AStudyon Indian Mathematiciansandtheir Contributions
AStudyon Indian Mathematiciansandtheir Contributions
AStudyon Indian Mathematiciansandtheir Contributions
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1 author:
Raju Bondu
Maulana Azad National Urdu University
All content following this page was uploaded by Raju Bondu on 05 May 2023.
The objective of this study is to find out Indian Mathematicians and their contributions
covered in NCERT Mathematics text books in developing of positive attitude towards in learning
of mathematics. A descriptive analysis method was used for the present study. The study
revealed that, a total of 33 mathematicians were introduced in a total of 79 chapters for a total of
5 classes starting from class 6th to 10th class. Results indicates that, there were 27 western
mathematicians and 6 Indian mathematicians’ contribution mentioned at Secondary level
NCERT mathematics textbooks starting from class 6th to 10th class. This is reasonably good, but
mentioning of contribution of Indian mathematicians only 6 which is significantly less
comparing with the contribution western mathematicians. The contribution of Indian
mathematicians in the field of mathematics is far more than western mathematicians. Hence, this
study is suggesting that, there is a need to introduce a good number of Indian Mathematician
contributions to Secondary level mathematics textbooks to develop positive attitude among the
learners and to appreciate the mathematics subject and contribution of Indian mathematicians in
the field of mathematics.
starting from prehistoric period to the twenty first century, much development has taken place in
the field of mathematics. For the development of the discipline mathematics many countries
mathematicians have contributed such as the Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek, Chinese and Indians
etc. to name a few Pythagoras, Fibonacci, Euclid, Archimedes, Rene Descartes, Aryabhata, have
contributed significant inputs in the field of mathematics in ancient times.
The concept of mathematics have come from us only, it do not come from any other
world. It first initiated the need to do calculations in daily life and commercial activities,
measurement of land around for crop and to predict astronomical events happening around us by
observing day and night. Therefore, mathematics is a science, because it is based on observation
and recorded systematically in logical order. We can say mathematics is a study of structure,
Space and Change.
The study of structure starts with numbers, first the familiar of natural numbers, and
integers and their arithmetic operations, which leads to elementary algebra. The investigation of
methods to solve simple equations leads first intervention of, rational numbers, complex numbers
and real numbers.
The study of space leads to development of geometry, first the Euclidean geometry and
trigonometry. Methods to solve the problems dealing with the relationships between a quantity
and rate of change lead to the study of Differential equations. The study of chances or
uncertainty in certain terms is the mathematical theory of probability which allows the
description, analysis and prediction of phenomena.
The above discussed mathematical concepts are covered entire school level mathematics.
This mathematical knowledge is compulsory for every human being. The National Policy on
Education (NPE, 1986) also proposed making mathematics as compulsory subject of study up to
secondary stage for all children. Most of the students feel that mathematics is difficult, then they
develop fear on doing mathematics, if this fear continuous for long time, then they develops
mathematics has phobia. The reason may be because of all the mathematical concepts are
interlinked. If the students are failed to understand the fundamentals, then for them mathematics
is a difficult. Generally, the subject mathematics is abstract in nature. To overcome this,
mathematical concepts should be visualized and introduced with objects which are familiar to the
learners and easily available in the environment.
In India, since Vedic period mathematics was given much importance as branch of
knowledge. In ancient text dating back to Vedic period, we were introduced √2, √3 as are
irrational numbers. We also had given rational approximation to irrational number √2, which is
correct to 5 decimal places. Even Pythagoras theorem finds place, but our contribution is far
more ancient than Pythagoras.
The most significant contribution of Ancient Indian mathematics is its invention of zero,
decimal representation of numbers and infinity. Numeral denominations of powers of 10 up to
1012 called ‘Paradha’ is mentioned in the Ancient text ‘Yajurveda Samhita’ which is
contemporary work to the Greeks had knowledge of 104 as the highest power of 10.
In 500BC to 200BC ancient Jains had given √10 approximated correct to 13 decimal
places. In 5th Century AD, Aryabhata, the great Indian Mathematician had gave approximate
value of π correct to 4 decimal places as 3.1416 that it is only approximate suggesting that π
which is the ratio of the circumference of circle to its diameter is not rational. Since it is in 18 th
century that Lamber could prove that π is irrational.
In 5th century AD, Aryabhata - I contributed to algebra and astronomy. In his works
‘Aryabhatiyam’ he has given tables for the trigonometric ratio sine for angles for 00 to 900 at
regular intervals of 15÷4 degrees.
In 6th century AD, Bhaskara-I had given geometrical treatment of algebraic formulae. In
7th century AD, Brhamagupta gave the well known formula to the area of cyclic quadrilateral and
this formula is true for cyclic quadrilateral and not general quadrilateral.
In 9th century AD, Great Indian Mathematician Mahavira gave formula for n Cr, the
number ways in which r objects can be chosen from a collection of n objects. However, in 17 th
century, the credit for this formula is wrongly given to Herigone.
In 12th century Ad, Bhaskaracharya-II, who find the method of solution of equations of
the form Nx2+1=y2 which he achieved much before French Mathematician Lagrange in 1736.
Bhaskaracharya – II had introduced the concept of derivative much before the two
mathematicians Newton and Leibniz who developed independently the Calculus in the 18 th
There is not much contribution between 12th century and 19th century until the appearance
of the great Indian Mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887) in the early nineteenth century
who contributed to the theory of numbers, fractional differentiation.
To Analyze CBSE mathematics text books with respect to how much covered about the
contribution of mathematicians in the field of mathematics with special reference to Indian
A descriptive analysis method was used for the present study to achieve the above mentioned
To achieve the above objective, first the investigator viewed online all the CBSE
Mathematics textbooks from class 1 to 10th from the NCERT website during the year 2019. After
viewing the mathematics texts books from the web site, the investigator wish to analyze the text
books in two levels i.e., Primary level and Secondary level. The investigator was not included
the Sr. Secondary level in this Study, because in the school curriculum the mathematics subject
is compulsory for all students up to 10th class. The primary level is from class 1 st to 5th and the
secondary level is from class 6 th to 10th. After identifying the levels of education, the content
covered in mathematics text books was systematically analyzed and tabulated to know the
content covered in the textbooks in which how much importance given about the contribution of
mathematicians in the field of mathematics with special reference to Indian mathematicians in
dealing with mathematical concepts at appropriate place.
Primary Level
The investigator checked all the NCERT School mathematics textbooks from Class 1 to 5
(Primary level) and found that, Contribution of mathematicians was not mentioned in this level.
The investigator also wishes to do not suggest in mentioning of Contribution of mathematicians
in this particular level, because keeping the physical and mental development of the children.
Introduction of simple mathematical concepts are enough at this level. The Content should be
simple and should not burden to the learners. Therefore, the investigator is not suggesting the
mentioning of Contribution of mathematicians at primary level.
From the above table 1, we observe that, out of fourteen chapters, in only one chapter (in
Chapter 3) mentioned about Mentioned about Greek Mathematician Eratosthenes (3rd Century
BC) for the Concept of Prime Numbers and Composite Numbers.
From the above table 2, we observed that, out of fifteen chapters, in only one chapter
mentioned about contribution of western mathematician (i.e. Euler) in chapter 1 dealing of the
content Integers for the concept Product of negative integers.
From the above table 3, we may noticed that, out of sixteen chapters, in two chapters
mentioned about contribution of one Indian mathematician (i.e. Ramanujan) in chapter 7 in
dealing of the content Cubes and Cube roots for the concept Ramanujan number and one western
mathematician (i.e. Rene Descartes) in chapter 15 in dealing of the content introduction to graphs
for the concept Cartesian System.
From the above table 4, we observed that, there are several western mathematicians’
contributions for introduced in Class 9th and couple of Indian Mathematician contribution is also
mentioned. Out of 17 chapters, only in five chapters mentioned about the contribution of
mathematicians. It is a good indication in appreciating the contributions of mathematicians in the
development of mathematics.
From the above table 5, we observe that, there are several western mathematicians and
Indian Mathematician contribution mentioned in seven chapters out of seventeen chapters.
Where there is necessary to discuss about the contribution of mathematicians was mentioned at
appropriate concepts in the textbook.
[1] Ministry of Human Resource Development, (1988). National Policy on Education 1986
(as modified in 1992) with National Policy on Education 1968, Dept. of Education.
MHRD, Govt. of India.
[2] Ministry of Human Resource Development, (2019). National Educational Policy, Govt.
of India, New Delhi: India.
[3] NCERT Mathematics text book for class VI retrieved from
[4] NCERT Mathematics text book for class VII retrieved from
[5] NCERT Mathematics text book for class VIII retrieved from
[6] NCERT Mathematics text book for class IX retrieved from
[7] NCERT Mathematics text book for class X retrieved from