r11 NL en RWN S G3u1w1
r11 NL en RWN S G3u1w1
r11 NL en RWN S G3u1w1
Directions Circle the word with the short vowel sound in the first syllable. Then
underline the letter that stands for that short vowel sound.
Home Activity Your child identified words with a short vowel sound in the first syllable, such as happen,
lettuce, and tennis. Have your child make a collage of magazine pictures showing items that have a short
vowel sound in the first syllable of each item’s name. Help your child label each picture.
Directions Read the story. Then fill in the chart to describe in your own words details
about the characters, setting, and theme.
Home Activity Your child restated the characters, setting, and theme, or lesson, of a story. Read a story
together. Discuss the characters, setting, and theme with your child and ask which story details helped with
his or her ideas.
Comprehension 41
2. What problem does the narrator have? How is the problem solved?
Directions Choose the word from the box that best matches each definition. Write the
word on the line.
������������������� 1. anything that you can burn Check the Words
that gives heat or power You Know
������������������� 2. the length of time that
something lasts blew
������������������� 3. the power of using your ___plug
imagination to see what the ___term
future may bring ___vision
Directions Choose the word from the box that best matches each clue. Write the word
on the line.
Home Activity Your child identified and used vocabulary words from When Charlie McButton Lost Power.
With your child discuss what it would have been like to live before houses had electricity. Encourage your
child to use vocabulary words in your conversation.
Vocabulary 43
Charlie McButton
A sentence tells a complete thought. It begins with a capital letter and ends with a
punctuation mark. An incomplete sentence is called a fragment.
Sentence The lights go out.
Fragment Suddenly blink on and off.
4. has a battery
Home Activity Your child learned about sentences. Have your child write two or three sentences about
an event at school.
44 Conventions Sentences
Home Activity Your child wrote words with short vowel sounds. Have your child circle the VC/CV
(vowel-consonant-consonant-vowel) pattern in each list word.
46 Writing Plan
Directions Read the following passage. Then answer the questions below. Look for
context clues that show the meanings of homonyms and homographs as you read.
1. In this passage, does down mean “a bird’s soft feathers” or “from above”?
2. The word dove has two pronunciations and two meanings. What clues tell readers
the word’s pronunciation and meaning in this passage?
3. What does bat mean in this passage? How does the context help you?
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Home Activity Your child used context clues to understand homonyms and homographs. Provide
sentences with homonyms such as ball (a round object/a dance) or row (to move a boat with oars/a line of
people or objects) and homographs such as bow (to bend down) and bow (a loop made with ribbon). Ask
your child to use context clues to determine the meaning of each word.
Vocabulary 47
Reference Texts
Books have different features that help you find the information you need. At the front, a
table of contents lists chapters, articles, or stories and their page numbers. An index lists
subjects that the book covers and tells the page on which the information can be found.
An index is usually in the back of the book.
Directions Use the table of contents and the index to answer the questions.
2. On which page will you look to find information about Thomas Edison?
Home Activity Your child used a table of contents and an index to answer questions about reference texts.
Ask your child to locate information using a table of contents and an index in a favorite book.
48 Research
3. 4. Frequently
5. Words
Proofread Words Circle the word that is spelled correctly. and
Write it. with
6. happen hapen 6. ___________________
7. prablem problem 7. ___________________
8. spulling spelling 8. ___________________
© Pearson Education, Inc., 3
Home Activity Your child identified and corrected misspelled words with short vowel
sounds. Have your child sketch a sign that contains several spelling words and frequently
misspelled words.
Directions Read the selection. Then read each question that follows the selection.
Decide which is the best answer to each question. Mark the space for the answer you
have chosen.
Using Computers
(1) Computer games can be a lot of fun (2) You can use a computer for other
things, too. (3) Keep track of your money. (4) A computer can help you with your
math work. (5) A computer to talk to your friends. (6) You can use it to learn about
almost anything in the world. (7) What do you use computers for.
1 What change, if any, should be made to 4 What change, if any, should be made to
sentence 1? sentence 5?
Change Computer to computer Change friends. to friends?
Change fun to fun? Change A computer to You can use
Change fun to fun. a computer
Make no change Change A to a
Make no change
Home Activity Your child prepared for taking tests on sentences. Ask your child to explain the difference
between a sentence and a fragment.
50 Conventions Sentences