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MassMin 2016 Conference Proceedings Grasberg Underg 3

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Development and Construction Update

of the Grasberg Block Cave Mine

C A Brannon1, H H Firdausi2, N D Pascoe3 and A T Yuniar4

This paper describes the key components of the Grasberg Block Cave (GBC) mine design and
the development and construction status of the mine. Drawpoint production from GBC will be
initiated in 2018 following the closure of the Grasberg open pit. Full production of 160 000 t/d is
planned for 2024, which will make it a 20-year time period between initial access development in
2004 and full production.
Diluted ore reserves are about 1 Bt at a grade of 1.0 per cent Cu and 0.78 g/t Au. The mine
plans some 2400 drawpoints on a 20 m × 30 m drawbell spacing in a 700 000 m2 footprint using
the El  Teniente layout. The drawpoint opening sequence includes five production blocks, the
first two of which are scheduled to be undercut simultaneously in 2018. Ore is transported using
diesel-powered load-haul-dumps to a series of orepasses and then delivered via loading chutes to
a rail haulage system, which delivers the ore to a three gyratory crusher complex. Crushed ore is
transported to the mill stockpiles via dual inclined conveyors.
Development and construction of the substantial fixed facilities are now well underway. Primary
access for personnel and materials is via the 6 km Ali Boediardjo (AB) adits. A service shaft
will hoist personnel and materials from the AB adits level to the various operating levels. Shaft
commissioning is scheduled for late 2015. The rail haulage system installation and construction is in
progress and is due to be commissioned in 2017, which is timed to coincide with the commissioning
of the ore handling system. Ventilation is provided through a series of large intake and exhaust
drifts, and two of the four main fans have been commissioned. A 1600 L/s pumping system will
manage drainage from the mine.
Other key facilities include separate shops for rail and rubber-tired equipment, warehousing, a
powder magazine, a main control centre and an underground concrete batch plant.

PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) began the development of the 240 kt/d and will be entirely from underground. The GBC
Grasberg Block Cave (GBC) mine with initial access drifting in will be the primary source of mill feed (target 160 kt/d).
2004, 14 years before the planned initiation of caving in early As detailed engineering studies progressed, the many
2018 and almost 20 years prior to achieving full production challenges identified resulted in significant modifications to
rates of 160 000 t/d of ore by 2024.
the mine design. Geological and geotechnical considerations
The three currently active mining operations in the Grasberg necessitated layout modifications and changes to caving
Mining District are the Grasberg open pit (160 kt/d ore), the designs. It became clear that simply scaling up the size of the
Deep Ore Zone (DOZ) block cave mine (50–80 kt/d) and the support facilities from other existing block cave operations
newly commissioned Deep Mill Level Zone (DMLZ) block was not always appropriate and that a redesign was required
cave mine (target 80 kt/d). A fourth mine, the Big Gossan
to produce an optimised plan to manage the large numbers of
open stoping operation (target 7 kt/d), is fully constructed
miners and the volume of materials required.
but is currently on hold as the priority is the construction
and start-up of DMLZ and GBC. The Kucing Liar orebody This paper provides an update on the development
is another large caving operation that is planned to begin and construction of the GBC mine. Brannon et al (2012b)
production in 2026. Figure 1 is a schematic view of the summarised the key design parameters of the GBC at that
Grasberg District orebodies. The concentrating plant has a time, including a discussion of the changes to the mine design
capacity of about 240 kt/d. When open pit mining concludes since the completion of the 2008 feasibility study (Brannon
in 2018, production targets from the district will remain at et al, 2008).

1. Manager – Underground Planning, Freeport-McMoRan Inc, Phoenix Az 85050, USA. Email: [email protected]
2. Superintendent, GBC Planning, PT Freeport Indonesia, Papua 99920, Indonesia. Email: [email protected]
3. MAusIMM, Manager, GBC Planning, PT Freeport Indonesia, Papua 99920, Indonesia. Email: [email protected]
4. Vice President, Underground Expansion Development, PT Freeport Indonesia, Papua 99920, Indonesia. Email: [email protected]

C A Brannon et al

FIG 1 – Perspective view of the Grasberg District orebodies and major accesses.

GEOLOGY, ORE RESERVES AND CAVING PLAN altered rock that cuts through the otherwise roughly cylindrical,
mineralised intrusive complex. This results in a horseshoe-
Geology and ore reserves shaped ore footprint in plan view (Figure 2). The Kali diorite
The Grasberg deposit is a porphyry copper-gold deposit was not subjected to the alteration and fracturing events that
comprising a multistage dioritic intrusion emplaced into the affected the rest of the Grasberg Intrusive Complex (GIC). The
centre of a volcanic breccia complex. Mineralisation extends result is that the Kali is a unit of generally very good ground
more than 1600 m vertically from the 4300 m elevation at the that provides a location for a permanent central access across
original surface to at least a depth of 2600 m. The width of the orebody. The Kali diorite also extends to the south-east,
the mineralisation ranges from about 200 m to over 1 km. beyond the boundaries of the GIC, and provides a location
The highest grades of the deposit are centrally located within for the fixed facilities of the mine. The layouts for those fixed
the intrusive complex and this is the planned location for facilities were adjusted to the extent possible to stay within the
initiating the cave. good ground conditions provided by the Kali diorite.
The central Kali diorite intrusive phase forms an Estimated diluted ore reserves at the GBC are about 1 Bt at
approximately 100 m-wide septum of barren and weakly a grade of 1.0 per cent copper and 0.78 g/t gold, representing


FIG 2 – (A) Grasberg Block Cave footprint showing grade distribution (darker colours = higher grade) and (B) production block sequence and naming convention.

Development and Construction Update of the Grasberg Block Cave Mine

payable metal of about 18.4 billion pounds copper and block has been forecast. Production from caving is planned
15.6 Moz gold. to start in 2018, peak production is planned to be reached in
The GBC is located below a massive, 2 km diameter open 2024 and mine closure is scheduled for 2041. Annual average
pit, with the pit bottom just under 200 m above the extraction metal production (at full production rates) is approximately
level. The reserve has average column heights of 500 m. one billion pounds of copper and about 1 Moz of gold.
Pit slope stability, extensively modelled during the mine Another major challenge will be managing and predicting
design process, predicts slope failures shortly after caving the interaction of the GBC with the Grasberg Open Pit. Beck
commences. The projected failure geometries, grades and Engineering’s simulations have provided clarity into the pit-
material types in the failure areas are incorporated into the cave interaction and the instability that will be created in the
dilution modelling for the GBC mine reserve. As the timing pit walls as the cave propagates and matures. Developing one
of the failures is uncertain, total final failure geometries were of the largest block caves in the world below one of the largest
imposed on the mineable shape from the initiation of caving open pits in an area that receives greater than 5 m of rain per
and dilution from pit slope failures allowed to move through year will be extremely challenging. The connection of the
the draw columns from the beginning of caving. Volumes of block cave to the open pit will allow water and, potentially,
projected dilution comprise about 15 per cent of the reserves.
dilution into the draw columns, resulting in an increased risk
of wet muck rushes.
Caving and monitoring plan
In order to control these risks, significant work is underway
The mine will be a panel caving operation with planned peak
to establish monitoring systems and mitigation plans for
production of 160 000 t/d. In order to meet that production
addressing the challenges. The monitoring systems will
target, a number of production blocks will be operating at the
same time. The design of the undercutting and production include, but are not limited to, the following:
block sequence poses one of the major challenges for the •• microseismic system
mine. Because the highest value of the mine is concentrated •• time-domain reflectometer monitoring system
in the central core of the deposit, the initial production blocks •• interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR)
will start caving simultaneously on either side of the barren •• extraction level health monitoring system (wireless high
central Kali diorite and move progressively away from that measurement frequency)
central zone.
•• pit radar and GPS
The GBC orebody has a large footprint with a diameter
•• piezometers
of about 1 km within which 2400 drawpoints covering an
area of 700 000 m2 are planned. The extraction level (2830 m •• wet muck monitoring (autonomous systems).
elevation) is an El Teniente-style layout with production These systems will provide additional data for the technical/
panel drifts spaced at 30 m and drawpoints spaced at production teams at PTFI so that past events can be reviewed
20  m. The overall footprint is divided into five production and future events predicted. The data will help to ensure a
blocks (with 13 subblocks) and the mining sequence safe, efficient and profitable operation.
prioritises the blocks with the highest grades in the early
years. Production is initiated in Production Blocks 1 and 2 MINE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT STATUS
(Figure 2) simultaneously.
Various mining sequences have been assessed using Overview
numerical simulations by Beck Engineering. These simulations Figure 3 shows a schematic section of the GBC mine design
have provided valuable information about the anticipated and the location of some of the major facilities in the mine
stresses and deformation that may be encountered during the relative to the orebody.
development and subsequent production of the GBC.
The total linear metres of development at the initiation
A particular challenge on the extraction level will be of caving will be about 155 000 m. As of September 2015,
the transition from an active production block to the new, about 91 000 m have been developed for the mine, including
adjacent production block as caving will be propagating
accesses, ventilation drifts, ore flow systems, fixed facilities
in the active block as the adjacent block is being initiated.
and production areas. Monthly development drifting
Abutment stresses and early dilution are well-known risks
currently exceeds 2500 m per month. The orebody footprint
when starting a new block against an active block. The
is being accessed on all levels. Additional delineation drilling,
current plan is to fully develop the production panels and
dewatering and geotechnical monitoring will accelerate
drawpoints along the block boundaries and allow caving to
in 2016 as sites become available within the orebody.
propagate into the new block. The risks that the drawpoints at
the block boundaries may become ‘sacrificial’ are understood. Construction of the fixed facilities began in mid-2015, and
Boundary drawpoints will probably be drawn at a lower construction activities will accelerate in 2016 in all areas to
rate or not drawn from at all in order to provide a dilution prepare for the scheduled 2018 start-up.
boundary between the two adjacent active blocks. There
is the potential for significant damage to these boundary Access and logistics
drawpoints due to abutment loading from the adjacent cave. The primary access to the mine will be through the 6 km Ali
Studies are ongoing to optimise the caving plan in terms of Boediardjo (AB) adits developed from surface at the 2500 m
production and mitigating geotechnical risk. level (CIP – ‘Common Infrastructure’ area). The surface
The blocks will be undercut using a ‘crinkle-cut’ drill CIP yard has major facilities for the mines, including a bus
ring design and blasting pattern similar to that successfully terminal, maintenance, warehousing, materials handling,
employed in the currently active DOZ block cave mine. The batch plants and aggregate plants. The main office complex for
mine will use an advance undercut mining sequence, with the underground mines is at the surface CIP facility. Control
the leading edge of the undercut a minimum of 20 m ahead rooms in that office remotely operate production loaders,
of drawbelling on the extraction level. A maximum rate of loading chutes, the ore haulage rail system, the ore haulage
drawbell opening of five drawbells per month per production unloading station and rock breakers at the production panels.

C A Brannon et al

FIG 3 – Schematic section of the Grasberg Block Cave mine and major facilities.

Rubber-tire equipment uses the AB adits to deliver personnel Service shaft

and materials to the mine and haul development muck out of
The GBC service shaft from the AB terminal level up to the
it. The AB tunnel system has been completed for the GBC and
operating levels will be the primary mode of transportation
DMLZ mines and will ultimately comprise about 18 km of
for personnel and materials. The shaft is a 353 m long, 8.5 m
roadways servicing all of the underground mines. A traffic
diameter, concrete-lined vertical shaft that is fitted with
control system is installed to control the movements of all
a large double-deck service cage running on tubular steel
vehicles to and from the mine. The control system is operated
guides. The hoisting system employs a modified Blair hoist
from the surface main office complex. All functions within the
arrangement, which uses only one compensating sheave
CIP yard and the central control room are scheduled to be
arrangement for the two cage ropes and a single rope for the
operational by early 2016.
cage counterweight. The cage has two fixed decks with a 38 t
total payload and can accommodate 240 miners per trip. The
Facilities description cage is sized to handle full 20 ft containers of materials and
The following is a summary of the facilities for the mine that is also sized to accommodate the rail rolling stock including
will be described in greater detail in this section: production locomotives.
•• Service shaft – the GBC service shaft from the AB terminal More than 20 containers of materials are projected to
level up to the operating levels will be the primary mode be delivered to the mine on a daily basis. Eighty per cent
of transportation for personnel and materials. The shaft of the materials are sand, gravel and cement for the large
has stations on the AB terminal, haulage level, extraction underground batch plant adjacent to the other fixed facilities
level and undercut level. on the extraction level. Materials are trucked in via the AB
•• Batch plant – a substantial underground batch plant is tunnels, loaded by overhead cranes onto dolly cars and then
located adjacent to the other extraction level fixed facilities shunted onto the cage. Each of the main operating levels
to ensure sufficient concrete and shotcrete. use rail systems and shunting locomotives to deliver loaded
•• AB terminal level fixed facilities – this level’s sole function is containers to the warehouses, maintenance facilities, powder
to provide materials and personnel transfers from the AB magazine and batch plant loading bins. Empty containers
tunnels to the service shaft. are returned to the shaft and back down to the AB terminal,
•• Haulage level fixed facilities – facilities on this level support then out to the surface via trucks. Seven shunting locomotives
the rail haulage operations, including the locomotive and perform the loading-unloading operations.
ore car shops; rail and rail control system maintenance; and The entire shaft complex, located within the competent
associated lunchrooms, offices and power distribution. Kali diorite, is complete, and final commissioning will be
•• Extraction level fixed facilities – this level contains the completed by mid-2016. Ground conditions are excellent and
primary facilities for maintenance shops, warehousing, water ingress is minimal. At 63 m long, 15 m wide and 15 m
offices and lunchrooms, and is the access for the batch high, the hoist room is an impressive excavation and facility
plant for loading the mixed concrete products for delivery (Figure 4).
to the mine. A 60 t capacity bridge crane is installed to handle the 52 t
•• Undercut level fixed facilities – this level includes the gearbox and other large components of the hoist. Construction
aggregate and cement unloading stations, explosives of the shaft will be completed in the fourth quarter of 2015.
magazine and ancillary equipment service areas. Commissioning activities commenced in the fourth quarter as
More details about the GBC logistical system design are well, and the shaft is scheduled to be operational early in the
found in Brannon et al (2012a). second quarter of 2016.

Development and Construction Update of the Grasberg Block Cave Mine

FIG 4 – Grasberg Block Cave hoistroom, looking left and right from the crane bay; light vehicle at bottom for scale perspective.

Batch plant •• containerised potable water filtration system

The enormous concrete/shotcrete volumes required to •• wastewater (sewage) treatment facility
develop and construct a 160 000 t/d mine led to the decision •• mine offices and control rooms
to build a substantial underground batch plant adjacent to the •• materials handling – via rail from shaft to warehouse areas
other extraction level fixed facilities to supply the required •• mine warehouse and workshop warehouse
concrete. The plant has two completely redundant batching •• mobile and fixed equipment workshop
streams that are each able to meet average production of
•• fuel and lube bays.
250 m3/d of shotcrete and cement. There are two cement silos
with a total capacity for a two-day supply and an adjacent The scale of the facilities to support the 160 000 t/d
rail spur so that cement can be discharged directly from production rate is substantial. For example, the crane bay
ISO-veyors on the dolly cars that are delivered from the that services both maintenance shops and warehousing
shaft on the undercut level. At the extraction level below the is more than 400 m in length. Due to the large numbers of
aggregate bins, loaders manually load directly from bins to people working on the extraction level, the design required
hoppers and into the cement mixers. an efficient layout for moving people to and from the facilities
and the operating areas.
The batch plant was located in an area of low rock quality
designation limestone containing multiple shear zones as Containers or flat packs of materials are transported in the
it could not be located within the preferred Kali competent shaft cage on dolly cars and offloaded to the crane bay using
diorite. The design and implementation of the complex a shunting locomotive. Containers are lifted off the dolly cars
excavation required to handle the redundant streams of the with the 50 t overhead crane and either moved to a temporary
batch plant was particularly challenging. Ground support storage area or directly to the warehouse for unloading.
requirements were extensive. Pillars are reinforced with cable Empty containers are returned to the shaft for the return trip
bolts and all openings are shotcreted with cable bolts installed. to the rail terminal on the AB level.
The workshop area is used for preventative maintenance
Fixed facilities – AB terminal and breakdown repairs of mobile equipment and maintenance
The facilities on this level are dedicated to the transfer of and repair of some fixed equipment. Major rebuilds will be
personnel and materials from the AB tunnels to the service conducted on the surface. Servicing areas are planned to
shaft. There are two 50 t overhead cranes that will facilitate the accommodate ten per cent of the estimated 170 units planned
loading and unloading of containers, equipment and materials for the mobile fleet at any one time, excluding light vehicles.
from rubber-tire vehicles onto dolly cars to be placed on the The main lunch room has been expanded to provide capacity
service cage using shunting locomotives. Personnel travel via for 360 people per meal. Prepared meals are transported to
buses from the surface CIP yard to the AB terminal, where the lunchrooms using light vehicles that will drive directly
they will load onto the cage for transport to the working levels. into the mine along the ventilation access drifts in order to
The AB terminal area excavation is complete, and avoid multiple rehandling along the way. All of the main
construction activities are planned to begin in late 2015 and lunchrooms on each level are being constructed to also serve
be functional by the end of 2016. as large refuge chambers.
Through September 2015, about 10 000 linear metres
Fixed facilities – extraction level of excavation within the extraction level facilities has
The majority of employees at the mine will work on the been completed out of the planned 14 000 linear metres.
extraction level, which is the primary location for the GBC Construction activities have commenced and are scheduled to
fixed facilities. Employees will access the level via the AB accelerate in 2016 and beyond through the start of production.
terminal and the service shaft. During peak periods, up to
900 people per shift can be expected to report to the level. In Fixed facilities – haulage level
addition, the majority of the material loads, apart from batch
Facilities on this level support the rail haulage operations,
plant consumables, are delivered to the extraction level.
including the locomotive and ore car shops, rail and rail
The facilities on the extraction level include: control system maintenance and associated lunchrooms,
•• employee support facilities – lockers, lunch room, toilets, offices and power distribution. All aspects of the rail system
a church and a mosque are to be maintained in the rail shop on this level.

C A Brannon et al

Facilities on this level include: adequate airflows in all areas where personnel and equipment
•• employee support facilities – lockers, lunch room, toilets, operate.
a church and a mosque Approximately 50 per cent of the airflow for the mine is used
•• offices and train system control rooms in extraction and development activities, with the remainder
•• materials handling – rail from shaft to warehouse and used in fixed facilities, haulage, AB tunnel ventilation
storage areas and crush/convey operations. Velocity requirements and
diesel exhaust dilution requirements dictate 98 per cent
•• warehouse and storage areas for rail shop, rail repairs and
of the airflow, primarily due to velocity requirements for
chute repairs
dust control in the ore flow system and diesel dilution for
•• rail car workshop, locomotive workshop and service bays.
development and production activities.
Included in the current design revision is the provision of
parts storage for commonly changed components sufficient Electrical distribution
for ten rail cars and two locomotives as well as storage of
The electrical distribution network is fed from 34.5 kV and
track supplies and chute repair items for the level. There is
13.8 kV distribution systems that utilise low resistance
additional storage for crusher consumables. Dolly cars are
grounding and are configured with both loop feeds and radial
unloaded from the shaft using a shunting locomotive and
feeds. The system is designed to provide approximately
containers are unloaded using forklifts, which will transfer
85 MW (full production load). There are redundant power
materials from containers or flat packs to storage and
feeds for the underground production circuits and non-
warehouse areas.
redundant power feeds for the ore flow circuits.
The entire rail shop and ancillary facilities excavation has
The main electrical backbone is installed and functioning,
been completed. Construction priorities are on the facilities
and power distribution to the mine and fixed facilities
required for commissioning of the rail system and train
is proceeding.
control system, including the rail shop, control centre, train
controls containers and power distribution.
Pumping system
Drainage and water control is a major consideration for the
Backbone systems
GBC mine as rainfall at the mine site averages about 5 m/a.
Ventilation The Grasberg open pit is one of the largest in the world at
2 km in diameter and about 1 km deep, and will serve as a
The full ventilation system is planned to consist of 4 × 5000 kW funnel to the caving areas once the cave breaks through to
Howden mixed flow fans installed in a parallel exhausting the pit.
configuration. Two of the main fans are in operation, and the
third and fourth fans are to be installed as required during A major source for process water for the concentrator is
ramp-up to full production by 2023. Fresh air from the mill from the Amole adits that currently drain the Grasberg open
valley is downcast to the mine through four parallel primary pit through a gravity supply system. That water source is
intakes (Grasberg Vent Drift (GVD) 1–4) mined at either required for the concentrator to support present and future
6.8 mW × 9.0 mH or 6.8 mW × 12.0 mH along a length of production. The GBC mine is below the open pit and at an
about 2.6 km from the portals to the service level. From the elevation below the concentrator. As caving proceeds, water
inflows will progressively bypass the Amole adits level. The
service level, air is distributed to the working areas of the
GBC mine is able to be gravity drained to lower-level access
mine using ventilation drifts and raises mined at various
drifts (AB adits), but the concentrator water requirements
dimensions. Exhaust air is upcast from the mine workings
dictate that the GBC continue to provide the required water
though four parallel primary exhaust drifts (GVD 5–8) mined
via a pumping system. A 1600 L/s pumping system will
at either 6.8 mW × 9.0 mH or 6.8 mW × 12.0 mH along a
manage the projected drainage requirements from the mine.
length of about 2.6 km from the service level to the portals.
At the top of the exhaust GVDs, air passes through primary A dedicated drainage level is being developed beneath the
exhaust fans (located underground) before exhausting out of haulage level, where all operating levels will drain water via
four portals into the mill valley. The current baseline estimate a series of boreholes. Water from the drainage level reports
of the total airflow requirement for the GBC is 3073  m3/s to the main pumping system (MPS). The MPS is comprised
occurring in 2023. of three areas:
Although excavated at a large dimension, the length of the 1. the drainage level channel, capture sumps and overflow
GVD intake and exhaust drifts imposes a practical limit on system
the total airflow capacity in the mine. The current estimated 2. the lower pump station (LPS)
limit on total flow for the GBC mine is 3000–3100 m3/s with 3. the upper pump station (UPS).
four intake and four exhaust GVDs at the original design The design pumping capacity of the system is 1260 L/s with
dimensions of 6.8 mW × 9.0 mH. Alternative configurations a standby bank of pumps capable of 315 L/s.
of the GVD drifts are currently being evaluated to address The drainage level area of the main pump stations is
the difference between the total airflow requirement and comprised of a capture channel system, two horizontal
the estimated capacity. It is anticipated that two to three of agitated sumps and an overflow system. The overflow system
the GVD drifts on both exhaust and intake will need to be can handle in excess of 3160 L/s in the event of a major
benched to a final height of 12 m. inflow for a period of time, with the overflow draining to the
Using the baseline estimate, the GBC mine uses AB tunnel level and out of the mine. Each horizontal sump
19.2 m3/s/kt/d (excluding the 285 m3/s used to ventilate the on the drainage level has an approximate live capacity of
AB tunnels). Other block cave mines have ratios from 17 to 355 000 L. Motorised control gates are installed in the main
40 m3/s/kt/d (Hatt, 2015). The low ratio indicates that the channel, which control the flow to each sump. Recirculation
GBC mine does not have excess air and that a significant submersible pumps and agitation headers are installed in
ventilation management system will be required to maintain each sump to provide agitation to maintain solids suspension.

Development and Construction Update of the Grasberg Block Cave Mine

The LPS is located on the 2680 level and is comprised of production areas is mid-2017, which is timed to coincide with
the main pumps, overflow piping, manway/pipe raise, the commissioning of the crushing and conveying system.
transformers and E houses. Figure 5 provides a 3D view of the The primary function of the rail haulage system is to collect
LPS that illustrates the scale of the system. The UPS is located ore from the GBC production areas via a series of loading
off of the Grasberg vent drift No 1 ramp at an approximate chutes and deliver that ore to a series of underground crushers.
elevation of 2860 m. The area is comprised of the main pumps, Crushed ore is then delivered to the surface concentrating
sump and accumulators. plant via twin inclined conveyors. The haulage operation is
The pumping system entails ten GIW 10 × 8 600 hp centrifugal supported by a substantial underground rail shop, which is
slurry pumps at both the LPS and UPS that will receive the included in the scope of the project.
mine water from the drainage level sumps and deliver the The scope of the rail project includes all aspects of ore
water to the concentrating plant. The pumping application at haulage system, ranging from the chutes to the unloading
both stations is a series pumping circuit, where two pumps stations at the top of the ore bins. Ore trains consist of 10 to
are in series with each other to develop the head required to 11 bottom-dump 20 m3 muck cars, driven by a 40 t electric
deliver the water to the surface. Three series pumping circuits locomotive, which equates to about 300 t per trainload.
will be installed, with each capable of pumping 315 L/s. One Twelve trains and two spares are required to maintain full
of the circuits is a standby pumping system. production at an average of 160 000 t/d. All rail installations
Sixteen-inch diameter pipe lines are installed in this will be 1435 mm (standard) gauge with AS60 steel rail. The
dewatering application, with one pipe line per pump circuit. rail system is designed to operate in full automated mode,
One water hammer accumulator is dedicated to each pipe line including chute loading, muck hauling and dumping, and is
in both the LPS and UPS. controlled from a central dispatch and control room.
The construction of the GBC MPS is divided into two There will be over 20 km of track in the fully developed rail
phases. Phase I includes 630 L/s of operating capacity and haulage system, with about 120 loading chutes. Approximately
315 L/s of spare capacity to be commissioned by mid-2017. 21 of the loading chutes need to be in place for the initiation
Phase II consists of an additional 630 L/s operating capacity of production.
and is intended to be commissioned by 2026.
As of September 2015, engineering, procurement and
The LPS station excavation is nearing completion and will construction progress for Phase 1 of the project is about
be available for construction in early 2016. The UPS station 30 per cent complete. Detailed design engineering for the
excavation will be complete in late 2016. initial production stage is essentially complete.
Excavation progress is about 31 per cent complete for
Rail haulage Phase 1 and about 51 per cent complete for the area required
The GBC rail haulage system is the subject of papers by for initiating production. The rail shop, unloading station
Hariyadi, Castro and Fisher (2016) and Pascoe et al (2016) and and the first chute gallery have been excavated and prepared
will only be briefly summarised here. for construction in the first quarter of 2016. Development of
A key component of the GBC mine is the rail haulage the main rail lines is proceeding, with a focus on the initial
system. The target for commissioning of the initial rail haulage production areas.

FIG 5 – 3D view of the lower pumping station.

C A Brannon et al

Essentially all major equipment and materials required for be delivered to the semi-autogenous grinding precrushing
production start-up has been procured and is expected to facility that will be built in about 2020.
have been delivered to site by the end of 2015. This includes The GBC ore flow project will be conducted in multiple
the complete unloading station facility, train control systems, stages. Crushing station GBC-1 (Figure 6) and conveyor
traction power systems, loading chutes, power distribution system #1 to the existing GRS-70 conveyor belt are in the first
and all track materials. All rolling stock required for initial stage. Once GBC-1 and conveyor system #1 are operating,
production has been procured, including 15 production and crushing station GBC-2 will be installed. This second stage
service locomotives, ore cars and ancillary equipment. will install conveyor system #2, extend conveying systems to
the semi-autogenous grinding precrushing facility, and install
Crushing and conveying crushing station GBC- 3.
The GBC ore handling system consists of primary crushing The first crusher complex excavation is nearing completion
plants receiving run-of-mine (ROM) ore from haulage and will be handed over for construction by January 2016.
level trains and delivering <50 mm crushed product to the The mass excavations for the crusher stations are large and
concentrator. The ore is delivered by trains into ore bins complex, requiring careful planning and sequencing of the
and passes through the primary gyratory crushers and onto excavation. The paper by Pasek, Firdausi and Chenier (2016)
feeder conveyors to the twin 3 km long, 1.8 m wide inclined discusses the mass excavation of these impressive facilities.
conveyor systems to the secondary cone crusher complex at
surface and from there to the concentrating plant. CONCLUSIONS
The GBC ore flow system will ultimately include three The GBC mine development began in 2004 with the initiation
crushing stations, including a ROM ore bin, a discharge chute of the excavation of the AB access tunnel. Development is
with shear fingers, mud gates, an apron feeder, a 63″  ×  89″ ongoing, but emphasis has shifted from detailed design
(1000 kW) gyratory crusher with lube systems, a product activities to construction of the mine. Development in most
conveyor and electrical and control rooms. Dual conveyor key areas of the mine facilities has been completed and is
systems that each include four new conveyors, fire water, ongoing on all levels to prepare for the start of caving in 2018.
process water, service air distribution and electrical rooms Construction activities have commenced but will accelerate
will be installed. The conveyors will be initially designed rapidly in 2016 and beyond. Management of the ongoing
for transfer of ore from the crushing stations to the Amole development and construction efforts at GBC while ramping
stockpile at the concentrating plant. Ultimately, the ore will up the new 80 kt/d DMLZ mine provides a major challenge.

FIG 6 – Ore flow system schematic with 3D view of crusher chamber.

Development and Construction Update of the Grasberg Block Cave Mine

The GBC mine will be the largest block caving operation locomotives, while Freightquip supplied the Zephir
in the world when full production is reached. PTFI has been shunting locomotives. RUCCI is constructing the service
block caving in the Grasberg district for over 34 years and is shaft. Redpath is the primary development contractor.
applying this experience to help optimise the design of the The permission of Freeport-McMoRan Inc to present this
GBC. GBC is the first mine in the district that will produce paper is gratefully acknowledged by the authors.
from multiple active mining blocks operating simultaneously.
All development, construction and production will use
common infrastructure facilities. The continuing challenge is
to design, construct and operate a functioning infrastructure Brannon, C, Casten, T, Hewitt, S and Kurniawan, C, 2008. Design
and development update of the Grasberg Block Cave Mine, in
that supports the mine and does not hinder the achievement
Proceedings Fifth International Conference and Exhibition on Mass
of the unprecedented production goals. Mining (MassMin 2008) (eds: H Schunnesson and E Nordlund)
PTFI will continue to learn and understand the unique (Luleå University of Technology Press: Luleå).
challenges that an operation of this scale will present going Brannon, C, Patton, M, Toba, R and Williams, G, 2012a. Grasberg
forward and will be prepared to adapt to those conditions Block Cave: logistical support system design, in Proceedings
in order to succeed. The process of understanding the issues Sixth International Conference and Exhibition on Mass Mining
and adjusting designs and mine plans in order to succeed is (MassMin 2012) (Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and
ongoing and will continue as progress is made towards the Petroleum: Sudbury).
planned 2018 undercutting date. Brannon, C, Wynn, E, Vergara-Lara, P and Andriyanto, R, 2012b.
Design update of the Grasberg Block Cave Mine, in Proceedings
Sixth International Conference and Exhibition on Mass Mining
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (MassMin 2012) (Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and
This paper is a brief summary of the massive effort being Petroleum: Sudbury).
carried out by those who are actively working to engineer, Hariyadi, A, Castro, M and Fisher, J, 2016. Automated train ore
excavate and construct the GBC mine. Contributions to this transport, in Proceedings Seventh International Conference on Mass
paper are acknowledged from the underground technical Mining (MassMin 2016), pp 563–570 (The Australasian Institute of
staff at PTFI, as well as from the Freeport-McMoRan Strategic Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
Planning teams in Phoenix and New Orleans. Hatt, A, 2015. Life of mine ventilation report – GBC, DMLZ, and Big
Stantec Engineering is the primary contractor for the Gossan Mines, internal PT Freeport Indonesia document.
design of the mine layout, fixed facilities and service shaft Pascoe, N, Mead, B, Vega, H and Azizi, T, 2016. Grasberg Block Cave
and for the coordination of the detailed design engineering haulage project – design and construction update, in Proceedings
for the rail project. AECOM is the principal rail contractor Seventh International Conference and Exhibition on Mass Mining
for the rail haulage layout and track design and provides (MassMin 2016), pp 585–598 (The Australasian Institute of Mining
construction support to the rail project. Midroc-Bombardier and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
supplied the train control system, while Siemens supplied Pasek, M, Firdausi, H and Chenier, T, 2016. Development of the ore
the overhead catenary system for the rail project. Nordic handling system at the Grasberg Block Cave mine, Indonesia, in
Mine Technologies supplied the unloading station, shaft Proceedings Seventh International Conference and Exhibition on Mass
steel, ore cars and other service cars, and played a major role Mining (MassMin 2016), pp 599–608 (The Australasian Institute of
in the loading chute design. Schalke provided the production Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).


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