DRRM-H Plan - Template
DRRM-H Plan - Template
DRRM-H Plan - Template
Name of LGU
I. Cover Page
Signatures of the Head of Institution and DRRM-H Manager/ Focal Person and the
DRRMO (for LGUs)
The Head of Institution shall sign a letter of approval in support of the DRRM-H Plan
IV. Vision /Mission/ Goals of the Health Sector on Emergencies and Disasters
V. Background
A. Geographic Description
1. Topography
2. Geo-hazard mapping (i.e., areas prone to erosions and flooding, presence of fault
lines and volcanoes)
Effects What were the actions/ interventions done What were the learnings/
Disaster before, during and after the disaster realizations from
(Who were
affected? What (event/incident, victims, service providers, information Who were the
natural, managing this disaster?
were the system, non-human resource) players at
biological, Year Specifically, what are the
effects? How each specific
much was the gaps and weaknesses
technological Before During After time frame?
damage in that need to be
peso terms?) addressed?
B. Demographic Profile
1. Population
2. Population density
3. Number of households
4. Number of barangays
5. Death rate
6. Vulnerable population
C. Health Statistics
5. Vaccination coverage
9. Health facilities
D. Socio-Economic Situation
4. Education
Hazard Vulnerable Areas
People Properties Services Environment Livelihood
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Hazard Vulnerabilities Health Risk
Strengths Weaknesses
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B. Preparedness Plan
Contains strategies and activities that will be carried out to build and strengthen capacity to respond to emergencies.
It shall address the identified risks and focus on minimizing/ improving the identified weaknesses and strengths.
DRRM-H Resource
Time Agency/ Office/
Institutionalization Strategies and Activities Indicator
Frame Required Source Person-in-Charge
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C. Response Plan
Plots out the utilization of the existing capacities to deliver response using the Problem and Gap Analysis and Risk Analysis.
Draft and Office Order/ Executive Order listing the names of the Planning Committee
Members (may include but not limited to):
DRRM-H Manager/s
LGU Health Officer
DRRM Officer
Program Managers or Focal Point Persons of the Quad Cluster
Planning and Development Officer
Administrative Officer
Technical Documenter – keeps record of meeting agreement and to document
the DRRM-H planning