Terra Nova Rules
Terra Nova Rules
Terra Nova Rules
12 years and up
1 double-sided game board 5 double-sided faction mats 8 bonus tiles 8 round scoring tiles
(Back for the 2-player variants)
for the dropout
turn order variant
5 80-point tiles 2 action 1 start player 1 turn order 5 faction
(If at any time during the game overviews token mat tiles
103 money tokens 40 double-sided you have more than 80 points,
(73 × 1, 30 × 5) terrain tiles take one of these tiles.)
1 palace tile
(for the Sand cats faction)
10 X-tokens 40 power tokens
Components per faction color
(black, blue, green, red, yellow) 1 Place the game board with the icon for 2 to 4 players
(lower left corner) in the center of the table.
5× 8 houses 5× 4 trading posts 5× 2 palaces 5× 2 faction tokens
2 Shuffle the round scoring tiles and place 1 each face-up on the
5 round-number spaces at the bottom of the game board. Return
the others to the box. You won't need them in this game.
1st game: For your first game we recommend the fixed setup that is detailed in
5× 3 bridges 5× 4 town tiles 5× 1 faction overview boxes like this one.
For this step, use the following round scoring tiles in the order depicted:
3 Place 1 X-token next to each of the 6 power actions on the left side of 8 Each player: Place 1 faction token on space 0 of the point track on the
the game board. Pile the others nearby. board.
4 Pile the money and the terrain tiles next to the game board. 9 Now do your personal setup (page 3).
5 Shuffle the bonus tiles and place 3 face up next to the game board. 10 Each player: Place 2 of your houses on free spaces of your home terrain
Add 1 more for each player. Return the others to the box. You won't as follows. Take the houses from left to right from your faction mat.
need them in this game. The starting player places 1 house, followed by the other players in turn
order. When all players placed their 1st house, proceed with the 2nd
1st game: With 4 players use the bonus tiles A–G shown in the setup below. house in reverse turn order (the starting player places their 2nd house
With 3 players use the bonus tiles A–F and with 2 players the tiles A–E. last). If you have the Sun Worshippers, place your 3rd house now.
Tip: It is helpful to place at least 1 house adjacent to the house of a different
6 Determine a starting player at random and give this player the start
player token.
7 In turn order (beginning with the starting player and then in clockwise 1st game: Place your houses as depicted on this page. The left setup is for
order), choose a faction mat and take the faction components 4 players. The house setups for 2 and 3 players is shown on the right.
corresponding to the background color of the faction mat. Return the
11 In reverse turn order choose 1 bonus tile and place it next to your
other player boards and faction components to the box. You won't
faction mat. Place 1 coin on each of the remaining bonus tiles.
need them in this game.
1st game: Take the bonus tile listed here for your faction:
4 players: Fairies G
G, Golems F,
F Leprechauns A, A Water Sprites B
1st game: Use the following factions:
3 players: Golems A,A Sun Worshippers D, D Water Sprites C
4 players: Fairies
Fairies, Golems
Golems, Leprechauns
Leprechauns, Water Sprites
2 players: Fairies C
C, Leprechauns E
3 players: Golems
Golems, Sun Worshippers,
Worshippers Water Sprites
2 players: Fairies
Fairies, Leprechauns 11
12 Now start the game with Phase 1: Income. Afterwards the starting
player takes their first action and begins Phase 2 of the first round.
Starting house
setup for the
1st game with
3 players
Starting house
setup for the
1st game with
2 players
A) This is the terrain circle. It shows all terrain types (in the example here,
A D) On the upper right is the power cycle. It consists of 3 different power
in clockwise order starting at the top: lake, forest, wasteland, desert, bowls in which your power is charged. You need power to take power
swamp). The home terrain of your faction is the upper, bigger terrain. actions (page 8 Power Actions) or to gain money. How the power cycle
It has the same color as your faction components and the background works is explained in the box The Power Cycle on page 4.
of your faction mat.The terrain circle shows the cost you need to pay E) On these 3 rows you place your buildings. The big scrolls on the left of
to make a terrain habitable for your faction. For more on this see Make the rows shows the type of building and the cost you must pay to place
Habitable and Build action on page 5. a building of this type on the board. Each of the scrolls to the right of it
B) The book at the top shows the special ability of your faction. Your
B holds 1 building. On the far left of each row are 1, 2, or 3 emblems. They
faction has this ability for the whole game. The faction abilities are indicate the town value of each building. The top two buildings, your
explained in detail on page 11. palaces, each have a special ability that becomes active once you build
C) Beneath your faction ability is the sailing track. It shows your range
C the associated palace. More on this later in the Upgrade Buildings action
over river spaces and thus which terrains are within reach. For more on on page 6.
this see the box Adjacency and in Reach on page 5. F) This shows the cost of the Build a Bridge action. For more see page 8.
1 10
B D 3
7 7 7
6 F 8
A 5
1 Choose one side of your faction mat and place it with this side up 6 Place your 4 trading posts on the 4 small scrolls in the trading post
before you. The A next to the book indicates an easier faction, which row.
we recommend for your first plays. 7 Place your 2 palaces on the indicated outlines on the 2 wide scrolls
2 Take the amount of money depicted on the left of your mat beneath your in the palace row. If you have the Sand Cats faction, take the
faction name. Place it in your personal supply next to your faction mat. corresponding palace tile and place it on the scroll of the left palace.
3 Take 8 power tokens. Place 2 of them in power bowl I, 2 in power bowl 8 Place your 3 bridges next to your faction mat in your personal supply.
II and 4 in power bowl III. You can see these starting numbers in the
9 Place your 4 town tiles next to your faction mat in your personal supply.
middle of the bowls. They have no significance for the rest of the game.
10 Place the player aid in your faction color next to your faction mat.
4 Place your 2nd faction token on space 0 of your sailing track.
It serves as a reminder of the different abilities of your faction. The
5 Place your 8 houses on the 8 small scrolls in the house row. game also contains 2 action overviews. Have these ready so that
everyone can access them if necessary.
The game has 5 rounds. Each round consists of 3 different phases:
Phase 1: Income, Phase 2: Actions and Phase 3: Round end. During the h THE POWER CYCLE i
action phase, different actions are rewarded with points in each round The power cycle consists of 3 bowls that hold your power. Bowl I holds
(more on this in the box The Round Scoring on page 5). the spent power, bowl II holds the power you are currently charging
and bowl III contains the fully charged power that you can use.
Power you gain is shown by a white clockwise arrow to the left over
In phase 1 you all gain money and / or power income. Income is always a power token. If you need to spend power, this is depicted by a black
depicted by an open hand beneath it. How much income you gain clockwise arrow to the right over a power token. The amount of power
depends on your built buildings and on your bonus tile in this round. you gain or must spend is shown as a number in the power token.
From your bonus tile you gain everything shown above a hand. From your Gaining and spending power always follows these specific rules:
faction mat you gain everything that is shown above a hand and visible.
In this case, visible means that you only gain the income on a scroll if you GAIN POWER
have already built the associated building, thus revealing the income that
Each time you gain power (e.g. through income), you may move power
was beneath it. Some buildings don't give income. If you have the Fairies
tokens by the corresponding number of steps along the white arrows
faction, you additionally gain the income from your faction ability. In any
between the power bowls. 1 step is moving 1 power token to the next
case, place money you gain into your personal supply next to your faciton
higher bowl.
mat. Gained power is never placed in your personal supply. You record it
by moving power tokens in your power cycle (see box The Power Cycle to • However, you must always move all power from bowl I to bowl II
the right). first.
• Only when bowl I contains no more power, you may move power
Example: Your income is 16 money and 5 power, as follows: from bowl II to bowl III. Imagine that you first collect all your power
1) Your bonus tile gives you 3 money and 3 power. before you gradually charge it up completely.
2) Your faction mat gives you 13 money and 2 power.
• If all the power tokens are already in bowl III (bowl I and bowl II are
empty) and you would gain power, then you don't move anything.
The gained power goes to waste. Try to plan ahead and use the
Additional Option: Power Exchange (see p. 9) to avoid this.
You can only spend power that is in bowl III to perform power actions
2 or to exchange it for money (see Additional Option: Power Exchange p. 9).
Power you spend is moved along the black arrow from bowl III back to
bowl I. It has been consumed and must be recharged.
You don't have to have all your power in bowl III for you to use charged
Designer: Andreas Faul, based on the game © 2022 KOSMOS Example: You get 3 power.
Terra Mystica by Helge Ostertag and Jens Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-GmbH & Co. KG First you have to move the 2
Drögemöller 2 power from bowl I into
Pfizerstr. 5–7, 70184 Stuttgart, DE
Designer Andreas Faul, born in 1958, lives near bowl II (1). Since bowl I is
Stuttgart, Germany. Playing games has always kosmos.de/servicecenter
occupied a large part of his free time and there
empty after that, you may
have only been a few game-free phases. Terra All rights reserved. move 1 more power into
Nova is Andreas Faul's first game publication. bowl III (2). Now you can
Art: LoÏc Billiau, Lukas Siegmon
spend up to 5 power from 1
Grafic Design: Christof Tisch, Inga Keutmann bowl III.
Editors: Frank Heeren, Inga Keutmann
Supporting Editors: KOSMOS Editing Team
The Designer, editors and KOSMOS thank all
playtesters and proofreaders.
Many thanks to Jens Drögemöller and Helge
Ostertag for their permission to use the
mechanisms of Terra Mystica.
In clockwise order, beginning with the person with the start player
token, take turns either taking 1 action or dropping out as an action, until Adjacency
everyone has dropped out. On your turn, you can choose from 7 different Terrain hexes and buildings are considered adjacent if they directly
actions. You may also perform the same action more than once in a round border each other via a hex side of the landscapes or are connected
(over several turns). by a bridge.
b) Make 1 unoccupied terrain hex in reach habitable for your faction. With the Upgrade Buildings action you exchange one of
You may immediately build 1 house on it. your houses for a trading post or one of your trading posts
for any palace. Palaces cannot be upgraded.
To transform a terrain into your home terrain, you always need 1 or
2 shovels. How many shovels you need is shown by the terrain circle When upgrading a building perform the following steps:
on your faction mat: Count the shovels between the terrain you want to 1. Choose a building to upgrade.
transform and your home terrain. Each shovel costs you 6 money. Once 2. Pay the cost for the new building. Since the terrain is
you have paid the required costs, you immediately place a terrain tile with already habitable for you, you don't have to pay any
your home terrain on the transformed terrain. cost to make it habitable.
Then you may immediately build a house on it. Pay 4 money as the cost If you upgrade a house to a trading post, the cost depends on
of the house and place the leftmost house from your faction mat on the whether the upgraded house is adjacent to at least one
terrain. building of another faction (see Adjacency and In Reach on p. 5).
Certain power actions (on the game board and the ability of the Fairy a) If no building of another faction is adjacent, the upgrade
faction's left palace) and the special action on a bonus tile allow you to cost is 10 money.
perform this action with 1 or 2 free shovels. For more information, see b) If at least one building of another faction is adjacent, the
the power actions on p. 8 or the explanation of the bonus tile (p. 11) and upgrade cost is 7 money.
the faction abilities (p. 11 f.).
Note: If you build a house next to other players' buildings, they will gain Example: Upgrading
power. For more information, see the box Gain Power Thanks to Others in house 1 would cost you
10 money because no one
the lower left corner of p. 7.
else has a building adjacent
If this is the current round If this is the current round to it. Upgrading house 2
scoring tile, gain 2 points scoring tile, gain 2 points would only cost you
each time you build a for each shovel you use. 7 money, because the red 1 2
palace is adjacent to it.
5. If the current round scoring rewards the construction of the building
you just placed, you will receive the corresponding points (more h FOUNDING A TOWN i
about this on p. 5 at The Round Scoring). In the course of the game, you will found one or more towns. The
Note: If you upgrade a building next to other players' buildings, they will founding of a town happens automatically and is not an action.
gain power. For more information, see the box Gain Power Thanks to Others Each of your buildings has a town value, which is represented by the
in the lower-left corner of p. 7. number of emblems to the left of the corresponding building cost
Note: The upgrade will change your income for the next round. You will on your faction board. Each house has town value 1, each trading post
no longer receive the income of the old building, but you will receive the town value 2 and each palace town value 3.
income of the new building. If you have after your action at least 4 own adjacent buildings
(buildings connected by bridges are also adjacent) whose town values
If this is the current round If this is the current total at least 7, then you immediately found a town.
scoring tile, gain 3 points round scoring tile, gain
As a reward, choose a town tile from your supply. Immediately take the
each time you upgrade to 5 points each time you
bonus shown on it, and then place the tile under one of the buildings
a trading post. upgrade to a palace.
belonging to the town, to indicate that from now on these adjacent
buildings belong to a town. For each town tile you always get a certain
Example: One of your houses is on the lake. You upgrade it to a trading post. number of points and usually another bonus. You may only use each
1. You pay the cost. This is 7 money since buildings of other factions are adjacent town tile once. Town tiles are explained individually on p. 11.
to the house. Note the following details about towns:
2. You take the house from the game board and place it on the rightmost
• Each building can only be part of one town.
unoccupied scroll in the house row of your faction mat. Next round, you will
no longer gain the income of 3 money that you just covered again. • If you build a building adjacent to a town that has already been
3. You take the leftmost trading post from your faction mat and place it on the founded by you, you expand that town. This means that the new
terrain space. By upgrading, you have unlocked additional income of 1 power building becomes part of the already founded town and therefore
and 3 money for the next round. cannot become part of a new town.
3 • If you connect two towns by constructing a building, this has no
disadvantage for you. Both towns keep their town tiles.
Tip: Once you have founded a town, try to continue building on other
settlement areas to achieve more town foundations.
2 If this is the current round scoring tile,
gain 5 points each time you found a town.
Pay 8 money and advance your faction Spend 4 power to increase your sailing value by 1
Example: You pay 8 money
token on the sailing track 1 space to the and advance 1 space on the
without paying money for it. Advance your faction
right. You immediately gain the points sailing track. For this you gain token 1 space and immediately gain the points shown
shown on the new space. 3 points. Terrain spaces that on the new space.
The sailing value indicates which terrain are connected to one of your These power actions work in the same way as the Increase Sailing action
spaces are within reach for you to make buildings by up to 2 river spaces
to the left. However, here you spend power instead of paying money. This
habitable and build on via river spaces (see are now considered to be in
your reach.
power action (like all power actions) is only available once per turn. The
Neighborhood and In Reach on p. 5). The Increase Sailing action, on the other hand, may be performed several times
starting point must always be one of your per round (in several turns).
If this is the current round If this is the current round scoring tile,
scoring tile, gain 2 points each gain 2 points each time you increase your sailing value.
time you increase your sailing
7 money
BUILD A BRIDGE Spend 4 power and immediately gain 7 money.
Pay 10 money to build 1 bridge.
Take a bridge from your supply Example: These
and place it on an unoccupied are unoccupied
bridge space (represented by 2 bridge spaces.
Since the top and
Make Habitable and Build with 1 free shovel
directly opposite bridgeheads)
the middle one Spend 4 power to perform a complete Make Habitable
adjacent to a terrain space that
are adjacent to and Build action (see p. 5 f.) with one free shovel. The
has one of your buildings in your house, you usual rules of the Make Habitable and Build action apply
it. If no bridge is indicated at a can build a bridge (including any points scored by the round scoring tile).
point on the river between two there. If you want to transform a terrain for which you need 2 shovels, you may
terrain spaces, then you cannot
buy the second shovel with money.
build a bridge there.
You can find special actions on one bonus tile and as palace abilities. Like With this additional option you can spend as much power as you want
power actions they show an orange octagon , but unlike power actions from bowl III to get money. You gain 1 money per power you spend.
you don't have to spend power on them. Special actions may also only be You may perform this additional option at these times:
performed once per round. If you have performed a special action, place • Phase 2: At any point during your turn, before or after your action,
an X-token on the orange octagon. Special actions on a faction mat may even when the action is Drop Out. This is in addition to your action!
only be used by the faction itself. Details of the special actions are listed
with the corresponding factions (p. 11 f.) and the bonus tiles (p. 11). • In Phase 3 (End of Round).
• At the end of the game.
Example: You have the Water Sprites faction and Strategic tip: Consider a Power Exchange when you Drop Out or at the end
you already built the left palace. of the round, particularly if you expect income, but most of your power
Its ability, in addition to earning 2 power in phase 1, tokens are already in bowl III. (For details on the power cycle, see The
is a special action. On your turn, you take this
Power Cycle on p. 4.)
special action as your action, and then place the
X-token on it to indicate that you have already
used it this round. h PHASE 3: END OF ROUND i
As soon as all players have dropped out, phase 3 begins. This is a
preparation for the next round. Therefore, you can skip it in round 5, the
DROP OUT last round.
If you can't or don't want to perform any other action in this round, then Before starting the next round:
you drop out of the current round. After you complete your Drop Out • Remove all X-tokens from power and special actions and place the
action, you are skipped in player order until the end of phase 2. However, tokens next to them.
you can still gain power when others build or upgrade adjacent to one of • Place 1 money on each bonus tile next to the game board, even if
your buildings (see Gain Power Thanks to Others on p. 7). there is already money on it.
When dropping out, perform the following steps: • Flip the round scoring tile of the current round, so that only the
1. If you are the first to drop out this round, take the start player token. round scoring tiles of the upcoming rounds are face up. This also
You will take the first action in the next round. helps you keep track of the rounds.
2. Check to see if there is a
Example: You have
When dropping out condition
the shown bonus
(represented by a closed scroll)
tile and drop out.
on your bonus tile, your faction You have 2 trading The game ends in round 5, as soon as everyone has dropped out in the
ability, or on one of your active posts on the game action phase (phase 2). Now the final scoring follows. This consists of the
Palace abilities. If so, gain the board and thus money scoring and the territory scoring. If you have the most points after
corresponding bonus now. gain 4 points. You
the final scoring, you win this game of Terra Nova.
3. Then choose one of the available choose a new
bonus tiles next to the game bonus tile and
exchange your old
board and exchange it for your
bonus tile for the Exchange each power in bowl III into 1 money each using the additional
old bonus tile. You cannot keep new one. Power Exchange option (see above). Then gain 1 point for every 3 money in
your bonus tile from this round.
your supply.
You are welcome to choose a bonus tile that someone else has already
put back this round. If the new bonus tile has money on it, add it it to
your supply. h TERRITORY SCORING i
4. Flip your new bonus tile to the backside. This is a reminder to the Count the number of buildings in your biggest group of buildings
other players that you already dropped out this round. connected by your reach (see Adjacency and In Reach on p. 5 ).
5. If you are the last player to drop out this round, Phase 3: End of Score points depending on your ranking:
Round starts now. 1. If you have the most connected buildings, you gain 12 points.
2. If you have the second most connected buildings, you gain 8 points.
3. If you have the third most connected buildings, you gain 4 points.
4. If you have the fourth most connected buildings, you don't gain points.
You can find an example on the next page.
If several of you tie, then add the points of
Example: All players have a sailing
the achieved ranking and the rankings below
value of 2. The biggest group
it (depending on the number of tied players) of buildings for Blue and Red is
and divide it by the number of tied players. 10 buildings.
Each tied player thus gets the same number of Yellow has only 5 buildings in their
points. biggest group. Blue and Red share
the reward for 1st and 2nd place,
which gives them 10 points each.
(12 + 8 = 20 → 20 ÷ 2 = 10).
Yellow gains only 4 points for 3rd
Here you will find explanations of the round scoring tiles, town tiles, bonus tiles, and the different factions.
Each time you advance your faction token on the sailing track in this round,
you gain 2 points (in addition to the points for the new space on the track).
It doesn't matter how you get the increase in sailing. Shovel round scoring tile example: This round, the round scoring tile is
2 points per shovel you use this round. You use the power action Make Hab-
Gain 2 points per shovel you use in this round to make a terrain habitable. itable and Build with 1 free shovel and pay 6 money for another shovel. With
It doesn't matter if you pay for the shovels as usual or if they are free these 2 shovels, you transform an adjacent desert into a lake. Since you used
shovels e.g. through power actions. 2 shovels, you gain 4 points for the round scoring.
Your bonus tile is only valid for 1 round. It always gives you extra income in phase 1. Some also give you points when dropping out, or some other advantage.
In phase 1: In phase 1: In phase 1: Income gain 3 power. In phase 1: Income gain 2 money.
Income Income
gain gain In phase 2: Actions, your sailing In phase 2: Actions, you may take a full Make Habitable and Build action
6 money. 3 money value is considered as 1 higher. with 1 free shovel as a special action. The usual rules of the Make
and This does not apply to the final Habitable and Build action apply (including any points scored by the
3 power. scoring. (Do not move the token on turn scoring tile). If you want to make a terrain habitable for which you
your sailing track! Add 1 to your value need 2 shovels, you may buy the second shovel for 6 money.
when checking if a terrain is in reach.)
In phase 1: Income gain In phase 1: Income gain In phase 1: Income gain In phase 1: Income gain
2 money. 2 power. 4 power. 3 power.
In phase 2: Actions, when you In phase 2: Actions, when you In phase 2: Actions, when you In phase 2: Actions, when
drop out, gain 1 point for each drop out, gain 2 points for drop out, gain 4 points for you drop out, gain 3 points
house you have on the game each trading post you have on each palace you have on the per step of progress on your
board. the game board. game board. sailing track (i.e. your sailing
value ×3).
Faction ability Faction ability
Each time you found a town, gain 4 additional points. You may found cities spanning one river space without connecting the
Left Palace buildings with a bridge. It is up to you if and when you use this ability.
Once built, gain 2 power in each income phase. Whenever you found a town in this way, you place the town tile on the river space, to
In addition, you now have a personal special action. With this you may build 1 house on make the connection clear. You can still also build bridges.
any lake space for free once per round. This lake space does not have to be adjacent or Left Palace
within reach. The special action counts as building a house. You cannot spend shovels Once built, gain 4 power in each income phase.
to build the house on non-home terrain during this action. When you build this palace, you once and immediately increase your sailing value by 1
Right Palace for free. As usual, you get the points for the new track space and, if applicable, for the
Once built, you can found a town with a value of 6, rather than 7. However, the round scoring tile.
town must still consist of at least 4 buildings. Note: Constructing this palace could Right Palace
immediately cause you to found one or more towns. Once built, you may upgrade 1 house to 1 trading post for free once per round as a
special action.
Faction ability Faction ability
When you drop out, gain points for your own trading posts on the game Gain 2 additional power in each income phase.
board. For 1 or 2 trading posts gain 2 points, for 3 trading posts 3 points, Left Palace
and for 4 trading posts 4 points. Once built, gain 3 power and 2 money in each income phase.
Left Palace In addition, you now have a personal power action. With this, once per round, you may
Once built, gain 4 power in each income phase. spend 2 power to perform a complete Make Habitable and Build with 1 free shovel
For each transformation of a terrain that costs 2 shovels, you only need 1 shovel. action. The usual rules of the Make Habitable and Build action apply (including any
Right Palace points scored by the round scoring tile). If you want to transform a terrain for which
Once built, you can found a town with a value of 6, rather than 7. However, the you need 2 shovels, you may buy the second shovel with money. If you immediately
town must still consist of at least 4 buildings. Note: Constructing this palace could build a house, you have to pay the normal building cost (4 money).
immediately cause you to found one or more towns. Right Palace
Once built, you can found a town with a value of 6, rather than 7. However, the
FIRE SPRITES town must still consist of at least 4 buildings. Note: Constructing this palace could
Faction ability immediately cause you to found one or more towns.
Each power action costs you 1 power less. This does not apply to the
additional Power Exchange option (spend power for money, see p. 9). DRUIDS
Left Palace Faction ability
Once built, gain 4 power in each income phase. You have an additional trade possibility with the additional Power Exchange
When you build this palace, you may once and immediately make any one unoccupied option. You may spend 3 power from bowl III as many times as you like
terrain at the edge of the game board habitable for you for free and build a house to gain 2 points. You may use this at the same times as the normal additional Power
there for free. It does not have to be within reach for you. This does not count as using Exchange option (spend power for money, see p. 9).
shovels, but it does count as building a house. Left Palace
Right Palace Once built, gain 4 power in each income phase.
Example: You have 3 settlements at the edge. In addition, when you drop out, gain 2 power for each of your settlements. A settlement
Once built, when you drop out,
gain 1 point for each of your is considered to be several of your own adjacent buildings, or a solitary building of
settlements that has at least yours. A town counts as a settlement. (For an example about settlements see the Fire
1 building at the edge of the game Sprites to the left.)
board. A settlement is considered Right Palace
to be several of your own adjacent Once built, gain 3 points each time you upgrade a house into a trading post.
buildings, or a solitary building
of yours. A town counts as a SUN WORSHIPPERS
settlement. Faction ability
Begin the game with 3 houses. Place your 3rd house after all players placed
their 2 starting houses.
Faction ability Once built, gain 2 power in each income phase.
Gain 2 power for each shovel you use to make a terrain habitable. In addition, you now have a personal special action. With this, once per round, you
Free shovels count. may make an adjacent terrain space on the same continent habitable for your faction.
Left Palace You may immediately build a house there for the normal cost. This does not count as
Once built, gain 2 power and 5 money in each income phase. using shovels, but it counts as building a house.
When you build this palace, you once and immediately gain 6 power. Right Palace
Right Palace Once built, you can found a town with a value of 6, rather than 7. However, the
Once built, you can found a town with a value of 6, rather than 7. However, the town must still consist of at least 4 buildings. Note: Constructing this palace could
town must still consist of at least 4 buildings. Note: Constructing this palace could immediately cause you to found one or more towns.
immediately cause you to found one or more towns.
INVENTORS Faction ability
Faction ability Each time another faction upgrades a building, you gain money. When
Each time another faction builds a house (no matter where), you gain power. playing with 2 players, gain 2 money. When playing with 3 or 4 players gain 1 money.
When playing with 2 players, gain 2 power. When playing with 3 or 4 players gain Left Palace
1 power. Once built, gain 2 power in each income phase.
Left Palace In addition, when upgrading into a trading post, you pay only 5 money (with adjacency
Once built, gain 2 power in each income phase. of the building to another faction) or 7 money (without adjacency of the building to
In addition, you now have a new personal action. With this action, you may spend another faction). Use the palace tile to cover the normal cost of the trading posts on
6 power to make a terrain in reach habitable for free and immediately build a trading your faction mat.
post for free on this terrain. This does not count as using shovels, but it counts as an Right Palace
upgrade to a trading post. You may perform this action multiple times per round. Once built, when you drop out, gain 1 point for each of your buildings on the board
Right Palace that is not adjacent to the river.
Each time you build a house, gain 2 points.