Chapter - 1
Chapter - 1
Chapter - 1
The study of literature begins with the reading of books which gradually
leads to the familiarity with authors. Every great book has something fresh and
original to say. As Plato says the foundation of all good and lasting work is
entire sincerity to oneself and to the truth of things one perceives in life. The
purpose of studying literature may be pleasure or acquirement of knowledge
and insight or both. In any case the reader’s business is to enter in to the spirit
of the work and to penetrate into the vital forces of the author’s personality.
Another importance aspect of literature is style. Literature uses language
in various moulds. A great writer modifies the language to his own purpose
and moulds it according to his own peculiarities. The style of the authors is
the product of his personality ; it is also a record of his artistic, spiritual,
intellectual growth.
classical Greece and Rome, in medieval and early modern romance, and in
the traditional of the Renaissance novella. (Since the 18 th century, the term
“novella”, or “novella” in German, has been used in English and other
European language to describe a long short story or a short novel.)
According to Margaret Doody, the novel constitutes “a continuous
and comprehensive history of about two thousand years”, with its origin in the
Ancient Greek and Roman novel, in Chivalric romance, and in the tradition of the
Italian renaissance novella. The ancient romance form was revived by
Romanticism, especially the historical romances of Walter Scott, have argued that
novel is a fiction narrative that displays a realistic depiction of the state of a
society, while the romance encompasses any fictitious narrative that emphasizes
marvellous or uncommon incidents.
Anita Nair born in 26 January 1966 is an Indian novelist who writes her
books in English- language. She was born in Shoranur in Palakkad District of
Kerala. Nair was educated in Chennai (Madras) before returning to Kerala, where
she gained a BA in English language and literature.
Anita Nair has also written few other books, such as Mistress(2003),
Adventures of Nonu, the Skating Squrriel (2006), Living NextDoor to Alise,(2007)
and Magical Indian Myths(2008).
Her sixth novel Idris :keeper of The light (2014) is a historical and
geographical novel about a Somalian trader who visited Malabar in 1659 AD.
Arundathi Roy born in 24 November 1961 is an Indian author best
known for her novel. In 1997 Arundathi Roy published her debut novel, The God
of small Things to wide acclaim.
Her works are The Mother I Knew, Three Thousands Stitches, The Man
from the Egg, Here, There, Everywhere, The Old Man And His God, Dollar Bahu,
The Serpent’s Revenge, House of Cards, The Magic of Lost.
Kiran Desai born in 3 September 1971 is an Indian Author. Her novel The
In heritance of loss won the 2006 Man Booker Prize and the National Book Critics
Circle Fiction Award.