Img 20191007 0001
Img 20191007 0001
Img 20191007 0001
:.: = I_Mike.
- .'s F]annah. - My name Hannah. t
-::.:.\-, = You_early.
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= It 7894 l32156.
} : _ " 3rammar Bank 1A. Learn more about verb
- _ .:b ject pronouns, and practise them. i
-a ::-nandrepeatthepronounsandcontractions.
- ::\ to remember the names in your class. I
. _i,ll e
*-( )f,
- =. Sounds, word StreSS
:: _:sten and repeat the words and sounds. Look at tl-re pictrrre, Can vott renember u,hat Mike and
Hanrrirlr sal,?
eY } p,148 Vocabulary Bank ];,",s anC,l,::rlDers.Do
]; tr{, šě. ď6 parts 1 and 2.
cat egg traln bike
l am very thcv I 1 12)) Listen arrd sal,rlre nert day or number.
thanks wcl1 nilme Hi l)) Monday. Tuesday
/ Wednesday
:ll t Bye
What's r.our phone ,*r,,,rb".l Wlrat day is it todav?
>. _- : Sound Bank. Look at the example words and And tornorrorv?
-.:. tor the sounds in a.
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I sandwich bar euros cents
hotel Room
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. - _er net bas ket balt sand wich ! tn*i Manchester Road
! school classes on and
. - . rvords fronr c irr tlre chart.
b Listerr again. Wrire a tlunber or a clay irr eaclr space.