This document discusses various Python interview questions and their answers. Some key points covered include:
- Python's features like being open source, object oriented, portable etc. and limitations like speed.
- Common applications of Python like data science, web development, machine learning etc.
- Built-in format() method and defining strings.
- Multiple assignment, comments, reserved words, operators, type conversion and differences between Python 2.x and 3.x.
- Control statements like if/else, loops, differences between counter-controlled and condition-controlled loops.
- Differences between Python data types like lists, sets, tuples and dictionaries.
This document discusses various Python interview questions and their answers. Some key points covered include:
- Python's features like being open source, object oriented, portable etc. and limitations like speed.
- Common applications of Python like data science, web development, machine learning etc.
- Built-in format() method and defining strings.
- Multiple assignment, comments, reserved words, operators, type conversion and differences between Python 2.x and 3.x.
- Control statements like if/else, loops, differences between counter-controlled and condition-controlled loops.
- Differences between Python data types like lists, sets, tuples and dictionaries.
This document discusses various Python interview questions and their answers. Some key points covered include:
- Python's features like being open source, object oriented, portable etc. and limitations like speed.
- Common applications of Python like data science, web development, machine learning etc.
- Built-in format() method and defining strings.
- Multiple assignment, comments, reserved words, operators, type conversion and differences between Python 2.x and 3.x.
- Control statements like if/else, loops, differences between counter-controlled and condition-controlled loops.
- Differences between Python data types like lists, sets, tuples and dictionaries.
This document discusses various Python interview questions and their answers. Some key points covered include:
- Python's features like being open source, object oriented, portable etc. and limitations like speed.
- Common applications of Python like data science, web development, machine learning etc.
- Built-in format() method and defining strings.
- Multiple assignment, comments, reserved words, operators, type conversion and differences between Python 2.x and 3.x.
- Control statements like if/else, loops, differences between counter-controlled and condition-controlled loops.
- Differences between Python data types like lists, sets, tuples and dictionaries.
Python Language is one of the easiest to work with since its Open-Source. Python is a Object – Oriented Programming Free and Open Source Integrated and Portable Language GUI Programming Language.
2.) Limitation of Python Programming.
Speed and Performance is one of the limitation. Its slow in comparison to other high level languages Too many Dependencies on Third-Party Libraries Mobile Development Capabilities are very Limited.
3.) Application of Python programming.
Data Science and Visualization Web Development – Backend Development using Flask etc. Machine Learning Web Scraping Applicaions Application in Business Fields Desktop GUI Applications.
4.) What is Built-in format()?
It is a method that formats the given string within the curly braces {} as desired Example:
print(“My name is {fname}, i’am {age}”.format(fname = “John”, age = 36))
5.) how to define string in Python?
str is the keyword for defining String in python (Python takes input as string by default )
6.) Is multiple assignment possible in Python?
Yes possible. a,b,c = 14,15,16 Here, a stores 14 b stores 15 c stores 16
7.) What are comments in Python?
Comments in python are the information provided by the one who wrote the code. ‘#’ is used to initiate a single line comment whereas, Multi-Line comment is between three consecutive inverted commas ”’ all comments are here ”’
8.) Reserved words in Python?
Using of String slicing
a=input() a=a[::-1] print(a)
9.) Operators in Python?
Operators in python used to perform operations on variables and values. Some operators are: Arithmetic operators Assignment operators Comparison operators Logical operators Identity operators Membership operators Bitwise operators
10.) Difference between List, Set, Tuple, Dictionary?
list and dictionary are mutable objects but on the other hand tuple objects is immutable, hence cannot be deleted or added Set is unordered whereas list, tuple and dictionary are ordered Dictionary is hash table which has a key:value pair but, list tuple and set. Duplicate elements are not allowed in set, but are allowed in others. list, tuple are indexed but dictionary are not indexed.
11.) Type conversion in Python?
Sometimes there in need of changing the data types from one to another with or without user intervention. There are two types of Type Conversion in Python: Implicit Type Conversion – Python interpreter automatically converts one data type to another without any user involvement Explicit Type Conversion – The data type is manually changed by the user as per their requirement.
12.) Difference between python 2.x and Python 3.x?
Print function – python 3.x requires round brackets where’s python 2.x doesn’t need them python 2.x – print “hello world” python 3.x – print(“hello world”) Division operator – lets see with an example python 2.x – print 7/5 output: 1 python 3.x – print(7/5) output: 1.4
13.) Decision Control Statements in Python?
Some Decision Control Statements are: Simple if. if-else. nested if. if-elif-else.
14.) Loops in Python?
For Loops and While loop For Loop: sequence = [“code”, “window”] for iterator_var in sequence: print(iterator_var)
While Loop: count=0 while (count < 4): count = count + 1 print(“Welcome to CodeWindow”).
15.) Difference between Counter-controlled loop and Condition Controlled loop?
Condition controlled loop check the condition before the start of the iteration which determines if the loop should begin or not. whereas, A counter-controlled loop is when sequential numbers are being processed until a known value or limit.