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p. 7

p. 16

p. 5

What’s Inside:
Technology Transfer
Latest Developments
• IJMC p. 3
• AFS Transactions p. 37
p. 15
Special Publications
New Releases
• Lost Foam Casting Made Simple p. 5

• Casting Defects Handbook: Iron and Steel p. 6
• Basic Principles of Gating & Risering p. 7
Surpass the Competition PUBLICATIONS
• Operational Cost Study p. 15
• Executive Salary Survey p. 15
• Metalcasting Forecast & Trends p. 16


To order, call 800/537-4237, fax 847/824-7848 or visit 

2008 AFS Transactions, Vol. 116
The world’s foremost experts in metalcasting are represented within the 116th volume of the Transactions of the
American Foundry Society. This annual publication contains the latest technical papers presented at CastExpo ’08
in Atlanta, May 17-20, 2008, by some of the top minds in the metalcasting industry and academia. Up-to-the-minute
technology is presented with a focus on topics such as:
Aluminum Environmental, Health & Safety Melting Methods & Materials
Cast Iron Lost Foam Casting Molding Methods & Materials
Copper Magnesium Steel
Engineering Marketing

More than 1,000 pages are bound in a maroon leatherette casing with gold foil stamping of the title, date and volume
number on the spine–a handsome addition to any metalcasting library. A CD version is also included, which offers
the opportunity to see many of the images, charts and microstructures in color. Hardcover, 1,102 pages, 8.5 x 11 in.
CD inside back cover.

TX2008 ISBN 978-0-87433-318-3

Corporate $300.00 • Personal $450.00 • List $600.00
The CD version is also sold separately:
TX08CD ISBN 978-0-87433-317-6
Corporate $150.00 • Personal $225.00 • List $300.00
Past Editions of
AFS Transactions also are available.
Visit for more information.

 To order, call 800/537-4237, fax 847/824-7848 or visit


AFS Transactions................................................2, 37

New Releases.............................................................4

International Journal of Metalcasting..............3, 37

Casting Design & Purchasing...............................5-6

Casting, Gating & Engineering..............................7-8

Cleaning, Finishing & Quality..................................9

Environmental, Health & Safety.......................10-11



The International Journal of Metalcasting (IJMC) is dedi- Management, HR & Marketing.........................15-16

cated to leading the transfer of research and technology
to the global metalcasting industry. The quarterly pub-
lication will work closely with the annual AFS Transac- Melting, Pouring & Refractories.......................17-19
tions to keep the latest developments in metalcasting
research and technology in front of the scientific lead- Metalcasting Basics...........................................20-24
ers of the global industry. 
IJMC is published four times a year. Single issues are Mold, Core & Patternmaking............................25-29
available. To subscribe to the journal, visit www.met- or contact customer service at
[email protected].

Single Issue
JM0001 (North American customers)
Corporate $30.00 • Personal $30.00 • List $40.00 Technology, Research & Development...........35-36

Single Issue Wall Charts..............................................................39

JM0001INTL (customers outside of North America)
International Technical $45.00 • List $55.00 Order Form..............................................................37

Annual Subscription AFS Membership Application................................38

GEIJMCUS (North American customers)
Corporate $99.00 • Personal $99.00 • List $129.00
The AFS Butch Peters Memorial Library Online....40
Annual Subscription
GEIJMCNUS (customers outside North America)
Corporate $149.00 • Personal $149.00 • List $179.00

To order, call 800/537-4237, fax 847/824-7848 or visit 


2008 Survey of Wages Basic Principles of

and Economic Benefits Gating & Risering
The 2008 AFS Survey of Wages and Economic The second edition of the Basic Principles
Benefits (published June 2008) details the of Gating & Risering is a major revision of
current status of wages and benefits for the the original text. This edition was recently
metalcasting industry in the U.S. and Canada completed by members of the AFS Gating
by facility size, union status and type of metal and Risering Committee (5G) of the Cast
poured. This year’s survey includes reports Iron Division. Focusing on metal flow and
from 113 U.S.metalcasting facilities represent- solidification, it emphasizes principles
ing 18, 944 employees and 8 facilities with and use rather than theory and offers
529 employees in Canada. Twenty-eight job functional explanations rather than for-
classifications were used as the basis for the wage portion of the study. mal rules. The formal aspects of principles
are included where appropriate (in discussing fluid flow and heat
Also reported are five separate breakouts based on facility size, two
transfer) with more emphasis on the development of sound design
breakouts for union status and four metalcasting groups based on the
type of metal poured, which include steel, iron, nonferrous or a combi-
nation of these metals. 50 pages, 3-ring binder Other added features reflect the rapidly changing environment of the
HR0800 (Print) ISBN 978-0-87433-322-0 cast metals industry. Sections have been enhanced with improved
graphics and photos. In addition, a CD with video clips of images that
Corporate $325.00 • Personal $475.00 • List $625.00
show simulation/solidification is included.
HR0800DL (Download)
It is especially useful to both beginning metalcasting workers, whose
Corporate $300.00 • Personal $450.00 • List $600.00
career includes tooling design, and practicing scientists and engi-
neers who need a self-instructional reference book. Soft cover, 144
pages, 8.5 x 11 in.
2009 AFS Metalcasting
TE0800 ISBN 978-0-87433-315-2
Forecast & Trends Corporate $50.00 • Personal $75.00 • List $100.00
This 54-page report on the outlook for the
U.S. metalcasting industry was compiled in
October 2008. This all-new report, prepared Lost Foam Casting
by Stratecasts Inc. for AFS, examines out- Made Simple
looks for each of the major casting-consum- Technical Editor: Fred Sonnenberg, PhD
ing industries and provides detailed projec-
tions for casting demand and shipments AFS is proud to present the latest publication on
within each. Included are detailed shipment the lost foam casting process. This is an extensive
forecasts for gray iron, ductile iron, cast steel, revision of the Raymond Monroe book, Expend-
aluminum, copper-base alloys and magne- able Pattern Casting, with new information on the
sium. Also included in this report is information on casting supply and advancements and discoveries that were made
utilization rates for 2008,new data on business conditions and anticipated since the Monroe book was published in 1992. 
material shift trends and other changes in the way certain markets specify And, while Lost Foam Casting Made Simple is a
and apply castings. Casting sales and marketing personnel will also find basic overview of the process of making and using foam patterns, it
NAICS lists useful in targeting certain industries. Spiral bound 8.5 x 11 in. is aimed at assisting casting designers and casting producers, as well
MT09FTDL (Download) as introducing new users to lost foam. Many experts in the field of lost
Corporate $150.00 • Personal $325.00 • List $375.00 foam have contributed in the making of this book.

MT0900 (Print) Included is a CD with videos of neutron radiography and real time
Corporate $175.00 • Personal $350.00 • List $400.00 x-ray mold filling. Published April 2008, soft cover with CD, 250 pages,
6 x 9 in.
GM0700 ISBN: 9780-87433-310-7
Casting Defects Corporate $90.00 • Personal $135.00 • List $180.00
Iron & Steel Strain-Life Fatigue Properties
Technical Editor:
George Goodrich, Consultant Database for Cast Iron (DVD)
Authors: J.D. DeLa’O, PhD, R.Gundlach and
This edition, published in August 2008, combines
J.M Tartaglia, PhD, Stork Climax Research
all of the strengths of the original Casting Defects
Handbook with the latest industry updates with a
focus on ferrous alloys. New techniques have been AFS presents the combined results of a study of
added; flaskless molding, vertical molding, high strain-controlled fatigue testing. In the original study,
density molding with automatic machines, nobake molding, and the a program of strain-controlled fatigue testing and
growth of electric melting vs. cupola melting. This is the guide for in- material characterization was conducted to de-
plant use by quality assurance, inspection and other key personnel. velop design data for 22 carefully selected materi-
The text is formatted in an easy-to-use outline style supplemented with als, developing a detailed and well-documented strain-life database for
figures illustrating actual casting defects. Soft cover with CD, 242 pages, graphitic cast iron. The latest study shows the analysis of heavy section
4.5 x 7 in. ductile iron. Both studies are now combined on one DVD.
GM0800 ISBN: 978-0-87433-314-5 RR08DVD ISBN: 978-0-87433-331-2
Corporate $30.00 • Personal $45.00 • List $60.00 Corporate $100.00 • Personal $150.00 • List $200.00
 To order, call 800/537-4237, fax 847/824-7848 or visit

AFS International Casting Defects

Conference on Handbook:
Structural Iron & Steel
Aluminum Casting Technical Editor:
Conference held November 2-4, 2003, George Goodrich, Consultant
at the Sheraton World in Orlando, FL This edition, published in August 2008, combines
Thirty papers are presented in this pub- all of the strengths of the original Casting Defects
lication of the proceedings from the AFS Handbook with the latest industry updates with a
International Conference on Structural focus on ferrous alloys. New techniques have been
Aluminum Casting, subtitled “Recent Ad- added; flaskless molding, vertical molding, high
vancements for the Design and Manufac- density molding with automatic machines, nobake molding, and the
turing of Reliable Structural Aluminum Castings”. Chapters include: growth of electric melting vs. cupola melting. This is the guide for in-
plant use by quality assurance, inspection and other key personnel.
∙ Part Design The text is formatted in an easy-to-use outline style supplemented with
∙ Material Selection figures illustrating actual casting defects. Soft cover with CD, 242 pages,
∙ Process Selection 4.5 x 7 in.
∙ Molten Metal Processing GM0800 ISBN: 978-0-87433-314-5
∙ Filling, Solidification & Casting Technology Corporate $30.00 • Personal $45.00 • List $60.00
∙ Heat Treatment
∙ Quality, Inspection & Welding
∙ Case Studies
Softcover, 453 pages, 8.5 x 11 in.
Casting Source
NF0300 ISBN 978-0-87433-269-8
Corporate $50.00 • Personal $75.00 • List $100.00 Directory, Desk
19th Edition
The metalcasting industry’s first and only
Basic Molding Process & Material— complete reference book of casting sup-
Part I (DVD) pliers in North America, the directory
is updated annually and provides com-
Fred Schleg, Consultant
plete information on metalcasting facili-
Each one of the dozens of molding processes used to produce ties and diecasters in the U.S., Canada and
metal castings today offers its own distinct advantages and ben- Mexico. The directory is divided into three
efits. However, good-quality metal castings cannot be produced easy-to-use sections. The first section lists metalcasting facilities al-
from inferior quality molds. At the same time, a poor quality metal phabetically by state and offers a complete profile of each facility.
casting may result if the wrong molding process or alloy is chosen. The second section zeroes in on the types of metals cast at each
Basic Molding Process & Materials–Part I gives the viewer a de- facility. The third section further classifies facilities by the molding
tailed summary of each of the nonpermanent molding processes, and casting processes. Also included are more than 50 pages of new
including sand castings, chemically bonded sand castings (shell, property data on each of the cast metals, as well as process over-
nobake, coldbox, etc.), lost foam, the V-Process, the Cosworth pro- views. Softcover, 8 x 11 in., 264 pages.
cess, vacuum-assisted molding and investment casting.
GE0800 (ISSN: 1523-4371) (North America)
DV0032 Corporate $99.00 • Personal $99.00 • List $99.00
Corporate $139.00 • Personal $139.00 • List $139.00
GE0205 (ISSN: 1523-4371) (International)
Corporate $110.00 • Personal $110.00 • List $110.00
Basic Molding Process & Material—
Part II (DVD)
Fred Schleg, Consultant
This video picks up where Part One leaves off, delving into the per-
manent molding process. Whether you are just beginning in the Cost-Effective
industry or have worked in a metalcasting facility for years, this Casting Design:
two-part series gives you the answers you need when it comes to
molding processes and the materials you’ll need to make quality A Designer’s &
castings. Purchaser’s
DV0033 Reference (CD)
Corporate $139.00 • Personal $139.00 • List $139.00 This one-of-a-kind reference tool is a com-
pilation of more than 50 articles on casting
design and purchasing. This tool contains information on every met-
alcasting process and material. It is the #1 single-source casting design
and purchasing tool AFS has to offer.
MT04CD ISBN 978-0-87433-270-4
Corporate $99.00 • Personal $99.00 • List $99.00

To order, call 800/537-4237, fax 847/824-7848 or visit 


Design and Lost Foam Casting

Procurement of Made Simple
High-Strength Technical Editor: Fred Sonnenberg, PhD
Structural AFS is proud to present the latest publication
on the lost foam casting process. This is an ex-
Aluminum Castings tensive revision of the Raymond Monroe book,
Written for the design engineer, this is a Expendable Pattern Casting, with new infor-
collaborative effort of the AFS Aluminum mation on the advancements and discoveries
Premium Casting Committee. The commit- that were made since the Monroe book was
tee wrote this publication to better define published in 1992. 
the various aspects of sand composite And, while Lost Foam Casting Made Simple is a basic overview
castings, which will help the designer develop a more cost-effective, of the process of making and using foam patterns, it is aimed at
high-strength casting. An atlas in Section I shows full color photos of assisting casting designers and casting producers, as well as in-
specific castings in high-strength structural applications. Softcover, 8.5 troducing new users to lost foam. Many experts in the field of lost
x 11 in., 48 pages. foam have contributed in the making of this book.
NF9501 ISBN 978-0-87433-132-5 Topics include: metalcasting and the lost foam process; over-
Corporate $10.00 • Personal $15.00 • List $20.00 view of the lost foam casting process; designing for lost foam
casting process; lost foam casting case studies; available mod-
eling tools; lost foam tooling; lost foam beads for aluminum
International Atlas of and iron castings; pre-expansion of EPS beads; lost foam pat-
Casting Defects tern molding; pattern section assembly; coating the lost foam
patterns; flask fill and compaction; gating and pouring–alu-
Categorized by an international identification sys- minum alloys and ferrous applications; cleaning, finishing
tem, this volume identifies 111 casting defects with and heat treatment equipment: ferrous and nonferrous alloys;
283 photos and 137 drawings. Defects are classified metal filling and casting failure analysis. Five appendices in-
based on physical appearance, permitting identifi- clude: casting design checklist for LFC; coating quality control;
cation either by direct observation or from a de- foam pattern quality control procedures: density, open porosity
scription of the defect involving the shape, location and permeability;  troubleshooting guide for lost foam pattern
and dimensions. Hardcover, 6 x 9 in., 340 pages. molding and a  CD with videos of neutron radiography and real
GM7406 ISBN 978-0-87433-053-3 time x-ray mold filling. Published April 2008, soft cover with CD,
Corporate $35.00 • Personal $52.50 • List $70.00 250 pages, 6 x 9 in.
GM0700 ISBN: 9780-87433-310-7
Corporate $90.00 • Personal $135.00 • List $180.00
Introduction to
Metalcasting Tutorial (CD)
The Introduction to Metalcasting Tutorial takes you through the pro-
cess of making a casting from start to finish. The entire tutorial is user-
friendly, designed to give you an overview of the metalcasting industry
at the click of your mouse. Main titles of the tutorial are divided into
books, and each book is made up of chapters and pages. Pages of a
book include text and an illustration or graphic that supports the infor-
mation, so you can immediately relate to what you have just read.
Corporate $399.00 • Personal $399.00 • List $399.00
Strain-Life Fatigue
Properties Database
Casting, Gating & Engineering Courses for Cast Iron (DVD)
Authors: J.D. DeLa’O, PhD,
Presented by Cast Metals Institute R.Gundlach and
J.M Tartaglia, PhD, Stork Climax
Feb. 17-20 Research Services
Analysis & Reduction of Casting Defects
Indianapolis, IN AFS presents the combined results of a
• study of strain-controlled fatigue testing. In
the original study, a program of strain-con-
March 2-29
trolled fatigue testing and material char-
Casting Design and Cost Estimating
acterization was conducted to develop
design data for 22 carefully selected mate-

rials, developing a detailed and well-documented strain-life database
March 24-26 for graphitic cast iron.
Vertical Gating Design
Kent, OH The latest study shows the analysis of heavy section ductile iron. Both
studies are now combined on one DVD.
Visit for more information. RR08DVD ISBN: 978-0-87433-331-2
Corporate $100.00 • Personal $150.00 • List $200.00
 To order, call 800/537-4237, fax 847/824-7848 or visit

Basic Elements of Basic Principles of

Feeding Investment Gating & Risering
Castings The second edition of the Basic Principles
This publication examines the essential of Gating & Risering is a major revision of
elements of feeding investment castings, the original text. This edition was recently
which include the various alloy and mold completed by members of the AFS Gating
factors involved in the design of an effec- and Risering Committee (5G) of the Cast
tive casting feeding system. Topics covered Iron Division. It is designed for beginner
are the theoretical principles of feeding, and intermediate students in both basic
alloy parameters affecting feeding, thermal and applied science of foundry practice. It
conditions of feeding, designing feeding focuses on those aspects of the scientific
systems and calculating feeder dimensions based on Chvorinov’s rule. element with regard to metal flow and so-
Softcover, 8.5 x 11 in., 66 pages. lidification. It emphasizes principles and use rather than theory and
offers functional explanations rather than formal rules. The formal
IV9400 ISBN 978-0-87433-170-7 aspects of principles are included where appropriate (in discussing
Corporate $15.00 • Personal $22.50 • List $30.00 fluid flow and heat transfer) with more emphasis on the develop-
ment of sound design considerations.
Another important feature of this book is the change in format. The
Basic Principles of Fluid Flow/Heat sciences of filling and solidification were divided into separate sec-
Transfer and Solidification (DVD) tions, focusing on the technical principles that tend to be generic
Mark Nagel, Cast Metals Institute/John Svoboda, PMI for all metals. The development of metal flow and solidification
knowledge is essential to the production of high-quality castings.
The Basic Principles of Fluid Flow/Heat Transfer and Solidification is
This text provides a fundamental understanding of the application
designed to help the viewer relate to what happens to the metal from
of scientific principles to the gating and risering of castings. Other
the time it leaves the ladle until the casting is filled.When used in con-
added features reflect the rapidly changing environment of the
junction with gating materials, systems designed on these fluid flow
cast metals industry. Sections have been enhanced with improved
principles promote less turbulence and fewer defects. Heat Transfer
graphics and photos. In addition, a CD with video clips of images
and Solidification takes the viewer through the basics of how heat
that show simulation/solidification is included. This new publica-
is transferred from the metal to the mold, where, ultimately, cooling,
tion fully complements the instructional materials presented by the
solidification and shrinkage begin.
Cast Metals Institute of the American Foundry Society.
Finally, Basic Principles of Gating & Risering serves not only as a course
Corporate $139.00 • Personal $139.00 • List $139.00
text, but also as a long-term reference. It is especially useful to both
beginning metalcasting workers, whose career includes tooling design,
and practicing scientists and engineers who need a self-instructional
reference book. Soft cover, 144 pages, 8.5 x 11 in.
Basic Principles of Fluid TE0800 ISBN 978-0-87433-315-2
Flow/Heat Transfer & Corporate $50.00 • Personal $75.00 • List $100.00
Solidification Tutorial (CD)
The Basic Principles of Fluid Flow/Heat Transfer and Solidification is de-
signed to help the viewer relate to what happens to the metal from the Basic Principles
time it leaves the ladle until the casting is filled. When used in conjunc- of Risering
tion with gating materials, systems designed on these fluid flow principles
This programmed learning text describes
promote less turbulence and fewer defects. Heat Transfer and Solidifica-
how risers are positioned to feed metal
tion takes the viewer through the basics of how heat is transferred from
shrinkage. The text is divided into four sec-
the metal to the mold, where cooling, solidification and shrinkage begin.
tions: Heat Transfer and Solidification in
Short quizzes at the end of each section review the material learned.
the Casting Process; Shrinkage, Riser Types
CD0016 and Locations; Shape and Dimensions of
Corporate $139.00 • Personal $139.00 • List $139.00 Risers and Necks; and Effect of Atmospher-
ic Pressure and Feeding Distance. Softcover,
8.5 x 11 in., 96 pages.
TE6800 ISBN 978-0-87433-208-7
Basic Principles of Gating Corporate $20.00 • Personal $30.00 • List $40.00
This course provides the basic principles of
casting technology and includes the funda-
mentals of gating. The course is divided into
three main sections: a review of the terms
used in the gating system and the basic prin-
Not Finding the
ciples of fluid flow; a study of the parts of
the horizontal gating system that control the
Book You Need?
flow of molten metal to the mold cavity; and
a simple, detailed study of the vertical gating
Visit to
system. Softcover, 8.5 x 11 in., 96 pages. find hundreds of other titles
TE6700 ISBN 978-0-87433-206-3 available exclusively on the AFS website!
Corporate $20.00 • Personal $30.00 • List $40.00
To order, call 800/537-4237, fax 847/824-7848 or visit 

Castings Practice: The

Ten Rules of Castings Riser Design (DVD)
John Campbell Ian Kay, Cast Metals Institute
Each chapter of Professor Campbell’s new The instructor describes fundamental riser practice, including the
book takes a look at one of his 10 rules. De- function of risers, types of casting shrinkage, riser types, commonly
rived from years of experience and exper- used feeding aides, riser shape considerations, feeding distance
tise, it is likely that these rules will one day concerns and riser sizing using the modulus technique.
be taken as the blueprint for an internation- DV0014
al specification on the methods for making Corporate $139.00 • Personal $139.00 • List $139.00
reliable castings. Published by Elsevier Sci-
ence. Softcover, 7 x 10 in., 224 pages.
OS0401 ISBN 978-0-7506-4791-5
Corporate $60.00 • Personal $60.00 • List $60.00

Horizontal Gating Design (DVD) Technology of

Ian Kay, Cast Metals Institute Metalcasting
Frederick Schleg, Principle Editor
The functions of the gating system and how well-designed gating
can reduce turbulence and related effects are described. Discus- The purpose of this text is to provide a
sion of system components and design is detailed, with recom- functional perspective for the technician
mendations of gating ratios for gray, ductile and malleable irons, whose job requires correct decisions re-
steel, and aluminum and copper-base alloys. lating to the application and limitations
of casting processes. It also is intended
to appeal to persons in the educational
Corporate $139.00 • Personal $139.00 • List $139.00
field, sophomore year of college, techni-
cal institute, and community college and
junior college levels. The subject matter
could be used to teach high school level students the principles
of the casting processes. Many concepts are related to high school
mathematics, chemistry or physics. Softcover, 8.5 x 11 in., 350 pages.
Horizontal Gating GM0100 ISBN 978-0-87433-257-5
Corporate $75.00 • Personal $112.50 • List $150.00
Design Tutorial (CD)
Learn gating system functions and how a well-designed gating sys-
tem can reduce turbulence and related effects. Proper system com-
ponents and design are detailed, with recommendations of gating
ratios for gray, ductile and malleable irons, steel, and aluminum and
copper-base alloys. This CD takes the user through the subject matter
in an easy-to-follow, self-paced manner. Short quizzes are provided at
the end of each section to check the user’s knowledge and to review
the material learned in each section.
Corporate $399.00 • Personal $399.00 • List $399.00

Iron Castings
This book is an extensive revision and
upgrade of the former Iron Castings Hand-
book, issued by the Iron Castings Society
Inc., in 1981. This new book was prepared
under the guidance of the AFS Cast Iron
Don’t Gamble with Your Future.
Division (Committee 5-A) and edited by Win Big by Joining Us at the Largest Annual
George M. Goodrich, president, Professional Meeting of Metalcasters in North America!
Metallurgical Services, and William F. Shaw,
director emeritus, Iron Casting Research Institute.
There are more than 480 figures, plus 235 tables and 13 chapters. For more information, visit
This book is necessary for students, engineers–anyone wanting
a complete overview of the process of casting irons. Hardcover,
8.5 x 11 in., 420 pages.
FC0100 ISBN 978-0-87433-260-5
Corporate $100.00 • Personal $150.00 • List $200.00
 To order, call 800/537-4237, fax 847/824-7848 or visit

C-9 Microfinish Comparator ® Characteristics

Manufactured by GAR Electroforming of Porosity in
The C-9 Microfinish Comparator® is a surface Cast Iron Wall Chart
roughness scale for surface quality control. Edited by George Goodrich
There are nine replicated cast surface finish spec- This latest chart from AFS shows the type
imens ranging from 20 to 900 microinches.The comparator is manufac- of gas porosity (mold gas, nitrogen and
tured by GAR Electroforming. Each 3 x 5 in. scale comes in a leatherette hydrogen, and carbon monoxide reac-
case with engineering data and instructions. Made in the USA. tion products), its microscopic appearance and microanalysis, what its
COMPC9 distinguishing characteristics are, and its causes and cures.The wall chart
Corporate $76.00 • Personal $76.00 • List $76.00 measures approximately 27 x 39 in. Full color pictures, easy-to-read text.
CH0500 ISBN 978-0-87433-285-8
Corporate $22.50 • Personal $33.75 • List $45.00
Casting Defects
Handbook: Green Sand-Related
Iron & Steel Casting Defects (DVD)
Technical Editor: Ian Kay, Cast Metals Institute
George Goodrich, Consultant
This DVD starts with a basic green sand review, covering the com-
This edition, published in August 2008, combines ponents of the system and their purpose in the sand mixture. Com-
all of the strengths of the original Casting Defects monly encountered green sand defects are discussed, including
Handbook with the latest industry updates with their causes and suggestions for reduction.The defects considered
a focus on ferrous alloys. New techniques have include expansion defects (rattails, buckles and scabs; gas defects–
been added; flaskless molding, vertical molding, blowholes and pinholes) and adhering sand problems (burn-on,
high density molding with automatic machines, nobake molding, burn-in, rough surface and metal penetration, sand inclusions, ero-
and the growth of electric melting vs. cupola melting. This is the sion, run-out, swell, stickers and drops).
guide for in-plant use by quality assurance, inspection and other key
personnel. The text is formatted in an easy-to-use outline style sup- DV0023
plemented with figures illustrating actual casting defects. Soft cover Corporate $139.00 • Personal $139.00 • List $139.00
with CD, 242 pages, 4.5 x 7 in.
GM0800 ISBN: 978-0-87433-314-5
Corporate $30.00 • Personal $45.00 • List $60.00
International Atlas
of Casting Defects
Finishing Castings
Categorized by an international identification sys-
in the Cleaning Room tem, this volume identifies 111 casting defects with
This text covers the basics of cleaning and fin- 283 photos and 137 drawings. Defects are classified
ishing castings. Topic areas include append- based on physical appearance, permitting identifi-
age removal, abrasives in the foundry, abrasive cation either by direct observation or from a de-
impact cleaning, grinding and chipping oper- scription of the defect involving the shape, location
ations, and safety and environmental protec- and dimensions. Hardcover, 6 x 9 in., 340 pages.
tion. Softcover, 8.5 x 11 in., 104 pages.
GM7406 ISBN 978-0-87433-053-3
Corporate $35.00 • Personal $52.50 • List $70.00
TE8001 ISBN 978-0-87433-036-6
Corporate $20.00 • Personal $30.00 • List $40.00
Quality Control
Systems in the Foundry
Gas Porosity in Richard Struk
Aluminum Casting This book, written by Richard Struk, dis-
Primary Editor: R. Gallo cusses the basic concepts required for im-
AFS Publications presents an updated com- plementing a quality control management
pilation on gas porosity in aluminum cast- system. It is basic for metalcasting personnel
ings. At nearly 900 pages, this compilation with limited quality control (QC) experi-
contains the best information on the causes, ence. References provide information about
prevention and elimination of gas porosity the wider field of quality assurance, quality
in aluminum castings from the past 50 years. control and total quality management.
It contains 60 articles from AFS Transactions, 13 articles from MODERN The text addresses the smaller facility
CASTING magazine and 22 papers and articles from AFS International where a QC system is being developed or
Conferences on molten aluminum processing (1992-2001), along with amended. References are made to ISO 9000, and the QC System de-
other AFS publications. 3-ring binder. scribed is essentially that of the ISO 9002 model.
NF0103 ISBN 978-0-87433-254-4 GM0003 ISBN 978-0-87433-231-5
Corporate $120.00 • Personal $180.00 • List $240.00 Corporate $22.50 • Personal $33.75 • List $45.00
To order, call 800/537-4237, fax 847/824-7848 or visit 

AFS Health & Managing the

Safety Guides Foundry Indoor
The AFS Occupational Health Commit- Air Environment
tee prepared these guides as an extensive, Principal author: Robert C. Scholz,
easy-to-use reference for the most com- P.E., C.I.H, RMT, Inc.
mon metalcasting materials and health
This manual expands on an emerging
hazards. Information includes chemical
theme in the industry–the need to in-
hazard communications, guides for com-
tegrate ventilation design in metalcast-
mon metalcasting materials, training
ing facilities. The most notable change
guides for common metalcasting process-
associated with integrated design is
es, guides for physical hazards, and evalu-
the concurrent consideration of air
ation and control of hazards. Softcover,
supply and exhaust methods. This integrated approach consists
8.5 x 11 in., 119 pages.
of a “bubble approach” to the in-plant environment and plant
EC9400 ISBN 978-0-87433-158-5 emissions.
Corporate $27.50 • Personal $41.25 • List $55.00
This book was prepared under the direction of the AFS Safety and
Health Committee (10-Q) to provide metalcasters with updated in-
formation necessary to improve environmental conditions within
Control of Lead their facilities. The principal author, Robert C. Scholz, is a recognized
Exposure in Foundries expert in ventilation and specializes in metalcasting environments.
Edited by Robert C. Scholz Softcover, 8.5 x 11 in., 158 pages.

This manual was prepared under the direc- EC0201 ISBN 978-0-87433-259-9
tion of the AFS Safety and Health (10-Q) Corporate $50.00 • Personal $75.00 • List $100.00
Committee to provide metalcasters with
the information necessary to control poten-
tial lead hazards.The book combines expe-
riences and studies on how to control lead
contamination, based on years of learning.
Six facilities, who freely volunteered their
experiences and insights, are featured. Soft- Ergonomics,
cover, 8.5 x 11 in., 156 pages. 2nd Edition
EC0500 ISBN 978-0-87433-287-2 Compiled by the AFS Environmental,
Corporate $50.00 • Personal $75.00 • List $100.00 Health and Safety Committee (10-Q) this
book updates the original Metalcasting
Ergonomics manual. Metalcasting Ergo-
Guidelines for nomics, 2nd Edition was designed to give
metalcasting personnel a basic view of
Handling Molten ergonomic principles and ideas that will
Aluminum–Third Edition help them set up an effective ergonomics
Editor: Seymour G. Epstein, Technical program within their facility.
Consultant The manual covers:
Published by the Aluminum Association, · management leadership and employee involvement
Arlington, Va., these guidelines outline the
steps, practices and equipment used to re- · information and training
duce the potential hazards of molten metal · opportunity identification and analysis
in melting, transferring and casting opera- · hazard reduction and control
tions. It describes industry research on the
· medical management
causes and prevention of molten metal ex-
plosions. Spiral bound, 8.5 x 11 in., 84 pages. 3-ring binder, 108 pages.
OS0202 EC0400 ISBN 978-0-87433-271-1
Corporate $100.00 • Personal $100.00 • List $100.00 Corporate $40.00 • Personal $60.00 • List $80.00

Visit and

click on the EHS link for
complimentary downloads of
environmental and safety materials.

10 To order, call 800/537-4237, fax 847/824-7848 or visit



AFS Casting Alloy Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) meet the requirements of OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.1200 Hazard Communication and
EPA Supplier Notification Requirements under Section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA). EPCRA
requires suppliers to inform their customers of the presence of toxic substances contained in their castings such as chromium, nickel, copper,
lead and manganese. In addition, EPCRA requires notification to your customers with the first shipment of castings each year. These MSDSs are
designed to meet EPA notification requirements and have been reviewed by OSHA as part of the current AFS / OSHA Alliance agreement to
ensure compliance with Hazard Communication requirements.
The entire Iron Alloy Series has been updated and is now available for purchase. The Steel and Aluminum Series MSDSs will be available in spring
2007, followed by publication of the Copper Alloy Series. MSDS are priced at $60.00 each and are available in either PDF or in print format.

MSDS Sheets are $60/each

Aluminum Castings 100 Series SC-000-050 Rev 9
Aluminum Castings 203.2 Series SC-000-051 Rev 9
Aluminum Castings 300 Series (w/o Beryllium) SC-000-052 Rev 9
Aluminum Castings 400 Series SC-000-055 Rev 10
Aluminum Castings 500 Series SC-000-056 Rev 10
Aluminum Castings 700 Series SC-000-057 Rev 9
Aluminum Castings 800 Series SC-000-058 Rev 10
Aluminum Castings 200 Series (except 203.2) SC-000-047 Rev 10
Aluminum Castings 300 Series (with Beryllium) SC-000-048 Rev 10
Cast Copper Alloys SC-000-013 Rev 9
High Copper Alloys (High Beryllium) SC-000-017 Rev 12
Red Brasses (Low Lead)/Copper-Tin-Zinc Alloys SC-000-018 Rev 11
Copper-Silicon Alloys/Silicon Bronzes/Silicon Brasses SC-000-023 Rev 10
Copper-Tin Alloys/Tin Bronzes SC-000-024 Rev 11
Copper-Tin-Lead Alloys/Leaded Tin Bronzes SC-000-025 Rev 10
Copper-Tin-Lead Alloys/High-Leaded Tin Bronzes SC-000-026 Rev 9
Copper-Tin-Nickel Alloys/Nickel Tin Bronze SC-000-027 Rev 10
Copper-Aluminum-Iron Alloys/Aluminum Bronze/Copper-Aluminum-Iron-Nickel SC-000-028 Rev 9
Copper-Nickel-Iron Alloys (w/o Beryllium) SC-000-045 Rev 9
High Copper Alloys (Low Beryllium) SC-000-014 Rev 8
Leaded Red Brass/Leaded Semi Red Brasses/Semi Red Brasses/Copper-Tin-Zinc-Lead SC-000-020 Rev 10
Yellow Brasses/Leaded Yellow Brasses SC-000-021 Rev 10
Manganese-Bronze Alloys/Leaded Manganese Bronze Alloys SC-000-022 Rev 10
Copper-Nickel-Iron Alloys (with Beryllium) SC-000-032 Rev 9
Copper-Nickel-Zinc Alloys (w/o Beryllium)/ Nickel Silver SC-000-033 Rev 9
Copper-Lead Alloys/Leaded Copper SC-000-034 Rev 9
Red Brasses (Low Lead)/Selenium-Bismuth Alloys (SeBiLOY(r)) SC-000-059 Rev 2
White Iron SC-000-037 Rev 11
Austenitic Gray Iron SC-000-038 Rev 11
Austenitic Ductile Iron SC-000-039 Rev 11
Malleable Iron SC-000-040 Rev 11
Gray Iron SC-000-041 Rev 10
Ductile Iron SC-000-042 Rev 10
Abrasion Resistant Cast Iron SC-000-043 Rev 11
Magnesium Alloy Castings SC-000-060
Chromium-Nickel Alloyed Steel SC-000-015 Rev 7
High-Alloyed Cast Steels SC-000-002 Rev 9
Nickel-Based Cast Steels SC-000-008 Rev 10
Carbon and Alloy Cast Steels SC-000-009 Rev 14
Nickel Alloyed Steels SC-000-016 Rev 13
Chromium Alloyed Steel SC-000-019 Rev 9
Chromium-Based Steel SC-000-029 Rev 8
High-Cobalt Steel SC-000-049 Rev 8

To order, call 800/537-4237, fax 847/824-7848 or visit 11


Abrasion-Resistant Cupola Melting, Vol. 2:

Cast Iron Handbook Operation & Maintenance
George Laird, Richard Gundlach and A programmed learning text designed for
Klaus Röhrig home, self-teaching of the basic principles
The ultimate desktop reference on white cast of operation and maintenance involved in
iron, it has been derived from many years of cupola melting, this book teaches the ba-
experience, a vast amount of research and sics about casting and metal composition
many in-plant investigations by more than control, metal charge and its calculation,
a generation of metallurgists. Topics include coke bed and its ignition, combustion, slag
Introduction to A-R Cast Irons, Solidification and fluxing, tapping and slagging, aids to
of A-R Cast Irons, Heat Treatment of A-R Cast uniformity of metal composition, refracto-
Irons, Alloying for Hardenability, and more. ry lining maintenance and safety in cupola
Many photos, Hardcover, 8.5 x 11 in., 222 pages. operations. Softcover, 8.5 x 11 in., 128 pages.
FC0001 ISBN 978-0-87433-224-7 TE7512 ISBN 978-0-87433-209-4
Corporate $75.00 • Personal $112.50 • List $150.00 Corporate $20.00 • Personal $30.00 • List $40.00

Basic Concepts of
Ferrous Metallurgy
George Goodrich & John Svoboda
This book presents and describes basic con-
cepts of metallurgy common to the ferrous
metalcasting industry. Ferrous metallurgy stu-

dents, ferrous operations and personnel who
wish to refresh themselves on basic metallur-
gical principles will find this book invaluable.
Chapters include crystallography, solidifica-
tion and crystallization, phase equilibrium Ductile Iron
and metallurgical tools. Softcover, 92 pages. Handbook
FC0006 The most comprehensive text avail-
Corporate $20.00 • Personal $30.00 • List $40.00 able on ductile iron, this book con-
tains information on production prac-
tices, metallurgy and properties from
Cupola Handbook— a battery of industry experts. Chapters
6th Edition include Theory of Solidification and
Graphite Growth in Ductile Iron; Engi-
The 28 chapters in this broad-reference vol-
neering Properties, Specifications and
ume cover all aspects of cupola operations,
Physical Constants of Specific Ductile
from construction through emission control,
Irons; Composition of Ductile Irons; Desulphurization; Treatment
to computer-assisted operations, to world-
Alloys and Materials; Foundry Practices; Heat Treatment; Casting
wide technology development. Chapter au-
Defects; and Welding. Hardcover, 277 pages.
thors were selected on the basis of subject-
matter expertise, and their manuscripts were FC9200 ISBN 978-0-87433-124-0
peer reviewed. This approach assured that Corporate $60.00 • Personal $90.00 • List $120.00
the sixth edition of the Cupola Handbook
would provide metalcasters with the most
up-to-date and authoritative publication addressing cupola operations.
Softcover, 8.5 x 11 in., 638 pages.
Ductile Iron
FC9901 ISBN 978-0-87433-197-4
Corporate $100.00 • Personal $150.00 • List $200.00 Microstructures
Rating Chart
This functional, useful wall chart
Cupola Melting, Vol. 1: allows metallographers to make
Equipment & Materials quick comparisons so that they can
This self teaching course covers the fol- determine ratings of percent nodu-
lowing topics: types of cupolas, charging larity, pearlite and carbide, as well as a nodule count. Measures
methods and equipment, metal trans- 40 x 27 in.
port equipment, blast control and con- CH8201
ditioning, temperature measurement, Corporate $17.50 • Personal $26.25 • List $35.00
slag disposal, charge materials, alloys,
Receive a special discount price when you order this chart
fuels, fluxes and refractories. Softcover,
and the Ductile Iron Handbook (FC9200) together.
8.5 x 11 in., 104 pages.
TE7505 ISBN 978-0-87433-030-4
Corporate $62.00 • Personal $93.00 • List $124.00
Corporate $20.00 • Personal $30.00 • List $40.00
12 To order, call 800/537-4237, fax 847/824-7848 or visit

Ductile Iron Molten

Metal Processing, SAVE!
2nd Edition
This book helps evaluate and improve ef-
ficiency from an operating and historical of Porosity in
perspective, thus avoiding unnecessary, Cast Iron Wall Chart
costly experimentation and production of Edited by George Goodrich
castings that do not meet the highest stan-
This latest chart from AFS shows
dards. Major subject areas addressed are
the type of gas porosity (mold gas,
melting, preconditioning, heat treating, nod-
nitrogen and hydrogen, and carbon
ulizing elements and materials, inoculation
monoxide reaction products), its microscopic appearance and
and control procedures. Softcover, 7 x 9 in., 102 pages, illustrated.
microanalysis, what its distinguishing characteristics are, and its
FC8600 ISBN 978-0-87433-029-8 causes and cures. The wall chart measures approximately 27 x 39
Corporate $25.00 • Personal $37.50 • List $50.00 in. Full color pictures, easy-to-read text.
CH0500 ISBN 978-0-87433-285-8
Corporate $22.50 • Personal $33.75 • List $45.00
Ductile Iron
Production Practice Gray Iron
by Stephen I. Karsay Microstructure
Written by authority Stephen I. Karsay, this Rating Chart
comprehensive book covers all aspects of
This wall chart provides metallog-
ductile iron, from production to marketing.
raphers and other lab personnel
The scope of the book includes applica-
a quick and easy way to compare
tions, standard specifications, fundamentals
in-house microstructures with
of metallurgy and metallography, melting,
standard gray iron microstructures. Graphite type and size (newly
charge materials, desulfurizing, spheroidiz-
revised), estimated percent ferrite, pearlite spacing, estimated car-
ing, inoculation, chemical composition,
bides and steadite content can all be referenced quickly using this
gating, risering, pouring, shakeout, heat treat-
chart. Measures 40 x 28 in.
ment, effect of section size, quality control,
defect analysis, welding and brazing. Hardcover, 6 x 9 in., 200 pages. CH0200
Corporate $22.50 • Personal $33.75 • List $45.00
FC7507 ISBN 978-0-87433-032-8
Corporate $25.00 • Personal $37.50 • List $50.00 Save 25% when you buy both this book and Gray Iron Micro-
structure Rating Chart (CH0200) as a set.
Corporate $35.62 • Personal $53.44 • List $71.25

CD Version SAVE!
Introduction to Gray
Cast Iron Processing
This book is a comprehensive review
of gray iron prepared by the AFS Cast
Iron Division to provide a resource for
Ferrous Scrap Guide gray iron foundry employees. Subjects
Based on the Iron Casting Research Institute’s (ICRI) Ferrous Scrap covered include properties of gray
Materials Manual, this new book still contains the basic data sheet cast iron, melting practice, chill testing,
style, now with larger, sharper photographs of various types of thermal analysis, factors influencing
scrap. Chapters in the book contain information on scrap prepa- mechanical properties, relationship of
ration, specification development and supplier development. The tensile strength to microstructure and
scrap data sheets have their own table of contents, with 10 cast other properties, benefits and use of al-
iron grades and 18 steel grades. The appendix contains specifica- loying elements, inoculation practices,
tions from the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries Inc. and the etc. Softcover, 6 x 9 in., 98 pages.
Association of American Railroads. The Rogues’ Gallery section
FC0002 ISBN 978-0-87433-223-0
has its own table of contents and contains examples of 19 types
Corporate $25.00 • Personal $37.50 • List $50.00
of unwanted scrap. A CD version with color pictures of scrap is
included. Save 25% when you buy both this book and Gray Iron Micro-
Spiral bound, 8.5 x 11 in., 119 pages. structure Rating Chart (CH0200) as a set.
FC0201 ISBN 978-0-87433-258-2 FC02CH-PCK
Corporate $75.00 • Personal $112.50 • List $150.00 Corporate $35.62 • Personal $53.44 • List $71.25

To order, call 800/537-4237, fax 847/824-7848 or visit 13


Iron Castings 2008 Proceedings of

Engineering Handbook the Keith Millis
This book is an extensive revision and up- Symposium (CD-ROM)
grade of the former Iron Castings Hand- The complete papers presented at the 2008
book, issued by the Iron Castings Society Keith D. Millis World Symposium on Cast
Inc., in 1981. This new book was prepared Ductile Iron (cosponsored by the Ductile
under the guidance of the AFS Cast Iron Iron Society and the American Foundry
Division (Committee 5A) and edited by Society) held in Las Vegas, October 2008.
George M. Goodrich, president, Profes- Some of the papers presented include:
sional Metallurgical Services, and William
∙ Autonomous Optimization of DI Castings Technologies
F. Shaw, director emeritus, Iron Casting Re-
∙ Compacted Graphite Iron - A Material Solution for Modern Diesel
search Institute.
∙ Development and Application of Ductile Iron in China
There are more than 480 figures, plus 235 tables and 13 chapters. This ∙ Engine Cylinder Blocks and Heads
book is necessary for students, engineers–anyone wanting a com-
∙ Finding the True Eutectic Point - An Essential Task for Efficient
plete overview of the process of casting irons. Hardcover, 8.5 x 11
Process Control of Ductile Iron
in., 420 pages.
∙ Machining of Ductile Irons - Influence of Casting Dimensional
FC0100 ISBN 978-0-87433-260-5 Variability on Tool Life Variation
Corporate $100.00 • Personal $150.00 • List $200.00 ∙ News About Risering/Feeding Ductile Iron Castings
∙ Practical Aspects of Nodule Density and its Relationship to High
Casting Yield in Ductile Iron
∙ Reheating of Treated Ductile Iron
∙ Solidification Macrostructure of Free Graphite Cast Irons
Modern Casting ∙ Wear Characteristics of Ductile Irons Under Low Interfacial
Pressure in Dry Sliding Conditions
of Ductile Iron
Yury S. Lerner, PhD For a complete list of the table of contents, contact customer service
at 800/537-4237.
Yury Lerner, PhD and Professor of In-
dustrial Technology at the University FC0800 ISBN: 978-0-87433-333-6
of Northern Iowa has written a book Corporate $75.00 • Personal $112.50 • List $150.00
based on more than 45 years of prac-
tical experience in the areas of metal-
casting processes, metallurgy and mate- Strain-Life
rials science. Modern Casting of Ductile Fatigue Properties
Iron is recommended not only for met-
allurgists and metalcasters, but also for
Database for Cast Iron
design engineers and, of course, students. Authors: J.D. DeLa’O, PhD,
R.Gundlach and
Chapters contain information on special casting and service prop- J.M Tartaglia, PhD, Stork Climax
erties of ductile iron; performance characteristics of austempered Research Services
ductile iron; methods and equipment for magnesium treatment;
inoculation methods; new developments in pouring methods and AFS presents the combined results of a
technique; molten iron filtration; permanent mold casting; horizon- study of strain-controlled fatigue testing. In
tal continuous casting; investment casting; countergravity casting; the original study, a program of strain-con-
nondestructive evaluation of structure and properties; and rapid trolled fatigue testing and material char-
product development methods. Hardcover, 9 x 11, 178 pages. acterization was conducted to develop
design data for 22 carefully selected mate-
FC0601 ISBN 978-0-87433-296-4 rials, developing a detailed and well-documented strain-life database
Corporate $75.00 • Personal $112.50 • List $150.00 for graphitic cast iron.
The latest study shows the analysis of heavy section ductile iron. Both
studies are now combined on one DVD.
RR08DVD ISBN: 978-0-87433-3312-2
Corporate $100.00 • Personal $150.00 • List $200.00
Principles of
Induction Melting Ferrous Courses
This text is designed for home, self-teach- Presented by Cast Metals Institute
ing of the basic principles of induction Feb. 2-March 1
melting. It covers conversions of electri- Ductile Iron Metallurgy
cal energy into heat, furnace type and de-
sign, operating practice and metallurgical

control. Softcover, 8.5 x 11 in., 96 pages.
March 10-12
Metallurgy of Gray & Ductile Iron
Schaumburg, IL
TE7705 ISBN 978-0-87433-207-0 Visit for more information.
Corporate $20.00 • Personal $30.00 • List $40.00
14 To order, call 800/537-4237, fax 847/824-7848 or visit

Achieving Six Sigma 2007 Confidential

Maintenance: Metalcasting Operational
Developing a World Cost Study
Class Maintenance The 2007 Confidential Metalcasting Opera-
Program tional Cost Study was commissioned by AFS
and the North American Die Casting Asso-
This publication represents the most in- ciation. The survey, which was conducted
depth information on the various facets of by Sapolsky Research Inc.,Tallahassee, Fla.,
developing and maintaining a world class is based on the responses from 64 metal-
maintenance program. Written by Rich- casting firms with sales that amounted to
ard M. Norman, a long-time maintenance $1.45 billion and covered over 9,200 employees. The study provides
veteran, this book is definitely not a highly technical or theoretical metalcasters with vital benchmark data regarding expenses by break-
treatise on the maintenance function. Rather, it is a practical guide to ing down operational costs by employee size, metals cast, main casting
better maintenance. Among the subjects covered are financial man- process and sales amount. It also compares expenses between compa-
agement, purchasing and stores inventory, preventive and predictive nies with a net profit and companies with a net loss.
maintenance, statistical equipment maintenance control, measuring
maintenance productivity and maintenance training. It was written to MT0701 ISBN 978-0-87433-307-7
be of immediate use to all, at any level of management in the mainte- Corporate $250.00 • Personal $375.00 • List $500.00
nance organization. Softcover, 8.5 x 11 in., 165 pages.
GM9701 ISBN 978-0-87433-140-0
Corporate $25.00 • Personal $37.50 • List $50.00 AVAILABLE IN TWO FORMATS
2007 AFS Executive
Salary Survey
Computerized This survey details foundry-specific
Maintenance compensation for 26 executive-level
positions, ranging from chairman-
Management of-the-board to salesperson. Data is
Systems Made Easy broken down by employee number,
Kishan Bagadia gross sales and region (U.S. and Can-
ada only.)
Written by a world-renowned CMMS ex-
pert, Computerized Maintenance Manage-
ment Systems Made Easy presents a clear,
step-by-step approach for evaluating a
company’s maintenance operational HRES07PR (print)
needs, selecting the right CMMS, and Corporate $275.00 • Personal $400.00 • List $525.00
implementing the system for optimal ef- HRES07DL (Download) ISBN 978-0-87433-309-4
ficiency and cost-effectiveness. Corporate $250.00 • Personal $375.00 • List $500.00
This vital CMMS tool shows plant managers, engineers and mainte-
nance supervisors how to control the issuance and documentation
of planned and unplanned maintenance work, and how to man-
2008 Survey of
age maintenance inventory, requisition and purchasing. Computer- Wages and
ized Maintenance Management Systems Made Easy also explains Economic Benefits
how to use a CMMS to turn maintenance into a profit center for a
company. This valuable resource features case studies, exercises and The 2008 AFS Survey of Wages and
accounts of the latest technology. Published by McGraw-Hill, 2006. Economic Benefits (published June
Hardcover, 270 pages, 6 x 9½. 2008) details the current status of
wages and benefits for the metalcast-
OS0602 ISBN 978-0-07-146985-2 ing industry in the U.S. and Canada
Corporate $70.00 • Personal $70.00 • List $70.00 by facility size, union status and type
of metal poured. This year’s survey in-
cludes reports from 113 U.S. metalcasting facilities representing
18, 944 employees and 8 facilities with 529 employees in Canada.
Twenty-eight job classifications were used as the basis for the

Not Finding the wage portion of the study.

Also reported are five separate breakouts based on facility size, two
Book You Need? breakouts for union status and four metalcasting groups based on
the type of metal poured, which include steel, iron, nonferrous or a
combination of these metals. 50 pages, 3-ring binder
Visit to
HR0800 (Print) ISBN 978-0-87433-322-0
find hundreds of other titles Corporate $325.00 • Personal $475.00 • List $625.00
available exclusively on the AFS website!
HR0800DL (Download)
Corporate $300.00 • Personal $450.00 • List $600.00

To order, call 800/537-4237, fax 847/824-7848 or visit 15



Ductile Iron and
2009 AFS Aluminum Casting
Metalcasting Demand and Supply in
Forecast & Trends Europe and Worldwide
This 54-page report on the outlook Competitor Intelligence
for the U.S. metalcasting industry was
compiled in October 2008. This all-
new report, prepared by Stratecasts This 250-page report, from Stratecasts Inc.
Inc. for AFS, examines outlooks for forecasts the annual shipments of gray
each of the major casting-consum- and ductile iron and aluminum castings
ing industries and provides detailed in the 16 countries of Europe by end-use markets, and by country to
projections for casting demand and 2008. Published November 2008, it provides a worldwide analysis of
shipments within each. Included are detailed shipment fore- casting supply, including a profile of 60 major casting producers in
casts for gray iron, ductile iron, cast steel, aluminum, copper- Europe, Asia and North and South America. The report also contains
base alloys and magnesium. Also included in this report is in- benchmarking information on productivity, operations, equipment, ca-
formation on casting supply and utilization rates for 2008, new pabilities, capacity, and individual casting costs and prices. This report
data on business conditions and anticipated material shift comes with a one-year consulting service.
trends and other changes in the way certain markets specify MT0003
and apply castings. Casting sales and marketing personnel will Corporate $2,450.00 • Personal $2,450.00 • List $2,450.00
also find NAICS lists useful in targeting certain industries. Spi-
ral bound 8.5 x 11 in.
MT0900 (Print)
Corporate $175.00 • Personal $350.00 • List $400.00
Corporate $150.00 • Personal $325.00 • List $375.00
Buyer’s Guide
The annual Buyer’s Guide issue (Novem-
ber) of MODERN CASTING is consid-
ered the metalcaster’s best reference for
Cost-Effective Casting quickly locating equipment, supplies and
services related to casting production.
Design: A Designer’s & This volume is filled with more than 1,300
Purchaser’s Reference product categories, and suppliers are
(CD) quickly identified and located by product
index, manufacturer’s index, etc. The guide
This one-of-a-kind reference tool is a also features a product showcase, annual
compilation of more than 50 articles on index of articles and a directory of all state and international metal-
casting design and purchasing. This tool casting organizations.
contains information on every metalcast-
ing process and material. It is the #1 single-source casting design GE0003 (North America)
and purchasing tool AFS has to offer. Corporate $25.00 • Personal $25.00 • List $25.00
MT04CD ISBN 978-0-87433-270-4 GE0003 (International)
Corporate $99.00 • Personal $99.00 • List $99.00 Corporate $30.00 • Personal $30.00 • List $30.00

Demand and Supply Management, HR & Marketing Courses

Forecast for Metal Presented by Cast Metals Institute
Castings 2007-2008 March 2-20
The new 500+-page,two-volume edition was Casting Cost Estimating
released in Sept 2008. This highly detailed Internet
work forecasts the annual demand and •
supply of metal castings for each individu- March 4-May 30
al metal along with the end-use markets to Introduction to Total Quality Management
the year 2018. Information also is supplied Internet
on technology process and metals trends,

along with major producers and users of a
March 16-April 26
variety of cast products. This report—plus a one-year continuous con-
Six Sigma Green Belt Certification
sulting service by Stratecasts Inc. on marketing questions—is available
for only $2,350.00.
MT0004 Visit for more information.
Corporate $2,350.00 • Personal $2,350.00 • List $2,350.00
16 To order, call 800/537-4237, fax 847/824-7848 or visit

Basic Principles of
Aluminum Melting Practices (DVD) Fluid Flow/Heat Transfer &
Wayne Rasmussen, Consultant
Solidification Tutorial (CD)
A basis for good melt practices for the aluminum metalcaster is
The Basic Principles of Fluid Flow/Heat Transfer and Solidification
provided, including preparing the metal and the use purpose of
is designed to help the viewer relate to what happens to the metal
from the time it leaves the ladle until the casting is filled. When
DV0004 used in conjunction with gating materials, systems designed on
Corporate $139.00 • Personal $139.00 • List $139.00 these fluid flow principles promote less turbulence and fewer
defects. Heat Transfer and Solidification takes the viewer through
the basics of how heat is transferred from the metal to the mold,
where cooling, solidification and shrinkage begin. This CD takes
the user through the subject matter in an easy-to-follow, self-paced
manner. Short quizzes are provided at the end of each section to
check the user’s knowledge and to review the material learned in
each section.
Aluminum Melting CD0016
Practices Tutorial (CD) Corporate $399.00 • Personal $399.00 • List $399.00
A basis for good melt practices for the aluminum metalcaster is pro-
vided, including preparing the metal and the proper use and purpose
of fluxes. This CD takes the user through the subject matter in an easy-
to-follow, self-paced manner. Short quizzes are provided at the end of
each section to check the user’s knowledge and to review the material
learned in each section.
Corporate $399.00 • Personal $399.00 • List $399.00 Basic Principles of
Metallurgy, Vol. 1:
Principles of Physical
Basic Concepts of Metallurgy for
Ferrous Metallurgy Ferrous Castings
George Goodrich & John Svoboda This text promotes a basic understanding
This book presents and describes basic concepts of physical metallurgy for production of
of metallurgy common to the ferrous metalcasting ferrous castings. The course is divided into
industry. Ferrous metallurgy students, ferrous opera- five sections: Introduction to the Nature of
tions and personnel who wish to refresh themselves Metals; Mechanical Properties of Metals;
on basic metallurgical principles will find this book Principles of Heat Treatment; Heat Treating-Steel Castings; and Heat
invaluable. Chapters include crystallography, solidi- Treating-Cast Irons. Softcover, 8.5 x 11 in., 144 pages.
fication and crystallization, phase equilibrium and metallurgical tools. TE6900 ISBN 978-0-87433-018-2
Softcover 92 pages. Corporate $20.00 • Personal $30.00 • List $40.00
Corporate $20.00 • Personal $30.00 • List $40.00

Basic Principles of Fluid Flow/Heat

Transfer and Solidification (DVD)
Mark Nagel, Cast Metals Institute/John Svoboda, PMI Basic Principles of
The Basic Principles of Fluid Flow/Heat Transfer and Solidification Metallurgy, Vol. 2:
is designed to help the viewer relate to what happens to the metal Principles of Production
from the time it leaves the ladle until the casting is filled. When
used in conjunction with gating materials, systems designed on This programmed learning text is con-
these fluid flow principles promote less turbulence and fewer de- cerned with the application of chemical
fects. Heat Transfer and Solidification takes the viewer through the metallurgy to the production of iron and
basics of how heat is transferred from the metal to the mold, where, steel castings. The course is divided into
ultimately, cooling, solidification and shrinkage begin. nine sections: Iron and Steel Production;
Blast Furnace Operations; Steelmaking
DV0016 Practices; Basic Open hearth Practices; Ba-
Corporate $399.00 • Personal $399.00 • List $399.00 sic Electric Practice; Acid Practice; Induc-
tion Melting; Deoxidation of Steels; and Melting of Cast Irons in Cupo-
las and Electric Furnaces. Softcover, 8.5 x 11 in., 144 pages.
TE7000 ISBN 978-0-87433-019-9
Corporate $20.00 • Personal $30.00 • List $40.00
To order, call 800/537-4237, fax 847/824-7848 or visit 17

Cupola Handbook—
6th Edition
The 28 chapters in this broad-reference vol- Includes
ume cover all aspects of cupola operations,
from construction through emission control,

CD Version
to computer-assisted operations, to world-
wide technology development. Chapter au-
thors were selected on the basis of subject-
matter expertise, and their manuscripts were
peer reviewed.This approach assured that the
sixth edition of the Cupola Handbook would
provide metalcasters with the most up-to-date
and authoritative publication addressing cupola operations. Softcover,
8.5 x 11 in., 638 pages. Ferrous Scrap Guide
FC9901 ISBN 978-0-87433-197-4 Based on the Iron Casting Research Institute’s (ICRI) Ferrous Scrap
Corporate $100.00 • Personal $150.00 • List $200.00 Materials Manual, this new book still contains the basic data sheet
style, now with larger, sharper photographs of various types of
scrap. Chapters in the book contain information on scrap prepa-
Cupola Melting, Vol. 1: ration, specification development and supplier development. The
scrap data sheets have their own table of contents, with 10 cast iron
Equipment & Materials grades and 18 steel grades. The appendix contains specifications
Designed for home, self-teaching of the basic from the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries Inc. and the Asso-
principles of the equipment and materials in- ciation of American Railroads. The Rogues’ Gallery section has its
volved in cupola melting, the course covers own table of contents and contains examples of 19 types of un-
the following topics: types of cupolas, charg- wanted scrap.A CD version with color pictures of scrap is included.
ing methods and equipment, metal transport Spiral bound, 8.5 x 11 in., 119 pages.
equipment, blast control and conditioning,
FC0201 ISBN 978-0-87433-258-8
temperature measurement, slag disposal,
Corporate $75.00 • Personal $112.50 • List $150.00
charge materials, alloys, fuels, fluxes and re-
fractories. Softcover, 8.5 x 11 in., 104 pages.
TE7505 ISBN 978-0-87433-030-4
Corporate $20.00 • Personal $30.00 • List $40.00
Guidelines for
Handling Molten
Cupola Melting, Vol. 2: Aluminum—
Operation & Third Edition, 2002
Editor: Seymour G. Epstein,
Technical Consultant
A programmed learning text designed for
home, self-teaching of the basic principles Published by the Aluminum Association,
of operation and maintenance involved in Arlington,Va., these guidelines outline the
cupola melting, this book teaches the ba- steps, practices and equipment used to
sics about casting and metal composition reduce the potential hazards of molten
control, metal charge and its calculation, metal in melting, transferring and casting
coke bed and its ignition, combustion, slag operations. It describes industry research on the causes and preven-
and fluxing, tapping and slagging, aids to tion of molten metal explosions. Spiral bound, 8.5 x 11 in., 84 pages.
uniformity of metal composition, refractory lining maintenance and OS0202
safety in cupola operations. Softcover, 8.5 x 11 in., 128 pages. Corporate $100.00 • Personal $100.00 • List $100.00
TE7512 ISBN 978-0-87433-209-4
Corporate $20.00 • Personal $30.00 • List $40.00

Melting, Pouring & Refractories Courses

Cupola Operation Guide Presented by Cast Metals Institute
Problem solving suggestions at your fingertips. The
down-to-earth approach makes this book valuable Feb. 3-4
to the new cupola operator, but the importance of Nonferrous Melting Technology & Practices
the factors discussed warrants review by experi- San Marcos, TX
enced metalcasting personnel, as well. Published •
by the Iron Casting Research Institute. Softcover, Feb. 26-May 30
6 x 9 in., 73 pages. Melting & Heating Treating of Casting

Visit for more information.

Corporate $15.00 • Personal $15.00 • List $15.00
18 To order, call 800/537-4237, fax 847/824-7848 or visit

Development Reduced Pressure Test for Hydrogen
During Metalcasting Gas and Melt Cleanliness (DVD)
John E. Gruzleski The reduced pressure test (RPT) is widely used by the aluminum
This publication presents the various fac- foundry industry to evaluate the hydrogen level in the liquid met-
ets of microstructure formation in cast al before pouring. Reduced Pressure Test for Hydrogen Gas and
metal alloys. The text is useful to all who Melt Cleanliness not only explains, but also shows the step-by-step
wish to understand the multitude of mi- procedures for running a successful RPT test. A procedure book-
croscopic processes that take place when let also is included, insuring that you will have the proper training
liquid metal is poured into a mold and so- tool with which to train your operators on the correct way to as-
lidifies. The microstructures are interpret- sess the readiness of the aluminum melt prior to pouring.
ed broadly and show not only the usual DV0043
features viewed under the microscope, such as grain size, but also Corporate $139.00 • Personal $139.00 • List $139.00
inclusions, porosity and chemical variations. The text is not metal spe-
cific; therefore, a variety of examples are included—both ferrous and
nonferrous. This book is aimed specifically at engineers and technolo-
gists working in the metalcasting industry and teaching professionals.
Hardcover, 9 x 11 in., 244 pages.
GM2001 ISBN 978-0-87433-204-9
Corporate $65.00 • Personal $97.50 • List $130.00

Principles of Refractories Manual,

Induction Melting 2nd Edition
This text is designed for home, self-teach- Modern refractories technology, includ-
ing of the basic principles of induction ing materials, properties, selection,
melting. It covers conversions of electrical installation, maintenance, testing and
energy into heat, furnace type and design, metalcasting-specific application tech-
operating practice and metallurgical con- niques, is clearly explained with numer-
trol. Softcover, 8.5 x 11 in., 96 pages. ous photographs, drawings, graphs and
tables. Thoroughly researched and comprehensive in scope, this
reference also contains chapters on thermochemistry, phase dia-
grams and heat transfer. Hardcover, 8.5 x 11 in., 200 pages. Now in
a CD-ROM version!
TE7705 ISBN 978-0-87433-207-0 GM8902
Corporate $20.00 • Personal $30.00 • List $40.00 Corporate $40.00 • Personal $60.00 • List $80.00

From Design
to Casting
To order, call 800/537-4237, fax 847/824-7848 or visit 19

Back to the Basics:

A Green Sand Primer Basic Molding Process & Material—
The loss of many veteran molding sand Part II (DVD)
experts in recent years prompted the AFS Fred Schleg, Consultant
Green Sand Molding Committee to develop This video picks up where Part One leaves off, delving into the perma-
this guide to green sand molding practices. nent molding process.Whether you are just beginning in the industry
This publication takes a highly readable look or have worked in a metalcasting facility for years, this two-part series
at sand, clay, water, green sand additives, mull- gives you the answers you need when it comes to molding processes
ing, green sand properties, troubleshooting and the materials you’ll need to make quality castings.
molding problems and casting scrap, as well
as the monitoring and control of green sand DV0033
systems. This book is also available in Span- Corporate $139.00 • Personal $139.00 • List $139.00
ish. Softcover, 6 x 9 in., 73 pages.
GM9401 ISBN 978-0-87433-169-1
Corporate $20.00 • Personal $30.00 • List $40.00

Regresando A Lo Basic Principles of

Basico: Fundamentos Gating & Risering
en Arena Verde The second edition of the Basic Principles
(Spanish version of of Gating & Risering is a major revision of
the original text. This edition was recently
Back to the Basics: completed by members of the AFS Gating
A Green Sand Primer) and Risering Committee (5G) of the Cast
Iron Division. It is designed for beginner
Softcover, 6 x 9 in., 75 pages.
and intermediate students in both basic
GM9702 ISBN 978-0-87433-182-0 and applied science of foundry practice. It
Corporate $20.00 • Personal $30.00 focuses on those aspects of the scientific
List $40.00 element with regard to metal flow and so-
lidification. It emphasizes principles and use rather than theory and
offers functional explanations rather than formal rules. The formal
aspects of principles are included where appropriate (in discussing
Basic Concepts of fluid flow and heat transfer) with more emphasis on the development
Ferrous Metallurgy of sound design considerations.
George Goodrich & John Svoboda Another important feature of this book is the change in format. The
This book presents and describes basic con- sciences of filling and solidification were divided into separate sec-
cepts of metallurgy common to the ferrous tions, focusing on the technical principles that tend to be generic for
metalcasting industry. Ferrous metallurgy stu- all metals. The development of metal flow and solidification knowl-
dents, ferrous operations and personnel who edge is essential to the production of high-quality castings. This text
wish to refresh themselves on basic metallur- provides a fundamental understanding of the application of scien-
gical principles will find this book invaluable. tific principles to the gating and risering of castings. Other added
Chapters include crystallography, solidifica- features reflect the rapidly changing environment of the cast metals
tion and crystallization, phase equilibrium industry. Sections have been enhanced with improved graphics and
and metallurgical tools. Softcover, 92 pages. photos. In addition, a CD with video clips of images that show simu-
lation/solidification is included. This new publication fully comple-
FC0006 ments the instructional materials presented by the Cast Metals Insti-
Corporate $20.00 • Personal $30.00 • List $40.00 tute of the American Foundry Society.
Finally, Basic Principles of Gating & Risering serves not only as a course
text, but also as a long-term reference. It is especially useful to both
Basic Molding Process & Material— beginning metalcasting workers, whose career includes tooling design,
Part I (DVD) and practicing scientists and engineers who need a self-instructional
Fred Schleg, Consultant reference book. Soft cover, 144 pages, 8.5 x 11 in.

Good-quality metal castings cannot be produced from inferior qual- TE0800 ISBN 978-0-87433-315-2
ity molds. Basic Molding Process & Materials–Part I gives the viewer a Corporate $50.00 • Personal $75.00 • List $100.00
detailed summary of each of the nonpermanent molding processes,
including sand castings, chemically bonded sand castings, lost foam,
the V-Process,the Cosworth process,vacuum-assisted molding process Not Finding the
Book You Need?
and investment casting.
Corporate $139.00 • Personal $139.00 • List $139.00
Visit to
find hundreds of other titles
available exclusively on the AFS website!

20 To order, call 800/537-4237, fax 847/824-7848 or visit


Castings, 2nd Edition Castings Practice: The

John Campbell Ten Rules of Castings
Castings, 2nd Edition is a completely re- John Campbell
vised version of the first edition and in- Each chapter of Professor Campbell’s new
cludes novel material on the structures of book takes a look at one of his 10 rules. De-
castings. This book covers the latest infor- rived from years of experience and exper-
mation on casting from melt to finished tise, it is likely that these rules will one day
product. It assists the industry with its ev- be taken as the blueprint for an internation-
eryday problems and inspires the student al specification on the methods for making
to achieve even higher standards of cast- reliable castings. Published by Elsevier Sci-
ing in the future. ence. Softcover, 7 x 10 in., 224 pages.
Author John Campbell has over two decades of experience in the cast- OS0401 ISBN 978-0-7506-4791-5
ing industry and is the author of over 40 technical papers and patents. Corporate $60.00 • Personal $60.00 • List $60.00
He is well known in the metalcasting industry as the originator of the
Cosworth casting process, which is becoming accepted throughout
the world as a new production process for the casting of cylinder
heads and blocks. Published by Elsevier Science. Softcover, 7 x 10 in., Green Sand-Related
335 pages. Casting Defects (DVD)
OS0300 ISBN 978-0-7506-4790-8 Ian Kay, Cast Metals Institute
Corporate $72.00 • Personal $72.00 • List $72.00 This DVD starts with a basic green sand review, covering the com-
ponents of the system and their purpose in the sand mixture. Com-
monly encountered green sand defects are discussed, including
their causes and suggestions for reduction.The defects considered
include expansion defects (rattails, buckles and scabs; gas defects–
blowholes and pinholes) and adhering sand problems (burn-on,
Casting Defects burn-in, rough surface and metal penetration, sand inclusions, ero-
Handbook: sion, run-out, swell, stickers and drops).
Iron & Steel DV0023
Technical Editor: Corporate $139.00 • Personal $139.00 • List $139.00
George Goodrich, Consultant
This edition, published in August 2008, combines
all of the strengths of the original Casting Defects
Handbook with the latest industry updates with
a focus on ferrous alloys. New techniques have
Handbook on the
been added; flaskless molding, vertical molding, Investment Casting
high density molding with automatic machines, nobake molding, Process
and the growth of electric melting vs. cupola melting. This is the
guide for in-plant use by quality assurance, inspection and other key This handbook contains the basic informa-
personnel. The text is formatted in an easy-to-use outline style sup- tion commonly requested by design and
plemented with figures illustrating actual casting defects. Soft cover manufacturing engineers about investment
with CD, 242 pages, 4.5 x 7 in. casting. Sections discuss tooling and com-
ponent conversion potential, typical casting
GM0800 ISBN: 978-0-87433-314-5 tolerances and design features, typical met-
Corporate $30.00 • Personal $45.00 • List $60.00 als poured and a review of investment cast-
ing markets. Softcover, 5½ x 8½, 74 pages.

IV9300 ISBN 978-0-87433-156-1

Corporate $20.00 • Personal $30.00 • List $40.00
Manual de Defectos de
la Fundicion (Spanish
Version Casting Defects History of the
Handbook) Metalcasting Industry
This is the guide for in-plant use by quality This publication covers the history of the
assurance, inspection and other person- metalcasting industry from its prehistoric
nel. The diagnosis and correction phases roots to what it is today. Bruce L. Simpson,
of quality control for rejected castings or various metalcasting people and friends
castings requiring repair, grinding or clean- of the industry contributed to this book.
ing are discussed. Contains more than 150 History of the Metalcasting Industry con-
photos. This manual was translated from tains more than 200 illustrations. Hard-
the original edition of the Casting Defects cover, 268 pages.
Handbook. Softcover, 192 pages, 6 x 9 in.
GM9100 GM9700 ISBN 978-0-87433-175-2
Corporate $25.00 • Personal $37.50 List $50.00 Corporate $25.00 • Personal $37.50 • List $50.00
To order, call 800/537-4237, fax 847/824-7848 or visit 21

Metalcasting Programmed Learning Textbook Series

These books are self-teaching courses designed for new metalcasting personnel. Each individual volume (with item number in parentheses)
is described below and priced as follows:
Individual Volumes TE12PCK (Set of 12)
Corporate $20.00 • Personal $30.00 • List $40.00 Corporate $180.00 • Personal $270.00 • List $360.00

Introduction to the Basic Principles

Cast Metals Industry of Risering
Not Availab
Covers terminology, tools and methods This programmed learning text describes
used to produce castings. This is an ex- how risers are positioned to feed metal
New Editio
cellent book for new employees to learn shrinkage. The text is divided into four sec-
the basics of the metalcasting industry in tions: Heat Transfer and Solidification in
Due Spring an easy-to-understand format. Softcover, the Casting Process; Shrinkage, Riser Types
2009 8.5 x 11 in., 132 pages. and Locations; Shape and Dimensions of
Risers and Necks; and Effect of Atmospher-
TE7107 ISBN 978-0-87433-056-4
ic Pressure and Feeding Distance.Softcover,
Basic Principles 8.5 x 11 in., 96 pages.

of Gating TE6800 ISBN 978-0-87433-208-7

This course provides the basic principles of Cupola Melting,

casting technology and includes the funda-
mentals of gating. The course is divided into
Vol. 1: Equipment
three main sections: a review of the terms & Materials
used in the gating system and the basic prin- Designed for home, self-teaching of the basic
ciples of fluid flow; a study of the parts of principles of the equipment and materials in-
the horizontal gating system that control the volved in cupola melting, the course covers
flow of molten metal to the mold cavity; and the following topics: types of cupolas, charg-
a simple, detailed study of the vertical gating ing methods and equipment, metal transport
system. Softcover, 8.5 x 11 in., 96 pages. equipment, blast control and conditioning,
TE6700 ISBN 978-0-87433-206-3 temperature measurement, slag disposal,
charge materials, alloys, fuels, fluxes and re-
Basic Principles of fractories. Softcover, 8.5 x 11 in., 104 pages.
Metallurgy, Vol. 1: TE7505 ISBN 978-0-87433-030-4
Principles of
Cupola Melting,
Physical Metallurgy for
Vol. 2: Operation
Ferrous Castings
& Maintenance
This text promotes a basic understanding of
physical metallurgy for production of ferrous A programmed learning text designed
castings.The course is divided into five sections: for home, self-teaching of the basic prin-
Introduction to the Nature of Metals; Mechanical ciples of operation and maintenance
Properties of Metals;Principles of Heat Treatment; involved in cupola melting, this book
Heat Treating-Steel Castings; and Heat Treating- teaches the basics about casting and met-
Cast Irons.Softcover, 8.5 x 11 in.,144 pages. al composition control, metal charge and
its calculation, coke bed and its ignition,
TE6900 ISBN 978-0-87433-018-2 combustion, slag and fluxing, tapping and
slagging, aids to uniformity of metal com-
Basic Principles of position, refractory lining maintenance
Metallurgy, Vol. 2: and safety in cupola operations. Softcover,
8.5 x 11 in., 128 pages.
Principles of
Production TE7512 ISBN 978-0-87433-209-4

This programmed learning text is concerned Finishing Castings in

with the application of chemical metallurgy to
the production of iron and steel castings. The
the Cleaning Room
course is divided into nine sections: Iron and This text covers the basics of cleaning
Steel Production;Blast Furnace Operations;Steel- and finishing castings. Topic areas in-
making Practices; Basic Open Hearth Practices; clude appendage removal, abrasives in the
Basic Electric Practice; Acid Practice; Induction foundry, abrasive impact cleaning, grind-
Melting;Deoxidation of Steels;and Melting of Cast ing and chipping operations, and safety
Irons in Cupolas and Electric Furnaces.Softcover, and environmental protection. Softcover,
8.5 x 11 in.,144 pages. 8.5 x 11 in., 104 pages.
TE7000 ISBN 978-0-87433-019-9 TE8001 ISBN 978-0-87433-036-6

22 To order, call 800/537-4237, fax 847/824-7848 or visit


Introduction to
Metalcasting Tutorial (CD)
Core Technology
The Introduction to Metalcasting Tutorial takes you through the pro-
This text is designed for home, self- cess of making a casting from start to finish. The entire tutorial is user-
teaching of the fundamental principles friendly, designed to give you an overview of the metalcasting industry
of core technology. Design of cores at the click of your mouse. Main titles of the tutorial are divided into
and coreboxes, oil-bonded cores, or- books, and each book is made up of chapters and pages. Pages of a
ganic and inorganic nobake binder sys- book include text and an illustration or graphic that supports the infor-
tems, and high production techniques mation, so you can immediately relate to what you have just read.
are covered. Softcover, 8.5 x 11 in.,
104 pages. CD0001
Corporate $399.00 • Personal $399.00 • List $399.00
TE7704 ISBN 978-0-87433-044-1

Fundamental Molding
Sand Technology Lost Foam
This book focuses on the basics of
Casting Made Simple
Technical Editor: Fred Sonnenberg, PhD
green sand molding for beginners. The
text is divided into various sections, This is an extensive revision of the Raymond Mon-
including basic concepts, compac- roe book, Expendable Pattern Casting, with new
tion, grain size, void size, clay bonded information on the advancements and discover-
sands, mixing, mulling, reused sand, ad- ies that were made since Monroe’s book was pub-
ditives, reclamation and other aspects lished in 1992. 
of molding sand preparation.Softcover, Lost Foam Casting Made Simple is aimed at assist-
8.5 x 11 in., 80 pages. ing casting designers and casting producers, as well as introducing
TE7313 ISBN 978-0-87433-045-8 new users to lost foam. Many experts in the field of lost foam have
contributed in the making of this book.
Patternmaking Topics include: metalcasting and the lost foam process; overview of
Here’s a course that takes the novice the lost foam casting process; designing for lost foam casting process;
patternmaker through the basics of lost foam casting case studies; available modeling tools; lost foam
metalcasting as it affects the design tooling; lost foam beads for aluminum and iron castings; pre-expan-
and construction of patterns. In easy, sion of EPS beads; lost foam pattern molding; pattern section assem-
step-by-step sequence, the student of bly; coating the lost foam patterns; flask fill and compaction; gating
patternmaking is led through the basic and pouring–aluminum alloys and ferrous applications; cleaning, fin-
operations of layout, types of patterns, ishing and heat treatment equipment: ferrous and nonferrous alloys;
shrinkage allowance, fillets, adhesives metal filling and casting failure analysis. Five appendices include:
and the expendable pattern process casting design checklist for LFC; coating quality control; foam pat-
(lost foam). Softcover, 8.5 x 11 in., tern quality control procedures: density, open porosity and perme-
108 pages. ability;  troubleshooting guide for lost foam pattern molding and a 
CD with videos of neutron radiography and real time x-ray mold fill-
TE8200 ISBN 978-0-87433-070-0
ing. Published April 2008, soft cover with CD, 250 pages, 6 x 9 in.
Principles of GM0700 ISBN: 9780-87433-310-7
Induction Melting Corporate $90.00 • Personal $135.00 • List $180.00
This text is designed for home, self-
teaching of the basic principles of in-
duction melting. It covers conversions Man at Work
of electrical energy into heat, furnace Prof. Klaus Turk
type and design, operating practice
and metallurgical control. Softcover, This hardcover book beautifully details
8.5 x 11 in., 96 pages. the art collection of Eckhart G. Grohm-
ann, president of Aluminum Casting &
TE7705 ISBN 978-0-87433-207-0 Engineering Co., Milwaukee. Mr. Grohmann
has collected paintings, prints, drawings
Principles of the and pieces of sculpture depicting “skilled
Shell Process trades and industrial techniques as they
were, and in many instances still are, prac-
Developed to assist the beginner in ticed in Western Europe and the United
understanding the basic principles States”(James Auer, Journal Sentinel art
of producing cores and molds by the critic, Milwaukee). With chapters such as “Preindustrial Metalworking
shell process. This book is designed for Scenes” and “Mining and Metals in the Industrial Age” (containing de-
self-teaching so that the metalcasting pictions of metalcasting facilites, forge shops and rolling mills), this
employee can study and learn indepen- book is a great gift for anyone in the metalcasting industry. Published
dently at home. Softcover, 8.5 x 11 in., by MSOE Press, Milwaukee. Hardcover, 9 x 11 in., 432 pages.
88 pages.
OS0301 ISBN 0-9128044-0-4
TE7603 ISBN 978-0-87433-074-8 Corporate $50.00 • Personal $50.00 • List $50.00
To order, call 800/537-4237, fax 847/824-7848 or visit 23

Metalcasting Modern Casting

Dictionary, 2nd Edition of Ductile Iron
Susan Thomas-Sadowski, Editor Yury S. Lerner, PhD
Over 200 pages of metalcasting terms and Yury Lerner, PhD and Professor of In-
information can be found in this handy, dustrial Technology at the University
paperback copy. This second edition to our of Northern Iowa has written a book
original Metalcasting Dictionary has been based on more than 45 years of prac-
completely updated to include extensive tical experience in the areas of metal-
coverage of industry terminology and the casting processes, metallurgy and mate-
latest environmental, health and safety rials science. Modern Casting of Ductile
terms that are critical in today’s workplace. Iron is recommended not only for met-
Softcover, 6 x 9 in., 200 pages. allurgists and metalcasters, but also for
design engineers and, of course, students.
GM0403 ISBN 978-0-87433-273-5
Corporate $30.00 • Personal $45.00 • List $60.00 Chapters contain information on special casting and service prop-
erties of ductile iron; performance characteristics of austempered
ductile iron; methods and equipment for magnesium treatment;
inoculation methods; new developments in pouring methods and
technique; molten iron filtration; permanent mold casting; horizon-
tal continuous casting; investment casting; countergravity casting;
nondestructive evaluation of structure and properties; and rapid
product development methods. Hardcover, 9 x 11, 178 pages.
FC0601 ISBN 978-0-87433-296-4
Methods for Corporate $75.00 • Personal $112.50 • List $150.00

Modern Sculptors
This is a how-to book for the hands-on type
of sculptor who wants to learn how to cast
a work of art. Authored by Ronald D.Young
and Robert A. Fennel, both highly expe- Technology of
rienced in art casting. Softcover, 6 x 8 in., Metalcasting
290 pages.
Frederick Schleg, Principle Editor
OS8003 ISBN 0-96037-440-X
The purpose of this text is to provide a func-
Corporate $25.00 • Personal $25.00
tional perspective for the technician whose
List $25.00
job requires correct decisions relating to
the application and limitations of casting
processes. It also is intended to appeal to
persons in the educational field, sophomore
year of college, technical institute, and com-
munity college and junior college levels.
The subject matter could be used to teach
high school level students the principles of the casting processes. Many
concepts are related to high school mathematics, chemistry or physics.
Softcover, 8.5 x 11 in., 350 pages.
GM0100 ISBN 978-0-87433-257-5
Microstructure Corporate $75.00 • Personal $112.50 • List $150.00
During Metalcasting
John E. Gruzleski
Metalcasting Basic Courses
This publication presents the various
facets of microstructure formation in Presented by Cast Metals Institute
cast metal alloys. The text is useful to all Jan. 20-21
who wish to understand the multitude Basic Blueprint Interpretation
of microscopic processes that take place Schaumburg, IL
when liquid metal is poured into a mold •
and solidifies. The microstructures are
Jan. 27-29
interpreted broadly and show not only
Introduction to Metalcasting
the usual features viewed under the microscope, such as grain size,
Schaumburg, IL
but also inclusions, porosity and chemical variations. The text is not

metal specific; therefore, a variety of examples are included—both
ferrous and nonferrous. This book is aimed specifically at engineers Feb. 26-May 30
and technologists working in the metalcasting industry and teaching Introduction to Metallurgy
professionals. Hardcover, 9 x 11 in., 244 pages. Internet

GM2001 ISBN 978-0-87433-204-9 Visit for more information.

Corporate $65.00 • Personal $97.50 • List $130.00
24 To order, call 800/537-4237, fax 847/824-7848 or visit

Aluminum Permanent
Mold Handbook Basic Molding Process & Material—
Part I (DVD)
The AFS Aluminum Division Technical Com-
Fred Schleg, Consultant
mittee 2E developed this handbook to ad-
dress the increased application of permanent Each one of the dozens of molding processes used to produce
mold castings for metalcasting personnel, de- metal castings today offers its own distinct advantages and ben-
sign engineers and process engineers. These efits. However, good-quality metal castings cannot be produced
expanded casting applications are a direct from inferior quality molds. At the same time, a poor quality metal
result of advances in process technology casting may result if the wrong molding process or alloy is chosen.
and enhanced knowledge of this process by Basic Molding Process & Materials–Part I gives the viewer a de-
today’s design engineers. Highlights include tailed summary of each of the nonpermanent molding processes,
alloy selection; process variations with parts applications; manual, semi- including sand castings, chemically bonded sand castings (shell,
automated or fully automated casting processes; casting defect causes nobake, coldbox, etc.), lost foam, the V-Process, the Cosworth pro-
and remedies; and computer simulation. Softcover, 8.5 x 11 in., 216 pages. cess, vacuum-assisted molding process and investment casting.
NF0001 ISBN 978-0-87433-250-6 DV0032
Corporate $90.00 • Personal $135.00 • List $180.00 Corporate $139.00 • Personal $139.00 • List $139.00

Basic Molding Process & Material—

Back to the Basics: A Part II (DVD)
Green Sand Primer Fred Schleg, Consultant
The loss of many veteran molding sand This video picks up where Part One leaves off, delving into the per-
experts in recent years prompted the AFS manent molding process. Whether you are just beginning in the
Green Sand Molding Committee to develop industry or have worked in a metalcasting facility for years, this two-
this guide to green sand molding practices. part series gives you the answers you need when it comes to molding
This publication takes a highly readable processes and the materials you’ll need to make quality castings.
look at sand, clay, water, green sand additives,
mulling,green sand properties,troubleshoot-
Corporate $139.00 • Personal $139.00 • List $139.00
ing molding problems and casting scrap, as
well as the monitoring and control of green
sand systems. This book is also available in Basic Principles of Fluid Flow/Heat
Spanish. Softcover, 6 x 9 in., 73 pages.
Transfer and Solidification (DVD)
GM9401 ISBN 978-0-87433-169-1
Mark Nagel, Cast Metals Institute/John Svoboda, PMI
Corporate $20.00 • Personal $30.00 • List $40.00
The Basic Principles of Fluid Flow/Heat Transfer and Solidification
is designed to help the viewer relate to what happens to the metal
from the time it leaves the ladle until the casting is filled. When
Regresando A Lo Basico: used in conjunction with gating materials, systems designed on
Fundamentos en Arena these fluid flow principles promote less turbulence and fewer de-
fects. Heat Transfer and Solidification takes the viewer through the
Verde (Spanish version basics of how heat is transferred from the metal to the mold, where,
of Back to the Basics: ultimately, cooling, solidification and shrinkage begin.
A Green Sand Primer) DV0016
Softcover, 6 x 9 in., 75 pages. Corporate $139.00 • Personal $139.00 • List $139.00
GM9702 ISBN 978-0-87433-182-0
Corporate $20.00 • Personal $30.00
List $40.00

Basic Principles of
Basic Elements of Fluid Flow/Heat Transfer &
Feeding Investment Solidification Tutorial (CD)
The Basic Principles of Fluid Flow/Heat Transfer and Solidification is
Castings designed to help the viewer relate to what happens to the metal from
This publication examines the essential ele- the time it leaves the ladle until the casting is filled.When used in con-
ments of feeding castings, which include the junction with gating materials, systems designed on these fluid flow
various alloy and mold factors involved in the principles promote less turbulence and fewer defects. Heat Transfer
design of an effective casting feeding system. and Solidification takes the viewer through the basics of how heat is
Topics covered are the theoretical principles transferred from the metal to the mold, where cooling, solidification
of feeding, alloy parameters affecting feed- and shrinkage begin.This CD takes the user through the subject matter
ing, thermal conditions of feeding, designing in an easy-to-follow, self-paced manner. Short quizzes are provided at
feeding systems and calculating feeder di- the end of each section to check the user’s knowledge and to review
mensions based on Chvorinov’s rule. Softcover, 8.5 x 11 in., 66 pages. the material learned in each section.
IV9400 ISBN 978-0-87433-170-7 CD0016
Corporate $15.00 • Personal $22.50 • List $30.00 Corporate $399.00 • Personal $399.00 • List $399.00
To order, call 800/537-4237, fax 847/824-7848 or visit 25

Basic Principles Basic Principles

of Gating of Risering
This course provides the basic princi- This programmed learning text de-
ples of casting technology and includes scribes how risers are positioned to
the fundamentals of gating. The course feed metal shrinkage. The text is divided
is divided into three main sections: a into four sections: Heat Transfer and
review of the terms used in the gating Solidification in the Casting Process;
system and the basic principles of fluid Shrinkage, Riser Types and Locations;
flow; a study of the parts of the horizon- Shape and Dimensions of Risers and
tal gating system that control the flow of Necks; and Effect of Atmospheric Pres-
molten metal to the mold cavity; and a sure and Feeding Distance. Softcover,
simple, detailed study of the vertical gating system. Softcover, 8.5 8.5 x 11 in., 96 pages.
x 11 in., 96 pages. TE6800 ISBN 978-0-87433-208-7
TE6700 ISBN 978-0-87433-206-3 Corporate $20.00 • Personal $30.00 • List $40.00
Corporate $20.00 • Personal $30.00 • List $40.00

Centrifugal Casting
Nathan Janco
This book represents over 50 years of ex-
pertise from the greatest authority on the
subject, Nathan Janco. It is essential for
anyone operating a centrifugal shop or
considering using products cast by this
method. Chapter topics include What Is
Centrifugal Casting?, Types of Machines,
Basic Principles of Installation Designs, Molds, Gates and
Gating & Risering Risers, Pouring, Casting Removal, Special
Castings, Safety, Troubleshooting-Defects,
The second edition of the Basic Prin- Metallurgical Aspects and more. Softcover, 8.5 x 11 in., 104 pages.
ciples of Gating & Risering is a major
revision of the original text. This edition GM8800 ISBN 978-0-87433-110-3
was recently completed by members of Corporate $20.00 • Personal $30.00 • List $40.00
the AFS Gating and Risering Committee
(5G) of the Cast Iron Division. It is de-
signed for beginner and intermediate
students in both basic and applied sci-
ence of foundry practice. It focuses on
Chemically Bonded
those aspects of the scientific element Cores & Molds
with regard to metal flow and solidification. It emphasizes prin- True “how-to-do-it” documentation of opera-
ciples and use rather than theory and offers functional explana- tionally useful data pertaining to all known
tions rather than formal rules. The formal aspects of principles chemical binder systems that can be used
are included where appropriate (in discussing fluid flow and heat successfully in the processing of cores and
transfer) with more emphasis on the development of sound de- molds for casting production. Chapters in-
sign considerations. clude: Aggregates; Equipment; Pattern and
Another important feature of this book is the change in format. The Release Agents; Core/Mold Coatings; Chem-
sciences of filling and solidification were divided into separate sec- ical Binder Systems; Self-Setting Chemical
tions, focusing on the technical principles that tend to be generic for Binder Systems; Gas Cured Chemical Pro-
all metals. The development of metal flow and solidification knowl- cesses; Quality Control; Troubleshooting;
edge is essential to the production of high-quality castings. This text Casting Defects; Environmental Consider-
provides a fundamental understanding of the application of scien- ations. Softcover, 4 x 7 in., 194 pages.
tific principles to the gating and risering of castings. Other added GM8604 ISBN 978-0-87433-101-1
features reflect the rapidly changing environment of the cast metals Corporate $25.00 • Personal $37.50 • List $50.00
industry. Sections have been enhanced with improved graphics and
photos. In addition, a CD with video clips of images that show simu-
lation/solidification is included. This new publication fully comple-
ments the instructional materials presented by the Cast Metals Insti-
tute of the American Foundry Society. Not Finding the
Finally, Basic Principles of Gating & Risering serves not only as a course
text, but also as a long-term reference. It is especially useful to both Book You Need?
beginning metalcasting workers, whose career includes tooling design,
and practicing scientists and engineers who need a self-instructional Visit to
reference book. Soft cover, 144 pages, 8.5 x 11 in. find hundreds of other titles
TE0800 ISBN 978-0-87433-315-2 available exclusively on our website!
Corporate $50.00 • Personal $75.00 • List $100.00
26 To order, call 800/537-4237, fax 847/824-7848 or visit

Green Sand Additives,

2nd Edition
This book is a guide to proper additive use
in green sand mixtures. Included are the
effects of proper and improper use of ad-
ditives, listing indicative tests and typical
observations. Most of the ingredients in-
corporated into preblended mixtures are
addressed, as well as carbons, cellulose, ce-
reals and starches, chemicals, clays, refrac-
tories and water. This guide includes an ex-
tensive bibliography, additive trade names,
additive manufacturers, appendix, glossary
Expendable Pattern Casting- and index. Softcover, 4 x 7 in., 128 pages.
Research Series (3 Volume Set) GM2000 ISBN 978-0-87433-210-0
Corporate $25.00 • Personal $37.50 • List $50.00
This in-depth series is the result of AFS-sponsored research covering
the entire EPC (lost foam) process from polystyrene bead selection,
through patterns and tooling, to causes and cures for casting defects.
Vol. 1 is a process manual and summarizes the important process
features that require close control during casting production. Vol. 2
describes EPC Tooling, the single most important step in success-
fully casting EPC parts. Vol. 3 describes Casting Defects that can be Green Sand-Related
encountered in the production of EPC foam patterns and castings. Casting Defects (DVD)
Nearly 90 photographs illustrate examples of defects, and comments Ian Kay, Cast Metals Institute
are provided on conditions that influence defect formation.
This DVD starts with a basic green sand review, covering the com-
GMEPC3-PCK (save 20% when you buy all 3 volumes) ponents of the system and their purpose in the sand mixture. Com-
Corporate $36.00 • Personal $54.00 • List $72.00 monly encountered green sand defects are discussed, including their
Individual volume prices: causes and suggestions for reduction.The defects considered include
expansion defects (rattails, buckles and scabs; gas defects–blowholes
GM9404 (Volume 1) ISBN 978-0-87433-166-0
and pinholes) and adhering sand problems (burn-on, burn-in, rough
Corporate $15.00 • Personal $22.50 • List $30.00
surface and metal penetration, sand inclusions, erosion, run-out, swell,
GM9405 (Volume 2) ISBN 978-0-87433-167-7 stickers and drops).
Corporate $15.00 • Personal $22.50 • List $30.00
GM9406 (Volume 3) ISBN 978-0-87433-168-4 Corporate $139.00 • Personal $139.00 • List $139.00
Corporate $15.00 • Personal $22.50 • List $30.00

Fundamental Green Sand Testing (DVD)

Mary Beth Krysiak, Sand Technology Company
Core Technology
The elements involved in establishing a basic sand control pro-
This text is designed for home,self-teaching of
gram are discussed, including a review of several of the essential
the fundamental principles of core technolo-
daily and weekly sand tests.Also, the meaning of each test and how
gy.Design of cores and coreboxes,oil-bonded
often they should be run are described.
cores, organic and inorganic nobake binder
systems, and high production techniques are DV0008
covered. Softcover, 8½X11, 104 pages. Corporate $139.00 • Personal $139.00 • List $139.00

TE7704 ISBN 978-0-87433-044-1

Corporate $20.00 • Personal $30.00 • List $40.00

Molding Sand
Technology Green Sand
This book focuses on the basics of green
Testing Tutorial (CD)
sand molding for beginners. The text is di-
vided into various sections, including basic The elements involved in establishing a basic sand control program
concepts, compaction, grain size, void size, are discussed, including a review of several of the essential daily and
clay bonded sands, mixing, mulling, reused weekly sand tests.Tests are thoroughly explained and test run frequen-
sand, additives, reclamation and other cies are discussed.This CD takes the user through the subject matter in
aspects of molding sand preparation.Soft- an easy-to-follow, self-paced manner. Short quizzes are provided at the
cover, 8.5 x 11 in., 80 pages. end of each section to check the user’s knowledge and to review the
material learned in each section.
TE7313 ISBN 978-0-87433-045-8 CD0008
Corporate $20.00 • Personal $30.00 • List $40.00 Corporate $399.00 • Personal $399.00 • List $399.00
To order, call 800/537-4237, fax 847/824-7848 or visit 27

Handbook on Mold & Core Coatings

the Investment Manual, 2nd Edition
Casting Process Coatings nearly always improve the quality of
This handbook contains the basic infor- a casting’s surface. They also typically reduce
mation commonly requested by design the cost of making a quality casting. Prepared
and manufacturing engineers about in- by the Mold-Metal Interface Reactions Com-
vestment casting. Sections discuss tool- mittee of the AFS Molding Methods & Materials
ing and component conversion potential, Division, this revised manual introduces the ba-
typical casting tolerances and design fea- sic concepts of refractory coatings for foundry
tures, typical metals poured and a review applications. It provides information regarding
of investment casting markets. Softcover, their selection and use by operating personnel.
5.5 x 8.5 in., 74 pages. Softcover, 4 x 7 in., 150 pages.
GM0002 ISBN 978-0-87433-219-3
Corporate $20.00 • Personal $30.00 • List $40.00
IV9300 ISBN 0-87433-156-0
Corporate $20.00 • Personal $30.00 • List $40.00
Mold & Core Test
Handbook, 3rd Edition
Horizontal Gating Design (DVD) This handbook contains information on
Ian Kay, Cast Metals Institute sand testing technology, featuring the same
The functions of the gating system and how well-designed gating easy-to-follow testing format, equipment
can reduce turbulence and related effects are described. Discus- lists and calibration methods that made
sion of system components and design is detailed, with recom- the previous editions so popular. The hand-
mendations of gating ratios for gray, ductile and malleable irons, book is intended as a guideline for testing
steel, and aluminum and copper-base alloys. procedures for metalcasting sands and
related materials in accordance with AFS
DV0012 standards and recommendations. Updates
Corporate $139.00 • Personal $139.00 • List $139.00 from 2004 and 2006 are included. 3-ring binder.
GM0004 ISBN 978-0-87433-228-5
Corporate $75.00 • Personal $112.50 • List $150.00

Mold and Core Test Handbook,

3rd Edition 2004 Updates
Horizontal Gating The AFS 4-A-1 Technical Publications Monitoring Committee updated
Design Tutorial (CD) the Mold and Core Test Handbook, 3rd Edition in the areas of foundry
aggregates, chemically bonded sands, mold and core coatings, and
Learn gating system functions and how a well-designed gating system
miscellaneous test procedures in 2004.
can reduce turbulence and related effects. Proper system components
and design are detailed, with recommendations of gating ratios for GM0004A
gray, ductile and malleable irons, steel, and aluminum and copper- Corporate $10.00 • Personal $15.00 • List $20.00
base alloys. This CD takes the user through the subject matter in an
easy-to-follow, self-paced manner. Short quizzes are provided at the Mold and Core Test Handbook,
end of each section to check the user’s knowledge and to review the 3rd Edition 2006 Updates
material learned in each section.
The latest updates to the Mold and Core Test Handbook, 3rd Edition in-
CD0012 clude 29 revisions to selected testing procedures on metalcasting ag-
Corporate $399.00 • Personal $399.00 • List $399.00 gregates, clay bonded sands, chemically bonded sands and mold and
core coatings. Free with purchase of Mold and Core Test Handbook, 3rd
Edition. Additional copies available for an extra charge.
The Lost Foam Casting Process (DVD) GM0004B
Corporate $10.00 • Personal $15.00 • List $20.00
This video presents the most in-depth description of the lost foam
process available. Including the expansion of polymer beads, pattern
aging, sand compaction, metal pouring and casting shakeout, Pro- Mold, Core & Patternmaking Courses
duced in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Presented by Cast Metals Institute
Industrial Technologies and more than two dozen industry sponsors,
this video describes the benefits of this energy and environmentally- Feb. 12-May 30
friendly casting process. Sand & Mold Technology
VL07DV ISBN 978-0-87433-308-4 •
Corporate $50.00 • Personal $75.00 • List $100.00 March 3-5
Practical Green Sand Control–Nonferrous
Schaumburg, IL

Visit for more information.

28 To order, call 800/537-4237, fax 847/824-7848 or visit


An Operating Principles of
Guide to Sand Control
High Density AFS Green Sand Committee
Molding Sand processing is a unique combination
of art and science. Most generally accepted
This practical operating guide was devel- principles of control have been shaped by
oped by the members of the AFS Green a combination of practical experience and
Sand Molding Committee. The chapters scientific study. The principles that are dis-
are organized and presented in a step-by- cussed in this book are based on both ba-
step format to allow for evaluating, design- sic fundamentals and current metalcasting
ing and planning a molding system. Soft- practices, making this a book that is practi-
cover, 6 x 9 in., 131 pages. cal for the novice as well as the experienced individual. Softbound,
140 pages, 8.5 x 11 in..
GM9400 ISBN 978-0-87433-163-9 GM0402 ISBN 978-0-87433-274-2
Corporate $20.00 • Personal $30.00 • List $40.00 Corporate $50.00 • Personal $75.00 • List $100.00

Here’s a course that takes the novice pat- Principles of the
ternmaker through the basics of metal- Shell Process
casting as it affects the design and con-
struction of patterns. In easy, step-by-step Developed to assist the beginner in under-
sequence, the student of patternmaking standing the basic principles of producing
is led through the basic operations of cores and molds by the shell process. This
layout, types of patterns, shrinkage allow- book is designed for self-teaching so that
ance, fillets, adhesives and the expend- the metalcasting employee can study and
able pattern process (lost foam). Softcov- learn independently at home. Softcover,
er, 8.5 x 11 in., 108 pages. 8.5 x 11 in., 88 pages.
TE8200 ISBN 978-0-87433-070-0
Corporate $20.00 • Personal $30.00 • List $40.00 TE7603 ISBN 978-0-87433-074-8
Corporate $20.00 • Personal $30.00 • List $40.00

This book is handy as a reference for
Riser Design (DVD)
practicing patternmakers or an instruc- Ian Kay, Cast Metals Institute
tional text for students. It is a unique pub- The instructor describes fundamental riser practice, including the
lication containing a wealth of informa- function of risers, types of casting shrinkage, riser types, commonly
tion that cannot be obtained in any other used feeding aides, riser shape considerations, feeding distance
single reference. Contains 25 chapters concerns and riser sizing using the modulus technique.
and 15 appendices. Softcover, 8.5 x 11 in.,
320 pages.
Corporate $139.00 • Personal $139.00 • List $139.00

PM8600 ISBN 978-0-87433-069-4

Corporate $40.00 • Personal $60.00 • List $80.00

The Phenolic Urethane Amine

(PUCB) Coldbox System (DVD) Shell Process
Paul Carey, Ashland Chemical Co. Foundry Practice
This video takes the viewer from the process fundamentals of the This book reflects shell molding and core
PUCB system to the predominant PUCB-related defects. Everything making technology. It is coordinated to
in between includes basic chemistry, resin system components, present knowledge of shell process mold-
coated sand properties, reclamation properties, green sand dilu- ing methods, core methods, sand charac-
tion and environmental considerations. teristics, synthetic resin binders, handling
of raw materials, mixing, pattern and core-
box design, gating system design, metal-
Corporate $139.00 • Personal $139.00 • List $139.00
lurgical factors, surface and dimensional
defects, estimating cost and sales engi-
neering. Softcover, 8.5 x 11 in., 164 pages.
GM9204 ISBN 978-0-87433-082-3
Corporate $35.00 • Personal $52.50 • List $70.00
To order, call 800/537-4237, fax 847/824-7848 or visit 29

Selected Titles from CMI’s
Series of Educational
Videos Now Available on DVD
$139.00 each!
Aluminum Melting Practices Heat Treatment of
Wayne Rasmussen, Consultant Aluminum Casting Alloys
A basis for good melt practices for the aluminum metalcaster is provid- Wayne Rasmussen, Consultant
ed, including preparing the metal and the purpose of fluxes. DV0004 This video gives the viewer an overview of the basic heat-treatment
process for aluminum casting alloys, including the effect of solution,
Basic Molding Process & Material— quench and age treatments. DV0018
Part I
Fred Schleg, Consultant Horizontal Gating Design
Basic Molding Process & Materials–Part I gives the viewer a detailed Ian Kay, Cast Metals Institute
summary of each of the nonpermanent molding processes, includ- The functions of the gating system and how well-designed gating
ing sand, chemically bonded sand (shell, nobake, coldbox, etc.), lost can reduce turbulence and related effects are described. Discussion
foam, the V-Process, the Cosworth process, vacuum-assisted molding of system components and design is detailed, with recommenda-
process and investment casting. DV0032 tions of gating ratios for gray, ductile and malleable irons; steel; and
aluminum and copper-base alloys. DV0012
Basic Molding Process & Material—
Part II The Phenolic Urethane Amine
Fred Schleg, Consultant Coldbox (PUCB) System
This video picks up where Part One leaves off, delving into the perma- Paul Carey, Ashland Chemical Co.
nent molding process.Whether you are just beginning in the industry This video takes the viewer from the process fundamentals of the
or have worked in a metalcasting facility for years, this two-part series PUCB system to the predominant PUCB-related defects. Everything
gives you the answers you need when it comes to molding processes in between includes basic chemistry, resin system components, coat-
and the materials you’ll need to make quality castings. DV0033 ed sand properties, reclamation properties, green sand dilution and
environmental considerations. DV0017
Basic Principles of Fluid Flow/Heat
Transfer and Solidification $79.00
Mark Nagel, Cast Metals Institute/John Svoboda, PMI Process of Metalcasting
The Basic Principles of Fluid Flow/Heat Transfer and Solidification is de- This video provides a comprehensive overview of the metalcast-
signed to help the viewer relate to what happens to the metal from the ing process. An excellent tool for new employees, topics include
time it leaves the ladle until the casting is filled. Heat Transfer and Solidi- patternmaking, green sand molding, chemically bonded mold-
fication takes the viewer through the basics of how heat is transferred ing, investment casting, permanent molding, coremaking, melting
from the metal to the mold, where, ultimately, cooling, solidification and and pouring, gating and risering, shakeout, cutting, grinding, test-
shrinkage begin. DV0016 ing and inspection. Time: 22 minutes DV0001

Green Sand-Related Casting Defects

Ian Kay, Cast Metals Institute Reduced Pressure Test for
This DVD starts with a basic green sand review,covering the components of Hydrogen Gas and Melt Cleanliness
the system and their purpose in the sand mixture.Commonly encountered
green sand defects are discussed, including their causes and suggestions The reduced pressure test (RPT) is widely used by the aluminum foundry
for reduction. The defects considered include expansion defects (rattails, industry to evaluate the hydrogen level in the liquid metal before pour-
buckles and scabs; gas defects–blowholes and pinholes) and adhering ing. Reduced Pressure Test for Hydrogen Gas and Melt Cleanliness not only
sand problems (burn-on, burn-in, rough surface and metal penetration, explains, but also shows the step-by-step procedures for running a suc-
sand inclusions,erosion,run-out,swell,stickers and drops).DV0023 cessful RPT test. DV0043

Green Sand Testing Riser Design

Mary Beth Krysiak, Sand Technology Company Ian Kay, Cast Metals Institute
The elements involved in establishing a basic sand control program The instructor describes fundamental riser practice, including the
are discussed, including a review of several of the essential daily and function of risers, types of casting shrinkage, riser types, commonly
weekly sand tests. Also, the meaning of each test and how often they used feeding aides, riser shape considerations, feeding distance con-
should be run are described. DV0008 cerns and riser sizing using the modulus technique. DV0014

30 To order, call 800/537-4237, fax 847/824-7848 or visit


Aluminum Alloy
INTERACTIVE TRAINING Castings: Properties,
Processes and
CD-ROMS $399.00 each Applications
The following CD-ROM tutorial programs are available from CMI. J. G. Kaufman & E.L. Rooy
Each CD takes the user through the subject matter in an easy-to- Aluminum Alloy Castings provides prop-
follow, self-paced manner. Short quizzes are provided at the end erty and performance data for all types
of each section to check the user’s knowledge and to review the of aluminum alloy castings and reviews
material learned in each section. and describes the factors that contribute
to and affect those properties, includ-
ing composition, microstructure, casting
Introduction to Metalcasting Tutorial process, heat treatment, and quality assurance. The volume features
The Introduction to Metalcasting Tutorial takes you through the pro- extensive collections of property and performance data, including
cess of making a casting from start to finish. The entire tutorial is previously unpublished aging response curves, growth curves, and
user-friendly, designed to give you an overview of the metalcasting fatigue curves. These data are presented in consistent formats to en-
industry at the click of your mouse. Main titles of the tutorial are able easy comparisons among different alloys and tempers.
divided into books, and each book is made up of chapters and The authors have endeavored to address all of the casting process
pages. Pages of a book include text and an illustration or graphic technologies available for aluminum alloys. Engineering informa-
that supports the information, so you can immediately relate to tion is included for expendable mold, permanent mold, and pressure
what you have just read. CD0001 die casting processes and their variations. The focus of the process
coverage is to review the effects of process selection and process
variables on casting properties and performance. Representative ex-
Aluminum Melting Practices Tutorial amples of aluminum castings applications are provided. Hardbound,
A basis for good melt practices for the aluminum metalcaster is 340 pages, 8.5 x 11 in..
provided, including preparing the metal and the proper use and NF0405 ISBN 978-0-87170-803-8
purpose of fluxes.This CD takes the user through the subject matter Corporate $172.50 • Personal $172.50 • List $230.00
in an easy-to-follow, self-paced manner. Short quizzes are provided
at the end of each section to check the user’s knowledge and to
review the material learned in each section. CD0004
Aluminum Casting
Basic Principles of Fluid Flow/Heat Technology, 2nd Edition
This text represents the most up-to-date in-
Transfer & Solidification Tutorial formation on the production of high-qual-
The Basic Principles of Fluid Flow/Heat Transfer & Solidification Tuto- ity aluminum castings. This comprehensive
rial is designed to help the viewer relate to what happens to the metal publication covers every facet of casting
from the time it leaves the ladle until the casting is filled. When used operations, including part design, heat
in conjunction with gating materials, systems designed on these fluid treatment, molten metal processing, etc. If
flow principles promote less turbulence and fewer defects.Heat Trans- you have only one book about aluminum
fer and Solidification takes the viewer through the basics of how heat casting technology, this is the one to have.
is transferred from the metal to the mold, where cooling, solidification Softcover, 8.5 x 11 in., 368 pages.
and shrinkage begin.This CD takes the user through the subject matter
NF9300 ISBN 978-0-87433-000-7
in an easy-to-follow, self-paced manner. Short quizzes are provided at
Corporate $90.00 • Personal $135.00 • List $180.00
the end of each section to check the user’s knowledge and to review
the material learned in each section. CD0016

Green Sand Testing Tutorial Aluminum Melting Practices (DVD)

Wayne Rasmussen, Consultant
The elements involved in establishing a basic sand control program
are discussed, including a review of several of the essential daily and A basis for good melt practices for the aluminum metalcaster is pro-
weekly sand tests. Tests are thoroughly explained and test run fre- vided, including preparing the metal and the use purpose of fluxes.
quencies are discussed. This CD takes the user through the subject DV0004
matter in an easy-to-follow, self-paced manner. Short quizzes are pro- Corporate $139.00 • Personal $139.00 • List $139.00
vided at the end of each section to check the user’s knowledge and
to review the material learned in each section. CD0008

Horizontal Gating Design Tutorial

Learn gating system functions and how a well-designed gating sys-
tem can reduce turbulence and related effects. Proper system com-
Aluminum Melting
ponents and design are detailed, with recommendations of gating Practices Tutorial (CD)
ratios for gray, ductile and malleable irons, steel, and aluminum and A basis for good aluminum melt practices is provided, including preparing
copper-base alloys. This CD takes the user through the subject mat- the metal and the proper use and purpose of fluxes.This CD takes the user
ter in an easy-to-follow, self-paced manner. Short quizzes are pro- through the subject matter in an easy-to-follow, self-paced manner.
vided at the end of each section to check the user’s knowledge
and to review the material learned in each section. CD0012 CD0004
Corporate $399.00 • Personal $399.00 • List $399.00
To order, call 800/537-4237, fax 847/824-7848 or visit 31

Aluminum Permanent Design and Procurement

Mold Handbook of High-Strength
The AFS Aluminum Division Technical Structural Aluminum
Committee 2E developed this handbook Castings
to address the increased application of per-
manent mold castings for metalcasting per- Written for the design engineer, this publica-
sonnel, design engineers and process engi- tion defines the various aspects of sand com-
neers. Highlights include alloy selection; posite castings, which will help the designer
process variations with parts applications; develop a more cost-effective, high-strength
manual, semi-automated or fully automated casting. Softcover, 8.5 x 11 in., 48 pages.
castings processes; casting defect causes NF9501 ISBN 978-0-87433-132-5
and remedies; and computer simulation. Corporate $10.00 • Personal $15.00 • List $20.00
Softcover, 8.5 x 11 in., 216 pages.
NF0001 ISBN 978-0-87433-250-6
Corporate $90.00 • Personal $135.50 • List $180.00
Gas Porosity in
Aluminum Casting
Primary Editor: R. Gallo
This compilation contains the best informa-
Basic Principles of tion on the causes, prevention and elimina-
Gating & Risering tion of gas porosity in aluminum castings
The second edition of the Basic Principles from the past 50 years. It contains 60 articles
of Gating & Risering is a major revision of from AFS Transactions, 13 articles from MOD-
the original text. It is designed for beginner ERN CASTING magazine and 22 papers and articles from AFS Internation-
and intermediate students in both basic al Conferences on molten aluminum processing (1992-2001), along with
and applied science of foundry practice. It other AFS publications. 3-ring binder.
focuses on those aspects of the scientific NF0103 ISBN 978-0-87433-254-4
element with regard to metal flow and so- Corporate $120.00 • Personal $180.00 • List $240.00
lidification. It emphasizes principles and
use rather than theory and offers function-
al explanations rather than formal rules.
The formal aspects of principles are included where appropriate (in
discussing fluid flow and heat transfer) with more emphasis on the
Heat Treatment of
development of sound design considerations. Soft cover, 144 pages, Aluminum Casting Alloys (DVD)
8.5 x 11 in. Wayne Rasmussen, Consultant
TE0800 ISBN 978-0-87433-315-2 This video gives the viewer an overview of the basic heat-treatment
Corporate $50.00 • Personal $75.00 • List $100.00 process for aluminum casting alloys, including the effect of solu-
tion, quench and age treatments.
Corporate $139.00 • Personal $139.00 • List $139.00

Casting Copper Base

Alloys, 2nd Edition
This wide-ranging book provides informa-
tion on all major families of copper-base
alloys, with extensive chapters on melting
and melt control, gating, risering, pouring, Nonferrous Courses
molding and coring, and practical quality
control techniques. Presented by Cast Metals Institute
The 2nd edition features an up-to-date chap- Feb. 3-4
ter on health, safety and environmental Nonferrous Melting Technology & Practices
control. The chapter on casting processes San Marcos, TX
and materials has been rewritten to encompass current trends in sand •
casting, chemical bonding systems, diecasting, permanent molding, con- March 3-5
tinuous casting, investment casting, ceramic molding, and centrifugal Practical Green Sand Control–Nonferrous
casting.Technical information on the design, maintenance and reclama- Schaumburg, IL
tion of sand systems is also provided. •
The Casting of Copper-Base Alloys, 2nd Edition is an asset to any cop- March 10-12
per metalcasting facility, as well as its customers, and is an indispens- Analysis & Reduction of
able reference for the student or engineer specifying and designing Permanent Mold Casting Defects
copper alloy products. Hardcover, 8.5 x 11, 400 pages. Schaumburg, IL
NF0700 ISBN-10: 0-87433-303-2; ISBN-13: 978-0-87433-303-9 Visit for more information.
Corporate $100.00 • Personal $150.00 • List $200.00
32 To order, call 800/537-4237, fax 847/824-7848 or visit

Inclusions in Aluminum
Casting Alloys SAVE!
David Neff, Technical Editor
The Molten Aluminum Processing Com- Microstructure Control
mittee 2-G of the Aluminum Division of the in Hypoeutectic
American Foundry Society undertook the
production of a comprehensive compila- Aluminum-Silicon
tion of existing key papers on aluminum Alloys Chart
metalcasting inclusions. These papers were Using 18 photographs, this quick refer-
obtained from technical literature - principally AFS publications, but ence chart shows degrees of modification at two magnifications
also from other sources-where permission was granted.The result is one along with a complete range of grain size. Both have tables that
of the biggest sources of information on the subject of inclusions com- describe the type of modified structure and the actual grain size as
piled in one book. Subject matter has been divided into four sections: measured by various techniques. Updated 2002. Measures 40 x 28.
∙ Inclusion Theory, Identification and Sources CH8600
∙ Effects and Consequences of Inclusion and Corporate $17.50 • Personal $26.25 • List $35.00
Casting Process Interactions
∙ Techniques to Evaluate Inclusion and Inclusion Effects Receive a special discount when you order this chart and
∙ Molten Metal Treatment: The Removal of Inclusions by Treatment of Liquid Aluminum-Silicon Alloys (NF90CH) or
Fluxing, Filtration and Flotation Microstructures and Thermal Analysis of Strontium-Treated
Aluminum-Silicon Alloys (NF95CH) together.
A CD copy is included with the 3-ring binder.
NF0500 ISBN 978-0-87433-286-5
Corporate $46.00 • Personal $69.00 • List $92.00
Corporate $120.00 • Personal $180.00 • List $240.00
Lost Foam Corporate $38.00 • Personal $57.00 • List $76.00

Casting Made Simple

Technical Editor: Fred Sonnenberg, PhD
Topics include: metalcasting and the lost foam
process; overview of the lost foam casting pro- Microstructure
cess; designing for lost foam casting process; lost Development
foam casting case studies; available modeling
tools; lost foam tooling; lost foam beads for alu-
During Metalcasting
John E. Gruzleski
minum and iron castings; pre-expansion of EPS
beads; lost foam pattern molding; pattern section This publication presents the various
assembly; coating the lost foam patterns; flask fill and compaction; facets of microstructure formation in
gating and pouring–aluminum alloys and ferrous applications; clean- cast metal alloys. The text is useful to
ing, finishing and heat treatment equipment: ferrous and nonferrous all who wish to understand the mul-
alloys; metal filling and casting failure analysis. Five appendices in- titude of microscopic processes that
clude: casting design checklist for LFC; coating quality control; foam take place when liquid metal is poured
pattern quality control procedures: density, open porosity and per- into a mold and solidifies. The micro-
meability;  troubleshooting guide for lost foam pattern molding and structures are interpreted broadly and
a  CD with videos of neutron radiography and real time x-ray mold show not only the usual features viewed under the microscope,
filling. Published April 2008, soft cover with CD, 250 pages, 6 x 9 in. such as grain size, but also inclusions, porosity and chemical
variations. The text is not metal specific; therefore, a variety of
GM0700 ISBN: 9780-87433-310-7
examples are included—both ferrous and nonferrous. This book
Corporate $90.00 • Personal $135.00 • List $180.00 is aimed specifically at engineers and technologists working in
the metalcasting industry and teaching professionals. Hardcover,
Reduced Pressure Test 9 x 11 in., 244 pages.
for Hydrogen Gas and GM2001 ISBN 978-0-87433-204-9
Corporate $65.00 • Personal $97.50 • List $130.00
Melt Cleanliness (DVD)
The reduced pressure test (RPT) is widely used by the aluminum
foundry industry to evaluate the hydrogen level in the liquid metal
before pouring. Reduced Pressure Test for Hydrogen Gas and Melt
Cleanliness not only explains, but also shows the step-by-step pro-
cedures for running a successful RPT test. A procedure booklet
also is included, insuring that you will have the proper training tool
with which to train your operators on the correct way to assess the
Not Finding the
readiness of the aluminum melt prior to pouring.
Book You Need?
Corporate $139.00 • Personal $139.00 • List $139.00 Visit to
find hundreds of other titles
available exclusively on the AFS website!

To order, call 800/537-4237, fax 847/824-7848 or visit 33


Microstructures and
Thermal Analysis of
This book concentrates on the effects
of strontium on the thermal analysis
and microstructures of several com-
monly used North American alloys.
Data on thermal analysis is presented
in an atlas format on an alloy-by-alloy
basis. The atlas should be of particular
interest to those metalcasting facilities using strontium for modi-
fication and/or shrinkage control but is also a useful source of
information to students, engineers and technicians interested in
the complex metallurgy of aluminum-silicon alloys. Hardcover, Solidification Characteristics of
7 x 10.5 in., 81 pages Aluminum Alloys—Volume 2:
NF9502 ISBN 978-0-87433-131-8 Foundry Alloys
Corporate $30.00 • Personal $45.00 • List $60.00 This book, co-published by AFS and Skanaluminium, is the result
of groundbreaking research into solidification and compositional
Receive a special discount when you order this book and variation of 19 aluminum casting alloys.Variations within alloys are
the Microstructure Control in Hypoeutectic Aluminum- shown in color photomicrographs, and the influence on structural
Silicon Alloys Chart (CH8600) together as a set. development is discussed. Text also contains general information
on experimental techniques, as well as an atlas of microstructures
and cooling curves. Hardcover, 8.5 x 12 in., 256 pages.
Corporate $38.00 • Personal $57.00 • List $76.00
NF9000 ISBN 978-0-87433-119-6
Corporate $60.00 • Personal $90.00 • List $120.00

Solidification Characteristics of
Aluminum Alloys—Volume 3:
Dendrite Coherency
The publication documents experimental data that can be used to

SAVE! better predict the solidification behavior of aluminum alloys. An

atlas chapter, illustrated with full color photomicrographs, provides
data on dendrite coherency. The research results contained in this
The Treatment of volume are a continuation of the efforts made between AFS and
Skanaluminium to extend the knowledge of aluminum casting al-
Liquid Aluminum- loys. Hardcover, 8.5 x 12 in., 260 pages.
Silicon Alloys NF9600 ISBN 978-0-87433-130-1
All aspects of the treatment of liquid Corporate $60.00 • Personal $90.00 • List $120.00
aluminum-silicon alloys are featured. SPECIAL! Buy both Volumes 2 and 3 of Solidification
These include refinement and modi- Characteristics together and receive 25% off!
fication, filtration, gassing, degassing,
fluxing and grain refinement. Nonde- NFSCSP-PCK
structive control of the microstruc- Corporate $90.00 • Personal $135.00 • List $180.00
ture achieved by the various metal
treatment processes is discussed, in-
cluding thermal analysis control of
grain size and eutectic modification.
Hardcover, 7 x 11 in., 272 pages.
NF9001 ISBN 978-0-87433-121-9
Not Finding the
Corporate $40.00 • Personal $60.00 • List $80.00
Receive a special discount price when you order this
Book You Need?
book and the Microstructure Control in Hypoeutectic Visit to
Aluminum-Silicon Alloys Chart (CH8600) together.
find hundreds of other titles
available exclusively on the AFS website!
Corporate $46.00 • Personal $69.00 • List $92.00

34 To order, call 800/537-4237, fax 847/824-7848 or visit


2008 AFS Transactions, Vol. 116

The world’s foremost experts in metalcasting are represented within the 116th volume of the Transactions of the American Foundry Society. This
annual publication contains the latest technical papers presented at CastExpo ’08 held in Atlanta, Georgia, May 17-20, 2008, by some of the top
minds in the metalcasting industry and academia. Up-to-the-minute technology is presented with a focus on topics such as:
Aluminum Engineering Lost Foam Casting
Cast Iron Environmental, Magnesium
Copper Health & Safety Marketing

More than 1,000 pages are bound in a maroon leatherette casing with gold foil stamping of the title, date and volume number on the spine – a
handsome addition to any metalcasting library. A CD version of the Transactions is also included, which offers the opportunity to see many of
the images, charts, and microstructures in color. Hardcover, 1102 pages, 8.5 x 11 in. CD inside back cover.

TX2008 ISBN 978-0-87433-318-3 Past Editions of

Corporate $300.00 • Personal $450.00 • List $600.00
AFS Transactions
The CD version is also sold separately:
TX08CD ISBN 978-0-87433-317-6 also are available:
Corporate $150.00 • Personal $225.00 • List $300.00
2007, Volume 115
TX2007 (Print) ISBN 978-0-87433-338-1
Corporate $275.00 • Personal $412.50 • List $550.00
Corporate $150.00 • Personal $225.00 • List $300.00

2006, Volume 114

TX2006 (Print) ISBN 978-0-87433-298-8
Corporate $275.00 • Personal $412.50 • List $550.00
TX06CD (CD) ISBN 978-0-87433-297-1
Corporate $150.00 • Personal $225.00 • List $300.00

2005, Volume 113

TX2005 (Print) ISBN 978-0-87433-284-1
Corporate $250.00 • Personal $375.00 • List $500.00
TX05CD (CD) ISBN 978-0-87433-283-4
Corporate $125.00 • Personal $187.50 • List $250.00

2004, Volume 112

TX2004 (Print) ISBN 978-0-87433-277-3
Corporate $250.00 • Personal $375.00 • List $500.00
TX04CD (CD) ISBN 978-0-87433-276-6
Corporate $125.00 • Personal $187.50 • List $250.00

International Journal JM0001 Single issue

(North American customers)
of Metalcasting Corporate $30.00 • Personal $30.00 • List $40.00
The International Journal of Metalcasting
(IJMC) is dedicated to leading the transfer JM0001INTL Single issue
of research and technology to the global (Customers outside of North America)
metalcasting industry. The quarterly pub- International Technical $45.00 • List $55.00
lication will work closely with the annual
AFS Transactions to keep the latest de- GEIJMCUS Annual subscription
velopments in metalcasting research and (North American customers)
technology in front of the scientific leaders Corporate $99.00 • Personal $99.00 • List $129.00
of the global industry. 
The IJMC is published 4 times a year. Single issues are available. To GEIJMCNUS Annual subscription
subscribe to the journal, visit or con- (Customers outside North America)
tact Customer Service at [email protected]. Corporate $149.00 • Personal $149.00 • List $179.00

To order, call 800/537-4237, fax 847/824-7848 or visit 35


Proceedings of the Proceedings from the

AFS International World Foundrymen
Conference on Organization (WFO)
High Integrity Technical Forum
Light Metal Castings April 19, 2005,
October 31 - November 1, 2005, St. Louis, MO (CD)
Indianapolis, Ind. This CD contains the papers presented
during the WFO Technical Forum “Metal Casting Research: Where
Papers presented at the conference in-
is it going? And is that where we want to go?” The WFO Technical
clude casting high integrity aluminum
Forum was held April 19, 2005, at the America’s Center in St. Louis.
components; melt treatment; gating,
Topics covered during the conference include future trends in
feeding & simulation; process optimization; inspection and qual-
the development of metallurgy and process technology for cast
ity; current and future research in light metals casting. 3-ring binder,
iron; technology development for SG iron castings; research and
10 x 11.5 in., 206 pages.
development in cast magnesium alloys; current developments in
NF0501 ISBN 978-0-87433-294-0 copper alloy casting research; future of titanium in alloy castings
Corporate $60.00 • Personal $90.00 • List $120.00 and more.
GM0500 ISBN 978-0-87433-288-9
Corporate $37.50 • Personal $56.25 • List $75.00
2008 Proceedings of
the Keith Millis
The complete papers presented at the 2008
Keith D. Millis World Symposium on Cast
Ductile Iron (cosponsored by the Ductile
Iron Society and the American Foundry
Society) held at Las Vegas, Nevada, October
2008. Some of the papers presented include:
∙ Autonomous Optimization of DI Castings Technologies
∙ Compacted Graphite Iron - A Material Solution for Modern Diesel Strain-Life Fatigue
∙ Development and Application of Ductile Iron in China Properties Database
∙ Engine Cylinder Blocks and Heads for Cast Iron (DVD)
∙ Finding the True Eutectic Point - An Essential Task for Efficient Authors: J.D. DeLa’O, PhD,
Process Control of Ductile Iron R.Gundlach and
∙ Machining of Ductile Irons - Influence of Casting Dimensional J.M Tartaglia, PhD, Stork Climax
Variability on Tool Life Variation Research Services
∙ News About Risering/Feeding Ductile Iron Castings AFS presents the combined results of a

∙ Practical Aspects of Nodule Density and its Relationship to High study of strain-controlled fatigue testing.
Casting Yield in Ductile Iron In the original study, a program of strain-
controlled fatigue testing and material
∙ Reheating of Treated Ductile Iron characterization was conducted to devel-
∙ Solidification Macrostructure of Free Graphite Cast Irons op design data for 22 carefully selected
∙ Wear Characteristics of Ductile Irons Under Low Interfacial materials, developing a detailed and well-documented strain-life
Pressure in Dry Sliding Conditions database for graphitic cast iron.
For a complete list of the table of content, contact Customer Service The latest study shows the analysis of heavy section ductile iron. Both
at 800/537-4237. studies are now combined on one DVD.
FC0800 ISBN: 978-0-87433-333-6 RR08DVD ISBN: 978-0-87433-3312-2
Corporate $75.00 • Personal $112.50 • List $150.00 Corporate $100.00 • Personal $150.00 • List $200.00

Proceedings from past conferences

can be found at the AFS E-store at
36 To order, call 800/537-4237, fax 847/824-7848 or visit
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38 To order, call 800/537-4237, fax 847/824-7848 or visit

Ductile Iron Microstructure
Microstructures Control in
Rating Chart Hypoeutectic
This functional, useful wall chart allows Aluminum-Silicon
metallographers to make quick com-
parisons so that they can determine rat-
Alloys Chart
ings of percent nodularity, pearlite and carbide, as well as a nodule Using 18 photographs, this quick reference chart shows degrees of
count. Measures 40 x 27 in. modification at two magnifications along with a complete range
of grain size. Both have tables that describe the type of modified
structure and the actual grain size as measured by various tech-
Corporate $17.50 • Personal $26.25 • List $35.00
niques. Updated 2002. Measures 40 x 28.
Receive a special discount price when you order this chart Corporate $17.50 • Personal $26.25 • List $35.00
and the Ductile Iron Handbook (FC9200) together.

Receive a special discount price when you order this chart

FCODI2-PCK and Treatment of Liquid Aluminum-Silicon Alloys (NF90CH)
Corporate $62.00 • Personal $93.00 • List $124.00 or Microstructures and Thermal Analysis of Strontium-
Treated Aluminum-Silicon Alloys (NF95CH) together.

Corporate $46.00 • Personal $69.00 • List $92.00
Gray Iron Corporate $38.00 • Personal $57.00 • List $76.00

Rating Chart
This wall chart provides metallogra-
phers and other lab personnel a quick
and easy way to compare in-house mi-
crostructures with standard gray iron microstructures. Graphite
type and size (newly revised), estimated percent ferrite, pearlite
spacing, estimated carbides and steadite content can all be refer-
enced quickly using this chart. Measures 40 x 28 in.
of Porosity in
Corporate $22.50 • Personal $33.75 • List $45.00 Cast Iron Wall Chart
Edited by George Goodrich
This latest chart from AFS shows the type
Save 25% when you buy both the Introduction to Gray
of gas porosity (mold gas, nitrogen and
Cast Iron Processing book (FC0002) and Gray Iron
hydrogen, and carbon monoxide reaction products), its microscopic
Microstructure Rating Chart as a set.
appearance and microanalysis, what its distinguishing characteristics
are, and its causes and cures. The wall chart measures approximately
FC02CH-PCK 27 x 39 in. Full color pictures, easy-to-read text.
Corporate $35.62 • Personal $53.44 • List $71.25 CH0500 ISBN 978-0-87433-285-8
Corporate $22.50 • Personal $33.75 • List $45.00

Not an AFS Member? Join today.

See page 38 for details, or visit
To order, call 800/537-4237, fax 847/824-7848 or visit 39
The AFS Butch Peters Memorial Library Online

The American Foundry Society (AFS) announces the release of an

updated and advanced library website at
with more than 38,000 papers and articles. The new AFS
Library Search engine is powered by “GoogleTM” and has
a full-text search capability for many articles in the
library. Browse by topic, view our top searches, and
peruse our recent library additions. With three
different search mechanisms and an online
payment option, a wealth of information is at
your fingertips! In your search results you will
be presented with abstracts and then the op-
tion to purchase those papers you want via
automatic download, fax or mail. The new
AFS abstract database is a great way for the
metalcasting professional (designer, user,
supplier, manufacturer, academia, etc.) to
locate both current and historical informa-
tion necessary for their technical, produc-
tion and marketing decisions.

The reviewed publications include more

than100 technical and academic journals, trade
magazines and manufacturing/business publica-
tions. The Society abstracts from more than 60 pe-
riodicals. Both U.S. and foreign sources are included.
The abstracts cover a wide range of topics, including:

Casting processes

Cleaning and finishing

Energy conservation Fees

Article Fee (Price per article)
Environmental control
Corporate $10.00 • Personal $15.00 • List $30.00
Ferrous and nonferrous alloys Download through EStore: $0
Shipping & Handling: U.S. starts at $11.00/all other coun-
General interest tries start at $17.00

Management Abstract Search Service (Price per hour)

Corporate $50.00 • Personal $50.00 • List $75.00
Melting Free on-line

Metallurgy Other Library Staff Assistance (Price per hour)

Corporate $50.00 • Personal $50.00 • List $75.00
Molding and coremaking

Plant engineering Library Policies

The new AFS abstract database is open to the public.
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Access to AFS’ physical library is limited to AFS mem-
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40 To order, call 800/537-4237, fax 847/824-7848 or visit

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