Office of The City Health Officer /4411 Mandate, Vision/Mission, Major Final Output, Performance Indicators and Targets Cy 2021
Office of The City Health Officer /4411 Mandate, Vision/Mission, Major Final Output, Performance Indicators and Targets Cy 2021
Office of The City Health Officer /4411 Mandate, Vision/Mission, Major Final Output, Performance Indicators and Targets Cy 2021
Vision : Healthy and empowered people of Digos sustained by quality care and meaningful life.
Mission : Providing quality health care to improve the quality life of the people of Digos.
> Post Natal Quality > 80% increase of post partum 4,931
postpartum women with quality PP care
care given > 100% of post partum women
w/ iron intake for 3 months
2. Expanded Program on Children 0-12 months > 95% of Fully Immunized 4,931
Immunization (EPI) old immunized Children (0-11 mos)
> Bilateral Tubal Ligation > Increase coverage rate from 180 clients
AIP Performance/ Target for Proposed Budget for the Budget Year
nce Program/Project/Activity Major Final Output
Output the budget
Code Description Incator Year PS MOOE CO TOTAL
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
> Garantisadong Pambata Conduct of GP > 95-100% of 6-11 mos. old 2,176 PSC
activities given Vitamin A
> 85-95% of 12-59 mos. old 17,405 PSC
given Vitamin A
> 80-95% 12-71 mos. old given 17,405 PSC
Deworming tabs
> 100% Past Partum given Vit. A 403 PP
> Cancer prevention and Early detection > Increased number of women ALL (WRA)
detection of cancer practicing self breast examina- 15-49 yrs old
- Pap smear tion through IEC and pap smear
> TB in Children 23
- Tuberculin Skin Test (PPD Test) > 100% children with TB 21
- Tuberculin Skin Test (+)
> Reaction
- PZA, INH, Rifampicin & Etham- 39
butol for possible reaction of
Fix Dose Combination TB Drugs
AIP Performance/ Target for Proposed Budget for the Budget Year
nce Program/Project/Activity Major Final Output
Output the budget
Code Description Incator Year PS MOOE CO TOTAL
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
> Dental Supplies Distribution > 100% Daycare Student served Daycare
in all Pre-schools in Digos students
1. Water Sanitation
> Inspection of all types of Water supply sources > 80% water supply sources 360 water
water supply sources inspected inspected supply sources
> Collection of water samples > 80% water supply samples 480 water
from all types of drinking collected supply source
water supply sources sample
> Disinfection of all types Water supply sources > 100% (+) drinking water 120 drinking
drinking water sources found disinfected sources newly repaired and water sources
including new repaired and constructed disinfected disinfected
constructed pump well. monthly for 12 months including w/ (+)
result, the newly
repaired and
contructed well
> Sanitary toilet to constructed Sanitary toilet >80% HH with unsanitary toilet 656 sanitary
be among HH without sanitary constructed constructed and improved toilet
Toilet facilites
AIP Performance/ Target for Proposed Budget for the Budget Year
nce Program/Project/Activity Major Final Output
Output the budget
Code Description Incator Year PS MOOE CO TOTAL
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
> Issuance of Health Health certificates > 100% Health Certification 5,000 more
Certificaties issued issued clients
> Issuance of Sanitary Permit Sanitary permits > 100 % Sanitary Permit to 1,700 more
to Operate issued trained operate issued clients
food handlers
> Training of Food Handlers Trained food handlers > 90 % Food Handlers trained 50 untrained
(3 days) cooks & helpers
4. Adminstrative Function
> Attendance to Sanitary Legal Sanitary legal > 100 % Sanitary / Legal All complaints
Complaints complaints complaints attended
attended to
> Dengue Prevention & Control Household > 80 % of household fogged Identified HH &
Program fogged schools
- Fogging
> Schistosomiasis Prevention Clearing > 80 % water supply sources Residents from
& Control Program operations on inspected Schisto Endemic
- Fecal Examination & Clearing, snail bites > 80 % of snail (Oncomelania Barangays (Matti,
Application of Chemicals conducted Quadrasi)collected & examined Igpit & Colorado)
City Health Officer II Acting City Budget Officer City Planning & Dev. Coordinator
Approved by:
City Mayor
II. Proposed New Appropriations, by Object of Expenditures
Personal Services
Salaries and Wagies - Regular Pay 5-01-01-010 12,292,397.22 6,347,433.49 7,030,978.35 13,378,411.84 1,114,179.00
Personnel Economic Relief Allowance 5-01-02-010 934,967.74 456,137.93 503,862.07 960,000.00 79,950.58
Representation Allowance ( RA ) 5-01-02-020 142,500.00 71,250.00 71,250.00 142,500.00 11,867.66
Transportation Allowance ( TA ) 5-01-02-030 57,000.00 28,500.00 28,500.00 57,000.00 4,747.07
Clothing / Uniform Allowance 5-01-05-040 240,000.00 228,000.00 12,000.00 240,000.00 19,987.65
Subsistence Allowance 5-01-02-080 725,550.00 295,500.00 442,500.00 738,000.00 61,462.01
Laundry Allowance 5-01-02-060 59,850 29,550.00 44,250.00 73,800.00 6,146.20
Hazard Pay 5-01-02-220 2,718,275.14 1,154,779.00 1,853,210.00 3,007,989.00 250,510.91
Longevity Pay 5-01-02-120 20,000.00 5,000.00 15,000.00 20,000.00 1,665.64
Overtime and Night Pay 5-01-02-130 880,667.74 190,120.16 539,879.84 730,000.00 60,795.76
Cash Gift 5-01-02-150 195,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 16,656.37
Year End Bonus 5-01-02-140 1,977,262.00 1,057,569.00 1,170,789.00 2,228,358.00 185,581.80
Life and Retirement Insurance Contributions 5-01-03-010 1,475,087.65 761,692.02 843,717.40 1,605,409.42 133,701.48
Pag-IBIG Contributions 5-01-03-030 245,847.94 127,373.76 140,194.48 267,568.24 22,283.58
PHILHEALTH Contributions 5-01-03-030 146,254.98 86,980.52 103,678.80 190,659.32 15,878.46
ECC Contributions 5-01-03-040 46,800.00 22,806.90 25,193.10 48,000.00 3,997.53
Other Personnel Benefits- Medico Legal Allowance 5-01-04-990 500,000.00 - 500,000.00 500,000.00 41,640.93
Other Personnel Benefits - PEI 5-01-04-990 195,000.00 - 200,000.00 200,000.00 16,656.37
Other Personnel Benifits - Anniversary bonus 5-01-04-990 84,000.00 - - - -
TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 22,936,460.41 11,038,692.78 13,549,003.04 24,587,695.82 24,587,695.82
Maintenance and other Operating Expenses -
Travelling Expenses - Local 5-02-01-010 98,170.56 230,000.00 230,000.00 121,400.00
Training Expenses 5-02-02-010 30,900.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 50,000.00
Office Supplies Expenses 5-02-03-010 111,820.20 53,654.00 186,346.00 240,000.00 300,000.00
Drugs & Medicine Expenses 5-02-03-070 703,636.50 345,707.00 4,654,293.00 5,000,000.00 2,000,000.00
Medical, Dental and Laboratory Supplies Expense 5-02-03-080 63,768.50 85,000.00 85,000.00 1,000,000.00
Fuel, Oil and Lubricants Expenses 5-02-03-090 313,296.00 154,500.00 645,500.00 800,000.00 800,000.00
Water Expenses 5-02-03-090 9,213.75 4,987.50 5,012.50 10,000.00 10,000.00
Electricity Expenses 5-02-04-010 78,386.62 35,920.90 150,079.10 186,000.00 240,000.00
Telephone Expenses - Landline 5-02-05-020 13,547.46 15,600.00 15,600.00 15,600.00
Telephone Expenses - Mobile 5-02-05-020 60,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00
Internet Expenses 5-02-05-030 26,388.00 26,400.00 26,400.00 -
Representation Epenses 5-02-99-030 98,743.00 257,000.00 154,200.00 411,200.00 500,000.00
Repairs and Maintenance - Buildings & Other Structures 5-02-13-040 - - - - 300,000.00
Repairs and Maintenance - Office Equipment 5-02-13-050 6,000.00 5,000.00 25,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00
Repairs and Maintenance - IT Equipment & Software 5-02-13-050 8,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00
Repairs and Maintenance - Motor Vehicles 5-02-13-060 44,288.00 45,790.00 54,210.00 100,000.00 200,000.00
Awards and Rewards Expenses 5-02-06-010 - 95,000.00 95,000.00 95,000.00
Food Supplies Expenses 5-02-03-050 74,400.00 75,600.00 150,000.00 -
Advertising Expenses 5-02-99-010 - 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00
Other General Services 5-02-12-990 - - - 554,400.00
Other Maintenance & Operating Expenses 5-02-99-990 47,600.00 38,000.00 162,000.00 200,000.00 100,000.00
Prizes 5-02-06-020 - - 78,000.00 78,000.00 78,000.00
TOTAL MAINTENANCE AND OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 1,713,758.59 1,044,959.40 6,757,240.60 7,802,200.00 6,469,400.00
Capital Outlay -
Office Equipment 1-07-05-020 100,000.00 - 150,000.00 150,000.00 -
Furniture and Fixtures 1-07-07-010 - - 100,000.00 100,000.00 -
Medical, Dental and Laboratory Equipment 1-07-05-110 - - 200,000.00 200,000.00 -
Power Supply 1-07-03-050 - - 300,000.00 300,000.00 -
Motor Vehicle 1-07-06-010 90,000.00 - - - -
TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 190,000.00 - 750,000.00 750,000.00 -
Total Appropriations 24,840,219.00 12,083,652.18 21,056,243.64 33,139,895.82 31,057,095.82
City Health Officer II Acting City Budget Officer City Planning & Dev. Coordinator
Approved by:
City Mayor