Research Assignment 1

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August 2023



Department of Vocational Pedagogy

Module Title: Research Methodology
Course Code: VOP 202
Project Title: Web Based Employee Management
System in Sekota Polytechnic College


ID.NO:- TTK 010/11
Section II
Department: - ICT

August 2023
Addis Ababa Ethiopia
We declare that all the contents of this project are our own. This project has not been done or
presented for a degree in any other university and all the sources of material used for the
project/thesis have been acknowledged.

First, we would like to thank creature of the universe, almighty God for giving us the wisdom
and strength we need to fulfill our duty. Thanks God!
We would like to thank our Advisor for his valuable comments, support, and guidance
throughout this project work.
It is a great pleasure to get an opportunity to thank our families for supporting and teaching us
what is important in life. Thank you our Families! Finally, we would like to thank our university
and friends for their encouragement and support throughout this project work.

Employees are the backbone of any company therefore their management plays a major role in
deciding the success of an organization. Employee management system allows the
administrator to create account for employees, and give permission for HRM manager to create
and attend the attendance of the employees. You can check to see if there are duplicate
positions/employees in the database. This system brings about an easy way of maintaining the
details of employees working in an organization. The system as such as it will be developed is
called employee management system (EMS). It is designed to develop the web based
application of employee management for sekota polytechnic college. The web part of the
system is for registering, creating and managing account. It is simple to understand and can be
used by anyone who is not even familiar with simple employee’s system. It is user friendly and
just asks the user to follow step by step operations by giving easy to follow options. It is fast
and can perform many operations for an organization. The goal of this project is to design and
develop an employee management system to fill existing gaps in the manual management of

Table of Contents
Declaration ................................................................................................................................. I
Acknowledgment ...................................................................................................................... II
Abstract .................................................................................................................................... III
Abbreviations and Acronyms ................................................................................................... V
Chapter one ................................................................................................................................ 1
1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background ...................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Statement of the problem ................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Research questions ............................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Objectives of the project .................................................................................................. 3
1.5 General objective ......................................................................................................... 3
1.6 Specific objective ......................................................................................................... 3
1.7 Significance of the Project ............................................................................................... 3
1.8 Scope of the project ......................................................................................................... 4
1.9 Out of the Scope........................................................................................................... 4
2. Limitation of the project ................................................................................................. 4
3. Methodology of the project ............................................................................................. 4
3.1 Data Collection Methods ............................................................................................. 5
3.2 System Analysis and Design ........................................................................................ 5
3.3 Implementation methodology ...................................................................................... 6
3.4 Development Tools (Technologies) ............................................................................. 6
3.5 Feasibility Study .............................................................................................................. 7
3.6 Economic feasibility .................................................................................................... 7
3.8 Technical Feasibility .................................................................................................... 8
3.9 Schedule feasibility ...................................................................................................... 8
Project schedule ........................................................................................................................ 9
Legal feasibility ................................................................................................................. 9
Budget planning ................................................................................................................... 10
4. References: ................................................................................................................... 11

Abbreviations and Acronyms
EMS: Employee Management System
HRM: Human resource management
CSS: Cascading style sheet
HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
UML: Unified Modeling Language
CEMS: Current Employee Management System
RAD: Requirement Analysis Document

Chapter one
1. Introduction
A Web-based application is any program that is accessed over a network connection using
hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP), rather than existing within a device’s memory. It is a
software package that can be accessed through the web browser. A web-based system provides
access to a software system using a computer and internet connection. It is an application that
is usable only with an active Internet connection and that uses HTTP as
its primary communications protocol.
Currently Employee Management System (EMS) is a system used to manage and controlling
of the employers of an organization in a simple and easy method. EMS removes problems in
existing systems and used the organization to meet its specific aims. The best and most
important aim of this system is to provide detail profile of each employee. As a result, the
system is most important for improving other systems of organization like human resource
management (HRM).
The role of the EMS is to centralize the repository of staff data including registering of a new
employee, attendance and salary of an employee. An effective Employee management system
helps to generate accurate and timely employee information to fulfill the objectives.
EMS keeps the record of employee joining date and leaving date. It manages salary of
employee according to the attendance .It also focuses on the capabilities and facilities provided
by the company.
Web based Employee management system is the system which is used to manage and control
the employees using the network connection. The information of the employee and the data
which is related to employees are managed on the network connection.

1.1 Background
Sekota polytechnic college found in northern part of Ethiopia means Amara region, in
Waghmira zone. Sekota polytechnic college was founded in 2000 e.c. Sekota polytechnic
college is found at the north of Amhara. It is 320 kilometers from Dessie. It is one of the best
colleges which contribute great impacts to the socio-economic and industrial development of
Ethiopia. It provides education training for Student in basic fields of all subjects especially in
modalities of generalist, specialist, and clusters.

1.2 Statement of the problem

After studying and understanding how the current manual based system works we identify the
problems face in the system. These problems are:-
a. Storage problem: due to large amount of employee files the physical file or paper
occupy too much space to store employee file.
b. Difficulty in locating employee file:due to large amount of employee file in the record
officer if we want to locate, search, update employee file it is very difficult to manage.
c. Poorly generated records: to generate and exchange reports from department to
department it is not effective and efficient.
d. Human and computational error: Many errors may enable by the employee due to
tedious computation required for managing and calculating the salary of each employee
because of there is no validation mechanism exists in manual system.
e. More complaints from employee: due to poor management of employee documents
the calculation of salary may lead to more complaints from employee.
f. Man power: the manual system requires more manpower to perform operation like: -
manage employee file, calculate salary, and to proceed the other process.

1.3 Research questions

1.4 Objectives of the project
Our project has two objectives. Those are:

1.5 General objective

The general objective of this project is to develop an automated web based employee record
management system for Sekota polytechnic college.

1.6 Specific objective

Specific objectives are the sub tasks that pave the way to reach at our main goal. They are
supporters of the general objective.
There are specific goals that we have to achieve in order to meet the general objective.
Those are:-
 Study the existing system and identify its problems.
 Design the system as per user requirement specification.
 Develop user friendly interfaces.
 Develop the website as per the business rules
 Develop a database for the recording system.
 Testing the system to overcome the system functions
 Generate different reports as per the demand of the organization

1.7 Significance of the Project

The system is designed to satisfy employees by delivering services like salary accurately, on
time and quickly.
 Employees are managed easily.
 Manage all employee account by their account.
 Employee attendance and salary systems are automated.
 When needed, the system will take just a few seconds to found out the background
of an employee, his/her work status, service and responsibility to the organization.
 It will facilitate keeping record of employees, such as their date of hiring (placing).
So, all the information about an employee will be available in a few seconds.
Generally, the advantages of the system (EMS) are:

 Provide comprehensive (all necessary facts and details) information of an employee.

 Improving employee satisfactions by delivering services timely, more quickly and
accurate to them

1.8 Scope of the project

The scope of the project is about tasks that will be performed throughout the system.
The proposed system focuses only employee management system on the following areas:
 Register new employee: HRM manager register new employee.
 Create accounts for employee and managing those accounts.
 Create attendance for employee and marking the attendance.
 Update Employee details or information.
 Calculate net salary and paying employee salary by cash.

1.9 Out of the Scope

Out of the scope means what our system or our project does not do.
The following things are out of the scope of our project
 The system does not do the vacancy announcement and placement of the employee.
 The system does not do promotion and demotion of the employee.
 Online attendance marking is not included in our system.
 Online transaction or payment is not included in this system.

2. Limitation of the project

Limitation of the project is obstacles that are committed on us during working of the project.
And also limitation is things that limit us to perform the required activities.
This project is limited under the following conditions:
 Time constraints: - during collection of data the office we get information from has no
access time for giving information for us.
 Lack of full document that are related to the existing system.
 Load of the courses.

3. Methodology of the project

Methodology is the methods that facilitate us to capture information about the requested
Methodology we used in our system is according to the following.

3.1 Data Collection Methods
 Interview: It is fact finding technique where by the system analyst collects
information from individual face to face interaction.
 Direct Observation: It is fact finding technique where the system analyst either
participates in or watches a person performs activities to learn about the system.
 Organization Document Analysis: This helps us to satisfy our data requirement.
We refer to the policies and procedures of the employee management system of
sekota polytechnic college. We read the module document of employee
management system of sekota polytechnic college.
 Internet: - Internet is our major source to gather information.

3.2 System Analysis and Design

In the system analysis and design phase of a project we should use the object oriented approach
that examines requirements from the perspective of the class and objects found in the problem
domain. The reasons that we use the object oriented system analysis and design (OOSAD)
approach are:
 High Code Reusability: We can reuse methods for avoiding redundancy. When a new
object is created, it will automatically inherit the data attributes and characteristics of
the class from which it was inherited.
 Improved reliability and flexibility: OOSAD is far more reliable than traditional
 Reduced maintenance: The primary goal of object oriented development is the
assurance that the system will enjoy a longer life while having smaller maintenance
 Real world modeling: Object-oriented system tends to model the real world in a more
complete modern than do traditional methods.
 The data and functions are encapsulated in the objects that help us for easily debugging
 It enables us to comprehensively model a system before we develop it.
 Modification of the object implementation is easy.
 Understanding of the structure is easy because object oriented modelling represents
real world entities.
Direct manipulation of architectural components is possible because several object oriented
programming languages exist.

3.3 Implementation methodology
 PHP: for server side scripting language and for programming.
 The project team has chosen this server side language because of:
 PHP supports many databases (MYSQLSERVER, and Oracle).
 PHP is open source software (OSS).
 PHP is free to download and use.
 Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) and JavaScript: - for client side script language.
The project team has chosen this client side language because of:
 Used to control the appearance of a Web site by creating style sheets
 Used to specify the precise font, size, color and other properties of
displayed text
 All browsers support CSS today.
 Used to validate the script

MYSQL SERVER: for database application. The reason that we choose this MY SQL

I. Scalability and Flexibility

II. High Performance
III. High Availability
IV. Strong Data Protection

3.4 Development Tools (Technologies)

 Modeling: E-Draw Max software
 Interface Design: HTML, CSS, and Adobe photo shop
 Validation Script: JavaScript (HTML5): JavaScript can react to events
 Database Design: MYSQL SERVER
 Server: Apaches server: for web server software

 Documentation tools
- Microsoft office 2010
- Computer windows: window 7

3.5 Feasibility Study
Feasibility study is an analysis of an idea. The feasibility study focuses on helping answer the
essential questions of “should we precede the proposed project idea?”
Feasibility study outline is provided to give you guidance on how to proceed with the study
and what to include. It includes the following:

3.6 Economic feasibility

This system is economically feasible, it reduces resource cost like paper and pen, and it also
reduces time for student admission. The system can show all the data in at a time, so to provide
information regarding the students who are either taken admission or to take admission in
fraction minutes, thus reduces the cost to data retrieving about the students. This less cost
analysis makes our proposed system more feasible. Therefore we can say our proposed system
is economically feasible. The economic feasibility of our project is according to the following:

3.7 Cost and Benefits

1. Tangible cost
Tangible cost are those our project benefit that can convert into monetary values. And
also tangible costs are costs that are seen instantly such as in purchasing products,
paying employees.
For this project, we have identified the following tangible benefits (per year)
 Decrease in labour cost
 Reduced Stationary Cost
 Reduction of error.
 Reduce cost of our project.
The tangible costs to be acquired in developing the system are:-
 Software development cost
 Hardware development cost
2. Intangible cost
Intangible cost is our project benefit that cannot convert into monetary values. I.e. they cannot
be measured by money. They are measured by person’s satisfaction.
 Knowledge gain by project developer.
 Increasing the competitiveness of the individual.
 Improving the morale of our team.
 Facilitating information processing of our team.

3.8 Technical Feasibility
This system is technically feasible, since the whole system is designed using the latest
technologies which is front end and back end of the system is PHP and MYSQL SERVER
(WAMP: Apache server) respectively. These development tools are most recent and popular
technologies to develop web based systems and design databases. As a result this system is
technically feasible. Operational Feasibility
In this project operational feasibility refers to an evaluation which analyzes how well sekota
polytechnic college employee management system operates. This system is easily acceptable
by the user/customers because the system will be user friendly and accurately meet the user’s
The system also develops with modularized way that the new changes or plans will fit into the
existing systemic framework.

3.9 Schedule feasibility

The proposed system is developed totally and begins to give services according to the time
given. Our project is completed in scheduled date. So that, the project is feasible in time
completion Therefore, it is feasible in schedule.

Project schedule

No. Activities Submission date

January February 2015 March April 2015 May 2015 June

2015 2015 2015

1. System proposal

2. Requirement analysis

3. System modeling

4. System design

5. Presentation

6. Implementation
and testing

7. Final Presentation

Table 0.1 shows Project time table

Legal feasibility
Legal feasibility determines whether the proposed system conflicts with the legal requirement
or not. A project may face legal issues after completion if this factor is not considered at the
Stage .As a result, our system is legal and doesn’t conflict with the law of the country; it works
based on the rule and regulation of the Ethiopian constitution.

Budget planning
We assume the total cost that needs to develop this project is
No Materials to be used Amount Price per Total cost(birr)
1 Toshiba laptop 4 12000 48000
2 Pen 5 5 25
3 A4 size paper 1 pack 110 110
4 Print 120 page 1 120
5 Flash disk One 8GB flash 200 200
Total 48455 birr

4. References:
[1]Scott Ambler book (2001) Cambridge University, United Kingdom: 2nd edition


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