Volume 10, Number 2&3, September & October 2008 pp. 621–650
Anatoly Neishtadt
Space Research Institute
Profsoyuznaya 84/32, Moscow 117997, Russia
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Loughborough University
Loughborough, LE11 3TU, UK
Carles Simó
Departament de Matemàtica Aplicada i Anàlisi, Universitat de Barcelona
Gran Via 585, 08007 Barcelona, Spain
Dmitry Treschev
V.A. Steklov Mathematical Institute
Gubkina 8, Moscow 119991, Russia
Alexei Vasiliev
Space Research Institute
Profsoyuznaya 84/32, Moscow 117997, Russia
of an asteroid near a 3:1 resonance with the Jupiter. The stability islands in this
problem were found numerically in [12].
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 the equations of motion are pre-
sented. These equations contain fast and slow variables. We describe the dynamics
of the fast variables at frozen values of the slow variables and the dynamics of the
slow variables, averaged over the fast variables. The dynamics is considered on a
fixed energy level. Section 3 contains the formulation of the principal analytical re-
sults of the paper, Theorems 1 and 2. The assertion of Theorem 1 is that there are
many, of order 1/ε, stable in the linear approximation periodic trajectories crossing
the separatrix. Explicit asymptotic formulae for the number of these trajectories
are given in Section 7. The assertion of Theorem 2 is that the majority of the peri-
odic trajectories whose existence is proved in Theorem 1 are stable and each such
stable trajectory is surrounded by invariant tori, which bound a domain of phase
volume estimated from below by a value of order ε.
In Section 4 we put forward a standard procedure of approximate description of
the dynamics (an improved adiabatic approximation) which describes the behavior
of the fast variables on time intervals of length of order 1/ε with accuracy tending
to 0 as ε → 0. Such an accuracy is suitable to search for periodic trajectories. In
Section 5 we introduce auxiliary variables which are needed to describe the sepa-
ratrix crossings. These variables are closely related with the variables introduced
in Section 4. One of these variables is the improved adiabatic invariant. It is a
function of the phase variables which is constant up to terms O(ε2 ) in the motion
far from the separatrix. In Section 6, we present the asymptotic formulae for the
Poincaré return map for the problem under consideration. In the adiabatic approx-
imation the behavior of the slow variables is periodic with period proportional to
1/ε. We consider a surface of section to which the phase points return over the
time close to this period. This two-dimensional surface of section is parametrized
by two variables: the value of improved adiabatic invariant and an angular variable
analogous to the phase of the fast motion for phase points near the separatrix. The
possibility to construct the return map for such a long period is based on two facts:
a) far from separatrix the improved adiabatic invariant changes are O(ε2 ), while
the passage through a narrow neighborhood of separatrices gives rise to a change
O(ε); there is a known asymptotic formula for this change, b) the change of the
phase of the fast motion with high enough accuracy can be calculated via formulae
of improved adiabatic approximation.
In Section 7, we study the problem of existence of stable in linear approxima-
tion fixed points of the return map. In Subsection 7.1, we present equations for
stable, in linear approximation, fixed points. In Subsection 7.2, it is proved that
there are many, ∼ 1/ε , such fixed points, and moreover, asymptotic formulae for
the number of such fixed points are presented. The analysis here is based on the
reduction of the problem under consideration to the following ergodic problem. On
a two-dimensional torus there is a slowly (with velocity O(ε)) moving curve. There
is also a point moving on the same torus with slowly varying velocity (the accelera-
tion is O(ε)). One should count the number of times when the point (transversely)
crosses the curve on a time interval of length const/ε. A stable, in linear approxima-
tion, fixed point of the return map corresponds to each such crossing. Asymptotic
formula for the number of crossings can be obtained easily under some generic con-
dition. This completes the proof of Theorem 1. In Subsection 7.3, some symmetry
G1 G2
l1 l2
Let S = S(x) denote the area of G1 (x). In the unperturbed system, one can
introduce canonical “action-angle” variables (I, ϕ) separately in each Gi . The “ac-
tion” I is a function of p, q, x given by the formula I = I(E, x), where I(e, x) is the
area bounded by a trajectory of the fast system, corresponding to E = e, divided
(The separatrix l1 is parametrized by time t of motion in the fast system along it,
−∞ < t < +∞. So, on the separatrix ∂E/∂x is a function of t, and the integral
in (4) is taken from t = −∞ to t = +∞.) Formula (4) shows that −εΘ(y∗ , x∗ )
gives an approximate value of the change of the function E along a segment of a
trajectory of the exact system, such that the projection of this segment onto the
plane of the fast variables is close to the separatrix l1 for x ≈ x∗ , y ≈ y∗ .
For any periodic orbit of Theorem 2 there is a Cantor set of tori surrounding
it, whose existence is provided by KAM theory. Each one of these tori bounds
a solid torus which contains the periodic orbit. The closure of the union of all
these solid tori is known as the stability domain associated to the periodic orbit.
The intersection of this domain with a surface of a Poincaré section is known as a
stability island.
where P is the value of the p-variable along the trajectory with the prescribed value
of the action I. In G1 , G2 , q0 (I, x) is the value of q at one of the two points where
this trajectory crosses the axis p = 0; in G1 we take the right one of these points, and
in G2 we take the left one. In G3 we take q0 (I, x) = qs (x) and assume that at this
point P > 0. In the new variables the Hamiltonian has the form H = H0 (I, y, x).
Now make a canonical transformation of variables (p, q, y, x) 7→ (I, ¯ ϕ̄, ȳ, x̄) with
−1 ¯
generating function ȳε x + W (I, q, x). The canonically conjugated pairs of vari-
¯ ϕ̄) and (ȳ, ε−1 x̄). The formulas for the transformation of variables
ables are (I,
¯ p = ∂W/∂q, x̄ = x, y = ȳ + ε∂W/∂x.
ϕ̄ = ∂W/∂ I, (6)
In the new variables, the Hamiltonian H has the form
1 T ∂E
u= gy −t dt. (11)
2π 0 2 ∂x
The integral here is calculated along a phase trajectory of the fast system passing
through the point (p, q); t is the time of motion along this trajectory starting from
this point, T is the period of the motion. The function J is the improved adiabatic
invariant. In the complete system far from separatrices its value along a phase
trajectory is constant with an accuracy O(ε2 ) on time intervals of order ε−1 . In
what follows, it is convenient to use the function J(p,ˆ q, y, x) equal to J in the
domains G1 , G2 and equal to J/2 in G3 .
5. Description of separatrix crossing. On the phase plane Psl of the slow vari-
ables (y, x), the separatrix is represented by a curve Γ(h0 ) (see Figure 2). The
annulus D filled up with trajectories of the slow system with Iˆ ∈ Ξ is divided by
the uncertainty curve into two domains D3 and D1,2 . The ring D intersects the
axis y = 0 along two segments S3 and S1,2 , which belong to D3 and D1,2 respec-
tively. For (y, x) ∈ S3 the points of the plane of the fast variables on the energy
level H = h0 belong to G3 , and for (y, x) ∈ S1,2 the points of the plane of the fast
variables on this energy level belong to G1 or G2 . Fix an interval Ξ0 ∈ Ξ, such that
the endpoints of Ξ0 and Ξ are different.
S3 S1,2
Consider the motion in the exact system (2) with initial condition M(0) =
(p(0) , q (0) , y (0) , x(0) ) at t = 0. We assume that (ŷ (0) , x̂(0) ) ∈ S3 . Hence, (p(0) , q (0) ) ∈
G3 (x(0) ). Let Iˆ = Iˆ(0) , Jˆ = Jˆ(0) , ψ = ψ (0) at the point M(0) ; Iˆ(0) ∈ Ξ0 . Consider
also the motion in the slow system with Hamiltonian Ĥ0 (Iˆ(0) , y, x) and initial (at
t = 0) condition y = 0, x = x̃(0) , where x̃(0) is determined from Ĥ0 (Iˆ(0) , 0, x̃(0) ) =
h0 . The trajectory of this motion is B(Iˆ(0) ) = {y, x : Ĥ0 (Iˆ(0) , y, x) = h0 }. This
trajectory crosses Γ(h0 ) at points (x∗ , y∗ ) and (x∗ , −y∗ ) at slow time moments τ∗
and τ∗∗ (slow time is τ = εt). We will call τ∗ and τ∗∗ the slow time moments of the
separatrix crossing in the adiabatic approximation.
Assume, for definiteness, that y∗ > 0, Θ∗ ≡ Θ(y∗ , x∗ ) > 0. Thus, a phase
point of the slow system passes from D3 to D1,2 at the point (x∗ , y∗ ), and at the
point (x∗ , −y∗ ) it passes from D1,2 to D3 . In the exact system, in the process of
evolution the projection of the phase point onto the plane of the slow variables
(ŷ, x̂) approaches the curve Γ(h0 ), and accordingly, its projection onto the plane
(p, q) approaches the separatrix. We are interested in the dynamics of phase points
that are being captured into Gν , ν = 1, 2 after the separatrix crossing. For such
a phase point, the first crossing of Cq-axis in Gν (see Figure 1) occurs near C at
time τ = τ∗ + O(εlnε). Assuming that at the point of this crossing E = h(0) , we
introduce η (0) = 1 − |h(0) /εΘ∗ | .
After the separatrix crossing the projection of the phase point onto the plane of
the slow variables (ŷ, x̂) moves towards S1,2 . When it crosses S1,2 , the projection of
the phase point onto the plane of fast variables is deep inside the region Gν . Denote
the value of Jˆ at this time moment as Jˆ(1) .
Then the phase point starts again approaching the separatrix. At τ = τ∗∗ +
O(εlnε) the projection of the phase point onto the plane of fast variables crosses
Cq-axis in Gν near the point C for the last time before entering G3 . Assuming that
at the point of this crossing E = h(1) , we introduce η (1) = |h(1) /εΘ∗ | .
After crossing Γ(h0 ), the projection of the phase point onto the plane (ŷ, x̂)
crosses again the segment S3 . Let Jˆ(2) , ψ (2) denote the values of J,ˆ ψ at this time
moment. Then the projection of the phase point onto the plane of fast variables
approaches the separatrix again, crosses it and gets captured into the domain Gl , l =
1 or l = 2. Let E be equal to h(2) at the first crossing of the Cq-axis in Gl near
C. This crossing occurs at time τ = τ∗ + T0 + O(εlnε), where T0 is the slow time
period of motion along the trajectory Iˆ = Iˆ(0) in the adiabatic approximation. We
introduce η (2) = 1 − |h(2) /εΘ∗ | .
Jˆ(1) = Jˆ(0) − (2π)−1 εa∗ Θ∗ ln(2 sin πη (0) ) + O(ε3/2 lnε) , (13)
η (1) = {η (0) + ε−1 Φ1 (Jˆ(1) ) + O(ε1/3 ln−1/3 ε)} , (14)
Jˆ(2) = Jˆ(1) + (2π)−1 εa∗ Θ∗ ln(2 sin πη (1) ) + O(ε3/2 lnε) , (15)
η (2)
= {η (1) + ε−1 Φ2 (Jˆ(2) ) + O(ε1/3 ln−1/3 ε)} , (16)
Now consider the case l 6= ν. In this case 0 < ζ < 1/2. We get that ζ and η (2)
are related as ζ = 12 η (2) + O(ε1/2 ). From (21) we find
1 1 1
(1 − η (1) ) + η (2) = Φ2 (Jˆ(2) ) + O(ε1/3 ln−1/3 ε) mod 1.
2 2 2ε
η (2) = η (1) + Φ2 (Jˆ(2) ) − 1 + O(ε1/3 ln−1/3 ε) mod 2. (23)
Combining (22) and (23) we obtain equation (16). Condition 0 < ζ < 1/2 implies
Terms O(·) in (13), 14) (correspondingly, in (15), (16)) are functions of Jˆ(0) , η̂ (0)
(correspondingly, Jˆ(1) , η̂ (1) ).
Proposition. Terms O(·) in (13), (14) (correspondingly, in (15), (16)) can be
differentiated an arbitrary number of times with respect to Jˆ(0) , η̂ (0) (correspond-
ingly, Jˆ(1) , η̂ (1) ) without changing form of arguments in symbols O(·).
We omit the proof of this proposition. The proof consists of repetition of the
estimates in [8, 9] and additional estimates for derivatives.
7.1. Equations for stable fixed points. Linearly stable periodic trajectories
of the original problem belonging to the families F1, F2 correspond to linearly
stable fixed points of the map M̂ . These points are defined by the following set of
Suppose that (ξ (0) , η (0) ) = (ξ, η) correspond to a fixed point of the map M̂ . We
rewrite equations (24) using formulas (12)-(16), notations (26), and neglecting terms
O(ε1/3 ln−1/3 ε):
The stability condition | tr M̂ ′ | < 2 can be written using (13)-(16) (we again
neglect terms O(ε1/3 ln−1/3 ε)):
− 4 < Q < 0, (32)
Q = (u2 − u1 )(γ2 + γ1 ) − u2 u1 γ2 γ1 , (33)
u1 = απ cot πη, u2 = απ cot πη (1) .
The exact set of conditions for a stable periodic solution differs from (28)-(31)
by terms O(ε1/3 ln−1/3 ε) that can be differentiated in εξ , η , η (1) without changing
their smallness order. Below, we find non-degenerate solutions of system (28)-
(31). According to the implicit function theorem, for small enough ε, each of these
solutions corresponds to a solution of the exact system.
7.2. Existence of stable fixed points. We assume that the following generality
conditions are valid.
H1. For almost all I ∈ Ξ0
γ1 (I) · γ2 (I) 6= 0 , (γ1 (I)/γ2 (I)) 6= 0 . (34)
Equation (28) implies that either η (1) = η or η (1) = 1 − η. First, consider the
case η (1) = η. System (29), (30) takes the form:
γ1 αln(2 sin πη) = ε−1 Φ1 (εξ) mod 1, (35)
0=ε Φ2 (εξ) mod 2. (36)
These inequalities also imply (31), provided the constant c1 is large enough.
System (28)-(30), equivalent to (35), (36) unified with (39), (40), can be in-
terpreted geometrically as follows. The right hand side of equations (29), (30)
defines a point ε−1 Φ(εξ) = (ε−1 Φ1 (εξ) mod 1, ε−1 Φ2 (εξ) mod 2) on the torus T2 =
{(s1 mod 1, s2 mod 2)}. As ξ varies, this point is moving fast, with its velocity vector
γ(εξ) = (γ1 (εξ) , γ2 (εξ)) varying slowly. L.h.s. of equations (29), (30), and (28),
together with stability condition (32) define a set Λ(εξ) ⊂ T2 parametrized by η
and an index distinguishing systems (35), (36) and (39), (40). It was shown above,
that this set is the union of several (two or three) segments of curves. For brevity we
call the set Λ(εξ) a curve. As ξ varies, Λ(εξ) slowly moves on the torus. Solutions
of (28)-(30), (32) correspond to values of “time” ξ when the point ε−1 Φ(εξ) crosses,
in its motion on the torus, the curve Λ(εξ).
It follows from assumption H1 that at almost all I ∈ Ξ the winding on the torus
with frequency vector γ(I) is ergodic and transversal to Λ(I) at almost all points
of Λ(I). Hence, it is possible to calculate, in the main approximation, the number
of the points of intersection (cf. [14]). This number is (K + o(1))/ε, where
K= |(γ(I), n(l, I))| dl dI. (44)
2 Ξ0 Λ(I)
Here l is the natural parameter on Λ(I), and n(l, I) is a unit normal vector on Λ(I).
The factor 1/2 in this formula is due to the fact that the area of the surface of the
torus equals 2. The value of the inner integral in (44) equals the product of the
length of vector γ(I) and the full length of the projection of the curve Λ(I) onto
the normal to vector γ(I).
The curve Λ(I) is the union of two curves Λnsm (I) and Λsm constructed according
to systems (35)-(37) and (39)-(41) respectively. Hence the value K can also be
represented as K = Knsm + Ksm , where Knsm and Ksm are given by (44) with Λ
replaced by Λnsm (I) or Λsm . The subscripts “sm” and “nsm” are abbreviations for
“symmetric” and “non-symmetric”. In the following section we show that indeed,
system (39)-(41) gives symmetric or nearly symmetric periodic trajectories.
From the results obtained above we find that if γ2 γ1 < 0, Knsm = 0. If γ2 γ1 > 0,
Λnsm is a doubled segment of the s1 -axis on the torus: as η covers the interval (38),
this segment is covered twice. Hence, to calculate the length of Λnsm , one should
multiply by four the magnitude of the difference between the values of the function
γ1 αln(2 sin πη) at the middle point and at the end point of the interval (38). Thus,
this length equals
4|γ1 |α ln2 − ln 2 cos arctan √ =
απ γ1 γ2
2|γ1 |αln 1 + 2 2 .
α π γ1 γ2
From (44) we obtain:
Knsm = αγ1 γ2 ln 1 + dI. (45)
Ξ0 α2 π 2 γ1 γ2
Now we shall obtain a formula for Ksm under the assumptions γ1 < 0, γ2 > 0, |γ1 | >
γ2 ; the results are analogous for the other cases. The projection of a point of the
curve Λsm onto the normal to the vector γ multiplied by the length of γ is
8. Stability islands. Let Jˆ(0) = Ir = εξr , η (0) = ηr be one of the stable, in the
linear approximation, fixed points of the map M̂ found in the previous section.
(1) (1)
Let ηr be the corresponding value of the variable η (1) (note that either ηr =
1/3 −1/3 (1) 1/3 −1/3
ηr + O(ε ln ε) or ηr = 1 − ηr + O(ε ln ε)). According to Kolmogorov-
Arnold-Moser (KAM) theory, under certain conditions (absence of resonances up
to the 4th order, a non-zero coefficient in the normal form) this fixed point is stable
and is surrounded with a Cantor family of invariant curves (see, e.g. [13]). KAM-
theory allows also to show that under certain conditions the majority of such fixed
points are stable simultaneously, and to give an estimate from below of a size of
a stability island around a fixed point which is uniform for the set of these fixed
points. To show this we will proceed as follows.
Put ξ˜ = 1ε (Jˆ(0) − Ir ), ξ˜(1) = 1ε (Jˆ(1) − Ir ), ξ˜(2) = 1ε (Jˆ(2) − Ir ), η = η (0) . Substi-
tuting these expressions into (13) - (16)), assuming |ξ| ˜ < 1 and expanding the r.h.s.
in ε we get
ξ˜(1) = ξ˜ − αln(2 sin πη) + O(µ) , (55)
η (1)
= {η + ε−1 Φ1 (Ir ) + γ1 (Ir )ξ˜(1) + O(µ)} , (56)
Here µ = ε1/3 ln−1/3 . The variable α was introduced in (27); in the expression
above α is considered as a function of Ir , α = α(Ir ).
In the new variables the map M̂ is again a composition of two symplectic maps.
It has a fixed point ξ˜ = 0, η = ηr . Because of this
ε−1 Φ1 (Ir ) = ηr(1) − ηr + γ1 (Ir )α(Ir )ln(2 sin πηr ) + O(µ) mod 1, (59)
ε Φ2 (Ir ) = ηr − ηr(1) + O(µ) mod 1. (60)
Denote the principal terms in the r.h.s. of (59) and (60) as and g1 (ηr , ηr , Ir )
g2 (ηr , ηr , Ir ) respectively. Thus, maps (55), (56) and (57), (58) take the form
ξ˜(1) = ξ̃ − α(Ir )ln(2 sin πη) + O(µ) , (61)
η (1)
= {η + g1 (ηr , η (1) , Ir ) + γ1 (Ir )ξ˜(1) + O(µ)} ,
r (62)
Consider a truncated map: discard terms O(µ) in (61) - (64). Replace in this new
map symbols Ir , ηr with I, ¯ η̄ and symbol ηr(1) either with η̄ or with 1 − η̄. Denote
nsm (1) sm (1)
the obtained map as M̂trunc for ηr replaced with η̄ and as M̂trunc for ηr replaced
with 1 − η̄. While the original map was defined for a discrete set of parameters
Ir , ηr , the new map is well defined for all I¯ ∈ Ξ0 , η̄ ∈ [c−1 −1
1 , 1 − c1 ] and has a fixed
point ξ = 0, η = η̄.
Consider the rectangle K = {I, ¯ η̄ : I¯ ∈ Ξ0 , η̄ ∈ [c−1 , 1 − c−1 ]}. Let V a be the
1 1
part of K such that for (I,¯ η̄) ∈ V a the eigenvalues of the fixed point ξ˜ = 0, η = η̄
lie on the unit circle; here a is one of the symbols nsm, sm. On the boundary of
V a both eigenvalues equal either +1 or -1. Let λ(a) (I, ¯ η̄) be the eigenvalue which
has a non-negative imaginary part. The conditions of absence of resonances up to
4th order have the form
(λa )k 6= 1, k = 1, 2, 3, 4. (65)
If these conditions are satisfied, then in a neighborhood of the fixed point one
can transform the map M̂trunc to the Birkhoff normal form up to terms of the 4th
order (see, e.g. [15]). In the coordinates ρ, χ mod 2π which are close to symplectic
polar coordinates [15] this form is
ρ 7→ ρ + . . . , (66)
χ 7 → ¯ η̄) + Da (I,
χ + ω (I, ¯ η̄)ρ + . . . (67)
a a a
Here ω = arg λ , D is a smooth function in the domain where the conditions
(65) are satisfied. Lower dots denote terms of higher order in ρ. Conditions (65)
and condition Da 6= 0 can be written as one condition of the form F a (I, ¯ η̄) 6= 0,
a a
where F is a smooth function in the domain V .
We assume that the following condition is satisfied.
H2. For all I¯ ∈ Ξ0 we have F a (I,¯ η̄) 6= 0 for all η̄ such that (I,
¯ η̄) ∈ V a except,
maybe, at a finite number of points whose location depends on I piecewise smoothly;
a = nsm, sm.
Now we will proceed with the case a = sm, the case a = nsm is completely
analogous. The set Λsm (I) introduced in Section 7.2 is parametrized by values
η from a set Lsm (I) ⊂ R1 ((41) implies that Lsm (I) consists of two intervals).
Fix an arbitrary constant c2 > 0. Denote as L̃sm (I) the part of Lsm (I) where
|F sm (I, η)| > c−1
2 . Condition H2 implies that the set L̃sm (I) consists of several
intervals, and the number of these intervals is bounded uniformly for I ∈ Ξ0 . The
length of Lsm (I) \ L̃sm (I) can be made arbitrarily small by taking a sufficiently
¯ the map M̂trunc
large value of c2 . For η̄ ∈ L̃sm (I), sm
in the neighborhood of fixed
point ξ = 0, η = η̄ can be written in the form
ρ 7→ ρ + O(ρ5/2 ), (68)
χ 7→ ¯ η̄) + Da (I,
χ + ω a (I, ¯ η̄)ρ + O(ρ3/2 ), (69)
where the estimate O(·) is uniform over the set of values I, η̄ under consideration.
Any symplectic map of the form M̂trunc + O(µ) such that: a) ξ̃ = 0, η = η̄ is its
¯ η̄ under consider-
fixed point; b) the estimate O(µ) holds uniformly on the set of I,
ation and can be differentiated an arbitrary number of times without changing the
order of smallness, can be written in the form
ρ 7→ ρ + O(ρ5/2 ) + O(ρµ), (70)
χ ¯ η̄) + Da (I,
7→ χ + ω a (I, ¯ η̄)ρ + O(ρ3/2 ) + O(µ). (71)
This map for small enough µ satisfies KAM stability conditions: there are no reso-
nances up to the 4th order, the coefficient in the normal form that ensures the twist
property is different from 0. So, the fixed point is stable. Obviously, the required
choice of µ can be made the same for all pairs (I, ¯ η̄) under consideration.
The original map M̂ in the neighborhood of the fixed point Ir , ηr such that
ηr = 1 − ηr + O(µ) (see notations in the beginning of this Section), provided
ηr ∈ L̃sm (I), can be written in the form (70), (71) with I¯ = Ir , η̄ = ηr . So, this
fixed point is stable for small enough ε, and the required choice of ε can be made
the same for all pairs (Ir , ηr ) under consideration.
Now introduce ρ̄ = ρ/κ, where κ is a small constant to be defined later. Assuming
that ρ̄ = O(1) we will write map M̂ in the form
ρ̄ 7→ ρ̄ + κ3/2 O(1) + O(µ), (72)
χ 7→ χ + ω a (I¯r , η̄r ) + κDa (I¯r , η̄r )ρ̄ + κ3/2 O(1) + O(µ). (73)
In the annulus 1 ≤ ρ̄ ≤ 2 this map satisfies the conditions of the Moser theorem [16]
for the case of a small twist, provided κ is taken small enough and after that ε is
taken small enough. So, in this annulus there exists an invariant curve of the map.
Obviously, the choice of κ, ε to meet assumptions of Moser theorem can be made
the same for all pairs (Ir , ηr ) under consideration. So, there is an invariant curve
at a distance larger than c−1 3 from the point ξ˜ = 0, η = ηr . We call the domain
surrounded by this curve a stability island of the Poincaré map. The area of this
island is larger than c−1
4 . Returning from ξ̃, η to the original variables I, η, we find
that the area of the stability island is estimated from below as c−14 ε.
The boundary of the stability island (an invariant curve) is a section of the
invariant torus on the energy level of the original system. The volume of the domain
surrounded by this torus is larger than C1−1 ε. The variation of Iˆ inside this domain
is smaller than C2 ε. This completes the proof of Theorem 2.
0 2 4 6 8
does not depend on ξ, and hence η ≡ const along the motion. Without restricting
the generality we put η ≡ 0.
Introduce new pairs of canonically conjugated coordinates (y1 , ε−1 x1 ), (p1 , q1 ),
new time t1 and a new Hamiltonian H1 according to the formulas:
x1 = εx(ρL)−1/2 , y1 = y(mv)−1 ,
q1 = q(ρL) , p1 = p(mv)−1 ,
t1 = tv(ρL)−1/2 , H1 = H(mv 2 )−1 .
Here v is a p
typical velocity of the particle, ρ = cmv/(eB0 ) is a typical Larmor
radius, ε = Bn
B0 L/ρ; v, ρ = const. In the new variables the Hamiltonian takes the
form (we omit the subscript “1”):
" 2 #
1 2 2 1 2
H= y +p + x− q . (75)
2 2
Following [10], we consider the case ε ≪ 1 (it is valid for ions). In this case, p, q are
the fast variables, and y, x are the slow ones. The phase portrait of the fast system
is represented in Figures 4a and 4b for x > 0 and x < 0 respectively.
p (a) p (b)
G1 G2
q q
Consider the motion on the energy level H = 1/2. On the configuration plane
(x, q) the motion is possible between two parabolas (see Figure 3). The two field
lines are also the zero velocity curve (zvc). On the plane of the slow variables
the motion is possible in the domain obtained by the union of the half-disk {x, y :
x2 + y 2 ≤ 1, x ≤ 0} and the half-strip {x, y : |y| ≤ 1, x > 0}. The uncertainty curve
Γ is the semicircle {x, y : x2 + y 2 = 1, x ≥ 0}. The phase trajectories on the fast
plane that lie inside the domains G1 and G2 correspond to the points of the plane
of the slow variables with x2 + y 2 > 1 (see Figure 4a). The phase trajectories that
lie in the domain G3 correspond to the points on the plane of the slow variables
with x2 + y 2 < 1, x > 0.
The phase portrait of the slow system at H = 1/2 is presented in Figure 5 (see
[10]). The boundary of the domain of possible motion on the portrait corresponds
to the motion with zero value of the “action”. For points of the plane of the slow
variables with y = ±1, x > 0, the corresponding phase point on the fast plane in
the adiabatic approximation always coincides with one of the two stable fixed points
of the fast system. For points of the semicircle {x, y : x2 + y 2 = 1, x < 0}, the
corresponding phase point on the fast plane is always at the only stable fixed point
of the fast system. The stable fixed point on the phase portrait of the slow system
has the coordinates y = 0, x = xe ≈ 0.65.
−1 0 1 2 3 4
In [10], the chaotic dynamics in the domain filled with trajectories of the slow
system that cross the uncertainty curve was found and studied.
9.2. Formulas for the dynamics in the slow system and separatrix cross-
ings. The following formulas are valid for the values S, Θ∗ , a∗ , α introduced in Sec-
tions 2, 5, and 6 [10]:
8 3/2 1/2
S= x , Θ∗ = 4y∗ x∗ , (76)
−1/2 2
a∗ = x∗ , α= π y∗ . (77)
The modified “action” Iˆ in the domain Gi is [10]
Iˆ = (2E)1/4 fi (k), (78)
f3 (k) = (1 − k 2 )K(k) + (2k 2 − 1)E(k),
f1,2 (k) = 2(1 − k 2 )kK(1/k) + (2k 2 − 1)kE(1/k),
1 x 1 2
p + (x − q 2 /2)2 ;
k= 1+ √ , E=
2 2E 2
K( · ), E( · ) are the complete elliptic integrals of first and second kinds, respectively.
It turns out that in the considered specific problem we have: γ1 < 0, γ2 >
0, |γ1 | ≫ 1, γ2 ≪ 1 (for the definition of γi , see (26)). Therefore, according to
Section 7.2, there are no non-symmetric stable periodic trajectories. Symmetric
stable periodic trajectories correspond to the two intervals (43) of the variable η.
The corresponding intervals of the variable u = απ cot πη are of equal small length
2/|γ1 | (see (42)) and in the variable η they are ≈ 2/(απ 2 |γ1 |) and ≈ αγ22 /(2|γ1 |),
respectively. Hence, the number of stable periodic trajectories is much smaller than
the number of unstable periodic trajectories. The minimum of f in (46) is attained
at the right endpoint of the second of these two intervals. Therefore, the variation
of f on this interval is much smaller than its variation on the first one. Hence, the
second interval corresponds to a much smaller number of stable periodic trajectories
than the first one. Taking into account the relations between γ1 and γ2 , we find for
Ksm (see (45)) in the main approximation:
1 4
Ksm = ˆ
dI. (79)
2 Ξ0 απ 2
The quantities Iˆ and x∗ are related as 2π Iˆ = S(x∗ ). Using (76), (77), we obtain
1 8 3/2 4
Iˆ = x∗ = (1 − y∗2 )3/4 .
2π 3 3π
dIˆ 2
Ksm = = 2 (1 − y∗2 )−1/4 dy∗ . (80)
Ξ0 πy∗ π Ξ0
Let v = y∗2 . Then
Ksm = (1 − v)−1/4 v −1/2 dv, (81)
π2 v1
where v1 and v2 are the values of v = y∗2 at the endpoints of Ξ0 . In particular, if
we take for Ξ0 the complete interval of values of Iˆ corresponding to the separatrix
crossings, we have v1 = 0, v2 = 1. Accordingly, for the value Kc of the function
Ksm we find:
Z 1
1 1 1 Γ(1/2)Γ(3/4)
Kc = 2 (1 − v)−1/4 v −1/2 dv = 2 B(1/2, 3/4) = 2 . (82)
π 0 π π Γ(5/4)
Here, as usual, B( · ) and Γ( · ) denote the beta and gamma functions respectively.
Using the reflection formula for the gamma function [17], we find
1 √ 1 π 2 1
Kc = 2 π = ≈ 0.21 . (83)
π Γ(5/4)Γ(1/4) sin(π/4) π 4(Γ(5/4))2
In the next section we consider solutions with initial conditions p = y = 0, q = q0 .
On the energy level H = 1/2, for the corresponding initial value x0 of x we have
the relation 1/2(x0 − q02 /2)2 = 1/2 and, hence x0 = q02 /2 ± 1. Take the “minus”
sign in the latter expression. Calculate for such a solution the value v = y∗2 in the
adiabatic approximation. We have
2 2 3π ˆ
v = y∗ = 1 − x∗ = 1 − I ,
1 2 1 1 x0 |q0 |
E=H− y = , k= 1+ √ = ,
2 2 2 2E 2
4 4
Iˆ = (2E)1/4 f3 (k) = f3 (|q0 |/2).
3π 3π
v = 1 − (f3 (|q0 |/2))4/3 . (84)
9.3. Results of the numeric studies. For the exact system the 2D surface y = 0
will be used as a surface of the Poincaré section, despite it is not globally transversal
to the phase flow. Figure 6 displays a representation of a part of this surface. The
horizontal variables are q and p and x is the vertical one. We see that, beyond the
fact that it is not a global Poincaré section, to every point (q, p) on the strip |p| < 1
correspond two possible values of x.
0 -0.5
2 -1
These effects are illustrated in Figure 7 for ε = 0.04. The same value of ε has
been used up to Figure 13. For smaller ε many pictures look quite wild. The initial
point ε−1 x = 10, q = 0, y = 0, p > 0 seems to be on an invariant torus. The section
by the surface y = 0, disregarding the value of x and the sign of ẏ is shown to the
left. The second plot contains only the points for which ẏ > 0. Third one contains
points with ẏ either positive or negative, but only for the values of x < xe (see
Section 9.1). The rightmost plot displays only points with ẏ > 0 and x < xe .
1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0
-1 -1 -1 -1
-2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2
0 -0.5
2 -1
-2 -1 0 1 2
0 0
1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.404 1.405 1.406 1.407
p = y = 0, while the discontinuous line shows the location of ẏ = 0. One can check
once more the sharp transition between regular and chaotic motion. The islands
seen in this picture are hardly visible in Figure 9: they are on the top close to p = 1.
Note that there are islands of period 2, without points on q = 0. The two zones
without points of the chaotic sea which appear close to ε−1 x = −25 correspond to
the two holes near the center of Figure 9. They will be filled only if orbits reaching
extremely large values of ε−1 x (and, hence, extremely large values of the return
time) are computed.
-20 -10 0 10
As an illustration, Figure 12, top left, shows the first (going from left to right)
stable periodic orbit of Figure 10 left, and on the right part the third one. On the
bottom we display, for the first of these orbits, the projections on (ε−1 x, y) (left)
and on (q, p) (right). On the (ε−1 x, y) plane, it can be seen that the orbit is close to
the one theoretically predicted (except for some minor oscillations). On the (q, p)
plane the transition of the fast system across the separatrix is clearly seen.
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
-1 -1
-2 -2
-3 -3
-20 0 20 40 60 -20 0 20 40 60
1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0
-0.5 -0.5
-1 -1
-20 0 20 40 60 -1 0 1 2 3
Figure 12. Various projections of stable periodic orbits. See the text.
We have computed simple periodic orbits (i.e., fixed points of the Poincaré map)
with initial conditions on the zvc: y = p = 0. They appear on Figures 9 and 10 on
the horizontal axis. Due to the symmetry it is enough to start with q > 0. We note
that for y = q = p = 0 there is a periodic orbit fully contained in the (x, y) plane.
In a similar way one can compute periodic orbits starting on the q = 0 axis.
Again, due to the symmetry, it is enough to use p > 0. To grasp the wild character
of the flow Figure 13 shows, on the left, the first image under the Poincaré map of
the line q = 0 with values of p ∈ (−1, 1) and step size 10−5 . On the right we display,
in log10 scale, the maximum value of ε−1 |x| reached (lower curve) and the return
time (upper curve) as a function of p. The plot would be similar taking points of
the zvc (p = 0 in this section).
√ compute p.o. on the zvc we have restricted our interest to the domain q ∈
[1, 2]. (Smaller values of q correspond to extremely large return times.) This is
enough to illustrate the theory. This range of q is scanned using a control on the
distance between consecutive points, in order to follow carefully all the foldings of
the image. Steps in q as small as 10−12 are accepted. The results of the computation
are shown in Table 1. As predicted by the theory, both the total number of p.o.
and the number of stable ones (s.p.o.) behave as ε−1 .
The p.o. in p = 0 appear also (if we display the period or the maximal value
of x along the orbit) in bumps similar to the ones displayed in Figure 13, right.
Decreasing ε the number of bumps increases like ε−1 . On each bump the behavior
of the system is similar.
0.5 4
0 3
-0.5 2
-1 1
-1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Figure 13. The first image under the Poincaré map of the line
q = 0 with values of p ∈ (−1, 1) and step size 10−5 (left). The
maximum value of ε−1 |x| reached (lower curve) and the return
time (upper curve) as a function of p (right). In the vertical axes
of the right plot (both for the maximum and for the return time)
the log10 scale has been used.
0 0
1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
the distribution of p.o. inside a bump as follows. If ε is small the bumps are also
small. The extrema of the bump can be taken as the places where the return time
has a local minima (or, equivalently, the maximal x is minimum or, also, the trace
of the nearby p.o. is also a minimum). If q1 and q2 are the extrema of some bump
(q1 < q2 ), and q ∗ denotes the position of a p.o., it can be referred to the bump
by means of the parameter q̃ = (q ∗ − q1 )/(q2 − q1 ). Collecting all the values of q̃
for the different p.o. we can get the desired distribution. This is plotted to √ the
right in Figure 14. Despite a total of 359 complete bumps is found for q ∈ [1, 2]
for ε = 0.00025 (this reduces to 89 for ε = 0.001), only the bumps for q ∈ [1, 1.1]
have been used. The reason is that for that range of q the computed value of q̃ is
close enough to the theoretical parameter η introduced in Section 5. In this range
there are 58 full bumps which contain 10373 p.o. We selected 200 intervals of equal
length in the q̃ variable. The scale has been normalized to have total area equal to
1. In the same plot, and in discontinuous lines, the theoretical density of the p.o.
as a function of η is also shown. It is given by an expression of the form (49)
ρ(η) = C |c − 1/tan(πη)| ,
Calculating the integral in (47) with these values of v1,2 we obtain Ksm ≈ 0.099.
The quantity Ksm /ε is, in the main approximation, the √ number of s.p.o.
√ of the
family F1 (or F2) that start from the zvc with q0 ∈ [1, 2] and q0 ∈ [− 2, −1]. It
is also equal in the main approximation
√ to the number of s.p.o. of the two families
that start from the zvc with q0 ∈ [1, 2]. For Ksm /ε we find values which are in
good agreement with the numerical results (see Table 1).
Appendix. The planar periodic orbit. Here we discuss the special role played
by the periodic orbit sitting on (q, p) = (0, 0). As it is contained in the (x, y)
plane, we shall call it the planar p.o. If y(0) = 0, it is given by x = cos(εt),
and the normal variational equation is given (as a second order equation) by ξ¨ =
This is a particular case of Mathieu equation, with zero average. Let M =
0 sin(τ )dτ ≈ 2.39628. For small ε the monodromy matrix can be approximately
written as the product of rotation by the angle M/ε and an hyperbolic matrix
of dominant eigenvalue exp(M/ε). Figure 15, left, displays the variation of the
trace tr of the monodromy matrix as a function of 1/ε. In the horizontal axis we
display 1/ε, while in the vertical one sinh−1 (tr) is shown. It is straightforward to
show that, despite infinitely many intervals of stability occur they are extremely
narrow. More precisely: stability domains appear near values of 1/ε of the form
M −1 (k + 1/2)π, k ∈ Z, k > 0, while the width of these intervals is, up to a constant
factor, of the form exp(−M/ε).
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 -0.001 -0.0005 0 0.0005 0.001
In each one of these stability intervals there is an invariant island around (0, 0) in
the (q, p) plane. As an example, Figure 15 right shows the island for ε = 0.5155, in
the stability domain with the left endpoint at ε = 0.5136759883096067 and width
≈ 2.25 × 10−3 . Even for that large value of ε the width of the island in q is small
(less than 0.002). Furthermore there exists a period 4 p.o. (displayed as black big
points) which is hyperbolic. The presence of nearby hyperbolic periodic orbits has
been checked for other values of ε in the stability domains. Hence, when the planar
p.o. becomes stable (for these narrow intervals) there appear other unstable p.o.
which play a similar role. Using an index argument in a suitable ball containing
the island inside, one can prove that the global dynamics outside this ball is only
affected for very narrow intervals of initial conditions. From now on we shall not
consider these stability intervals.
Dependence of the return time on the initial value of q contains certain charac-
teristic structures that we call bumps, see Figure 13, right. Figure 16 shows, in the
upper part, a sample of results, and several details in the lower part. Concretely, on
the left upper plot
√ we present the results for trajectories with initial conditions at
p = 0 and q ∈ [0, 2] for ε = 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.04. We plot the logarithm of the return
time as a function of the initial value of q. The smaller ε is, the higher are the
bumps and the smaller is the distance between endpoints of a bump, as it was said
before. For instance, for ε = 0.04 the maximal return√ time from the zvc exceeds
107 . In the central upper plot we show, for q ∈ [1, 2] the logarithms of the return
time multiplied by ε for ε = 0.04, 0.01, 0.0025. The curves on these plots tend to a
limit curve when ε → 0. On the right upper part we show the end of the big bump
close to q = 1.15 for ε = 0.04, displaying the return time as a function of q on the
narrow window [1.15027, 1.1502744]. Five ends of small bumps can be seen to the
left of the endpoint of the big bump, one of them very close to this endpoint. All
this detailed structure is not visible in the previous plot (the middle upper one).
3 170
5 2
0 0.5 1 1 1.2 1.4 1.15027 1.150274
Figure 16. The bumps and their structure. See the text for a
detailed explanation.
In the lower part of the figure, and from left to right we show a detail of the end
of the leftmost small bump of the previous plot (window [1.150270992 ± 2 × 10−9 ]),
a view of the end of the rightmost small bump together with the end of the big
bump (window [1.150274085 ± 5 × 10−9]) and a great enlargement of the end of the
big bump (window [1.150274092745 ± 25 × 10−12]. The vertical jumps in the return
time, clearly visible in last plot, are due to the fact that px = 0 is not everywhere
transversal to the flow, as it was discussed (see Figure 7 right, for instance). To
the right of the endpoint of the big bump the pattern of small bumps is almost
symmetric to the one displayed here.
Now we pass to the reasons for the creation of big and small bumps in geometric
terms. Taking, for instance, an initial point on the zvc, it can approach the separa-
trix x2 + y 2 = 1 moving close to the planar p.o. Then it can move back to smaller
values of x, or it can enter one of the branches of the region x > 1, either the upper
one or the lower one. A critical orbit would tend to the planar one along its stable
manifold. Hence, looking at the maximal value of x along the orbit, it would never
exceed 1. Furthermore, moving on the stable manifold of the planar p.o. it would
reach a point with y = 0, ẏ > 0 close to x = −1.
Hence, the endpoints of the big bumps can be seen as the place where there is
a minimum of the maximum value of x along the orbit (as a function of the initial
value of q in the zvc) or as the place where orbits switch from entering the upper
branch to the lower one or vice versa (see below for an additional explanation). Or,
in other words, to switching between entering one or the other of the lobes at the
crossing of the separatrix.
Small bumps are related to the crossing of the separatrix when we go outside, to
the circulation region, that is, x decreases and enters the domain x < 1. An orbit
entering from one of the branches to the region x < 1 can also approach the planar
p.o. along the stable manifold. This occurs depending on the phase it has when it
reaches the maximal value of x in one of the branches. As it changes quickly for
ε small, there are many small bumps inside one big bump. Again, entering x < 1
we can pass close to the planar p.o. and leave its vicinity following one of the two
branches of their unstable manifold.
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