theatar
(Anuradln) he will be very Able h
ease loving, liononbk, famous,
Oyiahtha) he will be very ,11
and mwrr‘,,1
ZZ 'm '
‘ n ^,

men not hi, own, loriT

be will be eloquent, bue
SI. 89-90 JrerTrsurror G29

marred, ungrateful and indigent; if in 'jjtfarci (Poorva'

shadha) he will be uniformly well-behaved, endowed
with a high fense of honor. Well off and calm minded.

wg: irintjn: gw ^ fospfct: 'rfaw:

wwr *rar srI q&ng i

straining raisififfis 'frafaro ggtl

grag: wtow gpglss'njg grctfi lit;'', ll

Sloka 89. If a person be born in the star ^wttst

(UtUrashadha), he will be honorable, cf a
nature, happy, possessed of wealth, and learned, if in
the star *moi (Sravana), he will have reverence for Brah-
manas and the Gods, be of the governing class, opulent

and pious; if under (Sravishtha), he will be ciedu*

Ious, wealthy^, plump in the thighs and the neck and

joyful , if in the star (Satabhishak),
he will
be an astrologer, tranquil, sparing in diet and daring

SPR»PFRl 'Jpi TTOW >15:

^iflgsipranisRl gigiTOnni ifea: 1

^(is^vFsgr'rwg! suns*: 5^
=rra: rar’-ta: 11 11

Sloka 90 If a person be born in I^HIOT^T (Puna-

proshthipadi), he will be bold in his speech, mischievous,
coward!} and weak; if in the star (Uttara.
proshthapath), he will be gentle in his nature, liberal,

opulent and learned ,

(Rcvnti), he will have a
if in

broad mark in his person, will be love sick, lovely, clever

in counsel, will have sons, familj and friends and will
enjoy steady continuous prosperity.
stnnrqtfomt Adh. IX-


qfq; yid'ft ^ -si ^

6® Jts'k-tra?!
^ai tfa^ttraror^fW "t^nral 1 ’iffw l

$qigs gr^q^tlipraf MURm g«j^

X? 55ftii%ra 11 II

StoLa 91 If it the linth Moon be

of 1 person the
Mdslu, he \\ ill cat spmngl> long For women end 1m e
enterprising cider brothers if in Vnshabln, the

bom will t>c liberal, lo\cl>, rich in fame, of excellent

behaviour, and have hu» children nil daughters if in

Mithuni, he be blessed with long life and skilful in


ministering to love during amorous pleasures and ev incing

a fondness for jest and merriment if the Moon be in ,

Katalci at a persons birth, the litters heart will be m 1

passioned w ith lov e he will l«_ad a wandering life and

u ill sp^ak eloquently

c/ 'Risilir WIl-l to 4

ftrs^f Ttl^n: gq’qtfi *iwitefiri gt-fi

qsqfii ftixigit rsfrSFiqrijqtrrfiret ulirarg i

qitefi tufttfd fnft s n n

SIjLj 92 Ifnp*rson be horn when the
Moon is
in Simhe, be will hnv c broad cv cs, i beautiful
free, grave
looks and will be lnpp> if tho Moon bo
m Kanja at a
person s birth, the latter will be afflicted
fer sensual enjo) met, of graceful
with a in- cm
learning and prosperous, ,f ,n Tu ! a
address, eminent m
the person ,v,ll Me ,
with reverence Gods and Brahmanas,
show affection
5 ,

bl. 93-94 631

towards his relatives and will be opulent the person bom

when the Moon ism Vnsehika will be heedless, ailing,
avancious and given to wandering

cf. XVII — to 8

stauft #a”i: ftsqri Ristf Mi

Msr: sgjisraf 5in^t <rc^fcii i

ipnik ^ ftsmro
^pfrcni* n u
Slohtt 93 When the Moon occupies Dhanus, the
person bom will have handsome limbs and bright ejes
he will be the choicest specimen of his family and con-
versant with the arts, if the Moon be in Makara at a
person’s birth, the latter will be acquainted with music,
broad headed and addicted to women not his own, the
person born when the Moon is inKumbha will be without
virtue or morality and mimical to learned men while
surpassing m knowledge, if the Moon be m Meena at a
person’s birth, he will have a handsome person, be learn-

ed and become the lord of many wives

cf Z^ltTKjXVII —9 to 12


fro frai i

*n%: i%m^i a’lifw if5 ^:

J9ITO li V» li

6/oJt The jx-rson bom w hen the Moon is in a
i 1

Navamsa owned b> Mcdn will be a commander of an


632 3t!cft^I!(3Tra Adh. IX.

army, opulent and distinguished by reddish eyes and

destined to become a freebooter; if the Moon be in a
Navamsa owned by Vrishabha, the person born will have
his body, the face and the shoulders fat, but his frame
will not be compact or well knit; when the Moon occu-
pies aNavamsa of Mitliuna, the person bom will have a
lovely form, will serve under
a master as a scribe and will
be learned; if the Na\am«i occupied by the Moon
belong to Kataka at the birth of any person, he will
black and will be without the jojs of ha\ing a father
a son

tpjfq ffera .

53113: fcnsjqr ^135 n^n

Slotil 05. When the Moon is in a
Snnlia Navamsa
(he person bom have a fat body and a lofty
and will be famed for lus wealth
and strength ; if the
by the Moon belong)
(Ivanya),the person bom will
be distinguished
to *,«
for his
sucet words, lean person and cleier at
dice ; when the
Moon is in a asm (Navamsa) of to, (ruh)
born will
lovely eyes
be a gallant,
; the person
„,e service
bom when

"!!* h

nntw (VmchiU navamsa), ,s m :i

„, U ?
" lU
Poor, lean, waii'd^g m ^ T* scrvic ^ and
•SI. 97-98 snrol s^irat 638

Shka 96 If the
be in a Moon (Navamsa)
owned by (Dhanus), the person born will be lean and
long armed, liberal, devout and vealthj , if in a *rahl
(Navamsa) of (Makara), the person bom will be
covetous, black in personal appearance and have a will
wife and sons ; if in a jpmstisr (Kumbha navamsa), the
person born will be hypocritical and henpecked and if ,

the Moon be m a rftjpRltr (Meena navamsa), the person

born will have a soft voice, but speak spiritedly, will visit
holy places and be blessed with sons


fcmraT’-f't^pqr? rfrat >R#rct:

^flflflfltflfli fl 4^isfraisRtfl',j flflt

flflhiTOfi gwrRflf 'ft#!*: II W II

Sloka 97 A person will be victorious over his

enemies and possessed of wealth and c ittlc if born in the
(Vishkambha yoga); subject to the will of
other people’s wives if born in Jfrfa (Preeti) ,
long-lived and
healthy, if born m (Ayushman) ,
happ>, if born
in the dmmr
(Sowbhagya) yoga voluptuous if born in ,

sfhnr (Sobhana) murderously inclined if born in ftriqnv*


(Atiganda) ; “wealth) and denoted to the practice of virtue

if born in (Sukarma) and taking aw a) other peoples

wife and money if born in wr (Dhruti)

W #Frcn3»n
ffifll 5’frai
fft^l flfenfflfl: mjAfli Art! 5T#rM5t:.ll V II

) ,

m Adh. IX.

S/ofcrt 98 If a person be bom in the tijrq’m (Stria

yogi), he is wrathful and quarrelsome , if in (Ganch),

he is addicted to c\d practices, if in (Vnddhi), he

is able to discourse wisely ,

if in wx (Dhruva), he will S'
exceedingly wealthy , if in «onrnr (Vyaghatha), he will (T
ferocious, (llarshana), he will be wise and far

famed, if in (Vajra), he will be wealthy and lustful

if in (Siddht), he will be the refuge of all and lord
like , if m (Vyathipatha), he will be deceitful

radtfpm 5TP3(s^raRfii!

srrtw: $«t>?msf*t 5RRR OTngt: %ttR5i t) v, n

Slaka 99 a person bo born in the iflmjbl (Va

nyayoga), lie mil be lustful to a culpable extent if m

nft<l(Pangha), he will be inimical but wealth) if fire m

(Siva), he will bo well versed in sciences and

wealthy, quiet and lilted b> kings , if fine (Siddha) he m
win bo devoted to virtue and engage in tile
of sacrifices , if in wve (Sadh) a) he u ill be a irtuous if
3" (Subha) he will be beautifully formed,
wealth) loie
sick and affected with phlegm

^ Tf5ft'it (Rlfatf'T,

yoga),'he' V^b th
m CSukk

51 101-102 snrorswrtm 635

have a lofty sense of honor, with secretly kept wealth

be liberal, and capable of forming sound judgments , if
m^ (Aindra), his life will be universally beneficent
his intellect will be all comprehensive, and he will
possess much wealth , if in Wet (Vaidhruti), he will be
cunning, calumniating others, powerful, liberal and


-k(kk"l kk '<

qi^t Tisiqsq! I


g^q^rw gmra: n ?=*? II

Sld&a 101, If a person be born in (Bavakara

na),he will engage in juvenile works and will be
valiant, in ** 1 ^
(Balava) he will be modest in his dress
and deportment and will be honored by kings , if in
(Kaulaval, he will have elephants and horses
with him and will do all that he does in a handsome
way, if maRra (Thaitila) he will speak softly and impres
sively and will be virtuous
1 R^1 r-M u MldT ^ftrTCTT! Mdmt


S)oka 102. If a person be born in nrrMRor (Garaja

karana), he will be without foes and powerful , if in
(Vanij) or *tfarrsm (Vamjakarana), he will be a

clever speaker and intrigue with mistresses indulging a

guilty passion for him, if in firferr®! (Vishti karana),

he -wilt be hostile to everybody, addicted to sinful

deeds, under public censure, but honored by his
attendant* and self-reliant


«l^lRtfhr «T^TH TRT331T ^T1*M

Sloha 103 The person born in

karana) will be an astrologer and enjoy steady pros'
penty , the person who has his birth the m
called (Chatushpada), will have a multitude of
misfortunes, will be acquainted with every business,
very gentle, intelligent, famous and wealthy if a person

he born in (Migavakaram), he will be dignified

neb, exceedingly strong and boastful , in
stughna karana) is born a person who works for others
and is fickle'rainded and fond of mirth

II ^'V-W ||

$srags sshfi
InTfi rtjq ipfj^

bab,w, lean
* hSeT^r
m pct.cn, hnt-ttmpc'S
th =
„ f,y „


(Vrishabha) wl „ own ^ ng
SI- 105-106 637

homage to elders and.to the^ Brahmanas, will be fond of

learned disputations, inclined 'to wandering, fortunate,
lustful, calm-minded and with but few sons.

nWt jpft
7T<nw fm? ^ 5^1^ I

Sloka 105. If (Mithuna) be the rising,, sigh

any person, he will be voluptuous, fond;,
at the birth of
of compass ionate, exceedingly prosperous,
worthy, acquainted with the real nature of the world
and the spirit, contemplative, liked by the virtuous*
very beautiful, hut ailing. The person born in the
(Kataka lagna) will have sumptuous meals, cloth'
iog and jewels, a soft voice, and a mind inclined to
fraud, but will be virtuous, bulky and taking delight in
dwelling in the mansions of other people.


Sjjt TFSnrsfNifl i4du3» I

wfk™ n?°5ii
Sloka 106. The person born in the (Simha
lagna) has but few sons, is hostile to people contented

with what they have (but would not better themselves),

brave, will charm kings, overcome foes, long for women
and repair to a foreign place ; the person at whose birth
the rising sign (Kanya) will be skilled in various
is srwir

works, prosperous, talented, of.sound judgment^ taking

pleasure in the blandishments of lovely women, fond of
relations and sincere.
G38 airawntwru Adh. IX.

jRHrfmlste: dtoi&rareil l

Fm*. v-i-iyA'-M .sn^ii^Rt

Hifow \\ u
blokit 107. The person bom in the geT^f (Tula
lagna) will have a lovely face and charming eyes, he
will be honored by kings, learned, fond of the pleasures
of love, possessing women, wealth and lands ; his prin-
cipal teeth will not be close but apart he will be calm,

pensive, but irresolute and exceedingly timid.


fro? tfsronsiq FnKm: I

SHWrfWilV fro: #(I=t

sr&fteragffiq owflgterc git n ?°c n

Sloha 10$. The person born in tht (Vris*

chika lagna will be silly with cruel looks, exceedingly
fickle minded, proud, long*Uved, wealthy, learned,
hostile to good men and nursing sorrow (pensive).
The person whose Lagna at the time birth 13
(Dhanus) will be wise, the best of his fanuly, prosperous
and possessing fame and wealth the tii an fj 0Tn

(Makara lagna) will be fond of lovely

perfidious and will speak dejectedly. *

Being silly is not inconsistent w,th being

UAr«*A James
1 , ,
England was declared by some historian to 1 °*
ha' e een.

learned fool in Clufstendom most ,


SI. 109—111 639

top* 1 ?=«. II

Sloka 109. The person born in the (Kumbha

lagna) will be crafty minded, fond of dalliance with
women not his own, of miserly habits and master of
much wealth. When tfto (Meena) is the rising sign at
a person s birth, he will be learned, sparing in his enjoy*
ments, kind to his friends and endowed with spirit and
strength, while possessing much corn and wealth


arrir iral wgdmrara: w: gror rh-ir l

iinft z.m ?!n^srft#Eqfscsiii >?f?; ag!!»

1 S’oka 110. If the Lagna be an odd sign, and the
(Hora) be owned by the Sun, the person born will
be of a cruel disposition, lustful, rich and honored by
kings. Butthe Lagna being an odd sign, the

(Hora) be that of the Moon, the person born will be

eloquent, liberal, handsome, compassionate, but will
have an intriguing wife

Sloka 111 If a person be born in the Sun's

(Hon) in an even rising sign, he will be clever in coun-*

sensible of favors received, but irresolute

exceedingly timid. If a person be born in the


(Hora) belonging to the* Moon in an even Rasi, he

be fearless in speech, lasy and fond of a virtuous
038 wraTi^TTTTsmr Adh. IX.

AM II $oV9 it

Mofeu 107. The person bom in the 3^?^ (Tula

lagna) will have a lovely face and charming eyes , he
will be honored by kings, learned, fond of the pleasures
of love, possessing women, wealth and lands ; his prin-
cipal teeth will not be close but apart he will be calm,

pensive, but irresolute and exceedingly timid

\4i TO'Isft^sffa'rar jjpTi f'lwAfi

ftSH; sTtojispt Pm?m; I

’d’ni-'i inr-j
3(®fiW85?ra wRara: bra n ?»<: n ,

The person born in

5 loka 108. the (Vris-
chika lagna will be silly with cruel looks, exceedingly
fickle minded, proud, long lived, wealthy, learned,
hostile to good men and nursing sorrow (pensive).
The person whose Lagna at the time of birth is «ig^
(Dhamis) will be wise, the best of his family, prosperous
and possessing fame and wealth the man born in
«***" (Makara lagna) will be fond of lovely
women *
peihdvous and will speak dejectedly.


England rvas declared by some historian

' )ameS 1 °f
to ba„. **
T. eeD
learned fool in Christendom m0fi t

*133113113! I
Si. 109-111 639

II ?*°> II

Shka 1Q9. The person born m the (Kumbha

lagna) will be crafty minded, fond of dalliance with
women not his own, of miserly habits and master of
much wealth. When Jftft (Meena) is the rising sign at
a person s birth, he will be learned, sparing in his enjoy*

ments, kind to his friends and endowed with spirit and

strength, while possessing much corn and wealth


'TRi tot vnjjtTtjrara: wifi Tt^rri't: I

^ taiq. ??°
S’okn 110 If the Lagna be an odd sign, and the
(Hora) be owned by the Sun, the person born will
be of a cruel disposition, lustful, rich and honored by
kings. But if, the Lagna being an odd sign, the sftr
(Hora) be that of the Mcon, the person born will be
eloquent, liberal, handsome, compassionate, but will
have an intriguing wife

a: tto ’tro't I

srosttrt: !TOT«nrmt5ror; ? ? ?

Slokn 111 If a person be born in the Sun's tin

(Hon) an even rising sign, he will be clever in coun-
sel, sensible of ftvors received, but irresolute
exceedingly timid If a person be born in
the sip
(Hora) belonging to the' Moon in an even Rasi, he will
be fearless in speech, hey and fond of a virtuous wife,
'640 Attb. IX.

ii ii

qtrfiTtDT 41501 *F3! II ? W II

'ihe first Drekkana of f&S (Simha), Jni


(Kumbha ),
$fas (Vnschika) and
of (Meena),
kara), the last tfbr

ka), fa* (Simha), (Tula) and the middle Drekkana

of vKataka) and (Vnschika) are, for the most
part declared by the sages to be malefic

n)lJiWR^n^«nnt srafai q^artsrcr wimri

Slokn 113 The firstDrekkanas of ^F(Kataka)
and tfta (Mcena), the middlemost of *0*1 (Meena) and
*»xr (Kanya) and the last of (Vnshabha) and
fhH^ (Mithuna) are the six water-bearing Drekkanas.

^rriragi: ntprfo nj«n:||i>

Slokn 114 The second ol ira (Mesha),
03H (Dha-
nos), Tm (Vrishabha), ju (Kumbha) and mt? (Maka
ra) and the f, mot «*. (Thula), (Kanya) and %,
(Mithuna) and the ugn Dhanus',
last oi
n, (Kanya)
and Tt (Kumbha) ate tettned benefic Drekkanas
4yii.w.rJ'w*i3i t^niiT sro ^r<rer ^ |

nrn»d%i |, ija..
S,0 *“ “3 - The Ia ttoE Maka M)ha (MeSha),
Si. 11G-U7 sismrswanr G41

and (Kataka), the first of (Vrishabha) and

(Dhanus) and the middlemost of (Mithuna ),
33tr (Thula) and f&sr (Simha) are termed mixed Drekka*
nas, say the astrologers with one accord

^rr§: l

T« §?^FTiI'T*T 5?T^StlT
<rcs*rito: \M\\\
S’oka 116. The person born in a malefic Drekkana
will be evil-minded, of wandering habits, addicted to
evil deeds and m bad repute the person born m a

dhiv?Tif?Fi<JT (Thoyadhara dreklana) will be liberal, volup'

tuous, compassionate, bent on agriculture and irrigation,
and void of morality the person born in an auspicious

Drtkkana will have rich and happy sons a lovely form,

will be tender-hearted the pen>on born in a mixed

Drekkana will be ill behaved, addicted to young women

not his own» of cruel aspect and fickle minded.


wjr>sf% 733777717; ftsrsm wi

=77751 71751131 71371777! 7f“s7l 7177157: I

Ynqftt TvTTlf fa=7TI*ft 7 -i'-'-l


g7T% 3R57737777f7I73t 777ft It ?

771 jft Tirft II

Slota 117 If a person be born in a 7.J=rri!t (Surya-

mvamsa), he will be evil minded, strong, prolific, rich
tawny-eyed and lustful if in a Navamsa owned by the

Moon, he will be voluptuous, addicted to young women

not his own, learned and rich in cows in a Navamsa
, i(

of Mars, he will be addicted to cruel deeds,


m Adh. IX.

minded, of wandering habits, afflicted with bilious com*

plaints and avaricious; if in a Navamta belonging to
Mercury, he wjU be liberal, impassioned, handsome and
well-known for his learning and good name.



irtt wrRgrir «

*wfk TsnpnNattNhfcrcri: gtfin \

vr^^rdi grar. u
*tanr *fosi

^IfJT: ffOK%m5ht 'STift ^ JTTqO |

'tA: ^v^nalrs%;T5r; JrrStstTvro: grft

irr. wafan<s?rsi«£vtn: ?Jr^Timib «k: n

v «* •>


3r«n$foii*ltf3[fa vrowMftnrai/5ra: i

tfroig- gtfr
*rr: u

## ^ tufora^ti: % §€i *?win.

sttRFR’ft ^raiffnrai^ra: i

SpsHl S#: bW)

*Htst ’tf? Vftriisfi ntp^ H 1 1<: ||
Slcla 118. If a person be born
in a Navam.a „f
Jupiter, lie will hive
golden hair in his ...
person .

be eminent, talented, beautiful,

clever hfcounse? t'
ing learnedly, of a cheetlul ’
mien, and liLi k
« *" » Navamsa owned by
s » Ve™ Zw ^? m
PCr0ts "
society ol women
Pieced and learned.,
not bisoivn
1, i„ a
W lght

Si: 110-no snrouwrro! 643

he will be evil-minded, 'indigent, with large teeth, and

afflicted with ailments.


urg: qror §<cw$h: j

'fS'ftfr srfeWipfr nfurn: gfrjpTRSWf

flwnA tflfwro gtgfrtlr n

srf*rawRt gjja:
>u?Spff<& *wfa Ik'S®: 3?ratFW 3*rfar: i

W- vftnfaiR? ^Rfife'r gjigr

«nrar wrfnrrcT it

JTR?5s<T-j5Twr *n**5T: ^rtrs*: *rr 3«rnr;i°f: »sr*|sw: t

q^uiMh^r: vmffcst feraitf qftmavwmft JTR^i flrgsrfc u

^nchrawngaw «r*q: i

gw gar: *g.- stgtRm stifc gvrgtf ^ a ^r. ti

il giawr^R il

jsrat iprsrcsira ww %: qrci^rcmrigw;! i

3J nra g gsitet ?

Sloka 1 person be born in a 5R*rin (Dwada-

19. If a

samsa) owned by *R (Mesha), he will be a mischievous ^

robber and take to the evil ways and practices of such

a vicious class of people if in a twelfth portion of a

sign owned by S’** (V rishabha), he will have plenty of

women and wealth and vviYi su'iier irom diseases ; if in
a sr*5rf?r (Dtvadasamsa) belonging to fag* (Mithunaj,
he will be a gambler but well-conducted.

^EHU 1 *TT*I grjjj |

cidNW ^TRlRrqfJr ||
Adh. vt

Sloka 120. If a person be born in

aarasa) of (Karkata), he be addicted to bad
practices if ma 3133KI (Dwadasamsa) owned by

(Sitnha), he will bi virtuous, engaged m'the business of

a king and will be attended by brave m£n > if tn a

STCtifa (Kanyadwadasarasa), he will be & gambler and

addicted to women, tf in a Thuja dwad^samsa, he will
be engaged in trade and have abundance of money

©51^11 Ul 11

Sloka t 121. If a person be bom in a (Dwa*

dasarasa) owned by *fi»* (Vrischtka), he will be a
murder loving master of rogues and robbers ; if m a
Sr^mi (Dwadisamsa) belonging to vrgfl (Phanus), he will
diligently pay homage to the Manes, Brahmins and the
Gods if
, m
the (Dwadasamsa) t>f *w (Makara),

he will be the lord of growing corn and* with have

servants t if tn j F«t (Kumbha dwadasamsa),
he will be a mischief maker if in a

dwadasamsa), he will be rich and learned.

U I^riJFE^ ||

pTSjiSr snnfi59i»T ’HvT:

53^f»lRB^3i MU,
^ smft limn.
“ " ton
a P * born « , tW .h
SI. l23-i24 sT^trtsttrrs* 6^5

portion, owned by Mars in any sign, he will be fickle,

stiff'voiced and cruel minded if in one belonging to

Saturn in any sign, he will be addicted to wandering

and of a depraved mind if in a nrsim (Tnmsamsa) of

Jupiter in any sign, he will be wealthy , if in a thirtieth

portion owned by Mercury in any sign he will have
great respect for his preceptors and the Gods, delight in
the society of virtuous men and be attended by relatives ,
if in a RprtrcT (Trimsamsa) of Venus in any sign, he will
be loving, lovely and happy


mnft ftmiwfeq# wiVj l

wnfl seqtmw-ira: ii?^ii

Sloka 123 The person who is born in the
(Satvavela) is eloquent, conforming to the duties and
practices of the wise, devout, constantly persevering,
pure, bountiful, possessed of lustre, learning and beauty,
truthful and without enemies

Tsfesrara: yu'Mdyl^'Hsnra;

'TORfis li ?^s? n
Sluka 124 The person tnrnin the tarjpr (R
vela) will have happiness, wealth, fame, beauty and
strength he will overcome his foes and will be love-

sick. at heart , his mind will not be kindly

towatds his relations The person born in
the an'i^yr
(Tamovela) will try to secure th- wealth and
belonging to others and will lose his happiness
m smtrtrft* 1 ** Ad!.. IX

with his relation

He will b:a matter ror.ue, at variance
and venerable superiors and [idle
aqigtd Wa w i qt *5f5J,,! 1

II ••

the qualities ol
SloL i 125. The times pervaded by
mm (Thamas . dirkncss), «"> (Satva . purity) and W
(Rajas passion) are to l>; reckoned
by semi-yamas (lull'
yama=an boor and a half or 5)1 Ghatihs) rc|.ulir!y in
the order mm (Tlnmis), me (Satva), ran (Rajrs), wm
(Thamas), om (Satva), van (Raps), Ac. from Sunday
forward through the other days ol the week.
Notj s
Accordme to chis slo) i, each day is diatdrd into 16 lulf*

yams, the first wtnifl (AtdHaynnn) ns «r)l as tlic last of »

Sunday is & tUHf't (lhaniineJa), Ihe first .and the last of a
Monday are Sataika , of a Tuesday, Ifajasa, of a Wednesday,
Thamafa ,
of a Thursday, SittiU, of a Friday, Itayvujofn
Saturday, Thamas#

u it

3miR rffwl tm Rift q;j3Tnn3t u r

Shka 116 Jupiter, Mars, the
Sun, Venus, Mercury,
theMoon, Saturn-this is theerder in which
the lords of
the Hons follow in succession The Horn in any day
of the week is reckoned beginning
with that day ,
lord The Horn on the night of
the week-day chosen
is reckoned from the Cth
week-day therefrom

^z7XV:luz t r- - «' »«* » Jur'ter b, and so on till

= *
the be

G48 STTcIVnfclRt Adh, IX.

tat effects due to the birth being viewed from various

standpoints have been treated of effectively by the
blessing and grace of the Sun and other planets

Thus ends the 9th Adhyaya in the work snjnrrrffsrm

(Jatakaparijata) compiled by Vaidyanatha under the aus *

pices of the nine planets *

It is worth while to know when and how the various eflect 1

treated of in this Chapter will come to pass in the life of any per
son In this connection the following slokas of (jataha
bhaTana) will be found interesting —
Thrift wift aarfeftft trestnr i

swsr qndr n 5 n
mirfTsjtnre ^ nn, |

fafwju 'srnftr* ^ ^nppnff n r n

BTars5 croreipnTOiftrrqsti u ^ »
The effects of the year and other d vis ons of time n herein a
birth tat es place have been described The occurrence of those
effects should be settled as follows what has been stated for the
year, will take place during the ripening of the dasa
of the lord of
the mr* (Savatia) year (i e a year of 360 days)
the efleet for the
half year and the Season during the daso of the Sun
that for the
month *"«W lhe of the lord of the month
that for the
half naM q-t ([ ohsha) as tretf f„ lke „ d
d,sa of the Moon that for the »M(Thtth.) ood the dfq (Kft
ntna) tn the sttb period of the Hooo the S oo s dasa , ha , f„
the H'.h laj TO (Veto) denote the teeof the ford of the
TC «k
Jly that for the TO aoBo shoeld be coosldered
tv„h refereoc,
to a horoscope St herein the Son ood the Moon
he Law dunns the dn-a pemd of the lord 0 f
are sl „Df' . that “

Rns which has a planetatv a^nert

for the
, he L
bha\a should be deduced m tl s
during the dasa of the lord of that
? * ‘ 6 y to
SC8f of_a

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