Credit Value 3
Level 1
Pre-requisite / No pre-requisite
This subject aims to provide opportunities for students to develop and
use chemical concepts and skills, so that the students would understand
the chemistry behind some issues and problems that may arise within the
Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:
Intended Learning (a) realize the importance of chemical science and technology in our
Outcomes everyday life
(b) appreciate the benefits and shortfalls of technology
(c) analyze critically current issues in modern technology, including issues
in environment, renewable energy, new materials etc..
Please explain how the stated learning outcomes relate to the following three
essential features of GUR subjects: Literacy, Higher order thinking, and Skills
for life-long learning
Literacy: The students are required to read some assigned materials (e.g.
news articles, general science literature) before the lectures as a
preparation of the lecture topics. A few questions will be raised for each
reading materials to help the students to think about the context before
the lectures. [Outcomes (a), (b), and (c)]
Reading List and 1. Lecture notes and supplementary materials (for some special topics)
References will be given.
2. A website where students would find some general information on the
relevance of chemistry to modern living are available:
3. Chemistry in Context, Applying Chemistry to Society; 5th edition (A
Project by American Chemical Society) Lucy Pryde Eubanks, Cathy
Middlecamp, Norbert J. Pienta, Carl E. Heltzel, Gabriela C.Weaver,
MCGraw Hill, ISBN 0-07-282835-8
4. On Food and Cooking The Science and Lore of the Kitchen, Revised
Edition 2004, Harold McGee, Scribner, ISBN 0-684-80001-2