Industrial Water Essential Guide
Industrial Water Essential Guide
Industrial Water Essential Guide
Without water, many companies and the
products they provide would fail to exist.
Water use is a fundamental commodity for
nearly every step of the manufacturing and
production processes around the world.
Whether it's deionised water for electronics
and pharmaceutical sectors, or softened water
for boiler feed applications, water is necessary
and comes embedded in the footprint of
virtually item created on the planet. And to
put it into perspective: industry accounts for
around 40% of total water abstractions. Yet,
at the same time, many global companies
have manufacturing facilities operating in
water scarce parts of the world, with over two
thirds of companies now reporting exposure to
water risks. This article is designed to provide
an essential guide to everything you need to
know about industrial water and wastewater.
uses of water
Manufacturing and other industries use water during the production process for either creating their
products or cooling equipment used in creating their products. According to the United States
Geological Survey (USGS), industrial water is used for fabricating, processing, washing, diluting,
cooling, or transporting a product.
Industrial water and wastewater is a by-product of industrial or commercial activities. Whether it's
the food we eat or the products we consume, water is required for nearly every step of production
across a multitude of different industries. The resulting wastewater must be carefully managed.
Depending on the product being manufactured and the raw water quality in the region, different
levels of treatment technologies will be needed. For example, for medical, electronics
manufacturing and food processing, deionized water is an essential ingredient. Called ultra pure
water (EUP), this has almost all of the minerals, dissolved gas and dirt particles removed from the
water which could otherwise interfere with the manufacturing of precise and sensitive products,
such as circuit boards.
Meanwhile, feed water is used in boilers and cooling towers to ensure efficiency, maximise boiler
and system life, reduce maintenance costs and maintain levels of operational performance.
Industries that have a high usage of water and need for treatment include: brewery and
carbonated beverage water; dairy industries; sugar mills and refineries; textile manufacturing; pulp
and paper mills; oil and gas; the automotive and aircraft industries and many others
Heavy water using industries can include food, paper, chemicals, refined petroleum, or primary
metals. Below is a list of how water is used within several different industries.
What is
As well as consuming vast quantities of fresh
water for manufacturing, industries also produce
wastewater often laced with waste by-products
used during the process. Depending on the
country and region, there are differing levels of
regulations governing what can and cannot be
discharged to the local waterways. The following
are some examples of worst case water pollution,
although should not be read as a blanket
statement for that entire industry globally.
There are many uses of water for industry. Raw water entering an industrial plant often needs
treatment to meet tight quality specifications. Meanwhile, used water also needs treatment to
make it fit for reuse or disposal. In a nutshell, an industrial water treatment system treats water so
it is more appropriate for a given use, whether it’s consumption, manufacturing or even disposal.
Common industrial water treatment systems typically include:
Raw water treatment systems are used to pre-treat and optimize source water, usually with the
aim to improve production efficiency and process performance for particular applications.
Suspended/colloidal solids, iron, bacteria, and hardness are typically removed during raw water
treatment.Examples include pre-treating cooling tower/boiler feed water, process/production water,
and/or water for drinking. Often, raw water treatment is focused on protecting downstream
equipment from scaling, fouling, corrosion, and other forms of damage or premature wear due to
contaminants present in the source water.
Meanwhile, boiler feed water treatment systems are used to protect boiler unit components from
damage from certain contaminants present in makeup feeds. These could include dissolved solids,
suspended solids and inorganic matter such as iron, copper, calcium, magnesium, aluminium and
dissolved gases. An effective boiler feed water treatment system works by both removing harmful
impurities prior to entering the boiler as well as controlling the acidity and conductivity of the
Due to contaminants present in feed water, circulation water, and/or blowdown water, cooling
tower water treatment systems are used to protect cooling tower components from damage.
Suchcontaminants can include chlorides, hardness, iron, biological materials, silica, sulfates, TDS,
and or TSS.
Within the industrial water context, a wastewater treatment system is used to treat waste streams
into an effluent that can either be reused within the operation or safely discharged to the
environment. Treatment system complexity will largely depend upon the compliance regulations
impacting the plant and the waste stream composition. However, in many operations the following
steps represent the common technologies you can expect to see: clarification; disinfection;
softening and distribution.
Industrial water
A number of industrial water solutions are available and the choice will be governed by several factors:
the raw water quality in the region, regional regulations governing the facility, the type of product being
manufactured and purity of water needed, among many others. For example, the solutions need to
obtain ultrapure water for semiconductor manufacturing will vary considerable to the solutions needed
to treat wastewater from pulp & paper manufacturing. Often water solutions used for municipal water
treatment, such as membranes, are used for industrial applications as well. Furthermore, industrial
water treatment solutions tend to be move diverse than municipal alternatives due to the wider range of
pollutants, their concentrations and temporal variability in industrial effluents. Below we have listed five
industrial water solutions and processes.
Large amounts of organic waste matter are generated at industrial sites, including pulp and paper mills,
which can be converted to renewable energy in the form of methane. Anaerobic digestion is the process
by which organic matter is broken down in the absence of oxygen, in a sealed, oxygen-free tank called
an anaerobic digester.
Anaerobic treatment of mill wastewater is widely accepted but is only applied to a few selected streams.
Chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal rates in full-scale reactors range from between 30% to 90%
with highest COD removal rates achieved with condensate streams from chemical pulping (75-90%) and
paper will effluents (60-80%).
Deionization (DI)
Deionization (DI) is the removal of all ionized minerals and salts from a solution through the process of
ion exchange. Because most non-particulate water impurities are dissolved salts, deionization produces
a high purity water that is generally similar to distilled water. Deionization filters operate by exchanging
positive hydrogen and negative hydroxide molecules for the positive and negative contaminant
molecules in the water. Positive chemicals like sodium, calcium, iron, and copper change places with the
hydrogen molecules, and negative chemicals like iodine, chloride and sulfate change places with the
hydroxide molecules.
This process is typically done by two ionized resin beds that are opposite in charges: cationic (negative)
resin and anionic (positive) resin. Positively charged ions are removed from the solution by the cation
resin in exchange for a chemically equivalent amount of hydrogen ions. Negatively charged ions are
removed by the anion resin in exchange for a chemically equivalent amount of hydroxide ions. The
hydrogen and hydroxide ions introduced in this process unite to form pure water molecules.
Membrane technology has a significant part to play in the production of all grades of pure water.
Depending on the feed water available, additional membrane technologies may be incorporated as pre-
treatment technologies. Ultra filtration (UF) or microfiltration (MF) technology can be effectively used as
a pre-treatment for reverse osmosis (RO) depending on the nature and variability of the feed supply to
the water treatment system.