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) spoken text

l pldno dccantpdnimellt
Amarilli, mia bella
Amaryllis, my beautiful one
Giulio Caccini
[Moderato ) = c.961
Original key
G mi.nor
Recording cue
A ma - ril li, mia be1 - la, non
Amarvllis, my beautiful-one, not

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cre - di, o del mio cor dol - ce de-si d'es - ser tu-
you believc, oh of-the m1' heart srveet desire, of (that) to-be you

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l'a-mor mi o? Cre Pur, ese ti - mor t'as - sa

the love mine? Believc it do, and if fear vou seizes,

WI Iu:
pren di que - sto mio - le, a- pri-mUl
take this m.y open )rou me the

O 2006 by Faber Music Ltd

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pet - to e ve -drai scrit-to_in co A-ma -

breast and ,vou rsill-see rvritterr on (m1') heart: Amaryllis,

Vnpl WI

A-ma - A-ma - ril d_il mio_a -

Amarl llis, Amaryllis is ihe mv love.

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-mo re. Cre - di - 1o PUr, e se ti-

Believe it do, and if fear

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-mor t'as - sa pren di que - sto mio - le,

vou seizes, take this mv

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a- pet - to e ve-drai scrit -to-in co l/D A -ma-

open-vou me breast and vou-rvil1 see u'ritten on (mr,) heart: ' Amaryllis,


li d_il mio a-mo A-ma

is the mr' lor.e. Amaryliis,

d_i1 miojr-mo
is the mv 1ove.

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