Subject Brief Outline Chemistry IBDP

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Sciences – Chemistry – HL/SL Level

Chemistry is a scientific study on behaviour and properties of matter. It is a science that deals
with elements which together make up the compounds which further comprises atoms,
molecules and ions. It also deals with their behaviour, composition, properties, structure and
the changes that occur in them during a chemical reaction along with other substances.
Chemistry occupies a central position between physics and biology thus it is also known as
the “central science” as it provides a base for better understanding of basic and applied
scientific knowledge at a fundamental level.

Why Study Chemistry?

You'll develop the skills to learn more Skills developed
about existing chemicals to even creating The skills and techniques students must
new ones. Everything around us is experience through the course are
chemical — and with a degree in encompassed within the tools. These
chemistry you'll contribute to society by support the application and development
helping to create new medicine, new of the inquiry process in the delivery of the
materials and new sources of energy to chemistry course.
improve our way of life. Tools:
• Experimental techniques
Course Description • Technology
As one of the three natural sciences in the • Mathematics
IB Diploma Programme, chemistry is Inquiry process:
primarily concerned with identifying • Exploring and designing
patterns that help to explain matter at the • Collecting and processing data
microscopic level. This then allows • Concluding and evaluating
matter’s behaviour to be predicted and Teachers are encouraged to provide
controlled at a macroscopic level. The opportunities for students to encounter and
subject therefore emphasizes the practise the skills throughout the
development of representative models and programme. Rather than being taught as
explanatory theories, both of which rely stand-alone topics, these skills should be
heavily on creative but rational thinking. integrated into the teaching of the syllabus
DP chemistry enables students to when they are relevant to the syllabus
constructively engage with topical topics being covered.
scientific issues. Students examine
scientific knowledge claims in a real-world Curriculum Overview
context, fostering interest and curiosity. By The DP chemistry course promotes
exploring the subject, they develop concept-based teaching and learning to
understandings, skills and techniques foster critical thinking.
which can be applied across their studies The DP chemistry course is built on:
and beyond. • approaches to learning
Integral to the student experience of the • nature of science
DP chemistry course is the learning that • skills in the study of chemistry.
takes place through scientific inquiry both These three pillars support a broad and
in the classroom and the laboratory. balanced experimental programme. As
students’ progress through the course, they
Pre-requisites become familiar with traditional
Conceptual understanding of basic facts experimentation techniques, as well as the
and chemical principles. application of technology. These
opportunities help them to develop their Paper 2 Descriptive 44
investigative skills and evaluate the Internal: Open ended 20
impact of error and uncertainty in Scientific Task
scientific inquiry. The scientific Investigation
investigation then places a specific
emphasis on inquiry-based skills and the Careers:
formal communication of scientific
knowledge. Finally, the  Analytical Chemist.
collaborative sciences project extends the  Chemical Engineer.
development of scientific communication  Chemical Development Engineer.
in a collaborative and interdisciplinary  Lecturer.
context, allowing students to work together  Environmental Chemist
beyond the confines of chemistry.  Forensic Scientist.
 Crystallographer
How will the students be assessed?  Material scientist
There are four assessment objectives for  Pharmacologist
the DP chemistry course. Having followed  Inorganic chemist
the chemistry course, students are expected  Geologist
to demonstrate the following assessment
Assessment objective 1:
Demonstrate knowledge of:
• terminology, facts, and concepts
• skills, techniques and methodologies.
Assessment objective 2:
Understand and apply knowledge of:
• terminology and concepts
• skills, techniques, and methodologies.
Assessment objective 3:
Analyse, evaluate, and synthesize:
• experimental procedures
• primary and secondary data
• trends, patterns and predictions.
Assessment objective 4:
Demonstrate the application of skills
necessary to carry out insightful and
ethical investigations.
Assessment Objectives
External, Internal
Type of Format of Weightage
assessment assessment of final
External: 36
Paper 1: Paper

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