Background To The Study
Background To The Study
Background To The Study
Every good and solid structure has a very strong foundation. This cannot be over
emphasized when academic pursuits are taken into consideration. In most developed
world, certain subjects have been given priorities which have therefore fed to the rapid
growth and development in those countries. Notable among these subjects are
mathematics, vocational, science and technology education. These are paramount and
Mathematics is a major subject which is studied throughout the academic ladder. The root
meaning and the meaning of this subject as put forward by same great philosophers
Euchle, Greek mathematician, 3rd century BC as imagined by Raphael in this detail from
the school of Athens defines mathematics in so many ways. Mathematics form the Greek is
Mathematician seeks out pattern and formulates new conjectures. They resolve the truth or
Since the pioneering work of Guiseppe Peano (1858 - 1932), David Hilbert (1862-1942)
and others on axiomatic systems in the late 19th centuries, it has become customary to view
chosen axioms and definitions. When those mathematical structures are good models of
Through the use of abstraction and logical reasoning mathematics developed from
counting, calculation, measurement and the systematic study of the shapers and motions of
physical objects. Practical mathematics has been a human activity for as far back as written
record exists. Rigorous augments first appeared in Greek mathematics, most notably in
Euclch Elements. Mathematics developed at a relatively slow pace until the resigassance
when mathematical innovations interacting with new scientific discoveries led to a rapid
increase in the rate of mathematical discovery that countries to the present day.
Galileo Galitle (1564-1642) said the universe cannot be read until were have learners the
language and become familiar with the characters in which it is written. It is written in
mathematical language, and the letters are to triangles, circles and other geometrical
Carl Frietrch Gauss (1777-1855) referred to mathematics as “the Queen of the Sciences”.
Benjamin Peirce (1809-1880) called mathematics “the science that draws necessary
David Hilbert said of mathematics “We are not speaking were of arbitrariness in any sense.
Mathematics in not kike a game whose tasks are determined by arbitrarily stipulated rules.
Rather it is a conceptual system possessing internal necessity that can only be so and by no
means otherwise.
Albert Einstein (1878-1955) stated that “as Fars as the laws of mathematics refer to reality,
they are not certain, and as a far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality”.
Mathematics is used throughout the world as an essential tool in many fields, including
natural science, engineering, medicine and the social sciences. Applied mathematics, the
branch of mathematics concerned with application of mathematical knowledge to other
fields, inspires and make use of new mathematical discoveries and sometimes leads to the
development of entirely new mathematical disciplines such as statistics and game theory.
Mathematician also engages in pure mathematics for its own sake, without having any
application in mind. There is now clear line separating pure and applied mathematics and
practical application for what began on pure mathematics are often discovered.
Look at the above explanations about mathematics, in can be seen in general, that
From the mathematics for Teacher Training Colleges in Ghana edited by J. l Martin,
mathematics helps students to design and play games such as ludo, oware, snake ladder
Again, students are able to recognize shapes and their properties through teaching and
Moreover, mathematics is required ad a pre requisite for our study is different areas of
It helps to develop the individual intelligent quotient (IQ) and also our ability to use
knowledge in dealing with specific problem and situations in life. Mathematics helps
farmer to calculate for their earnings at the end of farming seasons. It also helps them in
Business men and women cannot be left out when taking about the importance of
mathematics. Mathematics helps them in the exchange rates and to do simple calculation
about money.
Mathematics as a subject has or many fields of study. Some of the areas include, algebra,
geometry sets etc. geometry is a branch of mathematics concerned with questions of shape,
size, relative position of figures and the properties of spaces. (From the Wikipaedia).
knowledge concerning lengths, areas and volumes with elements of a formal mathematical
sciences emerging in West as early as their (6th century BC). By the 3rd century BC
geometry was put into an axiomatic form by Euchld whose treatment that is Euclictead
Geometry can be divided into two, plane and solid geometry. Plane geometry is about flat
shapes kike lines, circles, triangles, rectangle etc. they are two dimensional that is has
length and breath. Solid geometry is about three dimensional an object that is has length
In the junior high school syllabus for mathematics shapes like triangle, rectangle and other
A rectangle is a quadrilateral (four sides figure) which has two dimensions, the length and
breadth. The area can be known by multiplying the length by the breadth. Its perimeter
(distance around the rectangle) is calculated by using the formula21 +2b. The angle of each
side of the rectangle makes a right angle which making a total angel in the rectangle to be
360O. the calculations about rectangle seen quite easy yet pupils of Agona Gospel
The researcher became aware about pupils inability to solve the area of a rectangle during
Agona is the district capital in the Sekyere South district. A town of about nine-
hundred and fifty people. The main occupation of the town is mainly farming. It has a
market day on every Tuesday which enables farmer to have a ready market and support
other businesses. The town has two senior high school and about ten basic schools both
The researcher saw the need of a geoboard in his teaching and learning activity in the
severely shaped concrete teaching and learning material that provides a wealth of activities
for learning about area. It is made up of word which consist of a square array of nails or
Statement of Problem
As part of the requirements for the award of the Diploma in Basic Education
Certificate, the researcher had his teaching practice at Agona Gospel International School
in Agona Ashanti.
The researcher taught the area of a rectangle in are of his teaching lessons in Basic stage
eight and is closing the lesson, gave his pupils exercises in order to assess their
understanding. The researcher was very surprised about the pupils output after marking the
A series of thoughts cropped up in mind to why after all his effort, the pupils still
performed abysmally. He asked himself “was the method of delivery wrong, were the
pupils psychologically alert or was the teaching and learning materials used”.
After all these struggle of thoughts, he finally detected that the teaching and
learning material used that is a match bore contributed uneasily towards, their low output
of work.
The researcher saw it expedient to use a better tried and tested teaching and learning
materials are alternative means to curb the situation. It is in this respect, that the researcher
deemed it appropriate to use the geoboard to enhance pupils understanding of the area of
rectangle. This will equip them with the visual over view of the subject matter rather than
The purpose of this study is to find out some measures that will be able to curtail
the problem of the pupils not able to solve problems involving the area of a rectangle.
sure the objectives of this study. The objectives were put down so that at the end of the
1. Identify the causes of pupil’s poor performance in finding solutions to problems involving
2. Identify teacher attitudes towards the teaching of the topic, area of a rectangle.
3. Find out the strategies that should be used to enhance the understanding of pupils on the
Research Questions
The following are the questions that the researcher raised to guide him in the study.
1. What are the causes of pupil’s poor performance in finding solution to problem involving
2. What are the teacher attitudes towards the teaching of the topic, area of a rectangle?
3. What strategies should be used to enhance the understanding of pupils on the concept of
area of a rectangle?
The following are some significant impact that the study seeks to make on pupils and
To begin with, the research work will be essential to teachers to adopt the more practical
oriented approach of delivery. This will early enhance the understanding and performance
of pupils.
Secondly, the research will be of great benefit to educational policy makers in the country
to organize in-service training for all mathematics teachers and also to device a means of
Moreover, the research work will serve as a reference to students who would like to
Again, the research will help parents as well as guardians to be abreast with the numerous
challenges their wards face in the school situation. This is because, the research spell out
clearly and categorically the militating factions that suppress their wards performance. It
will also inform parents the basic obligations and duties that parents and guardian are to
execute in order to help their wards improve their performance in the academic
environment. Poor performance of certain pupils is as a result of physical, emotional and
Finally, just to talk about a few, it seeks to equip pupils to have a feel of varieties in terms
of lesson delivery. This is conjunction with pupils interacting with the teaching and
learning material help they gain better understanding of the concept of measurement.
In every organized activity and study, there are some setbacks and factors that will mar the
progress of area effort. The same scenario is prevailing in this work. The under listed are
some of the problem that confronted the research in undertaking the research.
The major constraint was the finance for the research work. The cost of printing the report
was high, constructing the geoboard, transportation fares to libraries and the fee for interest
Secondly, the researcher would have wished to review more literature as of him laying
hand on material was enormous. This made the researcher to make few books that were at
his disposal.
Again, die to the co-curricular activities on the schools calendar and other pronounced
holidays; the execution of the project work was delayed. Some of these activities include
games, match pass, educational talks and host of others. This limited the smooth
Time was another disturbing factor. This is because the researcher at times has to stop
teaching, learning as well as writing this report as the go. This made the researcher to
undertake this work in a rush which variably reduced the hundred percent work accuracy.
Finally, truancy on the other part of some pupils was another problem. This problem
emanated as a result of some pupils being responsible for their own lives that is they fend
for themselves. The male students in particular absent themselves especially on the market
day (Tuesday) which in the long run affected the researcher to erecting the interpretation.
It was within the interest of the researcher to expand the reach of this piece of work to
other classes and schools but restricted to only a specific class (i.e. Basic stage Eight) to
Also, even within the class not all the pupils appeared in the exercise during the
intervention. This was seen as a discriminative act on the part of the researcher. Instead of
using the whole class, ten pupils were selected for administering the intervention.
Another field of equal concern was the use of one method or activity in addressing the
problem. One can equally agree with use that our educationists and policy makers have
incorporated a lot of methods as well as teaching and learning materials at help one to
understand the area of a rectangle but the researcher was completed use only the geoboard
Chapter one is the introductory part of the research work which involves
Background of the study
Research questions
Delimitation and
Chapter two deals with the review of related literature. Under this, the researcher assessed
and advocated what other writers, authors and scholars have written on the topic.
research design
research instruments
Chapter four deals with the report findings. The researcher has given an account of results
that have been tabulated, findings as well on discussing those finding for assumptions.
the summary
conclusion and
The study of mathematics as a subject has caught the attention of many including
educationists researcher and other scholars. It is reviewing of this that, this part of the work
tries to review what some researcher and other scholars have written based on the topic.
According to Panella Lieback (1984), “a fanatic follower of Piaget might claim that we can
An equally fanatic follower of Runner might claim that, we can teach anything to anyone”.
The truth lies somewhere in between these two extremes. The real truth is never the same
for two different children and here lies the challenges for the adult who tries to help
children learn maths. Children learn not only in different ways but different rates.
Researches has shown that we can expect the mathematical ability of seven years old to
vary roughly between the ability of an average five year old and an average nine years old
to vary between the ability of an average seven year old and an average fifteen year old.
If a child of eleven is asked to perform like an average seven year old instead of an actual
lower level that he has reached, you will be confused; he may resort in desperation to rules
Skemp R.R (1989) stated that “most importance of pupil’s performance is the need for
them to have sufficient confidence to make effective use o whatever skill and
understanding they possessed whether this be little or much”. This therefore, means that,
most students lacks the spirits of confidence within themselves and thus lead the into be
inductive. In the nutshell, it is expected that students should contribute to the teaching and
learning of the topic no matter what the answers may be correct or wrong.
According to Pamela Licback, the causes of poor performance of pupils are the way
children learn mathematics and the way they are taught. This means that are of the major
causes of pupils poor performance to the study of mathematics in associated with poor
foundation to the teaching and learning of the subjects. A house is a strong as its
foundation, on we say, therefore if a child had a poor start to the study of the subject that
will have an adverse effect on the child as he or she grows. Thus the child may grow up to
become “maths phobic”. Simply because the basic skills and foundation were not followed
at the early stage. In effect, the Childs interest and passion to the study of the subject was
Jean Piaget (1989) stated that, learning in distinct from cognitive development but in is
achieved through interaction with the environment. Thus, thinking and learning involve
taking the environment into concentration since this may greatly affect the child both
physically and mentally. Therefore, if the environment within which the child is learning is
children failure in maths is school induced on grounds that there is too much emphasis on
meant that teachers place more emphasis and computation rather that helping pupils to
Skemp (1986) argues that although maths is the most powerful and most indispensable,
many children try to learn it without much success because they manipulate symbol at
boarding to role memorization with little or no meaning of the rules. This means that the
child needs a good deal of concrete experiences alongside symbolic manipulation to make
What are the teacher’s attitudes towards the teaching of the topic; area of rectangle.
According to Beth et al (1983), when teacher talk at pupils, stamens work on written
assignment or answers specific narrows questions, there is little feedback or guidance from
the teacher. All these are done in an emotionless environment such as dependence on
authority, straight-thinking hands off learning and passivity. This writer is of the view that,
must teacher lack effective communication that should exist between teachers and pupils.
Teachers who are found in this type of behavior can be described as laiser-faire leaders
Scrotch Belly (1974) assumed that the way in which teachers react to students influence
the pupil’s scholastic achievement. In this view, they found to interpret whatever the pupils
say positively which then spurs the pupils to a very higher height. Conversely, a student
who perform low in the class will be discouraged form excelling and will eventually
perform at a minimal level, this is an example of the self prophecy whereby people (e.g.
teacher) behave in a way that ultimately make their predictions (e.g. a child academic
There is however evidence that teachers often react to the students on the basic of such
ascribed characteristics as a race, religion, ethnicity, social status or gender. For example
the research literature on gender Stereotype and Markind (1954) documents that “the way
In the early grades, school personnel tends to favour girls for their ability to sit quietly and
for their verbal skills, thus making the boys feel uncomfortable. At the higher grades,
however, the schools tend to favour boys in terms of carrier interest. They are been
encouraged to explore their environment which leaves the girls out and make the powerless
at least in working and lower-middle class districts. This therefore contributes to the
Weedon (1994) in his work on the teacher’s perception of the sources of children learning
difficulties are mostly child related. This sort of perception invariably declares the teachers
efforts to strategize in a way to curb the situation (learning difficulties) with the pupils.
When this is done, the problem becomes worse whereas if preventive measures were taken,
camping out an activity. That is, when children are encouraged to take risks without fear of
ridicule when they provide a wrong answers. Children who are forced form the fear of
criticism will more readily experiment with ideas and mathematical language. Estimating
before the practical helps to dispel the believed that some children have mathematics
which may be either right or wrong. What is fundamentally important is that the process is
Mike Askew (1998), for many years, it has been an accepted wisdom in teaching the area
of rectangle that, starting with practical activities is the best. However, there is another
development that shows that, some people see maths as a practical object to develop
mental ideas. The pupils contain to rely on the physical to do mathematics. For example, in
trying to find an area of rectangle pupils must be allowed to use manila cards and placards
to construct rectangle for themselves and try to find the area of rectangle by measuring the
various parts. This will help them to grasp the concept, measurements rather than looking
at the pictures.
involve charge in students and teachers for both students and teachers changed is necessary
for active process of learning with understanding studies must learn and understand more
about measurement. Teachers too are not left out, they must learn and understand more
Mucrey (1996) stated that “one of the must useful methods of learning is the discovery
method. In this approach pupils are guided to discover principles, rules or results by
Discovery methods can be used to teach many topics in mathematics. For example, in
order to obtain the rule for finding the area of rectangle of different sizes, which are
divided into smaller square units. They will discover the rule that, the size of areas of the
rectangle in found by multiplying its lengths and breadth (in the same units) and giving the
solving and children will think for themselves when they are given the opportunity to ask
questions. Such discussion helps child to sort out problem is everyday life. They should be
encouraged to ask questions and discuss problem among themselves and with their
Every mathematics lessons should create the room for pupils to sock into the lesson by
talking mathematics. They should also be given the opportunity to talk about their findings
According to Jack and Jores (1987) “teachers should assess pupils appropriately in a way
to identify their weaknesses and strengths. When this is properly done, it will serve as a
platform for stimulating their efforts and also provided a source of motivation for them.
Pupil’s flaws will be noticed and dealt with appropriately thereby helping the pupils to be
better off.
Kalejaiye (1985) stated in his book “ teaching primary mathematics” that, the choice of
teaching methods depend on many factors such as the level of class, the abilities of the
pupils the nature of the mathematics topic and the facilities available in school. It is rater
unfortunate that teachers prefer to teach the class on a whole all the time. This approach
Weak pupils do not benefit much from large class of mixed ability when they are been
taught. Teachers should therefore divide the class into group for easy learning. The class
may be taught some part of the lesson before the pupils settle into their various groups for
This procedure will enable the teacher to attend to the weak groups and also give the more
According to Skemp R.R (1989), conceptual analysis is a pre-requisite for teaching maths.
It means that we must break what we want to teach in pieces before teaching a new idea.
This analysis will enable the teacher to see what are the contributory concepts and the
secondary concept we are sure the children have. It is mostly at the beginning that the
trouble lies. In some people, some important fundamentals concepts are never formed.
Therefore for such pupils mathematics is never an intelligent activity. Thus conceptual
analysis is the first major step in the application of physcholgy to teaching mathematics.
Teachers much analysis the concepts so that pupils can re-synthesize them in their own
The literature review discussed how other people reviewed the teaching of areas of
rectangle by using geoboard. For precision sake, three of the research question were clearly
Under the first research questions, six points were raised to satisfy the questions, what
pupils performed to the study of an area of rectangle. The under listed points were
1. Pupils or children learn at different rates. Those with a slow learning rates finds learning
2. Most pupils lack confidence in themselves thereby made the pupils ineffective to use their
2. Some teachers do expect higher performance from some students to the determent of the
3. Gender stereotype, ethnicity, race and religious on the part of some teachers are some of
4. Teachers decisively feel that learning difficulties can be traced to child related problems.
The last research question is the strategies to enhance the understanding of an area of a
4. Teachers can resort to discovery methods of delivery to make their lesson interesting and
6. Pupils should be assessed properly by mathematics teachers to diagnose their varied to suit
The next chapter deals with the methodological aspect of the study.
This chapter elaborates on the procedures of data collection and analysis. This procedures
are the research design, the target population, sample and sampling procedures, the
instruments used for data collection and the intervention processes that is the pre-
Research Design
The research design used was the action research design. An action research is a kind of
research activity in which the researcher deals with a situation with the view of improving
the quality within it. The action research is used because it is the demand of the institution.
The research design set out strategies planned and implemented to solve specific problem
in the schools situation. The action research has numerous strength some of which are
listed below:
2. It enhances the teacher personal development and the improvement of his or her practices.
Nevertherless, there are weakness that are associated with this type of research design.
1. The boundaries or limits of the research is clearly define which makes it difficult to extent
2. The time given to the researcher for the project is not adequate. This is because gathering
information and other materials that are relevant for effective execution of the work is a bit
The population is the group of interest to the researcher, the group to whom the
researcher would like to generalize the results of the study. That is in what group, exactly,
is the researcher interested. To whom does he or she want the result of the study to apply?
already mentioned. The school comprises of Kindergarten, Primary and Junior High
School. Taking the pupils population into consideration, the kindergarten is made up of
about hundred pupils with five female teachers. The primary section has a population of
about three hundred pupils with ten teachers. The Junior High School section has a
population of about one hundred and fifty ppils with eight regular teachers. The girls in
the school form about sixty-five percent of the entire school population.
The researcher, out of the entire population was interested in retrieving information
The population helps the researcher to know the exact group of pupils, he is
working with. It also help him not to cross the boundary of retrieving information from
One problem that the researcher may encounter is when the accessible population
Sample Size
This talks about the group on which information is obtained. The J.H.S. 2 class
was used as the sample size. The total number of pupils in the class is fifty. Twenty six of
them are girls and the rest being boys (i.e. twenty four). The average age range of the
pupils was between 13-15 years. The researcher, out of the fifty pupils selected ten pupils
Sampling Procedure
preferably in such a way that the individuals are representative of the larger group from
which they were selected. Sampling can take two forms probability (random) sampling
There are so many sampling procedures under the two forms of sampling but the
researcher chose the purposive sampling procedure which is a non probability sampling.
This procedure enables the researcher to handpick the cases to be included in the sample
on the basis of their judgement of the particular knowledge about the issue understudy.
This method was chosen because after administering the pretest, the marks the
pupils obtained was not encouraging. Also this method is far strict.
Research Instrument
Research instrument are tools used to collect information from the sample selected
for the action research work. The researcher used the following instruments in data
The researcher used observation because it is one of the oldest methods of data
collection. Literally, observation means a method of data collection that employs vision as
its main means of data collection. The researcher took about two weeks to observe how
the pupils ask and respond to questions, their attitudes and reaction towards the subject
(mathematics) and its teacher. This method has some advantages and disadvantages which
- It is relatively inexpensive. It provides information when other methods are not effective.
- It employs a less complicated and less time consuming procedures of subject selection.
- It can offer data when respondents are unwilling to co-operate to offer information.
- It approaches reality in its natural structure and studies event as they evolve limitations of
Test was also used to diagnose the extent of the problem and to determine the
effectiveness of the intervention. Test takes the form of tasks or series of tasks with the
can also be described as an attempt to determine how an individual would function in a set
specific area. The pretest conducted enabled the researcher to know the pupils
- It is somehow expensive
- It requires a great deal of work to cause out with the test items.
It represents a direct attempt by the researcher to obtain reliable and valid measures of
The researcher used this method in retrieving information from teachers and others.
- Easy administration: Interviews do not require respondents to have the ability to read.
- They are attacked for the ‘interviewer factor’ and the possible bias associated with it.
- They are more inconvenient than other methods such as using questionnaires.
- It is less effective when sensitive issues are discussed than other methods.
This is the procedure that the researcher adopted to diagnose the perceived problem
which must, certain suggest intervention. A number of days were used to gather
information on each step taken during the intervention processes. The pre-intervention
was used to define the problem before actual intervention. The pre-intervention was
conducted using a prepared lesson to teach the topic understudy. A test was conducted
after the lesson on the same day and pupils work was collected for making.
situation. The intervention processes has been put into a step by step procedure which the
The phases of the intervention with the teaching and learning materials include the
use of arbitoury unit at the first phase followed by the use of the geoboard.
Activity 1
The researcher went about introducing his intervention by helping pupils to know
Area is the measure of the surface an object possess. Pupils were asked to use their
exercise books to cover the surface area of their dual desk. In doing so, exercise books of
the same measure were used. After which pupils were asked to determine the number of
Again, they were asked to use their foolscap note book and their exercise book to
make a comparism. That is they were asked to determine which of their surfaces is bigger
than the other. They were able to achieve this by place one on the other and vice versa.
Other observation was the use of mathematics set cover match box and playing
card. In this, pupils were asked to arrange these object to determine which of them among
the three is bigger or has a larger surface. They did that by placing it on top of each other.
It was observed that after the comparison, the mathematical set cover was bigger
than the playing card and that of the match box. Also the play card was bigger than the
match box.
At the end of the activity, pupils realized that with the usage of arbitrary units for
simply weighing them with the hands or by placing one on top of the other.
Activity 2
This was the next activity that pupils were taken through. The geoboard is a
concrete teaching and learning material that provides a wealth of activities for learning
about area. It is made up of wood which consist of a square array of nails or pegs which
rubber bands can be stretched on to form various polygons. It is squarely shaped. Pupils
can make both regular and irregular shapes of their own on them and find their areas by
counting the squares enclosed by elastic band. The areas of many shapes can be calculated
As part of the activity, pupils were asked to measure the distance between two
nails. It was noticed or discovered that the distance was the same i.e. equidistant. Pupils
were then asked to form any shape on the geobard by stretching the rubber band on the
Furthermore pupils were engaged into other activities to know how to count the
enclosed squares made by the elastic band. In this activity, full squares and half squares
were counted. Squares which made less than half the whole were neglected and these that
The researcher asked the pupils to use the elastic band to form a shape which was
Example: Find the area and space units of the area bounded by the elastic band.
To find the area in space units of the area bounded by the elastic band.
1. Count the number of large squares whole and the squares more than half.
Number of squares more than half
Also pupils were taught, the union square perfectly square centimeter is used to
A – unit of square
Pupils were asked to find the square units in a row and column then the number of
The number of square units that were in a row is six and that of the column is four.
The total number of square units that covered the surface was twenty-four. The pupils
were asked to repeat the activity for at feast for different rectangular shapes made by
elastic band on the geoboard. A table was drawn out of the activity to represent their
findings as seen.
6 4 24
4 3 12
8 2 16
10 6 60
5 4 20
After this exercise, the pupils found out that the area of a rectangular region is
calculated by multiplying the row and the column. Thus the row in the length and the
Pupils were asked again to use the rubber band to form a rectangle on the geoboard.
The researcher went ahead informing the pupils that the area of a rectangle is
simply calculated by using it length and breadth. Therefore in general the area of any
3cm 3cm
12cm 5cm
1. Pupils used rubber band to form a rectangle that has a length of 12cm or twelve square
units and breadth of 3cm or three square units. They then counted the square units that
were and within the bounded lines. It was realized that 36 squares units were covered by
Illustrated as:
𝐿 = 12𝑐𝑚 𝐵 = 2𝑐𝑚
𝐴 = 12 × 3
= 36𝑐𝑚2
2. Pupils used the same procedure as the first one and had 15 square units using the 5cm
Illustrated as
𝐿 = 12𝑐𝑚 𝐵 = 2𝑐𝑚
𝐴 = 5×3
= 15𝑐𝑚2
Finally pupils were made to understand that both length and breadth are measured in
centimeters, therefore expression is cm. The unit of measurement of the area of rectangle
is square centimeters (cm2). Thus cm x cm = cm2. Pupils were also contained that refusal
Post intervention
The researcher conducted a post test for both experimented and control group after the
showed an improvement upon their weak performance. It can be concluded that the
Data Analysis
The data collected was geared towards the ten pupils who took part in the study. The
actual data has been analysis in the subsequent chapter which is chapter four which deals
The chapter of the action research outlined and discussed the result of the study. It
also deals with how the raw material or data scores collected by the researcher from his
observation, questionnaire and tests to solicit information from the ten pupils and five
maths teachers. The information gathered have been well explained in a tabular form. It
also show the percentage score for each research question as well as the prefect and post
test respectively.
Research questions
2. What are the attitudes of teachers towards the teaching of an area of rectangle?
3. What are some of the strategies that should be used to enhance the understanding of area of
a rectangle?
Table 1:
Reasons for pupils inability to find an area of rectangle
Unconducive 3 30
environment 2 20
to the teaching of
Total 10 100
Taking a critical view at the table above, the outcome indicated that thirty (30) percent
representing three respondent are of the view that their inability to find an area of a
Two respondent making twenty percent, said that, their inability to find an area of a
The five respondents making fifty percent associated the problem of not being to find an
From the result, it is vividly clear that pupils inability to find an area of rectangle is
Table 2
Use teaching and 1 20
learning material
learning material
learning materials
Total 5 100
The above table shows the responses derived form teacher based on their attitudes towards
teaching of mathematics. From the table, one teacher representing twenty percent said that
he uses teaching and learning materials regularly. Two teacher representing forty percent
said, they are of teaching and learning materials seldonly. Two teachers also representing
forty percent never use teaching learning materials is their mathematics lesson.
From the analysis above, it could be said that teacher attitudes towards the teaching of
mathematics is neutral. This is because, twenty percent use teaching and learning material
Table 3
learning materials is
If useful in everyday 3 30
furthers education in
made clear
Total 10 100
The table three above, given an insight tinto the strategies that teachers can resort to, to
make their lesson lively. Four pupils representing forty percent said that should teachers
use teaching and learning materials is lesson delivery, pupils would be motivated to learn.
Three pupils representing thirty percent said that, if the usefulness of mathematics in
everyday life is made know to them, it will ginger them to comprehend the topic.
On the other hand, three respondents representing thirty percent said if teacher can tell the
The take of this is that, teachers must be using the learning and teaching mathematics to
catch the attention of pupils. Again, teachers should try, and make the pupils aware of the
Table 4
0-2 5 50
3-4 3 30
5-7 1 10
8-10 1 10
Total 10 100%
The table above indicates pupils performance exhibited after the execution of the pre-test.
Out of ten pupils, fifty percent representing five pupils scored between zero and two
marks. Three representing thirty percent obtain the marks between three and forms only are
pupil was found to score between the range of five and seven. Again, are pupil
Upon critical analysis, it was realized that eighty percent representing eight pupils perform
poorly when the pretest was conducted. Two pupils fell is the average making ten percent
and for the above average too. This therefore, indicated that pupils interest, understanding
and development of concepts were not addressed during the teaching of the topic. This
therefore makes them find it very difficult in finding the area of a rectangle.
0-2 0 -
3-4 1 10
5-7 4 40
8-10 5 50
Total 10 100
This table deals with the performance exhibited by the pupils during the post test. Within
the range of zero and two were of the pupils was found a victim. One pupils fell within the
range of three and four which represented forty percent had marks between five and seven
whiles fifty percent making five pupils had marks between eight and ten.
When the table is analyzed properly, it is obvious that the researcher recorded only one
pupil for the average who made ten percent out of the total. The remaining nine pupils
representing ninety percent excelled in the post test. This therefore, indicated that the
reuredial teaching effected by the researcher greatly improve the pupils performance.
Table 6
0-2 5 -
3-4 3 1
5-7 1 4
8-10 1 5
Total 10 10
The table shows the comparison between the pretest scores and post test scores obtained by
the pupils. Upon observation, out of the ten pupils used for the pretest, eight of them had
below five marks whiles two pupils had a pair of five marks. It was rigidly clear that
pupil’s knowledge on an area of rectangle was below average. This made the researcher
intervened by using the appropriate approach to curb the problem. By so doing the
geoboard was deigned to the teach the concept. After the intervention, the researcher
conducted a post test to verify the depths of pupils understanding on the topic.
In conclusion, more pupils had above average which depicted a great performance on the
part of the pupils. This made it clear that when the height approach is used pupils’
understanding is enhanced.
The last chapter of the study is the chapter five. The following are captured over there:
summary of the entire project, conclusion, recommendations and area of further study.
This chapter is the final chapter of the action research report. It captures the summary
which covers all the captures of the work. The conclusion which deals with canperving the
improve upon the conduct of such a study on the obtain better result tomorrow. The last
portion of this chapter is the section that deals with starting the vital area that needs further
During the researcher internship program at Agona Gospel International Junior High
School Basic stage eight, the researcher came across a quite number of problems within the
class. Since all those problems cannot be addressed by one particular person, the researcher
manages to pick one peculiar problem that out across the fabric of the pupil’s performance.
By so doing, the researcher taught it cogent to address that problem to serve on the
The problem of pupil inability to find an area of rectangle came to light when the
researcher noticed the pupils poor performance after finishing their exercise. A lot of
questions bombarded the researcher mind which made him devise a plan to curb the
In order to confirm pupils difficulty in finding an area of rectangle, the pretest was
conducted by the researcher. At the end of the exercise, the researcher managed to fish out
their difficulty and bid to address the problem. Information were gathered from other
literature and authorities who are well versed in the underlying topic. The outcome of the
literature review indicated that the causes of pupils inability to find an area of a rectangle
come as a desultory rote memorization, poor teaching approach, insensitive attitudes on the
part of teachers towards gender issues, unconducive environment to the teaching and
learning of mathematics, weak foundation or start to the study of the subject and the which.
Upon this outcome, the researcher saw literary wise to intervene. In the process of the
intervention the concrete, the geoboard was design and used is jiuxta position with other
activity method to teach the concept, area of rectangle foe the experimental group only.
The researcher the collected a data on pupils performance for both pretest and post-test in
which the results were tabulated and analyzed critically. The effort made by the researcher
by designing the geoboard as intervention had positive impact on the already weak
The work talked about pupil’s inability to find as area of a rectangle and for that matter, the
researcher devise a means by using geoboard to teach the concept for better
comprehension. The post test conducted underscores that if pupils perform better if the
basic skill involving the teaching of the concept is addressed properly. The appropriate
In relation to the finding from the study the researcher managed to came out with the under
listed proposed for redress. The begin with, it is in the interest of the research that’s, in-
service training should be given to teacher especially the fresh area. This will help them to
treat challenging topics through effective communication, logical thinking thereby creating
Secondly, activities given to basic stage eight pupils to usher in the concept of finding an
area of a rectangle should be appropriately be used on their background and their interest I
Thirdly, teachers must been courage to use the basic and appropriate teaching and learning
In addition, teachers who teach mathematics in the colleges of Education must teach and
explains the mathematical concepts into detail to their students in order for them to deliver
diligently as expected.
Moreover, co-operated teaching should be encouraged in the school so that teachers will
rely on other colleagues to prepare and teach that topic for them.
Again, mathematics teaching when pupils have problem in certain areas of mathematics.
Area for further studies. The under listed areas in mathematics should be considered when
There should be a study on how to identify the faces, edges and vertices of objects (shape)
Secondly, a study on how to find the perimeter of a rectangle by using appropriate teaching
learning material.
Finally, the researcher would have wished for a study to be done on how to find the length