SG - English 4 and 7 - Session 3

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(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s.


Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

Title of the Session English Shaping Paper

Professional Standards Covered PPST
(Domain/s, Strand/s, and Indicator/s)
Domain 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
Strand 1.1 Content knowledge and its application within and across curriculum areas

Domain 2: Learning Environment

Strand 2.3 Management of classroom structure and activities

Domain 3: Diversity of Learners

Strand 3.1 Learners' gender, needs, strengths, interests and experiences
Strand 3.2 Learners' linguistic, cultural, socio-economic and religious backgrounds

Domain 4: Curriculum and Planning

Strand 4.1 Planning and management of teaching and learning process
Strand 4.2 Learning outcomes aligned with learning competencies

Domain 6: Community Linkages and Professional Engagement

Strand 6.1 Establishment of learning environments that are responsive to community contexts
(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

Session Schedule and Duration DAY 1

2:30pm to 4:30pm
2 hours
Objectives At the end of the session, the participants will be able to:
1. explain the key components of the Languages Curriculum Framework; and
2. identify the core pedagogical and assessment principles of the curriculum.
Expected Outputs ● Reflections about the new English Curriculum Guide
Key Content 1. Curriculum Overview: A detailed exploration of the new English curriculum, including its
structure, components, and the educational philosophy behind it.
2. Pedagogical and Assessment Principles: Discussion of effective methods for language
instruction and assessment.
Learning Resource Materials ● Slide deck
● Laptop and LCD projector
● English Curriculum Guide and other re
● Reference materials
● Meta-cards
● Activity sheets
● Manila paper and/or cartolina
● Markers
References English Curriculum Guide
(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

Schedule Detailed Content Detailed Description of Materials

Learner’s Output
(Time distribution) Outline Methodology/Activities (Slide Number)
DAY 1 Overview of the session Activity (20 minutes) Noted aims and parts Slides 5-10; Worksheet
2:30pm to 4:30pm of the session; list of 1, Manila paper and/or
Presentation of the DO: Greet and welcome the issues and challenges cartolina, markers
session objectives and participants and ensure that they are in using the old
outline of the discussion comfortable and ready for the English Curriculum
session. Guide
Challenges in
implementing the old SAY: Good afternoon! I am <state
English Curriculum your name> and I will be your
Guide learning facilitator for this session.

DO: Present the title, objectives, and

presentation outline of the session.

SAY: The title of our session is the

English Shaping Paper. At the end of
this session, you should be able to
<present the session objectives>.
(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

DO: Present the outline of the

session/session flow.

I’ve SCENE this before!

DO: Instruct the participants to

share the challenges that teachers
encounter in the implementation of
the old English Curriculum Guide. To
do this, they will use Worksheet 1.

SAY: Moving on to the first activity, I

want you to share the challenges or
issues that you encountered in using
the old English Curriculum Guide. You
will be given 10 minutes to accomplish
Worksheet 1.

DO: After 10 minutes, discuss the

answers of the participants. Focus on
identifying the most common issues
or challenges in terms of the
following components:
(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

▪ Curriculum Design
▪ Curriculum Standards
▪ Learning Competencies
▪ Pedagogy
▪ Assessment

SAY: This time, you will share your

answers with other participants.
Based on the worksheet, the
component of the curriculum that you
will talk about first is Curriculum
Design. What are the common issues
or challenges here?

DO: Allow the participants to

convene and share what they think
are the most common issues and
concerns. Write their insights on the
board. Do this process until all other
components are discussed. There
could be more than one issue or
challenge in one component. Then
(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

remind the participants that they will

revisit their insights later.

SAY: Now that we have identified all

the common issues and challenges in
the old curriculum, I want you to
remember these because we are going
to revisit them later.
Most Common Issues Analysis (40 minutes) Analyzed components Slides 11-13; Manila
with the Old Curriculum of the old English paper and/or cartolina,
and their Resolutions in Lights, Camera, Action! Curriculum Guide markers
the Field
DO: Divide the participants into
groups. The number of groups will be
determined by the issues and
challenges identified in the first
activity. Assign one issue or
challenge to each group. The groups
will act out how they resolve the
issues and challenges.

SAY: After identifying the common

challenges and issues from the old
(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

English Curriculum Guide, we will

find out how teachers and
instructional leaders resolve them.
You will be divided into __ groups.
Each group will be assigned one of the
issues or challenges identified earlier.
You will act out how you resolve the
issues or challenges in implementing
the old English Curriculum Guide. You
will be given 15 minutes to prepare for
your presentation. Only 2 to 3 minutes
will be given for every presentation.
You may start now.

DO: After 15 minutes, let each group

perform while other groups share
their insights and provide more

SAY: It seems that everyone is ready

to perform. Let’s start with the first
group. After each performance, the
next group is expected to evaluate and
give feedback.
(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

DO: Once all the presentations are

done, congratulate and commend all
the groups on their performances.
Move on to the next part of the
activity, which is the discussion.

SAY: Congratulations to all groups

and I would like to thank you for
giving your best in acting. This time,
let us analyze the activity.

DO: Ask the following questions:

a. Did you have fun with the
activity? What is the most
enjoyable part of the activity?
b. What is the most relatable
scenario for you? Why?
c. How did you come up with
solutions to the challenges or
d. In general, do you believe that
the previous English
(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

Curriculum Guide was able to

serve its purpose? Why or why
not? Do you think it is still
effective despite the issues and
challenges? Why or why not?
e. What are some improvements
that you expect in the new
English Curriculum Guide?
f. What is your realization in this
current transition from the old
to the new English Curriculum
Guide so far?
The Shaping Paper Abstraction (40 minutes) Venn Diagram of Slides 14-23; Manila
illustrating the old paper and/or cartolina,
DO: Give the copy of the new English versus the new markers
CG to the participants. Guide them English curriculum
in exploring the Shaping Paper,
which is the preface of the CG.
Present the aims, framework, and
structure of the new English
Curriculum Guide using the slide
deck provided.
(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

SAY: “As we delve deeper into our

training session, we now enter the
Abstraction phase. This is where we
connect the dots between theory and
practice, understanding the intricate
layers of our curriculum.

We shall spend time dissecting the

English Shaping Paper, focusing on
comprehending the overall structure
and standards of the new MATATAG

But I’m sure you’re asking yourselves:

why change the curriculum in the first

In response to the need for a relevant

and responsive curriculum, the
Bureau of Curriculum Development
(BCD) conducted a review of the
intended curriculum by examining the
curriculum documents and identifying
points for improvement. The process
(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

involved three steps: identifying the

essential learning competencies,
identifying the cognitive demand of
each essential learning competency,
and identifying the pre-requisite skills
across learning areas. This process
served as the basis and rationale
behind the revision of the curriculum.
Three significant findings were put
forth based on the review of the
▪ The curriculum was congested.
▪ Learning competencies were
classified through overlapping
curriculum domains.
▪ Knowledge of language
structure was emphasized
instead of literacy

SHOW: The Language Framework

SAY: The language framework for the
K-12 Program serves as basis for the
revision of the language curricula.
(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

It should be reiterated that the first

language serves as the language and
literacy resource prior to the
introduction and learning of other
languages. Language and literacy
resource refers to the collective
schema or background knowledge of
young learners such as language and
experiences, society and culture, prior
education and learning (informal
and/or informal), media, and
conditioning (structure) at home.

Now we understand that the process

of learning multiple languages or the
multilingual nature of learning is both
simple and complex. It is simple in the
sense that to support literacy and
language development in an
additional language, if there is an
understanding of comparable skills
across the languages, then teachers
and students can make connections
(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

between the respective languages,

and in the ways in which language is
used to make meaning in different
contexts, in different forms and for
different audiences.

However, and at the same time, it is

important to note that learning an
additional language is not a matter of
the straightforward transfer of
cognitive/academic or literacy-related
proficiency and linguistic and cultural
understandings. Learning an
additional language to manage
academic learning is complicated and
takes considerable time. An
awareness and understanding of
similarities and differences in
underlying attributes, however,
enables students to use and expand
their ‘funds of knowledge’ as they
learn to read, write, speak, and listen
in one or more languages. Multilingual
learning involves both building on
(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

what has previously been learned in

one language as a foundation for
learning in another language, and
then using that learning to further
extend learning in the original

This complex process is encapsulated

by the co-tangential circles in the
framework as they show that one
language (in the smaller circle) or the
combination of both (usually involving
the Mother Tongue as a language and
literacy resource) may serve as the
foundation of learning another (in the
bigger circle).

SHOW: Language Curriculum


SAY: The curriculum framework

serves as a blueprint for the revision
process. The aim of the language
curriculum is to produce young
(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

Filipino learners who are literate and

communicatively competent in their
first language. Knowledge in and of
the mother tongue shall serve as a
resource for learning Filipino and
English in order to learn through those
languages and eventually contribute
productively to their community and to
the larger society as multilingual,
multiliterate, and intercultural citizens
of the country, who have a deep sense
of cultural identity. This aspiration is
broken down into the following goals
of the subjects, which are:
▪ Literacy or the ability to
identify, understand, interpret,
create, communicate, and
compute using printed and
written materials associated
with varying contexts, which
entails active engagement with
language to acquire, construct,
(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

reconstruct, and communicate

meaning (UNESCO, 2018).
▪ Communicative competence or
the synthesis of knowledge of
grammatical, sociolinguistic,
discourse, and strategic
competencies in a language.
▪ Cultural identity or the feeling
of pride in belonging to a
cultural group that is fully
accepted and appreciated by
all other cultural groups of the
nation. This sense of pride in
belongingness contributes in
part to one’s self-conception,
self-perception, and position of
equal standing in society.

In order to attain these goals, the

language curriculum, its delivery
through pedagogy, and assessment
are informed by sound theories on
(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

language acquisition and learning and

are influenced by the learner’s
culture. Therefore, contextualization,
through the meaningful inclusion of
the local culture, which includes
knowledge systems, belief systems,
literature, mores, and norms, plays a
key role in the successful
implementation and assessment of
the language curriculum.

The language curriculum is guided by

the three organizing domains of the
Big Ideas: Literacy, Language, and

SHOW: The Big Ideas

SAY: In order to achieve the

curriculum goals we have set for our
learners, it was not enough that we
simply identify essential learning
competencies. Our process had to be
guided by Big Ideas. The Big Ideas in
(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

the language curricula are clustered

into three domains as seen on this
slide: LANGUAGE, TEXT, and
LITERACY. Each domain has
distinctive goals, body of knowledge,
and skills, but each interweaves with
the others making them
interdependent. The three-domain
curricula of the language areas
provide a rich resource for learning in
other fields, such as mathematics,
science, and social studies. They
contribute to the needed literacy
requirements in these fields and
support the development of academic
reading, viewing, writing, speaking,
and listening as well as assisting the
learner to communicate socially and
culturally with confidence. Knowledge
of the nature of language and culture
in L1 and L2, alongside an
understanding of the ways language
is used in different contexts, equips
learners with the expressive means to
(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

construct and understand texts for

different purposes.

One thing to note regarding the Big

Ideas in the language curricula is that
the domain in focus shifts as the
learner progresses across key stages.
One of the major changes in the
design of the language arts curricula
is the dynamic nature of the big ideas,
which shift in focus across key

In KS1:
The main focus is literacy
development through the vehicle of the
language macro skills as used in
meaningful, developmentally-, and
grade level appropriate text (70%
narrative and 30% informational).
Therefore, only those language and
text learning competencies that
support literacy development shall be
deemed essential in this key stage.
(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

Target Exit Skills: Learners use

Mother Tongue, and Filipino and
English as a second language
appropriately and effectively in oral,
visual, and written communication in
a variety of situations and for a
variety of audiences, contexts, and
purposes, including learning of other
content subjects and languages;
demonstrate appreciation of various
forms of literacy and literary texts;
and take pride in one’s cultural

In KS2:
The main focus is for learners to use
their basic and critical literacy skills
developed in KS1 in using the
language (receptive skills, expressive
skills, and viewing) through
meaningful, developmentally-, and
grade level appropriate text (50%
narrative and 50% informational).
(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

Therefore, only those learning

competencies that support literacy
(applied level) and language
development (communicative
competence) shall be deemed
essential in this key stage.

Target Exit Skills: Learners use their

basic and critical literacy skills in
Mother Tongue, and Filipino and
English as a second language in
learning the language and achieve
communicative competence in Filipino
and English in order to appropriately
and effectively engage in a variety of
situations and for a variety of
audiences, contexts, and purposes,
including learning of other content
subjects; demonstrate appreciation of
various forms of literacy and literary
texts; and take pride in one’s cultural
heritage and broadening identity.

In KS3:
(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

The main focus is the learners’

literacy skills (basic, critical, applied)
and their knowledge about the
language (communicative competence)
of Filipino and English as a second
language in evaluating and producing
a variety of texts (listening, oral,
written, multimodal) to express ideas,
concepts, meaning from
developmentally- and grade-level
appropriate themes/topics (70%
informational and 30% narrative).
Therefore, only those learning
competencies that support text
evaluation, composition, and
publication using the learners’ literacy
skills and communicative skills shall
be deemed essential in this key stage.

Target Exit Skills: Learners use their

literacy skills (basic, critical, applied)
and communicative competence in
both Filipino and English (as a second
language) in evaluating, composing,
(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

and publishing a plethora of texts

(listening, oral, written, multimodal) as
used for various audiences, contexts,
and purposes and in various content
areas to demonstrate appreciation of
various forms of literacy and literary
texts pride in one’s cultural heritage
and broadening identity.

SHOW: Literacy Focus

SAY: Language and Reading and

Literacy shall be offered starting
Grade 1 and shall primarily develop
the learners’ oracy and literacy. They
shall serve as the basis in
transitioning the learners’ oracy for
literacy to Filipino and English. Oracy
for literacy is the ability to use
relevant oral language elements like
phonological awareness, vocabulary,
and listening capacity to develop
basic or beginning literacy. Basic
literacy or the skills used for the initial
(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

learning of reading and writing is

developed from the third to the fourth
quarters of Grade 1.

Filipino and English shall be offered

simultaneously starting in Grade 2
and shall primarily develop learners’
literacy. The curricula for both
languages shall be MT-based as oracy
and literacy skills in the first language
serve as the foundation in
transitioning learners’ oracy for
literacy to Filipino and English. Basic
literacy shall be developed in both
languages until Grade 3.

Filipino and English shall continue

developing and enhancing learners’
communicative competence and
applied and critical literacy skills from
Grade 4 to Grade 6. Applied literacy is
the ability to think about particular
ways of doing reading and writing
with the purpose of achieving
(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

communicative goals in a socially

appropriate manner, while critical
literacy is a critical thinking skill that
involves the questioning and
examination of ideas, and the skills to
synthesize, analyze, interpret,
evaluate, and respond to texts; it is
the ability to evaluate the veracity of
information and make connections
and judgments of the relevance of

Finally, by the third key stage, both

learning areas shall contribute to the
development of learners’
communicative competence and
multiliteracies or the ability to
understand information and the
design of meaning through the
manipulation of individual modes:
linguistic meaning, visual meaning,
audio meaning, gestural, tactile, and
spatial meaning.
(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

SHOW: Subdomains, Key Stage

Standards, Grade Level Standards,
and Content and Performance

SAY: The shifting big ideas are now

made evident through the new
learning subdomains that also change
as a learner progresses through the
key stages. In turn, each key stage
reflects the target skills and
competencies highlighted in every
learning duration. Key stage
standards are broken down into
Grade Level Standards, which in turn
are unpacked into Content and
Performance Standards. Each quarter
entails a list of learning competencies
that help learners attain the
curriculum standards for a specific
learning duration.

DO: Let the participants highlight the

improvements of the new curriculum
(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

through a Venn Diagram. In groups

of four or five members, participants
are given 10 minutes to brainstorm
and prepare visual aids for their
presentation, which should last for
only ten minutes. After all the
presentations, the participants will
share their insights and conclude.

SAY: To conclude, let’s highlight the

improvements of the new curriculum
through a Venn Diagram. Form a
group with four to five members and
share your ideas in creating the
diagram. You will be given ten
minutes to brainstorm and prepare
your presentation. After ten minutes,
you will be given two minutes to
present your work.
Reflective Insights on Application (20 minutes) Reflection about the Slides 24-26; Worksheet
the English Shaping new English 2, Manila paper and/or
Paper DO: Instruct the participants to write Curriculum Guide cartolina, markers
a reflection about the Shaping Paper
(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

of the English CG. Let them use

Worksheet 2 in doing this task.

SAY: The last part of our session is, of

course, the application. This will be an
individual task. You are going to write
a reflection about the Shaping Paper
of the English CG. You will use
Worksheet 2 to be guided in doing
your reflection. You will be given 30
minutes to accomplish this task.

DO: Let some participants share their

reflections and commend each

DO: After all sharing, ask the

participants if they have any
clarifications or questions. Then
inform the participants that the next
session will be the discussion of the
first and second quarters of the
English CG.
(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

SAY: Thank you for sharing your

reflections. It is obvious that you
already have a good grasp of the
English Shaping Paper. Are there any
clarifications or questions before we
end this session? If there is none, I
would like to inform you that the next
session will be the discussion of the
first and second quarters of the Grade
4 English CG. With that, I would like
to leave you with this quote from
Oliver Wendell Holmes, “Language is
the blood of the soul into which
thoughts run and out of which they
grow.” Goodbye and God bless us all.

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