Tosibox Lock500 User Manual
Tosibox Lock500 User Manual
Tosibox Lock500 User Manual
TOSIBOX® Lock 100
TOSIBOX® Lock 150
TOSIBOX® Lock 200
TOSIBOX® Lock 500
Version 2.0
1. Regulatory information 4 5. TOSIBOX® Key instructions 30
1.1 TOSIBOX® Lock intended use 4 5.1 Taking Master Key into use 32
1.2 Important notice for wireless operation of TOSIBOX® Lock 5 5.2 Renaming and using devices 34
1.3 Safety and hazards 5 5.3 Adding extra Keys 36
1. Informations réglementaires 6 5.4 Remote matching of extra Keys 41
1.1 Utilisation prévue de TOSIBOX® Lock 6 5.5 PUK code for the Key 41
1.2 Avis important concernant le Fonctionnement 6. TOSIBOX® Mobile Client installation 42
sans fil du TOSIBOX® Lock 6 6.1 Mobile Client for Android Devices 42
1.3 Sécurité et dangers 7 6.2 Mobile Client for iPhones and iPads 47
2. Overview to TOSIBOX Key and Locks
8 7. Troubleshooting 52
2.1 TOSIBOX® Key 6 7. Dépannage 52
2.2 TOSIBOX® Locks 9 8. Maintenance instructions 53
3. Getting started 16
8. Consignes d’entretien 53
4. TOSIBOX® Lock instructions 17
9. Technical data 54
4.1.1 Deploying Lock in “Lock Mode” 17
4.1.2 Deploying Lock in “Client Mode” 18 10. Limited Warranty 64
4.2 Connecting Locks 19 11. Legal Notices 65
4.3 Updating the Lock Software 19
4.4 USB Modem settings for the Lock 20 11. Mentions légales 65
4.5 Internal modem settings for Lock 500i 20 12. Declarations 66
4.6 WLAN settings for Lock 100, Lock 150 and Lock 500 20
4.7 Key connection settings for the Lock 20
4.8 Advanced settings for the Lock 21
4.9 Internet connection priorities 21
4.10 PoE 21
4.11 Service Port 21
4.12 Mounting instructions 24
4.13 Input powering options 26
4.14 Lock 500 - Digital In/Out port with 24V DC out 28
4.15 Lock 500 - Software configurable I/O 28
4.16 Lock 500 - Digital I/O SMS alert 30
Congratulations for choosing TOSIBOX® solution! It consists of modular components TECHNICAL SUPPORT
that offer unlimited expandability and flexibility. All products are compatible with
each other as well as internet connection, operator, and device agnostic. The system
works both in internal and external networks.
• TOSIBOX® Key is a client used to access the network. FINLAND
• TOSIBOX Lock is a router with firewall sharing access to devices.
® +358 44 744 0065
Business hours:
In physical matching, the Key is inserted to the Lock’s USB port. The devices exchange from 8 am till 4 pm Mon – Fri (UTC+2)
their security certificates (and public keys). This trust relationship is the basis for all
communication happening afterwards.
TOSIBOX® creates direct VPN tunnel between the physical devices. Only trusted +358 44 738 1778
devices can access the network. Business hours:
from 8 am till 4 pm Mon – Fri (UTC+2)
TOSIBOX is globally audited, patented and performs at the highest security levels
in the industry. The technology is based on two-factor authentication, automatic TOSIBOX HELPDESK
security updates and the latest encryption technology.
The Lock is used for controlling other devices remotely over the OF TOSIBOX® LOCK
Internet via a VPN connection. To be installed into a DIN rail, inside Because of the nature of wireless communications, transmission
a cabinet with the controlled devices. Alternatively, the Lock may and reception of data can never be guaranteed. Data may be
be standing on its rubber feet on a table or a shelf. The product delayed, corrupted (i.e., have errors) or be totally lost. Although
conformity with the requirements is guaranteed only when using significant delays or losses of data are rare when wireless devices
the antennas supplied with the product. The use of other antennas are used in a normal manner with a well-constructed network,
will void the conformity and is not allowed. TOSIBOX® Lock with cellular modem should not be used in situations
Lock 100/150: Office and residential environment where failure to transmit or receive data could result in damage of
Norway: Use of this radio equipment (Wi-Fi) is not allowed in the any kind to the user or any other party, including but not limited to
geographical area within a radius of 20 km from the centre of personal injury, death, or loss of property.
Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard, Norway. Tosibox Oy and its affiliates accept no responsibility for damages
Lock 200: Office, residential and light industrial environment of any kind resulting from delays or errors in data transmitted or
Lock 500: Office, residential and light industrial environment received using TOSIBOX® Lock with cellular modem, or for failure
Norway: Use of this radio equipment (Wi-Fi) is not allowed in the
of the TOSIBOX® Lock with cellular modem to transmit or receive
geographical area within a radius of 20 km from the centre of such data.
Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard, Norway.
Le Lock permet de contrôler des équipements distants à travers DU RÉSEAU SANS FIL DU TOSIBOX® LOCK
Internet en créant une connexion VPN. Il peut être installé sur un rail En raison de la nature des communications sans fils, les données
DIN dans une armoire à côté des équipements à contrôler. Il peut aussi transmises et reçues ne peuvent être garanties. Les données peuvent
être posé sur ses patins en caoutchouc sur une table ou une étagère. être retardées, corrompues (avoir des erreurs) ou être complètement
La conformité des caractéristiques de l’équipement est seulement perdues. Bien que les pertes ou les retards de données soient rares
garantie avec l’installation des antennes livrées. L’utilisation d’autre lorsque les équipements sont utilisés dans des conditions normales
antenne annulera la conformité et n’est pas autorisée. dans des réseaux construits avec les règles de l’art, le TOSIBOX® Lock
Lock 100/150 : environnement de bureau et résidentiel avec un modem cellulaire ne devrait pas être utilisé dans les cas où
Norvège : l’utilisation radio (Wi-Fi) de cet équipement n’est pas les erreurs de transmission ou de réception de données pourraient
autorisée dans une zone géographique située dans un rayon de entrainer des dommages de quelque nature que ce soit pour
20 km à partir du centre de Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard, Norvège. l’utilisateur ou pour une tierce partie, incluant mais ne limitant pas les
Lock 200 : environnement de bureau, résidentiel et industriel léger blessures physiques, la mort ou la perte de jouissance.
Lock 500 : environnement de bureau, résidentiel et industriel léger Tosibox Oy et ses filiales ne pourront être tenues pour responsables
des dommages de quelque nature que ce soit résultant de retards
Norvège : l’utilisation radio (Wi-Fi) de cet équipement n’est pas
ou d’erreurs dans les données transmises ou reçues en utilisant
autorisée dans une zone géographique située dans un rayon de
un TOSIBOX® Lock avec modem cellulaire ou des problèmes créés
20 km à partir du centre de Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard, Norvège.
par l’équipement TOSIBOX® Lock avec modem cellulaire lors de
transmission ou réception de ces données.
An additional Key that has restricted access rights.
A duplicated backup copy of the Key. All matched Keys and Locks
are automatically synchronized between the original Key and the
Backup Key.
Key user interface (installed from the Key device). In the image you can see
TOSIBOX® Lock devices which are matched with the TOSIBOX® Key and the
network devices connected to each TOSIBOX® Lock.
Lock 500/500i
Antennas (2)
DC Feed Plug
Ethernet Cable DIN Rail Bracket
* AC Adapter model is subject to change according to the market area. * AC Adapter model is subject to change according to the market area.
DC Conversion Cable
Digital I/O Power SIM Card
Connector Connector Slot Cover
*) Antenna model is subject to change according to the market area. *) AC Adapter model is subject to change according to the market area.

Led indicators: 
9. Power
10. WLAN
11. Service
12. LAN3
13. LAN2
14. LAN1
15. WAN
9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
LOCK 200
1. DC Power Input
2. Reset button (not in use)
3. Power led indicator
4. Info led indicator
7. 5. WAN Port
5. 6. Service Port
2. 7. LAN1 Port
8. LAN2 Port
9. LAN3 Port
LOCK 500/500i
4. Ethernet Connections:
5. LAN2 Port 18.
6. WAN Port
Ethernet Port Leds:
7. LAN3 Port*
18. LAN2
5. 6. 12. 8. LAN1 Port 20. 19. WAN
8. 21.
20. LAN3
9. Power Connection
21. LAN1
9. 10. WiFi Antenna Port 1
11. LTE Antenna Port 2
(Lock 500i only)
12. WiFi Antenna Port 2
13. LTE Antenna Port 1
* LAN3 Port can be configured as a Service Port (Lock 500i only)
Status bar shows Locks and Keys Remotely controlled Details of the remotely Login using “admin”
general information. Green: Connected devices controlled devices user.
Green: Connected Password can be
Red: Disconnected found on the bottom of
Red: Disconnected the Lock
1. Make sure the Lock is powered before
proceeding to matching the Key with the Lock. 1. 2.
Insert the Key into the USB port of the Lock.
When the LED on the Key turns off, the matching
is complete (approximately 10 seconds). Remove
the Key from the Lock. You can also match
additional Locks to the same Key.
2 - 3. Connect the Lock to your network according to
your use case. Remember to make sure that the
Lock has a working internet connection. 3. 4.
4. Connect the Key to your computer and install the
Key software. Follow the section ”Deploying the
5. Secure TOSIBOX® connection is now ready to
be used for controlling and monitoring devices
SERVER and set the “Start” value so that it’s higher than all used
A) Connecting device(s) that use dynamic IP addresses (DHCP) static addresses. Set the limit value to a suitable value so that it
Devices with a DHCP client enabled will automatically connect to the covers the rest of the unused addresses in the LAN range. For
Lock. Plug the device(s) into the Lock’s LAN port(s) and go! example, the range – contains 205
B) Connecting device(s) with Fixed IP addresses by configuring addresses so the “Start” value would be 50 and the “Limit”value
the DEVICE to the LOCK: would be 205.
VPN tunnel through Internet Router A Lock
3. Choose “Settings” > “Software update”. If there is a software 4.5 INTERNAL MODEM SETTINGS FOR LOCK 500I
update available for the Lock, you can start the update by clicking
the “Start software update” button. You can connect the Lock to the Internet with an internal Modem.
Before inserting or removing the SIM card(s), disconnect the Lock
4. Wait until the update has been downloaded and installed. Do not
interrupt the power of the Lock during the software update power supply.
process. The update is complete when the software gives a notice 1. Log in as admin user, select “Network” > “Internal Modem”
“Software updated successfully”. 2. Either use the Automatic APN setting or fill in the APN and if necessary
Automatic software updates are activated as a default setting. the PIN field according to the SIM card settings. For APN settings
You can select the time when the automatic update of the released information, please contact your mobile operator.
software is allowed. You can deactivate the automatic software 3. Confirm the selection > Save.
update from the Lock user interface.
Choose “Settings” > “Software update” > uncheck the box “Auto- 4.6 WLAN SETTINGS FOR LOCK 100, LOCK 150
update enabled”. AND LOCK 500
4.4 USB MODEM SETTINGS FOR THE LOCK On Lock 100, Lock 150 and Lock 500 you can configure the WLAN as
Client (providing Internet access for the Lock) or as Access Point
You can connect the Lock to the Internet with a USB Modem. For (providing access to Lock LAN and Internet for wireless devices). For
information on supported modems go to: detailed set-up instructions visit
1. Log in as admin user, select “Network” > “USB Modem”. 4.7 KEY CONNECTION SETTINGS FOR THE LOCK
2. Either use the Automatic APN setting or fill in the APN and if You can change the Key connection type from Layer 3 -routed
necessary the PIN field according to the SIM card settings. For APN (default) to Layer 2 -bridged (“Connection type” > “Layer 2-bridged”).
settings information, please contact your mobile operator. On Layer 2 connections you can allow connections from Lock to Key.
3. Confirm the selection > Save. Log into the Lock as admin, select “Settings” > “Keys and Locks” >
4. Connect a Tosibox supported USB Modem to the USB port of the remove selection “Deny access towards client”
Lock. For more details on Layer 2 and Layer 3 connections visit
4.12 MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS the sales package. There are M4 threaded mounting holes on the
bottom of the equipment. The screws shall be placed through the
bottom sticker which has the hole locations indicated. Use only the
LOCK 100/150 QUICK INSTALLATION TO DIN RAIL screws included in the sales package. Using longer screws pose
a risk of damaging the device internal electronics. More versatile
The bottom of the Lock has integrated hooks that allow a quick
installation options to DIN rail, such as angle brackets are available
installation to DIN rail with the LAN/WAN ports facing upwards.
from an authorized TOSIBOX® reseller as an accessory.
Rubber feet included in the sales package can be installed in the The Lock can be placed standing vertically on its rubber feet. There
bottom of the Lock for more convenient installation horizontally are vent holes on both sides of the device, designed to provide
e.g. on a table. cooling air passing through the device. Allow enough free space,
See picture 5 and 6 for the mounting. minimum of 25mm around the Lock to ensure the free flow of
cooling air.
Make sure there is no risk of the device falling aside as this
would block the cooling air flow through the vent holes. Have all
the cables secured in such a way that they cannot make the Lock
fall aside and routed as far away from the antennas as possible.
Position the antennas in orthogonal pattern, i.e. in such a way that
they form 90 degrees angle between each other.
Observe the gender of the antenna connectors to make sure each
antenna is fitted into the correct antenna port. To achieve the
Picture 5. maximum radio performance, follow the antenna pattern shown in
Picture 7.
Avoid installing the Lock close to other high-power radio
transmitters as they may affect the performance of the Lock. Also
avoid installing the Lock close to any sensitive devices that may be
affected by the antenna signals emitted by the radio transmitter
of the Lock. In case of unwanted disturbance, relocate the cables
and/or the Lock in a place where the devices do not disturb each
Picture 6.
This is the start window for the Key user interface. By clicking an extra menu opens.
You can open the Lock user interface by double 1. Click “Open browser automatically when connected” to have the
clicking the Lock icon on the left side of the window. Lock user interface launch automatically when the Key connects to
the Lock.
2. Selecting “Show all details” allows you to view all the details of the
connected device.
3. Click “Rename” to rename the selected Lock. The Lock names are
global so a Lock’s name change will be reflected on all locks and
Keys. Only Master and Back-up Keys can rename Locks.
1. You can open the browser user interface of the controlled device
in “Open with browser (http)”.
2. You can connect to network sharing in “Open windows network
3. You can open the remote desktop connection in “Open Remote
Desktop Connection (RDP), if available”.
4. You can check the functionality of the controlled device with PING
command in “Check if host available (PING)”.
1. Insert a previously matched Key into the USB port of your 1. On master Key: generate activation code:
computer. Go to Devices > Manage Keys > Add Key, and add a new Key of type
“SoftKey” and give it a name.
2. Insert a new Key to another USB port of the computer.
3. Wait until ”New Key” window opens.
4. If you are adding a Sub Key, follow the steps 1-4 ADDING SUB KEY.
If you are adding a Backup Key, follow the steps 1-4 ADDING
3. On client computer: activate SoftKey: Make sure TOSIBOX® Key 5. Define access rights for the new SoftKey by following the wizard.
software v3.0.0 or later is installed on the PC. Start the software.
Activate the SoftKey by choosing Devices > Activate SoftKey and
enter the activation code.
The SoftKey is now ready to be used and can connect to the Locks
where access was granted in step 5.
Key Subkey
Sub Key
This feature is only available for Keys that have already been 1. In the event that a wrong Key password has been entered six
matched locally. consecutive times, the Key will be locked. To unlock the Key a
1. Insert the Key into the USB port of the computer and wait for the personal unlocking code, PUK is needed. The PUK code is delivered
TOSIBOX® Key application to start. with the Key. Store it safely.
2. Choose ”Manage Keys” from the “Devices” menu in the user 2. Go to the ”Password” menu in the Key software and choose
interface and open the “Sub Keys” tab. ”Change password using PUK code...”.
3. Choose the extra Keys to which you want to add new Locks and 3. Enter the PUK code into the ”PUK-code” field.
press the ”Match...” button. 4. Enter a new password into the ”New password” field.
4. Choose the Locks to which you want to add to the extra Keys and 5. Confirm your password by typing it once more into the “New
press the ”Next” button. password (again)” field.
5. A list of targeted Locks is displayed. Confirm the choises and click 6. Choose ”OK”.
6. Matching of the extra Keys is now complete. Press “Finish” button
to exit the wizard.
1. Download and install the 2. Open the TOSIBOX® Key software 3. Go to the software menu and select
TOSIBOX® Mobile Client by plugging a matched Key into Devices > Manage Keys.
from the Google Play the USB port of your computer.
4. Select the mobile clients tab and click 5. Enter the name of your mobile device and 6. Select the Locks that you would like to
Add new... click Next. access through your mobile device and
click Next.
7. Open the TOSIBOX® 8. Tap the screen to start 9. Scan the QR code displayed on your
Mobile Client on your matching. computer or enter the matching code
device. where prompted on your device.
13. Check the I trust this 14. Now your mobile client is matched and can connect to the selected Locks
application dialogue box and devices connected to them.
and click OK.
You can open network devices through your web browser (if available)
by clicking the the appropriate globe icon. Note: If your network device
does not have a web interface (HTTP / HTTPS), you can use a third party
application to make the connection. You can find third party applications
from the Google Play store. You can copy the network device IP address to
the device’s clipboard by clicking the IP button. Doing so will allow you to
paste the IP address to a third party application.
1. Download and install the 2. Open the TOSIBOX® Key software 3. Go the software menu and select Devices
TOSIBOX® Mobile Client by plugging a matched Key into > Manage Keys.
from the App Store. the USB port of your computer.
4. Select the Mobile Clients tab and click 5. Enter the name of your mobile device and 6. Select the Locks that you would like to
Add new... click Next. access through your mobile device and
click Next.
10. Click Finish once the the matching is 11. Create a password for 12. Connect to a Lock by
complete. the mobile client. selecting its on/off icon.
13. On the first time when 14. Now your mobile client is matched and can connect to the selected Locks and
connecting to a Lock, the devices connected to them.
user needs to authorize You can open network devices through your web browser (if available)
the installation of the by clicking the the appropriate globe icon. Note: If your network device
VPN profile by entering does not have a web interface (HTTP / HTTPS), you can use a third party
the device passcode. application to make the connection. You can find third party applications
from the App Store. You can copy the network device IP address to the
device’s clipboard by clicking the IP button. Doing so will allow you to paste
the IP address to a third party application.
The TOSIBOX® Key software cannot be installed: Le logiciel pour la TOSIBOX® Key ne peut être installé
• Vérifiez que votre ordinateur dispose d’un système d’exploitation pris en
• Check whether your computer has an operating system supported
charge par TOSIBOX®: Windows 10, Windows 8 / 8.1 (32/64 bits), Windows
by TOSIBOX®: Windows 10, Windows 8/8.1 (32/64 bit), Windows 7 7 (32/64 bits), Windows Vista (32/64 bits), Windows XP (SP3) , Windows
(32/64 bit), Windows Vista (32/64 bit), Windows XP (SP3), Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Mavericks Mac OS X 10.9 ou plus
Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks or récent (Intel 64 bits)
more recent (Intel 64-bit) Redémarrez l’ordinateur et branchez la Key.
• Restart the computer and plug in the Key. La fenêtre de connexion de la Key ne montre pas les connexions :
The Key’s connection window does not show the connections: • L’ordinateur n’est pas connecté à Internet.
• The computer is not connected to the Internet. • La Key n’est pas associée au Lock.
• The Key is not matched with the Lock. • Le Lock ne dispose pas d’une connexion Internet ou n’est pas sous tension.
• The Lock does not have an internet connection or is not connected La connexion du Lock dans la fenêtre reste jaune :
to the AC adapter. • La Key a trouvé un Lock, mais le VPN n’a pas encore été établi.
The Lock connection in the window remains yellow: Les connexions au périphérique ou la connexion de LOCK dans la fenêtre
• The Key has found a Lock, but VPN has not yet been established. reste rouge :
• Assurez-vous que les appareils contrôlés sont connectés au Lock.
Device connections or the Lock connection in the window remains
red: • Si vous êtes connecté via un réseau sans fil (Lock 100, Lock 150, Lock 500),
connectez-vous au Lock par le port de service Ethernet. Vérifiez que la
• Make sure the controlled devices are connected to the Lock. connexion sans fil est activée et que le Lock utilise le bon mot de passe et les
• If connected wirelessly (Lock 100, Lock 150, Lock 500), use the mêmes paramètres de cryptage de l’appareil supervisant le réseau sans fil.
ethernet service port to log in to the Lock. Check that the wireless Assurez-vous que l’appareil supervisant le réseau sans fil dispose d’un
connection is enabled and that the Lock and the controlled device service DHCP. Sinon, ajoutez le LOCK à la liste des périphériques et
have the same password and encryption settings. spécifiez son adresse IP.
• Make sure the controlled device has a DHCP-service. If not, add the Pour plus d’instructions, visitez :
device in the device list of the Lock and specify the IP address of the
device .
Visit for more instructions.
• Keep the devices dry. Protect the devices from precipitation, moisture • Gardez les appareils au sec. Pour éviter des risques de corrosion des circuits
and liquids as they can cause corrosion to electronic circuits. The électroniques, protégez les équipements des précipitations, de l’humidité et des
devices are intended for indoor use only. Do not use them in wet liquides. Les appareils sont conçus pour une utilisation en intérieur uniquement.
environment or outdoors. Ne les utilisez pas dans un environnement humide ou à l’extérieur.
• Protect the devices from dirt and dust. When necessary, clean • Protégez les appareils de la saleté et de la poussière. Si nécessaire, nettoyez les
the devices with a soft, dry cloth. Do not use chemicals, solvents, appareils avec un chiffon doux et sec. N’utilisez pas de produits chimiques, de
detergents or pressurized air. solvants, de détergents ou d’air comprimé.
• Protect the devices from heat. High temperatures can damage plastic • Protégez les appareils de la chaleur. Les températures élevées peuvent
parts and shorten the life of the electronics. endommager les parties en plastique et raccourcir la durée de vie des
composants électroniques.
• Protect the devices from cold. Low temperatures can make them
• Protégez les appareils du froid. Les basses températures peuvent les
more susceptible to breakage. Let the device’s temperature stabilize
rendre plus sensibles à la casse. Avant leur installation, laissez-les revenir à
properly before deploying them into the network..
température ambiante.
• Protect the devices from mechanical shocks. Do not shake, knock or
• Protégez les appareils des chocs mécaniques. Ne les secouez pas, ne les
drop the devices. frappez pas et ne les laissez pas tomber les appareils.
• Do not paint the devices. • Ne peignez pas les appareils.
• Do not cover the devices or install them on top of each other. This can • Ne couvrez pas les appareils et ne les empilez pas les uns sur les autres sous
cause overheating. Allow enough free space around the devices to peine de provoquer une surchauffe. Assurez-vous d’assez d’espace libre autour
ensure the free flow of cooling air. des appareils pour leur refroidissement par libre circulation d’air.
• Do not open the devices. There are no serviceable parts inside the • N’ouvrez pas les appareils. Aucune réparation ne peut être effectuée par vous-
devices. If the devices malfunction or need servicing, contact an même. Si les équipements ne fonctionnent pas correctement ou nécessitent une
authorized service facility. réparation, contactez un centre de réparation agréé.
• After the service life of the devices is over, do not • Après leurs utilisations, ne les jetez pas mais ramenez-les
throw them into domestic waste. Instead, take them dans un centre de collecte de déchets électroniques.
to an authorized waste electronics collection facility.
Ports USB modem options
• 1x USB 2.0, type A, 500 mA maximum load allowed • TB4GM2EU, for 3rd party options,
• 1 x RJ-45 WAN conn., 10/100 Mb/s, auto-negotiation (MDI / MDI-X) please see:
• Overvoltage category I
• Works in all Internet connections (operator independent) • Output power 18 dBm max
• Overvoltage category I
Physical properties
• 140 mm x 36 mm x 125 mm / 5.51” x 1.42” x 4.92” (L x W x H)
• Weight 530 g / 1.17 lbs
• Operating temperature --20 °C … +50 °C / -4 °F … +122 °F
• Operating humidity 20 – 80% RH, non condensing
• Storage temperature -40 °C … +70 °C / -40 °F … +158 °F
• Cast aluminium casing
• IP protection class: IP20
• Maximum operating altitude 2000 m / 6562 ft
• Overvoltage category I
• For bandwidth support details, see 3GPP TS 36.521-1 v11.3.0, table
Band 19 (UMTS 850 12.2 kbps) • Total combined maximum current output for digital outputs and 24V DC out is
limited to 50mA
• Software Configurable I/O state
Band 39 +23 dBm +- 1 dB
Powering requirements
• 12-48V DC +/-20%, 10.0W max, reverse polarity protected
• For bandwidth support details, see 3GPP TS 36.521-1 v11.3.0, table
• 2048 bit RSA key in the cryptographic module
• 4 GB or larger flash memory storage for TOSIBOX® Key software and
• USB 2.0 interface, type A
• Standard CSP/PKCS#11
Physical properties
• 83 mm x 22 mm x 10 mm / 3.27” x 0.87” x 0.39” (L x W x H)
• Weight 27 g / 0.06 lbs
• Casing aluminium + plastic
• Operating temperature 0 °C … +70 °C / +32 °F … +158 °F
• Storage temperature -20 °C … +80 °C / -4 °F … +176 °F
Hereby, Tosibox Oy declares that the radio equipment type Lock Hereby, Tosibox Oy declares that the radio equipment type Lock
100 is in compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU. 200 is in compliance with Directives 2014/35/EU and 2014/30/EU.
The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the
following internet address: following internet address:
STATEMENT This device is UL listed in USA and Canada with UL file number
This device complies with FCC part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation E474664.
is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may
not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept
any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly
approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the
user´s authority to operate this equipment.
This radio device has been tested to operate with the external
R antenna types listed below with the maximum permissible gain
and required antenna impedance for each antenna type indicated.
Antenna types not included in this list, having a gain greater than
the maximum gain indicated for that type, are strictly prohibited
for use with this device.
Lock 500: Wi-Fi monopole antenna, 50 ohm, max peak gain 2.0 dBi.
Lock 500iC: Wi-Fi monopole antenna, 50 ohm, max peak gain 2.0
dBi, LTE dipole antenna, 50 ohm, max peak gain 3.0 dBi.
Teknologiantie 12A
FIN-90590 Oulu
Copyright © Tosibox Oy 2019