Performance and Potential Matrix

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Performance and potential matrix

There are several ways to review talent in the organization. Performance and Potential
matrixis the most frequently used tool. It is simple to understand and apply. It helps in
making a talent inventory for the organization. It is 3*3 matrices where each box has its own
definition and developmental challenges. It is 9-box matrix. Each managerial employee
would be reviewed on performance and potential and assigned to one of the nine boxes. On
the ‘X’ axis performance would be plotted using 3 point scale, 3 being high performance, 2
medium performances and 1 low performance. On the ‘Y’ axis potential in the form of
competency framework would be plotted using scale of C, B and A. ‘C’ being competencies
demonstrated in the current career stage and ‘A and B’ would be the competencies
demonstrated for the next 1-2 career stage.

Talent pool:
Based on the performance – potential matrix, talent pool would be created at the
organizational level. Talent pool would be divided into 3 categories:
Leadership Talent: Individuals identified / assessed as 3A in performance–potential matrix.
Management Talent: Individuals identified / assessed as 2A, 2B, 3B in performance–
potential matrix.
Support Talent: Individuals identified / assessed as 1A, 1B, 1C, 2C, 3C in performance –
potential matrix.

Talent pool description

Leadership Talent
• Consistent exceptional performer in the current role / career stage and demonstrated
potential to grown in to Leadership role.
Key characteristic are:
• Person is committed to make quantum leaps.
• Questions status quo – situations, assumptions, the way things are done & leverages the
situation through innovative ideas and solutions.
• Redefines the role today and tomorrow regardless of circumstances; goes beyond
• Builds enduring greatness through a paradoxical combination of personal humility and
professional will.

Management Talent
• Consistent high performer in the current role / career stage with adequate / reasonable
demonstrated potential to grow to next career stage.
Key characteristic are:
• Consistently delivers high performance by optimal usage of all resources, to deliver
required output.
• Organizes people and resources towards effective and efficient pursuit of pre- determined
• Very dependable.
• Leverages strengths of self and of others, in a judicious manner.
• May not be able to cope with complex/stretch assignments.

Support Talent
• Good / acceptable performance in the current role / career stage but with limited potential
to move to next career stage.
Key characteristic are:
• Delivers output as directed through standardized methods & systems.
• Is motivated to perform well on the current job.
• Contributes to achievements of group objectives by working effectively with others.
• Keep current skills sharp.
• Demonstrates little efforts to build skills for next career stage.
• May confine themselves to requirements and hence, occasionally assigned stretched

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