Digital Marketing Questionnare
Digital Marketing Questionnare
Digital Marketing Questionnare
1. Gender
Male Female
3. Level of education
Formal (high school) Tertiary (degree) Post-degree
4. Currently employed
Yes No
5. Working period (just to see whether they spend time looking for work or doing their
day to day job)
Yes No
Less than 30 minute 30 minute-1 hour 1-5 hours 5 hours and more
8. Which of the following activities do you perform when on the Internet
Yes No
14. When marketing ads pop up while you online, what do you normally do?
Watch/look to Ignore Watch and stop along the way Don’t pay attention
what is it about
15. Using the scale of 1-10, how would you rate the online-marketing advert influences on
your purchasing decision
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
16. Do you think there is a difference between online and print media marketing?
Yes No
Online Print
18. Does the automated pop ups influence how you respond to online marketing?
Yes No
Using the rating scale that follows, would you say the following aspects are important when
making an online marketing decision. (Tick only one box per line)
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Neutral
4 Agree
5 Strongly agree
1 2 3 4 5
Would you say that online marketing has a faster approach than
traditional marketing?
Would you say you have control of what is being advertised to you
when it comes to online marketing?
Would you say you have control of what is being advertised to you?
Would you say online marketing has helped you save time?
Communication 1 2 3 4 5
With online marketing, would you say the intended message
communicated by organisations is easily understood?
Would you say you satisfied as customer to use online marketing for
your purchase, complains or other feedback?
Would you say that online marketing gives a clear understanding what
is being communicate to you?
COST 1 2 3 4 5
Would you say online marketing platform is cost effective versus other
traditional marketing (magazine, flyers)?
Are you satisfied with the advertising platform that online marketing
offers to you?
Are you satisfied with the cost incurred when using online marketing?
In your opinion, to what extent do you consider the importance of the satisfaction level when
it comes to using online marketing and the accessibility of online marketing? (Tick only one
box per line)
1 Very satisfied
2 Satisfied
3 Neutral
4 Dissatisfied
5 Very dissatisfied
1 2 3 4 5
Based on your experience how would you rate your online marketing
How would you rate the unlimited possibilities that come with online
How would you rate the online marketing’s ability to provide you with
relevant information regarding what is being advertised?
How would you rate your experience when it comes to the use of online