Amarilli,: Mia Bella

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Amarilli, mia bella

Amarilli, my fâir oûe
§nglish version by Giulio Caccini
Dr. Theodore Baker (ueo- rora)

Moderato affettuoso

A - ma-ril - li, mia bel la, non cre - d.i-o d.el mio
A - ma-ril - li, my fair one, Canst thou thine heart to

gor tl,ol - ce de-sr d'es - ser tu---
doubt e'er sur - ren Doubt of my lôver--

, -l---t-

I'a-mor mi Cre di - 1o pur: e se ti-

true and ten der? Do but be-lieve, for should e'er

,1 -'\ >

r'Ç f==--

Coggright r 1804, bg G. Schirnt er, Inc.

Copyrdght rcmewcd,, lg2 2, bg Lheodore Raher
mor ths - sa - Io, tlu bi-tar non ti
fear as - sail thee, It can nev - er a-

t-' zr
-l , t f

A pri..mi-[I pet to e ve-d.rai scrit-to in co A-ma-

ope thou my bo som, and see thy fears re-prov On my

ril li, A-ma - ril

heart writ, On my heart

ril - li i1l mioj - mo - re. Cre tli - 1o pur: e se ti-

ril - li, my be - lov - ed!" Do but be-liere, for should e'er
a, tempo

m0r 'as- sa le, itu - bi-tar ron ti v& - le. A pri-m[jl
fear as - sail thee, It can nev-er a - vail thee. op. thou rry


pet to o ve-d.rai scrit"tqjn'co - A - ma- ril li,

ttis-- writ,
re: A-ma-
bo som,and see thy fears re-prov - ed; On my beart On my

?0u 1WP<
ril - Ii, A -ma - ril -li iil mioJr - mo A-ma-
heart 'tis- writ: '14.-ma- ril - li, my be - lov A-ma-

ril li_- fil miq_a - mo

ril li,- my be - lov


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