World Plastic Pipe: Industry Study With Forecasts For
World Plastic Pipe: Industry Study With Forecasts For
World Plastic Pipe: Industry Study With Forecasts For
Table of Contents 2
Study Overview 5
About Freedonia,
Custom Research,
Related Studies, 9
List of Tables 12 Other Central & South America: Plastic 38 Other Africa/Mideast: Plastic Pipe
Pipe Demand by Country............. 230 Demand by Market & Resin.......... 292
(continued from previous page) 13 Eastern Europe: Macroeconomic 39 Other Africa/Mideast: Plastic
20 South Korea: Plastic Pipe Indicators & Total Pipe Demand... 235 Pipe Demand by Country............. 293
Demand by Market..................... 182 14 Eastern Europe: Plastic Pipe
21 South Korea: Plastic Pipe Demand by Market..................... 237
Demand by Resin....................... 184 INDUSTRY STRUCTURE
15 Eastern Europe: Plastic Pipe
22 Taiwan: Macroeconomic Indicators Demand by Resin....................... 239 1 Plastic Pipe Sales by Company, 2012 300
& Total Pipe Demand.................. 186 16 Poland: Macroeconomic Indicators 2 Selected Acquisitions & Divestitures 309
23 Taiwan: Plastic Pipe & Total Pipe Demand.................. 242 3 Selected Cooperative Agreements.... 313
Demand by Market..................... 188 17 Poland: Plastic Pipe
24 Taiwan: Plastic Pipe Demand by Market..................... 244
Demand by Resin....................... 190
25 Thailand: Macroeconomic Indicators
18 Poland: Plastic Pipe List of Charts
Demand by Resin....................... 246
& Total Pipe Demand.................. 192 19 Russia: Macroeconomic Indicators
26 Thailand: Plastic Pipe & Total Pipe Demand.................. 249 OVERVIEW
Demand by Market..................... 194 20 Russia: Plastic Pipe
27 Thailand: Plastic Pipe Demand by Market..................... 251 1 World Pipe Demand by Region, 2012.. 40
Demand by Resin....................... 196 21 Russia: Plastic Pipe 2 World Plastic Pipe Volume
28 Other Asia/Pacific: Macroeconomic Demand by Resin....................... 253 Demand by Region, 2012.............. 44
Indicators & Total Pipe Demand... 198 22 Other Eastern Europe: Macroeconomic 3 World Plastic Pipe Length
29 Other Asia/Pacific: Plastic Pipe Indicators & Total Pipe Demand... 256 Demand by Region, 2012.............. 46
Demand by Market & Resin.......... 200 23 Other Eastern Europe: Plastic Pipe 4 World Plastic Pipe Demand
30 Other Asia/Pacific: Plastic Pipe Demand by Market & Resin.......... 258 by Resin, 2012............................ 56
Demand by Country.................... 201 24 Other Eastern Europe: Plastic
Pipe Demand by Country............. 259 NORTH AMERICA
OTHER REGIONS 25 Africa/Mideast: Macroeconomic 1 North America: Plastic Pipe
Indicators & Total Pipe Demand... 265 Demand by Resin, 2012................ 64
1 Central & South America:
26 Africa/Mideast: Plastic Pipe
Macroeconomic Indicators
Demand by Market..................... 267
& Total Pipe Demand.................. 208 WESTERN EUROPE
27 Africa/Mideast: Plastic Pipe
2 Central & South America: Plastic
Demand by Resin....................... 269 1 Western Europe: Plastic Pipe
Pipe Demand by Market............... 210
28 Iran: Macroeconomic Indicators Demand by Resin, 2012................ 90
3 Central & South America: Plastic
& Total Pipe Demand.................. 272
Pipe Demand by Resin................ 212
29 Iran: Plastic Pipe
4 Argentina: Macroeconomic Indicators
Demand by Market..................... 274
& Total Pipe Demand.................. 215
30 Iran: Plastic Pipe Demand by Resin.. 276 1 Asia/Pacific: Plastic Pipe
5 Argentina: Plastic Pipe
31 Saudi Arabia: Macroeconomic Demand by Resin, 2012.............. 146
Demand by Market..................... 217
Indicators & Total Pipe Demand... 278
6 Argentina: Plastic Pipe
32 Saudi Arabia: Plastic Pipe OTHER REGIONS
Demand by Resin....................... 219
Demand by Market..................... 280
7 Brazil: Macroeconomic Indicators 1 Central & South America: Plastic
33 Saudi Arabia: Plastic Pipe
& Total Pipe Demand.................. 221 Pipe Demand by Resin, 2012....... 213
Demand by Resin....................... 282
8 Brazil: Plastic Pipe 2 Eastern Europe: Plastic Pipe
34 Turkey: Macroeconomic Indicators
Demand by Market..................... 223 Demand by Resin, 2012.............. 240
& Total Pipe Demand.................. 284
9 Brazil: Plastic Pipe 3 Africa/Mideast: Plastic Pipe
35 Turkey: Plastic Pipe
Demand by Resin....................... 225 Demand by Resin, 2012.............. 270
Demand by Market..................... 286
10 Other Central & South America:
36 Turkey: Plastic Pipe
Macroeconomic Indicators
& Total Pipe Demand.................. 227
Demand by Resin....................... 288 INDUSTRY STRUCTURE
37 Other Africa/Mideast: Macroeconomic
11 Other Central & South America: Plastic 1 World Plastic Pipe
Indicators & Total Pipe Demand... 290
Pipe Demand by Market & Resin... 229 Market Share, 2012.................... 301
Advances will come mainly from increased construction spending worldwide, and from the on-
going trend of plastic pipe replacing other materials, such as copper, concrete, and steel.
Construction to be
While plastic pipe use is not as wide- drilling, well drilling, and pipeline con-
fastest growing market spread in the oil and gas and process struction activity.
Construction related applications will manufacturing markets, improvements in
provide the most impetus for growth in resin formulations have enabled plastic
plastic pipe demand in all global regions.
HDPE pipe to take market
to increase its market share in recent
For example, recovery in the US con- years. For instance, HDPE and fiber- share from dominant PVC
struction industry will result in double- glass are being more widely used in the PVC is by far the most widely used pipe
digit gains in pipe demand. The US is oil and gas industry. In process manufac- resin, accounting for over 55 percent of
home to the world’s second largest turing applications, HDPE’s greater global plastic pipe demand in 2012.
construction market and recovery from flexibility has resulted in its increased Going forward, however, HDPE is
its recent housing crisis will provide use. In addition, fiberglass finds use in expected to take market share from PVC
strong opportunities for plastic pipe. process manufacturing applications in a variety of construction applications.
China, which maintains the world’s when particularly hazardous materials For instance, as PEX becomes more
largest construction market, will also are present. Going forward, demand for common in many regional markets, the
contribute greatly to growth. As China’s HDPE and fiberglass is expected to material will supplant PVC potable water
population continues to urbanize, the benefit from gains in manufacturing distribution pipe. Additionally, fiberglass
need for plastic pipe utilized in residen- output and growth in crude oil and is beginning to be utilized in a wider
tial, nonresidential, and nonbuilding natural gas production and consumption array of water and wastewater settings
construction will increase. -- including increases in exploratory because of its performance advantages.
Copyright 2013 The Freedonia Group, Inc.
Copyright 2013 The Freedonia Group, Inc. 163 5.8% M exich em
3.3% S ekisu i C h em
M a rke t
O th e rs
L e a d e rs
7 4 .9 % 3.1% C h in a L ian su
2 5 .1 %
2.7% AD S
2.6% F u t u re P ip e
Copyright 2013 The Freedonia Group, Inc. 379
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Page 7
Water Treatment Equipment • Chemicals • Plastics • Life Sciences • Packaging • Building Materials • Security
Demand for water treatment equipment in the US
is forecast to grow 5.9 percent per year to $13.0
& Electronics • Industrial Components & Equipment • Automotive & Transportation
billion in 2017. The resource extraction market will Equipment • Household Goods • Energy/Power Equipment
post the most rapid gains, followed by the recover-
ing commercial and residential markets. Disinfection
and membrane equipment will be the fastest growing Click here to learn more about Freedonia
product segments. This study analyzes the $9.8
billion US market for water treatment equipment,
with forecasts for 2017 and 2022 by product, market,
and application. The study also evaluates company Freedonia Custom Research
market share and profiles industry players.
#3052................... July 2013..................... $5100 Freedonia Custom Research delivers the same high quality, thorough and unbiased
assessment of an industry or market as an industry study. Since the research initia-
World Oil & Gas Pipe tive is based upon a company’s specific needs, companies harness Freedonia’s
World oil and gas pipe demand will rise 5.3 percent research capabilities and resources to answer unique questions. When you leverage
annually to 51.8 million metric tons in 2017 as high oil the results of a Freedonia Custom Research engagement, you are able to obtain
prices and growing energy demand spur new devel-
opment. Gas pipe will grow at nearly four times the important answers to specific questions and issues associated with: mergers and
rate of oil pipe demand. Central and South America acquisitions, new product launches/development, geographic expansion, entry into
and the Asia/Pacific region will grow the fastest. This
study analyzes the 40.1 million metric ton world oil new markets, strategic business planning, and investment and funding decisions.
and gas pipe industry, with forecasts for 2017 and
2022 by material, diameter, world region, and for 23
countries. The study also evaluates company market
Freedonia Custom Research is ideal for companies seeking to make a strategic dif-
share and profiles industry participants. ference in the status quo and focus on future business growth. Working side by side
#3060.................October 2013.................. $6100 with clients, Freedonia’s team is able to define a research project that is custom-
tailored to answer specific questions and provide the basis from which a company
Construction Outlook in China can make informed business decisions.
Construction expenditures in China are expected
to rise 8.5 percent per annum in real terms through
2017. Nonbuilding construction of transportation Click here to learn more about Custom Research
infrastructure and utility projects will see the fastest
growth.The Central-East region will remain the larg-
est market while the Northwest region will grow the
fastest. This study analyzes the 13.3 trillion yuan
construction industry in China, with forecasts for 2017
and 2022 by market, application, and geographic
region. The study also evaluates company market
share and profiles industry participants.
#3035................... July 2013..................... $5300
Page 8 The Freedonia Group, Inc. 767 Beta Drive • Cleveland, OH • 44143-2326 • USA • Web site:
Tel US: 800.927.5900 or +1 440.684.9600 • Fax: +1 440.646.0484 • e-mail: [email protected]