Psychro Tuto
Psychro Tuto
Psychro Tuto
air temperature determined by an the cooling effect of evaporating water. how much moisture is present compared to absolute humidity is the ratio of the temperature at which the air
ordinary thermometer. Dry bulb It can be determined by passing air how much moisture the air could hold at that the weight of moisture (water) with given moisture content
temperature is given in weather over a thermometer that has been temperature. Relative humidity is given in per unit weight of dry air. (humidity ratio) reaches 100%
reports. wrapped with a small amount of moist weather reports. Humidity ratio is the moisture RH when it is cooled down. At
cloth. The cooling effect of the content of the air (dry basis). this point condensation starts
evaporating water causes a occurring.
temperature drop.
Unit: ºC Unit: ºC Unit: Percent Unit: g moisture per kg dry air Unit: ºC
The dry bulb temperature scale is The wet bulb temperature scale is Lines representing conditions of equal The humidity ratio has its scale Saturation temperature lines are
located at the base of the chart. located along the curved upper left relative humidities sweep from the lower left on the Y-axis, and lines of parallel to the humidity ratio
Near-vertical lines indicate constant portion of the chart. The sloping lines to the upper right of the chart. The 100 constant moisture ratios are lines and meet the wet bulb
dry bulb temperature. indicate equal wet bulb temperatures percent RH (saturation) line corresponds to horizontal. temperature scale at the
the wet bulb and the dew point temperature corresponding wet bulb
scale line. temperature.
You need any combination of the two parameters above to When heating in a paddy dryer the
plot the properties of the air in the chart. moisture ratio (humidity content)
remains the same. The properties
Example: The ambient air has 30ºC dry bulb temperature of the heated air can be
and 26ºC wet bulb temperature. determined as follows:
1. Find 30ºC dry bulb temperature on the x-axis, move Example: Ambient air with 25ºC,
upwards on the 30ºC line until it meets the 26% wet 75% RH shall be heated in a flat
bulb temperature line. Mark the intersection. bed dryer to 43ºC. What is the RH
2. To determine relative humidity interpolate the relative of the drying air?
humidity lines -> in this case around 75%. 1. Plot the ambient air
3. To find the absolute humidity move right along the properties in the chart.
humidity ratio line to the right scale -> around 20g 2. Move along the moisture
water per kg air. ration line to the right until
the 43ºC dry bulb
4. To find the dew point move left along the absolute
temperature line.
humidity line until the saturation line -> around 25 ºC
3. Interpolate RH -> 25%
Agricultural Engineering Unit, International Rice Research Institute, DAPO Box 7777, Metro Manila, Philippines, Tel.: +63 (2) 580-5600,